Dance themed quizzes for kids. Quiz - dance marathon

The entire September (No. 9) issue of the magazine “Literature” ed. At home, “The First of September” is dedicated to the theme of dance in literature. On the disk appendix to the issue there is a wonderful presentation “BALLS IN WORLD PAINTING”, in the issue there is an interview with dance therapist A.V. Vilvovskaya, lessons, articles, quizzes - everything about dance. In electronic form, both the journal itself and the application are waiting for you in the IMC library.

N. V. Belyaeva

Literary quiz

"Dances and dancers in Russian and world literature"

...Time to dance.

Old Testament: Ecclesiastes: 3:4.

I. Dancing in Fairy Tales: Confusion

1) A dance teacher was passing along the street at that time. He seemed very graceful. He was long, with a small round head, with thin legs - he looked like either a violin or a grasshopper. His delicate hearing, accustomed to the sad voice of the flute and the gentle words of the dancers, could not bear the loud, cheerful cries of the children.

- Stop screaming! - he got angry. - Is it possible to scream so loudly! You need to express delight with beautiful, melodic phrases... Well, for example...

He struck a pose, but did not have time to give an example. Like any dance teacher, he had the habit of looking mainly down at his feet. Alas! He did not see what was happening above.

The salesman's shoe fell on his head.

2) And so she rushed in a fast airy dance, like a swallow pursued by a kite. Everyone was delighted: she had never danced so wonderfully! Her tender legs were cut as if by knives, but she did not feel this pain - her heart was even more painful. She knew that she had only one evening left to spend with the one for whom she left her family and her father’s house, gave her wonderful voice and endured unbearable torment, which the prince had no idea about.

3) The prince took her to the place of honor and invited her to dance. She danced so well that everyone admired her even more. Soon various sweets and fruits were served. But the prince did not touch the delicacies - he was so busy with the beautiful princess.

And she went up to her sisters, spoke warmly to them and shared the oranges that the prince had treated her to.

The sisters were very surprised at such kindness from the unfamiliar princess.

4) Fritz put his elbows on the table and looked at the wonderful castle with dancing and walking people for a long time. Then he asked:

- Godfather, oh godfather! Let me into your castle!

The court's senior counsel said there was no way this could happen. And he was right: it was stupid of Fritz to ask to go to the castle, which, together with all its golden towers, was smaller than him. Fritz agreed. Another minute passed, gentlemen and ladies were still walking in the castle, children were dancing, the emerald man was still looking out of the same window...

5) She danced beautifully, violently, rhythmically, although there was no music. She either danced a polka, or a Scottish jig, or performed an improvisational dance. And during the break between dances, she politely bowed, squatted and touched the sleepy dark dandelions with her forehead.

- My God! - exclaimed the Cow as her feet began to tap the sea tap dance. - What a strange thing! I always considered dancing an indecent activity. But apparently this is not so, since I dance myself. I'm a perfectly trained cow.

6) She looked at the old lady, who could not live anyway, looked at the red shoes - is this a sin? - then I put them on - and it’s not a problem, and then... I went to the ball and started dancing.

But now she wants to turn to the right - her legs carry her to the left, she wants to make a circle around the hall - her legs carry her out of the hall, down the stairs, into the street and out of town. So she danced all the way to the dark forest.

She was frightened and wanted to take off her shoes, but they sat tightly; she only tore her stockings to shreds; the shoes seemed to have grown to her feet, and she had to dance, dance across fields and meadows, in rain and in sunny weather, both night and day.

7) This must be a very beautiful dance,” timidly noted […]

- Do you wanna take a look? – asked […].

“Very,” said […].

“Get up,” ordered […]. - Let's show her the first figure. It’s okay that there are no lobsters here... We can do without them. Who will sing?

“Sing,” said […]. – I don’t remember the words.

And they danced importantly around […], waving their heads to the beat and not noticing that every now and then they were stepping on her feet.

8) As the guests got up from the table, the music started playing and dancing began. I went […] to dance with […]. She waved her left sleeve - there was a lake, she waved her right - white swans swam across the lake. The king and all the guests were amazed. And when she stopped dancing, everything disappeared: the lake and the swans.

9) Everyone rushed to look for a mate, and an unimaginable crowd arose on the lawn. But then the couples formed, and the whole area began to dance.

[…] and […] began to dance the mambo, and after the third round things started to go smoothly for them, […] grabbed a little mermaid with seaweed in her hair, who kept getting out of step, and […] twirled with the smallest of the little ones , who was incredibly delighted with him. The midges danced alone, and crowds of onlookers rushed to the site from all over the forest, running, crawling and jumping.

No one thought about the flaming comet that flew alone in the black void of the night.

10) But iron shoes had long been prepared for her and placed on burning coals... They were taken with tongs, dragged into the room and placed in front of […]. Then she was forced to put her feet into these red-hot shoes and dance in them until she fell to the ground dead.


Fairy tale heroes

1. Yu. Olesha

1. "The Little Mermaid"

1. Drosselmeyer

2. H.K. Andersen

2. “Three Fat Men”

2. Cinderella

3. Russian folk tale

3. "Mary Poppins"

3. Razdvatris

4. C. Perrault

4. "Red Shoes"

4. The Little Mermaid

5. L. Carroll

5. "Cinderella"

5. Redhead

6. E. T. A. Hoffman

6. “The Frog Princess”

6. Alice, Quasi Turtle, Griffin

7. P. Travers

7. "Alice in Wonderland"

7. Evil stepmother

8. H.K. Andersen

8. "The Nutcracker"

8. Freken Snork, Moomintroll, Snork, Sniff

9. T. Jansson

9. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

9. Vasilisa the Beautiful, Ivan Tsarevich

10. Brothers Grimm

10. "Moomintroll and the Comet"


Quote number

Answer numbers

1, 2, 3

2, 1, 4

4, 5, 2

6, 8, 1

7, 3, 5

8, 4, 10

5, 7, 6

3, 6, 9

9, 10, 8

10, 9, 7

2. What kind of dance did they danceAlice, the Quasi Turtle and the Griffin (L. Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”)?

Answer: square dance.

II. Dancing in the novel in verse by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”

1. Name the characters in the novel who dance.

1) With one foot touching the floor,
The other slowly circles,
And suddenly he jumps, and suddenly he flies,
Flies like feathers from the lips of Aeolus;
Either the camp will sow, then it will develop
And with a quick foot he hits the leg.

2) I endured ballets for a long time,
But […] I’m tired of it too.

3) Even more terrible, even more wonderful:
Here […] riding a spider,
Here […]on the gooseneck
Spinning in a red cap,
Here he is dancing in a crouch
And it flutters and flaps its wings...

4) Paris district towns,
Suitable for […] […],
TO […] […];[…],
Bride of overripe years,
My Tambov poet takes it,
Sped off, [...]
And everyone poured into the hall.
And the ball shines in all its glory.

5) […], secretly grinning,
Suitable for […]. Quick with her
Hovering around the guests
Then he sits her on a chair,
Starts talking about this and that...

6) […] with […] went;
Leads her, gliding carelessly,
And, leaning over, he whispers to her tenderly
Some vulgar madrigal...


1. Istomina. 2.Didlo. 3. Cancer, skull, mill. 4. Olga, Petushkov, Tatyana, Lensky, Kharlikova, Buyanov, Pustyakova. 5. Onegin, Olga. 6. Onegin, Olga.

2. Fill in the blanks with the names of the dances mentioned in the novel in verse (mazurka, waltz, cotillion, gallop).

1) Entered. The hall is full of people;
The music is already tired of thundering;
The crowd […] is busy…

2) It’s spinning […] a noisy whirlwind;
Couple flashes after couple...

3) After about two minutes then
Again with her […] he continues...

4) It happened
When […] the thunder roared,
Everything in the huge hall was shaking,
The parquet cracked under his heel...

5) In jealous indignation
The poet of the end […] waits
And in [...] he calls her.

6) Noise, laughter, running, bowing,
[…], […], […] ... Meanwhile,
Between two aunts at the column,
Unnoticed by anyone
Tatyana looks and doesn’t see,
The excitement of the world hates...


1 – mazurka. 2 – waltz. 3 – waltz. 4 – mazurka. 5 – mazurka, cotillion.6 – gAlope, Mazurka, Waltz.

3. Is there a dance name among those listed thatDid the guests dance at Famusov’s ball in A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”?


Yes. Waltz.

III. Dances in the works of M.Yu. Lermontov

1. Name the characters in Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time” who perform dances.

1) She casually placed her hand on my shoulder, tilted her head slightly to the side, and we set off. I don’t know a more voluptuous and flexible waist! Her fresh breath touched my face; sometimes a curl, separated from its comrades in the whirlwind of the waltz, slid along my burning cheek... I made three rounds. (She waltzes surprisingly well). She was out of breath, her eyes were dim, her half-open lips could barely whisper the necessary: ​​“Merci, monsieur.”

2) […] spent the whole evening chasing […], dancing either with her or hanging-E-vis; he devoured her with his eyes, sighed and bored her with pleas and reproaches. After the third quadrille she already hated him.

3) She used to sing songs to us or dance a lezginka... And how she danced! I saw our provincial young ladies, I I was once, sir and in Moscow in a noble meeting, twenty years ago - but where are they! not at all!..


1. Pechorin and Princess Mary. 2. Grushnitsky and Princess Mary. 3. Bela.

2. Which works of Lermontov are these quotes from and what characters are we talking about?

1) How good the new waltz is! in some kind of ecstasy

I spun faster - and a wonderful desire

My thoughts and I involuntarily rushed into the distance,

And my heart sank...

2) - You are pale.

- I danced a lot.

- Come to your senses, mon ami! You didn’t get up from your seat.

- Yes, that’s right, because I didn’t dance much!

3) They sing - and their tambourine

The young bride takes it.

And here she is, with one hand

Spinning it over your head

Then suddenly he will rush faster than a bird,

Then he stops and looks -

And her moist gaze shines

From under an envious eyelash;

Then he will raise a black eyebrow,

Then suddenly he bends over a little,

And it slides and floats across the carpet

Her divine leg...


1. "Masquerade". Nina. 2. "Masquerade". Nina and Arbenin. 3) "Demon". Tamara.

IV.Dancing in the works of N.V. Gogol

1. Based on these quotes, name Gogol’s works whose characters dance.

1) Each lady made an internal vow to herself to be as charming as possible in dancing and to show in all its splendor the superiority of what she had the most excellent. The postmistress, waltzing, lowered her head to the side with such languor that one actually heard something unearthly. One very kind lady - who did not come at all to dance, due to what happened, as she herself put it, a small pea-shaped incomodity on right leg, as a result of which she even had to put on velvet boots - she could not bear it, however, and made several circles in velvet boots, precisely so that the postmistress would not really take too much into her head.

2) “...You want, woman, to become young - it’s not at all difficult: you just need to dance; look how I dance..." And, having uttered such incoherent speeches, Katerina was already rushing, looking madly in all directions and resting her hands on her hips. She stamped her feet with a squeal; the silver horseshoes rang without measure, without tact. Unbraided black braids fluttered over her white neck. Like a bird, without stopping, she flew, waving her arms and nodding her head, and it seemed as if, exhausted, she would either crash to the ground or fly out of the world.

3) ...Several people even danced the mazurka, and the colonel of the P*** regiment never missed an opportunity to notice this when talking with someone in society. “For me, sir,” he usually said, patting himself on the belly after each word, “many people dance the mazurka; very many, sir; very many, sir.”

4) - Look, damn children! Is this how they dance? This is how they dance! He said, rising to his feet, extending his arms and kicking his heels.

Well, there’s nothing to say, he danced like that, even with the hetman’s wife. We stepped aside, and the horseradish began to twist his feet all over the smooth place that was near the cucumber bed. I only just got there, but I was halfway there, and I wanted to take a walk and throw something of my own into the whirlwind with my feet - my legs wouldn’t rise, and that’s all! What an abyss! I accelerated again, reached the middle - it didn’t take off! whatever you do: it doesn’t take it, and it doesn’t take it! legs like wooden steel!

5) “My fathers!” - the grandfather gasped, having a good look: what kind of monsters! a face on a face, as they say, is not visible. The witches are so dead, as sometimes happens at Christmas when snow falls: they are discharged, smeared, like little ladies at a fair. And everyone, no matter how many of them there were, danced some kind of devilish trope like they were drunk. They raised some dust, God forbid! A baptized person would have trembled at the mere sight of how high the demonic tribe was jumping. Grandfather, despite all his fear, was overcome with laughter when he saw how devils with dog faces, on German legs, wagging their tails, hovered around the witches, like guys around red girls; and the musicians punched their cheeks with their fists, like tambourines, and whistled with their noses, like horns.

6) True, the volost clerk, leaving the tavern on all fours, saw that he had been dancing in the sky for no reason at all for a month, and assured the whole village of this to God.

7) People, on whose gloomy faces, it seemed that a smile had not slipped for centuries, stamped their feet and trembled their shoulders. Everything was rushing. Everyone was dancing. But an even stranger, even more inexplicable feeling would awaken in the depths of the soul when looking at the old women, on whose decrepit faces one could smell the indifference of the grave, jostling between a new, laughing, living person. Carefree! even without childish joy, without a spark of sympathy, which only drunkenness, like the mechanic of his lifeless machine, forces to do something similar to a human one, they quietly shook their drunken heads, dancing along with the merry people.


1. "Dead Souls". 2. " Terrible revenge" 3. “Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his aunt.” 4. “Enchanted place.” 5. “The Missing Letter.” 6. "The Night Before Christmas." 7. “Sorochinskaya Fair”.

2. Which of the heroes of "Dead Souls":

1) “in the middle of the cotillion... he sat down on the floor and began to grab the dancers by the skirts”?

2) at the police chief’s ball “he hugged Chichikov several times, saying in an outpouring of heart: “You are my soul!” my mother!”, and even, snapping his fingers, began to dance around him, singing the famous song: “Oh, you are such and such a Kamarinsky peasant”?

3) forced his servants to make “such high leaps that the most spirited dancer would hardly be able to do in the theaters”?


1. Nozdrev. 2. Chairman. 3. Plyushkin.

V. Dancing in the works of L. N. Tolstoy

1. Based on these quotes, name the dancing couples in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

1) Rather, faster and faster, more and more and more, he unfolded […], now on tiptoe, now on heels, rushing around […] and, finally, turning his lady to her place, he made the last step, raising his soft one from behind leg, bowing his sweaty head with a smiling face and roundly waving his right hand amid the roar of applause and laughter…. Both dancers stopped, panting heavily and wiping themselves with cambric handkerchiefs.

2) Now he circled her, now on his right, now on his left hand, now falling on his knees, he circled her around himself, and again he jumped up and rushed forward with such swiftness, as if he intended, without taking a breath, to run across all the rooms ; then suddenly he stopped again and again made a new and unexpected knee.

3) ...As soon as he embraced this thin, mobile figure, and she moved so close to him and smiled so close to him, the wine of her charm went to his head: he felt revived and rejuvenated when, catching his breath and leaving her, he stopped and began to look at the dancers.

4) She raised her hand, smiling, and placed it, without looking at him, on his shoulder […]. […], a master of his craft, confidently, slowly and measuredly, hugging his lady tightly, first set off with her on a glide path, along the edge of the circle, and picked her up at the corner of the hall left hand, turned her, and because of the ever-accelerating sounds of the music, only the measured clicks of the spurs of his fast and dexterous legs could be heard […], and every three bars at the turn, his lady’s fluttering velvet dress seemed to flare up.


1. Count Ilya Nikolaevich Rostov and Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova. 2.Vasily Denisov and Natasha Rostova. 3.Andrei Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova. 4. Countess Rostova and adjutant-manager.

2. What dance did Count Rostov and Marya Dmitrievna dance at the Rostovs’ name day?

Answer: Danilo Kupora, a variety of Angles.

3. Which of the characters in the story “Childhood” takes part in these dances?

1) How sweetly she smiled when she gave me her hand in the chaine! How sweetly her brown curls jumped in rhythm on her head, and how naively she made a jete-assemble with her tiny legs! In the fifth figure, when my lady ran across from me to the other side and when I, waiting for the beat, was preparing to do a solo, [...] she seriously pursed her lips and began to look to the side. But in vain she was afraid for me: I boldly made a chasse en avant, chasse en arriere, glissade and, while approaching her, with a playful movement I showed her a glove with two protruding fingers. She laughed terribly and began to scurry across the parquet floor even sweeter.

2) While we were walking straight, things were still going somehow, but at the turn I noticed that if I didn’t take my measures, I would certainly go ahead. To avoid such trouble, I paused, with the intention of doing the same knee that the young man in the first pair did so beautifully. But at that very moment, as I spread my legs and was about to jump, the princess, hastily running around me, looked at my legs with an expression of dull curiosity and surprise. This look killed me. I was so confused that, instead of dancing, I stamped my feet in place, in the strangest way, with no tact or consistency with anything, and finally stopped completely.


1. Sonechka Valakhina and Nikolenka Irtenev. 2. Nikolenka Irtenev and the princess.

4. Fill in the blanks with the names of the dances (based on the story “Childhood”).

1) - Il ne fallait pas danser, si vous ne savez pas! *) - Dad said in an angry voice over my ear, and, slightly pushing me away, he took my lady’s hand and went through the tour with her in the old-fashioned way, with loud approval from the audience , and brought her to the place. […] ended immediately.

*) You shouldn’t have danced if you didn’t know how! (French)

2) Looking around the hall with a decisive look, I noticed that all the ladies had been taken, with the exception of one large girl standing at the door of the living room. A tall young man approached her, as I concluded, with the aim of inviting her; he was two steps away from her, while I was at the opposite end of the hall. In the blink of an eye, gracefully gliding across the parquet floor, I flew across the entire space separating me from her and, shuffling my foot, in a firm voice invited her to […].

3) I also remember how, when we were making a circle and everyone held hands, she bent her head and, without removing her hand from mine, scratched her nose on her glove. All this is as before my eyes now, and I can still hear […] from the “Virgin of the Danube”, to the sounds of which all this happened.


1. Mazurka. 2. Counterdance. 3. Quadrille.

5. Name the couples – “he and she” – dancing in the novel “Anna Karenina”.

1) “It’s so good that you arrived on time,” he told her, hugging her waist, “but what a manner of being late.”

She placed her left hand bent on his shoulder, and her small feet in pink shoes moved quickly, easily and regularly to the beat of the music on the slippery parquet floor.

“You relax by waltzing with you,” he told her, taking the first slow steps of the waltz. “Lovely, what lightness, precision,” he told her what he told almost all his good friends.

2) She waited with bated breath for the mazurka. It seemed to her that everything should be decided in the mazurka. The fact that during the quadrille he did not invite her to the mazurka did not bother her. She was sure that she was dancing the mazurka with him, as at previous balls, and she refused the mazurka to five people, saying that she was dancing.

3) - Kitty, don’t you dance the mazurka?

“No, no,” said Kitty, her voice trembling with tears.

“He invited her to a mazurka in front of me,” said Nordston, knowing that Kitty would understand who he and she were. “She said: aren’t you dancing with Princess Shcherbatskaya?”

“Oh, I don’t care!” answered Kitty.


1. Kitty Shcherbatskaya and Yegorushka Korsunsky. 2. Kitty Shcherbatskaya and Vronsky. 3. Anna Karenina and Vronsky.

6. Based on these quotes, name the works of L. Tolstoy and fill in the blanks with the names of the characters who dance:

1) According to the law, so to speak, I did not dance the mazurka with her, but in reality I danced almost all the time with her. She, without embarrassment, walked straight across the hall to me, and I jumped up without waiting for an invitation, and she thanked me with a smile for my insight. When we were brought to her and she did not guess my quality, she, giving her hand not to me, shrugged her thin shoulders and, as a sign of regret and consolation, smiled at me. When they did the mazurka waltz figures, I waltzed with her for a long time, and she, breathing quickly, smiled and said to me: “Encore.” And I waltzed again and again and did not feel my body.

2) It was clear that he had once danced beautifully, but now he was overweight, and his legs were no longer elastic enough for all those beautiful and fast steps that he tried to perform. But he still deftly completed two laps. When he, quickly spreading his legs, brought them together again and, although somewhat heavily, fell to one knee, and she, smiling and straightening her skirt, which he had caught, smoothly walked around him, everyone applauded loudly.

3) […], being an official on special assignments, he generally danced; As a judicial investigator, he already danced as an exception. He already danced in the sense that, although in new institutions and in the fifth grade, but if it comes to dancing, I can prove that I can do this better than others. So, he occasionally danced with […] at the end of the evening and mostly during these dances and won […]. She fell in love with him.


1. "After the ball." Ivan Vasilyevich and Varenka. 2. "After the ball." Colonel and Varenka. Russian literature... and quiz, viewing fragments...

  • Information bulletin of the Administration of St. Petersburg No. 38 (889) dated October 13, 2014

    News bulletin

    ... « Literature First world" ... Vladimirovna Belyaeva– ... professional dancers Saint... presentation, quizzes, performance... ballroom team dance"Retro... literary the composition will be performed by the participants Literary... illustrious Russian officer...

  • Information bulletin of the Administration of St. Petersburg No. 39 (840) dated October 14, 2013

    News bulletin

    ... dancers, face... Institute Russian literature RAS... Vladimirovna Belyaeva ... literary living room “Lyceum Anniversary”, dedicated to life and the creativity of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. In a programme: quiz... planet dance» children's... world ...

  • This quiz is perfect for dance party. It can also be held at any holiday to warm up the audience and lift the spirits of everyone present.

    Ready-made quest scenarios for children and adults. For detailed information, click on the image of interest.

    Question options:

    1. "Fruit" dance of sailors
    2. The main dance of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro; Brazilian dance involving characteristic movements hips
    3. Letka's half
    4. The birthplace of ballet
    5. Erotic oriental dance
    6. One of the main genres dance music XX century, which arose in the early 1970s and enjoyed wild popularity in the 1980s
    7. Dance, characteristic feature which is rhythmic percussive footwork
    8. One of the popular Latin American sports dances, created from a combination of rumba and mambo; the song with the name of this dance was at one time a hit of the group “Brilliant”
    9. Dance after vodka - national Ukrainian dance, which arose in the Cossack era
    10. Vintage fast Caucasian folk dance accompanied by incendiary music; the movements of the dancers in this dance are imitation of the movements of eagles
    11. Temperamental dance, where the main element women's suit is a wide skirt
    12. The most popular Greek dance
    13. Ancient folk circular mass dance of the Slavs
    14. Doubles ballroom dance, based on smooth circling combined with forward movement
    15. Energetic French dance for a long time considered obscene; The main movements of this dance are leg swings and jumping
    16. Spanish dance imitating a bullfight
    17. Argentinian couples dance, characterized by an energetic and clear rhythm and sudden movements dancers' heads
    18. Energetic and fiery dance, which originated among the New York working class; its main elements are jumps, falls, spins and light acrobatic movements; The dance is characterized by softness and ostentatious relaxation
    19. An ancient Russian dance, the main movements of which are fractional steps, stamping and squatting with throwing out the legs, and the main position of the dancers’ hands is on the belt
    20. Rock and roll band dance; famous dance performed by John Travolta and Uma Thurman from Quentin Tarantino's film " Pulp Fiction»
    21. A social dance that appeared in Europe in the second half of the 1940s based on the Lindy Hop. Refers to swing dancing, performed to rock and roll. The peculiarity of this dance is the dancer’s ability to show movements on relaxed, but at the same time elastic legs. This dance is learning main character movie "Hipsters"
    22. The oldest and most famous style street dance, which developed from the hip-hop movement in the United States in the early 70s; one of the most spectacular dances, requiring the dancer high level preparation, because includes various acrobatic stunts
    23. A fast dance characterized by free, relaxed movements. Bears the same name with a genre very popular music, which became widespread in the mid-1950s
    24. Popular dance in the West; combines elements of hip-hop, jazz, funk; specific dance movements give the impression of the dancer's swagger


    1. Bullseye
    2. Samba
    3. Italy
    4. Belly dance (bellydance)
    5. Disco
    6. Step or tap dance
    7. Cha-cha-cha
    8. Gopak
    9. Lezginka
    10. Gypsy
    11. Sirtaki
    12. Round dance
    13. Waltz
    14. Cancan
    15. Paso Doble
    16. Tango
    17. Hip-hop
    18. Trepak
    19. Twist
    20. Boogie Woogie
    21. Brakedance
    22. Rock'n'roll
    23. R'n'B

    Alternatively, you can use this quiz to organize an impromptu dance concert: in this case, players need not only to correctly name the dance, but also try to demonstrate it to the audience along with a short appropriate composition (if the dance is a pair, they are allowed to take any of those present). Fun guaranteed! In this case, it is advisable to purchase interesting prizes and reward all the “dancers” with them, or even better, to play prizes for each dance; I offer the following options: a flash drive with a video recording of the belly dance; CDs with Russian folk music, films “Hipsters” and “Pulp Fiction”, etc.; photo frames with matching pictures; playing cards for the gypsy performer; fan and butterfly (tie) - for a couple performing a waltz and much more that your imagination tells you.

    If you know everything about dancing, then we offer this quiz to test your knowledge...

    1. Among the ancient Greeks, music was patronized by Euterpe, songs by Polyhymnia, and who patronized the art of dancing?
    (Terpsichore. The muse of dance was considered the youngest, ninth in the retinue of the god Apollo.)

    2. What a dance was the most famous dance Ancient world?
    (Dance of the Pharaoh. Before making an important state decision, the ruler of Egypt retired to the sanctuary and, turning to the sun god Ra, danced and asked him for wisdom and advice.)

    3. Name oldest species folk dance art, common to all peoples.
    (Round dance. Combines choreography with dramatic action, dance, song.)

    4. Where did the first dance schools appear?
    (IN Ancient Egypt. They existed at the temples. Girls from six years old were taken there. In addition to dancing, they studied acrobatics, playing the musical instruments and juggling.)

    5. What dance in their homeland, in Germany, in the old days was called roller - kruzhenets and dreher - vertenets?
    (Waltz. In German “Walzer”, which means rotational, spinning dance.)

    6. Say “circle” in French if it is one lap of the waltz around the hall.

    7. What are both the chair and the waltz?

    8. Waltz from Rosenbmaum's hit is... Which one?

    9. Which country is considered the birthplace of the Boston waltz?

    10. Name the “dance” musical emblem of the capital of Ukraine.
    (The famous “Kiev Waltz”, music - P. Mayboroda, lyrics - A. Malyshko.)

    11. Which Russian composer wrote a wonderful waltz for the movie “Beware of the Car”?
    (Andrey Petrov.)

    12. Which Moldavian composer authored the waltz from the film “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast”?
    (Composer E. Doga.)

    13. What is the name of the ancient French dance of two-part time signature: bassoon or gavotte?
    (Gavotte. And the bassoon is a woodwind musical instrument.)

    14. Name fast dance named after an American city.

    15. In Brazil, both government subsidies and public grants are allocated to teach children its art. Name this dance.

    16. How temperamental dancing included in the score of Borodin's opera "Prince Igor"?
    (Polovtsian dances.)

    17. Which spanish dance glorified Ravel?

    18. What dances did the Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninov compose?
    (“Symphonic Dances” for orchestra.)

    20. What bladed weapon is needed to perform Aram Khachaturian’s hit dance?
    (Sabres. “Sabre Dance.”)

    21. Which ballet is “The Saber Dance” a fragment from?
    (Ballet by A. Khachaturian “Gayane”.)

    22. What is the name of the ancient Polish procession dance?

    23. What does the word “polka” mean - the name of the dance?
    (Half a step. The dance style is to move in small fast jumps. This is a dance of Czech, not Polish origin.)

    24. Which great composer owns an entire “encyclopedia” of piano mazurkas?
    (F. Chopin.)

    25. What a ballroom dance French origin combines waltz, mazurka and polka?

    26. In what country was the padespan dance born?
    (In Spain.)

    27. Boston, Krakow, Taranto... What did these cities give the world?
    (Dances named after these cities: Boston, Krakowiak, Tarantella.)

    28. Which dance owes its origin and name to the capital of Cuba - Havana?
    (Habanera. Spanish habanera from La Habana - Havana. Literally habanera - “resident of Havana.”)

    Goals and objectives:

    Certification of students' knowledge;

    Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

    Age of students: 7-11 years.

    Equipment and materials:


    Record player

    Tickets with questions.

    If you know everything about dancing, then we offer this quiz to test your knowledge...

    1. Among the ancient Greeks, music was patronized by Euterpe, songs by Polyhymnia, and who patronized the art of dancing?

    (Terpsichore. The muse of dance was considered the youngest, the ninth in the retinue of the god Apollo.)

    2. Which dance was the most famous dance of the Ancient World?

    (Dance of the Pharaoh. Before making an important state decision, the ruler of Egypt retired to the sanctuary and, turning to the sun god Ra, danced and asked him for wisdom and advice.)

    3. Name the oldest type of folk dance art, characteristic of all nations.

    (Round dance. Combines choreography with dramatic action, dance, song.)

    4. Where did the first dance schools appear?

    (In Ancient Egypt. They existed at temples. Girls from six years old were taken there. In addition to dancing, they learned acrobatics, playing musical instruments and juggling.)

    5. What dance in their homeland, in Germany, in the old days was called roller - kruzhenets and dreher - vertenets?

    (Waltz. In German “Walzer”, which means rotational, spinning dance. )

    6. Say “circle” in French if this is one circle of the waltz around the hall. (tour)

    Dance "Cat Mom"

    Performed by: Vashchuk E., Vashchuk D., Denisova I., Strelchenko M.,

    Makarov A., Ivanova A.

    7. What are both the chair and the waltz?


    8. Waltz from Rosenbmaum's hit is... Which one?


    9. Which country is considered the birthplace of the Boston waltz?


    10. Name the “dance” musical emblem of the capital of Ukraine.

    (The famous “Kiev Waltz”, music - P. Mayboroda, lyrics - A. Malyshko.)

    11. Which Russian composer wrote a wonderful waltz for the movie “Beware of the Car”?

    (Andrey Petrov.)

    12. Which Moldavian composer authored the waltz from the film “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast”?

    (Composer E. Doga.)

    Russian folk dance is performed.

    13. What is the name of the ancient French dance of two-part time signature: bassoon or gavotte?

    (Gavotte. And the bassoon is a woodwind musical instrument.)

    14. Name a fast dance named after an American city.


    15. In Brazil, both government subsidies and public grants are allocated to teach children its art. Name this dance.


    16. What temperamental dances are included in the score of Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor”?

    (Polovtsian dances.)

    17. What Spanish dance did Ravel glorify?


    18. What dances did the Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninov compose?

    (“Symphonic Dances” for orchestra.)

    Dance to the cha-cha-cha rhythm

    "My dear..."

    Performed by: Denisova Tatyana, Nurgaliev Kuanysh,

    Gradova Karina, Klochkov Alexander,

    Izboynikova Aliya, Evpak Anton.

    19. Which German composer is the author of the concert piece for piano “Invitation to Dance”?

    (Carl Maria von Weber.)

    20. What bladed weapon is needed to perform Aram Khachaturian’s hit dance?

    (Sabres. “Sabre Dance.”)

    21. Which ballet is “The Saber Dance” a fragment from?

    (Ballet by A. Khachaturian “Gayane”.)

    22. What is the name of the ancient Polish procession dance?


    23. What does the word “polka” mean - the name of the dance?

    (Half step. The style of the dance is to move in small, quick jumps. This is a dance of Czech, not Polish origin.)

    24. Which great composer owns an entire “encyclopedia” of piano mazurkas?

    (F. Chopin.)

    25. What ballroom dance of French origin combines the waltz, mazurka and polka?


    26. In what country was the padespan dance born?

    (In Spain.)

    27. Boston, Krakow, Taranto... What did these cities give the world?

    (Dances named after these cities: Boston, Krakowiak, Tarantella.)

    28. Which dance owes its origin and name to the capital of Cuba - Havana?

    (Habanera. Spanish habanera from La Habana - Havana. Literally habanera - “resident of Havana.”)

    Lesson topic: Lesson - quiz “In the world of choreography”

    Purpose of the lesson: Create conditions forconsolidation of knowledge, skills and abilitiespupils of two age groups by using non-standard methods choreography.Identify the level of program development in the first half of the year.



    Create conditions for comfortable learning for children;

    To determine the level of mastery of knowledge and skills in choreography for the first half of the year among students of two groups.


    Develop spatial thinking, the ability to classify concepts according to choreography, and formulate answers to questions;

    Develop communication skills when working in groups.


    To develop aesthetic feelings and the ability to behave in a team;

    Activate Creative skills;

    Basic working methods:

    Visual (practical demonstration);



    Equipment and inventory:

    Music Center;

    Magnetic board, magnets;


    Task cards (red and green);

    Sheets of format - A 4;

    Pictures of emoticons.

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment.

    Login dance hall;


    Teacher: Hello, dear students and guests. We're starting class.Today we have unusual activity, and it will take place in a non-standard form. During thisclassesWe:

    Let us generalize and systematize the previously obtained ideas about choreography and their practical use.

    We will try to listen carefully and complete the assigned tasks as quickly as possible.

    And we will do all this with the help of a choreographic game - a quiz.Now I bring to your attention the rules of the quiz. After the rules of the quiz are explained, the students standing in two lines disperse to different corners of the hall to the music and take their places. Nearby there is a magnetic board with sheets attached to it - A 4, where the points for the answer will be recorded.

    So, we start our game.

    2. Preparatory part.

    As usual, we will start the lesson with a warm-up, the warm-up will be in riddles, and what will the riddles be about? How do you think? (children answer). That's right, the riddles will be about dancing. Answers to riddles can be answered in chorus, the main thing for us now is to tune in to creative and fruitful work! The teacher asks riddles to the students:

    Let's join hands together,

    Let's stand around - this is necessary.

    Let's go dance, and then -

    Dizzy...(Round dance.)

    You and I are moving in circles,

    And you hold my hand.

    But we are not at all tired,

    Dancing joyfully...(Polka.)

    This dance is so beautiful

    It is not subject to time.

    Couples move, spinning,

    And the name is dance...(Waltz.)

    Has different names

    But the general style is still visible.

    Similar to a ditty without suffering

    Simple Russian...(Quadrille.)

    All the characters in the play dance on stage -
    They don't sing, don't play, and don't draw...
    There is no more beautiful performance in the theater,
    And it's simply called...(ballet.)

    Well done guys! You're ready for work, let's start the team competition!

    3. Main part.

    Teacher: Are the teams ready? You have to answer questions; red cards contain practical tasks, and blue cards contain theoretical tasks. Each team chooses tasks in turn. If a team does not answer a question or answers incorrectly, the task is transferred to another team. Shouting out answers is prohibited!

    Theoretical assignments

    1. Ballerina shoes?

    a) ballet shoes;

    b) jazz shoes;

    c) pointe shoes.

    2.International Dance Day?

    3.Name the goddess of dance:

    a) Maya Plisetskaya;

    b) Isadora Duncan;

    c) Terpsichore.

    4.What does en face mean?

    a) with his back to the audience;

    b) facing the audience;

    c) sideways to the audience.

    5.What is it called ballet skirt?

    a) pack;

    b) umbrella;

    c) pencil.

    6.What is ground gymnastics?

    a) gymnastics on the floor;

    b) gymnastics at the barre;

    c) gymnastics on the street.

    7. How many hand positions are there in classical dance?

    a) 2;

    b) 4;

    at 3.

    8.Name the device that serves as a support for dancers:

    a) machine;

    b) stick;

    c) hoop.

    9.Name the directions of choreography. (Folk dance, classical dance, pop choreography, modern choreography, Street dance)

    10. “Fruit” dance of all sailors.

    a) tangerine;

    b) peach;


    Practical tasks

      Show positions of arms and legs.

      Show leg movements (“cross”).

      Show hand movements (“arrows” and “catch-up”).

      Show "bridge".

      Show "wheel".

      Show “twine” (longitudinal and transverse).

      Show a “birch tree” with a half-split flip.

      Show the basic elements of the “wash” dance.

      Show the basic elements of the exercise dance.

    10. Show the basic movements of the polka dance (in pairs).

    4. Final part.


    Teacher: Let's summarize. We count the points. The team that scored greatest number points is the winner. Let's congratulate this team with applause.

    Guys, today in class we answered questions that we studied during the first half of the year. Tell me, did you learn anything new or interesting?(Guys answer)

    Thanks to all the teams!(Be sure to highlight the best players).


    I would also like to know your mood after our lesson, each team has pictures of emoticons on the table, discuss and choose the image that suits you. (Guys choose the desired image).

    The main formation for leaving the hall (two lines in a checkerboard pattern).
