Musically didactic game musical ladder. Music lesson on the topic "Musical ladder" (2nd grade)

Didactic game "Musical ladders". Equipment: 3 sets of ladders:. red, yellow and green. The set includes a ladder and a card with circles of the same color. A total of 2 cards each with 3 steps and 3 circles going up and down; 2 cards each with 4 steps and 4 circles going up and down; 2 cards each with 5 steps and 5 circles going up and down. A metallophone and a screen are required for the game.

Children must learn to distinguish certain sequences of zouks by ear and sing them.



Didactic game “Musical ladders”

Goal: Develop perception and discrimination of sequences

Of the three, four, five steps of the fret, going up and down:

  1. Do-re-mi, mi-re, do. The steps are sung with the words: “I’m going up”, “I’m going down”
  2. Do-re-mi-fa, fa, mi, re, do. The steps are sung with the words:

"up I'm going", "down I'm going"

3) Do-re-mi-fa-sol, sol-fa-mi-re-do. The steps are sung with the words: “here I go up,” “here I go down.”

Progress of the game:

Any number of children can take part in the game. Musical hand-

The driver is the leader. The cards with circles and the metallophone are covered with a screen. The presenter shows the children one by one the ladder cards, as well as the circles. Then the children are asked to sing the corresponding sequences of musical sounds.

The presenter takes the top card (with a pattern of circles), a certain color, plays the corresponding sounds and asks: “What kind of musical ladder is this? Where are they going?”

Its sounds: up or down? The player who has a card of the same color and with the corresponding sequence of circles answers. If the child answered correctly, he receives a card with circles, shows everyone both paired cards: with the image of steps, and circles corresponding to the ladder .

Olga Timofeeva

In modern pedagogy, visual aids are understood as teaching aids that create visual representations in children for better assimilation of educational material. Visualization not only facilitates children’s cognitive activity, but also organizes their perception and activates the memorization process.

IN musical In the education of preschoolers, the use of visual aids is of particular importance. Using visual aids in musical education of children allows, in a simple, playful form accessible to children, to give an idea of music. Thanks to the use of visual aids, children develop more actively musically– sensory abilities.

With the help of visual aids, the child’s mental activity is activated, his independence develops. musical activity which takes on a creative character. The benefit can be used on musical classes and independent musical activity

Dear colleagues, I offer to your attention musical ladders(three, five, seven speed).

Material used: toothpaste boxes, parchment paper, white sheets of paper, glue, scissors, self-adhesive paper.

They turned out like this musical ladders.

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This didactic game helps to activate children in educational activities and provides each child with the opportunity to be independent.

The musical and didactic manual “Ladder” is aimed at distinguishing in preschool children some properties of musical sound: “pitch”, “duration of sound”, “direction of movement of the melody”.

Brief description of production:

To make a teaching aid, you will need wooden blocks that are folded like a ladder, connected with glue, and varnished; The tabletop theater "Turnip" is made of colored pictures pasted onto caps, forest animals are crocheted.


Develop the perception and discrimination of sequences of three, five, and seven scale degrees, going up and down.


1. Teach children to correlate their actions with music (the movement of the toy) by auditory perception.

2. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking, voice skills.

3. Support children's experimentation with non-musical subjects.

4. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to music.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Didactic game« Musical ladder»

Target: to develop the ability to distinguish between the gradual movement of a melody up and down, the names of notes in musical scale.

Equipment: « ladder» eight steps, toy (you can use a matryoshka doll or other)

Painted under each step (can be pasted) picture. At the beginning of the name of each picture is the name of the note.

1. House – note "BEFORE"

2. Turnip – note "RE"

3. Bear – notes "MI"

4. Apron - note "F"

5. Sun – note "SALT"

6. Frog - note "LA"

7. Lilac – note "SI"

Progress of the game:

1) The teacher invites the children to sing a song « Ladder» E. Tilicheeva. When singing, children gradually raise their hand up (palm up and then down (palm down).

A child is called upon request. Teacher plays a melody, the child is asked to guess and show the movement of the melody up or down with a matryoshka doll or any other toy, depending on the plot of the game. The child takes the nesting doll in his hands and moves it up the steps.

2)Musical ladder can be used when learning a step (notes) musical scale, as well as when consolidating the studied material.

There are seven steps in the world


Remember their name

And write it in your notebook.

If the notes are sung in a row

This will be a sound...

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The morning, step by step, turns into day. Irina Ivaskiv is with you. Music classes for preschoolers require enormous preparation: you hesitate a little and... the attention of your little students scatters. That's why I was always looking for the most, most, most exciting ones. And when I couldn’t find them, then... I sat down to compose them myself.)))

Musical exercises: 3 problems

There are a lot of musical exercises on the Internet. But there are always three main problems associated with them:

1) it is not possible to find musical exercises that would ideally suit the topic of the lesson (coursework, essay, etc.) and/or;

2) there are extremely few or no new interesting exercises (after all, old musical exercises, no matter how good they are, sooner or later get boring for both the children and the teacher, and not everyone can figure out how to “reanimate” them);

3) many musical exercises describe only the rules of the game or the order of actions, but every teacher dreams that, in addition to the idea, musical exercises would also include the necessary speech of the teacher: what to say when showing this or that visual aid (after all, not everyone It turns out to speak simply, clearly, with fascinating teaching techniques).

Taking into account these three problems, I will share with you part of my notes: I call these musical exercises “Musical Ladder”. These musical exercises are designed for preschoolers, they can be adapted to any topic of the lesson, I enclose with them explanations on how best to make a ladder, and a speech for the teacher.

DIY musical ladder

Make a ladder following the dimensions shown in the figure. These sizes are optimal: the musical ladder will not be too small (that is, it will be visible to all children in the group) and not too bulky (that is, it will be easy to put in a bag along with music textbooks and music notebooks).

If you do not plan to carry the ladder back and forth, make it voluminous. I needed to take my ladder with me to rehearsals, so I asked to make it flat.

The best material for making stairs is plywood. Thick cardboard will also work (you can use cardboard from large packaging boxes), but if you get caught in the rain with such a ladder, you know, it won’t last long.

It’s better to do it once, but with high quality, so that it lasts for many years.

Ask the ladder cut out of plywood to be thoroughly sanded, and only then paint it with indelible paint (so that the ladder can be washed). It is better to use bright colors so that the ladder always attracts the attention of children. Mine is orange.

What is important to remember when working with children?

The musical range of preschoolers is small - only 5 working notes. Even if you use a song that has a range of more than 5 notes, be sure that preschoolers will “pack” this song into their available 5 notes, that is, the extreme low and extreme high notes will sound out of tune and dull. Therefore, I advise you to make 2 ladders: one with five steps, the other with eight. For three- and four-year-olds, use the first ladder, for older preschoolers, use the second.

I don’t recommend taking a ladder with 8 steps for a lesson with 3-year-olds and using only 5 of them - the extra steps will constantly distract curious kids and lead the lesson to the right and then to the left (as a result, the main material will be poorly remembered and the duration of the lesson will increase).

This working range for preschoolers is in the middle of the 1st octave: from the note D to the note A. Therefore, when working with the 5-step musical ladder, use musical exercises in Ddur, that is:

  • The 1st step of the ladder should sound like D of the 1st octave
  • 2nd step – E 1st octave
  • 3rd step – F# 1st octave
  • 4th degree – Sol 1st octave
  • 5th step – A 1st octave

When using a ladder with 5 steps, I advise you not to say the names of the notes (C, D, E, etc.), but to use the word TOP(stomp). I advise you to enter the names of the notes later, when you move on to mastering the 8-step ladder (you have grown up and the ladder has grown). To better memorize notes, you can stick on the steps both the names of the notes, written in letters, and pictures of words that begin with the notes:

  • Up to the house
  • Re turnip
  • Mi bear
  • Fa apron
  • Salt sunshine
  • La frog
  • Si titmouse

But you shouldn’t paste the names of notes and pictures on the 5-step ladder - they will be very distracting for the kids.

Using Helper Heroes

When mastering musical exercises with kids, use some hero: the girl Masha, who came to visit to learn how to sing, the Bunny, who loves to jump up the stairs, Luntik, who, falling from the Moon, ended up in a music lesson, etc.

Use heroes in the first lessons, then come up with a way to “let them go”, after a while let them come visit you again. You shouldn't use them all the time - it will be better if the children have time to miss them a little.

Sometimes change the heroes, invite all the heroes to open or holiday lessons. In those classes in which you work without heroes, stomping up the stairs, expressively touch each step you sing with your palm.

Sit on a chair near the piano. Children should sit in a semicircle in front of you. The piano should be at arm's length on the side of you - so that you can check yourself from time to time (whether your intonation has moved out of tune Ddur). Place the ladder and the Masha doll on your lap, test yourself on the piano, smile. That's it, you are ready.)))

Musical lesson at the Bravo Children's Center in Almaty

Musical exercises with teacher's text

Introducing the musical ladder

  1. Look what I brought to class. This is a ladder. But this ladder is unusual. This ladder is musical. Listen to how its steps sound (sing slowly up from D to A in Ddur, and then down from A to D), using the word “TOP”. On this musical ladder, each step sounds different: here is the lowest step (sing the word TOP on the note D), here is a step slightly higher (E), and here is the highest step (A). Let us walk along this ladder. First let's go up (sing slowly: top-top-top-top-top). Now let's go down...
  2. Now try to guess where I will go on the steps, up or down. I'll go wherever I want. And you will need to guess this. Let's close your eyes (just don't peek). Listen carefully to where I am going on the steps, up or down. (Sing up). Open your eyes. So what do you say? Where did I go up the steps? Yes, up! Exactly! If you want, I'll check you again! Close your eyes, listen! (Sing up again). Open your eyes. Ready to answer? Where did I go up the steps? Yes, up again! How attentive you are!

Counting skills on a musical ladder

  1. Listen, can you count? What numbers can you count to? Until five? Until ten?! Let's walk along our musical ladder, but on each step we will jump 2 times (repeat the exercise 2 times up and down). And if you jump 3 times on each step, can you? (Repeat the exercise 1 time up and down).
  2. Yes, you can count. Well, okay, it was just an easy exercise. And now I have come up with a difficult exercise for you: you will need to count sounds with your eyes closed! Come on, close your eyes. Listen carefully to how many sounds you hear: two, or maybe one, or as many as three. Did you close your eyes? Listen! (Sing: stomp stomp on the note D). Open your eyes. What do you say? How many sounds did you hear? Did you manage to count? Exactly! Two! And one more check! Close your eyes, listen! (Sing two sounds again on the note D). Open your eyes. What do you say? How many sounds were made? Yes, imagine, two again! You are very, very attentive! (Repeat the exercise 2 more times, singing first 1, then 3 sounds on the note D).

Other musical exercises with ladder

  1. Oh, what you can’t do on this musical ladder. For example, I can jump on one step (sing: top-top-top on one note D). And, if I want, I can jump from one step to another (sing: top-top-top on the notes Re-Mi-re). Let me guess now, on one step I jump or jump from one to another. Close your eyes. Listen. Now open your eyes. What do you say? What did you think? Did I jump on one step or on different ones? (repeat the exercise 3 times).
  2. You can walk up the stairs quickly and slowly, cheerfully and sadly, quietly and loudly. Just in case, I’ll say: do not use all the exercises with a ladder in one lesson.))) Considering that preschoolers learn well through systematic repetition of the material, the exercises described in this article are enough for at least six months of lessons.)))

Singing songs on one note for a musical ladder

Teacher's text: There are many songs that are sung on the same musical level. Listen here:

Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip

Don't keep dripping like that for too long!

Stop watering the soil -

It's time for us to go for a walk!


Can you do that?

The exercise can be sung alternately on each step.


Friends, if the article was useful for you, write about it in the comments. If you copy materials, please indicate attribution. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!))) I have also prepared a teacher’s text in Ukrainian for those who teach classes in Ukrainian. It can be downloaded. Blessings! our channel on YouTube.