Memory - arguments. The problem of repentance: arguments from literature

The task of a brief or condensed presentation is to convey the main idea of ​​the text. There is no need to preserve the author's style here, as with a detailed presentation. The main thing is to accurately grasp the main theme, and retell all the events described, observing the logic of the narrative.

How to write a concise summary

There is a classic guide to writing briefs that is very effective and practical.

1. Listen to the text and try to determine main topic, speech style.

2. Highlight the main ideas and secondary information in the content. Try to make notes during the first reading, writing down the main thoughts and expressions in abbreviated form. It is also important to correctly write down the names of the characters and dates, if they are present in the text.

3. Clarify the meaning of unclear words.

4. Listen to the text again and make up detailed plan. The more details, the better. This way you can identify micro-topics and build logical chain events or phenomena described in the text. Remember: as many paragraphs as there are micro-topics. If the text is read correctly, there is always a pause between paragraphs. This will help you get your bearings.

5. Now we have to compress the plan. Remove all items that do not provide semantic information. You can remove all details, descriptions, details, clarifications, explanations. But don't overdo it, or you risk excluding something important.

6. For each point, write key words, the most striking expressions that will need to be included in the presentation.

7. Outline the content of each point of the plan in a draft, trying to use key words.

8. Read what you have written and check whether the logic of the narrative is preserved, whether the main idea of ​​the text is revealed, whether there is a connection between the paragraphs.

Basic rules for summarizing text

There are several techniques that will help eliminate unimportant details from the story.

1. Exception.

You can exclude words, phrases and entire sentences from the text:


If a person lives to bring good to people, alleviate their suffering from illness, give people are happy, then he sets himself a goal worthy of a person.

Bringing good to people is a goal worthy of a person.

Remove all explanatory structures. In a row homogeneous members You can eliminate synonyms, leaving one word, or replacing the entire series with one word.


To protect yourself from indifference, you need to develop in your soul complicity, sympathy , compassion and at the same time skill distinguish between harmless human weaknesses from vices , crippling the soul.

To protect yourself from indifference, you need to develop compassion in your soul, but at the same time be able to distinguish human weaknesses from vices.

2. Generalization. Replace descriptive and explanatory sentences with one, but succinct, expression.


Like any qualified, purposeful, planned and systematic work, a teacher is a profession, a specialty. But this is a special profession, incomparable to any other business. It is distinguished by a number of special properties and qualities.

A teacher is a special profession, distinguished by a number of special qualities and properties.

3. Simplification. Simplify all designs that you can. By the way, you will make fewer mistakes this way. You can, for example, replace participial verbs with participles, remove introductory words, It's too long difficult sentence break it down into several simple ones.


Through the noise of the forest one could hear the sounds that a strained ear hears during any storm, so it was difficult to make out whether it was people calling for help, or whether the storm was crying in the chimney.

Through the noise of the forest, sounds were heard that were difficult to make out.


Of all the wild animals that I have ever seen and observed , the most outlandish and intelligent animals , undoubtedly , beavers.

Beavers are the most intelligent and strange animals.

The most common mistakes

Avoid frequent repetitions of the same word. Use synonyms or pronouns.

Check voice communication between paragraphs. This is easy to do with the help of organizing words: this is why, it follows from this, thus, so, finally, etc.

Do not rearrange parts of the text (micro-themes) so as not to disrupt the consistency of the presentation.

Don't distort the facts. All names, dates, facts must be written correctly.

Lesson objectives:

  • repetition of the theme “ artistic media language", "styles and types of speech”,
  • training in text compression techniques,
  • developing the ability to identify micro-topics,
  • fostering respect for nature.

Equipment: portrait of the writer, book exhibition, presentation, photocopies of the text of the presentation

Board design:

  • Yuri Yakovlev.
  • Story “The Sun with White Rays”
  • Concise presentation.

During the classes

1. Introductory conversation.

- Guys, how do you understand the topic of the lesson? What means summary?

(In class we will prepare for the presentation; writing a concise presentation means choosing the most important thing, shortening the text without distorting the meaning)

– What does the title of the story tell you? What means of expression does the author use?

Why? (slide 2)

(We’ll talk about a chamomile; metaphor is a hidden comparison; it’s more interesting, more mysterious)

2. Student’s message about the writer

(slide 1):

Yuri Yakovlev was born in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in 1922. He graduated from school in 1940 and was drafted into the army. He is a member of the Great Patriotic War, gunner of an anti-aircraft battery. After the war, he studied at the Literary Institute and wrote many stories for children and teenagers. One of them is “Sun with white rays”.

3. Reading of the text by a teacher or trained student. (Annex 1)

4. Text analysis:

– Re-read the text and answer the questions:

– When do the events depicted in the text take place? (In future)

– Determine the topic of the text. (Disappearance of the chamomile)

– Determine the main idea of ​​the text (the idea, for what purpose was the story written?) (The author warns what an unreasonable attitude towards nature can lead to)

– Determine the style of speech (artistic, since there are many visual arts)

– What means of expression does the author use and what is achieved by this? (epithets: a strange flower, an amazing plant, unfamiliar, the most dear metaphors: a white wheel with a yellow core, a small sun with white rays, an alien flower comparisons: it seemed like snow had fallen; it became alien, like an alien personifications: they covered the fields, a mysterious new settler , a white wheel met a man)

– What is “warm summer snow”? How do you understand this expression? (warm snow is an oxymoron (combining incompatible things, for example, is terribly fun)

– What will change if you don’t use means of expression? (the style will be scientific)

– Will we then be able to express our feelings, emotions, attitude towards the depicted object? (No)

– What distinguishes art style from scientific? (use of visual and expressive means)

– Determine the type of speech, prove it. (Narration)

- Only if? (there is a description of chamomile)

– What is more important in the text: the description of the flower or the narrative? (Description of chamomile)

Therefore, we will shorten the narrative part.

5. Work on text compression.

– To write a concise summary, you need to identify micro-topics. What it is? (Micro theme is part big topic, as plan points)

– Is it possible to combine several paragraphs into one? (Yes, if they talk about the same thing, that is, they reveal one micro-topic)

Reading the first paragraph(slide 3), highlight keywords(students directly underline key words in the photocopies with a pencil, cross out what can be excluded)

a) What are we talking about?

b) What should we call it? (Strange flower) slide 4

d) How can we shorten this paragraph? What will we do with the dialogue? What about repetitions?

e) Write down your version of the first paragraph.

f) Reading two or three student versions, correcting them, then slide 4.

Reading the second paragraph(slide 5), highlighting key words (students directly underline key words in photocopies with a pencil, cross out what can be excluded)

a) What are we talking about?

b) What should we call it? (father studies the stranger) slide 6

c) Underline important (key) words. (Students work independently, then together we check what they have received and correct it).

d) How can we shorten this paragraph?

e) Write down your version of the second paragraph.

f) Reading two or three student versions, correcting them, then slide 6

The father, who returned from work, looked at the unfamiliar plant for a long time, even measured and photographed it, but still did not say what kind of flower it was.

Reading the third paragraph(slide 7), highlighting keywords, defining micro-topics.

a) What are we talking about?

(For everyone, this plant is a mystery: no one recognizes it)

b) Title the paragraph.

(Mysterious newcomer) slide 8

Paragraph compression option (slide 8):

Reading the fourth paragraph(slide 9), highlighting keywords, defining micro-topics.

a) What was your grandmother like? (Old, she’s a hundred years old, she knows a lot)

b) Why are there tears in her eyes? (I remembered the flowers)

V) Reread the fifth paragraph(slide 10), is it possible to combine these two paragraphs? (Of course, one thing is said)

d) Title it. (Chamomile from grandma’s childhood) slide 11

This part of the text is very important, so we will cut it carefully.

– Are grandmother’s words important? (Very)

They contain the solution to the mystery of the plant; the grandmother named the flower and talked about it.

Compression option for the fourth and fifth paragraphs (slide 11):

- This is chamomile. A flower from my childhood. Previously, there were so many daisies that it seemed like warm summer snow had fallen.

Wreaths were woven from daisies and given to loved ones. A small sun with white rays shone for man from childhood to old age. But the daisies were mercilessly plucked just like that, and there were fewer and fewer of them.

Reading the sixth paragraph(slide 12), highlighting keywords, defining micro-topics.

a) Why is this part important? (It contains the main idea, the idea of ​​the entire text)

– Which words are repeated twice and why? (They didn’t save it, people are to blame for the disappearance of chamomile, so the author draws our attention to the problem of caring for nature)

b) What should we call it? (“We are guilty before you, children: we did not save our native flower”)

Compression option for the sixth paragraph (slide 13):

- We are to blame for you, children! They didn't save the chamomile.

The most dear flower of our land was not saved, and it became a stranger to you.

-What is she like?

– Let’s write down how the flower is named differently in the text. What is this? Why are they needed? (Textual or contextual synonyms are used to avoid repetition and express ideas more clearly and expressively)

  • Chamomile is a strange flower
  • unknown flower
  • white wheel with yellow center
  • sun with white rays
  • mysterious newcomer
  • alien flower
  • amazing plant
  • the most dear flower

– Now are we ready to write a concise summary?

In the second lesson, students write a concise summary in notebooks on speech development. Slide14, 15,16 (Appendix 2)

Homework : answer the question in writing:

Are we responsible for nature?


  • Collection of texts for presentation with linguistic analysis: grades 5-9. : Book. for the teacher / V. I. Kapinos, N. N. Sergeeva and others - M.: Education, 1991. - P. 113-115.


Text for presentation (story by Yu. Yakovlev “The Sun with White Rays”)

The children ran home and, interrupting each other, began to talk about their discovery:

– Mom, we found a strange flower!

– It grows behind the house, near a maple tree with red leaves.

– We don’t know its name. White wheel with a yellow center. It looks like a small sun with white rays. Do you know what kind of flower this is?

And they walked towards the maple tree with red leaves. They squatted down and began to look at a flower that had unexpectedly blossomed in the garden. The flower really looked like a white wheel with a yellow core, but also like the sun with white rays.

- So you weren’t the one who planted him? - said the children, and there was disappointment in their voices. They began to wait for their father.

When my father returned from work, it turned out that he had not planted any flowers. He looked at the unfamiliar plant for a long time. I measured the growth of the stem and the diameter of the wheel. I carefully wrote everything down in a book and finally took a photograph of my children’s discovery. And the children waited patiently for what their father would say.

– Probably, the seed of this flower was carried by the wind from the hot countries where it grows
many exotic flowers.

Neighbors came and looked at the mysterious new resident. Some said that a new species had appeared in nature. Others did not rule out that the flower was an alien, the seed was brought to Earth by a stream of cosmic particles. Still others remained thoughtfully silent. But the flower did not leave anyone indifferent.

And then they remembered their grandmother. Grandmother was one hundred years old. She lived in that distant time that people know about only from books. Grandmother looked at the flower for a long time and was silent. Then she took off her glasses, as if they were preventing her from seeing the amazing plant, and the children noticed tears in their grandmother’s eyes.

“This is a chamomile,” said the grandmother quietly,

“Ro-mash-ka,” the children repeated syllable by syllable. – We have never heard of chamomile. Is she from Africa or Australia?

– She is from my childhood. Once upon a time there were a lot of daisies. They covered fields, hillocks, and grew in forests and on river banks. People thought it was snowing. Warm summer snow. We made wreaths from daisies. When I saw my grandfather off to war, I gave him daisies. A white wheel with a yellow center greeted a person in the spring and rolled next to him until the fall. From childhood to old age, a small sun with white rays shone for man. And then there were fewer and fewer daisies. They were torn down mercilessly by everyone who passed by.

- For what? – four uncomprehending eyes looked at the grandmother, but she was silent, did not know what to answer. Then she shook her head: “They tore it off just like that.”

Grandma sank down onto the grass and bent low towards the daisy. Then she looked at the children carefully, and her eyes became dry:

- We are to blame for you, children! They didn't save the chamomile. The most dear flower of our earth was not saved, and it became alien to you, like an alien. (399 words)

Concise version

The children found a strange flower growing behind the house. It looked like a white wheel with a yellow center or a small sun with white rays.

The father, who returned from work, looked at the unfamiliar plant for a long time, even measured and photographed it, but still did not say what kind of flower it was.

The neighbors looked at the mysterious new resident and admired him. They assumed that the flower was an alien, but they never recognized it.

Then they remembered the hundred-year-old grandmother. She looked at the flower for a long time and suddenly began to cry. Then she said quietly:

- This is chamomile. A flower from my childhood. Previously, there were so many daisies that it seemed like warm summer snow had fallen. Wreaths were woven from daisies and given to loved ones. A small sun with white rays shone for man from childhood to old age. But the daisies were mercilessly plucked just like that, and there were fewer and fewer of them.

Grandmother bent low to the daisy and said:

- We are to blame for you, children! They didn't save the chamomile. The most dear flower of our land was not saved, and it became a stranger to you. (151 words)

Description of material: I offer a lesson on speech development in 6th grade on the topic “Educational presentation.” This lesson complies with federal government educational standard(second generation). The lesson is intended both for students to practice the skills of competent writing and literate speech, and for the development of communicative, linguistic and cultural competencies.

Lesson of educational selective presentation in 6th grade

Topic: Selective presentation based on the text by I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Spring Evening in the Forest.”


1. Learn to write a selective presentation, systematize and collect material for a statement.

2. Promote the development of students' oral and written speech.

3. Help improve your writing skills.

4. To promote in students a love for nature and the Motherland.

Handout: An excerpt from K. Paustovsky’s work “Coastal Meadow”. Text of the presentation this passage. Text by I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Spring evening in the forest.”

Teaching methods used in the lesson:

Verbal, visual, practical;

Methods of psychology - development of mental operations: classification and systematization, comparison and generalization;

Pedagogical methods - methods of organizing and stimulating educational activities.

During the classes.

I. Organizing children to work.

II. Lesson topic message: “Composing selective presentation"Sounds of the evening forest."

Teacher. I remind you that what you read can be retold in different ways: in detail (close to the text), briefly or concisely (the most important thing), or you can select and retell one part of the text, that is, present it selectively in accordance with a given topic. Give examples of times when you had to write selective paraphrases. (give examples). The purpose of our lesson is a more detailed acquaintance with the features and meaning of selective presentation, drawing up a selective presentation on the proposed topic.

Teacher. In selective presentation, not the entire text is retold, but only some part of it related to a specific subtopic (microtopic). (We repeat the concept of a broad and narrow topic). The text contains material related to given topic, can be located in one place (concentrated), but can also be scattered (dispersed). In this case, you must first select the required material.

In speech practice, you will often have to use selective retelling, select and present material only on the topic necessary for a particular case. This means that you need to be able to selectively present what you read or listened to.

III. Benchmarking source text and selective presentation.

Text (on everyone’s desk).

Near the water, innocent blue forget-me-nots peeked out from the mint thickets in large clumps. And further, behind the hanging loops of blackberries, wild rowan with tight yellow inflorescences bloomed along the slope. Tall red clover mixed with mouse peas and bedstraw, and a gigantic thistle rose above all the closely crowded community of flowers. He stood waist-deep in the grass and looked like a knight in armor with steel spikes on his elbows and knee pads.

(K.E. Paustovsky).

Selective presentation (on everyone’s desk).

A gigantic thistle grew among the flowers near the water. He stood waist-deep in the grass and resembled a knight in armor with steel spikes on his elbows and knee pads.

Students read the text and its presentation (everyone has one) and answer the questions:

What is the main idea of ​​the source text?

What type of text can the passage be classified as (narration, description, reasoning)? Why?

What paraphrase of the text is given? Prove your answer.

How can you title new text, reflecting his main idea? (“Giant Thistle”, “Fairytale Knight”).

What type of text is this?

Are they used in the presentation? means of expression text by K. Paustovsky? (Figurative definitions and comparisons are used).

Teacher. Pay attention to the first sentence in the selective presentation. It tells where the thistle grew. The first sentence is very important, it makes the description immediately clear. Is the material for selective presentation concentrated or dispersed? (focused). I especially draw your attention to the fact that if a detailed and concise presentation necessarily reveals the theme and main idea of ​​the source text, then with a selective presentation the topic of presentation is always narrower than the topic of the source text, and the main idea may not coincide with the main idea of ​​the original version.

IV. Reading of the text by the teacher (the text is printed and distributed to students).

Spring evening in the forest.

The sun disappeared behind the tops of the forest. It's cool and damp in the forest. You can hear the earth breathing and coming to life. It smells like spring buds and awakening warm earth.

Last year’s wet leaf moved on the ground by itself. Below him, a green arrow of young grass appeared from the ground.

There are many sounds in the evening forest.

The first blackbirds are appearing on the trees. At the top of a tall oak tree, a wild pigeon - vitiuten - coos loudly.

“Vityuten I’m sitting on the du-u-ub! Vityuten I’m sitting on the du-u-ub!” - Vityuten pronounces importantly.

Frogs hum dully in the transparent spring puddles.

Stretching their long necks and whistling their wings, wild ducks flew over the forest.

“Holy shit! Shhhh!” - the red-browed handsome black grouse suddenly made a loud noise and muttered in the clearing.

“Goo-goo-goo! Goo-goo-goo!” - the hare hooted, very much like a forest owl, flying silently, responded to him.

An owl hooted terribly in the forest and laughed.

Flapping their wings, the long-nosed wood waders quietly flew over the tops of the forest.

Lower and lower the cool spring night descends.

What does the text describe? (Students answer).

What description is this? Prove your answer using the text. (Give examples of figurative and expressive means),

The forest is filled different sounds. What verbs does the author use to describe sounds? Who makes these sounds? (The earth is breathing, blackbirds are singing; a pigeon is cooing and pronouncing importantly; frogs are croaking dully; wild ducks fly by, whistling with their wings; a black grouse clucked and muttered; a hare hooted; an eagle owl hooted and muttered terribly; the waders quietly pulled.)

In what tense are the verbs used? (In the present and past).

How do you understand the expression “flying with whistling wings”? (They cut the air with their wings, making a sound similar to a whistle).

The writer Sokolov-Mikitov caught many unusual sounds in the spring forest. How many of you have been in the forest and listened to its sounds? What sounds did you hear? (Children answer).

VI. Collecting material for a presentation on the topic “Sounds of the evening forest.”

Collectively, children complete the following tasks:

1. Select from the text material related to the topic of presentation (sentences 3,7-16 are selected; 1,2,4,5,17 are excluded).

2. Review the collected material and determine the main idea of ​​the future presentation. (“The spring forest in the evening is rich in a variety of sounds”).

3. Name the verbs that must be used to convey the sounds of the forest.

4. Think about how to start the presentation, arrange the material in the right sequence. (“There are many sounds in the evening forest. You can hear the earth breathing and coming to life...” the rest of the presentation repeats the sequence of the text.)

Russian language lesson in 6th grade.

Topic: Concise summary of the text “Cuckoo”

Purpose of the lesson: to develop written and oral speech students.


    talk about a concise presentation; teach techniques for writing a concise summary;

    develop students' oral and written speech; develop spelling and punctuation vigilance;

    bring up careful attitude to nature, interest in the life of its inhabitants.

Equipment: texts of presentation printed for each student.

During the classes

Organizing time.

Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Setting goals and objectives.

Introductory conversation.

Guys, how do you understand the topic of the lesson? What does condensed presentation mean?

Writing a concise summary means choosing the most important thing, shortening the text without distorting the meaning.

What does the title of the story tell you?

Reading the text by the teacher.

Text analysis:

    Tell us which of the listed birds you know. Describe them.

    Where do birds place their nests?

    Does the cuckoo care for its chick?

    Please look at how the cuckoo's thoughts are framed. This is direct speech.

Working on text compression.

To write a concise summary, you need to identify micro-topics. What it is? (A micro-topic is part of a larger topic, like plan points)

How will we define microthemes? (Read paragraph by paragraph and identify the main idea of ​​each).

Is it possible to combine several paragraphs into one? (Yes, if they talk about the same thing, that is, they reveal one micro-topic).

Reading paragraph by paragraph and identifying micro-topics.

1.2. The cuckoo watched as their nests were set up.

    They were in a hurry to build nests before the chicks appeared.

    The cuckoo did not know how to take care of the chicks and was looking for a nest where it could throw its egg.

    She watched the birds from behind the thick foliage. The birds did not notice her.

    The nests of wagtails, pipits and warblers on the ground were not suitable for the cuckoo, as they could be crushed by cows.

    Nightingale and warbler nests in the bushes were also unsuitable due to the threat from jays.

8.9. Then the cuckoo saw a pied flycatcher's nest in the hollow of an old linden tree and decided to throw its egg there.

    While the moth helped drive away the jay, the cuckoo carefully lowered the egg into the hollow.

    The cuckoo was glad that she had found a safe place for her chick.



    The troubles of birds.

    Cuckoo's care;

    nests on the ground;

    nests in bushes;

    nest in the hollow of an old linden tree.

    Safe place.

Key words (written on the board): Wagtail, pipit, warbler, nightingale, warbler, jay, pied flycatcher.

Retelling the text according to plan by one or two students.

Writing a concise summary.

Let's start writing a concise summary.

Lesson summary. Delivery of work.

Homework: draw illustrations for the story.


The cuckoo was sitting on a birch tree in the middle of the grove.

Wings flickered around her every now and then. Birds busily scurried between the trees, looking for cozy corners, carrying feathers, moss, and grass.

Little chicks were soon to be born. The birds took care of them. They were in a hurry - forged, built, sculpted.

And the cuckoo had its own worries. She doesn’t know how to build a nest or raise chicks. She sat and thought: “I’ll sit here and look at the birds. Whoever builds the best nest for himself, I’ll throw my egg.”

And the cuckoo watched the birds, hiding in the dense foliage. The birds did not notice her.

A wagtail, a pipit and a warbler have built nests on the ground. They hid them so well in the grass that even two steps away it was impossible to notice the nests. The cuckoo thought: “These nests are cleverly hidden! What if a cow suddenly comes, accidentally steps on the nest and crushes my chick? I won’t throw my egg to a wagtail, a pipit, or a warbler.” And she began to look out for new nests.

The nightingale and warbler made nests in the bushes. The cuckoo liked their nests. Yes, a thieving jay with blue feathers on its wings flew in. All the birds rushed to her, trying to drive her away from their nests.

The cuckoo thought: “The jay will find any nest, even the nest of a nightingale and warbler. And he will drag away my little bird. Where should I throw my egg?”

Then the cuckoo caught the eye of a small pied flycatcher. She flew out of the hollow of an old linden tree and flew to help the birds drive away the jay.

“This is a great nest for a chick! - thought the cuckoo. “In a hollow, a cow won’t crush him and a jay won’t get him.” I’ll throw my egg to the pestle!”

While the pied bird was chasing the jay, the cuckoo flew off the birch tree and laid an egg right on the ground. Then she grabbed him in her beak and flew up to the linden tree. She stuck her head into the hollow and carefully lowered the egg into the pestle’s nest.

The cuckoo was very glad that she had placed her chick in a safe place.