What methods and techniques. What is a methodological technique? Types and classification of methodological techniques

Gulnara Valiullina
Pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques in practical activities

First of all, every technology aimed at implementing the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool education. Among pedagogical technologies, which are used in working with preschool children, can be distinguished;

Health-saving educational technologies,

technology person-oriented interaction teacher with children,

technology of project activities,

research technology,

Gaming technologies,

technologies"Preschooler's Portfolio" And "Portfolio teacher» ,

Information and communication technologies.

In his pedagogical activity I sell a variety of technologies, because I believe that they are aimed at creating optimal conditions for the development of preschool children in modern conditions, realizing the child’s right to accessible, quality education.

Technology developmental training. These include the developmental environment of preschool educational institutions and preschool educational institutions programs. Developmental environment, group program that meets the requirements and age of children in this group.

Health-saving educational technologies include all aspects of impact teacher on the child’s health at different levels - informational, psychological, bioenergetic. In health-preserving educational technologies I use two groups of training methods: specific (characteristic only for the process health pedagogy) And general pedagogical(applied in all cases of training and education).

Techniques, used by me on practice various are morning meetings of children on the street, different types of games, dynamic pauses, relaxation, gymnastics (finger, eye, breathing, etc., dynamic, corrective, orthopedic gymnastics. These are physical education classes, communicative games, a series of classes "Health Lessons", which includes various techniques, informational and educational (consultations addressed to parents, teachers)

Only the optimal combination of specific and general pedagogical methods in accordance with methodological principles can ensure the successful implementation of a set of health-preserving educational objectives educational technologies.

Personality-oriented technologies represent the embodiment of humanistic philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. I use a person-centered approach when working with children. technology, placing the child’s personality at the center of the entire educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, and the realization of its natural potential. The child's personality in this technology is not only a subject, but the subject is a priority. I organize the educational process on the basis of respect for the child’s personality, taking into account the characteristics of his individual development, treating him as a conscious, full participant in the educational process. In my classes there is an emphasis on a person-oriented approach to communication. I am planning classes together activities with children, so that it is aimed not at finding out what the child knows, but at how developed his “power of mind”, inclinations and abilities to reason, think critically, find the right solution, apply knowledge to practice. I use didactic material that varies in content, volume, complexity, methods and techniques for completing tasks.

Wide in its practice I use the project activity. Because I think that this type technologies gives children the opportunity to be purposeful activities for a specific purpose, according to a specific plan for solving search, research, practical tasks in any direction. The basis of the design activities lies the idea of ​​directionality activities(during which the child discovers a lot of new and previously unknown) on the result that is achieved in the process of joint work of an adult and children on a certain practical problem. In 2014 – 2015 we are implementing projects with children and parents "Children about the War" and project "I live in Langepas". Projects, regardless of their type, require constant attention, help and support from adults at every stage of implementation. Specifics of use methods projects in preschool practice is that what adults need "to direct" child, help detect a problem or even provoke its occurrence, arouse interest in it and "pull in" children into a joint project, without overdoing it with parental care and help.

Information and communication technologies, used in working with children, give me the opportunity to make children's learning and development more attractive and exciting. This gives me the opportunity to keep up with the times, to become a guide to the world of new things for the child. technologies, to form the basis of the information culture of his personality, to increase the professional level of competence of parents.

ICT helps me in my work V:

1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups (scanning, internet, printer, presentation).

2. Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarization with scenarios for holidays and other events.

3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of others teachers from Russia and abroad.

4. Preparation of group documentation and reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but rather just type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes.

5. Creating presentations in the Power Point program to increase the effectiveness of educational activities with children and pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent meetings.

Concept "game educational technologies» includes a fairly large group methods and techniques for organizing pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

Gaming first technologies I used them as game moments. Game moments are very important in pedagogical process, especially during the period of adaptation of children to a children's institution. For me, the main task was the formation of emotional contact, children’s trust in the teacher, the ability to see in the teacher a kind person, always ready to help, an interesting partner in the game. I used frontal play situations so that no child felt deprived of attention. These are games like “Round Dances”, “Catch-up” and “Blowing Soap Bubbles”. Later, I tried to ensure that game moments penetrated into all types children's activities: work and play (Games “Every thing has its place”, "Whose closet is better", "Who is the hardest worker", educational activity and play(Active games, eye gymnastics, breathing, dynamic pauses, logarithmics, relaxation, self-massage (finger games) gaming technologies with Dienesha blocks, V. Voskobovich, Kunezer sticks, everyday household activity related to the execution of the regime and the game (All types games: didactic, role-playing, business, dramatization games, gaming technologies with Dienesha blocks, V. Voskobovich) Since I understand that play is the most accessible form for children activities, this is a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world.

Using gaming technologies In the educational process, I try to provide emotional support with goodwill, create a joyful environment, and encourage any invention and fantasy of the child. Only in this case will the game be useful for the development of the child and the creation of a positive atmosphere of cooperation with adults.

Technologies"Preschooler's Portfolio". Individual educational achievements are a kind of piggy bank of successes, a tool in the formation of self-esteem and the very presentation of a child’s personal achievements. In previous years I actively took part in this sport. technologies, of course, not in the form proposed by the Federal State Educational Standard, but in a more simplified form. The process of creating a portfolio is a kind of pedagogical technology. There are a lot of portfolio options. I believe that this view technology will be in the future, very popular, especially the section "My achievements", the section records certificates, diplomas (from various organizations: kindergarten, media holding competitions, as it will help teachers

Technologies"Portfolio teacher» . We all know that modern education needs a new type teacher: creative thinker, master of modern educational technologies, methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, methods of independent design pedagogical process under specific conditions practical activities, the ability to predict your final result. Everyone has it teacher there should be a dossier of successes that reflects everything joyful, interesting and worthy that happens in life teacher. This dossier can become a portfolio teacher. This kind technology will be in the future, very much in demand, as it will help teachers systematize your collection of achievements and will play a big role in improving your skills.

Thus, if when using pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions for teachers If it is possible to increase the child’s development reserve, then we can talk about their positive impact on the child. For teacher who learned to work for technological level, the main guideline will always be the self-development of the child, because an educational institution should form the main need in a person - the need for self-development, since human life is woven from diversity technologies(activities, functionally related to each other.


1. Krulekht M.V. Pedagogical technology program implementation "Childhood" in the educational process of children garden: Methodological advice for the program"Childhood". SPb.: CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2002. pp. 3-15.

2. Educational technologies. Study guide for students pedagogical specialties / Under general. ed. Kukushina V. S. Series « Teacher Education» . Rostov-on- Don: Publishing center "March", 2002 –320 s.

3. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. - M., Publishing House "Public Education" 1998 – 256s.

4. Khabarova T. V. Educational technologies in preschool education. - SPb.: PUBLISHING HOUSE LLC "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2011.- 80 p.

1. The concept of teaching methods and their classification.

· Main groups of methods

· Verbal teaching methods

- Story

- Educational lecture

- Conversation

· Visual teaching methods

· Practical teaching methods

· Inductive and deductive teaching methods

· Reproductive and problem-based learning methods


2. Methods for stimulating learning activities during the learning process

· The role of motivation in learning

· The stimulating role of all teaching methods

· Methods for forming cognitive interest

· Educational games

· Educational discussions



3. Methods of control and self-control in training

· Oral control methods

· Machine inspection methods

· Written control methods

4. Selecting the optimal combination of teaching methods




1. The concept of teaching methods and their classification.

Method (literally the path to something) means a way to achieve a goal, a certain ordered activity.

A teaching method is a way of orderly interconnected activities of a teacher and students, activities aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and development in the learning process.

Teaching methods are one of the most important components of the educational process. Without appropriate methods of activity, it is impossible to realize the goals and objectives of training, to achieve the assimilation by students of a certain content of educational material.

Main groups of methods.

Of these, three main groups of teaching methods should be distinguished: 1) methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities; 2) methods of stimulation and motivation of educational activities; 3) methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities.

1 group of methods

According to the source of transmission and perception of educational activities

According to the logic of transmission and perception of information

According to the degree of independent thinking

By degree of educational work management




Under the guidance of a teacher




Independent work of students


2nd group of methods

Methods for stimulating interest in learning

Methods for promoting responsibility and duty

Educational games

Beliefs in the importance of teaching

educational discussions

Making demands

Creating emotional and moral situations

Organizational and activity games

Rewards and punishments

3 group of methods

Methods of oral control and self-control

Methods of written control and self-control

Methods of practical control and self-control

Individual survey

Written tests

Machine control

Frontal survey

Written tests

Laboratory control

Oral tests

Written exams

Oral exams

Written works

The proposed classification of teaching methods is relatively holistic because it takes into account all the main structural elements of activity (its organization, stimulation and control). It holistically presents such aspects of cognitive activity as perception, comprehension and practical application. It takes into account all the main functions and aspects of methods identified by pedagogical science at a given period, without discarding any of them. But it does not simply mechanically combine known approaches, but considers them in interrelation and unity, requiring the selection of their optimal combination. Finally, the proposed approach to the classification of methods does not exclude the possibility of supplementing it with new private methods that arise in the course of improving the learning process in a modern school.

Before moving on to the characteristics of individual teaching methods, it should be noted that each method can be imagined as consisting of a set of methodological techniques. On this basis, methods are sometimes defined as a set of methodological techniques that provide solutions to learning problems.

Let's move on to a more detailed description of all the main groups of teaching methods in education.

Verbal teaching methods

Verbal teaching methods include story, lecture, conversation, etc. In the process of explaining them, the teacher uses words to present and explain the educational material, and the students actively perceive and assimilate it through listening, memorizing and comprehension.

Story.This method involves an oral narrative presentation of educational material, uninterrupted by questions to students. This method involves an oral narrative presentation of educational material, uninterrupted by questions to students.

Several types of stories are possible - an introduction story, an exposition story, a conclusion story. The purpose of the first is to prepare students to perceive new educational material, which can be carried out by other methods, for example, conversation. This type of story is characterized by relative brevity, vividness, and emotional presentation, which allows one to arouse interest in a new topic and arouse the need for its active assimilation. During such a story, the tasks of the students’ activities are communicated in an accessible form.

During the narrative presentation, the teacher reveals the content of a new topic, carries out the presentation according to a certain logical developmental plan, in a clear sequence, highlighting the main, essential, using illustrations and convincing examples.

A conclusion story is usually given at the end of the lesson. The teacher summarizes the main ideas, draws conclusions and generalizations, and gives assignments for further independent work on this topic.

When applying the story method, such methodological techniques are used as: presentation of information, activation of attention, techniques for accelerating memorization (mnemonic, associative), logical techniques of comparison, juxtaposition, highlighting the main thing, summarizing.

For teaching in the distance learning model, this is a fairly effective method, although not very advanced computer speech data can affect the quality of the educational process, which can more than be replaced by audio cassettes. Which is very effective for the educational process.

The conditions for effective use of the story are careful thought through the topic, a successful selection of examples and illustrations, and maintaining the proper emotional tone of the presentation.

Educational lecture.As one of the verbal teaching methods, an educational lecture involves an oral presentation of educational material, which is distinguished by a greater capacity than a story and a greater complexity of logical constructions, images, evidence and generalizations. The lecture usually takes up the entire lesson, while the story takes up only part of it. As one of the verbal teaching methods, an educational lecture involves an oral presentation of educational material, which is distinguished by a greater capacity than a story and a greater complexity of logical constructions, images, evidence and generalizations. The lecture usually takes up the entire lesson, while the story takes up only part of it.

During the lecture, techniques are used for oral presentation of information, maintaining attention for a long time, activating the thinking of listeners, techniques for ensuring logical memorization, persuasion, argumentation, evidence, classification, systematization and generalization, etc.

The conditions for effectively conducting a lecture are a clear thinking through and communication of the lecture plan, a logically coherent and consistent presentation of all points of the plan one after another with a summary and conclusions after each of them and logical connections when moving to the next section. It is equally important to ensure accessibility, clarity of presentation, explain terms, select examples and illustrations, and select visual aids. The lecture is read at such a pace that students can take the necessary notes. Teachers therefore clearly highlight what should be written down and clearly repeat it if necessary to make notes easier.

This method is easiest to use with the help of audio cassettes, as well as with the help of video equipment, as well as satellite television, but you can also attach a lecture using notes, a book and a computer package.

Conversation.The conversation method involves a conversation between the teacher and students. The conversation is organized using a carefully thought-out system of questions, gradually leading students to master a system of facts, a new concept or pattern. The conversation method involves a conversation between the teacher and students. The conversation is organized using a carefully thought-out system of questions, gradually leading students to master a system of facts, a new concept or pattern.

When applying the conversation method, methods of asking questions (basic, additional, leading, etc.), methods of discussing answers and opinions of students, methods of correcting answers, methods of formulating conclusions from a conversation are used.

Questions for the conversation should be sufficiently comprehensive for a holistic perception. Too much fragmentation of a topic into questions destroys its logical integrity, and too large questions become inaccessible for discussion by students. Questions should not require monosyllabic answers from students. The teacher can use auxiliary, guiding questions to continue the discussion of the problem being studied.

Conversations are possible during which students recall, systematize, generalize what they have previously learned, draw conclusions, and look for new examples of using a previously studied phenomenon in life. Such conversations are mainly explanatory in nature and are designed mainly to operate on what was previously learned and to activate the students’ memory.

At the same time, if the students are sufficiently prepared, conversations are possible and highly desirable, during which they, under the guidance of the teacher, themselves find possible answers to problematic problems. Such teaching methods in this case can only represent fairly active correspondence between the teacher and students. Otherwise, this method is possible with distance learning only for the duration of the session. But it should be borne in mind that some students simply need such teaching methods.

Visual teaching methods

Visual methods are quite important for students who have a visual perception of reality. Modern didactics requires the most rational options for using visual aids, allowing to achieve a greater educational and educational, as well as developmental effect. It guides teachers towards the use of visual teaching methods in such a way as to simultaneously be able to develop students’ abstract thinking.

The peculiarity of visual teaching methods is that they are necessarily offered, to one degree or another, combined with verbal methods. The close relationship between words and visualization follows from the fact that the dialectical path of cognition of objective reality presupposes the use of living contemplation, abstract thinking and practice in unity. Teaching of I.P. Pavlova about the first and second signal systems shows that when understanding the phenomena of reality, they must be used in conjunction. Perception through the first signal system must organically merge with the manipulation of words, with the active functioning of the second signal system.

L.V. Zankov studied several basic forms of combining words and visuals, which should be taken into account during distance learning:

Through the word, the teacher directs the observation, which is carried out by the students, and the students extract knowledge about the appearance of the object, its directly perceived properties and relationships from the visual object itself in the process of observation;

Through the medium of words, the teacher, based on the students’ observations of visual objects and on the basis of their existing knowledge, leads students to understand connections in phenomena that cannot be seen in the process of perception;

Students receive information about the appearance of an object, its directly perceived properties and relationships from the teacher’s verbal messages, and visual aids serve as confirmation or concretization of verbal messages;

Starting from the student’s observation of a visual object, the teacher reports on connections between phenomena that are not directly perceived by students, or draws a conclusion, combines, and generalizes individual data.

Thus, there are various forms of connection between words and visuals. It would be a mistake to give any of them complete preference, since depending on the characteristics of the learning objectives, the content of the topic, the nature of the available visual aids, as well as the level of preparedness of the students, it is necessary in each specific case to choose the most rational combination.

Practical teaching methods

Practical teaching methods cover a very wide range of different types of activities of students. When using practical teaching methods, the following techniques are used: setting a task, planning its implementation, operational stimulation, regulation and control, analyzing the results of practical work, identifying the causes of shortcomings, and adjusting training to fully achieve the goal. . When using practical teaching methods, the following techniques are used: setting a task, planning its implementation, operational stimulation, regulation and control, analyzing the results of practical work, identifying the causes of shortcomings, and adjusting training to fully achieve the goal.

Practical methods include written exercises, where during the exercise the student puts into practice the knowledge he has acquired.

Practical methods also include exercises performed by students with sound recording and sound reproducing equipment, which also includes computers.

Practical methods are used in close combination with verbal and visual teaching methods, since practical work on performing practical work must be preceded by an instructional explanation from the teacher. Verbal explanations and the display of illustrations usually accompany the process of performing the work itself, as well as an analysis of the work performed, which is most favorable to do during personal contact with the student.

Inductive and deductive teaching methods.

Inductive and deductive teaching methods characterize an extremely important feature of the methods - the ability to reveal the logic of movement of the content of educational material. The use of inductive and deductive methods means choosing a certain logic for revealing the content of the topic under study - from particular to general and from general to particular.

Inductive method. When using the inductive teaching method, the activities of the teacher and students proceed as follows: When using the inductive teaching method, the activities of the teacher and students proceed as follows:



1 option

Option 2

First he sets out the facts, demonstrates experiments, visual aids, organizes exercises, gradually leading students to generalizations, definitions of concepts, and formulation of laws.

They first assimilate particular facts, then draw conclusions and generalizations of a particular nature.

2 options

Option 2

Sets before students problematic tasks that require independent reasoning from particular provisions to more general ones, to conclusions and generalizations.

They independently reflect on the facts and make accessible conclusions and generalizations.

Inductive study of a topic is especially useful in cases where the material is primarily factual in nature or associated with the formation of concepts, the meaning of which can only become clear through inductive reasoning. Inductive methods are widely used for studying technical devices and performing practical tasks. Many mathematical problems are solved using the inductive method, especially when the teacher considers it necessary to independently lead students to master some more generalized formula.

The weakness of inductive teaching methods is that they require more time to learn new material than deductive ones. They contribute to the development of abstract thinking to a lesser extent, since they are based on concrete facts, experiences and other data.

Deductive method. When using the deductive method, the activities of the teacher and students are of the following nature:

The deductive method promotes rapid passage of educational material and more actively develops abstract thinking. Its use is especially useful when studying theoretical material, when solving problems that require identifying consequences from some more general provisions.

Thus, for mathematical concepts, the general basis is the general relations of magnitude; for grammar, the role of such a universal basis is played by the relations of the form and meaning of the word. Since these general principles of communication can be expressed in the form of models (diagrams, formulas, laws, rules), students are taught to use these models. This approach allows students to acquire knowledge of a general and abstract nature earlier and then derive more specific and specific knowledge from it. But this does not mean that it is necessary to proceed to a deductive study of all material. Its rational combination with an inductive approach must be found, since without an inductive approach, it is impossible to successfully prepare students for solving more complex problems.

As can be seen from the characteristics of the activities of the teacher and students, when using deductive or inductive teaching methods, the previously described verbal, visual and practical methods are used. But at the same time, the content of the educational material is revealed in a certain logical way - inductively or deductively. Therefore, we can talk about an inductively or deductively constructed conversation, a deductive and problem-based story, or a reproductive or exploratory constructed practical work. Teaching method is a multidimensional concept. The system of teaching methods actually used at the moment combines several conventionally distinguished methods in the classification. And what we are talking about using a deductive or inductive method in a given situation is determined by the leading didactic task set by the teacher at this stage of training. If, for example, a teacher decides to focus on the development of deductive thinking of a generalized nature, then he uses the deductive method, combining it with a problem-search method, implemented through a specially structured conversation.

Please note that in this work the list of logical teaching methods is limited to two types - deductive and inductive. This was done only to make the holistic classification of teaching methods more accessible. In principle, this subgroup of teaching organization methods also includes methods of educational analysis, investigative synthesis, educational analogy, and identification of cause-and-effect relationships.

Reproductive and problem-based learning methods

Reproductive and problem-search methods of teaching are identified, first of all, on the basis of assessing the degree of creative activity of students in learning new concepts, phenomena and laws. are identified, first of all, on the basis of assessing the degree of creative activity of students in learning new concepts, phenomena and laws.

The reproductive nature of thinking involves the active perception and memorization of information communicated by a teacher or other source. The use of these methods is impossible without the use of verbal, visual and practical teaching methods and techniques, which are, as it were, the material basis of these methods.

A lecture is structured in a similar way, in which certain scientific information is presented to the listeners, and appropriate notes are made, recorded by the listeners in the form of short notes.

A reproductively organized conversation is conducted in such a way that the teacher during it relies on facts known to the students, on previously acquired knowledge. The purpose of discussing any hypotheses or assumptions is not set.

Visualization in the reproductive method of teaching is also used for the purpose of better and more active assimilation and memorization of information. An example of clarity, for example, is used in the experience of teacher V.F. Shatalov supporting notes. They consistently display especially bright numbers, words and sketches that activate the memorization of the material.

Practical work of a reproductive nature is distinguished by the fact that during the course of it, students apply previously or just acquired knowledge according to a model. At the same time, during practical work, students do not independently increase their knowledge. Reproductive exercises are especially effective in facilitating the development of practical skills and abilities, since turning into a skill requires repeated actions according to the model.

Reproductive methods are used especially effectively in cases where the content of educational material is primarily informative in nature, is a description of methods of practical action, is very complex and fundamentally new so that students can search for knowledge.

Programmed training is most often carried out on the basis of reproductive methods.

In general, reproductive teaching methods do not allow adequate development of thinking, and especially independence and flexibility of thinking; to develop search skills in students. When used excessively, these methods contribute to the formalization of the process of knowledge acquisition. It is impossible to successfully develop personality traits using reproductive methods alone, just as it is impossible to develop personality traits such as a creative approach to business and independence. All this requires the use, along with them, of teaching methods that ensure active search activity of students.

Problem-based learning methods

Problem-search methods of teaching. Problem-search methods are used during problem-based learning. When using problem-search methods of teaching, the teacher uses the following techniques: creates a problem situation (poses questions, proposes a task, an experimental task), organizes a collective discussion of possible approaches to solving a problem situation, confirms the correctness of the conclusions, puts forward a ready-made problem task. Students, based on previous experience and knowledge, make assumptions about ways to solve a problem situation, generalize previously acquired knowledge, identify the causes of phenomena, explain their origin, and choose the most rational option for solving a problem situation.

Problem-based learning methods are very effective for distance learning because they are often used in practice using visual, verbal and practical methods. In this regard, it is customary to talk about methods of problem-based presentation of educational material, about problem-based and heuristic conversations, about the use of visual methods of problem-search type, about carrying out problem-search practical work of a research type. According to I.Ya. Lerner, this type of methods includes such special cases as the method of problem presentation, partial search, or heuristic, research teaching methods. Special cases of the problem-search method are those proposed by M.I. Makhmutov binary methods: explanatory-motivating and partially searching, motivating and searching. All these are specific levels of manifestation of the problem-search method in its broad sense, as well as a combination of various methods with a gradual increase in the search element in the teaching.

The presentation of educational material by the method of a problem story and a problem-based lecture assumes that the teacher, in the course of presentation, reflects, proves, generalizes, analyzes facts and leads the thinking of listeners, making it more active and creative.

One of the methods of problem-based learning is heuristic and problem-search conversation. During the course, the teacher poses a series of consistent and interrelated questions to the students, in response to which they must make some proposals and then try to independently prove their validity, thereby making some independent progress in mastering new knowledge. If during a heuristic conversation such assumptions usually concern only one of the main elements of a new topic, then during a problem-search conversation students solve a whole series of problem situations.

Visual aids in problem-search methods of teaching are no longer used for the purpose of activating memorization, but for setting experimental tasks that create problematic situations in the classroom.

Problem-search exercises are used in the case when students can independently, on the instructions of the teacher, perform certain types of actions that lead him to assimilate new knowledge. Problem-search exercises can be used not only when approaching the assimilation of a new topic, but also when consolidating it on a new basis, that is, when performing exercises that deepen knowledge.

Valuable types, especially for distance learning, are research laboratory work, during which students, for example, independently determine the laws of melting bodies or any other laws. Such laboratory work is carried out before studying theoretical material and confronts students with the need to make some educational discoveries.

Problem-based search methods in distance learning are used primarily for the purpose of developing skills in creative educational and cognitive activities; they contribute to a more meaningful and independent acquisition of knowledge. These methods are used especially effectively in cases where it is necessary to achieve the formation of concepts, laws and theories in the relevant field of science, rather than the communication of factual information. The share of distance learning is much better if problem-search methods are combined with reproductive ones for greater efficiency.

2. Methods of stimulating educational activity during the learning process.

The role of motivation in learning.

Various studies of the structure of human activity invariably emphasize the need for a motivation component in it. Any activity proceeds more effectively and produces high-quality results if the individual has strong, vibrant, deep motives that evoke a desire to act actively, with full dedication, to overcome inevitable difficulties, unfavorable conditions and other circumstances, persistently moving towards the intended goal. All this is directly related to educational activities, which are more successful if students have formed a positive attitude towards educational activities, if they have cognitive interest, the need to acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities, if they have developed a sense of duty, responsibility and other teaching motives.

The stimulating role of all teaching methods.

In order to formulate such motives for educational activities, the entire arsenal of methods for organizing and implementing educational activities is used - verbal, visual and practical methods, reproductive and search methods, deductive and inductive methods.

Thus, each of the methods of organizing educational activities at the same time has not only an informative and educational, but also a motivational effect. In this sense, we can talk about the stimulating-motivational function of any teaching method. However, the experience of teachers and science has accumulated a large arsenal of methods that are specifically aimed at creating positive motives for learning, stimulating cognitive activity, while simultaneously helping to enrich teachers with educational information. The stimulation function in this case seems to come to the fore, facilitating the implementation of the educational function of all other methods.

As noted above and in the works, the group of stimulation and motivation methods can be divided into two large subgroups. In the first of them, we present methods for forming cognitive interests among students. The second contains methods primarily aimed at developing a sense of duty and responsibility in learning. Let us describe in more detail each of these subgroups of methods of stimulating and motivating learning.

Methods of forming cognitive interest.

Special studies devoted to the problem of the formation of cognitive interest show that interest in all its types and at all stages of development is characterized by three mandatory points: 1) positive emotion in relation to the activity; 2) the presence of the cognitive side of this emotion; 3) The presence of a direct motive coming from the activity itself.

It follows that in the learning process it is important to ensure the emergence of positive emotions in relation to the learning activity, its content, forms and methods of implementation. The emotional state is always associated with the experience of emotional excitement: response, sympathy, joy, anger, surprise. That is why deep internal experiences of the individual are connected to the processes of attention, memorization, and comprehension in this state, which make these processes intense and therefore more effective in terms of achieved goals.

One of the techniques included in the method of emotional stimulation of learning is the technique of creating entertaining situations in the classroom - introducing entertaining examples, experiments, and paradoxical facts into the educational process. To increase interest in learning, many teachers use analysis of excerpts from fiction devoted to the life and work of outstanding scientists and public figures. Such methods of making learning more entertaining as stories about the application in modern conditions of certain predictions of science fiction writers and showing entertaining experiments are also successfully used.

Entertaining analogies also play a role in the methods of developing interest in learning. For example, analogies in a physics course based on the principles of bionics evoke a very positive response from students. When studying location phenomena, analogies are drawn with the methods of orientation of bats. When considering the lifting force of an airplane wing, analogies are drawn with the shape of the wings of a bird or dragonfly.

Emotional experiences are evoked by using the technique of surprise, for example, Pascal's paradox; when these examples are convincing, they invariably cause deep emotional experiences in students.

One of the stimulation methods is to compare scientific and everyday interpretations of individual natural phenomena. For example, students are asked to compare everyday and scientific explanations of the phenomenon of weightlessness, the laws of falling, and the laws of swimming.

All the above examples show how the techniques of artistry, imagery, brightness, entertainment, and surprise included in the methods of forming interest cause emotional elation, which in turn arouses a positive attitude towards learning activities and serves as the first step towards the formation of cognitive interest. At the same time, among the main points characterizing interest, it was emphasized not just the excitement of emotionality, but the presence of these emotions actually having an indicative side, which manifests itself in the joy of knowledge.

The main source of interest in the educational activity itself is, first of all, its content. In order for the content to have a particularly strong stimulating effect, it must meet a number of requirements formulated in the principles of education (scientific nature, connection with life, systematicity and consistency, comprehensive educational, nurturing and developmental influence). However, there are also some special techniques aimed at increasing the stimulating influence of the teaching content. These primarily include the creation of a situation of novelty, relevance, bringing the content closer to the most important discoveries in science and technology, to the phenomena of socio-political domestic and international life.

Educational games. A valuable method of stimulating interest in learning can be called the method of cognitive games, which is based on the creation of game situations in the educational process. Play has long been used as a means of arousing interest in learning. In the practice of teachers, board and training games are used, with the help of which history, wildlife, types of aircraft and ships are studied. A valuable method of stimulating interest in learning can be called the method of cognitive games, which is based on the creation of game situations in the educational process. Play has long been used as a means of arousing interest in learning. In the practice of teachers, board and training games are used, with the help of which history, wildlife, types of aircraft and ships are studied.

Educational discussions. Methods of stimulating and motivating learning also include the method of creating a situation of cognitive dispute. It is known that the truth is born in a dispute. But the controversy also generates increased interest in the topic. Some teachers skillfully use this method of enhancing learning. Firstly, they skillfully use the historical facts of the struggle between scientific points of view on a particular issue. However, the teacher can create a situation of dispute at any moment by asking the most trivial question: “Who thinks differently?” And if such a technique causes controversy, then the students themselves are divided into supporters and opponents of one or another explanation and wait with interest for the teacher’s reasoned conclusion. Thus, educational dispute acts as a method of stimulating interest in learning. Great results in this area are achieved through electronic discussions.

Stimulation through analysis of life situations

Analysis of life situations is often used as a stimulation technique. This teaching method directly stimulates learning through maximum specification of knowledge.

Creating a situation for success in learning

One of the effective methods of stimulating interest in learning is to create a situation of success for students who experience certain difficulties in learning. It is known that without experiencing the joy of success it is impossible to truly count on further success in overcoming educational difficulties. Therefore, teachers should ensure that some students who need stimulation are given a task accessible to them at the appropriate stage, which would give them self-confidence so that they can continue their learning activities at a more favorable pace. Situations of success are also created by differentiating assistance to students in completing educational tasks of the same complexity. Situations of success are created by the teacher by encouraging intermediate actions of the student, that is, by specially encouraging him to make new efforts. An important role in creating a situation of success is played by providing a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere during the implementation of certain educational tasks. A favorable microclimate during training reduces feelings of uncertainty and fear. The state of anxiety is replaced by a state of confidence.

3. Methods of control and self-control in learning.

Oral control methods.

Oral control is carried out through individual and frontal questioning in the classroom, which can be said to be quite difficult in the conditions of distance learning. During an individual survey, the teacher asks the student several questions, answering which he shows the level of mastery of the educational material. With a frontal survey, the teacher selects a series of logically interconnected ones and puts them in front of the entire audience, calling on certain students for a brief answer.

Machine inspection methods

The most common control method in distance learning. Programs for monitoring can be of several types: monitoring, training and training-controlling. Control programs are usually drawn up according to the method of control programmed exercises. Answers are typed either in numbers, or in the form of formulas, or using a pointer. Each program maintains a high degree of objectivity of control. Also, using a computer network, you can solve many issues using correspondence or modems. The most common control method in distance learning. Programs for monitoring can be of several types: monitoring, training and training-controlling. Control programs are usually drawn up according to the method of control programmed exercises. Answers are typed either in numbers, or in the form of formulas, or using a pointer. Each program maintains a high degree of objectivity of control. Also, using a computer network, you can solve many issues using correspondence or modems.

Written control methods

During the learning process, these methods involve tests, essays, and written tests. Such work can be both long-term and short-term.

4. Selecting the optimal combination of teaching methods.

Criteria for selecting teaching methods

Most of the researchers of the problem of teaching methods come to the conclusion that since the concept of “method” is multidimensional, multifaceted, the teaching method in each specific case should be constructed by the teacher. In any act of educational activity, several methods are always combined. Methods always seem to mutually penetrate each other, characterizing from different sides the same interaction between teachers and students. And if we are talking about the use of a particular method at a given moment, this means that it dominates at this stage, making a particularly large contribution to the solution of the main didactic task. , comes to the conclusion that since the concept of “method” is multidimensional, multifaceted, the teaching method in each specific case should be constructed by the teacher. In any act of educational activity, several methods are always combined. Methods always seem to mutually penetrate each other, characterizing from different sides the same interaction between teachers and students. And if we are talking about the use of a particular method at a given moment, this means that it dominates at this stage, making a particularly large contribution to the solution of the main didactic task.

The following pattern has been established in didactics. The more aspects the teacher justified the choice of teaching methods (in perceptual, gnostic, logical, motivational, control-evaluative, etc.), the higher and lasting educational results will be achieved in the learning process, and in less time.

When choosing and combining teaching methods, you must be guided by the following criteria:

Compliance of methods with teaching principles.

Compliance with learning goals and objectives.

Compliance with the content of this topic.

Compliance with the educational capabilities of the students: age, psychological; level of preparedness (education, upbringing and development).

Compliance with the available conditions and allotted training time.

Compliance with the capabilities of learning aids.

Compliance with the capabilities of the teachers themselves. These opportunities are determined by their previous experience, level of perseverance, specific features of power dominance, teaching abilities, as well as the personal qualities of teachers.

Levels of decision-making on the choice of teaching methods

Conventionally, we can distinguish several decisions made by teachers about the choice of teaching methods:

Solution name

Characteristics of this level of decision making

Stereotypical solutions

The teacher invariably gives preference to a certain stereotype of using teaching methods, regardless of the specifics of the content tasks and the characteristics of the students.

Trial and error solutions

The teacher tries to change the choice of methods taking into account specific conditions, but does this through spontaneous trials, making mistakes, choosing a new option and again without scientific justification for the choice.

Optimized Solutions

Decisions that are made by scientifically based selection of the most rational methods for given conditions in terms of some specified criteria.

This is why it is so important to master the ability to make the best decisions when choosing teaching methods.

Verbal methods

Visual methods.

Practical methods

When forming theoretical and factual knowledge

To develop observation skills and increase attention to the issues being studied.

To develop practical skills.

When the material is predominantly information-theoretic in nature.

When the content of educational material can be presented in a visual form.

When the content of the topic includes practical exercises and experiments.

When students are ready to assimilate information using the appropriate verbal method.

When the interface is designed correctly.

When students are ready to complete practical tasks.

When the teacher is fluent in this type of verbal methods.

When the teacher is prepared in the most thorough manner and uses an individual approach to each student.

When the teacher has the necessary material to conduct experiments and exercises.

Reproductive methods

Search methods

When solving what problems is this method particularly successful?

To develop knowledge, skills and abilities.

To develop independent thinking, research skills, and a creative approach.

For what content of educational material is it especially rational to use this method?

When the content of the topic is too complex or very simple.

When the material has an average level of difficulty.

Under what characteristics of students is it rational to use this method?

When students are not yet ready for a problem-based study of this topic.

When students are prepared for a problem-based study of a given topic.

What capabilities should a teacher have to use this method?

Here, problematic methods can be used selectively by students.

When the teacher has time for problem-based study of a topic and is good at searching teaching methods.

Inductive methods

Deductive methods

When solving what problems is this method particularly successful?

To develop the ability to generalize, to draw conclusions from the particular to the general.

To develop the ability to make inferences from the general to the specific, to develop the ability to analyze phenomena.

For what content of educational material is it especially rational to use this method?

When the content is stated inductively or should be stated so.

When the content of the topic is presented deductively or should be stated as such.

Under what characteristics of students is it rational to use this method?

When students are prepared for inductive reasoning or have difficulty in deductive reasoning.

When learners are prepared for deductive reasoning.

What capabilities should a teacher have to use this method?

When the teacher masters inductive methods

When the teacher masters deductive methods and has appropriate didactic developments.

A lesson is a collective form of learning, which is characterized by a constant composition of students, a certain framework of classes, and strict regulation of educational work on the same educational material for everyone.

An analysis of the lessons conducted shows that their structure and methodology largely depend on the didactic goals and objectives solved in the learning process, as well as on the means that the teacher has at his disposal. All this allows us to talk about the methodological diversity of lessons, which, however, can be classified by type:

1. lessons-lectures (practically, this is a teacher’s monologue on a given topic, although with a certain skill of the teacher, such lessons take on the character of a conversation);

2. laboratory (practical) classes (lessons of this kind are usually devoted to developing skills and abilities);

3. lessons for testing and assessing knowledge (tests, etc.);

4. combined lessons. Such lessons are conducted according to the following scheme:

- repetition of what has been covered - students’ reproduction of previously covered material, checking homework, oral and written questioning, etc.

- mastering new material. At this stage, new material is presented by the teacher, or “obtained” in the process of students’ independent work with literature.

- developing skills and abilities to apply knowledge in practice (most often - solving problems on new material);

- assignment of homework.

Elective classes as a form of education were introduced in the late 60s - early 70s. in the process of yet another unsuccessful attempt to reform school education. These classes are designed to provide a more in-depth study of the subject to everyone, although in practice they are very often used to work with lagging students.

Excursions are a form of educational organization in which educational work is carried out within the framework of direct familiarization with the objects of study.

Homework is a form of educational organization in which educational work is characterized by the absence of direct guidance from the teacher.

Extracurricular activities: olympiads, clubs, etc., should contribute to the best development of students’ individual abilities.

In world and domestic practice, many efforts have been made to classify teaching methods. Since the category method is universal, “multidimensional formation”, has many characteristics, they act as the basis for classifications. Different authors use different bases for classifying teaching methods.

Many classifications have been proposed, based on one or more characteristics. Each of the authors provides arguments to justify their classification model. Let's look at some of them.

1. Classification of methods according to the source of transmission and the nature of information perception (E.Ya. Golant, E.I. Perovsky). The following signs and methods are distinguished:

a) passive perception - listen and watch (story, lecture, explanation; demonstration);

b) active perception - working with a book, visual sources; laboratory method.

2. Classification of methods based on didactic tasks (M.A. Danilov, B.P. Esipov.). The classification is based on the sequence of knowledge acquisition at a specific stage (lesson):

a) acquisition of knowledge;

b) formation of skills and abilities;

c) application of acquired knowledge;

d) creative activity;

e) fastening;

f) testing knowledge, skills and abilities.

3. Classification of methods according to sources of information transfer and knowledge acquisition (N.M. Verzilin, D.O. Lordkinanidze, I.T. Ogorodnikov, etc.). The methods of this classification are:

a) verbal - the teacher’s living word, working with a book;

b) practical - studying the surrounding reality (observation, experiment, exercises).

4. Classification of methods according to the type (nature) of cognitive activity (M.N. Skatkin, I.Ya. Lerner). The nature of cognitive

activity reflects the level of independent activity of students. The following methods are inherent in this classification:

a) explanatory and illustrative (informational and reproductive);

b) reproductive (boundaries of skill and creativity);

c) problematic presentation of knowledge;

d) partially search (heuristic);

d) research.

5. Classification of methods, combining teaching methods and corresponding teaching methods or binary ones (M.I. Makhmutov). This classification is presented by the following methods:

a) teaching methods: informational - informative, explanatory, instructive-practical, explanatory-stimulating, stimulating;

b) teaching methods: executive, reproductive, productive-practical, partially exploratory, search.

6. Classification of methods for organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities; methods of its stimulation and motivation; methods of control and self-control (Yu.K. Babansky). This classification is represented by three groups of methods:

a) methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities:

verbal (story, lecture, seminar, conversation), visual (illustration, demonstration, etc.), practical (exercises, laboratory experiments, work activities, etc.),

reproductive and problem-search (from particular to general, from general to particular),

methods of independent work and work under the guidance of a teacher;

b) methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity:

methods of stimulating and motivating interest in learning (the entire arsenal of methods for organizing and implementing educational activities is used for the purpose of psychological adjustment, motivation to learn), methods of stimulating and motivating duty and responsibility in


c) methods of control and self-control over the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities: methods of oral control and self-control, methods of written control and self-control, methods of laboratory and practical control and self-control.

7. Classification of teaching methods, which combines sources of knowledge, the level of cognitive activity and independence of students, as well as the logical path of educational modeling (V.F. Palamarchuk and V.I. Palamarchuk).

8. The classification of methods in combination with forms of cooperation in teaching was proposed by the German didactician L. Klingberg.

a) Monological methods:




b) Forms of cooperation:





c) Dialogical methods: - conversations.

9. Classification of methods by K. Sosnicki (Poland) assumes the existence of two teaching methods:

a) artificial (school);

b) natural (occasional).

These methods correspond to two teaching methods:

a) presenting;

b) search.

10. The classification (typology) of teaching methods, set out in “Introduction to General Didactics” by V. Okon (Poland), is represented by four groups:

a) methods of acquiring knowledge based mainly on cognitive activity of a reproductive nature (conversation, discussion, lecture, work with a book);

b) methods of independent acquisition of knowledge, called problem-based, based on creative cognitive activity in the course of solving problems:

The classic problem-based method (according to Dewey), modified for the Polish education system, contains four important points: creating a problem situation; formation of problems and hypotheses for their solution; organizing and applying the results obtained in new problems of a theoretical and practical nature;

The chance method (England and the USA) is relatively simple and is based on the consideration by a small group of students of a description of a case: students formulate questions to explain this case, search for an answer, a number of possible solutions, compare solutions, detect errors in reasoning, etc.;

The situational method is based on introducing students into a difficult situation, the task is to understand and make the right decision, anticipate the consequences of this decision, and find other possible solutions;

An idea bank is a brainstorming technique; based on the group formation of ideas for solving a problem, testing, evaluation and selection of the right ideas;

Micro-teaching is a method of creative teaching of complex practical activities, used mainly in pedagogical universities; For example, a fragment of a school lesson is recorded on a video recorder, and then a group analysis and evaluation of this fragment is carried out;

Didactic games - the use of game moments in the educational process serves the process of cognition, teaches respect for accepted norms, promotes cooperation, accustoms both winning and losing. These include: staged fun, i.e. games, simulation games, business games (they are not widely used in Polish schools);

c) evaluative methods, also called exhibiting methods with the dominance of emotional and artistic activity:

Impressive methods;

Expressive methods;

Practical methods;

Teaching Methods;

d) practical methods (methods for implementing creative tasks), characterized by the predominance of practical and technical activities that change the world around us and create new forms: they are associated with the performance of various types of work (for example, woodworking, glass, growing plants and animals, making fabrics and etc.), development of work models (drawings), formation of approaches to solutions and selection of the best options, construction of a model and testing of its functioning, design of specified parameters, individual and group assessment of task completion.

The basis for this typology of methods is V. Okon’s idea of ​​​​the constant development of the creative foundations of the individual through the structuring of the taught knowledge and teaching methods. “The information that a person needs is always intended for some purpose, namely to understand the structure of reality, the way of the natural world around us, society, and culture. Structural thinking is the kind of thinking that combines the elements of this world known to us. If, thanks to a successful teaching method, these structures fit into the consciousness of a young person, then each of the elements in these structures has its own place and is connected with other structures. Thus, a kind of hierarchy is formed in the student’s mind - from the simplest structures of the most general nature to complex ones.

Understanding the basic structures that take place in living and inanimate nature, in society, in technology and art, can contribute to creative activity based on the knowledge of new structures, the selection of elements and the establishment of connections between them.”

11. Based on the fact that the holistic pedagogical process is ensured by a unified classification of methods, which in a generalized form includes all other classification characteristics of B.T. Likhachev calls a number of classifications as if constituting a classification as a classification. He takes the following as its basis:

Classification according to the correspondence of teaching methods to the logic of socio-historical development.

Classification according to the correspondence of teaching methods to the specifics of the material being studied and forms of thinking.

Classification of teaching methods according to their role and significance in the development of essential forces, mental processes, spiritual and creative activity.

Classification of teaching methods according to their compliance with the age characteristics of children.

Classification of teaching methods according to methods of transmitting and receiving information.

Classification of teaching methods according to the degree of effectiveness of their ideological and educational impact, “influence on the formation of children’s consciousness, internal motives” and behavioral incentives.

Classification of teaching methods according to the main stages of the educational-cognitive process (methods of the stage of perception - primary assimilation; methods of the stage of assimilation-reproduction; methods of the stage of educational and creative expression).

In the classifications identified by B.T. Likhachev, preference is given to the latter as scientific and practical, synthesizing in a generalized form the characteristics of teaching methods of all other classifications.

To the number of named classifications of teaching methods one could add two or three more. All of them are not without shortcomings, and at the same time have many positive aspects. There are no universal classifications and there cannot be. The learning process is a dynamic construct, this should be understood. In the living pedagogical process, methods develop and take on new properties. An association

grouping them into groups according to a rigid scheme is not justified, since this hinders the improvement of the educational process.

Apparently, one should follow the path of their universal combination and application in order to achieve a high degree of adequacy to the educational tasks being solved. At each stage of the educational process, some methods occupy a dominant position, while others occupy a subordinate position. Some methods provide solutions to educational problems to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent. We also note that failure to include at least one of the methods, even in its subordinate position, in solving the problems of the lesson significantly reduces its effectiveness. Perhaps this is comparable to the absence of at least one of the components, even in a very small dose, in the composition of the drug (this reduces or completely changes its medicinal properties).

The methods used in the educational process also perform their functions. These include: teaching, developing, nurturing, stimulating (motivational), control and correction functions. Knowledge of the functionality of certain methods allows you to consciously apply them.

The term “method” comes from the Greek word “methodos”, which means a path, a way of moving towards truth.

In pedagogy there are many definitions of the concept “ method trained and I" These include the following: “teaching methods are methods of interconnected activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving a set of problems of the educational process (Yu.K. Babansky); “methods are understood as a set of ways and means of achieving goals, solving educational problems” (I.P. Podlasy); “a teaching method is a tested and systematically functioning structure of the activities of teachers and students, consciously implemented with the aim of implementing programmed changes in the personality of students” (V. Okon). The teaching method can be given the following definition: it is a method of orderly activity of the subject and object of the educational process, aimed at achieving the set goals of training, development, and education. Already in these definitions, the method appears as a multidimensional phenomenon, as the core of the educational process. It acts as a mechanism for achieving set goals and largely determines the final results of the educational process.

Each teaching method is characterized by three characteristics: it indicates the purpose of learning; method of absorption; the nature of interaction between learning subjects.

Reception – this is an integral part or a separate side of the method, i.e. a particular concept in relation to the general concept of “method”. Individual techniques may be part of various methods.

During the learning process, methods and techniques are found in various combinations. The same method of student activity in some cases acts as an independent method, and in another – as a teaching method. For example, explanation and conversation are independent teaching methods. If they are occasionally used by the teacher during practical work to attract the attention of students and correct mistakes, then explanation and conversation act as teaching techniques included in the exercise method.

Teaching methods are a historical category. The level of development of the productive forces and the nature of industrial relations influence the general goals of training. As goals change, teaching methods also change. Thus, in ancient times, teaching methods based on imitation prevailed. Since the organization of schools, verbal teaching methods have appeared. Verbal teaching methods dominated during the Middle Ages.

In the pedagogical literature, a different number of teaching methods is called - from twenty to a hundred or more. The most common methods used include: 1) story; 2) conversation; 3) lecture; 4) display of illustrations; 5) showing demonstrations; 6) exercises; 7) independent work with the book; 8) tests; 9) programmed control methods, etc.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, many reasons have been identified that influence the choice of teaching methods:

The purpose of training;

Level of learning motivation;

Implementation of principles and patterns of learning;

Quantity and complexity of educational material;

Level of preparedness of students;

Age of students;

Studying time;

Material, technical, organizational conditions of training;

Application of methods in previous lessons;

Type and structure of classes;

The relationship between the teacher and students that developed in the process of educational work;

Level of teacher preparedness.

None of the methods is universal; good results in didactic work can only be achieved by using many methods.

By means teaching are all the devices and sources that help the teacher to teach and the student to learn, i.e. something that helps him organize the cognitive activity of students. Teaching aids may include: teachers, textbooks, teaching aids, books, radio, television, computers, visual aids, etc.

In pedagogy there is no single approach to the classification of teaching methods. There are about ten classifications of methods. The presence of different points of view on the classification problem reflects the natural process of differentiation and integration of knowledge about them. Due to the fact that different authors base the division of teaching methods into groups and subgroups on different criteria, there are a number of classifications.

One of the first classifications dates back to the late 20s of the twentieth century and is associated with the name of B.V. Vsesvyatsky, who described two categories of methods - methods of transferring ready-made knowledge and methods of searching (research).

Let us name the most substantiated classifications of teaching methods in didactics.

1. Traditional classification by source of knowledge. At first, practical, visual, verbal methods were highlighted (D.O. Lordkipanidze, E.Ya. Golant), then this system was supplemented by others - modern ones, associated, for example, with technical means of teaching.

2. Classification of methods by purpose (M.A. Danilov, B.P. Esipov).

The general feature of the classification is the successive stages through which the learning process occurs in the lesson. The following methods are distinguished:

Acquisition of knowledge;

Formation of skills and abilities;

Application of knowledge;

Creative activity;


Testing knowledge, skills and abilities.

3. Classification of teaching methods according to the nature of students’ cognitive activity (I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin).

Since the success of training depends to a decisive extent on the orientation and internal activity of the students, it is the nature of the activity, the degree of independence and creativity of the students that should serve as an important selection criterion. Scientists have identified five teaching methods, and in each of the subsequent ones, the degree of activity and independence in the activities of students increases:

Explanatory and illustrative;


Problem presentation;

Partially search;


4. According to didactic goals, two large groups of teaching methods are distinguished:

– methods that promote the primary assimilation of educational material;

– methods that help consolidate and improve acquired knowledge (G.I. Shchukina, I.T. Ogorodnikov, etc.)

5. Yu.K. Babansky bases the classification of teaching methods on the theory of human activity, the main elements of which are: a) organization of actions; b) regulation of the activity of the individual, primarily through various ways of stimulating it; and c) control over the progress of the activity. On this basis, Yu.K. Babansky identifies three groups of methods:

Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities;

Methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity;

Methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities.

Each of these classifications has a specific basis and allows us to comprehend the essence of teaching methods from different angles. However, from a didactic point of view, the classification of the famous Belarusian teacher I.F. seems to be the most practical. Kharlamov. He identifies five groups of teaching methods:

Methods of oral presentation of knowledge by the teacher and activation of students’ cognitive activity: story, explanation, school lecture, conversation; illustrations and demonstrations during oral presentation of the material being studied;

Methods of consolidating the material being studied: conversation, working with a textbook;

Methods for students’ independent work to comprehend and master new material: working with a textbook, laboratory work;

Methods of educational work on applying knowledge in practice and developing skills and abilities: exercises, laboratory work;

Methods for testing and assessing students' knowledge, skills and abilities: daily observation of students' work, oral questioning (individual, frontal, compact), assignment of lesson points, tests, checking homework, programmed control, testing.

None of the considered classifications of methods is free from shortcomings. Practice is richer and more complex than any of the most skillful constructions and abstract schemes. Therefore, the search for more advanced classifications that would clarify the contradictory theory of methods and help teachers improve practice continues.

The characteristics of teaching methods must be carried out according to the following plan: the essence of the method, requirements for its application, methodology (a system of techniques by which this method is implemented). As an example, we will reveal the essence of conversation as a teaching method.

Conversation is a dialogical method of presenting educational material (from the Greek dialogos - a conversation between two or more persons), which in itself speaks of the essential specificity of this method. The essence of the conversation is that the teacher, through skillfully posed questions, encourages students to reason and analyze in a certain logical sequence the facts and phenomena being studied and to independently formulate the corresponding theoretical conclusions and generalizations.

When conducting a conversation to comprehend new material, it is necessary to pose questions so that they require not monosyllabic affirmative or negative answers, but detailed reasoning, certain arguments and comparisons, as a result of which students isolate the essential features and properties of the objects and phenomena being studied and in this way acquire new knowledge .

Questions should have a clear sequence and focus, which will allow students to comprehend the internal logic of the knowledge they are learning.

Conversation as a teaching method cannot ensure the achievement of all didactic goals, in particular the formation of practical skills. Therefore, it is advisable to use it in combination with other methods.

The conversation when communicating new knowledge can proceed inductively (i.e., from particular known observable phenomena to general conclusions) or deductively (from general provisions to particular cases).

According to their purpose in the educational process, the following types of conversation are distinguished: introductory or introductory (organizing); communication of new knowledge; fixing; control and correction.

An introductory conversation is held at the beginning of a lesson or other educational activity. With its help, students are prepared to perceive and assimilate new educational material. This type of conversation helps to understand the meaning of the work ahead and forms ideas about its content, specifics and features.

When communicating new knowledge, the conversation is structured in the form of questions and answers, mainly when analyzing texts read and memorizing answers (catechetical). It helps students, through skillfully posed questions, their existing knowledge and life experience, to master new knowledge, define concepts, and find a method for solving a problem. A well-organized conversation creates the subjective impression that the student himself made a “discovery” and traveled a difficult path to scientific truth.

Consolidating conversations are used to deepen, generalize and systematize knowledge. They are usually held at the end of a lesson in learning new material.

Control and correction conversations can be organized as frontal or individual. They are used to determine the level of knowledge acquisition among students, their correction, clarification, addition, and specification.

The effectiveness of the conversation depends on the careful preparation of the teacher, the thoughtfulness of the questions, and their logical sequence. Questions should develop all types of thinking and correspond to the level of development of students. On the part of students, answers must be conscious, reasoned and correctly formulated.

The pedagogical function of conversation is to use the knowledge and personal experience of students in order to enhance their cognitive activity. A conversation requires thoughtfulness and clarity in asking questions. The developmental effect of the conversation is manifested in the development of students’ skills to think clearly and quickly, analyze and generalize, pose precise questions, speak briefly and clearly express their thoughts. Conversation is most effective:

– to prepare students for work in the classroom;

– introducing them to new material;

– systematization and consolidation of knowledge;

– current monitoring and diagnostics of knowledge acquisition.

Nadezhda Ivanovna Vasiliskina
Description of methods and techniques of education and training

Description of methods and techniques

Educator: Vasiliskina N.I.

The success of education and training largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to children, develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities, as well as develop abilities in a particular area of ​​activity.

A common classification of teaching methods is based on the source of knowledge. In accordance with this approach, the following are distinguished:

a) verbal methods- the source of knowledge is the spoken or printed word: story, explanation, conversation, discussion, work with a book;

b) visual methods- the source of knowledge is observed objects, phenomena, visual aids: showing children illustrative aids, posters, tables, paintings, maps, sketches on the board, flat models, etc.;

c) gaming methods- allow preschoolers to be interested in the upcoming activity, facilitate the determination of the plan for future work, activate the playing out of results and the transition of productive activity into play.

d) practical methods– children gain knowledge and develop skills by performing practical activities: exercises, experiments and practical work.

1. Games and exercises, aimed at developing creative and aesthetic abilities: “Unfinished pictures”, “Let’s turn objects into fairy tale heroes”, “What does it look like?”

2. Using Arts Synthesis and Activities Integration- composing a story based on a picture, inventing a story, riddles, acting out the plot, selecting musical accompaniment, sounds for the image (“sounding the picture”).

3. Method of focusing on details– enhances the child’s perception, helps establish the relationship between part and whole, develops speech. The essence of this technique is that everything depicted in the picture is covered with a sheet of paper, only the parts necessary for discussion or examination remain open.

4. Musical accompaniment method– music sounds, the mood of which is consonant with the mood of the picture, i.e., the impact occurs simultaneously on the visual and auditory analyzers. Music can precede the perception of a portrait. then the teacher asks if the children guessed who is depicted in the portrait that we will look at today. Music can also serve as a background for the teacher’s story.

5. A method of reviving children's emotions with the help of literary and song images.

6. Explanation method– widely used during first conversations to clarify children’s ideas about the portrait

7. Comparison method– increases the mental activity of children, promotes the development of mental actions: analysis, synthesis, inference.

8. Method of evoking adequate emotions. Its essence is to evoke certain feelings, emotions, and moods in children. It is suggested to recall a similar situation in which the children had the same mood.

9. Find the “living thing.” The child is asked to carefully examine the reproduction and find an image of a living creature on it. This technique can be used both in group classes and in individual work with children of senior preschool age;

10. Board and printed games for developing the ability to distinguish and compare patterns, elements, shapes(“Folk crafts”, “Find shapes”, “Pick colors”, various puzzles.

11. Choose music(think about what kind of music suggested by the teacher will be suitable). In this technique, you can use not only a whole piece of music, but also a fragment. It is also possible to realize various goals by combining musical and visual works. (Increase the impact of art on children's emotions. Strengthen the impact of different types of art through comparison. Show the harmony of music and painting. Incorporate contrasting works of different types of art)

12. The technique of “entering” into the picture– children are invited to imagine themselves in the place of the person depicted, to recreate the previous and subsequent content of the events in the picture. In order to form in children an emotional and personal attitude towards the picture, which would be characterized by development. emotional associations, it is necessary to use a story-sample of the teacher’s personal attitude to the picture “Do we want (do I want) to be in this picture?”

13. The technique of “recognition” by description. The essence of this technique is description. In this case, the teacher only describes the reproduction, without saying its name.

14. Visual comparison technique. The essence of this technique is to compare paintings by color, mood (portraits, material, arrangement of objects, etc.).

15. Acceptance of compositional options– the teacher verbally or visually shows how the content of the picture, feelings, mood expressed in it changes depending on the change in composition in the picture. For example: a) “What has changed in the picture between people (objects?” (the teacher covers part of the picture with a sheet); b) “What would the picture tell about if the artist had arranged people not in a circle, but in separate groups?”; c) “Explain why the artist depicted the image of a person (object) of this particular size?”; d) “What would the picture be like if (remove, add).”

16. A technique for mentally creating a painting based on the name given by the artist. At first, children find it difficult to express their thoughts consistently and in detail. Therefore, at first, the teacher uses precise settings. – Tell us what the picture will be about, what will you highlight the main thing in it? – What will be written around the main thing, in what colors, on what background?

– What will be especially beautiful? – Why did you decide to highlight this as the most beautiful thing in your picture?

17. The technique of comparison is gradually introduced into the process of perceiving painting. First, two paintings by different artists, of the same genre, but with a contrasting mood, are given for comparison, and then paintings by the same artist, but with different color schemes.

Reproductions of paintings are first compared by contrast - mood, color, composition, highlighting only one feature.

18. Acceptance of precise settings and compositional changes. Sometimes it is necessary to use the technique of precise settings, which teaches you to reason logically and opens the way to an independent search for an answer. For example: “Before answering the question about what the picture is about, look carefully at what is depicted on it, what is most important, how the artist showed it, and then answer the question about what the picture is about.”

19. The use of game elements that stimulate the child’s desire to tell (talk) about the picture he likes: “Who will tell it better, more interesting?”, Remember fairy-tale characters, “Fantasy or not?”, “Find what it looks like”, Write a story (sketch, invent dialogue, “What is the main thing in the picture?”, “Are there any unnecessary objects in the picture?”, Write a story, a fairy tale, a short poem, the plot of which would be in tune with the theme of the picture.

20. A story used in a variety of situations.

21. Examination, discussion, playing with a variety of aesthetically attractive objects(folk craft items, interesting photographs, blanks, such as wooden spoons, disposable plates for painting, elements of painting (albums, sheets, as well as “designing” fragments of the environment (doll corner) with their help).

22. Creating an exercise situation, for which in the creativity corner it is necessary to provide options for coloring books, blanks (sheets with a printed pattern or part of it, children’s magazines with creative tasks; placement in a visible place of “semi-finished materials” (sheets of different shapes and colors for drawing and appliqué, blanks with printed figures , “unfinished compositions” - artistic material for individual and collective work); the use of so-called operational maps (maps or addition diagrams) in the process of sculpting, appliqué, and design.

23. Compare the mood of the paintings(sea). This technique is very interesting when working with preschool children in examining paintings by marine painters (I.K. Aivazovsky, A.P. Bogolyubov). The depicted object in 2 or more paintings (reproductions) is not only examined, but also compared. In this case, questions are applied to children: “Compare by mood, colors used (etc.)”, “Compare how the author depicted in different ways...”.

24. Tactile-sensory method. The purpose of this method is to evoke children’s feelings and experience the adequate state of the depicted image. It affects the emotional state of children and causes responses, especially in shy children.

25. Exercises and games that help enrich sensory experience, develop investigative actions, analytical skills, and master sensory standards, which is important in this age group. In the creativity corner it is necessary to place “sensory sets” (collections of scraps or cardboard of different colors and shades, shapes, textures, models depicting various shapes, figures, lines, the “Rainbow” model (or its variant, sets of imaginative and interesting toys of different sizes, material for examination, examination and play.

26. In order for color in painting to become “speaking”, the technique of coloristic variations is used. c – changing the color of a painting by verbal description or applying color film to the artist’s color. For example: – What would change in the mood of the people depicted if the artist painted the picture in cold colors? Choose a palette (find colors);

27. Experimenting with visual materials(“What can you turn a handprint into?”, “Can you draw with cherry juice (lipstick?”, “What color is the sky?”, “What are the lines?”), using combinations of techniques and materials already mastered by children (complete a gouache drawing with colored felt-tip pens , add applique elements to the drawing, “draw” with plasticine).The use of various non-traditional techniques in applique (cotton balls, pieces of crumpled paper, salt, sand, confetti, in drawing (palmprints, objects, potato stamps, in modeling (colored dough, wet cotton wool)

Methods and means of teaching, their pedagogical capabilities and conditions of application.


    The concept and essence of the method, technique and rules of training.

    Evolution of teaching methods.

    Classification of teaching methods.

    Means of education.

    Selection of teaching methods and means.

Basic concepts: method, technique, teaching rule, teaching aids.

    The concept and essence of the method, technique and rules of training

The success of the educational process largely depends on the methods usedteaching methods.

Teaching methods - These are ways of joint activity between the teacher and students, aimed at achieving their educational goals.ExistingThere are other definitions of teaching methods.

Teaching methods - these are ways of interrelated activities of teachers and students to implement the tasks of education, upbringing andvitiia (Yu. K. Babansky).

Teaching methods - these are ways of teaching work of teachers and organstion of educational and cognitive activity of students in solving variousspecial didactic tasks aimed at mastering the material being studiedscrap (I.F. Kharlamov).

Despite the various definitions given to this concept by didactics, the common thing is that most authors tend to consider the methodteaching by means of joint work between the teacher and students in an organized mannertions of educational activities.

Thus, the concept of teaching method reflects in interrelation the methods and specifics of the teacher’s teaching work and educational activitiesstudents' ability to achieve learning goals.

Widespread concepts in didactics are alsothe concepts of “learning technique” and “learning rule”.

Reception training - Thiscomponent or separate aspect of a methodtraining.The boundaries between the concepts of “method” and “technique” are very fluid and changeable.Chivy. Each teaching method consists of individual elements (hourthose, techniques). With the help of a technique, a pedagogical or educational task is not completely solved, but only its stage, some part of it.

Teaching methods and methodological techniques can change places and replace each other in specific pedagogical situations. Samemethodological techniques can be used in different methods. Conversely, one method for different teachers may includevarious techniques.

Thus, the method includes a number of techniques, but is not itselfis their simple sum.

Learning Rule - Thisa normative instruction or instruction on howone should act in an optimal way in order to carry out the method of activity corresponding to the method.In other words,learning rule(didactic rule)- this is a specific instruction on what to doin a typical pedagogical situation of the learning process.A rule acts as a descriptive, normative model of reception, and a system of rules for solving a specific problem is already a normative descriptionsatative model of the method.

    Evolution of teaching methods

Level of production developmenteconomic forces and the nature of production relations influencefocus on the goals, content, and means of the pedagogical process. With their betrayalTeaching methods are also changing.

In the early stages of social development, the transfer of social experience to younger generations was carried out spontaneously in the process of jointactivities of children and adults. Observing and repeating adultscertain actions, mainly labor ones, children mastered themduring direct participation in the life of the social group of which they were members. Teaching methods based on imitation prevailed. Imitating adults, children mastered ways and techniques togetting food, getting fire, making clothes, etc.

At the heart of lestingreproductive method training ("do as I do"). This is the most ancienta method of teaching from which all others have evolved.

As accumulated knowledge expands and complexity is masteredof human actions, simple imitation could not provide a sufficient level of assimilation of cultural experience. Since the organization of schools there have appearedverbal methods training. Teacher using the word peredaprovided ready-made information to children who assimilated it. With the emergencewriting, and then printing, it became possible to express, indrip, transfer knowledge in symbolic form. The word becomes headsa significant carrier of information, and learning from books is a wayinteraction between teacher and student.

Books were used in different ways. Teachers at a medieval schoolXia mechanically memorized texts, mainly of religious contentnia. This is how it arosedogmatic, or catechism, method training. Moreits perfect form is associated with the formulation of questions and the presentation oftotal answers.

In the era of great discoveries and inventions, verbal methods graduallybut they are losing their significance as the only way to transfer knowledge to students. Society needed people who not only knew the laws of nature, but also knew how to use them in their activities. In processteaching included such methods as observation, experiment, independent work, exercises aimed at developing the child’s independence, activity, consciousness, and initiative. Developmentgetvisual methods training, as well as methods to helppractice to apply the acquired knowledge.

On the edgeXIXAndXXcenturies began to occupy an important placeheuristic me tod as a verbal option that more fully took into account the needs andinterests of the child, development of his independence.

Aroused interestconcept of “learning through activity” usingpractical methods Dov training. The main place in the learning process was given to manuallabor, practical exercises, as well as student workwith literature, during which children developed the skills of independent work and the use of their own experience. Approvedpartial but-search, research methods.

Over time, they are becoming more widespreadmethods are problematic th training, based on raising the problem and on independentmovement of students towards knowledge.Gradually society beginsrealize that the child needs not only training, but also the assimilation ofZUN, but also in the development of his abilities and individualdual features. Getting distributiondevelopment methods training. Widespread introduction of technology into the educational process, computerizationtion of learning leads to the emergence of new methods.

The search for methods to improve the learning process remains constant. Regardless of the role assigned to one or another teaching method, none of them can be used on its own.No teaching method is universalgreasy. A variety of methods should be used in the educational processtraining.

INModern pedagogical practice uses a large number of teaching methods.There is no uniform classification of teaching methods. This is due to the fact that different authors based the division of teaching methods intogroups and subgroups put different signs, separate aspects of the processtraining.Let's consider the most common classifications of training methodsreadings.

    Classification of teaching methods by student activity level (Go lant E.Ya.). This is one of the earliest classifications of teaching methods. According to this classification, teaching methods are divided intopassive Andactive depending on the degree of student involvement in educational activities. TOpassiveinclude methods in which students only listen andwatching (story, lecture, explanation, excursion, demonstration, observationnie), toactive -methods that organize independent work of studentsworking methods (laboratory method, practical method, working with a book).

    Classification of teaching methods by source gaining knowledge (Verzi Lin N.M.). There are three sources of knowledge: word, visualization, practice. Sootresponsibly allocatedverbal methods(the source of knowledge is the spoken or printed word);visual methods(sources of knowledge are observed objects, phenomena, visual aids);practical methodsyes(knowledge and skills are formed in the process of performing practicalactions).Verbal methods occupy a central place in the system of training methodsreadings. These includestory, explanation, conversation, discussion, lecture, workthe one with the book.The second group consistsvisual methods training, in which the assimilation of educational material is in essentialdepending on the visual aids used, diagrams, tables, drawingskovs, models, instruments, technical means. Visual methods are conditionalare divided into two groups:demonstration method and illustration method.Practical teaching methods based on practical activitiessti of students. The main purpose of this group of methods is the formationpractical skills and abilities. Practical methods includeunitary enterpriseconsiderations, practicalAndlaboratory works.This classification has become quite widespread, whichThis is obviously due to its simplicity.

    Classification of teaching methods for didactic purposes (Danilov M.A., Esipov B.P.). This classification identifies the following teaching methods:

    methods of acquiring new knowledge;

    methods of developing skills and abilities;

    methods of applying knowledge;

    methods of consolidating and testing knowledge, skills and abilities.

As a criterion for dividing methods into groups according to this classfication are the learning objectives. This criterion better reflects theteacher’s activity in achieving the learning goal.

    Classification of teaching methods by nature a cognitive activist ness of students (Lerner I.Ya., Skatkin M.N.). According to this classification, teaching methods are divided depending ondepends on the nature of students’ cognitive activity when mastering the material being studied.The following methods are distinguished:

    explanatory and illustrative (informational and receptive);


    problematic presentation;

    partially search (heuristic);


Essenceexplanatory-illustrative method is thatthe teacher communicates ready-made information using different means, and the teacherthose who perceive it perceive it, realize it and record it in memory. Message inThe teacher carries out formations using the spoken word (story, conversation,explanation, lecture), printed words (textbook, additional aids), visual aids (tables, diagrams, pictures, films and filmstrips), practicaltechnical demonstration of methods of activity (showing experience, working on a machine,way to solve the problem).Students’ cognitive activity comes down to memorizing ready-made knowledge. There is a lot ofdefinitely a low level of mental activity.

Reproductive method assumes that the teacher reports, explainsprovides knowledge in a ready-made form, and students assimilate it and can reproduce and repeat the method of activity as instructed by the teacher. Accepted criterionknowledge is the correct reproduction (reproduction) of knowledge.This method provides the opportunity to transfer a significant amount of knowledge and skillsin the shortest possible time and with little effort. ThisThe method is characterized by the fact that it enriches knowledge, skills,form special mental operations, but do not guarantee developmentcreative abilities of students.

Method of problem presentation is transitional from performingto creative activity. The essence of the problem presentation method is that the teacher poses a problem and solves it himself, showingtrain of thought in the process of cognition. Students follow the logswhat kind of presentation, mastering the stages of problem solving. In the same timethey not only perceive, realize and remember ready-made knowledge, youwater, but also follow the logic of the evidence, the movement of the teacher’s thoughts. And although students are not participants, but merely observers of the process of thinking, they learn to resolve cognitive difficulties.

A higher level of cognitive activity carries with ithour strictly search (heuristic) method. The method received this name because studentsindependently solve a complex educational problem not from beginning to end, but partially. The teacher involves students in performing individual search steps. Some of the knowledge is conveyed by the teacher, some is obtained by the students on their own, answering the questions posed orsolving problem tasks. WITHThe power of this teaching method isis hoping thatNot all knowledge is offered to students in a ready-made form; some of it isyou need to mine it yourself;The teacher's activity is to manageproblem solving process.

Research method of teaching provides for creative learningstudents knowledge. Its essence is as follows:The teacher and students formulate the problem;students resolve it independently;The teacher provides assistance only when difficulties ariseopinions in solving the problem.Thus, the research method is used not only to generalize knowledge, but also to ensure that the student learnsacquire knowledge, research an object or phenomenon, draw conclusions and apply the acquired knowledge and skills in life. Its essence is reducedto the organization of search, creative activity of students to solvenew problems for them.The main disadvantage of this teaching method is that it requiresthere is no significant time investment and a high level of pedagogical qualificationsteacher's qualifications.

    Classification of teaching methods based on a holistic approach to the process training (Babansky Yu.K.). MTeaching methods are divided into three groups:

    methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activitiesness;

    methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activistsness;

    methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of the effectiveness of educational and cognitive skillstelial activity.

First group includes the following methods: perceptual (transmission and perception of educational information throughyour feelings);verbal (lecture, story, conversation, etc.);visual (demonstration, illustration);practical (experiments, exercises, completing assignments);logical, i.e. organization and implementation of logical operations(inductive, deductive, analogies);gnostic (research, problem-search, reproductiontive); self-management of educational activities (independent work with a book, equipment, etc.).

To the second group methods include: methods of developing interest in learning (cognitive games,educational discussions, creating problem situations); methods of forming duty and responsibility in teaching (encouragingnie, approval, censure, etc.).

To the third group attributed various methods of oral, written and matire testing of the knowledge of learning, as well as methods of self-monitoring of the effectiveness of one’s own educational and cognitive activities.

Currently there is no common view on the problemclassifications of teaching methods, and any of the considered classificationshas both advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account at the selection stage and in the process of implementing specific teaching methods.

Let us dwell in detail on the individual teaching methods includedinto various classifications.


This is a monologue, sequential presentation of the materialin descriptive or narrative form. A story is used to convey factual information that requires imagery and presentation. The story is used at all stages of learning, only the objectives of the presentation, style and volume of the story change.

The goals are distinguished:

    story-introduction,the purpose of which is toprepare students to learn new material;

    story-narration -used to express the intended purposecontent;

    conclusion story -summarizes the material studied.

There are certain requirements for storytelling as a teaching method.tions: the story should ensure the achievement of didactic goals; contain reliable facts; have clear logic; the presentation must be evidential, figurative, emotional, taking into account agecharacteristics of students.In its pure form, the story is used relatively rarely. More often he isused in combination with other teaching methods - illustration,judgment, conversation.If the story fails to provide a clear and distinct understandingmania, then the method of explanation is used.


Explanation - this is the interpretation of patterns that are essentialproperties of the object being studied, individual concepts, phenomena. The explanation is characterized by an evidentiary form of presentation based on the uselogically inferences that establish the foundations of truththe validity of this judgment.How to teach method explanationwidely used in working with people of different age groups.

There are certain requirements for explanation: accurate and evenwhat is the formulation of the essence of the problem; consistent disclosure of causalinvestigative connections, argumentation and evidence; use of comparisonsopinions, analogies, comparisons; impeccable logic of presentation.

In many cases, explanation is combined with observations, with questionsquestions asked to students and can develop into a conversation.


Conversation - a dialogical teaching method in which the teacher, by asking a system of questions, leads students to understand new material or checks their understanding of what has already been learned.

Distinguishindividual conversations(questions addressed to one student),group conversations(questions are addressed to a specific group) andfrontalnew(questions are addressed to everyone).

Depending on the tasks that the teacher sets in the learning process,content of educational materialallocatedifferent types of conversations:

    introductory, or introductory conversations. Conducted before studyingnew material to update previously acquired knowledge and determine the degree of readiness of students for knowledge, inclusion in the upcomingeducational and cognitive activity;

    conversations - messages of new knowledge. There arecatechetical(reproducedpresentation of answers in the same wording as given in the textbook orteacher);Socratic(involving reflection) andheuristicslogical(inclusion of students in the process of active search for new knowledge,formulating conclusions);

    synthesizing, or consolidating conversations. Serve for generalization andsystematization of students’ knowledge and ways of applying itin non-standard situations;

    control and correction conversations. Used in diagnosticpurposes, as well as to clarify and supplement existing information with new informationstudents' knowledge.

One type of conversation isinterview,which cancarried out with an individual or group of people.

When conducting a conversation, it is important to formulate and ask questions correctly. They should be short, clear, meaningful; have a logical connection with each other; promote the assimilation of knowledge in the system.

I'm not followingDo not ask double, prompt questions containing ready-made answersYou; formulate questions with answers like"Yes or no".

Conversation as a teaching method hasadvantages:activates the educational and cognitive activity of students; develops their speech, memory, thinking; has great educational power; is gooddiagnostic tool, helps to monitor students' knowledge.At the same time, this method also hasflaws:requires a lot of timeny costs; If students do not have a certain stock of ideas and concepts, then the conversation turns out to be ineffective. Moreover, the conversation does not givepractical skills and abilities.


Lecture - This is a monologue way of presenting voluminous material.

It differs from other verbal methods of presenting material more strictlygoy structure; abundance of information provided; logic of presentationmaterial; the systematic nature of knowledge coverage.

Distinguishpopular scienceAndacademiclectures. Popular scienceThese lectures are used to popularize knowledge. Academic lecturestions are used in senior secondary schools, in secondary vocational schoolsny and higher educational institutions. Lectures are devoted to major and prinfundamentally important sections of the curriculum. They differ inits construction, methods of presentation of the material. The lecture may takework to generalize and repeat the material covered.

Educational discussion

Educational discussion how the teaching method is based on gaze exchangeus on a specific problem. Moreover, these views reflect either their ownown opinions of the participants in the discussion, or rely on the opinions of others.

The main function of educational discussion is to stimulate the learnerno interest. With the help of the discussion, its participants acquire new knowledge, strengthen their own opinions, and learn to defend their positiontion, to take into account the views of others.To the discussionit is necessary to prepare students in advance, both in content andin a formal sense. Content preparation consists of accumulationacquiring the necessary knowledge on the topic of the upcoming discussion, and the formalitynay - in the choice of the form of presentation of this knowledge. Without knowledge, discussion becomesseems pointless, meaningless, and without the ability to express thoughts,convince opponents - devoid of attractiveness, contradictory.

Working with a textbook and book

Working with a textbook and book - one of the most important teaching methods.The main advantage of this method is the opportunity for the student to repeatedly access the educational material at his own pace and at a convenient time.information.Work with the book can be organized under the direct supervisionguidance of the teacher (teacher) and in the form of independent work of the student with the text. This method implements two tasks: students learn educational material and accumulate experience working with texts, master variousnew techniques for working with printed sources.


Demonstrationhow the teaching method involves showing experiments, technicalinstallations, television programs, videos, filmstrips,computer programs, etc.Most effectiveThis method is effective when students themselves study subjects, processesand phenomena, perform the necessary measurements, establish dependencies, benefitgiving which the active cognitive process is carried out, expandshorizons, the basis of knowledge is created.

The demonstration of real objects has didactic value,phenomena or processes occurring in natural conditions. But not alwayssuch a demonstration is possible.

Closely related to the demonstration method is the methodillustrations.Sometimes these methods are identified and not distinguished as independent.


The illustration method involves showing objects, processes and phenomena.nies in their symbolic representation using posters, maps, portraits, photographs, drawings, diagrams, reproductions, flat models, etc.

The methods of demonstration and illustration are closely interrelated.Demonstwalkie-talkie,as a rule, it is used when the process or phenomenon is being studiedthose present must perceive it as a whole. When it is necessary to understand the essence of a phenomenon, the relationships between its components, they resort toillustrations.

When using these methods, certain precautions must be observed.instructions: use clarity in moderation; coordinate the demonstrated clarity with the content of the material; the visualization used shouldcorrespond to the age of the students; the item on display mustbe clearly visible to all students; it is necessary to clearly highlight the main thing,essential in the demonstrated object.

A special group consists of teaching methods, the main purpose of which isrykh - the formation of practical skills. To this grouptods includeexercises, practicalAndlaboratory methods.


Exercise - repeated (repeated) implementation of educational activitiesdevelopments (mental or practical) in order to master them or improveimproving their quality.Distinguishoral, written, graphicAndeducational and labor exercises. Oral exercisescontribute to the development of a culture of speech, logicalthinking, memory, attention, cognitive abilities of students. Main purposewriting exercisesconsists in consolidating the knowledgetions, developing the necessary skills and abilities to use them. Closely related to writtengraphic exercises.Their applicationlearning helps to better perceive, comprehend and remember educational material; promotes the development of spatial imagination. Graphic exercises include work on drawing up graphs,tags, diagrams, technological maps, sketches, etc.A special group consists ofeducational and labor exercises,whose purposeis the application of theoretical knowledge in work activity. Theycontribute to mastering skills in handling tools, laboratorytor equipment (instruments, equipment), developinghave design and technical skills.

Any exercises depending on the degree of independence of studentscan wearreproductive, training or creative in nature. To activate the educational process, consciously carry out studiesThese tasks are used