The meaning of the fairy tale about rejuvenating apples and water. "Rejuvenating apples"

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king, and he had three sons: the eldest was called Fedor, the second Vasily, and the youngest Ivan.

The king was very old and his eyes were poor, but he heard that far away, in the thirtieth kingdom, there is a garden with rejuvenating apples and a well with living water. If you eat this apple for an old man, he will become younger, and if you wash the eyes of a blind man with this water, he will see.

The king gathers a feast for the whole world, invites princes and boyars to the feast and says to them:

Who, guys, would get out of the chosen ones, get out of the hunters, travel to distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom, bring rejuvenating apples and a jug of living water with twelve stigmas? I would give this rider half the kingdom.

Here the larger one began to be buried behind the middle one, and the middle one behind the smaller one, but from the smaller one there was no answer.

Tsarevich Fyodor comes out and says:

There is no desire to give up the kingdom to us people. I will go along this path and bring you, Father Tsar, rejuvenating apples and a jug of twelve stigmas of living water.

Fyodor Tsarevich went to the stable yard, chooses an unridden horse for himself, bridles an unbridled bridle, takes an unwhipped whip, puts on twelve girths with a girth - not for the sake of beauty, but for the sake of strength... Fyodor Tsarevich set off on the path. They saw that he was sitting down, but did not see in which direction he rolled away...

He rode close, far, low, or high, he rode day until evening - the red sun until sunset. And it reaches Rostan, three roads. There is a stone slab lying on the ridges, with the inscription written on it:

“If you go to the right, you’ll save yourself, and lose your horse. If you go to the left, you’ll save your horse, and you’ll lose yourself. If you go straight, you’ll get married.”

Fyodor Tsarevich thought for a moment: “Let’s go and see where I can be married.”

And he turned onto the path where a married man should be. He drove and drove and reached the tower under the golden roof. Then a beautiful maiden runs out and says to him:

Tsar's son, I will take you out of the saddle, come with me to eat bread and salt and sleep and rest.

No, girl, I don’t want bread and salt, and I can’t while away the road with sleep. I need to move forward.

Tsar’s son, don’t rush to go, but hurry to do what you love.

Then the beautiful maiden took him out of the saddle and led him into the mansion. She fed him, gave him something to drink and put him to sleep on the bed.

As soon as Tsarevich Fyodor lay down against the wall, this girl quickly turned the bed, and he flew underground, into a deep hole...

Whether long or short, the king again gathers a feast, calls the princes and boyars and says to them:

Look, guys, who among the hunters would come out and bring me rejuvenating apples and living water, a jug with twelve stigmas? I would give this rider half the kingdom.

Here again the larger one is buried for the middle one, and the middle one for the smaller one, but there is no answer from the smaller one.

The second son, Vasily Tsarevich, comes out:

Father, I don’t want to give the kingdom into the wrong hands. I'll go to the road, bring these things, and hand them over to you.

Tsarevich Vasily goes to the stable yard, chooses an unridden horse, bridles an unbridled bridle, takes an unwhipped whip, puts on twelve girths with a girth.

Vasily Tsarevich went. They saw how he sat down, but did not see in which direction he rolled away... So he reaches the rosstan, where the slab-stone lies, and sees:

“If you go to the right, you’ll save yourself and lose your horse.

You go to the left - to save the horse, to lose yourself. If you go straight, you'll be married."

Vasily Tsarevich thought and thought and “went down the road where a married man should be. He reached a tower with a golden roof. A beautiful maiden runs out to him and asks him to eat bread and salt and lie down to rest.

Tsar's son, don't rush to go, but hurry to do what you like...

Then she took him out of the saddle, led him into the mansion, fed him, gave him something to drink and put him to bed.

As soon as Tsarevich Vasily lay down against the wall, she turned the bed again, and he flew underground.

And then they ask:

Who's flying?

Vasily the Tsarevich. Who's sitting?

Fyodor Tsarevich.

There you go, bro!

Whether it’s long or short, the tsar gathers a feast for the third time, calls the princes and boyars:

Who among the hunters would choose to bring rejuvenating apples and living water in a jug with twelve stigmas? I would give this rider half the kingdom.

Here again the larger one is buried behind the middle one, the middle one behind the smaller one, but there is no answer from the smaller one.

Ivan Tsarevich comes out and says:

Let me, father, blessing, from a wild head to quick feet, go to the thirtieth kingdom - look for you rejuvenating apples and living water, and also look for my brothers.

The king gave him a blessing. Tsarevich Ivan went to the stable yard to choose a horse according to his judgment. Whichever horse he looks at, he trembles; whichever he puts his hand on, he falls off his feet...

Ivan Tsarevich could not choose a horse wisely. He goes and hangs his head. A backwater grandmother meets him.

Hello, child, Ivan Tsarevich! Why are you walking around sad and sad?

How can I, grandma, not be sad - I can’t find a horse by reason.

You should have asked me a long time ago. A good horse stands chained in the cellar, on an iron chain. If you can take him, you will have a horse to your liking.

Ivan Tsarevich comes to the cellar, kicked an iron slab, and the slab from the cellar rolled up. He jumped up to the good horse, and the horse stood on his shoulders with its front legs. Ivan Tsarevich stands there and doesn’t move. The horse tore off the iron chain, jumped out of the cellar and pulled out Tsarevich Ivan. And then Ivan Tsarevich bridled him with an unbridled bridle, saddled him with an unridden saddle, put on twelve girths with a girth - not for the sake of beauty, for the sake of the glory of a brave man.

Ivan Tsarevich set off on his journey. They saw that it was landing, but did not see in which direction it rolled away... He reached the rosstan and thought:

“To go to the right is to lose my horse - where would I be without a horse? To go straight - to be married - that’s not why I set out on this journey. To go to the left - to save my horse - this road is the best for me.”

And he turned along the road where to save a horse is to lose yourself. He rode long, short, low, high, through green meadows, over stone mountains, rode from day to evening - the red sun until sunset - and came upon a hut.

There is a hut on a chicken leg, with one window.

The hut turned its back to the forest, and its front to Ivan Tsarevich. He went into it, and there was an old Baba Yaga sitting there. The silk tow is tossing, and the threads are flying through the beds.

Fu, fu, he says, the Russian spirit has never been heard of, never seen, but now the Russian spirit has come on its own.

And Ivan Tsarevich to her:

Oh, you, Baba Yaga, bone leg, if you don’t catch the bird, you fiddle with it, if you don’t recognize the fellow, you blaspheme. You should have jumped up now, fed me, a good fellow, a dear person, and made me a bed for the night. I would lie down, you would sit at the head of the bed, begin to ask, and I would begin to say - whose and where.

So Baba Yaga took care of everything - she fed Ivan Tsarevich, gave him something to drink and put him to bed. She sat down at the head and began to ask:

Whose are you, dear man, good fellow, but from where? What land are you? What father, mother's son?

I, grandmother, am from such and such a kingdom, from such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. I am going to distant lands, to distant lakes, to the thirtieth kingdom for living water and rejuvenating apples.

Well, my dear child, you have a long way to go: living water and rejuvenating apples are with the strong heroic maiden Sineglazka, she is my dear niece. I don't know if you'll get the go-ahead...

Many young people passed by, but not many spoke politely. Take my horse, child. My horse will be more spirited, he will take you to my middle sister, she will teach you.

Ivan Tsarevich gets up early in the morning and washes himself white. He thanks Baba Yaga for the overnight stay and rode off on her horse.

Suddenly he says to the horse:

Stop! Dropped the glove.

And the horse answers:

At the time you spoke, I had already ridden two hundred miles...

Ivan Tsarevich is traveling close or far. The day and night are shortening. And he saw ahead a hut on a chicken leg, with one window.

Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, turn your front to me! As I enter you, so I leave you.

The hut turned its back to the forest, and its front to it. Suddenly a horse was heard neighing, and the horse under Ivan Tsarevich responded.

The horses were single herd. Baba Yaga heard this - yet older than that- and says:

Apparently my sister came to visit me.

And goes out onto the porch:

Fu-fu, the Russian spirit has never been heard of, never seen, but today the Russian spirit itself has come.

And Ivan Tsarevich to her:

Oh, you, Baba Yaga, bone leg, greet the guest with his dress, see him off with his mind. You would take my horse away, feed me, a good fellow, a dear person, give me something to drink and put me to bed...

Baba Yaga took care of everything - she removed the horse, and fed Ivan Tsarevich, gave him something to drink, put him to bed and began asking who he was, where he was from and where he was going.

I, grandmother, am from such and such a kingdom, from such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. I’m going for living water and rejuvenating apples to the strong hero, the maiden Sineglazka...

Well, dear child, I don’t know if you’ll get the go-ahead.

It’s wise for you, it’s wise to get to the girl Sineglazka!

And you, grandmother, give your head to my mighty shoulders, guide me to my mind.

Many young people passed by, but not many spoke politely. Take my horse, child, and go to my elder sister. She will teach me better what to do.

Here Ivan Tsarevich spent the night with this old woman, in the morning he gets up early and washes himself white. He thanks Baba Yaga for the overnight stay and rode off on her horse. And this horse is even more spirited.

Suddenly Ivan Tsarevich says:

Stop! Dropped the glove.

And the horse answers:

At the time you spoke, I had already ridden three hundred miles...

It doesn't take long for the deed to be done, it doesn't take long for the fairy tale to tell. Ivan Tsarevich travels from day to evening - the sun is red until sunset. He runs into a hut on a chicken leg, with one window.

Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, turn your front to me! I don’t have to live forever, but only spend one night.

Suddenly the horse neighed, and under Ivan Tsarevich the horse responded. An old Baba Yaga, even older than that one, comes out onto the porch. She looked - her sister’s horse, and the rider was foreign, a wonderful fellow...

Here Ivan Tsarevich politely bowed to her and asked to spend the night. Nothing to do! They don’t carry overnight accommodation with them - there’s room for everyone: on foot and on horseback, both poor and rich.

Baba Yaga took care of the whole matter - she removed the horse, and fed and gave Ivan Tsarevich something to drink and began asking who he was, where he was from and where he was going.

I, grandmother, of such and such a kingdom, such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. Was at yours younger sister, she sent to the middle one, and the middle one sent to you. Give your head to my mighty shoulders, guide me to my mind, how can I get living water and rejuvenating apples from the maiden Sineglazka.

So be it, I will help you, Ivan Tsarevich. Maid

Sineglazka, my niece, is a strong and mighty hero. Around her kingdom there is a wall three fathoms high, a fathom thick, and at the gate of the guard there are thirty warriors. They won't even let you through the gate. You need to ride in the middle of the night, ride on my good horse. When you reach the wall, hit the horse on the sides with an unwhipped whip. The horse will jump over the wall. Tie your horse and go into the garden. You will see an apple tree with rejuvenating apples, and under the apple tree there is a well. Pick three apples and don’t take any more. And draw from the well of living water a pitcher of twelve stigmas. The girl Sineglazka will be sleeping, don’t go into her mansion, but mount your horse and hit him on the steep sides. He will take you over the wall.

Ivan Tsarevich did not spend the night with this old woman, but sat on her good horse and drove off at night. This horse gallops, jumps over moss-swamps, sweeps rivers and lakes with its tail.

How long, short, low, or high does it take Ivan Tsarevich to reach the high wall in the middle of the night? The guard sleeps at the gate - thirty mighty heroes He presses his good horse, beats him with an unwhipped whip. The horse got angry and jumped over the wall. Ivan Tsarevich gets off his horse, enters the garden and sees an apple tree with silver leaves, golden apples, and under the apple tree there is a well. Ivan Tsarevich picked three apples, but did not take any more, but scooped up a jug with twelve stigmas from the well of living water. And he wanted to see for himself the strong, powerful, heroic maiden Sineglazka.

Ivan Tsarevich enters the tower, and there they sleep - on one side there are six woodpile - heroic maidens and on the other side there are six, and in the middle the maiden Sineglazka is scattered about, sleeping, like a strong river rapids rustling.

Ivan Tsarevich could not stand it, kissed her, kissed her and went out... He sat on a good horse, and the horse told him human voice:

I didn’t listen, you, Ivan Tsarevich, entered the mansion to the maiden Sineglazka. Now I can't jump over the walls.

Ivan Tsarevich beats his horse with an unwhipped whip.

Oh, you horse, a wolf's food, a bag of grass, we can't spend the night here, but lose our heads!

The horse became more angry than ever and jumped over the wall, but hit it with one horseshoe - the strings on the wall began to sing and the bells began to ring.

The girl Sineglazka woke up and saw the theft:

Get up, we have a big theft!

She ordered her heroic horse to be saddled and rushed with twelve logs of wood in pursuit of Ivan Tsarevich.

Ivan Tsarevich drives his horse at full speed, and the maiden Sineglazka chases after him. He reaches the eldest Baba Yaga, and she already has a horse bred and ready. He jumped off his horse and drove forward again... Ivan then the prince was out the door, and the maiden Sineglazka was at the door and asked Baba Yaga:

Grandma, was there a beast prowling around here?

No, child.

Grandma, didn’t a fellow pass by here?

No, child. And you eat milk on the way.

I wish I could eat, grandma, but it would take a long time to milk the cow.

What are you, child, I can handle it quickly...

Baba Yaga went to milk the cow - she was milking, not in a hurry. The girl Sineglazka ate milk and again chased after Ivan Tsarevich.

Ivan Tsarevich reaches the middle Baba Yaga, changed his horse and drove again. He is at the door, and the girl Sineglazka is at the door:

Grandma, didn’t an animal pass by, didn’t a good fellow pass by?

No, child. And you would eat pancakes on the way.

Yes, you will bake for a long time.

Baba Yaga baked some pancakes - she bakes them and takes her time. The girl Sineglazka ate and again chased after Ivan Tsarevich.

He reaches the youngest Baba Yaga, gets off his horse, sits on his heroic horse and drives again. He goes out the door, the girl Sineglazka goes through the door and asks Baba Yaga if a good fellow has passed by.

No, child. And you could take a steam bath out of the way.

Yes, you will be drowning for a long time.

What are you, child, I’ll do it quickly...

Baba Yaga heated the bathhouse and prepared everything. The girl Sineglazka took a steam bath, rolled around and again drove her into the baggage. Her horse gallops from hill to hill, sweeping rivers and lakes with its tail. She began to overtake Ivan Tsarevich.

He sees himself being chased: twelve warriors with the thirteenth - the girl Sineglazka - are planning to run over him and take his head off his shoulders. He began to stop his horse, the girl Sineglazka jumped up and shouted to him:

Why, thief, did you drink from my well without asking and didn’t cover the well!

Well, let's separate ourselves into three horse jumps, let's try the strength.

Here Ivan Tsarevich and the maiden Sineglazka galloped on three horse jumps, took fighting clubs, long spears, sharp sabers. And they came together three times, they broke their clubs, they destroyed their spears and sabers - they could not knock each other off their horses. There was no need for them to ride off on good horses; they jumped off their horses and grabbed each other.

We fought from morning to evening - the sun was red until sunset. Ivan Tsarevich's frisky leg sprained and he fell on the damp ground. The girl Sineglazka kneeled on his white chest and pulled out a damask dagger - to flog his white chest. Ivan Tsarevich says to her:

Don’t ruin me, girl Sineglazka, it’s better to take me by the white hands, lift me up damp earth, kiss on sugar lips.

Then the girl Sineglazka raised Ivan Tsarevich from the damp ground and kissed his sugar lips. And they pitched their tent in an open field, on a wide expanse, in green meadows. Here they walked for three days and three nights. Here they got engaged and exchanged rings.

The girl Sineglazka says to him:

I’ll go home - and you go home, but make sure you don’t turn off anywhere... In three years, wait for me in your kingdom.

They mounted their horses and rode off... How long, how short, it doesn’t take long for the job to be done, soon the fairy tale is told, - Tsarevich Ivan reaches the Rosstans, three roads, where there is a slab-stone, and thinks:

“This is not good! I’m going home, but my brothers are missing.”

And he did not listen to the maiden Sineglazka, he turned onto the road where a married man should be... And he runs into a tower under a golden roof. Here, under Ivan Tsarevich, the horse neighed, and the brothers’ horses responded. The horses were single herd...

Ivan Tsarevich went up to the porch, tapped the ring - the domes on the tower shook, the windows became crooked. A beautiful maiden runs out.

Ah, Ivan Tsarevich, I have been waiting for you for a long time! Come with me to eat bread and salt and sleep and rest.

She took him to the mansion and began to treat him. Ivan Tsarevich doesn’t eat so much as he throws it under the table, he doesn’t drink so much as he pours it under the table. The beautiful maiden led him to the bedroom:

Go to bed, Ivan Tsarevich, sleep and rest.

And Ivan Tsarevich pushed her onto the bed, quickly turned the bed, and the girl flew underground, into a deep hole.

Ivan Tsarevich leaned over the pit and shouted:

Who's alive there?

And from the pit they answer:

Fyodor Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich.

He took them out of the hole - their faces were black, they had already begun to grow overgrown with earth. Ivan Tsarevich washed the brothers with living water - they became the same again.

They got on their horses and rode off... How long or how short did it take them to reach Rostan. Ivan Tsarevich says to his brothers:

Guard my horse, and I will lie down and rest.

He lay down on the silken grass and fell into a heroic sleep. And Fyodor Tsarevich says to Vasily Tsarevich:

If we return without living water, without rejuvenating apples, there will be little honor for us; our father will send us to graze geese.

Vasily Tsarevich answers:

Let's lower Tsarevich Ivan into the abyss, and take these things and give them into his father's hands.

So they took out the rejuvenating apples and a jug of living water from his bosom, and they took him and threw him into the abyss. Ivan Tsarevich flew there for three days and three nights.

Ivan Tsarevich fell on the very seashore, came to his senses and saw only sky and water, and under an old oak tree by the sea, chicks squeaked - the weather was beating them.

Ivan Tsarevich took off his caftan and covered the chicks. and he hid under an oak tree.

The weather has calmed down, it's flying big bird Nagi. She flew in, sat down under an oak tree and asked the chicks:

My dear children, did the bad weather kill you?

Don’t scream, mother, a Russian man saved us, covered us with his caftan.

Bird Nagai asks Ivan Tsarevich:

Why did you come here, dear man?

My brothers threw me into the abyss for rejuvenating apples and living water.

You saved my children, ask me what you want: gold, silver, or a precious stone.

I don’t need anything, Naked Bird: neither gold, nor silver, nor precious stone. Is it possible for me to get to my native country?

The naked bird answers him:

Get me two vats - twelve pounds each - of meat.

So Ivan Tsarevich shot geese and swans at the seaside, put them in two vats, placed one vat on the Nagai-bird’s right shoulder, and the other vat on her left, and sat down on her ridge. Nagai began to feed the bird, it rose and flies into the heights.

She flies, and he feeds and feeds her... How long or short did they fly, Ivan Tsarevich fed both vats. And the Nagai bird turns around again. He took a knife, cut a piece from his leg and gave it to the Nagai Bird. She flies and flies and turns around again. He cut off the meat from the other leg and served it. There's only so far left to fly. The naked bird turns around again. He cut the meat off his chest and served it to her.

Then the Nagai Bird carried Ivan Tsarevich to his native side.

It was good that you fed me all the way, but you never ate anything sweeter than the last morsel.

Ivan Tsarevich shows her the wounds. The naked bird burped, vomited three pieces:

Put it in place.

Ivan Tsarevich put it there - the meat grew to the bones.

Now get off me, Ivan Tsarevich, I’ll fly home.

The naked bird rose into the heights, and Ivan Tsarevich went along the road to his native side.

He came to the capital and learned that Fyodor Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich brought living water and rejuvenating apples to their father, and the Tsar was healed: he was still in good health and sharp-eyed.

Ivan Tsarevich did not go to his father or mother, but he gathered the drunkards, the tavern goli and let's walk around the taverns.

At that time, far away, in the thirtieth kingdom, the strong hero Sineglazka gave birth to two sons. They are growing by leaps and bounds. Soon the fairy tale is told, but the deed is not done soon - three years have passed. Sineglazka took her sons, gathered an army and went to look for Ivan Tsarevich.

She came to his kingdom and in an open field, in a wide expanse, on green meadows, she pitched a white linen tent. From the tent she covered the road with colored cloth. And he sends the king to the capital to say:

Tsar, give up the prince. If you don’t give it up, I’ll trample the whole kingdom, I’ll burn it, and I’ll take you completely.

The Tsar got scared and sent the eldest - Fedoratsarevich. Tsarevich Fyodor walks along the colored cloth and approaches the white linen tent. Two boys run out:

No, kids, this is your uncle.

What do you want to do with him?

And you, kids, treat him well.

Then these two boys took canes and began to whip Fyodor Tsarevich below the back. They beat him and beat him, and he barely escaped.

And Sineglazka again sends to the king:

Give up the prince...

The king was even more frightened and sent the middle one - Vasily the Tsarevich. He comes to the tent. Two boys run out:

Mother, mother, isn’t this our father coming?

No, kids, this is your uncle. Treat him well.

Two boys, let's scratch their uncle with canes again. They beat and beat, until Vasily Tsarevich barely lost his legs.

And Sineglazka sends to the king for the third time:

Go and look for your third son, Ivan Tsarevich. If you don’t find it, I’ll trample and burn the whole kingdom.

The Tsar became even more frightened and sent for Tsarevich Fyodor and Tsarevich Vasily, telling them to find their brother, Ivan Tsarevich. Then the brothers fell at their father’s feet and confessed everything: how they took living water and rejuvenating apples from sleepy Ivan Tsarevich, and threw him into the abyss.

The king heard this and burst into tears. And at that time, Ivan Tsarevich himself goes to Sineglazka, and with him goes the tavern's loaf. They tear the cloth under their feet and throw it to the sides.

He approaches the white linen tent. Two boys run out:

Mother, mother, some drunkard is coming to us with a tavern drink!

And Sineglazka to them:

Take him by the white hands and lead him into the tent. This is your dear father. He suffered innocently for three years.

Here Tsarevich Ivan was taken by the white hands and led into the tent. Blue Eyes washed him and combed his hair, changed his clothes and put him to bed. And Goli brought the tavern a glass each, and they went home.

The next day Sineglazka and Ivan Tsarevich arrived at the palace. Then a feast began for the whole world - an honest feast and for the wedding. There was little honor for Tsarevich Fyodor and Tsarevich Vasily, they were driven out of the yard - where to spend the night, where for two nights, and for the third, there was nowhere to spend the night...

Ivan Tsarevich did not stay here, but left with Sineglazka to her maiden kingdom.

This is where the fairy tale ends.

The image of Baba Yaga dates back to the era of matriarchy, and much about it remains mysterious. There is no convincing explanation for the name “Yaga” yet. The image of Baba Yaga, standing on the border of the worlds, serves as a guide allowing the hero to penetrate into world of the dead thanks to the performance of certain rituals, and is associated with legends about the hero’s transition to other world(Thirtieth Kingdom). Baba Yaga belongs to two worlds at once - the world of the dead and the world of the living.

Ivan Tsarevich appears in fairy tales as positive character, fighting evil, helping the offended and weak. Very often at the beginning of a fairy tale, Ivan Tsarevich is poor, lost by his parents, persecuted by enemies, does not know about his royal origin. In such tales, as a reward for heroic behavior and good deeds, Ivan Tsarevich receives back his kingdom, throne, or finds his royal parents. At the end of the tale he usually receives half the kingdom, the king's daughter as a wife, a magic or expensive horse. Sometimes Ivan Tsarevich can be negative character, which is contrasted with other princes or characters simple origin, for example, Ivan the Fisherman's Son. In this case Ivan Tsarevich evil, treacherous and different ways trying to destroy goodies and take away their well-deserved reward. In the end he is put to shame and punished.

The exposition of the fairy tale tells about all the reasons that gave rise to the plot: prohibition and violation of the prohibition on some actions. The premise of the tale is that the protagonist or heroine discovers a loss or shortage. Plot development is a search for what is lost or missing. Climax fairy tale is that the protagonist or heroine fights an opposing force and always defeats or solves it difficult riddles. Resolution is overcoming a loss or lack. Usually the hero (heroine) “reigns” at the end - i.e. gains higher social status than he had at the beginning.

Elements of composition Motif Example Plot Main character or the heroine discovers a loss or shortage. Plot development Search for the lost or missing. Climax The protagonist or heroine fights an opposing force and always defeats it or solves difficult riddles. Denouement Overcoming a loss or lack.

Elements of Composition Motive Example Plot The main character or heroine discovers a loss or shortage. The king is very outdated and has become impoverished in his eyes... Development of the plot Search for what is lost or missing. Fyodor Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich, Ivan Tsarevich go in search of rejuvenating apples. Climax The protagonist or heroine fights an opposing force and always defeats it or solves difficult riddles. Ivan Tsarevich fights with the maiden Sineglazka, defeats the beautiful maiden and marries her. Denouement Overcoming a loss or lack. Ivan Tsarevich returns to the palace, leaves with Sineglazka to her maiden kingdom.

IN In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king, and he had three sons: the eldest was called Fedor, the second Vasily, and the youngest Ivan.

The king was very old and his eyes were poor, but he had heard that far away, in the thirtieth kingdom, there was a garden with rejuvenating apples and a well with living water. If you eat this apple for an old man, he will become younger, and if you wash the eyes of a blind man with this water, he will see.

The king gathers a feast for the whole world, invites princes and boyars to the feast and says to them:

- Who, guys, would get out of the chosen ones, get out of the hunters, travel to distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom, bring rejuvenating apples and a jug of living water with twelve stigmas? I would give this rider half the kingdom.

Here the larger one began to be buried behind the middle one, and the middle one behind the smaller one, but from the smaller one there was no answer.

Tsarevich Fyodor comes out and says:

“I don’t want to give up the kingdom to us people.” I will go along this path and bring you, Father Tsar, rejuvenating apples and a jug of twelve stigmas of living water.

Fyodor Tsarevich went to the stable yard, chooses an unridden horse for himself, bridles an unbridled bridle, takes an unwhipped whip, puts on twelve girths with a girth - not for the sake of beauty, but for the sake of strength... Fyodor Tsarevich set off on the path. They saw that he was sitting down, but did not see in which direction he rolled away...

He rode close, far, low, or high, he rode day until the evening - the red sun until sunset. And it reaches Rostan, three roads. There is a stone slab lying on the ridges, with the inscription written on it:

“If you go to the right, you’ll save yourself, but you’ll lose your horse. If you go to the left, you’ll save your horse and lose yourself. If you go straight, you’ll be married.”

Fyodor Tsarevich thought for a moment: “Let’s go and see where I can be married.”

And he turned onto the path where a married man should be. He drove and drove and reached the tower under the golden roof. Then a beautiful maiden runs out and says to him:

“Tsar’s son, I’ll take you out of the saddle, come with me to eat bread and salt and sleep and rest.”

“No, girl, I don’t want bread and salt, and I can’t while away the journey with sleep.” I need to move forward.

“Tsar’s son, don’t rush to go, but hurry to do what you love.”

Then the beautiful maiden took him out of the saddle and led him into the mansion. She fed him, gave him something to drink and put him to sleep on the bed.

As soon as Tsarevich Fyodor lay down against the wall, this girl quickly turned the bed, and he flew underground, into a deep hole...

Whether long or short, the tsar again gathers a feast, calls the princes and boyars and says to them:

“Here, guys, who among the hunters would come out and bring me rejuvenating apples and living water, a jug with twelve stigmas?” I would give this rider half the kingdom.

Here again the larger one is buried for the middle one, and the middle one for the smaller one, but there is no answer from the smaller one.

The second son, Vasily Tsarevich, comes out:

- Father, I don’t want to give the kingdom into the wrong hands. I'll go to the road, bring these things, and hand them over to you.

Tsarevich Vasily goes to the stable yard, chooses an unridden horse, bridles an unbridled bridle, takes an unwhipped whip, puts on twelve girths with a girth.

Vasily Tsarevich went. They saw how he sat down, but did not see in which direction he rolled away... So he reaches the rosstan, where the slab-stone lies, and sees:

“If you go to the right, you’ll save yourself and lose your horse. If you go to the left, you’ll save your horse and lose yourself. If you go straight, you’ll be married.”

Vasily Tsarevich thought and thought and “went on the road, where should a married man be. I reached a tower with a golden roof. A beautiful maiden runs out to him and asks him to eat some bread and salt and lie down to rest.

- Tsar’s son, don’t rush to go, but hurry to do what you love...

Then she took him out of the saddle, led him into the mansion, fed him, gave him something to drink and put him to bed.

As soon as Tsarevich Vasily lay down against the wall, she turned the bed again, and he flew underground.

And then they ask:

- Who's flying?

- Vasily the Tsarevich. Who's sitting?

- Fyodor Tsarevich.

- Here, bro, we got it!

Whether it’s long or short, the tsar gathers a feast for the third time, calls the princes and boyars:

“Who among the hunters would choose to bring rejuvenating apples and living water in a jug with twelve stigmas?” I would give this rider half the kingdom.

Here again the larger one is buried behind the middle one, the middle one behind the smaller one, but there is no answer from the smaller one.

Ivan Tsarevich comes out and says:

“Give me, father, blessing, from a wild head to quick legs, to go to the thirtieth kingdom - to look for you rejuvenating apples and living water, and also look for my brothers.”

The king gave him a blessing. Ivan Tsarevich went to the stable yard to choose a horse according to his judgment. Whichever horse he looks at, he trembles; the horse he lays his hand on, he falls off his feet...

Ivan Tsarevich could not choose a horse wisely. He goes and hangs his head. A backwater grandmother meets him.

- Hello, child, Ivan Tsarevich! Why are you walking around sad and sad?

- How can I, grandma, not be sad - I can’t find a horse by reason.

“You should have asked me a long time ago.” A good horse stands chained in the cellar, on an iron chain. If you can take him, you will have a horse to your liking.

Ivan Tsarevich comes to the cellar, kicked an iron slab, and the slab from the cellar rolled up. He jumped up to the good horse, and the horse stood on his shoulders with its front legs. Ivan Tsarevich stands there and doesn’t move. The horse tore off the iron chain, jumped out of the cellar and pulled out Tsarevich Ivan. And then Ivan Tsarevich bridled him with an unbridled bridle, saddled him with an unridden saddle, put on twelve girths with a girth - not for the sake of beauty, for the sake of the glory of a brave man.

Ivan Tsarevich set off on his journey. They saw that it was landing, but they didn’t see in which direction it rolled away... He reached the rosstan and thought:

“To go to the right - to lose a horse - where would I be without a horse? To go straight - to be married - is not why I set out on the road. Go left to save the horse, this road is the best for me.”

And he turned along the road where to save a horse is to lose yourself. He rode long, short, low, high, through green meadows, over stone mountains, rode day until evening - the sun was red until sunset - and came upon a hut.

There is a hut on a chicken leg, with one window.

The hut turned its back to the forest, and its front to Ivan Tsarevich. He went into it, and there was an old Baba Yaga sitting there. The silk tow is tossed, and the threads are shaved through the beds.

“Fu, fu,” he says, “the Russian spirit has never been heard of, never seen, but now the Russian spirit has come on its own.”

And Ivan Tsarevich to her:

- Oh, you, Baba Yaga, bone leg, if you don’t catch the bird, you fiddle with it, if you don’t recognize the fellow, you blaspheme. You should have jumped up now, fed me, a good fellow, a dear person, and made me a bed for the night. I would lie down, you would sit at the head of the bed, begin to ask, and I would begin to say - whose and where.

Baba Yaga took care of everything - she fed Ivan Tsarevich, gave him something to drink and put him to bed. She sat down at the head and began to ask:

- Whose dear man are you, good fellow, and where are you from? What land are you? What father, mother's son?

- I, grandmother, am from such and such a kingdom, from such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. I am going to distant lands, to distant lakes, to the thirtieth kingdom for living water and rejuvenating apples.

- Well, my dear child, you have a long way to go: living water and rejuvenating apples are with the strong heroic maiden Sineglazka, she is my dear niece. I don't know if you'll get the go-ahead...

“A lot of good fellows passed by, but not many spoke politely.” Take my horse, child. My horse will be more spirited, he will take you to my middle sister, she will teach you.

Ivan Tsarevich gets up early in the morning and washes himself white. He thanks Baba Yaga for the overnight stay and rode off on her horse.

Suddenly he says to the horse:

- Stop! Dropped the glove.

And the horse answers:

- At the time you spoke, I had already ridden two hundred miles...

Ivan Tsarevich is traveling close or far. The day and night are shortening. And he saw ahead a hut on a chicken leg, with one window.

- Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, turn your front to me! As I enter you, so I leave you.

The hut turned its back to the forest, and its front to it. Suddenly a horse was heard neighing, and the horse under Ivan Tsarevich responded.

The horses were single herd. Baba Yaga, even older than that one, heard this and said:

“Apparently my sister came to visit me.”

And goes out onto the porch:

“Fu-fu, the Russian spirit has never been heard of, never seen, but now the Russian spirit has come on its own.”

And Ivan Tsarevich to her:

- Oh, you, Baba Yaga, bone leg, greet the guest with his dress, see him off with his mind. You would remove my horse, feed me, a good fellow, a dear person, give me something to drink and put me to bed...

Baba Yaga took care of everything - she removed the horse, and fed Ivan Tsarevich, gave him something to drink, put him to bed and began asking who he was, where he was from and where he was going.

- I, grandmother, am from such and such a kingdom, from such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. I’m going for living water and rejuvenating apples to the strong hero, the maiden Sineglazka...

“Well, dear child, I don’t know if you’ll get the go-ahead.”

It’s wise for you, it’s wise to get to the girl Sineglazka!

- And you, grandmother, give your head to my mighty shoulders, guide me to my mind.

“A lot of good fellows passed by, but not many spoke politely.” Take my horse, child, and go to my elder sister. She will teach me better what to do.

Here Ivan Tsarevich spent the night with this old woman, in the morning he gets up early and washes himself white. He thanks Baba Yaga for the overnight stay and rode off on her horse. And this horse is even more spirited.

Suddenly Ivan Tsarevich says:

- Stop! Dropped the glove.

And the horse answers:

- At the time you said, I had already ridden three hundred miles...

It doesn't take long for the deed to be done, it doesn't take long for the fairy tale to tell. Ivan Tsarevich travels from day to evening - the sun is red until sunset. He runs into a hut on a chicken leg, with one window.

- Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, turn your front to me! I don’t have to live forever, but only spend one night.

Suddenly the horse neighed, and under Ivan Tsarevich the horse responded. An old Baba Yaga, even older than that one, comes out onto the porch. She looked - her sister’s horse, and the rider was foreign, a wonderful fellow...

Here Ivan Tsarevich politely bowed to her and asked to spend the night. Nothing to do! They don’t carry overnight accommodations with them - there’s room for everyone: on foot and on horseback, both poor and rich.

Baba Yaga took care of the whole matter - she removed the horse, and fed and watered Ivan Tsarevich and began to ask who he was, where he was from and where he was going.

- I, grandmother, of such and such a kingdom, such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. Your younger sister had it, she sent it to the middle one, and the middle one sent it to you. Give your head to my mighty shoulders, guide me to my mind, how can I get living water and rejuvenating apples from the maiden Sineglazka.

- So be it, I will help you, Ivan Tsarevich. The girl Sineglazka, my niece, is a strong and mighty hero. Around her kingdom there is a wall three fathoms high, a fathom thick, and there are thirty warriors at the gate of the guard. They won't even let you through the gate. You need to ride in the middle of the night, ride on my good horse. When you reach the wall, hit the horse on the sides with an unwhipped whip. The horse will jump over the wall. Tie your horse and go into the garden. You will see an apple tree with rejuvenating apples, and under the apple tree there is a well. Pick three apples and don’t take any more. And draw from the well of living water a pitcher of twelve stigmas. The girl Sineglazka will be sleeping, don’t go into her mansion, but mount your horse and hit him on the steep sides. He will take you over the wall.

Ivan Tsarevich did not spend the night with this old woman, but sat on her good horse and rode off into the night. This horse gallops, jumps over moss-swamps, sweeps rivers and lakes with its tail.

How long, short, low, or high does it take Ivan Tsarevich to reach the high wall in the middle of the night? The guards are sleeping at the gate - thirty mighty heroes. He presses his good horse, beats him with an unwhipped whip. The horse got angry and jumped over the wall. Ivan Tsarevich dismounts from his horse, enters the garden and sees an apple tree with silver leaves, golden apples, and a well under the apple tree. Ivan Tsarevich picked three apples, but did not take any more, but scooped up a jug with twelve stigmas from the well of living water. And he wanted to see for himself the strong, powerful, heroic maiden Sineglazka.

Ivan Tsarevich enters the tower, and there they are sleeping - on one side there are six woodpile - heroic maidens and on the other side there are six, and in the middle the maiden Sineglazka is scattered about, sleeping, like a strong river rapids rustling.

Ivan Tsarevich could not stand it, kissed her, kissed her and went out... He sat on a good horse, and the horse said to him in a human voice:

“I didn’t listen, you, Ivan Tsarevich, entered the mansion to the maiden Sineglazka.” Now I can't jump over the walls.

Ivan Tsarevich beats his horse with an unwhipped whip.

- Oh, you horse, a wolf's food, a bag of grass, we can't spend the night here, but lose our heads!

The horse became more angry than before and jumped over the wall, but hit it with one horseshoe - the strings on the wall began to sing and the bells began to ring.

The girl Sineglazka woke up and saw the theft:

- Get up, we have a big theft!

She ordered her heroic horse to be saddled and rushed with twelve logs of wood in pursuit of Ivan Tsarevich.

Ivan Tsarevich drives his horse at full speed, and the maiden Sineglazka chases after him. He reaches the eldest Baba Yaga, and she already has a horse bred and ready. He jumped off his horse and drove forward again... Ivan then the prince was out the door, and the maiden Sineglazka was at the door and asked Baba Yaga:

“Grandma, hasn’t there been an animal prowling around here?”

- No, child.

- Grandma, didn’t a fellow pass by here?

- No, child. And you eat milk on the way.

“I wish I could eat, grandma, but it would take a long time to milk the cow.”

- What are you, child, I can handle it quickly...

Baba Yaga went to milk the cow - she was milking, not in a hurry. The girl Sineglazka ate milk and again chased after Ivan Tsarevich.

Ivan Tsarevich reaches the middle Baba Yaga, changed his horse and drove again. He is at the door, and the girl Sineglazka is at the door:

“Grandma, didn’t an animal pass by, did a good fellow pass by?”

- No, child. And you would eat pancakes on the way.

- Yes, you will bake for a long time.

Baba Yaga baked some pancakes - she bakes them and takes her time. The girl Sineglazka ate and again chased after Ivan Tsarevich.

He reaches the youngest Baba Yaga, gets off his horse, sits on his heroic horse and drives again. He goes out the door, the girl Sineglazka goes through the door and asks Baba Yaga if a good fellow has passed by.

- No, child. And you could take a steam bath out of the way.

- Yes, you will drown for a long time.

- What are you, child, I’ll quickly do it...

Baba Yaga heated the bathhouse and prepared everything. The girl Sineglazka took a steam bath, rolled around and again drove her into the baggage. Her horse gallops from hill to hill, sweeping rivers and lakes with its tail. She began to overtake Ivan Tsarevich.

He sees himself being chased: twelve warriors with the thirteenth - the girl Sineglazka - are planning to run over him and take his head off his shoulders. He began to stop his horse, the girl Sineglazka jumped up and shouted to him:

- Why, thief, did you drink from my well without asking and didn’t cover the well!

“Well, let’s separate ourselves into three horse jumps, let’s try our strength.”

Here Ivan Tsarevich and the maiden Sineglazka galloped on three horse jumps, took fighting clubs, long spears, sharp sabers. And they came together three times, they broke their clubs, they destroyed their spears and sabers - they could not knock each other off their horses. There was no need for them to ride off on good horses; they jumped off their horses and grabbed each other.

We fought from morning to evening - the sun was red until sunset. Ivan Tsarevich's frisky leg sprained and he fell on the damp ground. The girl Sineglazka kneeled on his white chest and pulled out a damask dagger - to flog his white chest. Ivan Tsarevich says to her:

- Don’t ruin me, girl Sineglazka, better take me by my white hands, lift me from the damp ground, kiss me on the sugary lips.

Then the girl Sineglazka raised Ivan Tsarevich from the damp ground and kissed his sugar lips. And they pitched their tent in an open field, on a wide expanse, in green meadows. Here they walked for three days and three nights. Here they got engaged and exchanged rings.

The girl Sineglazka says to him:

- I’ll go home - and you go home, but be careful not to turn off anywhere... In three years, wait for me in your kingdom.

They got on their horses and rode off... How long, how short, it won’t take long for the job to be done, soon the fairy tale will be told, - Tsarevich Ivan reaches the Rosstans, three roads, where there is a slab-stone, and thinks:

“This is not good! I’m going home, but my brothers are missing.”

And he did not listen to the maiden Sineglazka, he turned onto the road where a married man should be... And he runs into a tower under a golden roof. Here, under Ivan Tsarevich, the horse neighed, and the brothers’ horses responded. The horses were single herd...

Ivan Tsarevich went up to the porch, tapped the ring - the domes on the tower shook, the windows became crooked. A beautiful maiden runs out.

“Ah, Ivan Tsarevich, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!” Come with me to eat bread and salt and sleep and rest.

She took him to the mansion and began to treat him. Ivan Tsarevich doesn’t eat so much as he throws it under the table, he doesn’t drink so much as he pours it under the table. The beautiful maiden led him to the bedroom:

- Go to bed, Ivan Tsarevich, get some sleep.

And Ivan Tsarevich pushed her onto the bed, quickly turned the bed, and the girl flew underground, into a deep hole.

Ivan Tsarevich leaned over the pit and shouted:

- Who's alive there?

And from the pit they answer:

- Fyodor Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich.

He took them out of the hole - their faces were black, they had already begun to grow overgrown with earth. Ivan Tsarevich washed the brothers with living water - they became the same again.

They got on their horses and rode off... How long or how short did it take them to reach Rostan. Ivan Tsarevich says to his brothers:

- Guard my horse, and I’ll lie down and rest.

He lay down on the silken grass and fell into a heroic sleep. And Fyodor Tsarevich says to Vasily Tsarevich:

“If we return without living water, without rejuvenating apples, it will be little honor for us, our father will send us geese to graze.”

Vasily Tsarevich answers:

“Let’s lower Tsarevich Ivan into the abyss, and we’ll take these things and give them into his father’s hands.”

So they took out the rejuvenating apples and a jug of living water from his bosom, and they took him and threw him into the abyss. Ivan Tsarevich flew there for three days and three nights.

Ivan Tsarevich fell on the very seashore, came to his senses and saw only the sky and water, and under an old oak tree by the sea, the chicks squeaked - the weather was beating them.

Ivan Tsarevich took off his caftan and covered the chicks, and he hid under an oak tree.

The weather has calmed down, the big bird Nagai is flying. She flew in, sat down under an oak tree and asked the chicks:

- My dear children, did the bad weather kill you?

“Don’t shout, mother, a Russian man saved us, covered us with his caftan.”

Bird Nagai asks Ivan Tsarevich:

- Why did you come here, dear man?

“My brothers threw me into the abyss for rejuvenating apples and living water.”

“You saved my children, ask me what you want: gold, silver, or a precious stone.”

“I don’t need anything, Nagai-bird: neither gold, nor silver, nor precious stone.” Is it possible for me to get to my native country?

The naked bird answers him:

“Get me two vats—twelve pounds each—of meat.”

So Ivan Tsarevich shot geese and swans at the seaside, put them in two vats, placed one vat on the Nagai-bird’s right shoulder, and the other vat on her left, and sat down on her ridge. Nagai began to feed the bird, it rose and flies into the heights.

She flies, and he feeds and feeds her... How long or short did they fly, Ivan Tsarevich fed both vats. And the Nagai bird turns around again. He took a knife, cut a piece from his leg and gave it to the Nagai Bird. She flies and flies and turns around again. He cut off the meat from the other leg and served it. There's only so far left to fly. The naked bird turns around again. He cut the meat off his chest and served it to her.

Then the Nagai Bird carried Ivan Tsarevich to his native side.

“It’s good that you fed me all the way, but I’ve never eaten anything sweeter than the last piece.”

Ivan Tsarevich shows her the wounds. The naked bird burped, vomited three pieces:

- Put it in place.

Ivan Tsarevich put it there - the meat stuck to the bones.

“Now get off me, Ivan Tsarevich, I’ll fly home.”

The naked bird rose into the heights, and Ivan Tsarevich went along the road to his native side.

He came to the capital and learned that Fyodor Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich brought living water and rejuvenating apples to their father, and the Tsar was healed: he was still in good health and sharp-eyed.

Ivan Tsarevich did not go to his father or mother, but he gathered the drunkards, the tavern goli and let's walk around the taverns.

At that time, far away, in the thirtieth kingdom, the strong hero Sineglazka gave birth to two sons. They are growing by leaps and bounds. Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done - three years have passed. Sineglazka took her sons, gathered an army and went to look for Ivan Tsarevich.

She came to his kingdom and in an open field, in a wide expanse, on green meadows, she pitched a white linen tent. From the tent she covered the road with colored cloth. And he sends the king to the capital to say:

- Tsar, give up the prince. If you don’t give it up, I’ll trample the whole kingdom, I’ll burn it, I’ll take you to the full.

The Tsar got scared and sent the eldest, Fyodor the Tsarevich. Tsarevich Fyodor walks along the colored cloth and approaches the white linen tent. Two boys run out:

- No, kids, this is your uncle.

- What do you want to do with him?

- And you, kids, treat him well.

Then these two boys took canes and began to whip Fyodor Tsarevich below the back. They beat him and beat him, and he barely escaped.

And Sineglazka again sends to the king:

- Give the prince back...

The king was even more frightened and sent the middle one - Vasily the Tsarevich. He comes to the tent. Two boys run out:

- Mother, mother, isn’t this our father coming?

- No, kids, this is your uncle. Treat him well.

Two boys, let's scratch their uncle with canes again. They beat and beat, until Vasily Tsarevich barely lost his legs.

And Sineglazka sends to the king for the third time:

- Go and look for your third son, Ivan Tsarevich. If you don’t find it, I’ll trample and burn the whole kingdom.

The Tsar became even more frightened and sent for Tsarevich Fyodor and Tsarevich Vasily, telling them to find their brother, Ivan Tsarevich. Then the brothers fell at their father’s feet and confessed everything: how they took living water and rejuvenating apples from sleepy Ivan Tsarevich, and threw him into the abyss.

The king heard this and burst into tears. And at that time, Ivan Tsarevich himself goes to Sineglazka, and with him goes the tavern's loaf. They tear the cloth under their feet and throw it to the sides.

He approaches the white linen tent. Two boys run out:

- Mother, mother, some drunkard is coming to us with a tavern gob!

And Sineglazka to them:

- Take him by the white hands and lead him into the tent. This is your dear father. He suffered innocently for three years.

Here Tsarevich Ivan was taken by the white hands and led into the tent. Blue Eyes washed him and combed his hair, changed his clothes and put him to bed. And Goli brought the tavern a glass each, and they went home.

The next day Sineglazka and Ivan Tsarevich arrived at the palace. Then a feast began for the whole world - an honest feast and for the wedding. There was little honor for Tsarevich Fyodor and Tsarevich Vasily, they were driven out of the yard - where to spend the night, where for two nights, and for the third, there was nowhere to spend the night...

Ivan Tsarevich did not stay here, but left with Sineglazka to her maiden kingdom.

This is where the fairy tale ends.

And goes out onto the porch:
- Fu-fu, the Russian spirit has never been heard of, never seen, but today the Russian spirit has come on its own.
And Ivan Tsarevich to her:
- Oh you,Baba Yaga, bone leg, greet the guest according to his dress, see him off according to his mind. You would take my horse away, feed me, a good fellow, a dear person, give me something to drink and put me to bed...
Baba Yaga took care of everything - she removed the horse, and fed Ivan Tsarevich, gave him something to drink, put him to bed and began asking who he was, where he was from and where he was going.
- I, grandmother, am from such and such a kingdom, from such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. I’m going for living water and rejuvenating apples to the strong hero, the maiden Sineglazka...
- Well, dear child, I don’t know if you’ll get the go-ahead.
It’s wise for you, it’s wise to get to the girl Sineglazka!
- And you, grandmother, give your head to my mighty shoulders, guide me to my mind.
- Many young people passed by, but not many spoke politely.
Take my horse, child, and go to my elder sister. She will teach me better what to do.
Here Ivan Tsarevich spent the night with this old woman, in the morning he gets up early and washes himself white. He thanks Baba Yaga for the overnight stay and rode off on her horse. And this horse is even more spirited.
Suddenly Ivan Tsarevich says:
- Stop! Dropped the glove.
And the horse answers:
- At the time you spoke, I had already ridden three hundred miles.
It doesn't take long for the deed to be done, it doesn't take long for the fairy tale to tell. Ivan Tsarevich travels from day to evening - the sun is red until sunset. He runs into a hut on a chicken leg, with one window.
- Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, turn your front to me! I don’t have to live forever, but only spend one night.
Suddenly the horse neighed, and under Ivan Tsarevich the horse responded. Goes out onto the porch
Baba Yaga, old, even older than that. She looked - her sister’s horse, and the rider was foreign, a wonderful fellow...
Here Ivan Tsarevich politely bowed to her and asked to spend the night. Nothing to do! They don’t carry overnight accommodation with them - there’s room for everyone: on foot and on horseback, both poor and rich.
Baba Yaga took care of the whole matter - she removed the horse, and fed and gave Ivan Tsarevich something to drink and began asking who he was, where he was from and where he was going.
- I, grandmother, of such and such a kingdom, such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. Your younger sister had it, she sent it to the middle one, and the middle one sent it to you. Give your head to my mighty shoulders, guide me to my mind, how can I get living water and rejuvenating apples from the maiden Sineglazka.
- So be it, I will help you, Ivan Tsarevich. Maid
Sineglazka, my niece, is a strong and mighty hero. Around her kingdom there is a wall three fathoms high, a fathom thick, and at the gate of the guard there are thirty warriors. They won't even let you through the gate. You need to ride in the middle of the night, ride on my good horse. When you reach the wall, hit the horse on the sides with an unwhipped whip. The horse will jump over the wall. Tie your horse and go into the garden. You will see an apple tree with rejuvenating apples, and under the apple tree there is a well. Pick three apples and don’t take any more. And draw from the well of living water a pitcher of twelve stigmas. The girl Sineglazka will be sleeping, don’t go into her mansion, but mount your horse and hit him on the steep sides. He will take you over the wall.
Ivan Tsarevich did not spend the night with this old woman, but sat on her good horse and rode off into the night.
This horse gallops, jumps over moss-swamps, sweeps rivers and lakes with its tail.
How long, short, low, or high does it take Ivan Tsarevich to reach the high wall in the middle of the night? The guard sleeps at the gate - thirty mighty heroesP He reins in his good horse and beats him with an unwhipped whip. The horse got angry and jumped over the wall. Ivan Tsarevich gets off his horse, enters the garden and sees an apple tree with silver leaves, golden apples, and under the apple tree there is a well.Ivan Tsarevich picked three apples, but did not take any more, but scooped up a jug with twelve stigmas from the well of living water. And he wanted to see for himself the strong, powerful, heroic maiden Sineglazka.
Ivan Tsarevich enters the tower, and there they sleep - on one side there are six woodpile - heroic maidens and on the other side there are six, and in the middle the maiden Sineglazka is scattered about, sleeping, like a strong river rapids rustling.
Ivan Tsarevich could not stand it, kissed her, kissed her and went out... He sat on a good horse, and the horse said to him in a human voice:
- I didn’t listen, you, Ivan Tsarevich, entered the mansion to the maiden Sineglazka. Now I can't jump over the walls.
Ivan Tsarevich beats his horse with an unwhipped whip.
- Oh, you horse, a wolf's food, a bag of grass, we don't have to spend the night here, but lose our heads!
The horse became more angry than ever and jumped over the wall, but hit it with one horseshoe - the strings on the wall began to sing and the bells began to ring.
The girl Sineglazka woke up and saw the theft:
- Get up, we have a big theft!
She ordered her heroic horse to be saddled and rushed with twelve logs of wood in pursuit of Ivan Tsarevich.