Morning exercises for a good mood. Morning exercises for weight loss

If you want your morning to begin not with crazy despondency, as well as thoughts about how tired everything is, so that your thoughts quickly acquire the desired order, and your soul and body are ready to conquer new peaks and intended goals, then there is a fairly simple remedy for this– regular morning exercises! And this is not nonsense at all! Because even light physical activity works wonders.

  1. Provides muscle tightness and good physical tone.
  2. Increases self-satisfaction, improves concentration.
  3. Removes negative energy and harmful toxins, and suppresses stress.
  4. Promotes continuous production. Therefore, even after a small physical activity, you feel satisfied and at peace.
  5. Helps normalize metabolism and improve blood circulation. This means that the body will wake up faster, better absorb all the nutrients it needs, and get back to work.

Naturally, regular exercise will only improve the results achieved, but first you need to start with at least mild morning exercises and gymnastics!

So in order to set of morning exercises provided you with a cheerful mood, you need to start your day as follows:

  • stretch after waking up while still lying in bed
  • smile at the world around you and at yourself
  • tell yourself that today you will succeed
  • slowly, calmly, get out of bed
  • wash your face with cool water
  • brush your teeth
  • go back to the room
  • do morning exercises to the music you like

After completing a set of exercises, a contrast shower will refresh you well, and drying with a very hard towel will “invigorate your skin,” but after this procedure, pamper your skin with lotion or body milk.

A set of exercises for morning physical exercises can be divided into a light warm-up and the morning exercises themselves. If you just want to wake up and cheer up a little, then you can just warm up a little, and then proceed with a calm soul to your usual morning chores. And if you want to “dig a little deeper,” you should add a few stretching exercises, jumping or easy running, as well as exercises for specific muscle groups.

A set of exercises for warming up

Warm up in complex for morning exercises is aimed at developing joints in the body through bending, rotation, extension and flexion. The recommended sequence of exercises is from top to bottom, starting from the neck and ending with the feet. Morning warm-up includes the following exercises, which need to be performed 3-10 times:

  • tilting back and forth
  • turning the head left and right
  • slow rotational movements of the head
  • rotational movements of the shoulder joints - the left shoulder, then the right, then both at the same time
  • rotation with straightened arms - for this you need to draw as large a circle as possible
  • alternating short swings of the arms – left hand – above, right hand – below
  • arms bent at chest level at the elbows, quickly move them back 2 times, then open them to the sides
  • do the “Scissors” exercise with your arms left and right in front of your chest
  • you need to bend your arms at the elbows, holding them at chest level, rotate them in different directions - this will warm up the elbow joints
  • rotate your hands in one direction and the other
  • raise your arms through your sides and reach for them
  • stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straighter, without sudden jerks, bend down, the goal of this exercise is to touch the floor with your fingertips or palms. Your chest should be towards your knees
  • place your hands on your belt, rotate your pelvis first in one direction, then in the other
  • Place your right hand on your belt, pull your left hand above your head to the right, and with it the entire left side of your body. Repeat all this with your right hand.

  • swing your legs while holding the back of the chair with your hands: forward - the leg is bent, and back - straightened
  • do squats at least 5 times
  • put your feet together, straighten them, stand on your toes, and then lower yourself. If you want to complicate this exercise, do not lower your feet to the floor completely so that your heels do not touch the ground at all.
  • Place one foot on your toes and rotate your foot in one direction, then the other. Then repeat this with the other leg.

At this stage warm-up for morning exercises finished, you managed to wake up and prepared your body for the long day ahead! However, if you have a goal to achieve better results for your ideal figure and significantly increase the effect of your morning exercises, then try to devote a few more minutes to more physical activity.

Morning exercises: a set of exercises

Lie down on a mat or mat, hands behind your head and do:

  • lifting the body without lifting the shoulder blades from the floor, legs bent at the knees - at least 5 times
  • lifting the entire torso, lifting the tailbone from the floor, legs bent at the knees - at least 5 times
  • raising straight legs to 45°, trying not to lift your lower back off the floor - at least 5 times

2. Jumping- jump a little first on the right, then on the left, then on both legs

3. Running- run a little in the room or around the apartment in a circle for 1-3 minutes

  • Place your legs as wide as possible, bend your right knee slightly, and keep your left straight, then roll slowly onto your left leg, bending it in parallel. The closer your butt is to the ground, the greater the load will be on your leg muscles.
  • then sit on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible and stretch your body forward as far and as low as possible towards the floor. Then stretch and bend first towards your left leg, then towards your right. Then put your feet together and slightly stretch towards your toes
  • lie on your back on the floor, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor, then stretch your knees to the right, trying to lightly touch the floor, then stretch to the left. This exercise should be performed in such a way that the lower back and shoulder blades remain absolutely pressed to the floor.
  • lying on the floor, legs straight, toes pointed away from you, extend your arms behind your head and clasp them, stretch well. The same thing needs to be done, but only with the socks facing you.

Stand up, stretch to the sides, up. Smile and praise yourself for overcoming your laziness! You are just great! So how can you keep the good mood and vigor you get from the morning for the whole day!

A set of exercises for morning exercises and exercises you can change, because the most important thing is that you like what you do, so that you experience satisfaction and comfort!

Today, more and more people are faced with the problem of excess weight. There are many reasons for this: poor nutrition, bad habits, poor environment and others. Some people simply resign themselves to this state of affairs and live as they have to.

Others begin to lead active struggle for your health and beautiful figure. For this purpose, people sign up for gyms, go on diets, and do physical exercises on their own.

This approach gives certain results, but most often they are insignificant - after all, for a high-quality fight against excess weight an integrated approach is needed. Only an effective combination of proper nutrition and physical activity can save you from excess weight problems for a long time and in the shortest possible time.

Moreover, physical activity does not only mean regular training in the gym, at the stadium or at home.

Most people, when starting the fight against excess weight, unfairly forget about such an important element of maintaining health and body tone as morning exercises, which, provided they are performed regularly, are comparable in the effectiveness of weight loss to full-fledged training.

Our article today is dedicated to morning exercises - we will tell you what positive effects quick morning exercises have on the human body, how to do morning exercises correctly, and also present you with a complex of effective morning exercises that can energize you for the whole day.

The essence and benefits of morning exercises

Morning exercises are not training in the usual sense of the word. The main purpose of morning exercises is awakening of the body from sleep and preparing him for active work during the day.

Effective morning exercise activates processes blood circulation, metabolism, and also allows you to saturate the body cells with oxygen, which creates a feeling of vigor. In addition, morning exercises contribute to the release of endorphins into the blood - hormones of joy, thanks to which a good mood is added to the charge of vigor for the whole day.

Many people today do not have the opportunity to exercise regularly, and for them, morning exercises can be an effective way to keep their body in good shape.

Regularly performing light morning exercises brings the body invaluable benefits:

Morning exercises have practically no disadvantages. Its only disadvantage is that if you are short of time in the morning, you will most likely have to get up half an hour earlier to do morning exercises.

Morning exercises have no contraindications - they are recommended for people of any age and level of physical health. The only thing worth paying attention to is the correct selection of an individual set of exercises for each student.

How to do morning exercises at home

In order for your morning exercises to be effective for weight loss and beneficial for the body as a whole, you should follow the following rules:

Recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of morning exercises

To get the most out of your morning exercises, follow these recommendations:

Complex of morning physical exercises for health

Although exercise is not a workout in the full sense of the word, it should begin in the same way as any physical training - with a warm-up. In the case of morning exercises, the warm-up takes place right in bed, immediately after you wake up. For this:

  • First of all, smile and imagine all the good things that can await you on this day.
  • Without getting out of bed, extend your arms above your head and stretch thoroughly. Feel how your muscles begin to work after a night's rest.
  • Lying on the bed, bend your knees and place your hands behind your head. Start making movements with your legs that imitate pedaling while riding a bicycle. Pedal for one minute.
  • Next, make 10 swings with straight arms along the body.
  • Sit on the bed. Stretch your body towards your legs, trying to reach your toes with your palms. Feel the muscles in your back and arms stretch.

Next, you can begin to perform the main set of exercises. We will present you with several simple exercises for all muscle groups of the body, combining which you can choose the best set of exercises for yourself for morning exercises.

Neck exercises

Exercise No. 1

Tilt your head forward, backward, left and right. Perform the bends slowly, trying to feel how the neck muscles stretch. Perform 4 rounds of bending repetitions in each direction.

Exercises for arms and back

Exercise No. 1

Perform a series of circular rotations with your arms in the shoulder joints, and then in the elbow joints - 10 rotations to the left and right sides. Next, clasp your palms and perform a series of circular rotations in the wrist joints.

Exercise No. 2

Alternately: one hand goes forward, the other back, then spread your arms to the sides. At the same time, do not forget to maintain your posture. Repeat the swings 15-20 times on each hand.

Exercise No. 3

Take the following position: one hand on your belt, the other up, your back is straight, your legs are spread shoulder-width apart. Perform a series of torso tilts forward, backward, left and right - 10 tilts in each direction.

Exercise #4

Remaining in the position of the previous exercise, perform a series of circular rotations of the pelvis to the left and right - 10 rotations each.

Exercises for the abdomen and sides

Exercise No. 1

Simulate walking in place for 30 seconds. You should try to raise your knees as high as possible. You need to breathe deeply and measuredly - 4 steps per inhale, and 4 per exhale.

Exercise No. 2

Take a supine position. From this position, lift your straight legs up until you form a right angle with your torso. Hold this position for a second, then lower your legs back to the floor. Perform 10 of these lifts.

Exercises for legs and buttocks

Exercise No. 1

Return to a standing position. Place your hands on your belt. From this position, do alternate lunges with your feet forward. Hold in the lunge position for 1-2 seconds. Perform up to 10 lunges on each leg.

Exercise No. 2

While standing, shift your body weight to one leg. Hands on the belt. Take your other leg as far back as possible, trying not to lean forward. Freeze in the extreme position for 1-2 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat the movement with the other leg. Perform 10 abductions with both legs.

In addition to those presented, you can use other similar simple exercises for morning exercises. The main thing is not to overdo it with the load and distribute it evenly across all muscle groups.

It is best to complete your morning exercises by performing a series of stretches with all parts of the body - this will relax the muscles.

Morning exercises - video

If you don’t want to create a set of exercises for morning exercises yourself, you can always use one of the videos that clearly demonstrate exercises for morning exercises.

In addition, the exercises presented in them do not have to be memorized - you can perform morning exercises directly from the video. Next, we invite you to familiarize yourself with one of the options for effective morning exercises for weight loss:

Morning exercises, if performed regularly, can significantly speed up the process of losing weight. One morning exercise will save you from at least 2-3 kg of excess weight. In combination with a diet and regular exercise, morning exercises will allow you to get rid of extra pounds in the shortest possible time.

Do you practice morning exercises? What exercises do you prefer to do in the morning? Share your experience in the comments!

We all want to be young and absolutely healthy for many years. To keep your body and soul young, to greet every morning with joy, you need to do exercises.

Proper morning exercises will not only invigorate the body, but also activate mental activity.

Absolutely everyone knows that sport is a very useful thing. But how beneficial is morning exercise for our body?

After waking up, a person still remains sleepy, and his body is sluggish. Morning exercises can very effectively invigorate the entire body, giving it a charge of activity for the whole day.

But more importantly, exercise in the morning increases the supply of oxygen to the human body, and this in turn increases the performance of the human brain.

We need morning exercises for the following reasons:

      Exercise is a path not only to healing and strengthening the body, but to the basic awakening of a person.

      Exercise helps improve blood circulation, which means that it activates all systems of our body.

      Morning exercise speeds up your metabolism. Calories will be burned faster during the day.

      Charging hardens.

    Exercise develops discipline.

    Exercise increases performance and simply improves mood (the release of joy hormones into the blood).

Despite all the benefits of exercise, many people do not want to do it, looking for a thousand reasons for shirking. Let's look at the most common ones and give counterarguments.

  • “Doing exercises in the morning is bad for health”

    Do not confuse simple exercises and grueling sports training. Exercise in the morning is a cure for drowsiness, tones the body and warms up the muscles.

    If you do exercises correctly, it will not cause discomfort and fatigue, and its effect on the body will be only positive.

Warm-up exercises

The most important requirement is to charge correctly. Before the main exercises, you need to do a warm-up.

Morning exercises

The exercises will consist of three segments.

    Ab exercises

    To perform them, lie down either simply on the floor or on a special mat.

    • Raise your torso while keeping your back straight. Afterwards twisting is performed.

    • Leg lifts are performed without lifting the lower back from the floor surface. Legs cannot be bent; they must be absolutely straight.


    • Perform any 20 jumps in one place. Jumping with legs crosswise, back and forth, or simple jumps are also suitable.

    • Jump the same number of times on one leg, that is, 20 times on the right and 20 times on the left.


    • Spread your legs as wide as you can. At the same time, bend one leg and keep the other straight.

      The stretching itself takes place through light springing movements that do not cause discomfort. Do the exercise with each leg.

    • Standing straight, place your hands on your waist. Stand on your toes and, as you inhale, spread your arms in different directions. Lunge and then bend forward.

      You need to touch the floor with your palm. Exhaling, return to the original position.

    • Sit on the floor. Place your legs as wide as possible. Bend towards the toes of each leg one at a time.

    • Lie on the floor on your stomach and bend your knees. Next, lift your upper body and grab your ankles.

      In this position, you need to sway for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat several times.

    • Lie on your back. Legs are bent at the knees. You need to touch the ambassador’s knees to each side in turn, but you cannot lift your shoulder blades off the floor.

    Strength exercises

    They will be good for men and at least slightly prepared women.

    If the only good physical activity of the day for you is exercise in the morning, then strength exercises will keep you in shape.

    This complex includes the following exercises.

  • Squats

    The front surfaces of the legs should act. Works the calves and buttocks, as well as the spine.

  • Push ups

    The load is placed on the triceps, deltoids and, of course, the chest.

  • Pull-ups on the bar

    Men should appreciate this exercise. It perfectly develops pulling muscles.

  • Ab exercises

    This exercise is a powerful weapon against belly fat. It will give you an amazing waist. You need to lie on your back and straighten your legs. Exhaling, lift your legs and slowly lower them, but do not put them completely on the floor. Repeat several times.

Morning exercises for weight loss

When making a list of exercises for weight loss, start from the time you are going to devote to exercise in the morning.

If you only have a quarter of an hour at your disposal, then warm up for the first minutes, and devote the remaining time to basic exercises.


Walk around the room with your stomach pulled in. Keep your arms tense and move them while walking. Gradually increase the intensity of both arm movements and walking. Switch to jumping jacks and easy running.

Basic exercises


You need to squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Do the exercises 10 times, stretching your arms forward, and after 10 times, stretching your arms up.

Push ups

If you are a beginner, then start doing push-ups from the floor from your knees. If you are already at least a little prepared, then do push-ups from the floor with your legs straight.

The exercise is done 15-20 times.


Lie on your stomach. Alternately lift your legs and arms off the floor. Use them quickly to make movements perpendicular to the floor surface.


The essence of the exercise is to hover above the floor surface for 25-40 seconds. Lie down on the floor (stomach down). Bend your elbows at right angles.

The body should be straight as a string from the heels to the top of the head. Your support is your toes and forearms. The body must be kept straight.

Your abdominal muscles should be in constant tension, do not relax them. You can't bend your hips.

Plank jump

You need to stand up straight and lean forward. Next, touch the floor with your hands and take a lying position. The toes and palms act as support.

You need to jump out so that your toes are near your palms, and then stand up straight. This exercise is repeated 5-6 times.


A straight twist is performed. Raising straight legs (perpendicular to the surface) will also be useful.

  • Morning exercise helps the body wakes up faster, invigorate the mind and provide physical tone for the muscles.
  • Regular exercise promotes weight loss.
  • Properly selected exercise complexes improve blood circulation and normalize metabolism.
  • Morning exercises are sometimes the only physical activity, so it cannot be neglected.

Here are 4 reasons why you should include morning exercises in your daily schedule. The main condition is consistency! We have prepared a special set of exercises that takes only 15–20 minutes.

Rules for building morning exercises

Calm exercises are suitable for morning training. The complex should be composed without including heavy loads on the body. The body is relaxed after sleep, the main task is stretch your muscles, improve blood circulation, saturate the body with oxygen and vigor. In addition, strength training in the morning is undesirable; the functioning of the cardiovascular system suffers.

The set of exercises for morning exercises includes:

  1. Warm-up. Any physical complex should begin with a warm-up. This prevents sprains, improves tone, and increases blood flow to the muscles. Ligaments become more flexible. Warm-up takes about 5 minutes.
  2. Basic exercises. The rest of the charging complex takes 10–15 minutes. The exercises are higher intensity and work different muscle groups.

Before you start charging, it’s okay to drink a glass of water, and don’t forget to breathe calmly and deeply. Now in detail on each point.


Warm-up exercises are based on rotation, bending and bending. They are aimed at restoring the functioning of the joints of the body.

1. Bend back and forth, turn left and right.

  1. Slowly rotate your head clockwise and back.

Arms and shoulders

  • Rotate your shoulders. First the left shoulder, then the right, then at the same time.
  • Swing your arms. Make up and down movements. Then left hand down, right hand up and try the other way around.
  • Hands at chest level, elbows bent. Pull them back, then to the sides.
  • Swing your arms in front of your chest - right and left.
  • Rotate your hands in different directions.


  1. Hands on the belt. Bend first in one direction, then in the other.
  2. Rotate the pelvis clockwise and vice versa.
  1. Bend and straighten your knees. Raise your right leg, then your left.
  2. Rotation of the ankle in different directions.

Do not forget that any physical activity must be accompanied by proper and healthy nutrition. For example, knowing about it, perhaps it will become an integral part of your diet. Well, if you want to lose extra pounds, then you need to know about another product.

Basic exercises

After a calm and restorative warm-up, move on to the main part. Start picking up the pace. It's good to start the basic complex from walking in place. Raise your knees high, breathe regularly, walk intensely.

Let's move on to the main part of charging. Perform approaches 8–13 times.

We begin to bend forward, while trying to reach the floor with our hands. It’s not possible to bend over completely the first time, but with constant training, the exercise is quite easy to perform. The dynamics are average, the movements are smooth, they leaned over, paused a little, and stood up.

Exercise 2

Swing your legs. Make movements with straight legs forward and backward, left and right. Engage your left leg first, then your right leg.

Exercise 3

Lie down on the mat, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Start doing abdominal exercises. First lift your torso at a slight angle, then lift your knees.

Exercise 4

Continue to sit, straighten your legs, restore your breathing a little and begin to bend forward. Try to reach your fingertips with your hands; if possible, touch your chest to your knees.

Exercise 5

Stand in the starting position, hands on your waist, feet shoulder-width apart. Start squatting with your arms extended forward. Try to make deep movements, feel the tension in your legs.

Exercise 6

Get on your knees with your hands on the mat. Start doing push-ups. The amplitude is average, the back does not bend. If physical fitness allows, then do push-ups with a straight body.

Avoid basic mistakes when performing and completing exercises. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • The basis of any physical activity is regularity. This also applies to morning exercises. It's best to exercise in the morning 4–5 times a week. In this case, a beneficial effect on the body is ensured.
  • If you feel the load is too much for you, reduce the number of repetitions. And vice versa. At the same time, do not try to include as much load as possible in charging. In this case, you can get very tired, and the purpose of exercise is to gain performance for the day, and not to lose strength.
  • After charging is complete, check your pulse. He shouldn't exceed 120 beats per minute. If more, you should reduce the load.

You can complete the set of exercises for morning exercises contrast shower. It is not forbidden to drink water and have breakfast. It is advisable to include omelet or porridge in the menu.

A set of exercises for morning exercises on video

We have selected for you a video clip with a set of exercises that will help you get a general impression of how morning exercises should go and show an example to follow.

Thus, provided that the complex is properly composed, exercise is considered a good way to increase performance and restore strength after sleep. , but the effect lasts all day. If you are short of time, you can limit yourself to warming up, but it is advisable to spend time on the main part.

How do you structure your morning? Does it have time for exercise? Here are two questions for discussion in this issue and we will also be grateful for likes, shares and other recommendations.

I decided to do a little work on my figure, and as always, I’m eager to do this together with you. Well, what can I do, that’s the kind of person I am, I’m ready to do anything, as long as I’m in good company.

Admit it, did you gain it over the winter? Are you losing weight? As you all know, I am an overweight young lady, and therefore for me the issue of losing weight is always in the first place. But today I want to talk not about diets, but about physical activity. Or more precisely, how to do exercises to be beautiful and cheerful, and at the same time not kill anyone in the morning.

Why do you need charging?

I don’t know how you wake up, but for me it happens like this - first I hear the nervous squeak of the alarm clock, then the clatter of dog claws on the parquet, and after that my morning begins.

Whether I like it or not, dogs are sure that if the alarm clock rings, it’s time to get up. Fortunately, I don't have to walk with them in the morning, and so after a short cuddle, my morning begins with the usual hygiene procedures, followed by a cup of coffee, getting ready, and finally the drive to work. I have been living in this mode for the last five years.

I can’t say whether I like it or not - there was no way to compare it with anything. But just recently I went on a business trip with a colleague, and she did exercises in the morning - it turned out that I was inspired and did it with her. So what can I say guys? If you know how to do gymnastics, then start tomorrow - the buzz is incredible. However, first things first.

When I asked a colleague why she needed this (and she, I note, is in excellent shape and goes to the gym every day), she told me why she needs exercise.

Why do you need to do exercises in the morning:

  • this helps to warm up and stretch the muscles, making them less tired during the day;
  • thanks to exercise, you can wake up faster and better than with coffee;
  • vitality and mood increase.
In general, it sounded very convincing, and I decided to try it. The entire time I spent on the business trip, I got up and forced myself to study with her. The results pleased me - my muscles tightened (my palm began to fit freely through the waistband of my skirt), my complexion evened out, and I began to sleep better. All that remains is to figure out how you can force yourself to do this at home.

Rules for good morning exercise

I’m sharing secrets from a colleague - I tried all of them on my own carcass, and I can vouch for each one.
  1. You need to exercise regularly. Even if you are very lazy. After all, a quick charge will literally take ten minutes.
  2. If you can't bring yourself to get out of bed, start doing exercises right there. Yes, it is less useful than on a hard surface. But this is much more useful than being lazy.
  3. Open a window or balcony when doing exercises in the morning - this will help saturate the blood with oxygen.
  4. You only need to take care of yourself positively - if you suffer every morning and literally try to force yourself, it will bring neither pleasure nor benefit.
  5. Charging should be short - just motivate yourself for ten minutes, this is quite enough.
  6. Get into the habit of doing “lazy gymnastics” sometimes - choose the most enjoyable, most favorite exercises for you, and do them when you are really lazy. If you are lazy more than once a week, then reconsider the set of exercises you are doing.

How to practice at home

If you are thinking about how to do morning exercises correctly, then you are on the right track - it is very important to do the exercises correctly. The fact is that in the morning our muscles are sleepy, sluggish and therefore very susceptible to injury (confess, how many of you regularly trip or twist your leg in the morning?).

This means that great attention must be paid to safety precautions. It’s not that I was a bore, but on the very first morning, not caring about my colleague’s recommendations and the offer to at least lay a towel on the floor, I tried doing lunges directly on the floor. It all ended with a sprain.

Therefore, I strongly advise you - you also need to follow safety precautions at home! To practice at home, a regular T-shirt and sweatpants will do; shoes are not required. If you, like me, have no love for dressing up, then you can get by with a long T-shirt and underwear.

Train yourself and your body to the same set of exercises. I am guided by what my colleague taught me - she took some exercises from the bodyflex system, some asanas from yoga, and added dance elements and stretching. It turned out to be a good leisurely complex that can be easily done at home.

By the way, pay attention - leisurely! Of course, this depends on your character and temperament, but remember that you need to gradually set yourself up for drive, otherwise your body will experience stress every morning.

Working out at home is as easy as shelling pears, you just need to turn on good music, open the window and stay alone in the room. After a couple of days, you will realize that it is much easier to force yourself to get out of bed, and after a few more days you will notice obvious results. The main one is physical comfort during the day and a good mood.

Well, as a young lady of Rubensian shape, I cannot help but note that morning exercises clearly benefited my figure - muscle tone and skin turgor improved.

Pay attention to bodyflex - this technique seems to me most suitable for a working adult woman who is focused on results (well, like you and me). What I like most is that the full complex only takes fifteen minutes.

I wish you success and good health!