Introduction to musical instruments in the middle group. Scenario of musical entertainment for children of the middle group on the topic: Musical instruments

Development musical abilities through playing noise instruments.
Creating conditions conducive to increasing creative activity children, expanding their musical horizons, awakening interest in all types musical activity.


Involve children in correct execution tasks, develop sustained attention when completing them.
Develop the ability to name correctly noise instruments, play them rhythmically, listen to each other.
Enrich lexicon children.

Improve children's motor activity, coordination of movements and free movement in space.
Develop a sense of rhythm, musical memory,
With the help of experienced - experimental activities develop imagination and creative imagination.
Develop the ability to react to changing parts of music.

Arouse desire and interest in playing noise instruments.
Foster curiosity, independence, and activity when completing tasks.

Verbal (riddles, conversation).
Visual (presentation, noise instruments).
Practical (playing with spoons, playing with a tambourine, dancing with rattles, song-dance).
Gaming (game with a tambourine, reflection).

Vocabulary work: Introduce the names of noise instruments into the children's active dictionary.

Preliminary work:
Learning songs with movements.
Playing musical instruments.
Learning the dance with rattles.
Introducing the outdoor game with a tambourine.

Individual work:

Encouraging children for completing a task.
Encourage inactive children to become active.

Multimedia installation.
Music Center.
Audio recordings.
Children's noise instruments: spoons, rattles according to the number of children.
Pockets for handouts.
Diamonds for use in the game.
Chest with non-traditional tools.
Posting for reflection.

Musical greeting.
Departure to the city of musical instruments.
Reproduction of rhythmic patterns at the request of the teacher.
Outdoor game.

Musical repertoire:
Communication game “Hello!”
Musical and rhythmic warm-up by E.D. Makshantseva.
A song with imitation of playing instruments “Let's play and sing.”
An outdoor game with a tambourine.
R.n.m “Oh, you canopy, my canopy.”
Dance with rattles.
Song-dance “We will clap our hands...”.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a general circle.


Magazine "Musical Palette".

Hello, palms clap - clap - clap
Hello, legs - top - top - top
Hello, little eyes - myrg, myrg, myrg
Hello, my nose - peep - peep - peep
Hello, ears - wow - wow - wow
Hello, cheeks - splash - splash - splash
Hello, lips - smack - smack - smack
Hello children, hello!

Musical director: Guys, do you want to go on an excursion to the Town of Musical Instruments?

Children's answers.

Fine. To go on an excursion we must do a rhythmic warm-up. You are ready? Be very careful, listen to the musical accompaniment, perform movements rhythmically.


Collection “Children's Fun” by E.D. Makshantseva

Rhythmic warm-up p. 4 (helps organize children's attention)

After the Rhythmic Warm-up, the children sit on chairs.

Musical director:

Guys, we have arrived in the Town of Musical Instruments.

What instruments do you know?

Children's answers.

For some reason no one meets us. Let's sing a funny song about musical instruments and play them. Maybe someone will come out of the house?


"Bell" No. 44 p. 21

Let's knock on the first house and find out who lives in this house. The teacher sets a rhythmic pattern, the children repeat. A riddle appears from one house.

I'm round like the sun, only with bells
I sound very loud, you will hear it yourself,
When you take me in your hands, hit me with your palm
I will sound loud and loud
Guess who I am?


Children's answers.

That's right, guys, it's a tambourine. Tambourine is percussion instrument, because we hit it, and it responds to us with its ringing sound. Let's play with a tambourine.


Children stand in a circle, three children stand in a circle with tambourines. Children with tambourines beat the tambourine rhythmically to musical accompaniment, the rest of the children move in a circle. During the second part of the music, the children sit down and “fall asleep,” and the children with the tambourine quietly leave the circle, put the tambourines behind their comrades and sit down next to them. When a loud chord is heard, the children wake up, look around, find the tambourines, stand in a circle and the game continues.

Well done guys, take your seats. What a funny tambourine, he even played with us. I wonder who lives in the next house? Let's knock.

Two daring girlfriends, painted, Khokhloma It’s impossible to be alone, do you recognize us, friends?


That's right, guys, these are spoons. You have pockets on your chairs, take the spoons out of them. Look how beautiful, bright, painted, and made of wood they are. They play on spoons with their backs - humps, stroking them. Let's try how we can do it.


R.n.m. “Oh, you are my canopy.”

Well done, you and I have created an ensemble of spooners. Let's repeat the “ensemble of spoons.” Fine. Put the spoons back in their pockets and let them rest. And we’ll look into another house and find out who lives there?

The music director sets a rhythmic pattern, and the children repeat it. A riddle appears from the house.

I'll fall into the hands of a child
I'll play loudly - loudly
No wonder it's a fun toy
And my name is...

That's right, guys, it's a rattle.

Rattles picked up
They sounded loud
Rattles are fun
They don't tell you to sit still
Get everyone in a circle quickly
Start dancing with them!


Well done boys. We danced with all our hearts. But we have one more house that is not open. Who lives in it? We'll find out now.

The music director sets a rhythmic pattern, and the children repeat it. A riddle appears from the house.

The tools are amazing to everyone
Look - a sight for sore eyes
The beans and pasta in them are simply delicious
What do they sound like? We don't know
I really want to know
We must boldly take them in our hands
And everyone can play together!

Guys, what kind of tools are these? And we have a chest here. Do you want to know what is in it? Now we will open it. Oh, some unfamiliar instruments. Wasn't there a riddle about these instruments? Look, here are beans, and here is pasta, and here is rice, peas... Let's play them and listen to how they sound.

The boys play their instruments waste material, then say their impressions.

Well done guys, look carefully, are all the houses open?

Children's answers.

Our excursion is coming to an end. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. And we will return with the help of a song. Do you agree?


"Bell" No. 35, page 28

At the end of the song, the children returned to the kindergarten. The music director asks questions during the lesson.

Guys, did you enjoy the tour?

Where have we been? What instruments did you come across?

Would you like to visit the Town of Musical Instruments again?

Look, I have different notes on the shelf: some are cheerful, others are sad. In what mood will you go to the group?

Show off your notes.

It was a pleasure traveling with you today. But it's time for us to say goodbye to you. I would like to wish you creative success so that you grow up to be big dreamers. . You can receive messages by subscribing to the feed. You can

"Getting to know musical instruments»

Summary of extracurricular activities for children in the preparatory school group

Relevance Music has a special place unique place in raising children preschool age. This is explained both by the specifics of this type of art and psychological characteristics preschoolers. Music is called “the mirror of the human soul”, “emotional cognition” (B.M. Teplov): it reflects a person’s attitude to the world, to everything that happens in him and in the person himself. And our attitude is, as you know, our emotions. This means that emotions are the main content of music, which makes it one of the most effective means formation of the child’s emotional sphere. The emotional sphere is the leading sphere of the psyche in preschool childhood. She plays decisive role in the development of the child’s personality, regulation of his mental functions, as well as behavior in general.

Only the full formation of the child’s emotional sphere makes it possible to achieve personal harmony. We can say that in preschool age a child is an emotion itself, and therefore the significance of his encounter with highly artistic music cannot be overestimated.

Target: introduce musical instruments, talk about methods and forms of teaching children to play musical instruments.

Tasks: - nurturing a love of music;

Development of musical and creative abilities;

Introduction to musical instruments;

Formation of the beginning of musical culture;

Involving children in activities in the field of art;

Development aesthetic perception and emotional responsiveness to musical works.

Children become familiar with music not only in classes, but also at holidays, entertainment evenings, and concerts.

Therefore, we decided to conduct extracurricular activity-excursion to the music school “Acquaintance with musical instruments”, which took place from September to December 2012.

Our extracurricular activity consists of two stages:

Stage 1 - lesson in kindergarten"Introduction to the musical instrument violin." Invitation of musicians.

Stage 2 - excursion to a music school.

Stage 1

Lesson “Introduction to a musical instrument - the violin”

Target: Continue to expand children's knowledge of musical instruments. Give new information about an instrument they already knew - the violin. Introduce expressive possibilities its sounds: solo, in ensemble or orchestra. Familiarize yourself with the structure of a violin in detail.

In a didactic game, consolidate the ability to distinguish string instruments by timbre - one of the means musical expressiveness Expand children's vocabulary with musical terms.

Preliminary work: agree with the teacher of the violin class at the Children's Music School and set a day for a joint lesson in kindergarten; repeat the names of friends with children string instruments, strengthen the ability to determine their timbre by ear.

Vocabulary work: solo, ensemble, bow, soundboard, fretboard, neck, strings.

Progress of the lesson

Invite the Children's Music School violin teacher Marina Aleksandrovna Velichkina and an ensemble of violinists under her leadership to the lesson.

Educator: Today we will listen to extraordinary music. Please be careful because you are about to encounter beauty.

Listening to K.V. Gluck's play "Melody" from the opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" (arranged for violin) recorded.

Who can tell what the instrument sounded like? What is the mood of this music?

How did it make you feel? (Answers.)

That's right, the violin sounded. Here she is, look! (Show illustration.) Notice how beautiful and graceful she is. Guys, would you like to see a real violin, how and what it is played with, and listen to how it sounds? (Answers.) Then, it's time to invite the teacher music school- Velichkina Marina Alexandrovna. She herself plays the violin beautifully and teaches it to children.

(Marina Aleksandrovna enters, greets the children and everyone greets her)

Musical director: Today in class we would like to get to know the violin better, and no one can tell you about it better than you. Our children will be happy to listen to your fascinating story about the violin.

(The floor is given to Marina Alexandrovna. Her story is accompanied by a demonstration of the instrument)

Marina Aleksandrovna: Look at the violin, it is really beautiful and elegant: it has a thin “waist”, smooth curves. This top board of the violin is called the top soundboard, try to remember this word - soundboard. And these holes on the top soundboard are called f-holes. Let's repeat - f-holes. A neck is attached to the body, which ends in a curl. Strings are stretched onto the fingerboard. A lot in the sound of a violin depends on the bow (Demonstration). The bow is a cane or shaft on which horsehair is stretched. Let's touch it carefully and make sure it's real horsehair.

(Children study the structure of the bow more closely. Then the teacher continues his story again.)

Marina Aleksandrovna: If we hook the string with our finger and then let go, the sound will quickly fade away. Try to remember string instruments that are played with a pick or fingers.

(Children list: guitar, mandolin, balalaika, harp, gusli).

Marina Aleksandrovna: Well done, you see how many stringed instruments you have listed. But the bow helps the violin prolong the sound: it can be moved along the string continuously for a long time, and the sound will continue. Look and listen (Demonstration) Therefore, it is good to play melodious, smooth, uninterrupted melodies on the violin. It’s not for nothing that they say that the violin sings. The violin timbre is close human voice. Therefore, when we hear it, it seems to us as if the violin is telling something, and sometimes even crying, like a person...

(Listen to a fragment of “Eurydice’s Complaint” with moaning, crying, yearning intonations)

And now I want to perform for you a little piece called

(at the discretion of the teacher).

Marina Aleksandrovna: I will play her alone. This performance is called a solo. So, remember, when a person sings, plays an instrument or dances, only one is called what, guys? (Solo.) That's right! Listen, I'll play you a solo.

Performance of a short play by the teacher.

Marina Aleksandrovna: Do you know what it’s called when several musicians, dancers or singers perform together? (if the children don’t remember, remind and repeat - ensemble.) That’s right! Today my pupils, a violin ensemble, came to you with me. Let's invite them and ask us to play something.

Enter girls from the violin ensemble at the Children's Music School under the direction of M.A. Velichkina.

Marina Aleksandrovna: Now the violin ensemble will perform a piece for you (to choose from the teacher)

Educator: We really liked it, didn’t we, guys? When our children go to school, they can also enroll in a music school and learn to play the violin beautifully. In the meantime, we’ll pretend to take our violins in our hands and go to the clearing to see the hares, who really love to dance to the violin. This half of our children will be bunnies, and this half will be musicians who can play the violin, the balalaika, and the drum. Let's see which instrument bunnies like to dance to the most.

Staging of the song “The Cheerful Musician” (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko)

Educator: So, guys, what instrument did we talk about today? Did you like the sound of the violin? Do you remember its sound well? And won't you confuse it with another instrument? (children's answers)

You can check this in the game “Find out what it sounds like.” Shall we play? Musical instruments are hidden behind the screen and ask you to recognize them by their sound. Can we do it? Then listen carefully to what instrument is playing now.

Didactic game “Recognize an instrument by its timbre.”

Marina Aleksandrovna: Dear guys! I liked that you really love music and know a lot about it. Thank you for the invitation! We are waiting for you at our school, where you can get to Magic world music and learn even more about it!

Educator: Let's thank Marina Alexandrovna and her violin ensemble for an interesting and fascinating story and excellent performance of the plays!

(children thank and say goodbye.)

This concludes our lesson!

Stage 2.

"Excursion to the music school"

December 7 An excursion to music school No. 33 was organized. Children's Music School teachers prepared a meeting with our preschoolers and held an interactive conversation between teachers and students of the music school. The students actively participated in the conversation about musical instruments, the variety of musical genres, and performed short vocal works suggested by the teachers of the music school. . Musical instruments - piano, flute, accordion, violin - aroused genuine interest among children. Music school students presented a small concert classical works. Preschoolers listened with great interest. At the end of the concert, teachers of the music school gave the children the opportunity to play musical instruments.


When engaging in musical education, it is important to remember general development children.

Preschoolers have little experience in understanding human feelings that exist in real life. Music that conveys the full range of feelings and their shades can expand these ideas. Besides moral aspect musical education It has great importance for the formation of aesthetic feelings in children. By becoming familiar with the cultural musical heritage, the child learns the standards of beauty and appropriates the valuable cultural experience of generations. Repeated perception of works of art gradually guides a person in identifying thoughts, feelings, and moods that are important to him, expressed in artistic images, in content that is meaningful to him.

Music develops a child mentally as well. In addition to various information about music that has cognitive significance, a conversation about it includes a description of the emotional and figurative content. Children's vocabulary is enriched with figurative words and expressions that characterize moods and feelings conveyed in music.

Music develops the emotional sphere. Emotional responsiveness to music is one of the most important musical abilities. It is associated with the development of emotional responsiveness in life, with the cultivation of such personality qualities as kindness and the ability to sympathize with another person.

Lesson topic: introduction to musical instruments.

The purpose of the lesson: continue to introduce children to musical instruments.

CORRECTIONAL: Develop students' speech during analysis musical pieces, sense of rhythm, develop vocal and choral skills. Develop Creative skills, student activity, culture of thinking.

EDUCATIONAL: To form students’ knowledge about musical instruments, to continue to develop the skills of ability to analyze, speak out about the music they listened to, consciously selecting suitable words to the nature of musical pieces.

EDUCATIONAL: To cultivate aesthetic, moral, patriotic qualities based on musical plays, interest and love for fine arts, music, literature, respect for each other and the opinions of comrades, perseverance in class.

EQUIPMENT: notebook, illustrated pages musical material, discs with recordings of musical pieces, images of notes, flowers, to display the mood, presentation, TSO.

During the classes

Entering the classroom. Organizing time.


Today in the lesson we will go on a journey into the world of music, goodness and beauty.

We will get acquainted and continue to get acquainted with musical instruments.

But first, I suggest you take a close look at your desks. There are three flowers in front of you that will help us determine your mood (where the white flower is Bad mood, yellow flower - good mood, and a red flower is a great mood). Think and pick up the flower that best suits your mood at the beginning of the lesson. Now lower them and put them on the edge of the desk, they will be useful to us at the end of the lesson.

And the cards that show the notes will help us evaluate your work. For the correct answer you will receive a note, and at the end of the lesson we will count how many notes you received, and accordingly we will find out how you worked in the lesson. Where are 7-6 notes – you’re great, 4-5 notes are good job in a lesson, 3 notes or less - you tried.

But first, let's remember the name of this instrument (SLIDE piano). I suggest listening to the sound of a piano and imagining yourself as a pianist. To do this, you need to sit straight, we will place your hands on the desk as if it were a piano, and your fingers will run across the desk as if across the keys of a piano. (SOUNDBITE OF PIANO)

Well done, did the music sound loud or quiet?


Well done, what is the name of this instrument? (VIOLIN SLIDE)

Children: violin.

How do they play it? Show. (CHILDREN SHOW HOW TO PLAY THE VIOLIN)

Let's get on our feet and play the violin like little beginner violinists (MUSIC. The sound of a violin).

You did an excellent job with this task too.

Now listen to the riddle. What is this?

We all love to listen

How Tamara sings with us.

And in her hands she is obedient

Six string…


So, we sit down like real guitarists and imagine that we have what instrument in our hands?

Children: guitar.


You guys are great, remember the name and manner of performance on every musical instrument that we went through. It's time to get acquainted with such a musical instrument as a triangle (SLIDE AND STORY ABOUT THE TRIANGLE) Listen to the sound of this instrument.

Guys, you worked out so well, let's remember what musical instruments you know. (IF SHOWING SLIDES WITH TOOLS IS DIFFICULT).

And now you and I will have a rest, get up from our desks and move around a little.

Physical exercise.

We clap our hands, clap, clap
(clapping overhead)
We stomp our feet, stomp, stomp
(raise our knees high)
Shaking our heads
(move your head back and forth)
We raise our hands, we lower our hands
(hands up, hands down)
We squat low and we stand up straight
(sit down and jump)
Hands down, on your side.
Unclench it into a fist
Hands up and into a fist
Unclench it to the side
Get up on your toes
Squat down and straighten up.

Breathing and articulation gymnastics(“Smelling a flower.”) gymnastics for facial expressions (short chant).

Question. Guys, what song did we learn in the last lesson?

Answer. "Two cheerful geese".

Let's remember the first verse of the song and sing.

Children perform the first verse of the song “Two Cheerful Geese”


Learning 2 verses of a song, working with the text.

Lesson summary:

Guys, our journey into the world of music, goodness and beauty has come to an end. Let's tell you the topic of our lesson together.

The topic of our lesson: Introduction to musical instruments.

Purpose of the lesson: to continue to introduce children to musical instruments.

Tell me, what musical instruments do you know?

How do we play the piano? Violin? Guitar? Triangle?

Besides listening in class, what else did you do? ( They sang, played musical instruments, and solved riddles.)

Guys, it's time to return to our colors, they will help you know your mood at the end of the lesson. Pick up a flower that matches your mood.

Now count how many notes you received for the lesson (grading).

Lesson cycle

"Introduction to musical instruments"

Musical director:

The series of classes is intended for children of senior and middle preschool age and introduces children to musical instruments of symphonic and folk orchestras. Designed for use by kindergarten music directors,

The child's psyche perceives information better in game form, when it is clothed in an interesting shell that is accessible to their understanding.

How to introduce children to symphony orchestra or an orchestra of folk instruments so that they don’t get bored? So that they can learn to distinguish instruments by timbre and not get confused by the multitude of their names and groups?

Unfortunately, showing and hearing orchestral instruments live is quite problematic, especially for preschoolers, who are still developing a culture of listening to music and behaving in concert hall. This is how the idea arose of a series of lessons in which children would become familiar with instruments in a playful way. First of all, I wanted the children to see the instruments in an unusual, fairy-tale setting. The fairy tale in verse by Sergei Volkov “For Children about Music” helped with this. The author of the proposed videos is Oksana Titorenko. The duration of the videos is short, from 2 to 3.5 minutes. This allows even preschool children to concentrate and does not tire them out.

Goal: Using ICT technology, introduce children to the musical instruments of symphony and folk orchestras.

    develop timbre hearing and general musical knowledge children; teach by ear and visually to distinguish the main groups of instruments of a symphony and folk orchestra; give an idea of ​​the main structural features of instruments, sound production and playing techniques.

Resources: Multimedia system or TV with DVD player; printed teaching aids, coloring books (according to the number of children); a set of children's musical instruments by K. Orff, musical toys.

Thematic plan

    Lesson 1 – introduction to keyboard and wind instruments (accordion, button accordion, ). Lesson 2 – introduction to keyboard and percussion instruments (grand piano, piano). Lesson 3 – introduction to stringed instruments(violin, double bass). Lesson 4 – introduction to percussion instruments (timpani, cymbals, bass drum). Lesson 5 – introduction to brass instruments (trumpet, trombone, tuba). Lesson 6 – introduction to woodwind instruments (flute, saxophone, bassoon). Lesson 7 – introduction to plucked string instruments (harp, guitar, etc.). Lesson 8 – repetition and consolidation of the material covered.

Approximate structure of the lesson:

Musical greeting Watch a video Answers to questions Creative task, didactic game Music game, playing in an orchestra of children's musical instruments Homework Reflection

Recommended didactic material And creative tasks: Author's videos (7 parts), videos of performances of symphony and folk orchestras, illustrations, educational information(how the instrument works; history of the instrument; how it is used); developmental tasks (“Draw the missing part”, “The fourth odd one”, “Draw from memory”, “Color according to the model”); cut pictures, musical “Loto”, didactic games on the development of timbre hearing.

Result: children improve their memory, thinking, imagination, attention, develop creative and musical abilities, and curiosity.

1 lesson

"Introduction to keyboard and wind instruments

(accordion, button accordion, accordion).”

Program content:

    Introduce children to musical instruments (accordion, button accordion, accordion). Expanding musical horizons, developing cognitive interest in music. Development of auditory and visual attention, emotional responsiveness to music. Develop common and fine motor skills. Develop musical abilities (modal sense, musical-auditory perception, sense of rhythm). To form the foundations of singing and general musical culture (aesthetic emotions, vocal and choral skills). Teach children to perceive development musical images and express them in movements, coordinate the movements with the nature of the music. Form beautiful posture, teach expressiveness, plastic movements in Game.

Progress of the lesson

Music manager: I’m glad to see you again at the music lesson. Since ancient times, people have been listening to music, and music, as we know, is performed on musical instruments. Now name the musical instruments that are familiar to you.

Children's answer.

Music leader: Today we will get to know musical instruments even better. Such as accordion, button accordion, accordion. They have common name, they are called keyboards and wind instruments. Keyboards because they have keys, and wind instruments because they produce sound using air. Now we'll see interesting cartoon about these tools.

Watch a video

Answers on questions

Watch the video again

Music Ruk.: I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

He plays the accordion
On the piano, on the guitar.
He is a famous talent
Who is this?

Children: Musician!

Educator: You and I will be musicians, let's see how our little finger helpers can play instruments.

Children perform:

We came and stood up and played the pipes.
Doo-doo-doo... (They walk in place. Imitation of playing the pipe.)
We came and stood up and played the drum.
Tra-ta-ta... (They walk in place imitating playing the drum.)
We came and stood up on the balalaika and started playing.
La-la-la... (They walk in place. Imitation of playing the balalaika.)
We came and stood up and played the harmonica.
Ti-li, ti-li, ti-li... (They walk in place. Imitation of playing the harmonica.)

Music manager: Well done guys! And now we will get acquainted with new song"The Cheerful Musician"

Children listen to a song performed by muses. hands Answer questions about the character and plot of the song. Practice the first verse.

Song "Cheerful Musician" music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. G. Volgina

Music hands:

Valeological chant:

Brighter, brighter the sun shines on us from the sky (lanterns)

Help us sunshine to grow faster (they raise their hands slowly)

Stomp, stomp your feet straight along the path (rhythmic stomp)

Clap, clap, kids, how good we are (rhythmic clapping)

Music leader: Guys, our lesson is coming to an end, let's remember what musical instruments we got acquainted with.

Children's answers.

Lesson 2

introduction to keyboard and percussion instruments

(grand piano, piano).

It is necessary to draw children's attention not only to appearance instrument, but also how it works and how it sounds..

Program content:

    Introduce children to musical instruments (piano, grand piano). Expanding musical horizons, developing cognitive interest in music. Development of auditory and visual attention, emotional responsiveness to music. Develop gross and fine motor skills. Develop musical abilities (modal sense, musical-auditory perception, sense of rhythm). To form the foundations of singing and general musical culture (aesthetic emotions, vocal and choral skills). Teach children to perceive the development of musical images and express them in movements, to coordinate movements with the nature of the music. Form beautiful posture, teach expressive, plastic movements in the game.

Music hand: Hello guys. I am glad to meet you, today we have a very interesting activity. We will continue to get acquainted with musical instruments. Guess the riddles.

1. I stand on three legs,
Feet in black boots.
White teeth, pedal.
What's my name?

2. He can play both “forte” and “piano”,
For this they called him...

Children's answers.

Music hands: These instruments are called keyboard-percussion instruments. Keyboards because they have keys, and drums because they produce sound by hitting the strings with hammers. Now we will watch an interesting cartoon about these instruments.

Watch a video

Answers on questions

Watch the video again

Music hands: In the last lesson, we learned a song by composer A. Filippenko. What is it called?

Children's answer.

Children's answer.

(Children sit down)

Music hands: And now we will play the game “Cheerful Musician”.

Game "Cheerful Musician"

(Music classes in kindergarten p. 260)

Music leader: Guys, our lesson is coming to an end, let's remember what musical instruments we met.

Children's answers.

Music manager: Well done! Goodbye!

Lesson 3

introduction to stringed instruments

(violin, cello, double bass).

It is necessary to draw children's attention not only to the appearance of the instrument, but also to how it is constructed and how it sounds.

Program content:

The most gentle and melodious, as long as you draw the bow smoothly.

Tell me, guys, a magical instrument...

Children's answers

Music Ruk.: This instrument has a brother and a sister and their names are double bass and cello. And their common name is string-bowed. Stringed ones because they have strings, and bowed ones because they are played with a bow and the sound is produced with the help of a bow.

Watch a video

Answers on questions

Watch the video again

Breathing exercise “Air bubbles”.

Big and forefinger connect into a ring, inhale lightly and exhale deeply into a ring of fingers. 3-4 times.

Logorhythmic chant "Fox".

Music hands: In the last lessons, we learned a song by composer A. Filippenko. What is it called?

Children's answer.

Music ruk: I suggest you sing it now. How are we going to implement it?

Children's answer.

Song: “The Cheerful Musician” music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. G. Volgina

(Children sit down)

Music leader: Guys, our lesson is coming to an end, let's remember what musical instruments we met?

Children's answers.

What else do you remember?

Children's answers.

Music manager: Well done! Goodbye!

Lesson 4

introduction to percussion instruments

(timpani, cymbals, bass drum).

It is necessary to draw children's attention not only to the appearance of the instrument, but also to how it is constructed and how it sounds.

Program content:

    Introduce children to musical instruments (violin, cello, double bass). Expanding musical horizons, developing cognitive interest in music. Development of auditory and visual attention, emotional responsiveness to music. Develop gross and fine motor skills. Develop musical abilities (modal sense, musical-auditory perception, sense of rhythm). To form the foundations of singing and general musical culture (aesthetic emotions, vocal and choral skills). Teach children to perceive the development of musical images and express them in movements, to coordinate movements with the nature of the music. Form beautiful posture, teach expressive, plastic movements in the game.

Music hand: Hello guys. I am glad to see you again at the music lesson. We will continue to get acquainted with musical instruments. Guess the riddle.

Children's answers

Music manager: Guys, what do you think are the names of the musical instruments that are struck and struck?

Children's answers

Music hands: That's right, drums.

Watch a video

Answers on questions

Watch the video again

Music manager: And now I suggest everyone go to the tables. I will give you pictures of musical instruments so that you can color them with colored pencils.

Children color pictures.

Children's answers.

What else do you remember?

Children's answers.

Music manager: Well done! Goodbye!

Lesson 5

introduction to brass instruments

(trumpet, trombone, tuba).

It is necessary to draw children's attention not only to the appearance of the instrument, but also to how it is constructed and how it sounds.

Program content:

    Introduce children to musical instruments (violin, cello, double bass). Expanding musical horizons, developing cognitive interest in music. Development of auditory and visual attention, emotional responsiveness to music. Develop gross and fine motor skills. Develop musical abilities (modal sense, musical-auditory perception, sense of rhythm). To form the foundations of singing and general musical culture (aesthetic emotions, vocal and choral skills). Teach children to perceive the development of musical images and express them in movements, to coordinate movements with the nature of the music. Form beautiful posture, teach expressive, plastic movements in the game.

Progress of the lesson:

Musical greeting "Good morning"

Music hand: Hello guys. I am glad to see you again at the music lesson. We will continue to get acquainted with musical instruments. Guess the riddle.

The signal sounds, calling for battle!
Get up, soldier, she's singing!

Children's answers.

Music hands: Children, tell me, how do you make sound from a pipe?

Children's answers.

Music hands: That's right, with the help of air, can we call this instrument a wind instrument?

Children's answers.

Music hand: This instrument is made of copper. That's why it's called brass. Now we’ll find out what other instruments are called brass instruments from our film.

Watch a video

Answers on questions

Watch the video again

Breathing gymnastics exercises “Palms”, “Shoulder straps”, “Pump”

Music manager: Guys, today we will introduce you to the new song “Don’t Drop the Ball.” Now you listen to the song, and then tell me what it is about.

Learning 1st verse

Music hands: I suggest you play the game “Musical Umbrella”

Musical and didactic game “Musical Umbrella” m. №1 2012 p.10

Music supervisor: Guys, our lesson is coming to an end, you did a great job. Let's remember what musical instruments we met?

Children's answers.

What else do you remember?

Children's answers.

Music manager: Well done! Goodbye!

introduction to woodwind instruments

(flute, saxophone, bassoon).

It is necessary to draw children's attention not only to the appearance of the instrument, but also to how it is constructed and how it sounds.

Program content:

    Introduce children to musical instruments (violin, cello, double bass). Expanding musical horizons, developing cognitive interest in music. Development of auditory and visual attention, emotional responsiveness to music. Develop gross and fine motor skills. Develop musical abilities (modal sense, musical-auditory perception, sense of rhythm). To form the foundations of singing and general musical culture (aesthetic emotions, vocal and choral skills). Teach children to perceive the development of musical images and express them in movements, to coordinate movements with the nature of the music. Form beautiful posture, teach expressive, plastic movements in the game.

Progress of the lesson:

Musical greeting "Good morning"

Music ruk: Hello, guys. I am glad to see you again at the music lesson. We will continue to get acquainted with musical instruments. Today I want to talk again about wind instruments. But first let's remember what wind instruments You know.

Children's answers

Music ruk: Guys, these instruments are called brass instruments. And today we will get acquainted with woodwind musical instruments. Let's watch the cartoon.

Watch a video

Answers on questions

Watch the video again

Breathing gymnastics exercises “Palms”, “Shoulder straps”, “Pump”

Music ruk: guys, I suggest you continue learning the song

"Don't drop the ball."

Working on a song.

Music ruk: And now we’ll play the game “Musical Lotto”

Game "Musical Lotto"

Children's answers.

What else do you remember?

Children's answers.

Music manager: Well done! Goodbye!

introduction to plucked string instruments

(harp, guitar, balalaika).

It is necessary to draw children's attention not only to the appearance of the instrument, but also to how it is constructed and how it sounds.

Program content:

    Introduce children to musical instruments (violin, cello, double bass). Expanding musical horizons, developing cognitive interest in music. Development of auditory and visual attention, emotional responsiveness to music. Develop gross and fine motor skills. Develop musical abilities (modal sense, musical-auditory perception, sense of rhythm). To form the foundations of singing and general musical culture (aesthetic emotions, vocal and choral skills). Teach children to perceive the development of musical images and express them in movements, to coordinate movements with the nature of the music. Form beautiful posture, teach expressive, plastic movements in the game.

Progress of the lesson:

Musical greeting "Good morning"

Music manager: Hello guys, we continue to get acquainted with musical instruments. Guess the riddles

We all love to listen
How Tamara sings with us,
And in her hands she is obedient
Six string... . (guitar)

Triangle, three strings - voiced sounds are important.

I don’t dare boast about myself, I only have three strings!

But I work hard, I'm not lazy. I'm mischievous... (balalaika)

The goddess of all instruments - there is a murmur and rustle.

Fingers will fly along the strings - even the birds will fall silent. (harp)

Music hand: All these instruments have strings, which is why they are called stringed instruments, and they are played by plucking. So we can call them plucked strings. You already know stringed musical instruments, name them.

Children's answers.

Watch a video

Answers on questions

Watch the video again

Music manager: we continue our acquaintance with the new song “Don’t Drop the Ball.”

Let's remember 1 verse of the song and chorus and learn further.

Learning the song "Don't Drop the Ball."

Logorhythmic chant "Fox".

Sa-sa, sa-sa, a fox came to visit us.

Su-su, su-su, we are not afraid of the fox.

Sy-sy, sy-sy, she wants sausage.

Si-si, si-si, take her a piece.

Music Ruk: And now I want to invite you to play the harp.

Children take turns playing the harp.

Music supervisor: Guys, our lesson is coming to an end, you did a great job. Let's remember what musical instruments you were introduced to?

Children's answers.

What else do you remember?

Children's answers.

Music manager: Well done! Goodbye!

Gulnara Damindarova
Lesson summary “Introduction to musical instruments”

Explanatory note

Children's music playing expands its scope musical child's activities, increases interest in music lessons, promotes development musical memory, attention, helps overcome stiffness, shyness, expands musical education.

Children develop symptoms during play personality traits performer: presence of will, emotionality, concentration, creative and musical abilities.

When learning to play musical instruments children discover the world musical sounds , distinguish the beauty of the sound of different tools. The quality of their singing improves (they sing cleaner, musically-rhythmic movements (play the rhythm more clearly). Children's game musical instruments helps convey feelings, inner spiritual world, promotes the development of thinking, creative initiative, conscious relationships between children.

Getting to know the tools we carry out as per music lessons, devoting 5–7 minutes to training, and during individual work with kids. We use a variety of methodological techniques: display of illustrations, toys, use musical and didactic games, flannelograph, musical ladders , listening recorded music, etc.. d.

Getting ready for classes in advance: we lay out all the attributes (flags, plumes, scarves) on chairs along the wall, preparing the necessary aids, musical instruments, selecting recordings for listening.

We explain tasks clearly. Taking into account age characteristics introducing preschoolers to musical instruments.

Subject classes: Introduction to musical instruments.

Target: Development musical abilities through playing noise instruments.

Creation of conditions conducive to increasing the creative activity of children, expanding their musical outlook, awakening interest in all types musical activity.


Involve children in completing tasks correctly and develop sustained attention when completing them.

Develop the ability to correctly name noise tools, play them rhythmically, listen to each other.

Enrich children's vocabulary.


Verbal (riddles, conversation).

Visual (presentation, noise tools) .

Practical (playing with spoons, playing with a tambourine, dancing with rattles, song - dance).

Game (game with a tambourine).

Progress of the lesson:

Children under music they enter the hall, stand in a general circle.

Musical director: "Hello" (musical greeting)

Children also sing greetings.

Communication game "Hello"

Hello, palms clap - clap - clap

Hello, legs - top - top - top

Hello, little eyes - myrg, myrg, myrg

Hello, my nose - peep - peep - peep

Hello, ears - wow - wow - wow

Hello children, hello!

Musical director: Guys, do you want to go on an excursion to Gorodok musical instruments?

Children's answers.

Fine. To go on an excursion we must do a rhythmic warm-up. You are ready? Be very careful, listen to musical accompaniment, perform movements rhythmically.

Rhythmic warm-up

After the Rhythmic Warm-up, the children sit on chairs.

Musical director: Guys, we have arrived in Gorodok musical instruments.

Which tools you know?

Children's answers.

For some reason no one meets us. Let's dance and play. Maybe someone will come out of the house? Show dance.

Musical director: Let's knock on the first house and find out who lives in this house. The teacher sets a rhythmic pattern, the children repeat.

Appears from one house mystery:

I'm round like the sun, only with bells

I sound very loud, you will hear it yourself,

When you take me in your hands, hit me with your palm

I will sound loud and loud

Guess who I am? (Tambourine)

Musical director: That's right, guys, it's a tambourine.

Tambourine is a drum tool, because we hit it, and it responds to us with its ringing sound. Let's play with a tambourine.

Game with a tambourine

Children stand in a circle, three children stand in a circle with tambourines. Children with tambourines beat the tambourine rhythmically to musical accompaniment, the rest of the children move in a circle. To the second part music children sit down and "fall asleep", and the children with the tambourine quietly leave the circle, put the tambourines behind their comrades and sit down next to them. When a loud chord is heard, the children wake up, look around, find the tambourines, stand in a circle and the game continues.

Musical director: Well done guys, take your seats. What a funny tambourine, he even played with us. I wonder who lives in the next house? Let's knock.


Appears from the house mystery:

Two daring girlfriends, painted, Khokhloma

It’s impossible to be alone, do you recognize us, friends? (Spoons)

Musical director: That's right, guys, these are spoons. Look how beautiful, bright, painted, and made of wood they are. They play on spoons with their backs - humps, stroking them.

Let's try how we can do it.

Song "Spoons"

Musical director: Well done, you and I have created an ensemble of spooners. Let's repeat "Ensemble of Spoonmen". Fine. Place the spoons back into the pot and let them rest. And we’ll look into another house and find out who lives there?

Musical The leader sets a rhythmic pattern, and the children repeat it.

Appears from the house mystery:

I'll fall into the hands of a child

I'll play loudly - loudly

No wonder it's a fun toy

And my name is... (Beanbag)

Musical director: That's right, guys, it's a rattle.

Rattles picked up

They sounded loud

Rattles are fun

They don't tell you to sit still

Get everyone in a circle quickly

Start dancing with them!

Dance with rattles

Musical director: Well done boys. We danced with all our hearts. But we have one more house that is not open. Who lives in it? We'll find out now.

Musical The leader sets a rhythmic pattern, and the children repeat it.

Appears from the house mystery:

The tools are amazing to everyone

Look - a feast for the eyes

The beans and pasta in them are simply delicious

What do they sound like? We don't know

I really want to know

We must boldly take them in our hands

And everyone can play together!

Musical director: Guys, what is this? the tools are like this? And we have a chest here. Do you want to know what is in it? Now we will open it. Oh, some unfamiliar instruments. Isn't it about these the tools were a mystery? Look, here are beans, and here is pasta, and here is rice, peas... Let's play them and listen to how they sound.

The guys are playing on instruments from waste material, then they say their impressions.

Musical director: Well done guys, look carefully, are all the houses open?

Children's answers.

Musical director: Guys, did you like the excursion?

Where have we been? With which met with instruments?

Would you like to go to Gorodok again? musical instruments?

It was a pleasure traveling with you today. But it's time for us to say goodbye to you.

Musical director sings"Goodbye".

Children sing "Goodbye" and leave.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on getting to know Kuban folk musical instruments “Musical get-togethers” Summary of a lesson on getting to know Kuban folk musical instruments for older children, preparatory groups. “Musical.

My first instruments Good afternoon, dear parents and colleagues. Today I would like to discuss a very interesting thing - children's musical instruments.

Summary of a music lesson in the junior group “Introduction to musical instruments” Abstract music lesson V younger group"Introduction to musical instruments." Prepared by: Musical director Mashnenkova.

Summary of the thematic lesson “Acquaintance with Russian folk instruments” (middle group) Program content: - To introduce and expand children's knowledge about Russians folk instruments through different types activities. - Learn to play.