Crime and punishment of schismatics is the end of the means. Raskolnikov's crime, its causes and meaning

Before talking about the character, his characteristics and image, it is necessary to understand in which work he appears, and who actually became the author of this work.

Raskolnikov is the main character of one of the best novels of the Russian classic - “Crime and Punishment,” which also influenced world literature. Crime and Punishment was published in 1866.

The novel was immediately noticed in the Russian Empire - it caused a wave of indignant as well as admiring reviews. Dostoevsky's work became known abroad almost immediately, and as a result, the novel was translated into many languages, including English, French and German.

The novel was filmed more than once, and the ideas that Dostoevsky laid down were later used by many world classics.

The image of Raskolnikov

Dostoevsky does not delay in describing the key character of his novel - Rodion Raskolnikov and describes him right from the first chapter. The author shows the main character as a young man who is far from in the best physical condition - his appearance can well be called sickly.

For many years, Rodion has been closed off from the rest of the world, he is gloomy and constantly flies around in his own thoughts. Previously, Raskolnikov was a student at a prestigious university, where he studied for a fairly respectable position - as a lawyer. But the guy abandons his studies, after which he is expelled from the educational institution.

Raskolnikov is not too picky and lives in a very meager small room, where there is absolutely not a single object that would create comfort in his home. However, the reason for this was also his poverty, which is also hinted at by his long-worn clothes. Rodion has long since run out of money to pay for his apartment and studies. However, with all this, Raskolnikov was handsome - quite tall and in good physical shape, had dark hair and a pleasant face.

Characteristics of Raskolnikov: his ideas, crime and punishment

The hero was very humiliated by the fact that his financial condition left much to be desired. The hero himself, being in a depressed state, plans to commit a crime - to kill the old woman and thereby test whether he can start a new life and benefit society. The hero gets the idea that some people are truly great and have the right to commit murder, because they are the engine of progress. He considers himself just such a person and he is greatly depressed by the fact that a great man now lives in poverty.

Raskolnikov considered himself a person “having the right,” but all the other people around were just meat or a means to achieve goals. Murder, he believes, will allow him to reveal himself, test his theory and show whether he is capable of more - completely changing his life. Raskolnikov is even more irritated by the fact that he is far from a stupid person, but on the contrary, he is quite smart and has a number of important abilities that every successful entrepreneur possesses. And it is precisely his extremely poor condition and position in society that does not provide the opportunity to realize these abilities.

However, in reality everything turns out completely differently. In addition to the fact that Raskolnikov kills the greedy old woman, a completely innocent woman dies at his hands. Because of his mistake, the main character cannot accomplish his plan - he does not use the loot and completely withdraws into himself. He is very scared and disgusted by what he did. At the same time, he is not frightened by the murder itself, but only by the fact that his idea was not confirmed. He himself says that he did not kill the old woman - he killed himself.

After Raskolnikov killed a man, he considered that he no longer deserved to communicate with people. Completely withdrawing into himself, Raskolnikov is on the verge of madness and does not accept the help of his family and friends at all. The hero’s friend is trying to somehow cheer up the young man, but he does not make contact. Raskolnikov believes that he does not deserve the love of people and understands why they look after him. The criminal longs for no one to love him, and for him to feel no feeling in return.

After the crime, Raskolnikov changes seriously; if he avoids relationships with loved ones, then he enters into relationships with strangers without any doubts, and also helps them. For example, he helps the Marmeladov family. At this time, the investigation into the murder committed by Raskolnikov continues. The smart investigator Petrovich continues to look for the killer, and Raskolnikov extremely hopes that he will not fall under suspicion. In addition, the hero tries not only not to catch the eye of the investigator, but also in every possible way confuses the investigation with his actions.

Raskolnikov changes after he meets a young girl, Sonya Marmeladova, who, like the main character, was at that moment in an extremely poor condition. In order to help her family, Sonya works as a prostitute and has a yellow ticket - a document that allows the girl to officially earn her living. Sonya is only eighteen years old, she believes in goodness and in God. Her family doesn’t even have enough money for food; they spend all the money they earn on food, leaving practically not a penny for themselves. Raskolnikov doesn’t really like the fact that she sacrifices everything - her destiny and her body, in order to help others. At first, Sonya’s personality causes Raskolnikov’s indignation, but very soon the young hero falls in love with the girl. Raskolnikov tells her that he committed murder. Sonya asks him to repent of his crime - both before God and before the law. However, Raskolnikov does not share her beliefs too much, but, nevertheless, love for the girl forces Raskolnikov to repent to God about what he has done, after which he comes to the police and confesses.

Next comes hard labor, where he finds God. A new life began for him, in which he began to see not only the bad, but also the good. It was his love for Sonya that made him think that his whole idea about different types of people, one of whom is “entitled”, and the rest are just consumables, makes no sense at all. Raskolnikov’s theory was completely inhumane, because no one, under any circumstances, can control a person’s life. Such actions violate all laws of morality and Christianity.

In the end, Raskolnikov's theory fails because the hero himself begins to understand that it is devoid of any meaning. If earlier Raskolnikov believed that man is a trembling creature, then after realizing it he understands that every person deserves the right to life and the right to choose his own destiny. In the end, Raskolnikov realizes that goodness is the basis of life and doing good to people is much more pleasant than living only in one’s own interests, not caring about the fates of the people around him.


Raskolnikov became a hostage to his position in society. Being a fairly smart, capable and educated person, he did not have the opportunity and means to live a normal life. Greatly upset by his situation, Raskolnikov sees no other way than to earn his living at the expense of other people, whom he considers only “meat,” material that can be used to achieve his goals. The only thing that makes Raskolnikov believe in goodness again and forget about his crazy ideas is nothing more than love for a girl. It was Sonya Marmeladova who showed the hero that doing good is much better than causing pain. Under its influence, Raskolnikov begins to believe in God and repents of his sins. In addition, the hero independently surrenders to the police and starts a new life.

10.05.2017 19:14

Today we will talk about the theory that F. Dostoevsky introduces us to in the novel “Crime and Punishment”. What ideas did the author want to convey and what is wrong with Raskolnikov’s theory?

About the book

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky created a wonderful book about human madness called “Crime and Punishment.” It was written back in 1866, but remains relevant to this day. The writer lifts the curtain on the life of ordinary people in Russia in the 19th century. At this time, the struggle between various revolutionary movements intensifies, and social contradictions become more acute. In his book, Dostoevsky did not pursue the goal of creating a negative hero: he brings to the fore the problems of society, which creates the reasons that force a person to commit a crime. To show this, he describes in detail Rodion's thoughts, doubts, torments and reasons.

Main character

The main character is Rodion Raskolnikov - a modest man, a former student who works part-time wherever he can and lives in amazing poverty. He cannot see any brightness in life, he understands this perfectly well. Raskolnikov’s theory in the novel “Crime and Punishment” is revealed to readers gradually in order to convey all the depth and doom. It is worth understanding that Rodion is not the last scoundrel and idiot, he is quite smart, which is clearly visible in the process of reading the book. The guy is not without even such qualities as responsiveness and kindness. Isn't this the paradox of crime? After all, there are only a few from all over the world, who can be counted on one hand, who have truly animalistic, inexplicable rigidity, which is not dictated by anything other than a thirst for blood. There are incredibly few such people, and crimes are committed everywhere. How so? Every criminal also has something good in himself, no matter how difficult it may be to admit it at times. It’s easy to talk about this, in practice the situation is not so simple, but still the essence does not change. We understand that Rodion has a number of positive qualities, but the poverty surrounding him greatly hurts feelings. In addition, he sees the complete lack of rights and doom of those like himself. All this brings the hero to complete spiritual exhaustion, under the conditions of which his inhuman theory is born.

The essence of Raskolnikov's theory

What thoughts did Rodion try to calm himself down with? Did he succeed? Raskolnikov’s theory in the novel “Crime and Punishment” is that it divides people into two types: people who are completely powerless and those who can break the law for their own personal purposes. This is the main idea that the main character develops throughout the book. Over time, it changes a little, some new features of two categories of people appear. The funny thing is that at first Raskolnikov himself thought his theory was a joke; he did not take it seriously, but considered it simply entertainment in order not to think about pressing matters. The more Rodion “entertains” in this way, the more truthful, rational and correct his own theory seems to him. He begins to bring everyone and everything under it and think about people only based on this position.

Finding yourself

We already know what Raskolnikov’s theory is, but what place does he himself have in it? Throughout the book, he tries to answer this question for himself. Raskolnikov's theory in the novel Crime and Punishment states that for the happiness and well-being of the majority, the destruction of the minority is necessary. Through difficult thoughts and analysis of his mind, Rodion decides that he belongs to the category of people who have the right to perform any actions in order to achieve a goal. In order to test his luck and make sure that he belongs to the “elite,” Rodion decides to kill the old pawnbroker. The essence of Raskolnikov's theory is deceptive, because, trying to make the world a better place, he commits a terrible crime - murder.


Wanting to improve the world around him, Raskolnikov realizes over time that the crime committed does not benefit anyone. He realizes the meaninglessness of his action. At this point, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky begins to refute the already known theory. In the book, this happens against the backdrop of Rodion’s intense torment that he experiences after the murder. Raskolnikov’s theory in the novel “Crime and Punishment” fails, and the main character himself feels like a hunted animal, because, on the one hand, he is tormented by his conscience, and on the other, he is afraid of making a mistake and giving himself away.


The main character conducts a very unsuccessful experiment on himself, which leads to apathy and depression, because the problems remain unresolved, and in addition, his conscience torments him every night. What is Raskolnik's theory after the crime? For him, she remained the same, but he had to accept the fact that he, apparently, was a powerless trembling creature. He tries to stick to his views until the very end. The death of the old woman cuts him off from the outside world, he is completely immersed in his inner life. Raskolnikov’s theory, the quotes of which amaze even adults with their cruelty, was supposed to help the young man find peace, but it led him into the terrible jungle of his own conscience.
He is trying to find some kind of salvation, because he feels that the oppression of thoughts will soon destroy him. Raskolnikov wants to find a person to whom he can tell his terrible secret. He decides to trust Sonya Marmeladova, a girl who violated moral laws. Raskolnikov lightens his soul. The young man continues to communicate with the girl and, under her influence, repents of his crime before the law. Raskolnikov's theory (it is described briefly in the article) fails.


Giving up his views is very difficult for Rodion. He is greatly influenced by people's faith in God and the immense kindness of Sonya Marmeladova. Raskolnikov's theory (summarized above) fails completely only after he has a dream where everyone kills each other, and as a result the earth becomes devastated. Totally absurd. Finally, Rodion understands the fallacy of his theory, because its essence is that there will be no people left. After sleep, the main character gradually begins to regain his faith in people and goodness. This is not easy, he stubbornly refuses past views. Rodion begins to understand that happiness should be available to everyone. He will also come to a deep understanding of Christian values. Happiness and prosperity cannot be built on crime. It is unacceptable to kill even one person, because people are absolutely equal by nature. Below are some quotes from the book:
“Power is given only to those who dare to bend down and pick it up. There’s only one thing, one thing: you just have to dare!”
“The more cunning a person is, the less he suspects that he will be knocked down in a simple way. The most cunning man must be taken from the simplest things.”
“...And you reach the line that if you don’t step over it, you’ll be unhappy, but if you step over it, maybe you’ll become even more unhappy...”
So, today we found out what Raskolnikov’s theory is.

We will consider a classic of Russian literature based on the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky. The motives of Raskolnikov’s crime, his views on modernity and the main life path of the hero-killer.

Dostoevsky, his novel and the modern reader

The novel “Crime and Punishment” has been included in the school curriculum and has been making us think about the problem of crime for many years. What drives the criminal? What influence does the environment have on a person prone to crime? Is there a struggle within a person with himself? Many of these questions can be answered in the work that Dostoevsky created,

Raskolnikov is a hero who has gone through the entire path of internal torment. But the novel would be devoid of any meaning if it contained only what was going on in the inflamed brain of the killer. The value of this unique literary masterpiece is that a person always interacts with other people.

What prompted Raskolnikov to commit a crime?

The heroes of the novel are revealed by Dostoevsky with understanding and depth. The motives for Raskolnikov's crime do not lie on the surface, as it seems from the first reading. Only a careful and thoughtful study of the content of the novel will give a complete picture of the quest of the main character. A not stupid, educated young man is forced to eke out a miserable existence. But it contains a grain of kindness and humanity. He sees that people who are much worse than him are rich. They live in luxury.

Is it possible to change everything? Why is the whole society divided into those who have the right to everything? These people do not adhere to the principles of morality enshrined in human society. They are forced to wait on those who are much higher than them spiritually and morally.

What is the main reason for Raskolnikov’s crime?

Murder is a crime, a terrible crime before people and God. It is necessary to study the work in detail and figure out what are the motives for Raskolnikov’s crime. The murder is committed by a seemingly absolutely harmless person. He is not rich, with no claims to anything in this life. He is very burdened by the vital injustice of the oppression of some people by others. God created everyone in his own image, why is there such division in society?


Raskolnikov's theme is present on every page of the work. It can't be any other way. This is the main character who experiences painful experiences, he sees significant dreams. Dostoevsky specifically cites these dreams in the novel to emphasize the highest degree of torment that does not leave Raskolnikov even in brief moments of oblivion in the arms of Morpheus.

What did he see before the murder? Rodion dreamed of a boy in front of whose eyes an exhausted horse was being beaten. The animal dies. Raskolnikov protests and is indignant. But this is a silent spiritual protest. The writer shows his reader that the hero is not hopeless, there is a place for sympathy and compassion in his soul.

The motives for Raskolnikov's crime gradually become clear. The whole life of humiliated and insulted people passes before the eyes of the young man. They are all doomed to a slow death. Rodion's unfortunate family - they are very similar in their hopelessness. Sonya sells herself so that her brother and sisters can have a piece of bread. Raskolnikov's sister is going to sacrifice her life by marrying an unloved man. She doesn’t think about herself, the family is in poverty. What does the main character do in this situation?

A horse beaten to death in a dream provokes a terrible plan that arose in the inflamed mind. The theory of chosenness explains the motives for Raskolnikov’s crime, since he classifies himself as one of such “chosen ones.” He is trying to prove that this is actually the case. To prove to himself first of all. Rodion’s intentions are good: he wants to help the family, he doesn’t want his sister Dunya to repeat her fate sooner or later

cleared up, but did the murder bring him the desired satisfaction? The old woman-pawnbroker, in the hero's opinion, is a pitiful creature, fleecing everyone like a stick. How can such a woman live in the world? The logic of the criminal is quite understandable. But how did Lizaveta prevent Raskolnikov? What did she do to the murderer? Did she oppress him or lend him money? But how completely justified would be the main motive of Raskolnikov’s crime: to restore justice and help his loved ones.

Only Dostoevsky gives an important warning to readers of the novel. One crime will lead to others. A person has already crossed the line of what is permitted; he has no right to take the life of another.

Has Raskolnikov lost his human appearance?

Having committed an inhumane act, outwardly Raskolnikov did not turn into a greedy beast. However, the entire surrounding reality changes for the killer. But there is still a glimmer of hope for salvation. Suffering, torment, and the appeal of the hero’s conscience force him to become a lonely outcast. Rodion is broken internally. Dostoevsky instructs the representative of the law, investigator Porfiry Petrovich, to pronounce the necessary words in order to restore peace of mind and instill goodness in the soul of the criminal. He gives advice to Raskolnikov so that he becomes something noticeable, like the sun, tall and kind, giving light and warmth to other people.

What is the main reason for Raskolnikov’s crime? It is for the hero to come to the idea of ​​real life with kindness and love.

Does Raskolnikov have a choice?

Dostoevsky reveals the story of the crime committed by the hero of the novel. Shows the entire reading public that a person who has committed an illegal act cannot live with impunity. At the same time, the writer touches on some features of the spiritual life of society, its moral and ethical problems. Whether Rodion Raskolnikov has a choice in the current situation or not is difficult to say for sure. But it would be right not to kill, not to deprive people of the life given to them by God.

The novel "Crime and Punishment" is a philosophical and deeply realistic work. Everything described in the content looks plausible. Raskolnikov took the path of crime. It's his choice. He believed that in this way he could help not only himself, but also his family. The hero is tormented, tormented, but not all readers will sympathize with him. One of God's commandments says: "Thou shalt not kill!" And it cannot be otherwise, because life is given to a person only once.

What is the outcome of the killer's journey?

Raskolnikov's path to murder is extremely complicated. The reader sees his thoughts, his inner world and experiences in full view. Each of his actions is accompanied by a return to himself. Doubts, questions, the ability to convincingly prove that he is on the right path. Raskolnikov does not want blood, but is completely cold-blooded next to the women he killed, trying to hide from witnesses to his crime. But he immediately justifies himself, saying that the old woman is old.

The “superman” theory has never helped the heroes of literary works become better.

Lesson topic: Raskolnikov's theory

The purpose of the lesson:

    reveal the content of Raskolnikov’s theory about the right of a strong personality,

    show its anti-humanitarian character,

    promote a correct understanding of the essence of good and evil;

    develop the ability to work with the text of a work of art

Lesson organization.

Repetition of previously learned.

The topic of our lesson today is related to one of the main motives of the crime, i.e. one of the main reasons that prompted Rodion Raskolnikov (the main character of the novel “Crime and Punishment”) to commit the murder of a peer, moneylender Alena Ivanovna.

So let's remember now:

What reasons, circumstances, meetings served as an impetus on the path to crime:

    Raskolnikov's poverty;

    desire to help mother and sister;

    compassion for all poor, humiliated people (Marmeladov family);

    hatred of the old pawnbroker;

    an overheard conversation in a tavern;

    Raskolnikov's theory.

Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook.

New material.

Introductory speech from the teacher:

The peculiarity of the novel is that the novel is based on a psychological and philosophical mystery. The main question of the novel is not who left, but why did they kill? What ideas led to the murder? Is Raskolnikov to blame?

The theory was born in the mind of a gloomy, withdrawn, lonely and at the same time humane person, painfully perceiving everything around him. It is important that she was born under the heavy St. Petersburg sky.

Dostoevsky, defining the concept of the novel, wrote that Raskolnikov’s theory is based on theories that “are floating in the air.” Indeed, democratic revolutionaries fought against social evil and sought to change this world, but Raskolnikov is not a revolutionary. He is a loner rebel.

In 1865, Napoleon’s book “The History of Julius Caesar” was translated in Russia, where the idea of ​​​​the special purpose of man, of its immunity from human laws, i.e., is developed. the rationale for the policy of war, violence, and oppression is given. Apparently the main character of the novel, an intelligent, well-read man, knew about this. Therefore, reflecting on social evil, Raskolnikov comes to the conclusion that you can help yourself, your loved ones and all poor people by killing a rich one; no one needs an evil, harmful old woman who eats up someone else’s age.

He creates a theory about the right of a strong personality. We learn about this theory after the crime has been committed, reading part III of the novel, when Raskolnikov and his friend Razumikhin go to Porfiry Petrovich (the investigator working on the murder of Alena Ivanovna), trying to find out about the fate of their things - his father’s silver watch and Dunya’s ring - pledged.

Porfiry Petrovich, according to Razumikhin, “is a smart guy, he has a special way of thinking, distrustful, skeptic, cynic...”. He knows his business very well.

During the meeting, they talk about an article written by a former law student, Raskolnikov, six months ago. This article, according to Porfiry Petrovich, was published in “Periodic Speech” two months ago and was called “Crime...”

Commented reading of the text: part 3, ch. IV

What was the article about?

Why did the article interest Porfiry? Raskolnikov’s article “On Crime” interested the investigator in its unusual division of people into two categories: low and high.

According to the theory, the first category is ordinary, conservative people, they preserve peace and increase it numerically, observe laws and never break them. They are the majority.

The second category consists of extraordinary people, strong personalities who destroy the present in the name of the future, i.e. lead the world towards a goal, towards progress, and in the name of this they have the right to step over a corpse, over blood, i.e. have the right to commit a crime. They are few.

Raskolnikov considers the great people of the past to be among the extraordinary people: Lycurgus (statesman of Greece), Solon (political figure of ancient Athens who carried out reforms), Mohammed (religious preacher, founder of the Muslim religion), Napoleon (emperor, great commander).

Problematic question:

How did Dostoevsky show the inconsistency of Raskolnikov's theory? (the collapse of the theory).

Conversation based on the text of the novel:How did Raskolnikov feel after the murder?

He returned home safely, avoiding detection. Rodion did not remember how he collapsed on the sofa in all his clothes. He was shaking. When he woke up, he looked for traces of blood on his clothes, fearing exposure. With horror, I discovered blood on the fringe of my trousers, in my pockets, on my shoes... I remembered about my wallet and stolen items and began to feverishly think about where to hide them. Then he falls into unconsciousness and lies down again. Five minutes later he jumps up and remembers with horror that he did not remove the noose under his arm where he hid the ax. Then he sees bloody fringe on the floor, looks at the clothes again and sees blood everywhere...

Conclusion : Raskolnikov does not control himself, he is gripped by such fear of exposure that he seems like a seriously ill person.

How did Raskolnikov meet his mother and sister?

He is not happy to meet his family. He doesn't want to see anyone. The murder he committed depresses him.

Having parted with Razumikhin after a conversation with the investigator, Raskolnikov remembers the old woman again and again.

Work with text. Reading and commentary Part III Ch. IV

“The old lady is nonsense! He thought hotly and impetuously, “I’m afraid, perhaps, that it’s not the fault!” The old woman was only sick... I just wanted to cross over as quickly as possible... I didn’t kill a person, I killed a principle!”

“...Yes, I really take it out...”

“...Mother, sister, how I loved them! Why do I hate them now? Yes, I hate them, physically I hate them, I can’t stand them around me...”

What is going on in Raskolnikov’s mind?

Raskolnikov changes, his attitude towards others changes. He begins to feel like an outcast, understands that a gap is emerging between him and the people around him, that he has crossed a moral barrier and has placed himself outside the laws of human society. He confesses this to Sonya. Only she, who also violated the law of morality in the name of saving people, trusts his terrible secret.

Selective reading by role: part 4, ch. IV, part 5, ch. IV

How does Raskolnikov explain the murder?

(“... I didn’t kill to help my mother - nonsense...

I needed to find out something else... Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right?...

Am I an old woman gone? I killed myself, not the old lady!)

This is the essence of Raskolnikov’s punishment: he killed the person inside himself.

Conclusions: Thus, Raskolnikov's theory fails. His path is false, the protest of a rebel - a loner - turned out to be untenable because it was inhumane in nature.

Summing up students' work in class, grading, homework.

  1. Answer (orally) the questions:

    What role did Sonya Marmeladova play in Raskolnikov’s fate?

    What was the fate of the main character in hard labor?

    Prepare reports about Luzhin and Svidrigailov.

The theoretical basis of Raskolnikov's idea

It is no coincidence that Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky pays so much attention to the description of Raskolnikov’s theory in the novel Crime and Punishment. She is not a figment of the imagination of a great writer. Among Dostoevsky's contemporaries there were many young, educated people who were keen on Nietzsche's ideas. It was his teaching that gave rise to similar beliefs, popular among young people trying to find a way out of a humiliating beggarly situation. The work of a talented writer raised pressing problems of modern society. Crime, drunkenness, prostitution - vices generated by social inequality, have overwhelmed Russia. Trying to escape from the terrible reality, people became carried away by the ideas of individualism and forgot about the eternal moral values ​​and commandments of the Christian religion.

The birth of an idea

The main character of the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky, possessing extraordinary abilities, dreaming of a great future, is forced to endure poverty and humiliation. This had a detrimental effect on the psychological state of the hero. He leaves his studies at the university, locks himself in his stuffy closet and ponders a plan for a terrible crime. A conversation overheard by chance seems like a strange omen to Raskolnikov. Individual thoughts and phrases repeated the theses of the article “On Crime,” which he wrote for the newspaper. Captivated by the idea, the young man decides to bring the theory to life.

The right of a strong personality to commit a crime

What was Raskolnikov’s famous theory? People, according to the student, from birth are divided into two categories. Some belong to the upper class of the chosen ones “who have the gift or talent to say a new word among themselves.” They are destined for an unusual fate. They make great discoveries, make history, and advance progress. A person like Napoleon can commit crimes for the sake of a higher goal, expose others to mortal danger, and step through blood. They are not afraid of laws. There are no moral principles for them. Such individuals of the human race may not think about the consequences of their behavior and strive to achieve their goal no matter what. They are “entitled”. The rest of the mass of people is material “serving solely for the generation of their own kind.”

Testing the theory with life

Possessing exorbitant pride, Raskolnikov considered himself one of the chosen ones. The murder of a greedy old woman committed by a young man is a test of the theory on himself. The “Chosen One” easily steps over the blood in order to later benefit all of humanity. Feelings of regret and remorse are unknown to such a person. This is what the main character of the novel thinks. Life puts everything in its place. Rodion Raskolnikov, having committed a terrible crime, finds himself in painful isolation. He, who has crossed the moral line, is unhappy, separated from communication with his family, and doomed to loneliness. “I didn’t kill the old woman, I killed myself,” exclaims Raskolnikov. The murder puts a young man, kind and noble by nature, on a par with such vicious personalities as Svidrigailov and Luzhin. After all, they also ignored moral laws and lived, thinking only about their own well-being. “We are birds of a feather,” Svidrigailov says to the hero. The protagonist's experiences are the most terrible punishment and proof of his delusions. Only by repenting of his deeds and turning to God does Raskolnikov gather his “shattered” soul and find peace and happiness. Sonya Marmeladova's devotion and love make her forget about her delusions and be reborn for a new life.

Lessons from a brilliant novel

Terrible consequences

Raskolnikov's inhuman theory, based on the idea of ​​egoism and individualism, is inhumane. No one has the right to control the lives of other people. By committing such actions, a person violates the laws of morality and the commandments of Christianity. “Thou shalt not kill,” says the Bible. It is no coincidence that the smart Porfiry Petrovich, trying to understand the conclusions of Rodion Raskolnikov, is interested in how one can distinguish an unusual person. After all, if everyone imagines themselves to be special and starts breaking the law, chaos will begin! The author of the theory does not have a clear answer to this question.

Who is guilty

Who is to blame for the fact that smart, kind, noble people were carried away by such ideas, crippled their lives, ruined their souls. Dostoevsky tries to answer this question with his novel. Social inequality, the miserable position of the majority of the working people, the “humiliated and insulted” pushed people along this criminal and immoral path.

Good is the basis of life

In the novel Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov's theory fails. This helps to understand that a person is not a “trembling creature,” but a person who has the right to life. “You can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune,” says popular wisdom. Relations between people should be based on kindness, mercy and faith in God, as the novel of the great writer convinces us.

A description of the theory of the main character of the novel and proof of its inconsistency will be useful for 10th graders when writing the essay “Raskolnikov’s Theory in the Novel “Crime and Punishment”.”

Work test