Singular and plural nouns. Number of nouns: nouns that have only a plural form and other examples

With the plural, not everything is as simple as it seems. And if you disagree, then you probably just haven't tried to deal with the genitive case. Georgians or Georgians, tomatoes or tomatoes and key rings instead of key chains.

For those preparing for the main school exam

Right: kilogram tangerines / oranges

You will most likely read tips on how to choose the sweetest tangerines before the New Year. Well, or a little earlier. In the meantime, we’ll tell you how not to screw up the correct pronunciation or, even worse, the spelling. The next time you find yourself at a fruit stand, listen to who pronounces it and how. We bet that you will definitely hear a couple of mistakes (depending on how long it takes you to carefully select fruits). Remember: the names of masculine fruits and vegetables that end in a hard consonant (just like “orange” and “tangerine”) will have the ending –s in the genitive plural: a ton of oranges, tangerines, bananas, pomegranates. Saying “a kilogram of tangerine” and “weigh a couple of oranges” is also possible. But only in colloquial speech and when no one hears. The only exception to the rule is for “apples” - the option “ten apples” is considered colloquial. It would be correct to say “we don’t have green apples, only red ones.”

Right: two kilograms tomatoes And eggplant

It's the same with tomatoes and eggplants. Vegetable? Yes. Male? Yes too. Does it end in a hard consonant? Yes again! This means that in the genitive plural we write the ending –ov. Therefore, your salad will be made from tomatoes and eggplant (not tomato and eggplant).

Right: we have 150 cans pickles in the cellar

It’s also very tasty when tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots are salted. True, it can be difficult not to make a mistake in the same genitive case of the same plural. If you brag to someone about how many pickles (not pickles) you have in your pantry or your parents’ cellar, do it right too.

Right: three pairs stocking

Let's remember the basics. But at the same time, a common and annoying mistake: how to write “socks”, “socks” and “stockings” in the genitive plural. Adults suggested memorizing this way: stockings are actually long - the ending is short (“stockings”), knee-highs and socks are short - the ending is long (“socks”, “socks”).

Initially, all words were written with the same ending -ov: stockings, socks, boots (the word “stockings” still exists in some dictionaries with the mark “obsolete”). But later “stockings” lost their ending, and the spelling “stockings” began to be considered the only correct one.

Right: we no longer have clean socks and knee socks

We have already described in detail about knee socks and socks just above. But we would like to draw your attention to the fact that recently there has been a tendency towards numerous changes in dictionaries. For example, in the “Russian Spelling Dictionary” edited by Lopatin, the usual version of “socks” coexists with the genitive case form “sock”. There is a possibility that soon “sock” will become an acceptable norm (like “five kilograms of tomatoes” in colloquial speech), but for now we recommend writing and saying only “socks” and “socks” in the plural genitive case.

Right: without shorts

Right: without shorts

First of all, shorts is a noun that can only be used in the plural. Previously, there was only one correct option in the genitive case: (without) shorts. Although now the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences gives that both options - shorts and shorts (emphasis on the first syllable) - are equivalent. So if you are going to tell someone such important information about shorts, choose the option that you like best. Although (without) shorts sounds, it seems to us, more familiar. But don't be shy anyway.

Right: big choice jeans

“I have five pairs of jeans.” We’re terribly happy, but everything about this sentence is wrong. Some nouns that denote paired objects and are used exclusively in the plural may also have a zero ending in the genitive case. Trousers - trousers, shorts - shorts (although there is also an equal option “shorts”). But besides them, there are also “jeans” and “pants”, which have -ov at the end. So choose your jeans wisely. And if you want to talk about denim, then you don’t even have to think about the accent. Equal options: denim and denim.

Right: crafts from macaron

We're talking about food again. But no vegetables and fruits. It is worth remembering one more form of the genitive case of a noun, which is used only in the plural: crafts from what? - pasta. And no “pasta” please.

Right: I ate a plate pancakes And waffles

And for those who are no longer into chips, salted fish and pickles. We tell you how to have intelligent conversations in coffee shops. Although “pancakes”, “waffles” and “cookies” are not far from “pickles” in grammatical terms. Remember: the correct genitive (plural) forms are “pancakes,” “cookies,” and “waffles.” And if suddenly in some dictionary (Ushakov’s, for example) you came across the option “pancakes” - don’t believe it. This form is incorrect. And no one has recommended using it for a long time.

Right: five kilogram / gram

Right: five kilograms / grams

There is variability not only in shorts and shorts, but also in units of measurement. If they are combined with numerals, then you have two equal options to choose from - seven kilograms and seven kilograms. But if the genitive case is not used for conditional counting, then the number of options is reduced to one: I want to lose a few extra kilograms (or grams).

Right: she does not have boot And shoes

It's sad to live without boots and shoes. But usually what is put on (or shoes) on the feet is used with a zero ending. For example, stockings, boots, sneakers, boots, felt boots, shoes. Unless the sneakers distinguished themselves: in the genitive plural there will be “kedov”. By the way, about the shoe. The correct form is only (no) “shoes”, with the emphasis on the first syllable. “Shoes” is not an acceptable option, although some try to recognize it in colloquial speech. Well, let’s immediately talk about accents. No “shoe” - just “shoe”.

Right: there's so much around the house nursery

The place where serious socialization and preparation for the harsh kindergarten and school life begins. The first thing you need to know about the word “manger” is that it does not have a singular number (just like swing). The second is the complex genitive case, which fails many. The correct word would be not “nursery”, but “manger”. And thirdly, the emphasis in all cases falls on the first letter “I”: a child in a manger.

Right: in Sochi Georgian more than Armenians

It can also be difficult with nationalities. Try to remember whether you need an ending or not. First, let's deal with the Georgians and Armenians. If you google “Georgians” you will find 314,000 results. Of these thousands, somewhere they probably explain the mistake, and somewhere they talk about the owner of the surname Gruzinov, but still. If we want to name the number of representatives of Georgia or Armenia, then “five Georgians” or “three Armenians” would be correct.

Right: in company Turk

Friends from Turkey left not far from the Georgians and Armenians. There is one more trick that will help you remember the correct options. Very often, in the names of nationalities, the genitive plural case coincides with the nominative case form in the singular: Turks, Georgians, Ossetians, Romanians. You can check it in the dictionary.

Right: I have many friends - Bashkir(And Tatars)

Another common mistake that actually follows the previous rules. We decided to repeat it once again so that you remember once and for all. But you should not think that all nationalities, without exception, have zero endings. Not really. For example, in the genitive case, the literary norms are: Abkhazians (not Abkhazians), Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Kalmyks, and so on.

Right:coaches Spartak and CSKA are unhappy with the match

And now no genitive case - plural nouns in their pure form using the example of football coaches. Nouns ending in a consonant form the plural using the ending -ы: “trainers”, “editors”, “creams”, “contracts”. This is a literary norm, so just remember. And about another literary norm ending in –a - read below.

Right: your eyes - How bottom of the oceans

Agree, the compliment is so-so. Especially if they say “bottoms”. But if you use the correct plural form, then your interlocutor (a secret grammar Nazi at heart) will certainly be conquered. Well, by the way, no jokes. The word “bottom” actually has a plural form (although even the candidate of philological sciences Marina Koroleva did not immediately find out about this) - “donya”. Just like an address from Latin American soap operas (“Good morning, Doña Rosa!”). So the oceans still have bottoms, just like bottles of champagne.

Right: at your place key rings more than keys

Until recently, dictionaries had the only correct declension scheme for a word: brelok, brelok, trinkets, trinkets, and so on. This spelling (and pronunciation) is due to its French origin. True, if in the letter, perhaps someone else remembered the captive letter “o” in the suffix, then in speech we often listened to how friends brought “keychains” from travel, and their keys were always “with a keychain.” But dictionaries surrender to the onslaught of spoken language. Now in Lopatin’s spelling dictionary the form of the word “trinkets” is considered equal to “trinkets”, although other dictionaries make a note that this is a colloquial version.

Right: lacks nerves

At the modern pace of life, nerves are sometimes truly lacking. The main thing is not to be “nervous”. Still, parting with one is not as sad as parting with the entire nervous system.

Right: the best directors Moscow schools

In the modern Russian language there are approximately 300 words in which the nominative plural is, so to speak, variable. Endings in -ы (-и) are more familiar to us and are considered literary (trainers, as in the example above). But over the years, forms in -a (-я) have managed to supplant some literary variants. More precisely, take their place. Now the only correct options are considered to be “directors”, “professors”, “doctor”.

Right: five poker

We hope that in childhood everyone was familiar with the poker, and maybe you were even trusted to use it. If there are several of them, then you need to write it like this: two pokers, five pokers.

Photo: Winslow Homer’s painting “Fog Signal”

It is mainly countable nouns that are modified by numbers. Uncountable nouns are usually used only in the singular form:

sugar - sugar, love - love, friendship - friendship.

They are used in the plural only when we mean the variety of species, concepts expressed by them, or when they are used in another meaning in which they are already countable. For example:

air - air, movement - movement (as a general concept), music - music, milk - milk, knowledge - knowledge, hair - hair (on a person’s head).

BUT: air - aria, melody - "airs - arias, melodies, movement - movement (for example, political or in dance) -> movements - movements (the same), hair - hair -" hairs - hairs, etc.

The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding the ending -s to the singular form:

book - book -» books - books, day - day -> days - days, house - house -> houses - houses.

Reading the ending "-s":

after voiceless consonants - [s]: books
after voiced consonants and vowels -[z]: friends, days
after hissing and whistling (-es) - : boxes [‘boksiz]

Exception l. Singular nouns ending in letters o, s, ss, sh, ch, x(hissing and whistling, as they are called), have the plural ending -es:

hero - hero -> heroes - heroes, kiss - kiss -> kisses - kisses, brush - brush -> brushes - brushes, bench - bench -> benches - benches, box - box -> boxes - boxes.

BUT: In words of foreign origin ending in o, in the plural, only the ending is added to the noun -s:

piano - grand piano -> pianos - grand pianos, photo - photography -» photos - photographs.

Exception 2. For nouns ending in y with a preceding consonant, y is dropped and the ending is added instead -ies, which reads [-iz]:

country [‘kAntri] - country -> countries - countries, city - city cities - cities, family - family families - families.

BUT: If u is preceded by a vowel letter, then the plural is formed according to the general rule, i.e. by adding the ending -s:

day - day -» days - days, boy - boy -» boys - boys.

3. Twelve nouns ending in -f or -fe, in the plural these letters are lost. Instead of -f or -fe, the ending is added -ves. These are the nouns:

wife - wife, life - life, knife - knife, wolf - wolf, self - essence, human appearance, calf - calf, shelf - shelf, leaf - leaf (plant), loaf - loaf (of bread), thief - thief, half - half, sheaf - pack (of paper), etc.

For example: wife - wives - wives, knife - knife -> knives - knives, shelf - shelf -> shelves - shelves.

4. Some nouns form their plural by changing the root vowel:

man - man -> men - men, woman - woman -» women - women, foot - leg feet - legs, tooth - tooth -» teeth - teeth.
HO: child - child -> children - children.

5. For compound nouns, the plural is formed by adding the ending -s to the second word:

armchairs - armchairs, bookcases - bookcases.

BUT: If these words are combined by a preposition, then the first word is put in the plural: sisters-in-law- daughters-in-law.

Words borrowed from Greek or Latin form the plural according to the rules of these languages:

appendix - appendices - appendices (to the book), crisis - crisis -> crises - crises, basis - basis, bases - basics, radius - radius -> radii - radii.

Names Nouns used only in the singular

  1. Uncountable nouns (both real and abstract) are usually used only in the singular:

    iron - iron, salt - salt, milk - milk, sugar - sugar, love - love.

  2. The nouns advice (advice, advice), information (message, information), progress (success, success), knowledge (knowledge) are used only in the singular.

    He gave me some good advice. He gave me some good advice.
    My coach was satisfied with my progress. My coach was pleased with my progress

  3. The nouns news (news, news), money (money), fruit (fruit, fruits) are used in the singular. But, for example, to denote different types of fruits, the plural is used - fruits.

    What is the news? What's the news?
    It's his money. This is his money.
    Fruit is cheap in autumn. In autumn fruits are cheap.

  4. Among countable nouns, there are those that are used only (or mainly) in the singular form. These are the names of some animals, objects, etc.:

    two sheep - two sheep, six fish - six fish, ten swine - ten pigs, five deer - five deer.

5th grade

Nouns that have
plural form only

Open lesson scenario

Lesson objectives:

1) educational: to give the concept of nouns that have only a plural form, to be able to use them in speech, to practice spelling skills, to expand vocabulary;

2) educational: to develop the need to analyze one’s own actions and the ability to ask for forgiveness and forgive; introduce the traditions associated with the beginning of March;

3) developing: develop creative abilities and search skills.

Equipment: drawings for a conversation on homework, a board, a projector, a program on CD, twigs of pine, birch, willow, worksheets, cards with riddles, the Bible, explanatory dictionaries, poems by B. Pasternak.


1. Start of the lesson.

Co l tse gre e t to s units a lot of sweat
And I rage e t, stupefied, ovra G,
Like dozens e th cowboy tsy Job,
The matter is e dreams are boiling in my hands.

Chahn e t dream G and more e n anemic b eat
In the vet O chkah be ss very blue And l.
But smoke tsya and And knowledge in hl e woo k oro V b eat,
And health oro let's eat lusciously at t tooth b I pitched.

So today I came to class with a March pine twig. According to popular belief, a pine twig brought home in early March cleanses the air that has stagnated during the winter and makes our breathing easier. And this is a birch branch. In the old days in Rus' the month of March was called birch, because from the action of the spring sun, the birch tree in March begins to fill with sap and buds.

2. Recording a sentence from dictation.

In the old days in Rus' the month of March was called “Berezol”.

Each group has a consultant. He writes and comments (using Lysenkova’s “Leading Myself” method) for the rest of the group:

« IN - preposition, I write separately, old times- I am writing from A, because the test word is old, suffix -in- I'm writing from And, with one letter n, on- preposition, I write separately, Rus'– proper noun, I write with a capital letter, month- writing yats, this is a dictionary word March– I write with a small letter, this is a common noun, called- I’m writing a prefix on the-, beresol” I write in quotation marks, since this word is given in the nominative case.”

Conversation with the class

– Pay attention to the words: March And beresol– synonyms.

– Are there any words in this sentence that do not have a plural form? (Rus, March, birch.)

– Form the plural form of the word month. Write down five more words ending in ts, in plural. (Moons, knitting needles, birds, tits, foxes, martens, pages, starlings, palaces, sorceresses, singers.)

– In the poem by B.L. Pasternak also has a word ending in -tsy. Is this a good example for us? (No, because cowgirls– this is not plural. h., and r.p. units h. noun cowgirl).

- That's right, this is an example of a homonymous ending -s.

3. Home analysis (captions under the pictures).

– Before we move on to a new topic, let’s see how student Petya did his homework. In the first picture you see a tree and a book.

Did Petya sign the drawings correctly? There are leaves on the tree. There are leaves in the book.

Write down the sentences in corrected form.

(There are leaves on the tree. There are leaves in the book.)

– Is the second drawing signed correctly? There are stakes in the diary. There's cola in the hedge. Write down the sentences in corrected form.

(In the cola diary. There are stakes in the fence.)

– Is the third drawing signed correctly? The wolf has teeth. The saw has teeth.

(No, you need to: The wolf has teeth. The saw has teeth.)

– Did the poet B. Pasternak use the word correctly? teeth in your poem?

(Yes, because it's fork teeth)

– How can such mistakes in Petya’s work be explained?

(Such errors appeared because the words leaf, tooth, stake- polysemantic. Depending on the meaning of the word, different plural forms are formed. h.)

– What words do we call ambiguous? Give examples.

(We call words polysemous that have two or more meanings. Most often, the first meaning is direct, and the second is figurative. For example, hand - a bunch of grapes.)

Conclusion: The plural form often depends on the lexical meaning of the word.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

You will learn the topic of today's lesson if you complete the following task.

Exercise. Each group received an envelope containing the cut-out texts of the riddles. They need to be collected, written down in a notebook, and guessed.

1st group:

Two ends, two rings, carnations in the middle. (Scissors.)

2nd group:

They walk all the time, not a beast, not a man. (Watch.)

3rd group:

What kind of water is only good for writing? (Ink.)

- Look at the answers. What do these words have in common?

(Scissors, ink, watch– nouns that have only a plural form.)

Let's write these words down. Yes, the topic of today's lesson is: “Nouns that have only a plural form.” We will try to collect as many of them as possible during the lesson.

This word also appears in B. Pasternak’s poem. Has anyone seen him? This word - pitchfork. Let's write it down.

5. Which nouns are used only in the plural?

Exercise. In the worksheet, read into which groups nouns that are used only in the plural are divided, give 2-3 examples. Cut out this certificate and paste it into your theory notebook.

(sleigh, shorts, swing);

Some real (cream, bran, yeast);

Some are distracted (day, twilight, name day);

Own (Carpathians, Alps).

In the Old Russian language there were not two, but three numbers: singular, plural and dual. Then the dual number disappeared, and the words from this number moved into the category of those words that have only a plural form and which are indicated in your certificate in paragraph 1.

6. Lexical work.

– In the certificate you came across the word bran. What does it mean? Let's look in Dahl's dictionary. " Bran- the remainder of the sifted flour, a shirt of grain crushed under a millstone, sifting.” We encounter this word in the parable of the prodigal son. Maybe someone can remind us of her?

“A certain young man, having matured, decided that he could do without a family, and demanded from his father his share of the inheritance. And when he squandered it, he was forced to herd pigs and eat bran with them. Tired of humiliation and hunger, the young man decided to return home, agreeing to the fate of even a slave. But his father forgave him and arranged a feast in his honor.

– We remembered this parable for a reason, right? You need to be able to both ask for forgiveness and forgive.

7. Work in groups using cards with the texts “From the world of simple things.”

Exercise. Read the suggested text. Guess what subject we are talking about. Invite other groups to name the word described in the text. Copy the text, insert missing letters and punctuation marks.(Consultants help those who have doubts in writing.)

Card 1

This fabric was made in the 16th century in the city of Genoa, which the Italians called Genova. Trousers for sailors were made from this durable fabric. Then they began to be exported to California for the poor and gold miners. Now people of all ages wear them. This… ___________ (jeans).

Card 2

Who invented them and when is unknown. In Ancient Greece, polished rock crystals were used for them. Venets, the queen of mirrors and glassware, is still considered their homeland. In Rus' they began to be worn out from the 15th century. This... _______ (glasses).

Card 3

In the night sky in the constellation Canis Major there is a star that can only be seen in summer. At this time it was hard to work because of the heat and people were out of breath. This summer period was named after this star. Later, schoolchildren began to use this word to refer to leisure, winter, and fun. This _______ (holidays).

- Word glasses got its name from an ancient Russian word. Which one? (Eyes, those. eyes, singular - eye.)

Did you know that the word eyes is included in the popular names of some plants, and in these names the word eyes used only in the plural: for example, ox eyes(blue daisy), Tsarev's eyes(sundew), peacock eyes(caustic grass).

8. Search work.

Last year, fifth-graders did search work in the Russian Dictionary. From it they wrote down nouns that have only a plural form. You see a list of these words in the worksheet.

Exercise. Write down words from one thematic group from the list. The 1st group will write down words that we can find in the kitchen, the 2nd group - in the closet, the 3rd group - in the workshop. Mark words whose meanings you do not understand with a question mark..

Words for reference


Name day

Hide and seek
Swimming trunks

Canned food

Dried fruits


In the kitchen: splashes, tops, scales, marc, yeast, capers, canned food, pasta, bran, leftovers, slop, dumplings, horns, sweets, dried fruits, cream, spaghetti, meatballs, pistachios, flakes.

In the closet: curlers, breeches, trousers, beads, jeans, perfume, underpants, tights, leggings, scissors, glasses, pantaloons, rompers, swimming trunks, hangers, hose, trousers, bloomers.

In a workshop: whitewash, gates, pitchforks, rakes, firewood, pliers, scissors, stretchers, sawdust, pliers, sleds, ink.

9. Creative task.

Present the words selected in the groups in the form of a dialogue: “We are preparing a surprise for mom,” “We are going to the resort,” “We are building a birdhouse.” Prank them.

10. Homework:

1. Using the Explanatory Dictionary, find out the meanings of the words that you marked with a question mark.

2. Group the words by type of spelling in an excerpt from the poem by B.L. Parsnip “March”, which was played at the beginning of the lesson and which is on your worksheet.

3. Find and write down from all the exercises in the paragraph nouns that can only be used in the plural.


loins, loins (old). Lower back, hips. Belt h. sword (also translated: prepare for battle).

Beads,-current. A cord with beads or knots (in church use for counting bows during prayer and the prayers themselves).

Ink,-il. Coloring liquid for writing. Black parts. Red parts. | adj. inky,-oh, -oh. Ch. device. Ch. pencil(same as chemical pencil). ink nuts(growths on the leaves of oak and some other trees, rich in tannins; special). Ink War(translated: about printed polemics; obsolete irony). Ink Soul(translated: about a clerical official; outdated. disapproved).

Enchantment, charm

1. Magic, witchcraft (obsolete). Witchcraft hours.

2. transfer. Charm, captivating (book). Ch. love.

Cymbals,-al. A musical instrument in the form of a box with strings that are struck with wooden hammers.

Choirs,-s. Open gallery, balcony at the top of the large hall [ original. for a choir or orchestra room]. In the choir.

Walkers,-s. A small wall clock of a simplified design with weights.

Figs, fizhm. In the XVIII - beginning. 19th century: a frame in the form of a hoop, inserted under the skirt at the hips, as well as a skirt with such a frame.

Bonds, knot

1. Fetters, shackles (obsolete). U. slavery(translated).

2. transfer. That which connects, connects (high). U. marriage. U. friendship, love. Bratskie u.

Tropics,-ov, plural The area north and south of the equator, between these parallels, is the hottest zone of the globe. In the tropics.


1. Same as an auction. International fur goods. Sale by auction.

2. Delivery of a contract to someone who, competing with others, agrees to conditions more favorable to the customer (obsolete) Announce a proposal for the construction of a factory.

Those "fteli"-ey and (colloquial) meatballs,-to her. Food in the form of balls of minced meat or fish.

Twilight,-rek, -rkam. The twilight between sunset and nightfall, as well as the (obsolete) morning pre-dawn twilight. Early c.

Stanzas,-ov, units stans, -a, m.

1. pl. A poem, each stanza of which represents a complete semantic and syntactic whole.


Subject:"Nouns that have only a plural form."

1. Excerpts from poems by B.L. Pasternak:

February. Get some ink and cry!
Write about February sobbingly,
While the rumbling slush
In spring it burns black.

(February. Get some ink and cry...)

The sun warms up to the point of sweat,
And the ravine rages, stupefied,
Like a hefty cowgirl's work,
Spring is in full swing.

|| The snow withers and is sick with anemia
|| There were impotent blue veins in the branches.
|| But life is smoking in the cow shed,
|| And the teeth of the forks glow with health.

(From the poems of Doctor Zhivago, “March”)

2. Help in a notebook on theory.

The following groups of nouns are used in only the plural form:

Denoting paired objects (sleigh, shorts, swing);

Designating substances (cream, bran, yeast);

Denoting abstract concepts (day, twilight, name day);

Denoting proper names (Carpathians, Alps).

For such nouns, gender and type of declension are not determined.

School № 1,
Pushkinsky district,
village Sofrino,
Moscow region

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Slide captions:

Number of the noun. Nouns that only have a plural form

Dear Guys! In the lesson “Nouns that only have a plural form” you will become familiar with the grammatical category of number. Today you will learn that nouns cannot always be used in the singular. Be sure to remember the lexical groups of words that have only a plural form.

As you know, nouns have two numbers - singular and plural. Cake Cakes

Among the nouns there are those that have only a plural form. Think about whether the word scissors can be put in the singular form? Scissors Scissors The noun scissors does not have a singular form

The meanings of nouns that have only a plural form are the names of composite and paired objects: pants, sleds, tongs, pitchforks, stretchers; names of materials or their residues: yeast, cream, sawdust, flakes, perfume; names of periods of time, games: day, vacation, tag; some geographical names: Alps, Sokolniki, Athens; names of actions and states of nature: twilight, frost, gatherings, negotiations.

Note! Not all nouns denoting paired objects have only a plural form: boots - boot boots - boot

Find nouns that only have a plural form. Vices, cups, rakes, tools, eye shadows, blind man's buff, sawdust.

This is interesting! In linguistic science, nouns that have only a plural form are often called pluralia tantum ("pluralia tantum") in Latin.

Training apparatus. Nouns that only have a plural form Identify words that only have a plural form. 1. The wall clock in my mother’s room struck midnight. 2. For the holiday, Mishka’s parents bought new trousers. 3. The first frosts this year began early, back in September.

Trainer A. Write 10 nouns that can only have a plural form, and make 2 - 3 sentences with them. B. Determine which nouns in sentences have only a plural form. 1. After long negotiations, important agreements were signed. 2. This was written on the water with a pitchfork (last). 3. She ran up the stairs, holding on to the railing.

Trainer Compose common sentences where the subjects would be these words, and the predicates should be expressed by verbs in the present tense. Rake, ink, blind man's buff, yeast, troubles.

Important conclusion There are nouns that can only have a plural form. The words scissors, burners, gates have only the plural form. These include the names of composite and paired items; names of materials or their remains; names of periods of time, games; some geographical names; names of actions and states of nature.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

3. Lesson topic “Nouns that have only a plural form”

Russian language lesson outline with an appendix for 5th grade students Olga Ramilievna Nyach, teacher of Russian language and literature Lesson outline Subject: Russian...

During the lesson we will learn to determine the number of nouns, learn about the peculiarities of using nouns in the plural, and about the correct placement of stress. We will complete many interesting tasks.

Let's say it correctly:

No boot, shoe, felt boots .

Pair boot, shoe, felt boots .

A lot of places, affairs, soldiers, apples .

No socks , pair socks .

Many kilograms tangerines, oranges, tomatoes .

Let's write down the sentences, adding letters where necessary.

We bought a pair of noses in the store...

Tanya has a lot to do.....

There are no empty seats on the bus...

There are a lot of tomatoes on the market... and apples...

There are a lot of soldiers at the parade...


We bought a pair of socks at the store.

Tanya has a lot to do.

There are no empty seats on the bus.

There are a lot of tomatoes and apples on the market.

There are many soldiers at the parade.

Peculiarities of placing stress on plural nouns

Now let's get acquainted with the correct placement of stress in some nouns in the plural form.

Rice. 13. We speak correctly! ()

Director-director A

Driver - driver e ry

Cake - t O mouths

To find out how to pronounce a word correctly, you can turn to a spelling dictionary or an accent dictionary for help.

There are unusual nouns in the Russian language. What is their secret?

Let's find out.

Let's look at the pictures.

Let's name the objects.

Milk, flour, honey, leaves.

These nouns do not have a plural form.

Let's look at another example.

Let's name the objects.

Chess, clock, glasses, sled, scissors.

These nouns do not have a singular form.

We conclude: in the Russian language there are nouns that do not have a singular or plural form. We will get to know them in more detail in high school.

In this lesson we learned that nouns are inflected by number. There are two forms of number: singular and plural.

It turns out that in the Old Russian language, in addition to the singular and plural numbers familiar to us, there was another number that was used to designate paired objects. This is a dual number. The dual number was used to designate two or paired objects.

For example, eyes, sleeves, banks, horns.

Now this role is played by the plural.

Some nouns have several possible number forms, which differ in meaning:

« leaves" on the tree - " sheets» paper, « teeth» person - « teeth» pitchfork

  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012 (
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Balass.
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M.: Bustard.
  1. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ().
  2. ().
  3. ().
  • Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012. Part 2. Do the exercise. 118, 119 P. 88.
  • Divide the nouns from the poem into two columns: singular and plural.

The wind blows on the sea
And the boat speeds up;
He runs in the waves
On swollen sails.. (A. Pushkin)

  • * Using the knowledge acquired in the lesson, come up with 2 puzzles or 3 riddles for the singular and plural of the noun.