“It’s hard to expect an adequate level of perception if the judges are full of alcohol.” “Mom didn’t cry when she watched “Versus” by Marina Katsuba

Marina Katsuba was born in St. Petersburg. She started writing poetry at the age of five. She studied to become an ecologist, director and entrepreneur, and was engaged in journalism.

In parallel with her poetic work, in which she has achieved some success, Marina is producing fashion shoots

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-8U5COSo0Q" target="_blank">collaboration of rapper Oksimiron with Reebok


On the album Noize MC Hard Reboot there is a track "M" with a guest verse from the poetess, and recently musician recited her poems

Battle of the Poets" on channel 100TV, which was awarded the "Tefi" award

for fun" to battle on "Versus". Since then, the issue has already received more than three million views

write" after he defeated Oksimiron on "Versus"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtVnowT0xUg" target="_blank">promised to marry

I invited him to take part in a shoot for a sports brand. Slava named the amount too high - 500 thousand rubles"

never worked with Marina Katsuba and never instructed her to look for... performers for filming"

Most people who are dissatisfied with their own lives have to repeat thousands of times and even instill in themselves a simple truth: “Something urgently needs to be changed!”

And in the morning these same people gloomily go off to hated jobs and services to carry out other people’s orders and will, putting off their lives every day for later.

Today we will learn the story of a man who spent his whole life doing only what he liked.


The biography of Marina Katsuba began in the city of St. Petersburg, in which the destinies of a seemingly stern, but at heart cheerful submarine officer and a teacher, correct in all respects, once united, like all the women of her family, who had blond hair, blue eyes and breasts of the third size, the main object of envy of the heroine of this article.

The Katsubas were a classic St. Petersburg married couple, who for the next thirty-three years of marriage went to the same restaurant to celebrate the next birthday of Marina’s mother, who three years before her birth had already given her husband her eldest daughter, Alexandra.

Below we can see a photo of Marina Katsuba, whose biography has just begun.


Having become a famous poetess, Marina once wrote:

Tender childhood -

It flew like a ball through the courtyards.

Everything is still:

Flyers don't let you into heaven...

Born on November 15, 1988, the youngest daughter of the Katsub family broke the genetic tradition of her mother’s family for the first time and inherited her father’s appearance.

As soon as the girl was two years old, her parents gave her an ABC book, so by the age of four she had already begun to read and write.

Katsuba Jr. grew up to be an extremely independent and talented child. Already at the age of five, Marina wrote her first and very kind poem about ponies, and at the same time she made a real oath to herself never to stop writing.

Her favorite game, despite her humanitarian achievements, at that time was “Face Slap.” This entertainment was invented by the father, and it consisted in the fact that he collected all the pillows and blankets that were in their apartment into one big pile, took his daughters and threw them with all his might into this soft mountain from a distance and under the terrible screams of their mother. The fun of Marina and her sister simply knew no bounds.

Below in the photo is Marina (left) with her parents and older sister.

Primary school student Marina Katsuba, whose biography became the subject of our consideration today, was an extremely busy person. Her parents, like two skilled jewelers, tried to create a real work of art out of their daughter. Therefore, Marina studied ballet from an early age, studied at an art school, attended a club of the Writers' Union, mastered playing the piano and was, in general, a completely extraordinary child for her age.

However, the only activity that really attracted her was still writing poetry.

The parents were quite skeptical about their daughter’s hobby, believing that in life you need to do something more real than extracting rhymes from your own head. This is how Marina Katsuba, who was already nine years old, recalls that period from her biography:

My mother and I often saw a poorly dressed, intelligent woman near the Anichkov Bridge with a sign: “I trade poetry for bread.” Mom said: “You will stand here if you don’t define priorities in life.” And I learned: you can draw, write poetry, sing, but first of all you must find money for bread...


One way or another, by the tenth grade, the young poetess, experiencing incessant pressure from her parents, became very concerned about environmental issues and even began going on exchange studies to Sweden, after which she wrote a large and almost journalistic investigation about the work of a garbage plant.

The work was not in vain - she, still a schoolgirl, was ready to accept the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov without competition.

When she turned sixteen years old, her first real job appeared in Marina Kotsuba’s biography - she became a correspondent for the student newspaper “Reaction”, still continuing to write poetry every day, in which she tried to utter her first mental anguish, so characteristic of this age:

The dog gets angry and barks at the entrance to the house.

Someone has come. Who?

I'll be angry with you later.

While I'm gasping for air.

The dog gets angry and barks and barks like that

It was as if trouble had come to my house.

Which means, while I’m taken away from you,

I probably won't be able to fly. ⠀

The dog is angry, growls and is already whining.

I open it: and there is no one at the door.

Dark. And barking. And my ships

Suddenly they drown here, inside...


For Marina, who had just graduated from the school-lyceum, the further learning process turned out to be no less intense than in childhood.

She was dissuaded from enrolling in the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow University by her pragmatic submariner father, who was confident that in order to be able to provide for oneself, one must definitely have a technical education.

Thus, Marina Kotsuba’s biography was supplemented by three years of student life at the Faculty of Ecology of the St. Petersburg Technological University of Plant Polymers.

In the third year, when classes on strength of materials began, the subject, the very definition of which - “a part of the mechanics of a deformable solid, which considers methods of engineering calculations of structures for strength,” sounded like an Indian mantra in Hindi for the born humanist Marina. The girl broke down, left the university and, having quarreled with her father, entered the directing department of the Academy of Culture.

Marina Kotsuba's training at this academy was like a bullet. It only took three days. Then her teachers told her that her calling was to compose, and nothing more.

Her student life at the Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship ended, in which the extraordinary student attended only three subjects of interest to her, after which the biography of Marina Kotsuba found herself facing an immense horizon of all possible directions in the path of her own self.


Accustomed since childhood to frightening people around her with her versatility, Marina did not betray herself. By the age of thirty, she had managed to appear in all major glossy publications and tabloids. She was called "The Queen of Poets" when talking about her poems, and "Inspiration" when the article was about music.

Marina Katsuba became known to journalism as an editor, publicist, interviewer and even copywriter.

The fashion world recognized her as a talented model and successful producer of commercial and glossy fashion shoots.

Over the ten years of her career, writing poems has become for the biography of Marina Katsuba the personal element of her creative soul. Having turned into a famous modern poetess, she never even tried to make any money from her poems, of which she had already produced more than twenty thousand, because she completely did not understand how she could sell the most valuable thing she had.

Therefore, Marina does this simply for her own pleasure. The only thing she wants is for her viewers to turn off their cell phones and bring flowers.


In 2010, she won the “Battle of Poets” on the St. Petersburg channel “100TV”, and four years later she spoke with the Kharkov artist MC Drago in the rap confrontation of the VERSUS-battle project, a domestic Internet show on the YouTube channel in the genre of rap battles - rhyming verbal duels between two performers.

Below in the photo is one of the highlights of the VERSUS-battle between Marina Katsuba and MC Drago.

What was unprecedented in the history of both projects was that for the first time their winner was a girl.

Personal life

The epigraph to this chapter can be the lines of our today’s heroine:

I, naughty one, did not give in to you.

I'll kiss you and let you go.

See in every eye shape

My cheerful and angry squint...

Thirty-year-old Marina already has two divorces behind her.

She first tied the knot very early, while still a seventeen-year-old environmental student. Her husband was a certain Nikita, with whom she at that time wrote humorous reprises for such large projects as “KVN” and Comedy Club. The girl's parents insisted on this marriage.

After Nikita, a second husband, Artem, appeared in the biography and personal life of Marina Katsuba.

Their acquaintance, according to the long tradition of our heroine, was again like a bullet:

I called him:

Hello, I am Marina Katsuba, I am divine. Take me with you.

I'm sorry, what?

Well, I'll come tomorrow and tell you everything.

That's pretty much how we got married...

Over the four years of marriage, this young married couple managed to create the Bolt poetry art club in their native St. Petersburg, organize the Battle of Poets project on the regional 100TV channel and many charity events for children in orphanages and hospitals.

Recently, the girl has been in a romantic relationship with rap artist Misha Matey.

The couple is similar to each other in character and attitude to life. According to Marina Katsuba herself, whose biography and personal life is today under close media attention, Misha is the greatest love of her life.

In November 2017, Katsuba and Maity released their joint video for the song “Hotel”, for the sake of filming in which the loving queen of poetry even had to cut her hair short.


At the end of 2016, Marina Katsuba’s debut music album “Today” was released, becoming significant for the Russian rap scene, as well as for connoisseurs of modern literature.

Last year, the poetess presented her concert program “Cities” to Russian audiences, and in the near future she is preparing to release her second music album.

The number of fans of her talent is growing every day. She is successful, beautiful and still full of new creative plans.

The only thing that Marina Katsuba lacks now, by her own admission, is family and children.

"A good circus is better than bad hip-hop." St. Petersburg poet Marina Katsuba spoke under this motto at Versus yesterday. She performed and won: not only based on the voting results, but also because during the 20 minutes of the battle she managed to charm many spectators.

The Flow promptly contacted Marina and asked her several questions.

How did it happen that a girl poet ended up at a rap battle?

I’ve been friends with Oxxxymiron and Porchy for a long time, and we joked several times that it would be funny to send me to Versus. Well, now we're done joking. The organizers of the battle are super adequate guys, I helped them during the “Off-season” with my friends from PUBLICA with some administrative and PR issues. And my participation is just that, an additional bonus for everyone. A good and, in my opinion, quite a funny joke. Vanya Noise was very supportive of this idea and many other musician friends - I decided to do it.

Noize MC told us in a recent interview that you started “recording hip-hop.” He didn't only mean Versus, did I understand correctly?

Well, so far, apart from a joint track with Vanya and a track based on my performance at the battle, which I will post the other day, I have not recorded anything in this “non-female” genre. There are a lot of proposals - it’s even scary, I’m still thinking what to do with it. Over the course of 24 years of creativity, I have more than two thousand texts - enough for 10 albums. There is no time - I’m working like hell with the move to Moscow.

Wasn't it scary to fight with a huge, pumped-up man?

Well, really, how scary it was - it was funny. Only the judges let us down and upset us. It’s hard to expect any adequate level of perception from the audience if the judges at the event are covered in cabbage soup with alcohol. The guys will need to be more careful in the selection of jury members in future, because the status of the battle is primarily determined by the composition of the judges.

It’s interesting that battles are nothing new to you. On your VKontakte page it is indicated that you are the first girl to win the Battle of Poets. What is the Battle of the Poets?

Google to the rescue. There was such a program on the 100TV channel. 7 seasons of selected St. Petersburg poetry. And, yes, in the last 7th season I won. This was in 2009. The series with my participation received TEFI as the best entertainment program. We have a wonderful country, we have the Battle of the Poets - an entertaining program, guys. What can we say about rap battles!

On the same day that you performed at the battle, two fights took place there. Were you generally comfortable being in such an environment?

No. And I have already informed all the participants in the fights to which I am directly related. Fights are sad, especially in a place where people, in theory, should be measured by words.

I can understand why rappers come here, but why would you? I can hardly imagine people wearing baseball caps at your creative evenings.

At my creative evenings you can meet people wearing baseball caps. What are you talking about? Even my dad wears a baseball cap! Why do I need it? Well, this is an experiment on yourself, on the format. True, I am frightened by the superficiality and monotony of most Russian-language rap. And I really came to talk about this at Versus. Well, Drago had to listen to everyone. In my subjective opinion, if he had been a little less vulgar and dug a little more into my literature, and not into photos on the Internet, he would definitely have taken me out. I don’t write long punchlines and I don’t feel very comfortable in this format in general.

For those who have only now learned about Marina Katsuba: three of your texts that you like more than others?

No, excuse me. I have too many texts. I've spent most of the last few years blogging. And, truly, I believe that everyone is free to decide for themselves what to read, what not to read, who to listen to, who not to listen to, and what they like best. I have one surprisingly pleasant St. Petersburg trait - I do not impose my opinion, my society, or my creativity on anyone.

How do you feel about Russian rap? What do you like about it, what not so much? Who do you stand out from others?

I'm like all chicks. I can listen to Asshai in a premenstrual rush excitedly, honestly. Well. Jokes aside, this is a very voluminous question, claiming to be a multi-hour monologue.

There is a thesis that rap is the new poetry. Can we take something like this seriously?

Rap is one of the main elements of hip-hop culture. Poetry is a way of organizing speech, a genre, if you like. Let's not throw everything into one pan and mix. You can take anything seriously, but not stupid questions!

In the States, poetry nights among rappers are being held in full swing - people like Mos Def take part in them. Can we imagine this?

It’s possible, I think, but I’m afraid it will still turn out... very Russian, to the extent of the specifics of our mentality.

Is Russian poetry alive in 2014? Can you name the top five names worth keeping an eye on?

Follow Andrei Gogolev. For Vanya Pinzhenin. For Tanya Repina. For Dima Adamovich. Behind Ars Pegasus. For Yes Soy. I know about fifty decent, talented poets. They just don’t throw mud at each other and don’t plan to fuck anyone’s mother - so schoolchildren are not ready to watch their dreary creative fate online.

The most important question: why are all the new stars of poetry entirely women? Polozkova, Astakhova, is that you? Where have the men who write poetry gone?

This is a superficial statement, I do not agree with it. There is an issue with the level of fame of the authors, yes. But this is a slightly different question - about women’s activity in our society as a whole, including within the creative professions.

For people far from the world of poetry: tell us how the evenings (concerts?) of poets go? A person just comes out and reads poetry? How does the public react to this?

There are many different formats. There is an open battle SLAM, when everyone has 1 minute on stage, and the audience chooses the best. In my youth, I performed well in SLAMs and won - I had the time and desire to prove my worth verbally. There are author evenings, festivals, performances, media poetry. It’s just that the poetic world is a small subculture. Elite, not interesting to the masses. Maybe, thank God, that’s the case.
Marina Katsuba's next performance in Moscow will take place tomorrow, October 7, at the Artefaq club.

[Verse 1, Maity]:
An old movie again. Silent scene.
Hands run under your dress, but it’s not my fault.
I guess I'm weak; I guess I'm weird -
But you are with me for the third night in a row.

[Chorus, Maity]:

You are silent, and I draw on the wallpaper.
I smoke. There are two of us and Paris is outside the window!
Earthenware service and clock ticking opposite,
Just remember - luck loves jazz.

[Verse 2, Marina Katsuba]:
Just don't turn out to be like those who fall in love and run away,
Without you in the morning, bed is like poetry without letters.
Without you, I will crumble into dust, glass.
Like an abandoned island, empty poems without words.

Don't blush - it's evening, sounds are quietly flying to the west.
I’ve already seen these drawings in my dreams, your eyes.
With you, I still don’t have enough rum, time, cigarettes.
We are Remarque's heroes, the room has no doors.

Sighs, speeches, holes - I’m afraid to sleep and sleep.
This is such an evening that every second has its own destiny.
There is so much life - both the body trembles and the light.
Just don't be a stranger -

I haven’t belonged to anyone for a hundred years.
Garson is sleeping in the foyer.
I haven’t belonged to anyone for a hundred years;
No one...

[Chorus, Maity]:
My hotel, we are brightly immersed in love.
The bed breathes in spring, breathes in spring, breathes in spring.
My hotel, we are brightly immersed in love.
The bed breathes in spring, breathes in spring, breathes in spring.

About the song Maity - Hotel (ft. Marina Katsuba)

  • 2017 was a very busy year for Matey in terms of creativity. Perhaps none of the Russian-speaking Artists of our time could break this record. So, the third release, entitled “The Great Russian Nobody,” comes out on November 1st. And it is completely different from the two previous releases of this year in that the tape contains not only Divine lyrics, but also tracks, for example “White Gardens” with a fairly high BPM. We've been waiting for this for a long time, and now it's happened! St. Petersburg poetess Marina Katsuba on the only joint track “Hotel” with a guest verse. The production, to the delight of everyone, was done by Dark Faders, art records from Denis Lupercal. The lyrics of the song Maity - Hotel (ft. Marina Katsuba) are in the set and will soon be available for reading.

Additional Information

Lyrics of the song Maity - Hotel (ft. Marina Katsuba).
Author of the text: Mikhail Tyutkin (Meity) and Marina Katsuba.
Album "Great Russian Nobody".
Music: Dark Faders.
Cover: Lupercal.
Official release date: November 01, 2017.