Traditions of ancient Russian literature and the works of Dostoevsky. The role of ancient Russian literature in modern literary education of schoolchildren

In numerals, first of all, two lexico-grammatical categories are described: quantitative and collective numerals.

In school practice (and in many textbooks), ordinal numbers are also distinguished, which are formed from quantitative ones in a suffix way, including the zero suffix: third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth, hundredth, two hundredth, three hundredth, four hundredth, five hundredth, six hundredth, seven hundredth, eight hundredth, nine hundredth, thousandth, millionth, billionth. TO word one ordinal number - first, by the way two - second. When forming an ordinal number from a compound cardinal number, the last components are exchanged: one hundred twenty-one → one hundred and twenty-first, seven hundred and ninety-six → seven hundred and ninety-six.

Ordinal numbers indicate the ordinal number of an object

when counting. They are syntactic derivatives of cardinal numerals. By the nature of their transpositional meaning and by morphological categories, as already noted, ordinal numbers coincide with relative adjectives.

In addition to ordinal numbers, there is also a special category of cardinal numbers – fractional numbers: two and a half (percent), two fifths, three sixths, one tenth. Their selection is motivated by the fact that they call fractions, i.e. special numbers. However, from a morphological point of view, this distinction is not justified. Fractional numbers are more likely special type quantitative phrases. Ordinal numbers in them are substantivized (two thirds of the plot= two thirds of the plot).

In addition to specialized combinations, fractional numbers are represented by words one and a half hundred And one and a half These two words should be considered in morphology. But due to the fact that there are only two of them, the concept of lexical-grammatical category fractional number conditionally applicable.

Cardinal numbers

The grammatical core of a part of speech is cardinal numerals. Everything that has been said about the features of the numeral as a separate class of words primarily concerns cardinal numerals.

Cardinal numbers are divided into definite-quantitative And indefinite-quantitative. The first ones correspond to the digital designations of quantity (two, one hundred, thousand). The latter express the idea of ​​an indefinite quantity and relate to numerals not so much by semantics, but by grammatical features: as numerals proper, they have the property of controlling genitive case noun and introduce semantic subject and object into the sentence. The following lexemes are indefinite quantitative numerals: a lot, a little, a little, a lot, as much, as much as, a few, some, some.

These words denote an indefinite number of objects only when combined with nouns (So ​​many birds! Many days: few friends). Unlike definite quantitative words, they can be combined with nouns that do not name discrete objects (a lot of grief, little joy).

In the R., D., T. and P. cases, i.e. where the numeral agrees with the noun, indeclinable indefinite numerals are not delimited from adjectives. But in the nominative and accusative cases, combinations with indefinite numerals and adjectives do not coincide: one can say How many sparrows! a lot of cats but no combinations *how many sparrows or * how many sparrows; *many cat. There is a combination many cats, but its meaning does not coincide with a lot of cats.

In combinations with verbs, indefinite numerals pass into the category of adverbs and lose (if they are changeable, that is, all but unchangeable few And a lot) ability to bend ( how much he sleeps, how much he works, how much he eats).

Note. Some linguists insist that indefinite words should be classified not as numerals, but as adverbs, since they are devoid of numerical meaning. Undoubtedly, the actual numeral and indefinite-quantitative words are semantically significantly different. But the fact is that these words, when they express the idea of ​​an indefinite quantity, that is, when combined with nouns, are grammatically, as well as

semantically do not coincide with adverbs. The attribution of indefinite-quantitative words to numerals as parts of speech (in the same way to adverbs) to a certain extent turns out to be conditional.

In tradition school teaching In the Russian language, it is customary to distinguish two categories of numerals: quantitative and ordinal. Cardinal numbers denote quantity and answer the question how many?: five, thirty.

Ordinal numbers indicate the order in which objects are listed and answer the question which?: fifth, thirtieth.

In recent scientific grammatical literature, words like five and fifth, hundred and hundredth, as a rule, are grammatically differentiated, moreover, classified as different parts speech. There are fundamental differences between cardinal and ordinal numerals, therefore, in modern grammatical studies, only those words that school grammar calls cardinal numerals are considered numerals as parts of speech.

The fact is that all the so-called ordinal numbers in their grammatical properties are similar not to numerals as a special part of speech, but

with adjectives. The grammatical differences between words like hundred and hundredth are as follows:

1) these words have different general categorical meanings: words like one hundred denote quantity, and hundredth is a feature of an object;

2) words like hundredth, like adjectives, change according to gender, number and case (hundredth, hundredth, hundredth; hundredth, hundredth, hundredth, hundredth...; hundredth, hundredth, etc.); words like hundred are characterized only by the category of case (hundred, hundred);

3) case endings for words like hundredth are the same as for adjectives; cf.: fifth - crumpled, second - raw (1st adjective declension); words like hundred have special declension systems (see more about this below);

4) in compound ordinal numbers like one hundred and thirty-fifth, only the last component is declined: one hundred and thirty-fifth, one hundred and thirty-fifth, etc. (cf. the declension of adjectives like dark red); in compound cardinal numbers like one hundred thirty-five, all components are declined: one hundred thirty-five, (with) one hundred thirty-five, etc.;

5) the combination of an ordinal number with a noun (second table) is not a single member of the sentence (unlike combinations like two tables); as part of combinations like the second table, different members of the sentence can be distinguished, and the ordinal number, like an adjective, is either a definition (the seventh day) or a nominal part of a compound nominal predicate (the seventh day was).

Therefore, ordinal numbers, strictly speaking, represent special variety relative adjectives, denoting a feature of an object through its relationship to the order in which similar objects are listed when counting.

Let us consider in more detail the lexical and grammatical categories that can be distinguished within the framework of cardinal numerals (i.e. numerals as parts of speech).

Numerals can denote whole or fractional numbers, as well as the number of objects as an integral, collective collection. In accordance with this, it is customary to distinguish between two lexico-grammatical categories of numerals - actually quantitative (three, twenty, two hundred and forty) and collective (five, three).

Most numerals are quantitative (in the narrow understanding of this term indicated above). Cardinal numbers are simple: two, five; derivatives - usually complex: fifty, seven hundred, and also compound: five hundred forty-three.

According to the nature of the meaning, three groups of cardinal numerals are contrasted: definite-quantitative, indefinite-quantitative and fractional.

Definite cardinal numbers represent whole numbers natural series: six (textbooks), one hundred and forty (rubles).

Indefinite quantitative numerals are the words a lot, a little, a little (usually treated by school grammar as adverbs) and how many, several, so much, how many, etc. (referred to as pronouns in school textbooks).

Neither in their categorical meaning (indication of quantity: answer the question with how many?), nor in their formal features, indefinite cardinal numerals are fundamentally opposed to numerals as parts of speech.

Words like how many, how many change by case (How many songs were sung; How many friends we remembered that evening); for the words a lot, a little, a little, only homonymous forms of the nominative and accusative cases(There were some apples on the table; I took some apples).

Adverbs that coincide with them in sound and lexical (but not part-verbal!) meaning should be distinguished from indefinite numerals; Wed grammatical homonyms: We have some time (numeral). - We are a little tired (adverb); Take some apples (numeral). - The task is somewhat different from the previous one (adverb). When distinguishing grammatical homonyms of this type It must be remembered that adverbs homonymous with the indefinite cardinal numeral do not name a quantitative characteristic of an object, but specify the nature of the action (to be a little late) or the characteristic (somewhat intrusive).

The so-called fractional numbers require special attention: five and a half, eight and a quarter. This special group compound cardinal numerals denoting fractional quantities. According to grammatical features, fractional numerals do not differ from compound cardinal numerals; for example, in combination with a noun, in the forms of the nominative and accusative cases they control the noun (five and a half hours), in other cases -

zhah - agree with the noun (about five and a half hours).

Quantitative phrases - descriptive designations of fractional quantities such as three and one tenth, five eighths should not be confused with fractional quantitative numerals:

1) fractional numerals are not combined with real and collective nouns, but descriptive quantitative phrases are combined: two-thirds of milk, nine-tenths of students:

2) fractional numerals in oblique cases agree with nouns, and descriptive quantitative phrases always control the form of the genitive case of the noun: two-thirds of the amount, to thirty-hundredths of a percent - and never agree with the noun.

Collective numerals are a small and unproductive lexico-grammatical category of numerals with special significance an undivided, integral collection of objects: two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. All of them are derived from the corresponding actual cardinal numerals: two -> two, five -> five. Collective numbers are used in combinations:

1) with nouns denoting male persons: five soldiers, two students (you cannot say: “three girls”, “two insects”, “five tables”):

2) with nouns people, children, guys: two young people, five children, seven guys:

3) with nouns denoting young animals: five kittens, seven kids:

4) with subject nouns pluralia tantum such as sleigh, scissors: two sleighs, three scissors (if the number of objects exceeds ten, then special, “counting” words are used in combination with cardinal numbers: twelve pairs of trousers, forty pieces of scissors).

Unlike cardinal numerals proper, which are always used in combination with nouns (the only exceptions are special mathematical expressions like two plus three), collective numerals can be used without nouns, and always denote a collection of persons: Five arrived late: There were only us left three.

They do not belong to any of the categories of numerals as parts of speech: a) the words hundred, dozen, ten, etc. are nouns with an objectified quantitative meaning; b) the words mass, darkness, droplet, etc. in a quantitative meaning (a lot of worries, a droplet of attention), which are nouns with an indefinite quantitative lexical meaning.

When identifying categories of numerals, first of all, the originality of the lexical semantics of this group of words is taken into account, which differently call the quantitative characteristics of the counted words. items (three, three, third, one third). According to lexical and grammatical features, the following are distinguished:

· Cardinal numbers;

· ordinal;

· collective;

· fractional.

1. Cardinal numbers name the number or quantity of objects in the form of integers and answer the question How many?

Cardinal numbers are divided into two categories:

1) Definitely quantitative;

2) Indefinitely quantitative.

Definite cardinal numbers(proper quantitative) name a specific number or quantity in the form of integers (five, one hundred, thirty-one).

Morphological characteristics

1) Change by case (one - one - one, etc.).

2) Do not change in numbers; exception - numeral one (one - alone).

3) They have no gender, except for the numeral one (one - one - one); and numeral two, in which two generic forms are opposed - female (two) and common for masculine and neuter (two).

Syntactic features

1) Control nouns in the genitive case ( two table, five girls).

2) When forming a phrase with a noun, they act as a single indivisible member of the sentence:

· Four planes, burning the last liters of fuel, circled over the site. – subject (gas);

· The forest is already burning two days. – circumstance;

· Came out from behind the partition a girl of about fourteen. - definition;

· The sea suddenly shook around, splashed in a noisy rush and left on the shore thirty-three heroes. – addition (A.P.).

3) They are means of expressing counting: K three add two it will work out five;

4) According to their structure, definite cardinal numbers can be:

simple ( one, two, ten etc.)

complex ( sixteen, eighty, ninety etc.)

· compound ( one hundred three, two hundred eighty seven etc.)

When analyzing, one should distinguish cardinal numbers in combination with nouns from counting nouns of the type: two, three, ten, hundred, etc.. Wed: Through Ten minutes there will be a camp; Remember: pilot is a collective name. They work for him dozens of people(gas.).

Count nouns unlike numerals they change :

· by numbers (four - fours);

· have a permanent characteristic of the genus ( four- and. R., ten- m.r.);

may have consistent definitions (brave four, last ten);

· combined with numerals (two fours, five tens).

Indefinite numbers have the meaning of (large or small) quantities: a lot, a little, a little, a lot, several, how many, as much; This also includes the abyss, death, mass, abyss, abyss, darkness, multitude, etc.

Morphological characteristics

1) Answer the question How many?

2) Words how many, as many, several change by case; words little, a lot, a lot, little do not change by case.

3) Do not change by gender.

4) Do not change in numbers.

Syntactic features

1) Combine and control nouns in the genitive case (several people, a lot of sand, a lot of people).

2) Act as a single member of the proposal:

Subject: Several foreign journalists stayed on the set.

· Addition: Cleaned exactly on time several pairs multi-colored boot.

· Circumstance: The problem is being solved in several ways.

3. Adverbs that coincide with them in sound and meaning should be distinguished from definite cardinal numerals. (Wed: We have some time(number) - We A little tired (adverb); Take it some apples (number) - Task some different from the previous one (adverb).

2. Ordinal numbers indicate the order in which items are listed and answer the question which?

Morphological characteristics

1) Vary by gender ( fifth apple, fifth bun, fifth house).

2) Varying in numbers, ordinal numbers are nevertheless not freely used in the plural: it is impossible to say fifth apples, twenty-eighth notebooks, since it is not clear what corresponds to them in objective activity.

3) Ordinal numbers in the plural can be used in modern Russian only in certain cases:

· with nouns pluralia tantum (fifth day, second glasses, third jeans);

· with nouns denoting time intervals: B fifties behaved differently than in thirties or twenties;

· in combinations (ground floors, second grades, fourth grades);

· in fractional numbers (three tenths, eight hundredths, two fifths);

· in combinations (first courses, second courses, third courses);

· change by case according to the type of qualitative-relative declension of adjectives of the fixed version (fifth, fifth, fifth, etc.)

Syntactic features

1) Definition: Until I finished my novel first chapter (P.).

2) Nominal predicate: The house was second on the street (A.Ch.).

3) Subject or object (subject to substantivization): In the year when our former one began to grow first, Vostroukhov hoped for his place (Yu.T.); Without first not a single case begins (Yu.T.).

3. Collective numbers denote a certain quantity as a single whole.

Morphological characteristics

1) Formed from cardinal numbers of the first ten from two to ten (two, three, four, etc.)

2) Have specific suffixes - e, -oje, - er

3) They have no gender (except both)

4) Numbers have no

5) Change by case (two - two - two, etc.)

6) The structure is always simple; they cannot be included in fractional ones.

7) Do not participate in the count.

Syntactic features

1) They have limited compatibility with nouns:

· can only be combined with names of masculine and common gender persons (three boys, four orphans);

· with the words pluralia tantum (three days, two scissors);

· with names of paired items (two socks, three stockings);

· with names of animals (non-adults) (three puppies, five kittens);

2) The sentence may include:

subject to: Two young people had breakfast right there (P.);

· addition: Children dreamed of two kittens.

4. Fractional numbers name a specific number or quantity as part of a whole and consist of cardinal and ordinal numbers.

Morphological characteristics

1) According to the structure, fractional numbers are composite: the cardinal number is the numerator of the fraction, the ordinal number is the denominator (two fifths).

2) Change by case: with declension, each word will change.

3) A specific feature of fractional numbers is gender (if any). Word one in fractional numbers it is used only in the feminine singular (one tenth); two- also only in railway. R. (two tenths, two fifths).

4) Specific feature fractional numerals and number: ordinal numerals, changing freely according to numbers, are used in fractions only in the plural. (two tenths, three eighths, but: one hundredth).

When analyzing, fractional numerals should be distinguished from combinations of cardinal numerals with nouns third, quarter: two thirds- a fractional number, and two-thirds- combination of a numeral with a noun. (Wed: We are sleeping third of life. What are we left to do with the rest of our lives? Only one thing: to wake up the rest with dignity two-thirds(Curve).

Syntactic features

1) Fractional numbers control the genitive case of a noun (two-thirds amounts , one fifth weight) .

2) The following can act in a sentence:

subject: Three-quarters the weight of wheat there is starch (gas);

Circumstances: Only one tenth of your time a person is engaged in active mental work (gas);

· additions: We are lost two fifths our free time(gas.).

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Credit-module course
Introduction: goals and objectives of studying the course “Morphology of the Modern Russian Language” at the faculties (departments) of journalism of universities This training aid

Nominal parts of speech
The comprehensive goal of module I: · to give a theoretical understanding of the morphology of the modern Russian language, which is studied on a semantic-structural basis; · preds

Grammatical meaning
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Grammatical meanings
Synthetic - grammatical meaning in one word Analytical - grammatical meaning in a nutshell a) endings: kn

The question of the nature of morphological categories of significant parts of speech is one of the most controversial in modern grammatical theory. In general, 2 types of grammatical categories are distinguished. 1) Cl

System of grammatical (morphological) categories in modern Russian language
Types of grammatical categories Classification Inflectional Mixed type ROD name

Significant and functional parts of speech
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The main differences between significant parts of speech and auxiliary parts
Significant parts of speech Functional parts of speech 1. Express concepts 1. Do not express concepts 2. Perform nominal

Self-test questions
1. What is grammar? What parts does it consist of? 2. What does morphology study? What are its main tasks? 3. What is the grammatical meaning of the word? How is it different about

Morphological characteristics
So, the basis of the grammatical meaning of a noun is determined by the concept of objectivity, which combines into one group words denoting a specific object (table), an abstract concept

Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns
According to their lexical and grammatical characteristics, nouns are divided into the following lexical and grammatical categories: · proper and common nouns; · animate and inanimate

Means of expressing the generic meaning of nouns
Indicators of gender meaning Means of expression Examples Morphological indicator Ending of a noun

Gender of indeclinable nouns
a) Indeclinable names of people are determined by their real biological sex ( masculine- Monsieur, kamikaze; feminine– miss, madam, lady). b) The names of animals are, basically,

Number of nouns
Nouns have two grammatical number meanings: singular and plural. Nouns in singular denote one object (table), plural nouns

Case system. Declension
The case of nouns expresses the relationship of the noun to other words in a phrase and sentence. There are six cases in Russian. The nominative case is

Types of noun declension
Nouns in relation to inflection Declinable Indeclinable 1st declension 2nd declension

Self-test questions
1. Define a noun as a part of speech, indicate its semantic, morphological features, and syntactic functions. 2. Name the lexical and grammatical categories of nouns

Spelling training
Task 1. Complete the endings of the nouns to the times __ about inflation __ in the Arctic __ about geni __ about the amounts __ in

“A noun as a part of speech” 1. Define a noun as a part of speech 2. What are the nouns?

Morphological characteristics
An adjective combines into one group words that denote a characteristic as a quality or property of an object (beautiful, kind, good), through a relationship to another object: inanimate (du

Lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives
Adjectives, according to the nature of their lexical meaning and grammatical features, are divided into three lexico-grammatical categories: 1. Qualitative adjectives mean

Transition of adjectives from one category to another
In modern Russian, the process of transition of adjectives from one category to another is lively and active, as reflected in the tables below.

A comparative degree or comparative is a form of an adjective, denoting that the qualitative attribute named by it is represented in to a greater extent than the same sign, called p

Education of simple and complex comparative degrees
Superlative indicates the superiority (greatest measure) of a characteristic in one object (person) compared to a group of homogeneous objects (persons). Simple provost

Syntactic functions of short adjectives
· The nominal part of a compound nominal predicate: All is well under the moonlight. · Separate definition: In the open field above me, the January wind is walking, free and dissolute

Short form education
Short forms of adjectives are formed using: 1) truncation of the ending, if the stem of the word ends in p, l, d, t: (round - round, bodrovny - bodrovny

Declension of adjectives
Adjectives are presented the following types declinations: 1. I declension. The first declension includes all qualitative and relative adjectives with hard, soft

Declension of qualitative-relative adjectives with hard, soft and mixed stems
Unit number Mn. number Im. n. beautiful blue formal suit beautiful blue formal suit

Signs of substantivized adjectives
· They acquire gender, number, case, like nouns (tailor - m.r.; dowry - m.r.; pavement - zh.r.); · Can carry definitions with them (stone bridge

Conversion of other parts of speech into adjectives
The transition of other parts of speech into adjectives is called adjectivation (from Latin adjectivum - adjective). Most often, participles turn into adjectives. 1) Complete hell

Self-test questions
1. Define an adjective as a part of speech, indicate its semantic and grammatical features. 2. List the lexical and grammatical categories of adjectives; bring

Spelling training
Task 1 Indicate how the suffixes are written in the given adjectives e/i e/i s/sk gloss __ vy kra __ voy milost __ vy thing __ in

“Adjective as a part of speech” 1. Define the adjective as a part of speech 2. Describe

Morphological characteristics
The most significant feature of this part of speech is the ability to participate in the count, which can manifest itself in different ways: - indicate the amount of the bill (three tables); - designate for

Digits of numerals by structure
According to the structure, numeral names can be: · simple · complex · compound This classification takes into account the morphemic composition of numerals: About

Declension of numerals
1) Declension of the numeral one. Declined as the pronoun this (one - this, one - this, etc.). 2) Declension of numerals two (masculine and neuter), two

Self-test questions
1. Define a numeral as a part of speech; show on what basis this part of speech is distinguished. 2. Is it possible to classify numerals by structure? For what categories? P

Spelling training
Task 1Indicate in which difficult words there is an element - two, and in which - two Double-sided two-atomic two-core two

“Numeral as a part of speech” 1. Describe the numeral as a part of speech 2. Indicate the initial form

Morphological characteristics
IN semantically, a pronoun taken by itself is characterized high degree abstraction, a generalized indication of an object, characteristic, quantity. And only in the text is its concrete realization realized.

Lexico-grammatical categories of pronouns. Their general characteristics
The most widespread classification is based on the semantic principle. By meaning, all pronouns are divided into 9 categories. 1) Personal (I - we; you - you;

Declension of pronouns-nouns
· Declension of personal and reflexive pronouns Indirect cases of personal pronouns are formed using supplementative stems. The reflexive pronoun self does not have a nominative p

Declension of pronouns-adjectives
· Declension of the pronouns my, yours, yours, whose, yours, ours. The pronoun whose vowel is e is fluent: it is absent in all cases except the nominative and the similar one

Transition of pronouns to other parts of speech
· The numeral one can act as a pronoun when in context it acquires a demonstrative or indefinite meaning: And she thought of only one thing: to resist, to hold

Self-test questions
1. Describe a pronoun as a part of speech; give examples. 2. Indicate the differences in understanding the boundaries of a pronoun as a part of speech. Whose position do you think is the most correct?

Spelling training
Task 1Insert the missing letters and open the brackets. nothing to do n __what is inexplicable n __ (under) what kind of n __ in (what) doubt

“Pronoun as a part of speech” 1. Define the pronoun as a part of speech 2. Indicate the initial form of the pronoun

Midterm control test for module I
1. What is meant by s/s “nominal parts of speech” 2. What nouns are called proper names?

Integrated Objective of Module II
The Russian verb has quite complex system formation, however, in practical courses of the Russian language it is given insufficient attention. In particular, in the school course there is no way at all from

Morphological characteristics
The meaning of an action as a process in a verb is expressed by categories: type - the relation of the action to its internal limit (decide - decide); moods – relative

System of verb forms. Verb Basics

Indefinite verb form (infinitive)
1. Infinitive - “dictionary”, initial, original form of the verb. He calls the process abstractly, that is, he does not connect it with the time during which it lasts, with those who carry out

Verb type
The aspect category is one of the most important characteristics of a verb. Any Russian verb is a perfective or imperfective verb; many verbs form aspectual pairs: ignite -

Transitivity and intransitivity of verbs
Transitive verbs- these are verbs that denote an action aimed at some object (object), and this object must be expressed by a noun in the accusative form

Voice of the verb
A significant part of the verbs of the Russian language are capable of appearing in contrasting constructions such as Workers are building houses - Houses are being built by workers. The secretary signs the protocol - Protocol signed

Conjugation of verbs
Changing verbs according to persons and numbers is called conjugation (in the colloquial sense of the word). Verbs are conjugated only in the indicative mood in the present and future tense. In Russian

Verb mood
Mood is the attitude of action to reality established by the speaker. The Russian verb has three moods: · indicative (I am writing), · p

Face category. Impersonal verbs
Person is one of the most important characteristics of a verb. Person is inherent in verbs of the present and future tense of the indicative mood, as well as verbs imperative mood. Category

Category of number and gender of the verb
The category of number and gender of verbs are not the most important characteristics verb, since they characterize not so much the action itself as the subjects of the action. Number of verbs

Spelling training
Task No. 1. Insert the missing letter, highlight the suffix. 1 lead _ to 1 talk _ to 2 advise _ to 2 develop _ to (thought) 3 to ridicule _ to 3 to laugh _ to

“Verb as a part of speech” 1. Define the verb as a part of speech 2. Describe the indefinite form in detail

Signs of an adjective
· Variability by gender (a singing child, a singing girl, a student reading a book, a book read by a student). Variability by numbers ( blooming garden- blooming gardens).

Verb signs
· View – perfect / imperfect (done (to do) – did (to do).). · Voice – active/passive (the engineer who designed the car

Meaning and formation of active participles
Active participles name the attribute of an object by the action that the object itself produces (a doctor who cured a patient; a leader who makes a decision). Actions

Meaning and formation of passive participles
Passive participles name such an action-sign that one experiences on oneself actor or subject. · Passive present participle

Transition of participles to other parts of speech
Participles that combine the characteristics of a verb and an adjective become adjectives. The process of turning participles into adjectives is called adjectivation.Adjectivation

Signs of adjectivation of participles
· Loss dependent words(fried potatoes (adj.) - fried potatoes (adj.)). · Use in figurative meaning(apologetic girl (adv.) - sorry

Spelling workshop
Task No. 1. Insert the missing letters into the suffixes of the participles. 1 pumped oil out of the tank 1 hiding 2 searching 2 biting 3 targeted (

“The participle as a special form of the verb” 1. Describe the participle as special form verb 2. Which of the given

I. General characteristics of gerunds II. Meaning and formation of gerunds 1. Meaning and formation of imperfective gerunds 2.

Verb signs
· Generality of lexical meaning. For example, the gerund having read and the verb read have a common lexical meaning - to perceive something written or printed. · General

Meaning and formation of imperfective participles
The imperfect participle usually denotes an action simultaneous with the action of the predicate verb: My sad comrade, flapping his wing, pecks at the bloody food under the window. (

Meaning and formation of perfective participles
The perfect participle usually denotes a preceding action (Having taken off your head, you don’t cry over your hair). In postposition, such a gerund can mean by

Transition of gerunds to other parts of speech
Participles that combine the characteristics of a verb and an adverb can turn into adverbs. This process is called adverbialization. Adverbialization of the gerund consists in the loss

The participle as a special form of the verb
1. Describe the gerund as a special form of the verb 2. Which of the verbal features are characteristic of the gerund 1.

Midterm control test for module II
1. Find a two-aspect verb in each of the groups. Make up sentences using the found verbs in the perfective and imperfective meanings 1. to crown, to redeem, yes

State category words
The comprehensive goal of module III: · to emphasize the special specificity of two parts of speech - adverbs and words of the category of state - which consists in absolute immutability and is

Classes of adverbs by meaning
In my own way overall value adverbs are divided into two groups: · adverbial · attributive. Adverbs of adverbs denote various conditions

Degrees of comparison of adverbs
Degrees of comparison can only be formed by qualitative adverbs formed from qualitative adjectives. Simple comparative adverb is formed with the help of

Degrees of quality of adverbs
Adverbs formed from qualitative adjectives have degrees of quality. The degrees of quality include: · suffix formations: long - long time, long ago - a long time ago

Adverb formation
Adverbs can be formed from: 1) nouns (without holding back, from afar, in the middle, running, sticking up, below, from under your foreheads); 2) from qualitative adjectives with suffixes

Transition of adverbs to other parts of speech
Adverbs can turn into non-nominal parts of speech: 1) adverbs near, instead of, contrary to, except for, before, over, through, among have finally turned into prepositions. Adverbs near, vg

Spelling training
Task 1. Determine the final vowel in the adverbs 1 askew_ 1 empty_ 2 dry_ 2 syzmal_ 3 hasty_ 3 verbatim 4 blind_ 4 empty_ 5 dry

“Adverb as a part of speech” 1. Describe the adverb as a part of speech 2. Indicate the main ways of forming n

Self-test questions
1. Why is the selected L.V. Shcherboy new part speech “category of state” received rapid recognition among linguists? 2. What is the fundamental difference between words of the state category and adverbs, briefly

Text for analysis
1. Quiet and foggy in the forest. 2. The morning is quiet and loud. 3. The horses stand quietly. 4. The student listened to the teacher with concentration. 5. Many troops are concentrated in this area. 6. The student’s face was

Text for analysis
1. This song is better. 2. The boy draws better. 3. The patient felt better. 4. Flowers are the last mile of the luxurious firstborn of the fields. They are sad dreams more vivid than a sample

Midterm control test for module III
1. Determine what part of speech the highlighted words are: 1. adverb; 2. adjective in short form; 2. impersonal predicative word (state category).

Module IV. Functional parts of speech
The overall goal of module IV is: to give general characteristics auxiliary parts of speech, that is, point out those grammatical features that radically separate them from the banner

Functional parts of speech
The auxiliary parts of speech do not name phenomena of reality, but indicate the relationships that exist between these phenomena. These are prepositions, conjunctions, particles. They are sometimes called "particles"

Syntactic functions of prepositions
Expressing the idea of ​​a relationship, prepositions in their own way grammatical meaning comparable to case endings, therefore they appear together in a single functional complex, forming a prepositional case

Relationships expressed by prepositions
By linking words as part of phrases and sentences, prepositions can express a variety of relationships: · spatial (put under the sofa); ·

Classes of prepositions by origin
According to their origin, prepositions are: · non-derivative – those that have lost connections with the words from which they are formed (in, on, without, before, because of, etc.); · P

Transition to prepositions of other parts of speech
Most of prepositions in the Russian language belongs to non-derivative, most ancient prepositions. In addition to them, the Russian language has many derived prepositions, i.e. those that came from adverbs, being

Self-test questions
1. Which group of words in the Russian language refers to prepositions? Give examples of such words. 2. Can prepositions be counted? separate part speeches and why? 3. What rel.

Spelling training
Task 1. Open the brackets 1 (for) a meeting 1 (for) eliminating errors 2 (c) a consequence of an illness 2 (c) connections with progress 3 (c) due to circumstances

“Preposition as an auxiliary part of speech” 1. Describe the auxiliary parts of speech 2. Describe the

Coordinating conjunctions. Places by value
Coordinating conjunctions - grammar class conjunctions used to connect homogeneous members sentences and parts of complex sentences. By value they stand out

Subordinating conjunctions. Places by value
Subordinating conjunctions are conjunctions that serve to connect syntactically unequal units of the main and subordinate clause as part of a complex sentence. By value

Conjunctions and allied words
Conjunctive words are a category of pronominal words used to connect sentences. The following are used as allied words: interrogative pronouns-nouns (who,

Classes of unions by origin and structure
According to their origin, Russian conjunctions are divided into two groups: · non-derivative (primitive), inherited by the Russian language from the common Slavic fund (a, and, but, yes).

Self-test questions
1. What groups of words in Russian are usually called conjunctions? Can they be called unions? Can it be called a separate part of speech? 2. What is the meaning and function of unions? Is it possible to approve

Spelling training
Task 1. Mark the sentences in which the underlined words are written correctly 1. Whatever they say, I will do this work. 2.We came here to

Spelling training
Task 1. Open the brackets 1 whatever 1 that (same) 2 what (to) know, you need to learn 2 do all that (same) 3 at all costs 3 he (same)

“Conjunction as a functional part of speech” 1. Describe the conjunction as service part speech 2. Define writer

Particles and parts of speech
Particles are a class of words that give various additional semantic shades to both words and sentences and serve to create various forms words (Here is my home; p

Particle ranks by meaning and syntactic function
According to their meaning and functions, particles are divided into four categories: 1) Particles that express the general semantic shades of the meanings of words in speech. These include:

Particle discharges by origin and structure
Based on their origin, particles are divided into two main groups. 1. Non-derivative (primordial) particles (they say, only, they say, would, yes, but, no, no, really, neither, well, -s,

Self-test questions
1. What groups of words in Russian are called particles? 2. Indicate the features that combine different particles into one part of speech. 3. What significant and functional words is it similar to?

Spelling training
Task 1. Insert the particles not or neither 1 Wherever you... are, write to us. 2 There are few families in Belarus where there are ... victims of war. 3 We ... to whom we did not turn

“Particle as an auxiliary part of speech” 1. Describe the particle as an auxiliary part of speech 2. Indicate the categories of particles

General concept of modality. Modal words
Modality is one of the main categories of a sentence that forms predicativity as the relation of a statement to reality. Objective modality (mainly

Digits of modal words by meaning
By meaning, two groups of modal words are usually distinguished: · modal words with an affirmative meaning, expressing the reality of what is being communicated, its reliability (undoubtedly, of course, unconditionally

Classes of modal words by origin
The correlation of modal words with significant parts of speech is determined by their origin from significant words, due to which so-called functional homonyms arose in the language. Among

Self-test questions
1.What is modality and what are its main types? 2. What ways of expressing modality are there in Russian? Show with examples. 3. Are modal words part of speech and

“Modal words in the modern Russian language” 1. Why modal words occupy a special place in the system of parts of speech of the modern Russian language

The meaning of interjections
Interjections are a relatively unproductive part of speech, not related to either official or significant words, expressing (but not naming) emotions and expressions of will. (For example, O

Lexico-grammatical categories of interjections
In the Russian language there are three lexical and grammatical categories of interjections: emotional, expressing various feelings of surprise, approval, threat, reproach, fear, grief

Classes of interjections by origin
According to their origin, interjections are divided into non-derivatives, to which modern language also include some borrowings (ah, oh, uh, oh, ege, gop, bis, bravo, hurray, etc.), and

Syntactic functions of interjections
As part of a sentence, the interjection performs a variety of syntactic functions. 1. In context, an interjection can take a position relative to an independent statement (so

Interjections and onomatopoeic words
According to the morphological and syntactic features, as well as the nature of the correlation with realities, onomatopoeic words are adjacent to the interjection, which are imitations of the sounds alive

Self-test questions
1. Which group of words in the Russian language is usually classified as interjections? Give examples. 2. Is it legal to consider an interjection as a separate part of speech? Why? 3. For what categories of wages?

Spelling training
Task 1. Find the interjections, put the necessary signs 1 You should be a writer! 2 Here (those) times! 3 I’m driving, driving in an open field: the bell is ding (ding).

“Interjection and onomatopoeic words as functional parts of speech” 1. Describe the interjection as a part of speech

Midterm control test for module IV
1. Write out coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Indicate their value 1. I must have been terribly excited and confused, because only after a few seconds I noticed that

Test No. 1
1. Specify the common noun 1. terror 3. youth 2. rugby 4. upstart 2. Specify possessive adjective 1. cheerful 3. chocolate

Test No. 2
1. In which line was there an error in the formation of the word form? 1) eight hundred rubles 2) for forty-three boxes 3) for sixty meters 4) for both barrels 2

Questions for the exam
1. Introduction to morphology: basic concepts and objectives of the course. 2. Parts of speech and principles of their classification. 3. Noun as a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of names su

Life modern man impossible to imagine without contacts with funds mass media. The press, television, radio and other media have a strong influence on the formation of social

IMPERSONAL VERBS - lexico-grammatical category of verbs that do not combine with the subject and denote the state of nature (vyuzhit, purjit); living beings (chills, unwell

Indefinite quantitative numbers -
lexico-grammatical category of numerals, including the words many, little, few, how many, several, so many, etc. (My memory has preserved a few faces... (P.))

List of abbreviations
Names of quoted writers A. A. - A. Akhmatova A. B. - A. A. Blok A. V. - A. Voznesensky Ars. – Arsenyev A. G. – A. Galich A. Gr. – A. S. Gribo

Dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books
1. Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary linguistic terms. M., 1969. 2. Vakurov V.N., Rakhmanova L.I., Tolstoy I.V., Formanovskaya N.I. Difficulties of the Russian language. Dictionary-reference book. M., 1993.

1. Bondarko A.V. Type and tense of the Russian verb (meaning and use). M., 1971. 2. Bondarko A.V., Bulanin A.L. Russian verb. M., 1967. 3. Bulanin A.L. Difficult Morphology Questions

Numeral is a part of speech that denotes quantity and expresses this meaning in the morphological categories of case (consistently) and gender (inconsistently). Numerals are divided into two lexico-grammatical categories: quantitative(two, five, twenty, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one) and collective(both, two, five). The composition of cardinal numerals includes definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals. The first ones denote a certain number of units (two, four, fifteen, one and a half hundred, two hundred), the second ones - an indefinite number of units; These include the words few, many, many, little, as well as the pronominal numerals several, how many, how many, how many, so many, so many.

Number a grammatical category expressing a quantitative characteristic of an object. The division into singular and plural is perhaps a relic of that distant era when counting was rarely used in practice, and grammatically expressed forms meaning “one” and “many” were sufficient in most practical cases.

Compound numeral is a combination of two or more numerals. Therefore, in order to form the required form such a numeral, it is necessary to remember all types of declension. However, the features of changes in compound numerals are determined not only by this, but also depend on the rank of value. First of all, it is necessary to remember that only ordinal and two groups of cardinal numbers can be both simple and composite: whole and fractional, and collective, indefinite-quantitative and two fractions - one and a half and one and a half hundred - can only be simple and are never included in composites.

When declension of compound ordinal numbers only the last word changes, which is a simple ordinal number, and the remaining words, which are simple cardinal numbers, remain unchanged and always appear in the form. etc. True, the latter does not always apply to the words thousand, million, billion, etc., denoting round quantities greater than a thousand. These words as part of ordinal numbers are used in them. etc. only in the case when they are not preceded by another numeral (one thousand fifty-nine; one million eight hundred and forty-three, etc.) or preceded by the numeral one (one thousand three hundred twenty-eight; one million six hundred and one, etc.). In the same case, when the words in question are preceded by any other numeral (except one), they are always used in the gender form. n. Moreover, after the numerals two, three and four, the words in question are used in the gender form. p.un. hours (two thousand seven hundred and nine; three million four hundred and eight, etc.).

When declension of compound cardinal numerals, each word changes. In other words, in order to correctly form case forms such a numeral, it is necessary to decline all the words included in it separately, as was shown above. In this case, the words thousand, million, billion, etc., as part of the numerals under consideration, can be used both in singular and in plural. h. In the form of units. h. these numerals are used if 1) they occupy the initial position (one thousand forty-seven, one million two hundred and ten, etc.); 2) they are preceded by the numeral one (one thousand seventeen, one million three hundred families, etc.); 3) they are preceded by the numeral two, triil and four, and the entire compound numeral is used in the form them. or wine n. (three thousand, two billion, etc.). In plural form. h. these words are used when they are preceded by any other numeral (five, six..., fourteen..., three hundred), as well as the numeral two, three or four in any case except them. and wine n. (three hundred million, seventeen thousand, etc.; three thousand, four million, etc.).

Numeral -- independent part speech denoting the number, quantity and order of objects. Answers the questions: how much? which?

Numerals are divided into three lexico-grammatical categories: quantitative (two, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one) And collective (both, two, five) - answer the question How many?, ordinal-- answer the question which? (first, second, hundredth).

The composition of cardinal numerals includes definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals. The first ones denote a certain number of units ( two, four, fifteen, one and a half hundred, two hundred), the second - an indefinite number of units; these include words few, a lot, a lot of, A little, as well as pronominal numerals some, How many, for some time, How many.

Cardinal number-- a numeral that answers the question “how many?”, “how many?”, “how many?” and so on.

Cardinal numbers have two meanings.

  • 1. Both definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals have a quantitative-numerical meaning, represented by two particular meanings --
  • quantitative (quantity as a sign of an object: five goals, three chairs, ten days, some years) And
  • · numerical (abstract quantity, or number: four is divisible by two without a remainder, three times ten --thirty; some-- this is not any indefinite quantity: it can be three, five,ten, not much at all; oral speech).
  • 2. Only definite cardinal numerals have a countable ordinal meaning: they name the ordinal place of an object, which, when counting stops, turns out to be the last in a series of homogeneous ones: house three(house, third in a row of houses, when counting is stopped, limited number of three); car eight, place thirty-five(place, last in a row, when counting is stopped, limited to 35 places).
  • 3. The numeral is an independent full-valued part of the language, which means abstractly mathematical number or the number of objects or their order when counting. Numerals answer the question how many? how many? which? which one? which? etc. For example: 1. "Dictionary Ukrainian language"includes the verbal wealth of Russian literary language from I. Kotlyarevsky to the present day, it contains about one hundred thirty-six thousand words(3 magazines). 2. And the clear evening stared at four blue eyes (V. Sosyura). S. Nine is divided by three.
  • 4. Numerals express their lexical meaning in the grammatical category of case, that is, they change by case (this is their constant morphological feature). By numbers, only the numeral one-one changes. Most numerals denoting an abstract or specific number of objects do not have a grammatical gender, except for numerals: one, one, one, two - two, both - both.
  • 5. Numerals, indicating the order of objects when counting, change according to cases, numbers and genders.
  • 6. In the sentence, numerals perform various functions. When combined with nouns, they are in the form nominative case play the role of the subject, and in indirect ones - the role of the determiner: Through levadas and vegetable gardens, two godfathers walked from the wedding to the house (L. Glebov). The city stood at a crossroads under the seven winds(3 magazines). In the first sentence of the message, two kuma acts as the subject, in the second the numeral seven is the definition of the noun winds. A numeral can serve as a nominal part of a compound predicate: Two times seven is fourteen.
  • 7. Places of numerals by value
  • 8. Based on their meaning and grammatical characteristics, numerals are divided into two categories: quantitative and ordinal.
  • 9. are cardinal numerals, denoting an abstract mathematical number or number of objects and answer the question how many?: two, three, ten, thirty-four, n "five, one second etc.
  • 10. Cardinal numerals are divided into several groups: actual quantitative, quantitative-fractional, quantitative-combined and undefined quantitative.
  • 11. Actually cardinal numbers name a precisely defined quantity in whole units: five hectares, twenty notebooks, two hundred and fifty days.
  • 12. Quantitative-prefabricated (or simply prefabricated) designate a certain quantity as an indivisible, unmembered collection of objects. Prefabricated numbers include numbers from two to twenty And thirty, and both, both, both.
  • 13. Collective numerals are combined with other words to a limited extent; in particular, they are used:
  • 14. * plural nouns: four gates, five sleighs, two scissors;
  • 15. * masculine and general nouns to designate creatures: three friends, thirty Cossacks, two passengers, and five orphans.
  • 16. o neuter nouns - names of things: two doors, four windows;
  • 17. o neuter nouns - names of small creatures: four foals, puppies, ducklings.
  • 18. Quantitative-fractional (or simply fractional) numerals name an exactly fixed number of parts from the whole: three n "yatih, two thirds. Each fractional number consists of a cardinal number (in the numerator) and an ordinal number (in the denominator). Fractional numerals can be combined with quantitative numbers themselves, denoting the number of whole units: one point three p "yatih, six point one third. The numerals one and a half, one and a half, and one and a half hundred are also considered fractions.
  • 19. Undefined cardinal numerals indicate an indefinite, unfixed quantity: a lot (a little), a little (a lot), a lot, a few, a few, a few, a few, a few, as much as.
  • 20. Insignificant numerals a little, a lot, a lot are consonant with adverbs, and numerals as many as with pronouns. their belonging to one or another part of speech is determined based on the context: I read a lot (adverb); Many birds flew in (numeral).
  • 21. Ordinal numbers mean the order of objects when counting and answer the question which?: eighth, sixty-seventh, two thousand and six.
  • 22. When combined with a noun, ordinal numbers agree with them in gender, number and case.