The role of fiction in the development of a child’s personality. The role of fiction in raising children and developing their speech

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

Chanovsky kindergarten No. 1, Chanovsky district, Novosibirsk region.

District methodological association on this topic:

"Systematization educational work,

ensuring speech development of preschool children"

Experience exchange

"Role fiction
in the development of child speech"

Middle preschool age

Gredyushko Natalya Anatolevna

Teacher 1 qualification category

r.p. Vats

Work on the speech development of children is one of the central places V preschool institution, this is explained by the importance of the period of preschool childhood in the speech development of a child.

This direction represented in the Federal State educational standards preschool education inEDUCATIONAL FIELD "SPEECH DEVELOPMENT":


    acquaintance with book culture,

    children's literature,

    listening comprehension of texts from various genres of children's literature;

Main tasks - Fiction.

    Cultivating interest and love for reading; development of literary speech.

    Cultivating the desire and ability to listen to works of art and follow the development of the action.

In the program, literature is separated into an independent section, without reference to speech development. A work of art is considered as an intrinsic value. Children need to read every day to develop their interest in reading. Children should continue to be taught to look at books and relate illustrations to the content of the works.

Fiction is a powerful tool mental, moral and aesthetic education. However, in the program, a work of fiction is considered as an intrinsic value, and material on introducing children to fiction is allocated in a separate section.

The art book provides excellent examples literary language. In stories, children learn laconicism and precision of language; in poetry - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness. From the book the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expressiveness when familiarizing themselves with a book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development, the language is absorbed into it aesthetic function. Mastery of linguistic and visual-expressive means serves to develop artistic perception literary works.


During the preschool period, speech development and its formation occur. During these years, the child learns sounds native language, learns to pronounce words and phrases clearly and grammatically correctly, and quickly accumulates vocabulary. With the development of speech in preschoolers, the need for communication increases. The rules of communication are gradually being clarified, and children are mastering new formulas of speech etiquette. But in some situations, children refuse to use generally accepted speech forms. There may be several reasons for this.

The most important thing is the lack of communication, reading and listening to fiction and, as a result, the preschooler’s poor vocabulary. The most important way to solve this problem is training speech etiquette children, especially senior preschool age, through reading fiction, since it is during this period that the foundation is laid moral principles, moral culture, the emotional-volitional sphere of the personality develops, and the productive experience of everyday communication is formed.


The problem of introducing preschool children to fiction is one of the most pressing, since, having entered the third millennium, society came into contact with the problem of obtaining information from publicly available sources. In this case, it is children who suffer first of all, losing contact with family reading. In this regard, pedagogy faces the problem of rethinking value guidelines educational system, especially preschool education systems. And here mastery becomes of great importance folk heritage, which naturally introduces the child to the basics of fiction. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, “reading books is the path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds the way to a child’s heart.”

Working with children special meaning has - an appeal to fiction, works of different genres, which, the best way open and explain to the child the life of society and nature, the world human feelings and relationships. Fiction develops a child’s thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions.

The value of reading fiction is that with its help an adult can easily establish emotional contact with a child. The attitude towards fiction as cultural value oral creativity is the defining position of my work.


Target: speech development of preschool children when familiarizing themselves with fiction.

To achieve the goal, I highlighted the following tasks:

Develop an interest in fiction.

Expand and activate children's vocabulary.

Introduce the main genre features fairy tales, stories, poems.

To improve children's artistic and speech performing skills when reading poems and dramatizations.

Draw children's attention to visual means of expression; help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instill sensitivity to the poetic word.

Develop Creative skills in children.

When building a system of work on the development of speech in preschoolers, I identified the main areas of activity:

creation of a speech development environment;

work with children; working with parents;

work with society (children's library, museum, post office, bookstores, reading competitions).

selected and systematized didactic games, enriching and activating vocabulary, improving the sound culture of speech, developing coherent speech, memory, thinking, and imagination in preschoolers, we have created a collection of expressive means of language “The Magic Box”

purchased visual and didactic aids “Stories from Pictures”, “Portraits of Children’s Writers. 19th Century”, “Portraits of Children’s Writers. 20th Century”, with the help of her parents, she created a library in the group, which contains books of various genres.

Main methods when familiarizing yourself with fiction, the following are:

    Reading the teacher books or transfers the text by heart. The reader, preserving the author’s language, conveys all the shades of the writer’s thoughts and influences the mind and feelings of the listeners. A significant part of literary works is read from a book.

    Storytelling teacher This is a relatively free transfer of text. Storytelling provides great opportunities to attract children's attention.

    Staging. This method can be considered as a means of secondary familiarization with a work of art.

    Reading by heart. The choice of transmission method depends on the genre of the work and the age of the listeners.

Forms directly educational activities:

  1. Reading

  2. Discussion

  3. Unlearning

Facilities training:

Educational and methodological literature

Educational visual aids

Handouts didactic materials

Audiovisual technology (ICT)

Work system for introducing preschoolers to works of fiction includes:

Daily reading of fairy tales, stories, poems;

Independent examination of books by children;

Special work in the classroom;

Free communication between the teacher and children based on works of fiction


The main result of the work done is that children love books, listen carefully, look at them, exchange their impressions, actively use expressive means of language in speech, compose, and fantasize.Fiction promotes the development of feelings, speech, intelligence, and determines a positive attitude towards the world.

The role of literature in the development of a child’s personality is difficult to overestimate. It's no secret that literary works develop literate correct speech, contribute to an increase vocabulary, enrich vocabulary and stimulate imaginative perception. This is especially important for children - after all, they are just forming a picture of the world and a system moral values, and reading is a basic component of upbringing and education.

Reading and personality: the relationship

Books greatly influence the development of a child as a person. Not to mention that the printed word provides us with tremendous experience previous generations, serves as a window into other eras and tells about the life of other peoples, it reveals to us the souls of other people. The importance of literature is great. When reading, children empathize goodies and wish the victory of good over evil, realize which actions are noble and which should never be repeated, as a result, children and adolescents gradually develop criteria for good and bad. But what was laid down in childhood remains with us for life.

Fiction influences not only the consciousness and feelings of a child, but also his behavior and character. Parents who manage to choose the right books for their child will be able to raise their sons and daughters to be intelligent and decent people.

How to instill a love for the written word

This question worries many now, because the current means mass media successfully replace printed publications. It is much easier to turn on the TV or computer than to read a book. Modern children They prefer to play online games or watch cartoons and videos for hours. However, let's try to figure out what needs to be done to instill a love for the printed word.

Firstly, to be aware of the formation of personality, and this is already a big plus. Good moms They begin to accustom the child to the literary word from the first years of life - they learn small poems and nursery rhymes with him, and tell him bedtime stories. At the age of about six months, you can give books with bright illustrations, but only under watchful supervision - a child can tear the pages or try to gnaw on the “granite of science” in the literal sense.

Secondly, inspire your offspring personal example- read more often for yourself, no matter whether out loud or to yourself. This is a great way to motivate, as children often express a desire to “be like mom/dad.”

Third, choose works of art with your child together. Of course, as an adult you understand importance of literature serious in nature, but in childhood and adolescence the priorities are somewhat different, so the book you bought may not be of interest to your son or daughter.

And the main point - be sure to discuss what you read with your child. In this way, you will not only develop his ability to formulate his thoughts competently and coherently, but also achieve mutual understanding and trust.

Children's books are considered as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental basis of education. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, “reading books is the path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds the way to a child’s heart.” Fiction shapes moral feelings and assessments, norms of moral behavior, fosters aesthetic perception.

Works of literature contribute to the development of speech and provide examples of the Russian literary language. E. A. Flerina noted that a literary work provides ready-made linguistic forms, verbal characteristics of the image, definitions with which the child operates. By means of artistic words even before school, before mastering grammatical rules Small child practically masters the grammatical norms of the language in unity with its vocabulary.

N. S. Karpinskaya also believed that fiction book provides excellent examples of literary language. In stories, children learn laconicism and precision of language; in poetry - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness.

From the book, the child learns many new words and figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

When familiarizing yourself with the book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development clearly appears; language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Mastery of linguistic figurative and expressive means serves to develop the artistic perception of literary works.

The educational function of literature is carried out in a special way, inherent only to art - by the force of influence artistic image. In order to fully realize the educational potential of literature, it is necessary to know the psychological characteristics of the perception and understanding of this type of art by preschoolers.

§ 2. Peculiarities of children’s perception of literary works*

Aesthetics and psychology view the perception of art as complex creative process. “Aesthetic perception of reality is a complex mental activity that uniquely combines both intellectual and emotional-volitional motives” (A. V. Zaporozhets). A literary work is circulated simultaneously And to the feeling and thought of the reader, helping him to master the rich spiritual experience humanity.

E. A. Flerina called characteristic feature the perception of a work of art by children is the unity of the “feeling” and the “thinking”.

The perception of fiction is considered as an active volitional process, which does not involve passive contemplation, but activity, which is embodied in internal assistance, empathy with the characters, in the imaginary transference of events to oneself, “mental action”, resulting in the effect of personal presence, personal participation in events .

In the works of L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinstein, B. M. Teplov, A. V. Zaporozhets, O. I. Nikiforova, E. A. Flerina, N. S. Karpinskaya, L. M. Gurovich and Other scientists study the peculiarities of the perception of fiction by preschool children.

O. I. Nikiforova distinguishes three stages in the development of perception of a work of art: direct perception, reconstruction and experience of images (based on the work of imagination); understanding the ideological content of the work (it is based on thinking); the influence of fiction on the reader’s personality (through feelings and consciousness).

A child's interest in books appears early. At first, he is interested in turning the pages, listening to an adult read, and looking at the illustrations. With the advent of interest in the picture, interest in the text begins to arise. As research shows, with appropriate work, already in the third year of a child’s life, it is possible to arouse his interest in the fate of the hero of the story, force the baby to follow the course of the event and experience feelings that are new to him.

As mentioned above, one of the features of children’s perception of a literary work is empathy for the characters. Perception is extremely active. The child puts himself in the place of the hero, mentally acts, fights his enemies. At puppet theater performances, children sometimes interfere in events, try to help the hero, and in unison tell the characters what not to do.

E. A. Flerina also noted such a feature as naivety of children's perception: children don't like a bad ending, the hero must be lucky (kids don't even want stupid mouse eaten by a cat).

A child’s artistic perception develops and improves throughout preschool age. L. M. Gurovich, based on a generalization of scientific data and his own research, examines the age-related characteristics of preschoolers’ perception of a literary work, highlighting two periods in their aesthetic development: from two to five years, when the child does not clearly separate life from art, and after five years, when art, including the art of words, becomes valuable in itself for the child 1 .

Based on the characteristics of perception, the leading tasks of familiarizing with the book at each age stage are put forward.

Let us briefly dwell on the age-related characteristics of perception. For children junior preschool age characteristic: dependence of text understanding on the child’s personal experience; establishing easily recognizable connections when events follow each other; the main character is in the spotlight, children most often do not understand his experiences and motives for his actions; emotional attitude to the heroes is brightly colored; there is a craving for a rhythmically organized style of speech.

IN average preschool age Some changes occur in the understanding and comprehension of the text, which is associated with the expansion of the child’s life and literary experience. Children establish simple causal connections in the plot and, in general, correctly evaluate the actions of the characters. In the fifth year, a reaction to the word appears, interest in it, the desire to repeatedly reproduce it, play with it, and comprehend it.

According to K.I. Chukovsky, a new stage of the child’s literary development begins, a keen interest arises in the content of the work, in comprehending its inner meaning.

IN senior preschool age children begin to realize events that were not in their personal experience, they are interested not only in the actions of the hero, but also in the motives of actions, experiences, feelings. They are able to sometimes pick up on subtext. An emotional attitude towards the characters arises on the basis of the child’s comprehension of the entire conflict of the work and taking into account all the characteristics of the hero. Children develop the ability to perceive text in the unity of content and form. The understanding of the literary hero becomes more complex, and some features of the form of the work are realized (stable turns of phrase in a fairy tale, rhythm, rhyme).

Studies note that in a 4-5 year old child the mechanism for forming a holistic image of the semantic content of the perceived text begins to fully function. At the age of 6 - 7 years, the mechanism for understanding the content side of a coherent text, characterized by clarity, is already fully formed.

The ability to perceive a literary work, to realize, along with the content and features of artistic strikingness, does not arise spontaneously; it is formed gradually throughout preschool age.

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Methods of speech development and teaching the native language of preschoolers

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Practical part. Develop the content and design of a corner of the book in your own way age group, show techniques for working with children with this content in a corner of the book.

Fiction is one of the most important means of comprehensive harmonious development of the individual.

Works of fiction reveal the world of human feelings to children, arousing interest in personality, inner world hero. Fiction contributes to the purposeful literary development of personality. V.A. Levin understands literary development as one of necessary conditions human development modern culture, independently building his life and being responsible for his actions before people and conscience.

While reading works of art the child accumulates the experience of a variety of direct reading experiences: variously colored reading emotions - from delight to sadness and even fear; feelings associated with the perception of works of different genres, styles, authors, historical eras. The child acquires attachments; realizes his preferences, makes reader choice. fiction speech children's

Children's books are considered as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental basis of education. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, “reading books is the path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds the way to a child’s heart.” Fiction shapes moral feelings and assessments, norms of moral behavior, and cultivates aesthetic perception.

Works of literature contribute to the development of speech and provide examples of the Russian literary language. E. A. Flerina noted that a literary work provides ready-made linguistic forms, verbal characteristics of the image, definitions with which the child operates. By means artistic word Even before school, before mastering grammatical rules, a small child practically masters the grammatical norms of the language in unity with its vocabulary.

N. S. Karpinskaya also believed that a fiction book provides excellent examples of literary language. In stories, children learn laconicism and precision of language; in poetry - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness.

From the book, the child learns many new words and figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

When familiarizing yourself with the book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development clearly appears; language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Mastery of linguistic figurative and expressive means serves to develop the artistic perception of literary works.

The people are unsurpassed teachers of children's speech. In no other works, except folk ones, will you find such an ideal arrangement of difficult-to-pronounce sounds, such an amazingly thoughtful combination of words that barely differ from each other in sound. Friendly banter, subtle humor of nursery rhymes, teasers, rhymes - effective remedy pedagogical influence, a good “cure” against laziness, cowardice, stubbornness, whims, selfishness.

A journey into the world of a fairy tale develops the imagination of children, and encourages them to write. Raised on the best literary samples In the spirit of humanity, children show themselves to be fair in their stories and fairy tales, protecting the offended and weak and punishing the evil.

Reading works of fiction contributes to the formation of moral ideas and the cultivation of feelings and emotions in junior schoolchildren. The children’s concrete ideas about how they relate to their comrades are expanding. This is helping each other in joint affairs, in studying, playing, hard work, in trouble, Attentive attitude to others (relatives, comrades, acquaintances and strangers), demonstrating honesty and goodwill. Preschoolers get acquainted with situations that require high and moral readiness of a person, gain an understanding of the sense of justice, modesty, as well as negative traits character - injustice, rudeness and greed.

The educational impact of a book on a child also manifests itself as the power of example, but it never immediately affects the behavior and actions of the reader; this influence is much more complex and mediated by reality. ""Art," wrote psychologist L.S. You are Gothic - you never directly strike out from yourself this or that practical action, it only prepares the body for this action."

Communion younger preschooler to the classics of fiction forms the child’s aesthetic attitude to life, develops his interest in literary creativity, creativity of the writer, creators of works verbal art, develops the little reader’s ability to live his own life through many other people’s destinies, to act actively in unexpected circumstances, fictional plots, and to empathize with his favorite characters.

An emotionally correctly perceived book evokes in a child a stable emotional attitude, which helps him clarify for himself and understand the moral experiences that arise in him while reading. This organic unity of aesthetic and moral experience enriches and spiritually develops the child’s personality.

In no case should we forget that the texts of works of art are excellent material for the formation and development of speech skills in a preschooler, the main one of which is reading skills. Development of reading skill as a type speech activity comes from an expanded loud speech form of reading aloud to reading to oneself, carried out as a mental action taking place on the internal plane.

Thus, reading and adequate perception works of art, firstly, broaden and deepen students’ horizons and enrich their knowledge and emotions; secondly, it serves as a means of educational influence on students; thirdly, it contributes to the enrichment and development of students’ language.

Burdyko T.S.

“The role of literature in the formation of personality”


The article outlines the role of reading classical fiction in the spiritual space modern man. The features of the state of reading in conditions of social change are analyzed; the main functions of fiction that contribute to the formation of a person’s worldview are highlighted.

Keywords: Worldview, literature, spiritual culture, personality.

« Good book- exactly a conversation with smart person»

L.N. Tolstoy.

The role of literature in the formation of personality is, of course, enormous. In any book, in one way or another, the essence and morality are conveyed to a person. Whether it’s the heroes’ mistakes or their merits, the author, through his attitude towards them, determines our opinion about the characters. For example, any child will tell you that the wolf in the fairy tale about the seven little kids is bad, and you shouldn’t follow his example. So, reading books and drawing conclusions, each person determines for himself life priorities- good and bad, nobility and meanness, good and evil. And this is especially important in children and adolescence, during the formation of character, choice moral values. At all times, fiction has played a leading role in shaping a person’s worldview and in the development of personality. The book is considered a unique form of storage and dissemination of knowledge accumulated over centuries by humanity; it is the foundation of the spiritual culture of the people. But now, due to the development information technologies V modern world There is a general decline in interest in fiction. Children don't want to read. This means speech, literacy, intelligence suffer, moral education, emotional sphere. This problem is becoming relevant all over the world. It is no coincidence that 2015 was dedicated to the “Year of Literature”, and the media are increasingly attracting famous people to reading excerpts from works of fiction. All this speaks to the relevance of the problem and the need to increase interest in the book, especially in childhood when the child’s personality is being formed. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky and many others. others called for the importance of introducing children to literature from childhood and developing the child using the examples of heroes of works of art.

Literary education susceptible to the influence of destructive external factors, which are especially active in Lately. At the same time, it is difficult to overestimate the influence of literature on the formation of personality. As a form of knowledge of reality, fiction expands life experience child, creates for him a spiritual and emotional environment in which the organic unity of aesthetic and moral experiences enriches and spiritually develops the child’s personality. Books not only expand general ideas child, enrich his knowledge about reality; the main thing is that they introduce him to a special world of feelings, deep experiences and emotional discoveries. The power of art is that it does not impose conclusions, but forces the reader himself to come to this conclusion and formulate it.

The study of fiction is aimed at personal education: awakening love, respect, pride for Russian literature and the art of the past, for outstanding monuments literature, to achievements artistic culture. Enrichment spiritual world personality occurs through the comprehension of ideals and through empathy for the heroes, through complicity and sympathy.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that fiction creates such feelings as responsiveness, mutual assistance, love for one’s homeland, nobility and kindness. Therefore, the only real barrier to degradation public values There are books that have stood the test of time, filled with sublime meaning and good-heartedness.


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