In which fairy tale does the expression living water appear? The Tale of Living and Dead Water in a Russian Bath

A tale of living and dead water in the Russian bathhouse.

Isn’t it foolish for us, brethren, to begin with the old words of the glorious stories about living and dead water in the Russian bathhouse?


The human body is 78% water, the brain 85%. A truism, an aphorism that is known to everyone. This fact was established in the mid-1940s, and the honor of its discovery belongs to Lieutenant Colonel Eguchi of the Japanese Imperial Army. True, the experiment was brutal in the spirit of the samurai.
Water, as the common “substrate” of life, has no less commonality than the genetic code, and, of course, the use of such a resource is fraught with enormous hidden opportunities and dangers.

Therefore, our health depends on what kind of water we use.

About the properties of water.

Masaru Emoto deciphers the information contained in frozen water crystals and gets amazing results! If you still doubt that your thoughts affect the world around you, get acquainted with the works of Emoto (

Photo of structured water.

Photo of distorted water

And so about water.

And if you take a closer look at the terms “ living water" And " dead water"? What happens if you ask: “Why is this water dead? Who did she kill? No, well specifically, indicating data sources, who did she kill? What will be the answer? The answer will be: “Well, I don’t know... That’s what they say...”. Who's speaking? For what?
So, living water. What is this? List of opinions:

  1. Structured water.
  2. Pi-water.
  3. Silver water.
  4. Cathode water (catholyte).
  5. Magnetized water.
  6. Water with good information.
  7. Holy water.
  8. Activated (active, biologically active) water.
  9. Water with minerals.
  10. Melt water. Water from fruits and vegetables.
  11. Water from artesian wells and springs, wells.
Dead water - what is it? Opinions:
  1. Water without minerals, distilled water.
  2. Water with bad memory.
  3. Water passed through pipes with right angles.
  4. Unstructured water.
  5. Silver water.
  6. Anode water.
  7. Passive water.
In fairness, we note the opinion of official science.
Structured water is a term most often found in texts on alternative medicine and esotericism, used to designate a certain “water with a structure changed relative to its equilibrium with the environment.” Structured water is often offered as "super drugs", capable of treating diseases recognized as incurable by academic medicine.
The only thing that has been scientifically proven is the existence of the effect of ordering of water molecules during the adsorption of water molecules on surfaces that have a specific alternation of positively and negatively charged groups of atoms, as well as during the dissolution of some polymers, in particular protein macromolecules, which is used to describe some properties of cellular fluid. This ordering is neither complete throughout the entire volume of the liquid nor stable over time. Such a structure collapses on its own within a short time due to thermal movement water molecules and is completely destroyed when a disturbance is introduced into a structured environment (for example, during stirring). Complete ordering of water into a stable structure (the appearance long-range order) occurs when it freezes. This structure is almost completely destroyed when defrosted.
There is also evidence that when frozen water thaws, small groups of molecules with “short-range order”, reminiscent of the order of ice molecules, remain in the liquid phase. It's confirmed X-ray diffraction analysis. But when heated to 30 °C (for example, if you drink it), the water becomes completely amorphous.
How such water affects humans is only at the beginning of the study of official science.
Let's take a closer look at the types of water mentioned above.

Structured water– this is water in which hydrogen bonds are ordered in one way or another. This section of living water has a huge number of subsections that relate to exactly how water molecules are ordered relative to each other. And ways of organizing. But what they have in common is that the water molecules are ordered.

Pi-water is an energetic micro-grouped structured water. That is, it is a type of structured water. The discoverers are Japanese scientists.

Anode water– water obtained at the negative electrode. That is, containing positively charged ions. pH less than 7 and positive redox potential. Dead water. That is, deadness is ensured by two aspects - an excess of hydrogen ions and a lack of electrons.

Cathode water– water obtained on the positive electrode. That is, with negatively charged particles. pH is greater than 7. Redox potential is negative. Living water. Vitality is provided by an excess of alkaline anions and an excess of electrons.
General group for cathode and anode water – electroactivated water. It is produced using electric activators, of which there are a huge number of modifications.

Water with good information– water that has remembered good thoughts and words (or the frequency of the activator) and can now transfer them to the human body. There are many ways to remember. Subspecies - holy water.

Activated(active water, biologically active water) – water that is easier for the body to use, since it does not need to expend energy to activate the water. There are also a huge number of activation methods. They involve converting ordinary water into biologically active water. Some people mention the special structure of water in this regard. That is, this is also a subsection of structured water.

Melt water- This is water that was formed after the melting of ice. Therefore, it retains its ice-like structure.
Melt water is a subtype of structured water. There are rules for preparing melt water. When it freezes, you need to throw away the first portion of ice and drain the last portion of water.

Water from underground– water obtained from underground sources – wells, artesian springs, springs. It differs from river and swamp water in that, passing through the weak magnetic field of the earth and past special good minerals, it acquires the correct structure. A type of structured water.

Water from juices and fruits– this is also structured water. But completely different. A cell is a very complex structure, consisting of millions of complex and very intricate molecules. And if you take a cage and look for the water that we usually see there, it is not there. Why? Because all the water in the cell is associated with organic and inorganic molecules. And together with them it forms a single system. That is, it is part of the structure. It's structured. How is it structured? Contents of the cell. What happens if this water is isolated? That is, make juice? Cells are destroyed. The system is destroyed. And water is released. No cell contents - no water structure. It should be noted that this is completely different from the structure described in the first and second definitions.

Water with beneficial minerals– water that has passed through minerals and become enriched with their particles. Useful minerals – calcium, magnesium. There are no toxicity restrictions on them. Other minerals have limitations on toxicity. Therefore, mineralized water needs constant monitoring of its composition so that there are no excesses.

Water without minerals– distilled water or water after reverse osmosis. Numerous water filters and water purification systems are based on these technologies. Water theoretically flushes salts from bones. Why do bones seem to become brittle and brittle? The phrase “optimal composition of minerals” is often used in this regard.

Magnetized water– water treated with a magnetic field. As a result, it becomes structured and carries new information. A subtype of structured water.
And for each of these varieties there are countless filters and purifiers. Which are often associated with the concept “ water memory».

Memory of water– this is a special group of properties of water. It is directly related to the structure of water. Since the structure of water is the result of the impact on water, which the water remembers. The memory can be of both a bad impact and a good impact. Only structured water has memory. Water without structure has nothing to “remember”, because there are no special structural units for this.
What happens? This results in the following primary diagram:

Properties of living and dead water.

Living water.

It retains its properties for a week when stored in a closed container. This water has antioxidant, immunostimulating, detoxifying properties, normalizes metabolic processes (increased ATP synthesis, changes in enzyme activity), stimulates tissue regeneration, especially in combination with the use of vitamins (increases DNA synthesis and stimulates cell growth and division by increasing the mass transfer of ions and molecules through membranes), improves trophic processes and blood circulation in tissues, enhances the detoxifying function of the liver; normalizes the energy potential of cells; increases the energy supply of cells by stimulating and maximizing the coupling of respiration and oxidative phosphorylation processes. In addition, it activates the body’s bioprocesses, increases blood pressure, improves appetite, metabolism, food passage, and overall well-being. It quickly heals various wounds, including stomach and duodenal ulcers, bedsores, trophic ulcers, burns. This water softens the skin, destroys dandruff, makes hair silky, etc. The use of napkins soaked in anolyte allows you to completely clean wound cavities with gunshot wounds, phlegmons, abscesses, trophic ulcers, mastitis, extensive purulent-necrotic lesions of the subcutaneous tissue in 3-5 days, and the subsequent use of catholyte for 5-7 days significantly accelerates the reparative processes. In “living” water, wilted flowers and green vegetables quickly come to life and are preserved for a long time, and seeds, after soaking in this water, germinate faster and more easily; when watered, they grow better and produce a larger harvest.

Dead water.

It retains its properties for 1-2 weeks when stored in closed containers. “Dead” water is an excellent bactericide and disinfectant. You can rinse your nose, mouth, and throat with it during colds, during flu epidemics, after visiting infectious patients, clinics, and crowded places. It can disinfect bandages, linen, various containers, furniture, even rooms and soil. This water has antibacterial, antiviral, antimycotic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antipruritic and drying effects, and can have cytotoxic and antimetabolic effects without causing harm to human tissue cells.
Biocidal substances in electrochemically activated anolyte are not toxic to somatic cells, since they are represented by oxidants similar to those produced by cells of higher organisms. This water also relieves blood pressure, calms the nerves, improves sleep, reduces pain in the joints of the hands and feet, has a dissolving effect, destroys fungus, very quickly cures a runny nose, etc. It is useful to rinse your mouth after eating - your gums will not bleed and the stones will gradually dissolve.


The use of living and dead water in the bath.

I'll tell you how things are going with this in my bathhouse.
I use several types of water:

  1. Kolodeznaya
  2. Rainy
  3. Peat
  4. Melted from snow, melted from a well, melted from a stream - peat.
There is a well with living water and a stream with dead water flows next to the house. Rainwater and melt water are used.
It is believed that river water is dead water. Our stream is a filtration of swamp water and has a distinct tea leaves color. The peculiarity is that when collected in a bucket it does not produce sediment. Linen washed in this water remains white. We take care of the stream, the bottom and walls are lined with stones, and near each house there is a depression the size of a person. There are fish in the stream; they come from Volkhov and Visherka. Beavers live. Locals drink this water.
For those interested, treatment methods with living and dead water are described.

As well as the use of living and dead water in everyday life.

I fill the barrels in the bathhouse with living water from the well and dead water from the stream. I only make hot water from living (well) water. I soak brooms in it and use it to make herbal infusions for the incense heater. In winter, I break off the ice on the stream and freeze the well ice in the form of pucks in cut-off 6-liter water cylinders.
I wash my hair with rainwater, and rinse it with water from infusions with brooms.
Our ancestors considered rain water to be a real “elixir of youth” - women washed themselves with water from heaven and thereby rejuvenated the skin of their face and body. It was believed that rainwater had a beneficial effect on hair and its structure. The hair should be rinsed with rainwater, after which it would become very soft and silky, fluffy and shiny.
Living and dead water is used mainly for washing, dousing and bathing procedures. Ice of living and dead water is used to treat the face.
After the first warm-up and washing, I only douse myself with dead water. After steaming I douse myself only with living water.
I moisten wounds, cuts, scratches, burns with dead water for 8-10 minutes and only then can the wound be treated with “living” water.

It would seem that these are two fabulous opposites - living and dead water. In fact, both do the same thing in different ways: they return to life, restore strength.
In fairy tales, dead water, as a rule, does not kill anyone - on the contrary, it can mend broken parts of the body and even return lost parts. But only living water can fill them with real life.

How many proverbs do you know about water? We are 19!!!
We have collected all the proverbs and sayings in this collection.

In the fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf, the latter sends the raven for living and dead water, because he knows: only together they will raise his owner to his feet.
Another Ivan Tsarevich is resurrected in the legend “Marya Morevna”. For this reason, the falcon goes for living water, while the raven flies for dead water.

The wonderful liquid not only revitalizes, but also restores youth. If you believe the story about a brave young man, rejuvenating apples and living water, then losing three decades is not a problem. You just need to drink some living water. Well, rejuvenating apples will consolidate the effect.

The life-giving moisture turns an ordinary serviceman into a handsome man who cannot help but seduce Vasilisa the Beautiful (“The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess”).

Magic water is also called “strong” and “powerless”, as well as “snake”, “healing”, “heroic”. This is usually spring liquid. Often it is brought by a whirlwind, hail, thunder, or their messengers - birds.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, and a rather transparent one at that: water, in fact, can do a lot.

It is a reliable keeper of energy information, an indispensable solvent of chemical and biological substances, and a neat transporter.
It is not a fact that even proven headache pills will work if you do not wash them down with clean water, not to mention decoctions of medicinal herbs.

What are the auxiliary functions of water, if it can heal on its own, sometimes without needing any additions! Artesian and mineral, salty and fresh - when taken regularly, healing water renews the human body.

In modern use, we often find analogues of living and dead water, which ancient ancestors endowed with miraculous properties. Electrical liquid activators (ionizers, ozonizers) are used by many as everyday household devices that produce living and dead water.

The latter is valued for its disinfecting qualities: it heals wounds, slows down the growth of tumors, defeats infections, and cleanses the body of toxins. And living water of the 21st century is more suitable for the prevention of diseases, since it stimulates the immune system, restores and strengthens a person’s internal reserves.

As a unity of opposites, living and dead water complement each other, helping us become stronger and healthier, like the ancient Russian heroes.

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One of the four primary elements, the basis of existence, the original chaos from which the earth was subsequently created (raised from the bottom of the world ocean), an analogue of the mother’s womb, through the fertilization of which by the sky (the masculine principle) the world is created. The Babylonian cosmogonic poem Enuma Elish says:
When the sky above is not named,
And the land below was nameless,
Apsu the first-born, all-creator,
Foremother Tiamat, who gave birth to everything,
The waters mixed together...
Translation by V. Afanasyeva
The sacred marriage of sky and water (or earth as the second feminine principle of the universe) is reproduced in rains and thunderstorms, bestowing fertility; in ideas about sacred marriage, water simultaneously acts as something fertilized (by the sky) and as something fertilizing (the ground is fertilized by the water of rain).
In folklore, water is divided into living and dead. Living water is the water of heaven, life-bearing, fertile; dead - underground water (contrasting up and down as life and death), poisonous, destructive. In modern healing, water from the positive electrode (masculine) is considered “living”, and water from the negative electrode (feminine) is considered “dead”.
The spirits of water are undines. As Manly P. Hall notes: “Undines work with the vital substances and fluids of plants, animals and people and are present literally wherever there is water. When visible, undines resemble Greek goddess statues. They rise out of the water, shrouded in mist, and cannot exist outside of it for a long time."
Plays an important role in the tales of all Indo-European peoples; they all say that the earth rests on water, into which the sun plunges every day in the evening, so that, having been refreshed, it rises again in the morning radiant and kind. Connected with this are numerous fairy tales about the sea king and princess, which are very popular among the Russian people and were even partly included in the epics, for example, in the epic about “Sadka”. The kingdom of heaven, i.e. The kingdom of the sun, moon and stars appears to the people in the form of an island surrounded on all sides by water, which in Russian conspiracies is called the island "Buyana". Rivers are also personified by the people: from large rivers, folk heroes like the Danube Ivanovich, Don Ivanovich, Nepra or Dnieper, etc. are born. Smaller rivers, lakes and ponds have their own mermaid goddesses, and many local legends are associated with them, especially with places near mills and with lakes in which ancient and rich cities seemed to have drowned, along with numerous churches. The water of rivers, lakes, springs and wells is given the same miraculous powers as spring rain, i.e. the power of fertility, healing power, cleansing power and, finally, prophetic power. Hence many folk customs, a significant part of which is water. Latvians sprinkle water on a plowman or shepherd who goes to the field for the first time in spring or returns home from there. In the same way, thanks to the miraculous powers of water, you can use it to tell fortunes, as well as carry out divine judgment (the so-called ordeals - author's note), especially over witches; they were thrown into the water and if they drowned, they were released, but when they floated to the top, they were executed. The chronicles contain many indications that the Slavs idolized the water of the sea, lakes, rivers and wells and often brought gifts to it; The custom of sacrificing pie, porridge, millet, etc. to water has also been preserved in some areas to this day, with the goal that the earth’s waters would send down rain. In general, in the imagination of primitive man the concepts of a river and rain were confused; according to one Russian legend, all water is in rivers, seas, springs, etc. originated from rain that fell from heaven to earth, and birds, at the command of God, carried the water to its designated containers; the legends of other Indo-European peoples often mention rivers whose source lies in the sky.

Living water

Living water, also strong or heroic, in folk tales of all Indo-European peoples is a symbol of spring rain, which resurrects the earth from its winter dead sleep. It returns life to the dead and sight to the blind and, at the same time, constitutes the drink of those heroes who, according to Afanasyev’s remark, take the place of the thunder god in the fairy-tale epic. The difference between dead and living water appears only in Slavic fairy tales and is not repeated anywhere else.

Dead water

sometimes called healing: it heals inflicted wounds, heals the dissected parts of a dead body, but does not yet resurrect it; Only sprinkling with living water brings life back to him. According to Afanasyev, dead water is the first spring rain, driving away ice and snow from the fields and, as it were, pulling together the dissected members of mother earth, and the rains that follow give it greenery and flowers. Living water is located in the distant kingdom, between two pushing mountains that open up only for a minute; she is protected by snakes or crows with iron noses. According to fairy tales, living and dead water is brought by the personified forces of summer thunderstorms - whirlwind, thunder, hail and prophetic birds, in the image of which fantasy embodied the same phenomena: raven, falcon, eagle and dove. Whoever drinks living or heroic water immediately gains great strength. Connected with the belief about living water is a Russian folk custom, according to which, when the first thunder strikes, everyone rushes to wash themselves with water, which gives beauty, health and happiness.

In the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf,” the wolf, in order to revive the prince killed by his older brothers, poured him first with dead water, which healed his mortal wounds, and then with living water, which resurrected him.

“Tsarevich Ivan lies dead, crows are already flying over him. Out of nowhere a gray wolf came running and grabbed the raven and the crow:
- You fly, raven, for living and dead water. Bring me living and dead water, then I will release your little crow.

The raven, having nothing to do, flew away, and the wolf held his little raven. Whether the raven flew for a long time or for a short time, he brought living and dead water. The gray wolf sprinkled dead water on Tsarevich Ivan's wounds, the wounds healed; sprinkled him with living water - Ivan Tsarevich came to life.
“Oh, I slept soundly!”
Since ancient times, people have guessed that the most common chemical substance on Earth - water - plays a prominent role in the origin and maintenance of life on the planet. And that this substance is not as simple as it seems at first glance. There is probably no people on Earth who do not have myths and fairy tales related to the important role of water in human life.
However, perhaps only in Russian folklore could water give life and bring death.

In the Russian fairy tale about rejuvenating apples and living water:
“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king, and he had three sons... The king was very outdated and his eyes were poor, but he heard that far away, in the thirtieth kingdom, there was a garden with rejuvenating apples and a well with living water. If you eat this apple for an old man, he will become younger, and if you wash the eyes of a blind man with this water, he will see.” And the sons went to get living water..."

In the fairy tale “Ivan and the Miracle Yudo” “Ivan went to the Smorodina River, crossed to the other bank through the Viburnum Bridge and sneaked unnoticed to the miracle Yudo stone chambers. He went up to the open window and began to listen - were they planning something else here? He looks - three miracles are sitting in the chambers - Yuda's wives, and his mother, an old snake. They sit and talk. The first one says:
- I will take revenge on Ivan, the peasant son, for my husband! I’ll get ahead of myself, when he and his brothers return home, I’ll bring in the heat, and I’ll turn into a well. If they want to drink water, they will drop dead from the first sip!
You came up with a good idea! - says the old snake...
After that, the brothers got together and went home. They travel through the steppes, they travel through meadows. And the day is so hot, so sultry. I'm thirsty - I have no patience! The brothers look - there is a well, a silver ladle is floating in the well.
They say to Ivan:
- Come on, brother, let's stop, drink some cold water and water the horses!
“It’s unknown what kind of water is in that well,” Ivan answers. - Maybe rotten and dirty.
He jumped off his horse and began to cut and slash this well with his sword. The well howled and roared in an evil voice. Then the fog descended, the heat subsided - I didn’t feel thirsty.
“You see, brothers, what kind of water there was in the well,” says Ivan. They moved on."

In the fairy tale “Ivan the Man’s Son,” Ivan runs away with the beautiful girl he loves from being chased by an evil sorcerer.
“The beautiful girl hears that they are catching up. She made Ivan a horse, and she herself turned into a burr. The chase returns with nothing. The sorcerer asks:
- Well, you didn’t see anyone?
- No, no one. Only the horse walks, and he has a burr on his tail.
- Oh, these are the ones!
The sorcerer himself ran. He runs - the earth trembles. The beautiful girl hears - they are catching up. She turned into a sea, and turned Ivan into a drake. The sorcerer began to drink water in order to dry the sea. And the drake quacks:
- May you burst! May you burst!
And so it happened: the sorcerer burst and died. Ivan, the peasant's son, came running home with his bride to his father and mother. The wedding took place. They began to live, to live well, to make good.”

In another tale, ordinary water gave strength to the evil Kashchei the Immortal, and living water gave life to the prince. It was like this: Ivan Tsarevich “fell in love with Marya Morevna (Mare-Morena) and married her. Marya Morevna, the beautiful princess, took him with her to her state. They lived together for so long, and the princess decided to get ready for war. She leaves the entire household to Ivan Tsarevich and orders:
- Go everywhere, keep an eye on everything, just don’t look into this closet.
He couldn’t bear it: as soon as Marya Morevna left, he immediately rushed into the closet, opened the door, looked - and there was Koschey the Immortal hanging there, chained to twelve chains. Koschey asks Ivan Tsarevich:
- Have pity on me, give me a drink! I’ve been suffering here for ten years, I haven’t eaten or drunk - my throat is completely dry.
The prince gave him a whole bucket of water; he drank and asked again:
- I can’t quench my thirst with just one bucket. Give more!
The Tsarevich handed over another bucket. Koschey drank and asked for a third; and when he drank the third bucket, he took his former strength, shook the chains and immediately broke all twelve.
“Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich,” said Koschey the Immortal, “now you will never see Marya Morevna as your own ears.”
And in a terrible whirlwind he flew out the window, overtook Marya Morevna, the beautiful princess, on the road, picked her up and carried her away to him.” There was nothing to do, Ivan Tsarevich went to help out his wife. I found her in the Kashcheev Palace when that house was not there. And they rushed to flee from this hated kingdom.
“Koshchey the Immortal returns home, under him the good horse stumbles.
- Why are you tripping? Do you sense any misfortune?
- Ivan Tsarevich came and took Marya Morevna with him.
... Koschey galloped, caught up with Ivan Tsarevich, chopped him into small pieces and put him in a tar barrel; He took this barrel, fastened it with iron hoops and threw it into the blue sea, and took Marya Morevna home with him.
At that very time, Ivan Tsarevich’s sons-in-law’s silver turned black.
“Ah,” they say, “it looks like something bad has happened!”
The eagle rushed to the blue sea, grabbed and pulled the barrel ashore. The falcon flew after living water, and the raven flew after dead water.
All three flew to one place, cut the barrel, took out the pieces of Ivan Tsarevich, washed them and put them together as needed.
The raven splashed dead water - the body grew together and united. The falcon splashed with living water - Tsarevich Ivan shuddered, stood up and said:
“Oh, how I slept for a long time!”

In Russian fairy tales, Ivan Tserevich always loses someone, then looks for and delivers from evil, and receives a very decent reward for this. This time, my mother Nastasya the Queen. And water helps him in all life’s troubles.

“...Tsarevich Ivan rolled the ball and followed it. He walked and walked and came to such a palace that you can’t tell it in a fairy tale or describe it with a pen - it burns like pearls and precious stones. At the gate, six-headed snakes hiss, scorch with fire, breathe heat.
The prince gave them drink. The snakes calmed down and let him into the palace. The prince walked through the large chambers. In the farthest place I found my mother. She sits on a high throne, in a decorated royal outfit, crowned with a precious crown. She looked at the guest and screamed:
- Ivanushka, my son! How did you get here?!
- I came for you, my mother.
- Well, son, it will be difficult for you. The Whirlwind has great power. Well, yes, I will help you, I will add strength to you. Then she lifted the floorboard and took him into the cellar. There are two tubs of water there - one on the right hand, the other on the left.
Queen Nastasya says:
- Drink, Ivanushka, some water that is on your right hand.
Ivan Tsarevich drank.
- Well? Have you gained more strength?
- It’s increased, mother. Now I could turn the whole palace over with one hand.
- Well, drink some more!
The prince drank some more.
- How much strength do you have now, son? - Now if I want, I can turn the whole world around.
- That's enough, son. Come on, move these tubs from place to place. Take the one to the right to the left side, and take the one to the right to the right.
Ivan Tsarevich took the tubs and moved them from place to place.
Queen Nastasya tells him:
- In one tub there is strong water, in the other there is weak water. The whirlwind drinks strong water in battle, which is why you can’t deal with it.
They returned to the palace.
“Soon the Whirlwind will arrive,” says Queen Nastasya. - Grab him by the club and don’t let him go. A whirlwind will soar into the sky - and you with it: it will carry you over the seas, over high mountains, over deep abysses, and you hold on tightly, do not unclench your hands. Whirlwind gets tired, wants to drink strong water, rushes to the tub that is placed on the right hand, and you drink from the tub that is on the left hand... I just had time to say something, suddenly it got dark in the yard, everything around was shaking. The Whirlwind flew into the upper room. Ivan Tsarevich rushed to him and grabbed his club.
-Who are you? Where did it come from? - Whirlwind shouted. - Here I will eat you!
- Well, grandma said it in two! Either you eat it or you don't. The Whirlwind rushed out the window - and into the sky. He already carried, carried Ivan Tsarevich... And over the mountains, and over the seas, and over deep abysses. The prince does not let go of his club. The whirlwind flew around the whole world. I was tired, exhausted. I went down and straight into the cellar. He ran up to the tub that stood on his right hand and let him drink water.
And Tsarevich Ivan rushed to the left and also fell to the tub. Vortex drinks - with every sip he loses strength. Ivan Tsarevich drinks - with every drop the strength in him comes. He became a mighty hero. He pulled out a sharp sword and cut off Whirlwind’s head at once.
Voices shouted from behind:
- Rub some more! Rub some more! Otherwise he will come to life!
“No,” the prince replies, “a hero’s hand does not strike twice, it finishes everything at once.”

Another prince, Ivan the Pea, had to look for and rescue his older sister from the clutches of a terrible monster. As a reward for his victory over the Fierce Serpent, he also obtained magic snake water.
“The snake flew out to strike Ivan, to mount it on a spear - it missed; The peas bounced off - did not stagger.
- Now I love you! - Pea made a noise, threw a staff at the Snake and stunned him so much that he tore the Snake into pieces, scattered it, and pierced the ground with the staff, went off two days later into the third kingdom.
The people threw their hats up and called Ivan Tsar.
But Ivan, noticing the sage blacksmith, as a reward that the staff soon worked, called the old man and said to the people:
- Here's your head! Listen to him for good, as before you listened to the Fierce Serpent for evil.
Ivan got some living-dead water and sprinkled it on his brothers; The fellows stood up, rubbing their eyes, thinking for themselves:
- We slept for a long time; God knows what happened!
“You would sleep forever without me, dear brothers, dear friends,” Ivan Gorokh told them, pressing them to his zealous heart.
He did not forget to take snake water; he equipped the ship and along the Swan River with Vasilisa the Beauty, the golden braid, sailed to his lands through three kingdoms into the fourth; He didn’t forget the old woman in the hut, he gave her to wash herself with snake water: she turned into a young woman, sang and danced, ran after Pea, and saw him off on his way. Ivan's father and mother greeted him with joy and honor; He sent messengers to all lands with the news that their dear daughter, Vasilisa the Beauty, the Golden Braid, had returned. The city is ringing, ringing in the ears, trumpets are buzzing, tambourines are knocking, guns are rattling. Vasilisa waited for the groom, and a bride was found for the prince.”

In folklore, therefore, living and dead water has certain magical properties. In legends, it is guarded by evil creatures and its extraction is associated with difficult trials for the hero.
From the point of view of modern science, “living water” is a liquid obtained by electrolysis in the cathode space. Those interested can independently find on the Internet many descriptions of technical devices that make it possible to obtain both “living” and “dead” water at home.
“Living water” (catholyte), let us explain, has an alkaline environment and is considered a biostimulant. It is no coincidence that many summer residents use it to enhance the growth of flowers and seedlings. Apples washed with catholyte are stored until the spring of next year. Such water is said to strengthen the defense mechanisms of the human body and remove toxins from it.

“Dead water” (anolyte) has an acidic environment and has a disinfecting effect. It is used for treating premises, bleaching laundry, processing dishes when preserving fruits and root vegetables. It also helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers, trophic ulcers and purulent wounds, and skin diseases. Of course, you should consult your doctor regarding its dosage and contraindications.

But let's return to the legends. The ancient Slavs had an interesting legend associated with the salvation of Dazhdbog. In ancient times, as she narrates, the Koshchei (or Kashchei, representatives of the “dark worlds”) who arrived from the depths of the Cosmos stole their goddess Mara from people (Mara = MOTHER of RA [Sun] radiance). Among our ancestors, she was considered the patroness of death. They deciphered the word “death” as follows: Change of Dimensions. This is a process in which a person, when dying, moves into a world that has more dimensions than our four-dimensional one.

Our information. Dazhdbog (Old Russian Dazhbog) is one of the main gods in Slavic mythology, a patron god. Means “god who gives” (the same root word as “give”). He told people “the secret Vedas, carrying the fire of knowledge.”

Mentioned in the earliest monuments of ancient Russian written culture, such as “The Tale of Bygone Years” (Ipatiev Chronicle), “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” It was believed that princely power came from him in Rus'. In the minds of the Slavs, Dazhdbog was the ruler of their lands, and the princes are the descendants (“grandsons”) of Dazhdbog. In “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” the author speaks of the Russians: “Dazhdboz’s grandchildren.”

According to some legends preserved in the Kuban and Siberia, Dazhdbog is the son of the god Perun, the grandson of the god Svarog. He was born on our planet (Midgard-earth). In ancient Slavic astronomy, there was a palace of the Race (the constellation of the White Leopard, or Pardus) with the sun Dazhdbog. From the planet Ingard of this solar system, about 190 thousand years ago, the Rassen, one of the distant ancestors of the European peoples, arrived on our Earth in the region of the present North Pole (the legendary land of Daaria).

In modern astronomy, the star Dazhdbog is called Beta Leo. Considered as a good candidate for searching for exoplanets, i.e. planets located outside our solar system.

With the abduction of Mara (she was also called Madder), grief came to the earth and the development of people stopped. They were “stuck” in our Explicit World (Revelation) and could not move to other worlds – Navi and Rule. Their physical bodies grew old and worn out, they were overcome by incurable diseases, weakness and hopelessness. But they could not die in order to move to another world, since such a transition is possible only through death.

Then Dazhdbog decided to help people. He passed through the gates of the interworld, which, according to legend, were located in the North Caucasus, into another dimension - into the “pekel worlds” (worlds intended for the purification of souls). There he found the kidnapped goddess and returned her to Earth. But in the fight against the Koshchei he weakened and was chained by them with magical chains to the Eagle Rocks in the Caucasus Mountains (Sochi, Matsesta region).

Later, the Greeks, who visited here and heard this legend, retold it in their own way - this is how the ancient myth of Prometheus was born. The Greeks replaced the Russian nickname for the hero “Dazhdbog” with their own - “Prometheus” (or Prometheus, “foreseeing”, a name derived from an Indo-European root meaning “to reflect”).

Some Slavic authors in the 19th century argued that such substitutions were made more than once in ancient Greece. They referred to a poem by the Vedic author Slavomysl that survived the whirlpool of time - a song about Svetoslav Khorobr, who defeated Khazaria. It was allegedly written around the same period as “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, but was first published only in 1847 in Warsaw. There are these lines:

“And the Scythian is not afraid of the fate of the sacrament
and the sorcerer from the Nepra (Dnieper) Hellenes
He’s already dressing up like a Greek.
Vseslav the Prophetic Anacharsis
and Lyubomudru from Goluni,
when he was called
that name was given to Heraclitus...
And just like other Slavs,
sciences that glorified Hellas,
elevated to God-equal to the Hellenes
and in stone sculptures
their faces were recreated.
But for some reason the values
didn't give it
that godlike Slavic
their appearance shone...
The list of names is great
Slavs hiding their faces,
in it by the way
and Aristar, who lived in Samos,
and the Syracusan Archimedes,
Svarozhiyas who read the tablets,
which are the laws of the world

Chained to the Caucasian rocks by mystical chains, Dazhdbog was found and freed by the goddess Jiva (Virgin Zhiva, patroness of the power of life). The ancient commandments say: “Read, people, Holy Week - how our Dazhdbog grieved from the crucifixion in the Caucasus Mountains to the salvation of Swan-Jiva.”
The power of life alone, controlled by Jiva, was not enough to bring Dazhdbog to his senses. Then she called her sister Mara for help - the same one who was saved by Dazhdbog. Together they performed a ritual to restore his strength. The ritual took place near the Kudepsta sacrificial stone, with its front side directed towards the sunrise. Since then, this complex has been popularly called the “throne of the Goddesses” (or “Reviving Suns”).

In an ancient ritual, according to legend, the power of dead and living water was used. Living water for the healing of Dazhdbog was delivered from the bright Iria (distant lands, heavenly kingdom) by the goddess Zhiva. The dead woman was brought with her from Hell by Mara, who knew that in her absence on Earth many people fell ill in soul and body. It was necessary to heal them, to help them free themselves from inflammatory processes in the body (illnesses) and soul (bad habits, sins, etc.).

Our ancestors believed that the place where the purification of the soul with the help of ultra-high temperatures occurs in the Universe is precisely the Inferno. The dirty soul there, figuratively speaking, is burned by fire, “baked.” That's why this place is called Peklo. In our body, by the way, blood purification occurs in the liver with the help of its increased temperature relative to other organs (the liver also “bakes”).

In the North Caucasus in Matsesta there is a deposit of hydrogen sulfide springs. This name may have been given in honor of the goddess Mara (MA - Mara, CE - this, STA - an ancient Russian root meaning something approved by the gods). The “fire water” brought by Mara from Pekla resembles the hydrogen sulfide liquid of Matsesta.
It is interesting that an ancient Circassian legend has been preserved, according to which the healing spring in Matsesta is named after a girl who was not afraid to go down to Peklo and bring “fire water” from it to save her parents and people of her kind from diseases that had overcome their flesh and soul.

Matsesta is truly dead water (it doesn’t get any deader), as it is oversaturated with hydrogen sulfide. It can also be considered “fiery”, since after taking baths with Matsesta water the body turns red and warms up, and diseases (especially inflammatory ones) disappear. The dead water of Matsesta, flowing out from under the rock and not yet diluted with anything, has a purple hue. This means that living water must have the opposite color of the spectrum - red.

Where might this source of living water be located? Most likely, not far from both Matsesta and Kudepsta (note: the same root STA). And indeed, 150 meters north of the Kudepsta sacrificial stone - the “throne of the Goddesses” - there is a mineral spring of ferruginous water. Due to the high iron content, the water and bottom have a reddish tint. And not far from this place there are small lakes overgrown with mud. Nearby, the Agura River flows in the gorge (Perun’s daughter is called Magura - a coincidence?), and a little further stands the Bolshoy Chur mountain.

There is a legend about how a miraculous spring appeared in the Kudepsta area. This is narrated in the “Vedas of Slovene” (Belgrade, 1874). Virgo Zhiva turns to the god Perun and asks him to throw his golden staff up the mountain - to the place where there are three ponds. “After all, there is a white deposit flowing nearby, and when Perun throws lightning there, suryan water will flow from it [healing, reddish in color from the word “surik.” - Y.K.], and whoever collects this water on Shchurov [Churov] day and carries it to their homes to sprinkle themselves and their households, he and his entire family will be alive and healthy all year.”

The cult practice associated with the Kudepsta stone, in general terms, apparently looked like this. The rituals were obviously carried out on the days of the solstice (summer and winter) and the days of the equinox (autumn and spring), as well as on the day of the rebirth of Dazhdbog (possibly on other days significant for our ancestors).

At night, five fires were lit in the hearths, indicating the direction line to the point of sunrise. The seats intended for two goddesses (Mara and Jiva) could remain empty or be occupied by two priestesses depicting the great goddesses. On the right, on the southern side, where, according to the belief of our ancestors, we have the “passive pole”, is the throne of Mary. On the north side, where there is an active “positive pole” and a source of living water, is the chair of Jiva.

A priest embodying the image of Dazhdbog lay on the bed. He lay down on his right side, facing the rising Sun. At the back of the bed, grain was poured into special recesses surrounding it. In front, food was placed as a gift on a special platform, and flowers were placed around.

Near the throne of Jiva you can find a special horizontal platform with a large hole and a groove carved out of it for living water. Since living water naturally acquired its miraculous properties in the spring only once a year (on Churov’s Day), to saturate the water with vitality they acted differently - they resorted to the power of the divine word. They took water from a spring with ferrous mineral water and poured it into the hole on the side of Jiva’s chair, while reading special glorifications to the goddess. The water flowed down a hollowed groove, where it was collected in a special vessel with living water. This water was used to improve the health of households.

The hole was horizontal, so only excess water drained through the groove, and the rest remained on the stone surface in the recess. Any suffering traveler could take a sip of living water.
In our time, an experiment was carried out with charging water from the mineral spring of Jiva. The water on the “throne of the Goddesses” was charged with the word for 30 minutes, and the device then recorded a multiple increase in the “energy” of the water.
The situation is different with dead water, which can be collected from the spring of Mary (Matsesta) on any day, and it will have cleansing power. With the help of the “throne of the Goddesses” you can greatly enhance its properties.

On the inclined surface on the side of Mara’s chair there is a small hole with a groove for cleansing “fire water”. Since dead water cannot be drunk, the hole is made for safety purposes in such a way that no water remains in it after the ritual (this is ensured by an inclined surface)…

The preserved Kudepsta sacrificial stone is evidence of the existence of a civilization in the lands of the North Caucasus, the origins of which go back thousands of years. Russians are not strangers to this territory. And one more conclusion - since ancient times, our ancestors were able to treat many ailments using natural remedies - living and dead water. So why don’t we take full advantage of the proven knowledge of our ancestors.

There lived a king, this king had three sons; The king says to his children: “I dreamed that in a certain kingdom, three hundred lands away, in a state of three hundred, there was Helen the Beautiful, and she had living and dead water and youthful apples; can you kids get it?” The eldest two sons say: “Bless us, father! We'll go get it." He blessed them, and they went; and the third son, eight years old, remained at home. Two years later, the last son began to ask that “I too will go after my brothers; anything and I’ll help them.” And the father says: “Where can you go to the other side from a young age?” Then the king thought and let him go, and his son began to say to him: “Father! Give me a horse." The king says: “Well, go and choose: I have five hundred horses in my stable.” He went; whichever horse hits on the rump, he will fall off his feet; out of five hundred horses, he did not choose a single horse for himself and tells his father that “I, father, did not choose a single horse from you; Now I’ll go into an open field, into green meadows - won’t I choose the horses in the herds?”

I went into an open field; I walked for a long, long time, in an empty place there was a hut 1, and an old old woman was sitting in the hut. Ivan Tsarevich asks her: “What, grandmother, do you know where the herds are and whether there are any good horses in the herds?” The old woman holds the answer: “What’s better - your father has five hundred horses!” Tsarevich Ivan says that “my father doesn’t have a single horse for me.” - “If so, go ahead, Ivan Tsarevich, here there is a village, near the village there is a mountain, on this mountain lies a hero instead of a dog; Just ask the priests: is it possible to bury this hero? The hero has a horse behind twelve iron doors, behind twelve copper locks, on twelve chains; He has one sword and four people carry it on a stretcher.” The priests took charge and buried this hero; and Ivan Tsarevich assembled a funeral table and bought all sorts of provisions from food, wine, vodka, tables and chairs, knives and spoons. And the Orthodox people dined; says Ivan Tsarevich: “Take, Orthodox people, whatever you need!”

They immediately began to carry what anyone needed, and carried it home; Only Ivan Tsarevich was left on the mountain, and the dead hero said to him: “I thank you, young Ivan Tsarevich, for burying me in honesty, and I give you my horse: it stands in the state cellar behind twelve iron doors, behind twelve copper locks, on twelve chains; I give you both my sword and my armor. If you can, own it to your health!” Ivan Tsarevich went to the state cellar and began to break down the doors; he will break through the door with his fist, and the horse will break the chain. So Ivan Tsarevich broke all the doors, and the horse broke all the chains. And this horse wanted to go free; but Ivan Tsarevich grabbed her by the mane and said: “Stop, horse, wolf meat, forty-alt nag! Who should ride you if not us, good fellows?” He put a bridle on the horse and saddled him; He put on heroic armor on himself, took the sword in his right hand and began to wave the sword, just like a goose feather.

He sets off on his journey; I traveled for a long time or for a short time, passed through all the lands and ended up in a state of three hundred, where there was only forest and water. There is a path in the forest - you just need to go on foot and ride on horseback; Ivan Tsarevich set off along that path and came to the hut. I entered this hut; a red girl lives there. The girl says to him: “Where is God taking you?” Ivan Tsarevich answers: “To your sister, Elena the Beautiful, to get living and dead water and youthful apples and her portrait.” - “Sit down, good fellow, on my flying falcon; and leave your horse with me.” He sat on the falcon and flew away. It flew and flew, and the hut still stood; I entered - a red girl was sitting in the hut. Tsarevich Ivan asks: “How can I get to your sister, Elena the Beautiful?” The girl says: “Sit on my falcon, and leave yours with me, and you will fly to her house; There are twelve churches there, and all the cords are stretched from each church. Try as best you can to fly over quickly and not get caught in the cords.”

Ivan Tsarevich flew to the house of Elena the Beautiful; entered one upper room, then another: girls are sleeping in both - one more beautiful than the other! I stepped into the third upper room, and there Elena the Beautiful herself rested, and there was living and dead water on her table, and her portrait was right there; and from this upper room there is a passage to the garden, where there are youthful apples. Ivan Tsarevich took living and dead water and a portrait of Helen the Beautiful, and fell in love with her; then he jumped into the garden, picked five apples, tied them in a scarf and left the house; He sat on the falcon and flew, and how he began to fly over the cords, and said to himself: “What a brave warrior I am! Let me hook you on the cords.” He hooked it on the cords, and in all the churches the bells rang, and Elena the Beautiful woke up and said: “What an ignoramus he was, he opened the kneading bowl and put two half-shells in ridicule!” Now she shouted: “Give me my good horse, I’ll catch him on the road.”

And Ivan Tsarevich flew to Elena’s sister’s hut, exchanged one falcon for another and flew forward again. Following him, Elena the Beautiful came to her sister and said to her: “What are you assigned for? You don't see anything! Some ignorant person opened my kneader and put two half-cups on the tire.” The sister answers: “I was on the road myself, I took care of my falcon and didn’t see anyone here.” Elena the Beautiful again went to catch up with Ivan Tsarevich; and Ivan Tsarevich came to another hut and exchanged the falcon for a heroic horse. Elena the Beautiful comes to another sister and says: “What are you looking at! Why are you here? Some ignoramus was with me, he opened the kneader but didn’t cover it, and put two half-shelves in for fun.” The sister answers: “Please see my falcon, covered in sweat! I just came from the road myself.”

Ivan Tsarevich arrived at the third hut, and the old woman gave him a handkerchief: “If they are chasing you, then throw this handkerchief.” Elena the Beautiful comes to the old woman and says: “What are you looking at, what are you assigned for? Some ignoramus was with me, he opened the kneader but didn’t cover it, and put two half-shelves in for fun.” The old woman answers: “I just came from the road.”

Elena the Beautiful again chased Ivan Tsarevich, and as she began to catch up with him, Ivan Tsarevich threw his handkerchief - and there was a terrible sea that it was impossible to walk or drive through. Elena the Beautiful drove up to the shore and shouted across the sea: “Who was this in my kingdom, the king-prince or the king-prince?” Ivan Tsarevich answers: “I am neither a king nor a king, but a young royal son.” - “Wait for me! - said Elena the Beautiful. “In twelve years I will come to you on twelve ships.”

Ivan Tsarevich turned away from the sea and took a different road - not where he had gone before, and galloped to a large house; I drove into the yard, there was a turned pillar in the yard, a gilded ring was nailed to the pillar; He tied his horse to a gilded ring, gave him white wheat and went to the upper room. A red maiden sits in the upper room and says to him: “It’s wrong, Orthodox, you got here! A witch lives here, she flies along the roads on a falcon and catches baptized people to her ordeal. I myself have been infested here for twelve years; If you take me with you, then I will teach you good things: when the witch flies in and starts putting you on the bed, then look at the wall and don’t lie down!” So the witch flew in and began to put him against the wall; but he doesn’t lie against the wall. “I,” he says, “need to go out to the horse.” The witch herself lay down against the wall, and Ivan Tsarevich was on the edge, and immediately unscrewed all three screws - the witch ended up in the cellar.

He took the red maiden with him and went; You never know how much space you have driven, and you see that there is a hole in the road, and two people are lying near this hole. Tsarevich Ivan asks: “What kind of people are you and what are you waiting for?” - “Ah, Ivan Tsarevich! After all, we are your brothers." - “What were you, brothers, looking for?” - “Yes, a beautiful girl is imprisoned here.” Ivan Tsarevich told them: “Take it, brothers, and hold it from me, living and dead water and youthful apples, and lower me into this hole; I’ll get you a beautiful girl from there. As soon as you pull the girl out, lower the rope behind me.” Ivan Tsarevich immediately sank into the pit, found a beautiful girl there and tied her with a rope. The big brothers-princes began to drag, pulled out the girl and said: “We won’t lower the rope to him; Now we have everything: living and dead water, youthful apples, and a portrait of Helen the Beautiful, and a bride for each.” They decided to take Ivan Tsarevich’s horse; they began to catch him, but the horse was not given to them; never caught!

So the older brothers went to their father's home; and Ivan Tsarevich is in that pit and is shedding tears. He walked there for who knows how much time and came to the lower world. I saw a hut, in that hut an old old woman was sitting, and Tsarevich Ivan said: “Is it possible, grandmother, to somehow take me to the upper world?” The old woman answers him: “No, Father Ivan Tsarevich, it’s impossible! Is it like this: our king has three daughters, and they take his daughters to the snakes to be eaten; If you help the king, he will not leave you either. Ride with God; I will give you my horse, and armor, and sword.”

Ivan Tsarevich saddled a fast horse, put on cast iron armor, took a sword in his hands and rode to the place where the snake flies. I arrived, and there the princess had been sitting on a pebble for a long time, waiting for the fierce snake. Ivan Tsarevich asks her: “Why are you waiting here, princess?” She says sadly: “Go away, good fellow! They brought me here as a snake to be eaten.” - “Well, look in my head; and as soon as the waves sway in the sea, wake me up now.” He lay down on her lap and fell asleep. The waves in the sea began to sway, the red maiden began to wake up Ivan Tsarevich and could not wake him up. Out of great grief, a tear fell from her eyes and fell on the prince’s cheek; he woke up and said: “Oh, how you burned me with your tears!”

An eight-headed snake flew in to eat the Tsar’s daughter and said to Ivan Tsarevich: “Why are you here, you shirtless flea?” And Ivan Tsarevich says to the snake: “Why are you here, you head nit? You eat baptized people, but you are never satisfied!” - “I’ll eat you too!” - “No, try to flounder with strong, powerful shoulders first.” The serpent says: “Make a bridge over the sea, and we will go to war with you.” - “What! After all, I am a baptized person, and you are unbaptized; make a bridge." The serpent just blew, and an ice bridge formed across the sea. They went to fight. The snake moved away and hit Ivan Tsarevich - only knocking his hat off his head; and Ivan Tsarevich rode around on his heroic horse and hit the snake - he immediately killed him. Now he jumped off his horse and put this snake under a stone; he drove up to the red maiden to say goodbye, and the tsar’s daughter gave him her gold ring as a souvenir. At that very time, the king sent Makarka, bald and cross-armed, to remove his daughter’s bones when the snake flew away. Makarka saw how Ivan Tsarevich killed the snake; ran to the princess and said: “Tell your father that I saved you from death; Otherwise, I’ll kill you now!” She got scared and said: “Okay, have it your way!” We arrived at the palace, Makarka said to the king: “I saved your daughter, killed the snake and put it under a stone.”

After some time, another snake sends an order to the king to bring his daughter to him to be devoured. Makarka says to the king: “Give me a good saber, I’ll kill the snake again!” And he took another king’s daughter, a snake, to be devoured; He brought her and sat her on a stone, and he climbed the tallest pine tree. She sits on a stone and sheds tears; Ivan Tsarevich arrives, gets off his horse, sits down next to the girl and says: “Look in my head, and as soon as the waves sway in the sea, wake me up now!” When the waves began to sway in the sea, she began to wake him up and could not wake him up until a hot tear fell on his cheek. He woke up and said: “How long have you not woken me up!” A ten-headed serpent flew in and said to Tsarevich Ivan: “Why are you turning around, you shirtless flea?” And Ivan Tsarevich says to the snake: “What are you, you head nit, coming here and eating baptized people?” - “I’ll eat you too!” - “No, try to fight with me first!” - “Well, make a bridge over the sea.” - “I am a baptized person, and you are unbaptized; do it!"

The serpent just blew, and an ice bridge became. So they went to fight. The snake moved away and hit Ivan Tsarevich - he only staggered while sitting on his horse; and Ivan Tsarevich struck the snake with his sword and cut off its five heads; then he struck again and killed the snake to death. The princess gave him a gold ring; he took it and went home to the old woman. Then the bald, cross-armed Makarka climbed down from the pine tree, took his saber, beat and beat against a stone, beat and beat, and broke it to the very handle; came to the princess and said: “Look, tell your father that I saved you from death, otherwise I will kill you!” They arrived at the palace, and Makarka said to the king: “I saved your daughter from death; That’s how hard I tried, I broke the whole saber!” The king promised to give his youngest daughter in marriage to him.

Then a twelve-headed serpent writes, demanding the king’s daughter to be eaten. Makarka took the third princess to the snake to be devoured, sat her on a stone, and out of passion he himself climbed higher than before onto a tree. The princess sits and weeps bitterly; Ivan Tsarevich comes to her and says: “Look in my head, and how the waves sway in the sea, now wake me up!” The waves began to sway and she began to wake him up; he jumped up and mounted his good horse. A snake with twelve heads flew in and said: “What are you doing here, you shirtless flea?” - “What are you, you head nit, you fly here and just eat people?” - “I’ll eat you too!” - “No, let’s flounder with our mighty heroic shoulders.” The snake says: “You think: you killed my brothers, so you’ll kill me? No, brother, I’m not like that!”

They went out onto the field and began to fight. As soon as Ivan Tsarevich rode off on his horse, he cut off six heads of the snake; the snake asks: “Give me a rest!” And Ivan Tsarevich’s horse says: “Don’t let me rest for a single minute!” He also struck and killed the snake with his sword. The princess gave him her gold ring; Ivan Tsarevich took the snake, put it under a stone, and went to the old woman. Makarka immediately climbed down from the tree, took the princess and led her to the king. The Tsar rejoiced so much that it is impossible to say, he thanks Makarka, calls all the Orthodox people to him with music and says: “Whoever plays, I will give him a lot of joy.”

All the people and all the musicians gathered; and Ivan Tsarevich bought himself a three-kopeck balalaika, came to the Tsar’s house and played so hard that the whole world-people were surprised; his balalaika strums and pronounces: “Girl, girl! Don’t forget me on the other side.” The royal daughters began to bring him vodka; he drank from one princess and threw a gold ring into the glass - the same one that she gave him; drank from another - did the same; drank from the third, began to take out the ring... Then the princesses recognized him and shouted in one voice: “Here is the one who delivered us, and not the bald Makarka!” Makarka argued, saying that “it was I who killed all the snakes; come, I’ll show you where I put the snake bodies.” Let's go have a look. Makarka wanted to lift the stone, but he tried and tried and could not lift it. “Oh,” he says, “it’s like a stone has sat down!” And Ivan Tsarevich approached, now he lifted the stone and showed the bodies and heads of snakes. The Tsar ordered Makarka to be shot from cannons.

Then Ivan Tsarevich began to ask the Tsar to take him to the upper world; the tsar ordered to call the falcon bird and ordered the falcon to deliver Tsarevich Ivan to the next world. The falcon says to the king: “Give me four boards of beef, so that each board has a hundred pounds.” The king prepared beef; the falcon tied four pieces of beef to itself, put Ivan Tsarevich on it and flew away; flew and flew and began to ask for food. Ivan Tsarevich began to throw it to him, scattered all the beef, and he asked again; The prince began to throw empty planks at him, abandoned them too - he kept asking for everything; He began to throw his dress, and then he scattered it, there was nothing more to throw, but the falcon still asked. “Otherwise,” he says, “I’ll go down to the bottom!” Ivan Tsarevich tore off his calves and threw them to him, the falcon ate them and flew with the prince into the upper light; Then the falcon coughed and threw away his calves and dress.

So Ivan Tsarevich came to his father and said hello; the father says: “What, son, I told you: don’t go! But your older brothers brought me everything: living water, dead water, youthful apples, and a portrait of Helen the Beautiful.” Ivan Tsarevich answered his father: “What should we do? Their happiness!

Twelve years have passed, Elena the Beautiful arrives by sea on twelve ships and brought two sons with her. As soon as she arrived, she started firing at the cannons and said: “Give me the culprit!” Elena the Beautiful blew, and a crystal bridge was made from her ships to the royal palace. The king says to his big sons: “Go, children! It must be your fault." So they walked across the crystal bridge; Elena the Beautiful looked through the telescope and said to her children: “Come, children, lead your uncles through two iron rods.” They went as they conceived to flog them with rods, but God forbid they carry away their legs! It was with great effort that the princes reached their palace.

Elena the Beautiful began firing cannons again. “Serve,” he says, “the guilty one!” So the king began to send his youngest son: “It must be you, Ivan Tsarevich, who did something weird!” Ivan Tsarevich walked across the crystal bridge; Elena the Beautiful looks through the telescope and says: “Come, children, take your father by the arms and lead him here with honor.” After that, Elena the Beautiful married Ivan Tsarevich, and Ivan Tsarevich told his father how the brothers lowered him into a hole and how they took from him living and dead water, youthful apples and a portrait of Elena the Beautiful. The king ordered them to be killed now with cannons; They took them, God's servants, into an open field and executed them. And Ivan Tsarevich began to live with Elena the Beautiful.

Is it possible for a “white” person to drink water from Mother Ganga without fear? Will he not immediately die in writhing and agony after this?

Igor Vladimirovich Davidenko will tell in this film not only about the Ganga. He argues with the authors of ideas and theories about “living” and “dead” water, reflects on the “water” human civilization and predicts its future with numbers and facts in his hands.

It would seem that there is nothing special about the water. What could be more banal than water? :yes:

But it was not there! Modern research done by Russian scientists and their foreign colleagues has forced us to look at water with different eyes today. And the mystics and blessed ones of all stripes rejoiced. And they raised their hands to the sky in prayerful ecstasy, and the ice holes and holes were filled with hot bodies, and the containers for “holy water” are now never empty!

What could be more familiar than ashdvao? In summer it pours rain on us, in winter it covers us with snow. Covering about three-quarters of the surface of our planet, water is part of everything on earth: rocks, minerals, plants, not to mention living organisms. And we ourselves are 80 percent water.

On the one hand, water is considered the cradle of life, on the other hand, water has more than once become the cause of global disasters. What is the Great Flood or the sinking of the legendary Atlantis worth?

At all times and among all peoples, water in real life and in legends has been used both for harm and for good. Water brought death and water brought life back. Church rituals are not complete without water; water is an indispensable attribute of magical manipulations.

Too much in our lives depends on water to treat it as an inconspicuous liquid. Water has been studied for centuries - it was pounded in a mortar, tasted, and broken down with chemicals.
So, is everything so simple with plain water?

Now some scientists, and even more so cultural figures, now believe that

1. Water is not just an element, that water reacts to a certain action or thought of a person.

Water recognizes information signals directed to it, and therefore it can be programmed and reprogrammed, saturated with energy and even recreated its unique natural properties, i.e. structure the water.

2. Water is an informationally charged substance. It stores information about everything it comes into contact with using clusters. The most powerful way to charge water with information is to transfer a person’s emotional charge to water (you can transfer it mentally or verbally).

Water reacts to any of our emotions and feelings. Negative energies create ugly shapes in water, while positive energies create beautiful pictures in crystals.

“...On July 25th, 1999 at 04:30 in the morning, 350 people gathered together and dedicated their words to Lake Biwa. The 97-year-old creator of the “Great Dedication,” Mr. Nobuo Shioya, also made his dedication to the lake with us. The result of this was an incredible success that truly surprised us and the audience even more. The result of this, Mr. Shiotani described in his book “Jizairyoku-2” published by Sunmark-press on September 25, 2000: “The largest lake in our country, the source of water for an entire region, Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture is an example of horrendous pollution, with an unpleasant odor and dirty water.

We could no longer see this beautiful lake turning into a sewer. Every summer, the surface of the lake is covered with algae called “kokanada” - seaweed, which then decomposes. They have been spreading a strong stench around for more than twenty years, even though the prefecture has carried out a large-scale operation to weed them out. However, in the last year (1999) during the summer, for some reason (read below for what), these algae disappeared altogether, and there were no more complaints to the city department, and this lake usually becomes swamped during a normal year. This was reported in the newspapers, and no one could guess why it happened.

But this “miracle” can also be explained - it is the result of the power of thought. This is a fact, but no one yet knew that I was one of the organizers of this incident. This year we planned this event.

It was necessary to cleanse the waters of Lake Biwa with the power of words, and this was part of our Hado research. If the waters of Biwa became clean, the waters of all of Japan could be purified. Our idea was that this group of people would be there to harness the power of Hado. I was also invited there and in a hotel on the lake shore, I spoke about the method of “thought power and breath control.” Then the next morning approximately three hundred participants gathered on the lakeshore. We all stood on the shore, me in the middle, and as soon as the rising sun appeared before us, we began to sing the words of our “Great Dedication”: “The eternal power of the universe gathers through us to fill our world with true and great harmony.”

I led the group, and everyone said these words ten times. The “Great Initiation” uses the limitless energy that fills the universe, a powerful statement to realize peace and harmony throughout the world. These are words that can be clear to everyone as an established fact. Through this Initiation, the power of the affirmed word connects with the eternal energy of the universe, flows through and permeates those around them, giving people around the world the energy and intentions to fulfill desires and happiness. This most powerful affirmation in words is also a statement that strengthens intentions.

After this event, I, being no longer a young man, went to the hotel. This happened in July last year. And then the newspapers wrote that the algae, which until last year covered the lake with a thick layer of water every summer and decomposed, silting up the bottom, suddenly disappeared for no apparent reason. A year later, complaints about the unpleasant smell of rotting algae to the prefecture completely disappeared...

Our thoughts, which were sent by a group of people, curbed the source of the unpleasant odor and transformed the surface of the lake into a clean state. Our thoughts brought harmony and stability through our “Great Initiation”, they were transferred to the grass and water, changing their qualities and purifying pollution. Not only human minds, but also all forms of life in this world are like water that reacts to our human thoughts. They accept thoughts and this changes their qualities.”

And here is an experiment that was carried out by 8th grade schoolchildren from a school in the village of Muzhi, Shuryshkarsky district, under the guidance of a biology teacher, Marina Igorevna Korsakova.

As a result of the experiment, they found the following:

Water is indeed capable of transferring information about the sound effects to which it was exposed for a certain time, otherwise significant differences in germination and germination times of the same type of seeds in the four groups would not have been found.
Music of different types actually has different effects on seed germination, with classical music significantly stimulating this process, pop music insignificantly, and rock music slowing it down.

Thus, we can conclude that water is capable of remembering and transferring sound information, and that, in turn, is capable of causing changes in seed germination. Consequently, it is possible to massively influence arbitrarily large groups of plants using water.

This work has great prospects. Similar experiments can be carried out on agricultural plants, not only on seeds. The number of possible sound associations is enormous. We hope that this work will be continued by the students of our school and that they will achieve higher and more specific results.

There is hardly any form of art that has such a great emotional and physical impact on humans and the surrounding wildlife than music. The power of music, according to the great Russian composer A. N. Serov, is that it “complements poetry, conveys what cannot or almost cannot be expressed in words. This property of music is the main charm, the main enchanting power. She is the direct language of the soul.”

However, we must not forget that not all music is beneficial, not all sounds are healing, and we must carefully monitor the effects to which we expose our body.”

3. Water is a kind of biocomputer, with the help of which a person can even create the necessary conditions of existence.

Well, that's about it.

Now let’s listen to the opinion of the outstanding scientist, author of numerous scientific and popular science books, Professor Igor Vladimirovich Davidenko, about the chemically simple, but sacredly complex Her Majesty Water.

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