Outdoor games. English games

Games used in English lessons for preschoolers

Games used in English lessons for preschoolers to introduce and reinforce learned material and activate the learning process

1. “Fun exercise”
Instructions: “I call the commands in English, and you follow them. But there is one condition: if I politely ask you to make a command, for example, “Please run,” then you carry it out, and if I don’t say the word “please,” then you do nothing. Be careful!"

2. Game (to consolidate the structure “I can...”
The presenter counts to five: “One, two, three, four, five!” Then he says: “Stop!” While counting, children perform voluntary movements, and at “Stop!” freeze. After this, the presenter “revites” the players. He approaches each child in turn and asks: “What can you do?” The child “dies away”, answering: “I can run” - depicts the desired action.

3. "Merry Count"
The ball is passed around the circle to the count: one! Two! Three! Four! Five! Good-bye! The one who has the ball in his hand at “Good-bye” is eliminated. The game lasts until only one player remains. Which will be the winner.

4. “Who are you?”
Players guess a profession. The host throws a ball to each player and asks “Are you a cook?” If the player has chosen this profession, he answers: “Yes”, if not, then “No”.

5. "Corridor"
Ask the children to break into pairs, hold hands, stand pair by pair and raise their joined hands high above their heads, forming a “corridor.”
The presenter must walk along the “corridor” and choose one of the players in any pair, ask him who he is (Who are you?) and what is his name (What is your name?).
The child must answer: “I am a girl/a boy.” My name is…..). Then the driver says: “Come here!” (“Come here!”) - and takes the player’s hand. The kid answers: “With pleasure!” (“With pleasure!”). After this, a new couple passes along the “corridor” and stands after the rest of the players. The new leader becomes the one who was left without a partner.

6. “Little ring”
The presenter hides the coin between his palms. Children stand in a semicircle, placing their palms together. The presenter approaches each player and says, pushing his palms apart with his palms: “Please!” The player must answer: “Thank you!” Having walked around everyone and quietly given a coin to one of the children, the leader asks: “Little ring!” Come here! The game continues: now the driver will be the one who ran out of the semicircle with a coin in his hands.

7. “Broken Phone”
Children sit in a semicircle. To the one sitting on the edge, the presenter speaks an English word (according to the topic covered or studied). The word is passed on to a friend's ear. If the last player said the word that the host wished for, it means “the phone is not damaged.”

8. “Read my lips”
The presenter pronounces English words without a voice. Players must recognize the word by the movement of the leader's lips.

9. “Edible-inedible”
The presenter says the word in English and throws the ball to the child. The kid must catch the ball if the word means an edible object. If the word denotes an inedible object, there is no need to catch the ball.

10. “Who’s in the bag?”
The presenter puts the toys in a bag. Then he brings it to each player. The child puts his hand into the bag and guesses by touch what kind of object it is. He says: “It is a...” Then he takes it out of the bag, and everyone looks to see if he named it correctly.

11. “What’s missing?” (“What’s the missing?”)
The presenter arranges the toys. Asks the children to name them and remember them, and with the command “Close your eyes!” close eyes. Then he removes one of the toys and at the command “Open your eyes!” asks children to open their eyes and guess which toy is missing.

12. "Blind Man's Bluff."
Children stand in a circle. The presenter is blindfolded. One of the players leaves or hides. The presenter is untied and asked: “Look at us and say who has run away?” . The presenter answers: “Sveta.”

13. Role-playing game “In the shop”
Children are divided into the roles of seller and buyer. The seller lays out products and greets customers.
- What would you like?
-I’d like……
-Here you are.
-Thank you.
-My pleasure.

14. “Traffic lights”
The leader and the children stand opposite each other at some distance. The presenter names the color in English.
Children must find the color indicated by the presenter on their clothes, demonstrate this color and go to the presenter’s side.
Anyone who doesn't have the right color must count one, two, three! Run to the opposite side. If the leader catches one of the children, then the one caught becomes the leader.

15. "Echo"
Turning to the side, the teacher pronounces the words covered in a clear whisper. Children, like an echo, repeat every word after the teacher.

16. "English-Russian"
If the teacher says an English word, the children clap.
If it's Russian, they don't clap. (It is advisable to play the game at the initial stage of learning English).

17. Game “Make an animal” (“Turn into an animal”)
At the teacher’s signal, all children scatter around the classroom. On the signal: “Make an animal!” (clap your hands) all players stop at the place where the team found them and take some kind of animal pose.
The teacher, approaching the children, asks: “Who are you?” The child answers: “I’m a cat.”

18. Game to consolidate structures: “It is cold (warm, hot).” (Cold, warm, hot)
The presenter is asked to turn away or go out the door for a while. At this time, players hide an object in the room, having previously shown it to the presenter. When the item is hidden, the leader enters (turns) and begins to look for it. The players tell the host in English whether he is far or close to the hidden object. In this case, the expressions “it’s cold (warm, hot)” are used.

19. Game “Guess whose voice” (reinforcing the pronouns he/she)
The presenter turns his back to the players. One of the players pronounces a phrase in English (the phrase is selected in relation to the topic covered), and the presenter guesses who said it: “She is Sveta. He is Misha)

20. Game "Hide and Seek"
Children close their eyes. The presenter hides the toy behind his back. Children open their eyes and ask the presenter questions, trying to guess who he hid: “Is it a bear/a frog/a mouse?” And the leader answers: “Yes/No.” The one who guessed right goes to lead next.

21. “Stand up those who...”
The teacher says the phrase: “Stand up, who.....(has a sister/brother, is 5/6/7, likes ice cream/ fish, can/can't swim/fly." Students get up from their chairs depending on the command .

22.Guess: who is he (she)?
A driver is selected from among the children. The players name signs of clothing that can be used to guess the hidden child. She has a gray sweater. The driver asks: Is it Sveta?

23. "What is missing"
Cards with words are laid out on the carpet, and the children name them. The teacher gives the command: “Close your eyes!” and removes 1-2 cards. Then he gives the command: “Open your eyes!” and asks the question: “What is missing?” Children remember missing words.

24. "Pass the card"
Children sit in a semicircle and pass a card to each other, naming it. The teacher calls the word in advance. To complicate the task, children can say: “I have a...” / “I have a... and a...”.

25. "Forbidden movements"
At the beginning of the game, the driver gives a command that cannot be performed (for example, run) and gives the instruction: “When you hear the command run, you must stop and not move.”

26. "Words road"
Cards are laid out on the carpet one after another, with small intervals. The child walks along the “path”, naming all the words.

27. "Is it true or not?"
The game can be played with a ball. The driver throws the ball to any of the players and names the phrase, asking the question: “Is it true or not?” The player catches the ball and answers: “Yes, it’s true,” or “No, it’s not true.” Then he becomes the driver and throws the ball to the next player.
For example:
Yellow lemon Pink pig
Orange bear Brown monkey
White snow Red crocodile
Purple mouse Green grapes
Gray elephant Purple cucumber
Blue apple Black sun

28. "Confusion"
The driver calls a command and at the same time shows another. Players must follow the command that the driver calls, and does not show. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game.

29. “Tell me something beginning with.....”
The driver says the words: “Tell me something beginning with “s”.” Players must name as many words as possible that begin with the sound "s".

Dear visitors of the website www.site! On this page you will find materials on the following topics: Games with children in an English lesson. Playful English for preschoolers: games. Games (English for children). English for children games. Game English for children: games download. Pictures for kindergarten (furniture).Pictures: furniture for children.Pictures: children's furniture.Furniture (pictures).Games for learning English for children. Game English for children: games for free.English for preschoolers. English for preschool children.Educational games for children (English). Games that teach children English.

List of games with preschool children in an English lesson

Game No. 1. “Point to the right flashcard.” On the wall (on the carpet, on the blackboard) the teacher places pictures with images of the subjects studied in the lesson. The teacher names an object (color, animal, part of the human body, family member, dishes, piece of furniture, etc.) in English, the children take turns pointing to the corresponding picture (you can use a laser or a simple pointer). As an option, all children participate in the game at the same time.

Game No. 2. “Run to the right flashcard.” On the wall (on the carpet, on the blackboard) the teacher places pictures with images of the subjects studied in the lesson. The teacher names an object (color, animal, part of the human body, family member, dishes, piece of furniture etc.) in English, children run up to the corresponding picture. You can play in teams.

Game No. 3. “Put the card to the right place (in the right hoop).” The teacher invites children in English to put pictures depicting objects studied in the lesson (flowers, animals, etc.) on various pieces of furniture (table, chair, bedside table), floor, carpet, etc. If possible, use multi-colored small hoops , you can ask the kids to put this or that picture, for example, in a red (blue, yellow, green) hoop.

Game No. 4. “Swapplaces”. , piece of furnitureand so on.). The teacher names words in English. When the child hears his word, he stands up and exchanges places with another child who has the same picture. Note: There must be at least three identical cards with the image of each item.

Game No. 5. “Runninggame”. Children sit in a circle on chairs, each child has a card in their hands with a picture of an object studied in the lesson (color, animal, part of the human body, family member, dishes, piece of furnitureand so on.). The teacher names words in English. When the child hears his word, he gets up, runs around the circle outside and sits down in his place.

Game No. 6. “Green, green, yellow”. Children sit in a circle on chairs, one child walks around the outer circle and repeats the same name of an object (color, animal, etc.) in English, each time touching the head (or shoulder) of each sitting child. At some point, the leading child pronounces the name of another object. The child, whom the driver touched at this moment, gets up and tries to catch the driver, running around the circle. If he fails, he himself becomes the driver.

Game No. 7. “Heads down, thumbs up.” Children are sitting at tables. Three children are drivers. They (or the teacher) say: “Heads down, thumbs up, close your eyes!” After this, the children lower their heads, placing their hands on their heads and raising the thumb of each hand, and close their eyes. Each of the three drivers approaches one of the sitting children and bends his thumbs. After this, the children say: “Heads up, open your eyes!” Children open their eyes and those of them who were touched by the drivers guess who exactly touched them (for example, “Vika touched me.”) If the child guessed correctly, he exchanges places with the child who touched him.

Game No. 8. “Whatsmynumber?” The teacher calls two children and attaches stickers with numbers on their backs (within the numbers studied). Children take turns calling numbers, trying to guess their number. The child who guesses his number first wins.

Game No. 9. “Funny Animals”Participants in the game “represent” an animal and try to make the opposing team laugh. Sentences are pronounced (I m a cat, I am a hamster, etc.), facial expressions and gestures are used. Those who laugh are eliminated from the game, the game continues until there is only one winner left, his team wins. Another option is that the team receives points for each opposing team member who smiles.

Need more games with children in English class? Cm.

Probably the most difficult thing in raising children is getting them to do something. Especially if they are not very interested. For example, learn English.

For many children, this is simply torment, because they are torn out of their usual habitat - from the game where they are fun and comfortable. “Nothing,” you say, “we’ll find a governess with knowledge of English who will communicate with the child from the very beginning only in English, and that’s all.” This is an excellent option, but not everyone can afford it.

What then should we do if we decide to teach the child ourselves or send him to school? When then to start? As early as possible is not really our option if the child has not yet fully learned his native language. If the child manages to express his own speech competently and clearly and understand yours without any problems, you can begin.

Of course, it’s worth starting with the play form, which is so familiar and understandable, gradually increasing the load and taking into account the child’s interests. Please note that it is better to conduct shorter and more frequent lessons, giving time to rest, than to torment your child with hour and a half lectures and seminars.

It is better to introduce a foreign language in the same way as it was with your native language - first repeat words and phrases after us, and then add rules and systematize what you have learned, not forgetting about the game form.

Types of educational games in English

Let's start with the possible types of games:

  • Group(in class, in group);
  • Individual(paired with a parent).

Both types can be active games, or games for attention, speed of writing, logic, etc., which do not require physical activity. The main goal of the former is socialization, because it is here that the child learns to communicate with other people, make friends and learn the rules of etiquette. Among other things, such games can raise team spirit and introduce competition, which often motivates the child to complete the task better and faster.

Group English games for children

Simon says. A fun, simple and active game, the essence of which is to follow the instructions. The game host says the phrase “Simon says” and, for example, “touch your nose” - touch your nose, or “clap your hands” - clap your hands. The game is perfect for a short physical exercise break or warm-up.

Countable and uncountable. Using a ball and standing in a circle, you can easily and cheerfully take a break and repeat nouns. We just throw the ball and name the word, and the one who caught it says whether it is countable or not. If the answer is incorrect, the player is eliminated.

Basketball. Props: 2 buckets (baskets) and stickers. We divide the class or group of children into 2 teams and give any topic of words. Over the next minute, members of each team write as many words as possible on a given topic, roll what they wrote into a ball and throw it into the opponent’s basket. At the end of the minute, the results are summed up - only pieces of paper from the basket with correctly written words are counted. The team that throws in the most pieces of paper wins.

Crocodile. A well-known game, the essence of which is to show a certain word to the members of your team. Great for repeating entire word themes. The team that finishes first or shows the most words in a certain period of time wins.

Freeze. We simply ask the children to run around the class, but at the moment when we say “Freeze”, they must freeze in some position. Our task is to unfreeze the first student by guessing who he/she is frozen in. For example: Are you a cat? - Yes, I am / No, I am not. The one who was unfrozen in the same way unfreezes the others.

Fairytale. The game, which is so popular at corporate events and weddings, can easily be suitable for an English lesson. For props, you need a simple story in English (the stranger, the merrier) and posters with inscriptions (for example, dog, tree, wind, etc.). We distribute roles among the children and begin to read: the wind has moved the tree, the dog says “bark”, etc.

There are also games that you can easily play with your child at home, as a couple.

English games for two

Colors. We give the command “quickly touch something red” - quickly touch something red. You can complicate the game and give the command to bring something - bring me a blue book - bring a blue book.

Opposites. You just need to name the antonyms for English words: men - women, white - black, etc. To make it a little more interesting, you can throw a ball and name the antonyms.

Where is it? The game is interesting because you can play hide and seek with different objects and repeat prepositions and names of objects in English. While we turn away, the child hides, for example, a book and we must find it, following the instructions - look at the wall, on the shelf, next to the lamp, etc.

dress me up. A fun way to repeat clothing names. We ask the child to put on a coat, a hat, etc., but do not remove the previous item. We play until there is nothing left to wear or simply nowhere to wear.

What am I doing? A fun way to unwind. We show the child how we walk or dance, and his task is to describe what exactly we are doing. For example, you are dancing, you are walking.

As many as you can. We take a big word or phrase from which we need to come up with as many English words as possible in 2 minutes. The winner is the one who comes up with the most words (make sure they are all spelled correctly).

Can you draw? The game will allow the child to unleash his imagination. You can repeat the names of objects, giving the opportunity to draw what we called in English, for example, a bear or an apple. You can vary the game - let them color and sign in English the picture that we prepared in advance. You can hang these works around the house and then repeat the words you have already learned involuntarily, because your child will definitely come across them with his eyes.

What is missing? We develop attentiveness and repeat the names of objects. We lay out several objects in front of the child (or show him a room with objects). Then we ask him to turn away or leave the room, after which we remove one object. The child’s task is to name the missing object in English.

This list can be replenished with types of games for a very long time, if only there was time for all these activities.

How children can learn English by playing

But what if we are busy, and the child already has a lot of electives, swimming, piloting an airplane every Tuesday and Thursday? In this case, sending the child to a tutor or to a local language school will be too difficult, because again this is time, which is already short. In addition, the chances that the child will receive proper attention become even less.

In this case, English via Skype will come to the rescue. Judge for yourself - the child is at home nearby, we can spy on what he is doing there and see immediately whether there is progress and benefit from these activities. You can also improve your homework + receive feedback, influence the learning process and flexibly change your schedule if necessary.

You can say that this is ineffective and that the child simply will not sit in front of the computer for that long, but this will not be entirely true. If a lesson of up to an hour in duration is correctly structured from a methodological point of view, as well as taking into account age characteristics, then the lesson simply flies by with great pleasure and benefit for the child.

“But the child does not sit next to the teacher and cannot write in a notebook, as in a regular lesson!”, you say. This is true, but that is precisely why he will open up to the teacher more easily and quickly, being at home, in a comfortable environment. And writing practice can also be done, like many other things, because an online teacher has a huge variety of tools. Interactive online whiteboards, of which there are now a lot (for example, idroo.com) allow the child to draw and write, see and move pictures, compare words and sentences, and all this is seen and easily corrected by the teacher.

Board games. You won’t believe it, but with the help of the same online board and a simple dice (which can also be thrown online), you can play fun board games - the child makes a move, depending on the number on the dice, and completes the task from the square he lands on (smile, tell about your family, show a monkey, etc.). The same game of writing as many words as possible from one phrase in English can be easily played on Skype, as well as crocodile, Simon says or colors.

A teacher who has undergone special training and knows how to properly motivate a child, distribute the load, and take into account the age characteristics and interests of students will also play a significant role. By the way, these are the kind of teachers we have at the EnglishDom online school! You can see this for yourself by enrolling your child in a free introductory lesson, where they will help you determine their level of language proficiency and select the most suitable teacher and training program for children.

And if your child is already old enough, you can teach him to use our training sessions, where, with the help of pictures and interesting interactive exercises, you can learn sets of words, watch an interesting video in English, and even review grammar.


Thus, we can safely say that the online learning format has an impressive number of advantages: a game format is also available, huge time savings, comfortable conditions, a convenient schedule, the ability to influence the learning process and regular feedback from the teacher. We will be happy to help your child significantly improve his English level.

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Methodological development on the topic “Games in English lessons as a means of developing cognitive competencies of primary schoolchildren”

Description of work:
I offer you a methodological development dedicated to the use of various types of games in foreign language lessons. This material will be useful to foreign language teachers working in primary grades. This is a generalization of pedagogical experience with a description of a large number of gaming techniques aimed at developing the cognitive interest of children and intended to develop students' skills in speaking and writing, reading, and listening in a foreign language.


The development of game methods for teaching foreign languages ​​in primary school is one of the priority and most relevant areas in modern pedagogy, as it allows, in a time favorable for speech development, to generate students’ interest in learning a foreign language, to develop thinking, imagination, memory and other psychological functions of students, involved in the process of speech development.
Play, as everyone knows, is the leading form of child activity in primary school age, and the use of play forms of work is most effective in primary school. Game forms of work meet modern requirements for the content of the learning process, such as:
Contents of regional studies material
Creating motivation through organizing educational material
Creating a foreign language communicative atmosphere in the classroom
Creating conditions for independent creative work

Games increase the efficiency and quality of the educational process, improve the nature of interaction between teacher and student, and make the lesson emotional and memorable.
In this methodological development, we set ourselves the following goals:
1.Motivate students to learn English through non-traditional lesson organization.
2.Make the process of mastering grammatical, lexical and regional studies material simpler and more effective
3. To promote the development of cognitive competence and creative abilities of students.
To achieve optimal results in achieving our goals, we have determined to perform the following: tasks:
Forming students' interest in learning a foreign language through communicative and linguistic components.
Expanding knowledge about the country of the language being studied
Development of communication skills (skills of dialogical and monologue speech in a situation as close as possible to natural)
Development of memory, thinking, imagination.
Development of linguistic conjecture
Cultivating tolerance
Fostering a sense of camaraderie
Forming a respectful attitude towards the culture of the country of the language being studied
Game as a means of developing students’ cognitive abilities
1.1 History of the development of gaming activities.

Game is an ancient achievement of culture. It exists as long as society exists. The game form of learning has deep historical roots. Even in ancient Athens, the practice of organized learning took the form of games and competitions. Girls and boys constantly competed in gymnastics, dancing, and rhetoric, asserting themselves and honing their best qualities. During the Middle Ages, schools also used role-playing games as teaching methods. Students learned to improvise rhetorical competitions of imaginary heroes on a given topic. John Amos Comenius in the 17th century called for all “hard labor schools” to be turned into places of play. F. Froebel was one of the first to classify the game as a pedagogical phenomenon; the theory of the game was the basis of his pedagogical theory.
A special role in the modern development of game-based learning has been played by the spread of the methodology of using business games, called the active learning method. The first business game was developed and conducted by M.M. Birshtein in the USSR in 1932. Today in Russia, the USA, and other developed countries there is no educational institution where game forms of education are not used.
1.2. Game functions.
In pedagogical practice, the game performs the following functions:
Educational function consists in the development of memory, attention, perception of information, development of general educational skills. The game in this function acts as an organized activity that requires tension of emotional and mental strength, and the ability to make decisions.
Educational function is to cultivate an attentive, humane attitude towards a playing partner, a sense of mutual assistance and mutual support. In games that are used to train polite phrases in English, such an important quality as politeness is brought up.
Entertainment function is that during the game we create a favorable atmosphere, turning the lesson into an unusual and memorable event, into an exciting adventure.
Relaxation function- relieving emotional tension in the lesson through the relaxed nature of communication, uniting the student team.
Developmental function is aimed at the harmonious development of students’ personal qualities.
Developing a game script and defining its goals largely depends on what specific functions of the game the teacher intends to use in the lesson.

1.3. Psychological characteristics of younger schoolchildren
The main task of pedagogical activity is not simply to transfer knowledge, but to create problem-cognitive situations for students, taking into account their individual and age characteristics.
A junior schoolchild is still a small person, but already very complex. Primary school age is often called the pinnacle of childhood. The child retains many childish qualities - frivolity, naivety, looking up to the adult. There is no teenage rebellion in him yet, but clarity and logic of thinking are already appearing, coupled with the excellent potential capabilities of children's memory, providing wonderful prerequisites for the implementation of educational tasks. During this period, life in all its diversity is especially attractive to a little person. What is of interest is not necessarily what is part of personal and everyday life experience, but also other countries, their culture, their customs. There is a colossal expansion of mental horizons. All these are unique psychological conditions for familiarization with a foreign language culture and mastering a foreign language.
2.1 Methodology for organizing and conducting games in English lessons in primary school.
When using the technology of using games in our lessons, we followed the following algorithm:
1. Determine the topic of the lesson and the educational material that is planned to be reinforced or with which it is planned to familiarize students.
2.Identify the skills that are expected to be trained in the lesson.
3.Identify pedagogical tasks that can be solved using a game form of work.
4.Think over the course of the game and its place in the structure of the lesson.
5.Prepare visual material.

The place of the game in the lesson and the time allocated to it largely depends on a number of factors: the level of preparation of students, the material being studied, the goals of the lesson. For example, if we “playfully” introduce new lexical material in the amount of 10 to 15 lexical units, the game can be devoted to 10-15 minutes of the lesson, including it in the main stage of the lesson. Subsequently, the same game can be used as a way to repeat and consolidate the material, in which case it will be enough to devote 5-7 minutes to it. lesson in the same period or at the beginning of the lesson, organizing speech exercises with her help.
Games dedicated to the development of reading skills can be used both at the beginning of the lesson, organizing phonetic exercises in a playful form, and in the middle of the lesson, placing the main emphasis on it when working with text.
To conduct a lesson with game elements, we can prepare both ordinary visual material in the form of cards, posters, and improvised means that children like: album sheets, bright markers, soft toys, as well as such irreplaceable material as colorful and interesting multimedia presentations. We use bright slides mainly to familiarize students with linguistic and cultural material, for example, such phenomena of British and American culture as holidays. Celebration by English and American peers of such holidays as Halloween, which is increasingly occupying a stronger position in our culture, Christmas, Mother's Day; The history of these holidays and the customs associated with them are of keen interest to younger schoolchildren.
With the help of the game, we organize mandatory physical education sessions for younger schoolchildren in order to preserve and improve children’s health and train vocabulary material.
In our work we divide games into the following categories:
Games for training vocabulary material on the topic of the lesson.
Games for training grammatical and lexical material
Games to develop and consolidate pronunciation skills
Complex games.

2.2. Description of gaming techniques.
1. Games that help to form and develop students’ pronunciation skills and reading skills (2-3 grades, can be used as phonetic exercises):
"Call me"
Equipment: Cards with transcription signs.
Goal: Develop auditory and pronunciation skills
Objectives: Training in the acquisition of transcription signs and phonetic skills.
Progress of the game: the teacher divides the class into two teams and invites students to take turns pronouncing the sounds that are depicted using transcription signs on the cards. The participant who correctly “called” the card receives it from the hands of the teacher. The team that collects the most cards wins.
Equipment: A poster with a sunflower depicted on it, on which transcription signs are written on the sheets (sheets are numbered from 1 to 10), cards with words in which one letter is highlighted and underlined in bold.
Goal: To consolidate the rules of reading, to form pronunciation skills. Objectives: Training in the assimilation of transcription signs, reading, phonetic skills
Progress of the game: The teacher puts a poster on the first desk, the children gather around. The teacher shows the children a card with a word and reads it out loud. Children repeat the word after the teacher, then name the number of the sheet on which the card should be placed.
"Green Christmas tree"
Equipment: White marker board, markers of 4 colors.
Goal: Develop pronunciation skills, reading skills
Objectives: training in reading the studied vocabulary, using and recognizing transcription signs
Progress of the game: We draw a green Christmas tree on the board, on it there are multi-colored balls, in each ball there is a transcription sign. On the side with a black marker on both sides we write words familiar to the children.
We divide the participants into two teams. Children must underline the word with a familiar sound corresponding to the color of the ball with a marker and pronounce the word correctly.
The team that completes the task first wins.

2.2. Games that help familiarize students with new lexical material or train lexical material in speech (2-4 grades, at the main stage of the lesson):

Equipment:Chess pieces
Goal: Memorizing new (or training previously learned) lexical units.
Objectives: Develop oral communication skills and abilities
Progress of the game: the teacher organizes a “chess game”, having previously voiced and trained the correct pronunciation of new words. The teacher “makes a move” by calling the student a word, the student must name a word with the opposite meaning and thereby “win” the game (For example, fat – slim, old – new, good – bad). The student who correctly names the antonym word receives a chess piece. The one who collects the largest number of figurines is declared the “master”.

Objectives: teaching writing skills
Progress of the game:
The teacher names the topic of the game, for example, “Products.” The class is divided into two or three teams, each team receives a set of letter cards and lines up at a desk on which the cards are laid out. The teacher approaches each desk, selects and puts aside a card with the letter with which the word on a given topic begins. Students take turns coming to the table, choosing one card and placing it next to the first one so that they get a word on the topic. The team that completes the task first wins. The game can be played in several rounds.
"Invite guests"
Equipment: Split alphabet
Goal: to activate lexical material

Progress of the game: We invite friends from the forest school to visit.
Children collect words on the topic “Animals” from the letters of the cut alphabet; each word written correctly is recorded on the board. You need to invite as many guests as possible.
Equipment: Pictures of animals, sheets of paper, markers.
Goal: to activate lexical material
Tasks: repetition of vocabulary on the topic “Animals”
Progress of the game:
Cards with images of animals on the board
Two “hunters” are called and, on command, “open fire” - writing on sheets of paper the names of the animals they want to “shoot”. Having written the word, the “hunter” shows the word to the class, and the children say “got it” if the word was written correctly, and “missed” if there was a mistake in the word. The “shot” loot is removed from the board. After two misses, the “hunter” gives up his place to another student.
"Let's go to the market"
The structure, goals and objectives of the game are the same as in “hunting”, but the theme is different – ​​“products”.

2.3. Games that help to activate grammatical material in speech and train the skill of constructing sentences (2-4 grades, at the main stage of the lesson):

"Spy Message"
Equipment: “Spy letters” in envelopes or presentation of “spy microfilm”.
Goal: To train the skill of grammatical construction of sentences
Tasks: Reconstructing a sentence using the correct word order
Progress of the game:
Students are divided into two or three teams and receive two or
three envelopes containing "encrypted letters" containing
sentences in which the word order is broken. Children, based on the studied grammatical material, reconstruct sentences. You can eliminate the element of competition and invite children to decipher the “spy microfilm”, which is shown on a marker board in the form of a slide.
"Blind Man's Bluff"
Equipment: Soft toys

Tasks: Compiling compelling sentences.
Progress of the game:
The teacher shows the children 5-6 soft toy animals. The student goes to the board, the teacher helps him choose and hide one of the toys in an opaque bag. The whole class plays. Students raise their hands and ask the leading student general questions studied earlier, the leading student answers “yes” or “no”. For example: Can you skip? – No, I can't
Are you red? – Yes, I am
Are you a fox? – Yes, I am.
The one who guesses the animal becomes the leader.
"Abstract Winnie the Pooh"
Equipment: Soft toys
Goal: To train the skill of grammatical construction of sentences.
Tasks: Compiling negative and affirmative sentences
Progress of the game:
Winnie the Pooh comes to visit the children and begins a story about his friends, but gets everything mixed up. Children must correct an absent-minded guest. For example:
Vinny: -I have got a friend. His name is Piglet. He likes honey.
Children: - No, he isn’t. He likes cabbage and carrot.

Games for reading rules:

1. Game “Captain Flint”:

Children read a string of words On the desk. Every word is a reef that can be bypassed if you read the word correctly. The captain leads the crew through the reefs, i.e. reads the words, and the guys repeat them in chorus. If the captain makes a mistake, the ship is holed. A lifebuoy is thrown to the captain (the words are read correctly in chorus), but after that another student becomes the captain. And so on until a captain is found who can go around all the reefs.

2. A game Making a snow woman :

The teacher “throws” the first “snowball” (names a word, for examplebag). Children “roll a snowball”, naming words in a chain that are read according to this rule:map, lamp, black, catetc. We roll 3 snowballs (each for a different reading rule), and “The Snow Woman” is ready.

Listening games.

Objectives: - to teach students to understand the meaning of a single statement;

Teach students to highlight the main thing in the flow of information;

Develop students' auditory memory.

You can play text listening games without having any pictures, drawings, pre-prepared questions, text points, etc., these are games for the development of auditory memory. The teacher reads the text at a normal pace, the players listen. After listening to the text, the teacher offers to write down the words that each participant in the game remembers. Then the teacher reads the text again and gives the task - to write down groups of words and remembered phrases. After this, the participants in the game reconstruct the text from memory, using their notes. The winner is the one who most accurately conveys the content of the text.

Have a great effect in teaching listeningteam games , in which, after listening to the text, team members compose and then ask their opponents questions about the content of the text. The team that answers the questions more accurately wins.

Of particular interest are games in which, after listening to the text (preferably with a large number of characters), you need to act out a scene based on the content of the text. In these games, children demonstrate not only their listening skills, but also their artistic abilities.

It is advisable to teach listening comprehension in a variety of interesting games. In them, the child can express himself as an individual, as well as a member of a team. There are no universal games for teaching listening, but you can turn any exercise, any text into a game. To do this, it is necessary to prepare the necessary accessories, create an atmosphere of competition, and make the tasks for the texts varied, but at the same time accessible and interesting.

Texts can be used from textbooks, additional books on the English language, invented by the teacher himself or by students. The main thing, in our opinion, is to turn elementary text into an interesting game that attracts the child.


The team captains go to the board on which two circles are drawn and describe the animal from the picture. Each correctly said sentence is one ray to the circle and one point. The captain whose sun has more rays wins, i.e. more points.


Representatives FROM EACH TEAM GO TO THE BOARD on which numbers are written (not in order). The presenter calls the number, the student looks for it on the board and circles it with colored chalk. The one who circles the most numbers wins.


The teacher reads riddles to the students, the students must guess them. For example:

1. It is a domestic animal. It likes fish. (a cat)

2. It is a wild animal. It likes bananas. (a monkey)

3. It is very big and grey. (an elephant)

4. This animal likes grass. It is a domestic animal. It gives us milk. (a cow)

For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.


UThe student, closing his eyes, draws an animal. The presenter names the main parts of the body:

Draw a head, please.

Draw a body, please.

Drawatail, please.

If the drawing is successful, the team receives five points.


Members of both teams stand in a circle. The leader is in the center of the circle. He names domestic and wild animals alternately. When children hear the name of a wild animal, they clap once; when they hear the name of a domestic animal, they clap twice. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. The winner is the team with the most players remaining.


The class is divided into three teams, each representing a police department. 3 presenters are selected. They contact the police department with a request to find a missing friend or relative. The presenter describes their appearance, and the children make corresponding drawings. If the drawing matches the description, the missing person is considered found.

Leading: I can't find my sister. She is ten. She is a schoolgirl. She is not tall/ Her hair is dark. Not r eyes are blue. She has A red coat and a white hat on.


The teacher invites one of the students to think of a season and describe it without naming it. For example :

It is cold. It is white. I ski. I skate. I throw snowballs.

Students try to guess: Is it spring ? Is it winter ?

The one who correctly named the time of year wins.


Teacher: I have good friends. These are special friends. They came to us from fairy tales. You know them too, but can you guess who I’m talking about?

- I have a friend. Not is a small boy. Not can read, write and count, but not well. He can run and jump and play. He cannot draw and he cannot swim. / Dunno /.

- I have a friend. Not is a big fat boy. He cannot read and write, but he can run, sing, dance and play. He can fly! / Carlson /

- I have a friend. He is not a boy. He is not a girl. He is green. He can swim. He cannot jump and he cannot fly. / Crocodile Gena /.



Train students in the use of vocabulary in situations close to natural settings;

Activate the speech and thinking activity of students;

Develop students' speech reactions.


During the oral introductory course, students are introduced to a large number of lexical units. And the game “Teacher and Students” provides great assistance in mastering these words. The student in the role of the teacher asks questions to the student, showing a picture of a certain object, to which he answers. Then the players change places. I try to pair someone who is poorly prepared with someone who is well prepared.


The first one writes or names a word starting with the last letter of the previous one, etc.


On the counter of the store are various items of clothing or food that can be purchased. Students go to the store and buy what they need.

P 1 : Good morning !

P 2 : Good morning ing!

P 1 : Have you a red blouse?

P 2 : Yes, I have. Here it is.

P 1 : Thank you very much.

P 2 : Not at all.

P 1 : On ve you a warm scarf?

P 2 : Sorry, but I haven`t.

P 1 : Good bye.

P 2 : Good bye.


The whole class participates in the game. They come to the board at will. Teacher: Let's help Pinocchio get ready for school. The student takes the objects on the table, puts them in a briefcase, naming each object in English:

This is a book. This is a pen (pencil, pencil-box)

In the following, the student briefly describes the subject he is taking:

This is a book. This is an English book. This is a very nice book


Students are given a list of nouns. You need to choose a word for them (common to all) to make a complex noun.

For example: Snow Foot BALL Basket


In the hands of the presenter is a black box (or box) containing an unfamiliar object. Team members must ask the facilitator one guiding question each. After that, they must answer what is in the box.



a fox, a dog, a monkey And T . d . The last one to name the animal wins.


Equipment: real or artificial flowers or autumn leaves.

Teacher: Each of you has a favorite teacher. Let's collect a bouquet for him. Only we must comply with one condition: name the color of each flower or leaf correctly, otherwise the bouquet will quickly wither.

Student : This is a red flower. This is a yellow flower .


To reinforce the vocabulary on the topic “Morning of a Schoolchild” in your speech, you can play the game “Pantomime”. The presenter leaves the class, and a group of children sits at the blackboard. Each person uses gestures and facial expressions to depict one of the actions on a given topic. Then the teacher says to the presenter: Guess what every pupil is doing . Sample answers from the presenter: This boy is doing morning exercises . That girl is washing her face . That boy is sleeping . etc .


Language games are intended for the formation of pronunciation, lexical, and grammatical skills and training in the use of linguistic phenomena at the preparatory, pre-communicative stage of mastering a foreign language.

1.P Revise the word.

Each participant in the game is given an English word to translate into Russian. The answer should be immediate.

2. Collect a proverb

The presenter reads the beginning of the proverb, the teams must complete it. If the answer is correct, the team receives a point.

For example:




The goal is to train students in pronouncing English sounds.


Goal: developing the skill of pronouncing a coherent statement or text.

Progress of the game: a short poem or an excerpt from it (counting book, tongue twister) is written on the board. The teacher reads and explains the meaning of words and sentences, and draws attention to the difficulties of pronouncing individual sounds. The text is read several times by the students. After this, two to three minutes are given for memorization. The text on the board is covered and students must read it by heart. Two or three readers are allocated from each team. Points are awarded for error-free reading; For each mistake, one point is deducted. The team with the most points wins.


The winning team receives five points.

Singing in foreign language lessons allows each child to be included in active cognitive activity and creates the prerequisites for collective work in an atmosphere of positive emotions.

3. Dunno and WE.

Dunno came to the class. He will study English. Now the guys don’t just repeat the sounds, they try to teach Dunno the correct pronunciation. Dunno shows the children transcription signs, and the children call them in unison. And in order to check how the guys remembered these sounds, Dunno begins to make mistakes. If the sound is pronounced correctly, the children are silent, and if incorrectly, they clap their hands together.



Goal: developing the skills of combining letters in a word.

Progress of the game: the teacher writes a word in large letters on a piece of paper and, without showing it, cuts it into letters, saying: “I had a word. It crumbled into letters." Then he shows the letters and scatters them on the table: “Who can guess what word it was faster?” The first one to write the word correctly wins. The winner comes up with his own word, tells the teacher or writes and cuts it himself and shows everyone the scattered letters. The action is repeated.


Goal: developing the skill of recognizing the place of a letter in a word.

Progress of the game: Students are given cards and asked to write as many words as possible in which the specified letter is in a certain place.

For example, the teacher says: “Today we have a duty letter “O”, it comes first. Who can write the most words in which the letter “O” comes first?”


Goal: development of spelling and lexical skills.

Progress of the game: the teacher writes a word on the board. Each player must come up with a telegram in which the first word begins with the first letter of the word written on the board, the second with the second letter, etc.


1. 5 CARDS

Goal: control of alphabet mastery.

Progress of the game: the teacher shows each of the participants in the game 5 cards with letters of the English alphabet. The winner is the one who names all 5 letters correctly and without pauses.


Goal: developing spelling memory skills.

Progress of the game: students are asked to quickly look through a list of words, and then name words that contain a given letter. The one who can name the most words wins.


Purpose of the game: to develop the skill of differentiating sound-letter correspondences.

Progress of the game: the teacher writes several words on the board and invites students to find three among them in which the letter ... is read as .... The one who does it faster wins.


Students stand at the far wall of the classroom. The teacher shows the words written on the board, the students take turns spelling the words. If the student spells the word correctly, he takes a step forward. The student who reaches the opposite wall of the classroom first is considered the winner.


The teacher writes a long word on the board. Students must form (within a certain period of time) words from the letters of this word. The student who produces the most words wins. For example, from the word personal Students can form words: son



rose, etc.


Objectives: - to teach students the use of speech patterns containing certain grammatical difficulties;

- create a natural situation for using this speech pattern.


For better assimilation by students of structures inPresent ContinuousYou can use the game with the picture. Schoolchildren are asked to guess what a particular character depicted in a picture that they have not yet seen is doing.The guys ask questions, for example:P 1 : Is the girl sitting at the table?

T: No, she is not.

P 2 : Is the girl standing?

The student who guesses the action shown in the picture wins. He becomes the leader and takes another picture.


The goal is to automate skills in using general questions.

A. Can a boy swim? Q. Do fishes live in the sea?

Can a cat fly? Do books sing?

Can a fish run? Do you live in a tree?

Can a bird fly? Does Pete go in for sports?

Can you swim ?


Students take turns performing actions and commenting on them, for example: I am sitting . I am standing up. I am going to the window . The teacher gives the student a card for each correctly named action. The winner is the one who collects the most cards.


The goal is to activate general issues in speech.

One of the students makes a guess about what he likes to do, the rest ask him questions: Do you like to swim ? Do you like to play football ? Until they guess. The one who guesses becomes the driver.

5. Carlson's favorite activity

Guys, you know Carlson, who lives on the roof. In front of me is a picture that shows Carlson doing his favorite pastime. Guess what he does. Students ask questions: Is he playing ball ? Is he reading a book ? e tc .


Goal: consolidation of vocabulary on the topic, automation of the use of learned verbs in the future tense in oral speech.

Progress of the game: two teams are formed. Two rows of words are written on the board:

1) name of the gift, 2) list of verbs. The players must say, using verbs from the list, what they will do with the gifts received on their birthday. Each participant in the game comes up with one proposal. The team that completes the task faster and composes sentences without errors wins.


Goal: repetition of cardinal numbers.

Progress of the game: two teams are formed. The same number of numbers are written scattered on the right and left of the board. The teacher calls out the numbers one after another. Team representatives must quickly find and cross out the named number on their half of the board. The team that completes the task faster wins.

8. Trip around the world

In grade 4, the structure “There isAbook on the desk”, which will appear quite often in the future. To secure it firmly, you can use the game “Travel Around the World”. For example, I start the game like this:

There is a blackboard on the wall. etc.

Game exercises for working with lexical and grammatical material

The main task of this group of exercises is to manage the educational and cognitive activity of students and develop their lexical skills, as well as to organize intensive independent work during training sessions in order to master the rules of using specific language units.


The teacher lays out certain objects on the table, lets the children look at them for one to two minutes, then covers them with paper and asks one student to name all the objects that he remembers. Then all students write down their names in English.

2. Ladder

The first player says: Today I had for dinner some …” and names something edible that starts with the letter A ”- apples . The second student says: Today I had for dinner some apples and bananas ”, repeating what his comrade said and saying the “B” word. And so on until all the guys fulfill the conditions of the game. The one who could not repeat all the words spoken before him by other students and name his word is eliminated from the game.

Games on specific topics:

1. Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the participants and names a word on this topic in Russian (English). The player, having caught the ball, says the word and returns the ball to the teacher, etc. round. The one who made a mistake is eliminated from the game. The one who remains in the game until the end wins.

2. Game “Clock”:

The game involves two teams. The teacher, moving the hands on a toy clock, each time turns to the students with the question: What time is it ?”. The team that answers the most questions correctly wins.

3. Game “Who is the most attentive?” (on the topic “Colors”):

The teacher distributes colored pencils to the children. Each has its own color. The teacher names colors in English in a disorderly manner and at a fast pace. The student who has this color picks up the pencil. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The last one left with a pencil wins.

4.Which day of the week (month) comes before/after:

Purpose of the game: Remember the days of the week randomly, enter prepositions of timebefore , after .

The game goes along the chain. The teacher begins:

-Which day is before Sunday?

-Saturday. Which day is after Tuesday?

-Wednesday etc.


- Which month is before July?

-June. Which month is after September?

- October .

5.Touch faster!

Purpose of the game: learn parts of the face and body.

The teacher asks the children to stand up, then quickly commands:

- Touch your eyes! Touch your nose! Touch your ears! Touch your feet! And T. d.

The student who fails to complete the command, or who completes it incorrectly or last, is eliminated. The game ends when all but one student is eliminated. He becomes the winner.

Outdoor game creates favorable conditions for children to develop their physical activity, improve their health, and contribute to the solution of certain educational tasks, including teaching a foreign language. Outdoor games are organized according to certain rules, according to which children actut, communicate. And this communication can be realizedbe written in a foreign language. And the combination of movements, listening, and speaking allows you to bring the speech material used in the game to automatism. Using the example of the games “Rain”, “Owl”, “Cat and Mouse”, we will consider practicing individual sounds and speech skills.


Purpose of the game: to practice the pronunciation of the sounds |g|, [w], [z:], the ability to give various commands in English.

Several children (4-5) put cardboard headbands on their heads, which depict raindrops or rain clouds. Rest children start progo nope « rain».

Rain, rain go away!

Boys and girls want to play!

Children with headbands run away and hide in a secluded place. The rest sing some English song, performing dance movements, or read a poem, rhyme, accompanying the words with actions, movements, or play. At any moment the driver can shout "Rain". At this signal, kids with headbands run out

from cover and trying to catch someone. The one who has been “wet by the rain” squats down and waits for what command the child with the headband will give him. Having completed the task, the baby returns to his place.


Purpose of the game: develop children's speech skills, activate vocabulary( day , night , go away . Wolves run ! Birds fly ! Fish , swim ! etc.), strengthen the ability to use words in the plural.

The driver and the owl are selected.

The driver announces to the children:" Day ! Birds fly !" Children “fly” imitating birds.

Driver:" Night !". The children freeze in place, as if they had fallen asleep.

The owl flies out of its hiding place and takes away the one who moved.

Driver:" Day ! Dogs jump !" Children imitate dogs.

Driver:" Night !”. The children “fall asleep”, and the owl again looks for a victim.

"Cat and Mouse"

Purpose of the game: to practice speech structures:Where are you ? I am here .

Children holding hands stand in a circle. A cat and a mouse are chosen. The cat is blindfolded. She tries to catch the mouse by touch, asking from time to time" Where are you ?" The mouse answers every question" I am here ".

If a cat encounters one of the children, they warn "Fire"After the cat has caught the mouse, other guys are chosen for these roles and the game continues.