Fours the human temperament choleric sanguine further. Mixed temperament type: description, characteristics

We spend a lot of time in the workplace, side by side with other people. We are friends with someone or have friendly relations, with someone we communicate only on business matters. It’s good if relations with colleagues are friendly, but disagreements also happen. Often the cause of problems is the incompatibility of characters and temperaments: if a colleague is too emotional, and you are used to resolving everything quietly and peacefully, it is unlikely that there will be conflicts. However, there are several tricks to avoid such clashes: for example, determine the employee’s temperament type and build communication based on their characteristic characteristics.

How to recognize?

Character is personality traits that are manifested in a person’s actions and determine his hobbies, principles and worldview. It is quite possible to get along with him - to close your eyes to some shortcomings or to join other people's beliefs, views, interests. And temperament is the innate personality traits that form the basis for character development. You can't change temperament, you can't change it.

The term “temperament” was introduced by the ancient physician Claudius Galen in the 2nd century AD. However, even earlier, in the 5th-4th centuries BC, Hippocrates spoke about the same thing. He believed that the anatomical, physiological and psychological traits of a person depend on which of the four elements predominates in him: yellow bile - choleric, blood - sanguine, lymph - phlegmatic person, black bile - melancholic. Modern science connects the types of temperament with the concepts of “inhibition” and “excitation” of the nervous system, that is, it evaluates a person’s nervous activity.

A person has traits of each of the temperaments, but one of them always dominates. People with different temperaments are either completely opposite, like elements, or complement each other perfectly. In any team, you can create an atmosphere in which each employee will feel in their place and at ease. The main thing is that the temperaments of employees are compatible. If the personnel issue has long been decided for you, then following our advice will help you avoid conflicts.

Who is who?

A brief description of each temperament, based on the nervous activity of its owner:

Sanguine- strong, balanced, agile;

Choleric- strong, unbalanced, agile;

Phlegmatic person- strong, balanced, inert;

Melancholic- weak, unbalanced, inactive.

A person’s belonging to one of the four temperaments can be determined situationally - by his reaction to an obstacle that arises in his path: a choleric person sweeps him away; the sanguine person bypasses; a phlegmatic person often doesn’t even notice; the melancholic person stops before an obstacle.

How to cooperate?

Sanguine colleague

At first glance, a sanguine person is easy to recognize in a team - he is the life of the party. Employees with this temperament are pleasant to talk to and non-conflicting. A sanguine person is an emotional person, a strong and energetic optimist who loves to communicate with interesting and, most importantly, necessary people. He often proposes new projects and gives presentations. He is disciplined, comes to work on time, and leaves it not too late. Works with dedication, but without unnecessary nervousness and fussiness.

Sanguine people are attracted by the opportunity for career growth. And there is no need to interfere with this - he will make a good leader at any level. It is on this basis that dissatisfaction with colleagues may arise, because a sanguine person competes with everyone and in everything. Also, you should not expect special support from him, since he himself does not need it.

Advice to colleagues: Establishing a relationship with a sanguine person is not difficult: demonstrate your undisguised interest in him, laugh at his jokes and talk about his positive qualities. Do this and you will have a friend for the rest of your days. Treat sanguine people well, and they will inspire, motivate, and entertain those around them—just don't force them to follow directions or be meticulous about details.

Note to the manager

Knowing the essence of the matter at least in general terms, a sanguine person can brilliantly conduct a conversation with anyone. As you know, sanguine people are good speakers. Therefore, they should be given the floor more often at various meetings and conferences. However, technical issues in work often cause difficulties for sanguine people. You shouldn’t trust them with monotonous, conveyor-type work that requires constant attention.

Phlegmatic colleague

The phlegmatic person is unhurried and thorough, possesses enviable equanimity and composure. This is a peace-loving and restrained person who is difficult to anger. He does not like innovation and is generally quite conservative.

A phlegmatic person is not inclined to be a leader: he can work both in a team and independently. He has smooth and friendly relationships with colleagues and easily adapts to the mood and atmosphere of the team. It is calm and pleasant to communicate with phlegmatic people, because it is known in advance that the interlocutor will not flare up without a good reason, and will not start shouting if he does not like something in the statements. The dialogue will always be constructive, objections will be logical and reasoned.

Communicating with phlegmatic people can be difficult because it is difficult to recognize their emotional reaction to everything that others do and say. One can only guess how this person perceived something, and whether he was offended. Also, phlegmatic people can easily gain fame as bores - they like to tell something in detail and in too much detail, so sometimes it becomes boring in their company.

Advice to colleagues: To achieve his respect, you need to share his values ​​- work conscientiously, not commit rash actions, and especially not force him to participate in them! A phlegmatic person will like it if you come to him for advice, and then listen with interest and without objections.

Note to the manager

A phlegmatic person works well in conditions of monotony and monotony, where endurance, patience and perseverance are needed. Usually he switches slowly from one job to another, so if he has already taken on one task, he will see it through to the end. He needs to give instructions accurately and concisely, preferably in writing, so that he can think about and analyze the new information. Under no circumstances should you entrust a person of this type of temperament with a job that requires initiative or prolonged communication with people! Working with clients is simply contraindicated for them.

Choleric colleague

A choleric person is a very impulsive and lively person who reacts emotionally to everything that happens. He is passionate about his work, can overcome significant difficulties and never gives up. If something fails to be done the first time, the choleric person will solve the problem again and again until he brings the matter to a victorious conclusion. He must always win - this is his main rule.

Choleric loves various changes, and, oddly enough, both positive and not so positive. The increased emotionality of choleric people leads to the fact that all their thoughts are literally “written on their faces” - you can easily determine when a choleric person is interested, when he is bored or irritated.

By nature, choleric people are sociable and easily make contact. They like to subjugate and control those around them; they see everyone as rivals. Excessive straightforwardness, hot temper, harshness and intolerance sometimes make it difficult for a choleric person to stay in a team: he cannot always stop in time, which offends others, without meaning to. The choleric person actively gets down to work, plans a lot, but quickly burns out and becomes not only useless, but also negatively inclined towards the task, which can cause bewilderment and dissatisfaction among colleagues.

Advice to colleagues: If you are working with a choleric person, do not react to his outbursts and do not try to shout down, do not argue. Put an interested smile on your face, speak in a friendly tone, you can even make an inoffensive joke. Show confidence. This will puzzle the choleric and at the same time calm him down.

Note to the manager

Entrusting a choleric person with systematic, scrupulous work means immediately dooming the business to complete failure. He is attracted to creative work in which he needs to make non-standard decisions. Showing initiative is a mandatory factor in the existence of a choleric person. Therefore, it is better to entrust him with a task in which he is a master: going somewhere, negotiating with someone, resolving issues over the phone. Only he needs to be given clear, concise instructions.

Melancholic colleague

This is a sensitive, touchy and vulnerable person. Easily gets upset even with minor failures. He is usually self-absorbed and has a hard time dealing with conflicts. The slightest stress can greatly damage his performance.

Melancholic people are not interested in other people; they are more concerned about their own inner world. In a group they are unsociable, keep aloof, and are socially passive. In communication, they easily obey the leader and do not compete with anyone. They love to be looked after and prefer to remain in the shadows.

The melancholic person’s social circle is narrow, but his relationships with people are strong and deep. A melancholic person is a wonderful and reliable comrade, he will never leave you in trouble, he knows how to very subtly feel a person’s mood, you can always find sympathy from him. He quickly gets tired of communicating with unfamiliar people, but he calmly endures loneliness. As a rule, a melancholic person avoids tension in relationships with colleagues by all means and has absolutely no conflict.

Advice to colleagues: When communicating with him, you must be sensitive: always speak calmly and softly, avoiding raised voices and harsh expressions, and praise as often as possible.

Note to the manager

A melancholic person is recommended, first of all, to engage in the intellectual sphere of activity, where he feels most confident. He is very efficient and conscientious. If you organize a quiet workplace for a melancholic employee, his performance may amaze you.

Two of a Kind?

The interaction of colleagues and their labor relations directly depend on their temperaments.


The perfect couple. Each of them has qualities that the other does not have, they complement each other and this is why they like each other. The phlegmatic person patiently endures the emotional outbursts of the choleric person, who likes him for his thoroughness, reliability and responsibility. The choleric person in phlegmatic finds a quiet haven, stability and peace, at the same time does not allow him to get stuck in passivity, constantly spurs him on and activates him, periodically even tries to control him.


A very active, life-oriented union. They have something to talk about, something to help each other with. At the same time, mutual assistance, although not complete, is very significant: for a choleric person - on the organizational side, for a sanguine person - in putting plans into practice. The choleric person thinks, the sanguine person carries out. However, sometimes an exchange of opinions can develop into arguments and quarrels, insistence on one’s point of view and rivalry. To maintain balance, it is necessary to adapt to each other, and this should be done by both parties and equally.


A promising alliance with mutual respect and tact. Mutual assistance can be very effective: on the part of a melancholic person - on a spiritual, internal level, and on the part of a sanguine person - on a social level. A melancholic person feels best with a sanguine person: the irrational switches of the first not only do not irritate him, but, on the contrary, provide him with new interesting impressions and distract him from sad thoughts. A sanguine person gets along well with a melancholic person due to his balance and sociability.


The relationship in this couple is relatively calm. They pay little attention to each other, since both are immersed in their inner world. A melancholic person may not like the apparent slowness and passivity of a phlegmatic person, and a phlegmatic person may not like the increased anxiety and excessive restlessness of a melancholic person. However, there is no tangible discomfort in the relationship. They are also not particularly interested in rivalry and disputes. In such a union, there will inevitably be sympathy and respect for the inner world of the other person, but at the same time, alienation will increase due to a lack of initiative.


Quite an interesting form of union. There is little mutual understanding, but mutual assistance is significant and active. Especially when there are common interests and practical issues in the business sphere. Good cooperation is ensured by the social activity of a sanguine person and the hard work of a phlegmatic person. However, a sanguine person cannot be denied practicality and thoroughness. Conflicts in such a couple are insignificant, since both feel a practical need for each other, which they value much higher than defending their opinion. Usually in this pair the sanguine person is the leader, and the phlegmatic person, having easily ceded his authority, turns out to be a follower.


The cooperation of these two types is highly undesirable, because the domineering choleric person will quickly and peremptorily “enslave” the timid and quiet melancholic person. The straightforwardness often unconscious to a choleric person, despite all his caution, will hurt a very sensitive melancholic person. As a result, tension, discomfort, and mutual accusations will arise between them. They have mutual understanding, but within narrow limits. There is little mutual assistance in this couple, although it can be significant: in some situations, the choleric person can look after or take the melancholic person under his protection.

Temperament squared

If people have the same type of temperament, then the most favorable combination will be two phlegmatic or melancholic people, somewhat worse - two sanguine people, and very bad - two choleric people.

This situation is easily explained: phlegmatic people are the most balanced people, they are difficult to anger. Melancholic people are impressionable, very vulnerable and touchy, but they are quite compliant and prone to compromise in order to achieve peace of mind. Sanguine people are independent and emotional, but easy-going. Noticing that the brewing conflict could take a serious turn, they easily compromise to restore balance in their relations with each other. It is most difficult for two straightforward, excitable and uncontrollable choleric people to maintain balance in a relationship.

Compatibility rules

Any group of people works more effectively if it contains representatives of all temperaments. Melancholic people are the first to sense in which direction the search should begin. Cholerics play the role of fearless scouts. Sanguine people are a source of positive emotions and constantly generate unexpected ideas. Phlegmatic people analyze information and offer an informed decision.

It is quite possible for everyone to get along under one roof, because the type of temperament does not affect a person’s abilities and interests. A person with any temperament can be smart or stupid, honest or deceitful, talented or untalented. A polite and friendly attitude towards colleagues does not depend on their temperament, but on a person’s desire to achieve mutual understanding at work.

As you know, there are four types of temperament, about which entire volumes of research have been written. Without going into details, we will list them.


Easily adapts to changes.
He has fast speech and lively facial expressions.
He speaks more willingly than listens.
Shallow in feelings.
Often does not complete things.

Phlegmatic person

Calm and cool.
Reliable and consistent.
Immune to other people's opinions.

Choleric is characterized by:

Hot temper.
Straightforwardness and sharpness.
Lack of stamina.
High penetration power.
Work in jerks.
Lively facial expressions.
Sudden movements.


High sensitivity.
Inexpressive movements and facial expressions.
Deep inner world.
Lack of stamina and performance.
Low rate of mental processes.
To be successful, he needs a calm environment.

It is worth mentioning that it is very difficult to meet a person who is a “pure” representative of any of these four temperaments, and in most cases people combine two, and more often three, types. Therefore, when considering the compatibility of different temperaments, this circumstance should be taken into account.


The main problem in relationships is the lack of common interests. If partners have different views, they will foam at the mouth to prove that they are right, regardless of each other.

Quarrels in a choleric + choleric alliance are common.

Even having a high culture and knowing about their quarrelsome temperament, it is very difficult for such people to control their impulses. Being united by common interests they can cooperate quite fruitfully. However, even here the world will be unstable.


This option is more stable than the previous one.

A sanguine person tolerates quarrels more easily and may not attach much importance to them.

Such a tandem of temperaments is more proactive and less prone to fanaticism.

It is very good if a sanguine person, rich in ideas, chooses promising goals and weighs the pros and cons, and a proactive choleric person manages their implementation.

In general, such an alliance is painted in positive tones and is quite successful.

Choleric + phlegmatic

In this case, it will be quite difficult for partners to achieve understanding. Everyone views the world from their own perspective and it will take extraordinary efforts to achieve it. A choleric person sees a tortoise in a phlegmatic person, while a phlegmatic person tends to look at a choleric person as a hare. Ideally, the choleric person should take the active role, and leave the routine to the hardy and disciplined phlegmatic person, who copes with this perfectly.


It's horrible. A union of strength and weakness, vulnerability and aggression, speed and slowness. A heavy burden for a melancholic person and an endless source of irritation for a choleric person.


A very cheerful union of two eternal optimists who are always ready to start a new project, get a new profession, hobby, family... It’s easy to guess that the problem could be the lack of depth, consistency and the ability to bring what you started to the end, with an excess of ideas. But spiritually, even in defeat, such a union plays with the rays of the Sun.


A very productive relationship. The abundance of ideas and breadth of views of a sanguine person are perfectly balanced by the stability and perseverance of a phlegmatic person and vice versa, without creating any special conflicts.


It will be much easier for the latter in such a union than with a choleric person, but one cannot expect much understanding here.

Too different life speeds make themselves felt. Such relationships can be somewhat softened if you choose a lifestyle with frequent and rather long separations.


The main difficulty is excessive restraint and lack of desire to understand your partner. This option is more suitable for collaboration in the archive than for relationships. However, marriages concluded by such a couple are almost always very stable.


Perhaps the best union for a melancholic person.

Phlegmatic people will strengthen melancholic people, and in return they will decorate their rigid mental organization with their rich inner world.

As in all cases with a melancholic person, it is better if the bearer of this temperament is a woman.

If a man has a melancholic type of temperament, then, alas, it will be much more difficult for a woman to understand him.


One cannot expect any special success in life from such a couple. There is more hope for a favorable combination of life circumstances than for the partners themselves. True, they can be very sensitive and caring towards each other. Life force bypassed such a union. But what dreams!

The term “temperament” is of Latin origin and translated means “ratio”. The first scientist to define four types of temperament was Hippocrates, who lived in the fifth century BC. He believed that a person contains four fluids: sangius (blood), flegma (phlegm), chole and melas chole (yellow and black bile, respectively). The type of reactions of a particular person, according to Hippocrates, depends on which liquid predominates. In subsequent eras, temperament types were divided into strong and weak. The strong are phlegmatic, and the weak are melancholic.

Sanguine is sociable and active

It is not difficult to distinguish from owners of other types of temperament. This is usually a sociable person who easily adapts to the situation. He is active and has expressive facial expressions. In a sanguine person, mental processes change easily and quickly, so he is almost never in danger of overwork. Sanguine people easily get along with people and calmly part with them. He copes well with any negotiations, but is much less successful in matters that require perseverance and constant effort. The processes of excitation and inhibition in sanguine people are balanced.

A phlegmatic person is not a lazy person at all

In a phlegmatic person, mental processes arise and change slowly. The owner of this type of temperament is generally characterized by low activity. He does not adapt too quickly and does not adapt well to the changed situation. He needs quite a long time for this. Outwardly, his temperament is manifested in the fact that the phlegmatic is inactive, speaks slowly, and his facial expressions are inexpressive. It is not easy to get him out of patience, but the one who succeeds usually regrets it very much later, because stopping a phlegmatic person is just as difficult as rousing him. A characteristic feature of all owners of this temperament is perseverance, perseverance, and the desire to bring what they started to completion. A phlegmatic person is a reliable life partner and business partner who usually strictly complies with the terms of the agreement.

Choleric - a person who is addicted

In a choleric person, mental processes arise and change rapidly. This is a quick-tempered, but easy-going person. He gets carried away easily, but just as quickly loses interest if he fails to achieve immediate success. However, a choleric person, thanks to his assertiveness and desire to invest all his strength in what interests him, often achieves excellent results. He is sharp in communication, proactive, energetic, but a rapid burst of activity very quickly gives way to indifference. Excitement in a choleric person prevails over inhibition.

Melancholic is focused on experiences

Melancholic is a weak psychological type. He is prone to excessively deep experiences even when there seems to be no reason for this. His feelings are stable, but they hardly appear outwardly. In the owner of this type of temperament, inhibition prevails over excitation. The slightest opposition unsettles you. He is characterized by timidity and indecisiveness, he is very vulnerable. Owners of this type of temperament prefer individual work to collective work.

The phlegmatic type of temperament is characterized by calmness, resistance to stress, peace of mind, as well as hard work, endurance, ability to make friends, and natural modesty. These and other qualities help phlegmatic people easily get along with people of different temperaments.


A phlegmatic person is able to maintain equanimity in almost any stressful situation. You need to try very hard to piss him off, however, if you succeed, then he will completely pour out all the accumulated anger. Therefore, it is better not to shake his state, inert to external stimuli, but instead, simply enjoy communication with a very calm person, which is rare.

He is characterized by passivity in various kinds of matters. A phlegmatic person will prefer routine work that can be done without unnecessary fuss. This also has its advantages: phlegmatic people almost always achieve career growth, while representatives of others experience ups and downs. It can be assumed that in love they rarely show initiative due to their passivity. No, their self-esteem is fine, but at the same time they are childishly modest.

Representatives of this type of temperament have one of the rare qualities - the ability to listen to other people. They are excellent conversationalists because they rarely interrupt and are attentive to detail. Thanks to their calm character and ability to weigh the situation before taking or advising something, they find a common language with hot-tempered choleric people, fickle sanguine people, and sensitive melancholic people. At the same time, phlegmatic people do not strive to be the first to make contact, but they are able to easily maintain acquaintances that once took place.

Phlegmatic people have high intelligence, are diligent and efficient. They can easily spend one or several evenings carefully studying a scientific work or doing complex embroidery. In general terms, phlegmatic people are similar to track and field athletes who choose endurance running rather than short sprint distances. In communication, encourage any of their attempts to offer initiative, pay due attention to their positive traits, and from time to time offer participation in joint meetings, trips, as well as creative and business projects.

Video on the topic

Hippocrates divided humanity into 4 types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. Choleric is a very energetic person. You can work and live peacefully with such a person, provided you obey him unquestioningly. To create a friendly atmosphere, it is better to fulfill all his requests and desires.


To determine the type of temperament, set some task for the subject. If he immediately began to carry it out, without thinking into the details and without making plans, you have a choleric person in front of you.

When achieving a goal, a choleric person will definitely find many allies, because... he has an innate ability to persuade and lead people.

Most likely, your manager at work is choleric, because... They are characterized by the desire to dominate, the ability to correctly assess the situation, and the ability to manipulate others.

Argue with a choleric person. When participating in debates, people of this temperament always defend their point of view to the end, even knowing that they are wrong. Cholerics will never compromise. Possessing great self-confidence, they are not able to hear others and accept other people's opinions. Sometimes they lack a sense of tact.

If you have been communicating with a person of this type of character for a long time, you have never seen him sad or indifferent. Invite him to participate in a charity event, for example, in saving people during disasters, or in holding a political rally; a choleric person will never refuse such an idea.

In any situation, choleric people take the reins of power into their own hands. They are often surprised that other people cannot find the right way to solve a problem. The main thing for this type of people is achieving their goals.

The character is complex in such a way that he does not need friends. He always remains independent of other people's opinions. When a group is needed to achieve goals, he will be happy to work in a team, but only on such conditions as to be the first and the first to achieve the goals.


Among the famous choleric people are people such as Alexander Suvorov, Peter I, Alexander Pushkin.

One of the four types of human temperament - sanguine, at first glance, is very positive. In fact, cheerfulness, sociability, goodwill, non-conflict - all these character traits are very attractive. But is everything really so good for a sanguine person?


A sanguine person is an incorrigible lover of life. And from this love of life come all the derived traits of his character.

He is energetic because he is constantly in search of new sensations and vivid impressions. And this energy manifests itself in everything. Even if he does some hard, unpleasant work, he does it energetically. If only in order to finish it quickly and start getting new, more pleasant impressions.

Types of human temperament are given to us from birth, and temperament, unlike character, practically does not change.
(see description of temperaments)
It would be nice to know types of human temperament for a better understanding of yourself and interaction with people around you. Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
This post is dedicated to getting acquainted with the types of human temperament and understanding their essence.

Types of human temperament - the crux of the matter

Temperament is the individual characteristics of a person that determine the dynamics (mobility) of his mental activity and behavior

A drop of history: For the first time, Hippocrates began to distinguish the types of human temperament; he noticed that different people perform the same work in different ways (at different speeds, tempos). And he deduced four types of human temperament, naming them in correspondence with the four body fluids: “sangwe - blood” (now - sanguine - alive); “chole – bile” (now – choleric – energetic, passionate); “melainhole” - black bile (now - melancholic - withdrawn, prone to deep experiences) and "phlegm" - mucus (now - phlegmatic - calm, slow).

I.P. Pavlov gives a more scientific justification for the types of human temperament, attributing them to higher nervous activity. I will not go into details of the physiological basis of human temperament, because experts know, but ordinary people probably do not need this. I will only say that Pavlov divided the nervous system into a strong type and a weak one. And hence, the strong type is balanced, and the strong type is unbalanced (choleric), and the balanced type is divided into mobile (sanguine) and inert (phlegmatic). The weak type is, accordingly, melancholic. From the outside it may seem that some types of human temperament are superior to others, however, this is not at all the case.

There are no bad and good temperaments, just each type of human temperament is good or bad for a specific type of activity. For example: a choleric person with his mobility and endless energy will be able to work where a phlegmatic person with his slowness will find it difficult, and vice versa.
Therefore, when choosing a profession, it is so necessary to know your type of temperament.

Human Temperament

Nowadays, the types of a person’s temperament are determined by various tests: for example, Cattell’s personality theory, but today we will look at the theory of Hans Jurgen Eysenck, which is currently the most popular and in demand in identifying a person’s temperament type.
Hans Jurgen Eysenck considered the structure of personality consisting of two factors:

Extrovert- a person’s outward orientation;
Introvert- turning a person inward.

An extroverted personality is an outward-looking, sociable person who has a wide circle of acquaintances and a need for contacts.

Extroverts include two types of human temperament: sanguine And choleric, depending on its inherent neuroticism, an extroverted person acts on the spur of the moment, is impulsive, quick-tempered, carefree, optimistic, good-natured, cheerful.

Feelings and emotions are not strictly controlled, and he is prone to risky actions. You can't always rely on an extrovert. He chooses movement and action, and can be aggressive.

An introverted personality is a person who is calm, shy, introverted, and prone to introspection.

Introverts also include two types of human temperament - phlegmatic person And melancholic, depending on the neuroticism.

An introvert is reserved and distant from everyone except close friends. Plans and thinks about his actions in advance, does not trust sudden impulses, takes decisions seriously, loves order in everything.

2) Neuroticism- speaks about the emotional stability or instability (stability, instability) of a person (emotion management).

Neuroticism is expressed in extreme nervousness, instability, poor adaptation (adaptation to the situation), a tendency to quickly change moods (lability), feelings of guilt and anxiety, preoccupation, depressive reactions, absent-mindedness, instability in stressful situations.

In people with high neuroticism in unfavorable stressful situations may develop neurosis.

Simply put, if, after passing the Eysenck test, your scale shows exta-inversion higher 12 points and scale neuroticism below 13 points, then your temperament type is sanguine

If you have a level on the scale extra-introversion higher 12 points and on a scale neuroticism also higher 12 points, then your type of temperament, of course - choleric.

And, if your level is on the scale extra-introversion below 13 points and on a scale neuroticism also below 13 points, then your type of human temperament is phlegmatic person.

Well, the fourth type of human temperament, when your level on the scale extra-introversion below 13 points and on a scale neuroticism higher 12 points, then your type of temperament, accordingly – melancholic.

Hans Eysenck examined another (third) factor in the structure of a person’s personality - psychoticism, which can be used to identify a person’s tendency to antisocial behavior, pretentiousness, inadequacy of emotional reactions, high conflict, selfishness and indifference.

I wish everyone psychological well-being!

“Temperament” is an ancient Greek word and literally means “the proper proportion of parts.” Where does such a strange name come from? It turns out that starting with Hippocrates (the famous ancient Greek physician and philosopher who lived in the 5th century BC), it was believed that a person’s reactions to external events depend on which fluid is more in his body (“the ratio of parts” is and there is a combination of different fluids in our body).

If blood (sangvis) predominates, the person becomes moderately active, lively and sociable. He is called sanguine.

When fa (phlegm) predominates in the body, it leads to unhurriedness, imperturbable calm, slowness, and thoroughness. Such a person is called a phlegmatic person.

If bile (chole) predominates, which outwardly manifests itself in irrepressible activity, a violent reaction to external circumstances, and fussiness, this is a choleric person.

And when the so-called “black bile” predominates (in fact, there is no such liquid in the body, but the ancient Greeks believed in its existence) - a person becomes very sensitive to everything that happens around him, reacts too sensitively to everything. He is called melancholic.

The statement about such a direct dependence of temperament on the fluids in our body from modern scientific positions looks, of course, rather naive. However, the ancient Greeks very accurately noticed the characteristic types of people by their reactions to what was happening around them. Therefore, the four types of temperament they noted are still used to describe psychological differences between people. What psychological characteristics are inherent in each type?

Sanguine - quickly adapts to new conditions, easily gets along with people, is sociable. Emotions and feelings in such a person quickly arise and change, facial expressions are rich and expressive. Relatively easily survives troubles, “blows of fate.” In the absence of serious goals, he can become superficial and fickle. Choleric is emotional, prone to impulsive actions, energetic, active and proactive. Capable of passionately dedicating himself to a cause that interests him. Loves variety in everything, needs constant sources of new vivid impressions. Does not tolerate monotony or boredom well - in such conditions he becomes irritable and inconsistent.

Phlegmatic - calm and even, unperturbed, rarely loses his temper, and is not prone to violent expression of emotions. Feelings are distinguished by constancy and depth. Depending on the conditions, such a person may develop both positive (restraint, thoughtfulness, depth of thoughts) and negative (passivity, lethargy, indifference to the environment) traits.

Melancholic - sensitive, sophisticated. Such a person reacts subtly to weak stimuli, while strong ones can throw him out of balance for a long time. However, outwardly his experiences are expressed with restraint. In favorable conditions, this is a deep, meaningful person, but in unfavorable conditions (for example, faced with severe stress) he can become withdrawn, fearful, and anxious.

Representatives of which type of temperament are better adapted to life? To answer this question, one would need to know what situations we are talking about. As one of the founders of scientific psychology, the German scientist W. Wundt, said, one must be sanguine in everyday joys and sorrows, melancholic in important life events, choleric in relation to drives that affect our interests, and phlegmatic in the execution of decisions made. Unfortunately, it is difficult to put this into practice, because temperament is a predominantly innate characteristic, and it is not possible to change it so easily depending on life situations (although under the influence of long-term directed self-education it can change quite significantly, especially among representatives of mixed types) .

But in certain situations, carriers of different types find themselves in a more advantageous position. Differences in temperament are differences not in the capabilities of the psyche, but in the originality of its manifestations. Each of these types has strengths and weaknesses. So, let’s say, a choleric person is well versed in rapidly changing situations and easily switches from one type of work to another, while a phlegmatic person, on the contrary, easily copes with long, monotonous work, but frequent switching is difficult for him. A melancholic person is well versed in the subtle nuances of human experiences, but is not sufficiently resistant to stress. A sanguine person is resistant to stress, but he is characterized by some superficiality.

In situations with weak stimuli, the behavior of a person with less emotional stability and introversion will be more adequate, since it is he who demonstrates the psychological sensitivity that is so necessary here. A stable extrovert in such situations may show irritation, turning into aggression, because he does not feel weak but significant influences and does not understand the reasons for his inconsistency with the circumstances. However, an extrovert is undoubtedly more adaptive in “strong environments” (stressful conditions), in which an introvert easily falls into depression caused by nervous exhaustion and extreme inhibition.