Cubism in literature. School encyclopedia

Find out about the history of the origin of words Russian language there is an opportunity in subsequent books:

  • Glinkina L.A. Illustrated Dictionary forgotten and heavy words of Russian language - M.: World of Avanta+ encyclopedias, 2008.
  • The dictionary includes about 7 thousand outdated words and stable expressions of the Russian language found in literary texts literature XVIII- the beginning of the 20th century, which today are either lost or reinterpreted and used in active vocabulary with a new meaning. The dictionary also contains more than 500 artistic illustrations, helping to find out what certain historical realities, professions, costumes, etc. looked like since then. The dictionary entry includes the heading word or expression, the grammatical feature of the words, their interpretation, phraseological units, including the title word, quotes from texts fiction, also a historical and etymological commentary.

  • Dark P.Ya. Historical etymological dictionary modern Russian language: In 2 volumes - M.: Russian language-Media, 2008.
  • The dictionary contains an explanation of the history and origin of 13,560 words of modern Russian literary language. The dictionary entry gives a definition of the meaning of a word, indicates its derivatives and cognates, provides similar formations in other Slavic languages, and for the selected words - linguistic parallels in other languages. The time of origin of the word in the language is indicated with an illustration from a written monument of the corresponding period. Changes in the meaning of a word, its phonetic appearance, and spelling are tracked.

  • Kazansky B.V. In the world of words.
  • A recognized philologist, in a popular form, knows how speech appears, how we learn to speak, how many sounds we use, what images appear in our minds when we pronounce words and phrases. The creator explains the origin of the words, while his interpretations are original and humorous.

  • Dictionary outdated words (ed.: Avalon).
  • The dictionary contains about 3,500 words, selected mainly from works of art, historical works and documents, critical articles and journal publications that saw the light of day in XVII-XIX centuries and the beginning of the 20th century.

  • Kolesov V.V. History of the Russian language in stories(ed.: Avalon).
  • Creator in interesting form tells about how the Russian language developed. The history of individual words is given, figurative expressions and some grammatical structures.

  • Leichik V.M. People and words: How words appear and live in the Russian language.
  • The book is dedicated to words and expressions of the Russian language, with the help of which objects and phenomena are named modern life. New methods of creating and assigning titles are considered, including in new varieties of language - the languages ​​of the media, advertising, the Internet and other means of recording and transmitting linguistic material, including mobile communications.

  • Shelyakin M.A. Explanatory Dictionary of Unverifiable Spellings of the Russian Language - (ed.: Flint).
  • The dictionary explains the classic standard spellings of Russian spellings, which do not obey any rules. The reader becomes acquainted with the proper historical processes in the Russian language, which determined the emergence of unverifiable spellings. The dictionary explains over 6,000 unverified spelling patterns of the Russian language.

  • Norman B.Yu. Playing on the edges of language.
  • Book by B.Yu. Norman, a famous linguist, knows that language serves not only for human communication, transmission of material, personal expression, but also for much more: it amuses, makes you laugh, amazes, delights... There's talk about the different varieties language game, understood very broadly. The creator turns out to be here ordinary person, and the object of observation and reflection is verbal jokes, anecdotes, puns, general poetic creativity etc., right up to speech antics and jokes. The book also provides extensive material from Russian fiction and folklore, including modern ones. The book ends with the humorous “Etymological Dictionary”, which at one time was awarded the 16th page prize “ Literary newspaper"and caused an avalanche of imitations. This is more complete today (over 2000 words) list of humorous word interpretations, which, as it turns out, also have a completely harsh scientific nuance.

  • Somov V.P. Dictionary of the rarest and forgotten words (ed.: VLADOS, 1996)
  • The lexical composition of the dictionary includes archaisms, barbarisms, exoticisms, poetisms, dialectisms, as well as professional and terminological vocabulary that reflects the uniqueness of life in Russia in the 18th - early 20th centuries. In addition to the rarest words, the dictionary also includes the rarest expressions. The tasks of the dictionary are to remove lexical difficulties that appear when reading works Russian classics from Alexander Sumarokov to Alexander Blok; expand and deepen linguistic and historical-cultural competence modern reader, a lover of thoughtful reading. The dictionary is especially interesting for those who are not indifferent to the history of the Fatherland. For them, he is a good source of information about Russian antiquity.

  • Ivanov V.V., Potikha 3.A. Historical commentary on Russian language classes in high school. - M.: Education, 1985.
  • From the history of Russian words. - M.: School-press, 1993.
  • Otkupshchikov Yu. V. To the origins of the word. Stories about the science of etymology. - Ed. 3rd, rev. - M.: Education, 1986.
  • Uspensky L.V. A word about words. - L.: Children's literature, 1982.
  • Uspensky L.V. The name of your monastery. - L.: Children's literature, 1979.
  • Shansky N.M. Linguistic detectives.
  • Volina V.V. Etymological dictionary. - St. Petersburg: Zenit, 2000.
  • Postnikova I.I. Simple and entertaining about the Russian language. - M.: Education, 2006.
  • Vartanyan E. Journey into the word. - L.: Children's literature, 1982.
  • Vartanyan E. History with geography, or Life and adventures of geographical names. - L.: Children's literature, 1982.
  • Additionally on the site:

  • What etymological dictionaries of the Russian language are available on the Internet?
  • Where can I find Krylov’s etymological dictionary on the Internet?
  • List of books with tasks for Russian language olympiads

    List of books on the history of the origin of words in the Russian language

    List of books for children's reading from 14 to 16 years old

    List of books for children's reading from 11 to 14 years old

  • List of books for children's reading from 6 to 10 years
  • The concept of speech culture is closely related to literary language. The ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly, to speak competently, the ability not only to attract attention with one’s speech, but also to influence listeners, mastery of speech culture is a unique characteristic of professional suitability for people of various professions: diplomats, lawyers, politicians, school and university teachers, radio and television workers, managers, journalists.

    It is important to have a culture of speech for everyone who, by the nature of their work, is connected with people, organizes and directs their work, conducts business negotiations, educates, takes care of their health, and provides various services to people. Term "a culture of speech" means:

      mastery of the norms of oral and written literary language (rules of pronunciation, stress, word usage, grammar, stylistics), as well as the ability to use means of expression language in various communication conditions in accordance with the goals and content of speech;

      a branch of linguistics that studies the problems of normalization with the aim of improving language as an instrument of culture.

    (Linguistics. Big encyclopedic dictionary. M., 1998.)

    Under speech culture is understood:

      the ability to select and organize linguistic means that, in a certain communication situation, contribute to the achievement of communication goals;

      compliance with communication ethics.

    Thus, speech culture contains three components: normative, communicative and ethical.

    The culture of speech presupposes, first of all, the correctness of speech, that is, compliance with the norms of the literary language, which are perceived by its speakers (speakers and writers) as an “ideal”, a model. The linguistic norm is the central concept of linguistic culture, and normative aspect speech culture is considered one of the most important. “The ability to speak correctly is not yet a merit, and inability is already a shame,” wrote the famous Cicero, “because correct speech is not so much a virtue of a good speaker, but rather a property of every citizen.”

    However, the culture of speech cannot be reduced to a list of prohibitions and definitions of “right and wrong.” The concept of “speech culture” is associated with the patterns and characteristics of the functioning of language, as well as with speech activity in all its diversity. It also includes the opportunity provided by the language system to find an adequate linguistic form to express specific content in each real situation of verbal communication.

    Speech culture develops skills of selection and use linguistic means in the process of verbal communication, helps to form a conscious attitude towards their use in speech practice in accordance with communicative tasks. The choice of linguistic means necessary for this purpose is the basis of the communicative aspect of speech culture.

    Communicative expediency is considered one of the main categories of the theory of speech culture, so it is important to know the basic communicative qualities of speech that have the best impact on the addressee, taking into account the specific situation and in accordance with the goals and objectives. These include: accuracy, logic, richness of speech, its expressiveness and purity, as well as appropriateness of speech.

    Ethical aspect speech culture prescribes knowledge And application of rules of linguistic behavior in specific situations. Ethical standards of communication are understood as speech etiquette (speech formulas of greeting, farewell, request, question, gratitude, congratulations, etc.; addressing “you” and “you”; choosing a full or abbreviated name, address formula, etc.).

    The use of speech etiquette is greatly influenced by extralinguistic factors: the age of the participants in the speech act (purposeful speech act), their social status, the nature of the relationship between them (official, informal, friendly, intimate), time and place of speech interaction, etc.

    The ethical component of the culture of speech imposes a strict ban on foul language in the process of communication and condemns speaking in “raised tones.”


      L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaeva Russian language and culture of speech: Tutorial for universities 8th ed. corr. and additional Rostov n/d: publishing house “Phoenix”, 2003. – 544 p. (pp. 69-71)

      M.Yu. Sidorova, V.S. Savelyev Russian language and culture of speech. A course of lectures for students of non-philological universities. M.: Project, 2002, p. 432

    IN SURVEYS for self-testing.

      What is meant by speech culture?

      What three aspects of speech culture can be distinguished?

      What is the essence of the normative aspect?

      Why is knowledge of the norms of the literary language not enough for good speech?

      What qualities of speech are communicative?

      What does the ethical aspect of speech culture prescribe?

    Tasks for independent work.

    Exercise 1. Make a detailed plan for the theoretical material.

    Exercise 2. Write an argument on the topic: “What qualities characterize a cultured person?”


    T eats 1. Find the statement that is not true:

    Speech culture means:

      independent linguistic discipline;

      using words in a meaning that is unusual for them;

      mastery of the norms of the literary language in its oral and written forms;

      selection and organization of linguistic means to achieve the set communication objectives;

    Test 2. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

      Speech culture is mastery of the norms of oral and written literary language.

      Speech culture is compliance with the norms of moral behavior of people.

      Speech culture is the ability to use expressive means of language in various communication conditions in accordance with the goals and content of speech.

      Speech culture is a branch of linguistics that studies the problems of normalization in order to improve language as an instrument of culture.

    Test 3. Does not relate to aspects of speech culture.





    Test 4. Mark the dictionary that you should turn to in the following situation: You are reading an article and come across the word “euthanasia”, the meaning of which is unclear to you.

      Spelling dictionary;

      grammar dictionary;

      associative dictionary;

      dictionary of foreign words.

    Test 5. Does not apply to linguistic dictionaries:





    Test 6. A person’s knowledge of the world is reflected in the dictionary:




      foreign words.

    Test 7. The history of the origin of words can be found in the dictionary:




      foreign words.

    Test 8. In the explanatory dictionary, in addition to the meaning of the word, a mark is given indicating

      origin of the word;

      way of word formation;

      word compatibility;

      grammatical characteristics of the word.

    Test 9. From which dictionary is this dictionary entry copied?

    Vinov A ty – wine O vny. Coincidence in meaning. "who has done something" reprehensible (misdemeanor, crime)", but differ in shade of meaning:guilty -committed something mistake, awkwardness, guilty -committed a crime. The father felt guilty for giving his son an unfortunate name. While pleading guilty to wounding, the defendant denied intent in his actions.

      Dictionary of paronyms;

      synonym dictionary;

      dictionary of antonyms;

      dictionary of homonyms.

    Test 10. In which dictionary does a dictionary entry look like this:AND ks,And ksa (not xA )?

      Reverse Dictionary;

      synonym dictionary;

      associative dictionary;

      spelling dictionary.