White cap on a white birch. White hats on white birches, white bunny on white snow, white pattern on branches from frost on white snow, skiing, running, determined the case forms of the name, Russian language

Spelling case endings adjectives

Goals: to practice spelling skills of case endings of adjectives.

Formed UUD: item - choice of the most effective ways solving problems depending on specific conditions; reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity; semantic reading; k. - mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with grammatical and syntactic norms native language; R. - comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; making necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action; highlighting and realizing what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned; l. - establishing a connection between the goal educational activities and her motive.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time

2. Updating knowledge

White caps on white birches.
White bunny on white snow.
White pattern on the branches from frost.
By white snow I'm skiing.(L. Yakhnin)

– What word does the poet Leonid YakhnIn often use? What part of speech is this word? What do we call an adjective? How do adjectives change? What part of speech is the adjective associated with?
– Find the adjective in the poem that stands in masculine, singular and dative case; plural And prepositional case; singular, masculine and nominative case.
3. Self-determination for activity.

What do you need to know to determine the gender, number and case of an adjective? What do you need to know to correctly write the unstressed ending of an adjective? Let's remember.

Answer algorithm.

  1. Find …
    2. Determine the gender and case of the noun...
    3. Determine the case and gender of the adjective.
    4. Compare…


  1. Find the noun that the adjective refers to.
  2. Determine the case and gender of the noun.
  3. Based on the case of the noun, determine the case and gender of the adjective.
  4. Compare the ending of the adjective and the ending of the question it answers.

Guess the topic of our lesson. Spelling case endings of adjectives.

4.Work on the topic of the lesson.

Decline the phrases by case:

snowball, snow cloud, snowy winter.

- Highlight the endings.


6. Fastening.

1) Work in pairs. Insert missing endings, determine gender and case.

2) Vocabulary work

Plate. Plate.

Pot. Pot.

To which thematic group let's take these words. Dishes. Make up and write down phrases with these words.

V. Reflection

- Let's take a look at our reflective chart and assess your knowledge on this topic.

I don't know everything. (triangle)

I know well. (rhombus)

I know perfectly well. (smiley)

– Write in the margin the mark that you think corresponds to your knowledge on this topic.

VI. Summing up the lesson

What did we repeat in class today?


Ex. 79 (p. 37).

The sea laughed under the (light) gust of (sultry) veg. It smiled (blue) at the sky. The waves rushed with a (cheerful) splash. They dumped (white) foam on the sand. She melted on the (hot) sand. The seagulls swayed lazily on the waves.


Beautiful view of the winter forest. The frost pulled moisture out of the tree... branches. The bushes were covered with shiny... frost. The sun looks tenderly from the blue sky. The rays showered the entire area with a cold shine. Bird tracks were imprinted on the soft snow.

Beautiful view of the winter forest. The frost pulled moisture out of the tree... branches. The bushes were covered with shiny... frost. The sun looks tenderly from the blue sky. The rays showered the entire area with a cold shine. Bird tracks were imprinted on the soft snow.

Beautiful view of the winter forest. The frost pulled moisture out of the tree... branches. The bushes were covered with shiny... frost. The sun looks tenderly from the blue sky. The rays showered the entire area with a cold shine. Bird tracks were imprinted on the soft snow.

Beautiful view of the winter forest. The frost pulled moisture out of the tree... branches. The bushes were covered with shiny... frost. The sun looks tenderly from the blue sky. The rays showered the entire area with a cold shine. Bird tracks were imprinted on the soft snow.

Beautiful view of the winter forest. The frost pulled moisture out of the tree... branches. The bushes were covered with shiny... frost. The sun looks tenderly from the blue sky. The rays showered the entire area with a cold shine. Bird tracks were imprinted on the soft snow.

Beautiful view of the winter forest. The frost pulled moisture out of the tree... branches. The bushes were covered with shiny... frost. The sun looks tenderly from the blue sky. The rays showered the entire area with a cold shine. Bird tracks were imprinted on the soft snow.

Beautiful view of the winter forest. The frost pulled moisture out of the tree... branches. The bushes were covered with shiny... frost. The sun looks tenderly from the blue sky. The rays showered the entire area with a cold shine. Bird tracks were imprinted on the soft snow.

Beautiful view of the winter forest. The frost pulled moisture out of the tree... branches. The bushes were covered with shiny... frost. The sun looks tenderly from the blue sky. The rays showered the entire area with a cold shine. Bird tracks were imprinted on the soft snow.

Beautiful view of the winter forest. The frost pulled moisture out of the tree... branches. The bushes were covered with shiny... frost. The sun looks tenderly from the blue sky. The rays showered the entire area with a cold shine. Bird tracks were imprinted on the soft snow.

Beautiful view of the winter forest. The frost pulled moisture out of the tree... branches. The bushes were covered with shiny... frost. The sun looks tenderly from the blue sky. The rays showered the entire area with a cold shine. Bird tracks were imprinted on the soft snow.

The lightest tree in the Russian forest. Among the Slavs, a birch tree, if it grew near a house, was certainly considered a family treasure. And the pagan goddess Bereginya herself, according to legend, took the form of a white-trunked tree. The symbol of spring, purity and light has been revered in rituals from century to century. Birch bark letters have become invaluable historical documents. They wrote poems and composed songs about the birch.

Rituals. Birch - sacred tree pagan Rus'. At the turn of spring and summer - during Mermaid Week - according to legend, mermaids hid in the branches of weeping birches. In Bryansk villages there is still a ritual of seeing off the mermaid on Trinity Sunday. A mermaid in the form of a straw effigy in women's dress singing, they are carried around the village, left under a birch tree, and the next day they return to the village with the figurine. The fate of the protective doll is unenviable. After a communal lunch, the effigy is burned.

Birch bark letters. Unique historical documents. The first birch bark letter was discovered in Veliky Novgorod in 1951. In the sixties, he headed the Novgorod archaeological expedition famous historian and archaeologist Valentin Yanin. To date, more than 900 of these ancient Russian documents have been deciphered. And the invaluable research material itself has become a museum property. A unique collection of birch bark letters is kept in the Novgorod Museum.

High style. Birch can become a material for a jeweler - if the year is revolutionary 1917, and the jeweler's name is Carl Faberge. One of the precious Easter eggs famous master was made from Karelian birch. It’s called “Birch”. Birch houses also decorated the most exquisite parks - in Gatchina, Kuzminki, Peterhof. There was a fashion for surprise park pavilions in Russia in the second half of the 18th century. Modest facades hid a luxurious interior.

Round dance "Berezka". On Mermaid Day, or Semik, the girls went into the forest to curl a birch tree and weave wreaths, decorate the tree with ribbons and start a round dance with songs. Slavic rituals are preserved today in folk holidays and on stage. The most famous round dance was started by “Beryozka” in 1948. To the tune of Russian folk song“There was a birch tree in the field...” stately girls floated across the stage. The round dance is still performed to this day, and the ensemble itself has become one of the symbols of Russia.

song tree. Poplar, rowan, maple. There are enough songs in Rus' about any tree, but probably only the fir tree can compete with the birch. The poems about the white-trunked tree are so poetic that composers cannot resist the temptation to set them to music. And of course, the greenery of the meadows and the whiteness of the snow-covered fields, combined in one tree, inspire creativity - the people sing. By the way, accompaniment is not complete without birch - the neck of the harmonica for the keys is often made of birch: the material is strong.

Birch bark is a favorite of carvers. Masters carve from different breeds wood, but prefer soft, pliable ones. Including birch. Ancient name“Birch bark” has been known since the 15th–16th centuries. Birch bark containers were taken to the field, and the water in such vessels kept the cold. Tobolsk, Tomsk, Prikamye, Vologda, Vyatka. Each province had its own birch bark craftsmen. To this day, in the Kaluga House of Craftsmen they teach how to make paintings on birch bark, and in the Murmansk House of Crafts they teach how to weave from birch bark.

White trunk and head of greenery. Artistic view on a birch - in the works of Shishkin, Polenov, Bogolyubov, Kuindzhi. Savrasov in one of his most famous paintings“The Rooks Have Arrived” showed a birch tree in the spring, unsightly and even gloomy. But “February Azure” by Igor Grabar - with a real feeling of celebration. “A festival of azure skies, pearl birches, coral branches and sapphire shadows on lilac snow.” Grabar said that of all the trees in the middle zone, he loves birches.

Museum birch bark. "Siberian Birch Bark" is the world's first museum with a collection of works of contemporary folk craftsmen and birch bark artists. The exhibition contains hundreds of exhibits from 35 folk artists of Russia. Paintings and icons, souvenirs, toys, dishes and decorations. At the core museum collection- the personal collection of Idea Timofeevna Lozhkina, whose passion for birch bark works has grown to museum proportions.

This is an excerpt from the fairy tale Four Artists: Four wizard painters somehow came together: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn; they came together and argued: who

Which one draws better? They argued and argued and decided to choose the Red Sun as the judge: “It lives high in the sky, it has seen many wonderful things in its lifetime, let it judge us.”
Sunny agreed to be a judge. The painters got to work. The first to volunteer to paint a picture was Zimushka-Winter.
“Only Sunny shouldn’t look at my work,” she decided. “She shouldn’t see it until I finish.”
Winter has stretched gray clouds across the sky and let's cover the earth with fresh fluffy snow! One day I decorated everything around me.
The fields and hills turned white. Thin ice the river covered itself, became silent, and fell asleep, like in a fairy tale.

Winter walks through the mountains, through the valleys, walking in large soft felt boots, stepping quietly, inaudibly. And she looks around - here and there her a magical picture will correct.
Here is a hillock in the middle of a field, the prankster took the wind from it and blew away his white cap. I need to put it on again. And over there a gray hare is sneaking between the bushes. It’s bad for him, the gray one: in the white snow he will be immediately noticed beast of prey or a bird, you can’t hide from them anywhere.
“Dress up, too, the side-eyed one, in a white fur coat,” Winter decided, “then you won’t be noticed in the snow any time soon.”
But Lisa Patrikeevna has no need to dress in white. She lives in a deep hole, hiding underground from enemies. She just needs to be dressed up more beautifully and warmly.
Winter had prepared a wonderful fur coat for her, it was simply amazing: all bright red, like a fire! The fox will move its fluffy tail, as if it would scatter sparks across the snow.
Winter looked into the forest. “I’ll decorate it so much that the Sun will fall in love!”
She dressed the pines and spruce trees in heavy snow coats; she pulled snow-white hats down to their eyebrows; I put downy mittens on the branches. The forest heroes stand next to each other, stand decorously, calmly.
And below them, various bushes and young trees took refuge. Winter also dressed them, like children, in white fur coats.
And she threw a white blanket over the mountain ash that grows at the edge of the forest. It turned out so well! At the ends of the rowan branches, clusters of berries hang, like red earrings visible from under a white blanket.
Under the trees, Winter painted all the snow with a pattern of different footprints and footprints. Here is a hare's footprint: in front there are two large paw prints next to each other, and behind - one after the other - two small ones; and the fox - as if drawn by a thread: paw into paw, so it stretches in a chain; And Gray wolf he ran through the forest and also left his prints. But the bear’s footprint is nowhere to be seen, and no wonder: Zimushka-Winter Toptygina built a cozy den in the thicket of the forest, covered the target with a thick snow blanket on top: sleep well! And he is happy to try - he doesn’t crawl out of the den. That’s why you can’t see a bear’s footprint in the forest.
But it’s not just animal tracks that can be seen in the snow. In a forest clearing, where green lingonberry and blueberry bushes stick out, the snow, like crosses, is trampled by bird tracks. These are chickens of the woods - hazel grouse and black grouse - running around the clearing here, pecking at the remaining berries.
Yes, here they are: black grouse, motley hazel grouse and black grouse. On the white snow how beautiful they all are!
The picture of the winter forest turned out well, not dead, but alive! Either a gray squirrel will jump from twig to twig, or a spotted woodpecker, sitting on the trunk of an old tree, will begin to knock out seeds from a pine cone. He’ll stick it into the crevice and hit it with his beak!
Lives winter forest. Snowy fields and valleys live. The whole picture of the gray-haired sorceress - Winter - lives on. You can show it to Sunny too.
The sun parted the blue cloud. He looks at the winter forest, at the valleys... And under his gentle gaze everything around him becomes even more beautiful.
The snow flared up and glowed. Blue, red, green lights lit up on the ground, on the bushes, on the trees. And the breeze blew, shook off the frost from the branches, and multi-colored lights also sparkled and danced in the air.
It turned out to be a wonderful picture! Perhaps you can’t draw it better. You need to make an outline of the text and copy each passage in detail! And write the names of the parts. In short, make an outline of the text.

When at the old lady's, at Aunt Flo's,
Sometimes my heart is heavy,
When her lower back hurts,
Flowers dry up, laundry doesn't dry,
When it's drizzling endlessly outside,
When the steps of the porch became loose,
And the bag burst on the shelf with flour,
And the moth ate a decent jacket,
And the neighbor's rooster spoiled the flowerbed,
And all summer there is no escape from flies,
The pie is burning in the oven again,
And letters from grandchildren do not arrive on time,
When the blues just attack -
She sadly goes into the kitchen,
And she mixes soap in a bowl,
And he blows, gathering his weakened spirit.
And the first bubble, weightless as feathers,
And rainbow like colored glass,
Grows on Aunt Flo's straw...
Bubbles fly and fly to the ceiling,
They take away the blues and melancholy,
They soar, and dance, and curl around;
And Auntie will jump up and suddenly spin around
And, remembering that there is still a lot to do,
He will skip and run to weed the garden.

1. Choose verbs among words with the same root.
1) a) shiny b) sparkle c) sparkles
2) a) worry b) restless c) worry
3) a) expression b) express c) expressive
2. The student states that the poetic passage contains verbs of all three tense forms. Is he right?
I will go to meet them along a familiar path. With what a gentle, amber dawn the heavens shine, imperishable, like paradise! A darkened land arched far away.
(A. Fet)
1) Yes. 2) No.
3. Complete the sentence.
Past tense verbs change according to __________________________
4. Guess the riddle. Determine the gender of the verbs.
The red maiden walked under the window,
I dropped the keys.
I saw the moon -
Didn't say
And the sun saw
Lifted up to the sky.
1)F. R. -
2)M.r. -
3) Wed. R. -
5. Is it possible to determine the tense and number form of a verb in an indefinite form?
1) Yes. 2) No.
6. Which verbs are close in meaning? Connect with arrows.
tremble throw
stop being sad
grieve tremble
report spend
spend numb
chilly notify
7. Choose the verbs of the first conjugation.
1) gallop 4) drive 7) grind
2) dissolve 5) cough 8) sow
3) ask 6) wash 9) clean
8. Complete the sentence.
The conjugation of verbs with unstressed personal endings is determined by_____________________.
9. Indicate in which verbs you need to write the ending - eat.
1) ignite... 4) write... 7) more...
2) hearing... 5) remembering... 8) catching up...
3) pass... 6) remember... 9) bite...
10. Connect verbs with opposite meanings with an arrow.
coming closer
it's getting dark and crying
worth removing
laughs brightens
adds undresses
puts on, takes away
Test Verification work
№ 5
1. Indicate words with the letter e at the root.
1) b...let 4) zh...lat 7) cal...ndar
2) library 5) director 8) k...lometer
3) in...here 6) engineer 9) now...now
2. Choose verbs among words with the same root.
1) a) expansion b) expanded c) wide
2) a) feeling b) feels c) sensual
3) a) truthful b) justify c) truth
3. Indicate in which verbs the suffix -e- is written
1) hit...l 4) saw...l 7) ver...l
2) prola...l 5) offended...l 8) stuck...l
3) sat...l 6) heard...l 9) started...l
4. Fill in the missing letters. Form neuter adjectives from nouns with the same root.
on...Sunday –
s...boda -
R...SSIA -
p...passenger –
horizon -
5. In what sentence? greatest number sibling members?
1) Along with the snow, strange creatures flew in and ran into the forest. 2) They settled on stumps and twigs, climbed onto fir trees and pines. 3) Here a forest man in a huge hat peeks out from a snowdrift.
4) There, on a stump, sits either a squirrel or a bunny.
5) He folded his white paws onto his white belly, was silent and looked at white forest. 6) On the stone, white Alyonushka bowed her head on her shoulder, resting her white palm on her white cheek. (According to N. Sladkov)
6. Personal pronouns change according to...
1) persons;
2) numbers;
3) times;
4) cases.
7. Complete the sentence.
The case of a pronoun is determined by___________
8. How to put a pronoun in a given case? Determine the course of action.
1) I remember the case questions of declension of nouns.
2) I determine the person of the pronoun.
3) I put the pronoun in the initial form.
4) I present the declension forms of pronouns
9. Write down the pronouns with prepositions,
was at (she) -
came from (he) –
went to (he) –
I miss (they) –
met (they) -
I think about (it) -