Drawing with candles and watercolors for children. Summary of a lesson on drawing in an unconventional technique with candles and watercolors “Magic painting”

Drawing wax crayons and watercolor - this is a mixed technique of painting with watercolor and wax. It does not require special skills and at the same time creates a very bright effect, due to which it has become widespread in children's creativity. However, it can also be used in more complex designs for decorative purposes or as an addition to your painting.

The essence of the technique is to draw lines with wax, on top of which watercolor is placed. Areas with wax are not painted over, which creates a “glow” effect of the design. What’s good about this technique is the availability of the materials used: wax crayons can be taken from a children’s set, and sometimes you can even use candle wax; You can also take the simplest watercolor.

When drawing with wax crayons, it is important to understand what to do thin line Due to the characteristics of the material, it is not easy, so it is more convenient to use large and generalized contours. Usually this technique is used to paint still lifes, flowers, fish, etc. Wax lines do not easily overlap each other and cannot be erased without leaving a stain, which prevents the creation of complex effects, but at the same time maintains the brightness and purity of the drawing.

Necessary materials

  • simple pencil
  • wax crayons (one or more colors; can be replaced with a candle)
  • watercolor (doesn't matter if it's for children or professional)
  • wide brush (for filling the background)
  • thin brush (if you need to draw small details)
  • paper (it is more convenient to use thick paper, but ordinary A4 sheets are also possible. It is better to choose paper without strong roughness so that the wax adheres better)
    rough sheets

Which paper should you choose?

Before you start painting with wax crayons and watercolors, let's explain some of the features of watercolor paper. This can be important if you are trying to achieve a certain effect.

There are two types of watercolor paper: cold and hot pressure. Rough cold pressure paper is rougher and therefore produces an uneven line. In addition, to make it brighter, you have to press harder on the chalk. This effect in painting is well suited for conveying highlights on water or a glow effect.

On hot press paper, the texture does not appear as strongly, and the design looks smoother and clearer.

Preparatory stage

It would be good to secure a sheet of paper to a tablet, table or some other surface using tape. This is not necessary, but this will make the paper bulge less (especially true for simple printed sheets).

Drawing with crayons and watercolors is a technique that is best first tried on paper to get used to it.

Prepare a draft. Apply with wax crayons simple and wavy lines, patterns different colors(white chalk in the foreground in the photo). See how tightly the wax adheres to the surface of the sheet and how hard you need to press the pencil (if it is lumpy, you may have to go over it several times to get a solid line). Then paint over the lines with watercolors.

With colored crayons, it is better to use paint colors that contrast with them, and do not choose monochromatic ones so that the chalk stands out more clearly. For example, if you chose yellow, then it is better to use blue watercolor, black, etc.

Wait for the paint to dry and see what happens. As you can see, the white chalk creates the feeling of a masking liquid (which can be used as a life hack), the colored chalks are slightly rubbed and mixed with the paint. Look what you got.

The main stage of work

After a little experiment, we have a rough idea of ​​what will happen in practice. Now let's move on to the main stage.

  1. First of all, with a simple pencil you need to draw the outline of the picture. It's best not to skip this step because erasing the wax line is difficult. Then in in the right places We trace the pencil lines with wax.
  2. Further watercolor flowers paint the areas you need.
  3. After this, you can continue to work with layers, apply other colors, and create volume using shadows. The example shows that the yellow crayon is “lost” against the background of the paint, but yours may be different. Once the work has dried, you can trace some details again with wax chalk.

As you can see, the technique is really simple to perform and at the same time gives an expressive effect.

Drawing with children

The technique of drawing with wax crayons (candles) and watercolors is well suited for creating illustrations and crafts with children. We offer several ideas for drawing with wax crayons and watercolors:

  • Underwater scene with fish. You can use crayons bright colors And blue watercolor for water.
  • Sky with clouds and birds. Use white chalk for the clouds, brown, black or other colors for the birds (you can also draw tree branches), and blue paint for the sky.
  • Fireworks. Use different bright wax crayons for the fireworks and black watercolor for the night sky.
  • Secret note. Write a secret message on a sheet of paper with white crayon, then have your child or friend color it in with dark paint.
  • Craft "Stained glass". Suitable even for small children. To do this, just draw abstract patterns with different wax crayons and cover them with watercolors. The drawing can then be inserted into a frame or, as in in this case, stick it on the door glass, and you get an independent decoration, for example, for a birthday.

Auxiliary technique in painting

Wax crayons can be used in for different purposes: for creating crafts, decorative effects or as an auxiliary material in painting. We have considered the first two options, and now let's talk about the third.

This option is convenient for plein air painting, when there is no time to wait for the paint to dry completely. Chalk can be applied to light areas and feel free to write on top of them with other colors, without fear of “drowning out” the bright color.

To ensure that the wax does not stand out, you need to use it a little. For example, in this painting you won’t even immediately understand where the wax strokes are applied.

Using paraffin instead of wax crayons

If you don’t have wax crayons, you can easily replace them with paraffin. The effect will be very similar. The only thing is that you will be limited in terms of color.

We hope that you have discovered something new and that drawing with crayons and watercolors will bring you pleasure!

In fact, we will draw not only with a candle. But it is thanks to the candle that our drawing will be magical. Children who encounter this technique for the first time perceive it as a miracle. Even four-year-olds can do this kind of work. And at the age of six they are already coming up with their own versions of working in this technique.

For work we will need materials:

  • sheets of thick paper (landscape),
  • colour pencils,
  • watercolor paints,
  • piece of candle (white).
  • Additionally:
  • sheet of colored cardboard,
  • glue stick.
  • Tools:
  • brush (soft for watercolors).


  • curly scissors,
  • ruler.


You can start getting acquainted with this technique like this: paint with watercolors a landscape sheet on which something was previously drawn with a candle. Usually the reaction of children is: “Wow!” "How is it?" "Wow!" etc.

Using this technique we will perform the work “Starry Sky”.

1. We paint over the entire landscape sheet with colored pencils (in no case wax, oil, or grease), trying not to leave white spaces. For this we take light colors what color stars can be. If you look at the starry night sky, you can see that the stars shimmer with yellow, green, red and other colors.

Take a piece of candle. And we draw stars with them. Look at the picture to see what shape the stars can be.

The pattern made by the candle is not visible, but you can feel it to the touch. We place the stars all over the sheet, as in the picture above.

The paint peels off stars painted with a candle because... The paraffin from which the candle is made is greasy. This is how the stars turn out to be multi-colored.

With a candle you can draw fur, feathers or needles on an animal. After painting the animal with watercolors, the needles remain unpainted.

Using the “drawing with a candle” technique, you can make a greeting card with your child.

For example, we draw flowers on a landscape sheet with a candle. We paint the sheet with watercolor paints in warm colors: red, pink, orange, yellow. Either one color, or all at once.

For the background of the postcard we use a sheet of colored cardboard. Using a ruler, measure the size of the fragment for the postcard.

Cut it out with curly scissors.

Using a glue stick, stick it to the front of the card. If desired, you can make an inscription and also stick it on the front side of the postcard.

All that's left is with reverse side glue a sheet of white or colored paper and write a congratulation.

Master class on drawing for teachers and older children school age

Master class on drawing. Mixed media(watercolor - candle) “The flap of one wing”

Author: Melnikova Tatyana Ilyinichna, teacher visual arts, municipal educational institution additional education children "Children's Art School No. 1 of Nadym".

The master class is designed for children of senior school age and teachers.
Purpose: good idea for the design of a postcard or cover.
Target: acquiring skills in wax and watercolor.
Tasks: search for an expressive coloristic and compositional solution.
Educational: introduction to mixed media - wax and watercolor.
Developmental: development of skills in various techniques;
- development of combination skills in decorative images;
- development of imagination, fantasy, creative potential;
- development of associative, imaginative thinking, imagination abilities;
Educating: nurturing students’ attention, conscientious attitude to work, instilling discipline, accuracy, and independence.
For many millennia, flowers have symbolized the beauty, joy and perfection of nature among people. They give to everyone, regardless of whether you are a prince or a pauper, that beautiful world, when you get into it you feel happy and loved. Therefore, people have always tried to decorate with these amazing gifts of nature not only the festive and solemn days of their lives, but also everyday life, which, as we know, people have much more of.
It seems that Mother Nature herself tried and gifted us with these wonderful creatures, which for many thousands of years in a row have brought beauty and joy into our lives, giving us a good mood and emotional health at any time of the year.
According to scientists, there are more than 270,000 varieties of flowers on earth. And each flower is beautiful and unusual in its own way and carries within itself that piece of joy that nature put into it to make our lives brighter and a little happier.
All peoples of the world associate flowers with warmth, sun, spring and joy. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s winter outside or summer, autumn or spring. Flowers always remain symbols Have a good mood and wonderful times of the year - spring and summer.
Each flower is shrouded in a ghostly and mysterious aura, that magical mood that it bestows on all people without exception, be it a man or a woman, Small child or an elderly person.
We will paint a flower with a candle in combination with watercolors.
We will need the following: watercolor paper (linen), candle
(light colors), brushes (squirrel, kolinsky No. 10-15, bristles), contours on the fabric.


We place our sheet of paper horizontally. We outline the middle of the flower.

From the middle of the flower we draw daisy-like petals with a candle and lead them to the edge of our format. The candle can be used with the tip, end or flat. The candle leaves a mark on the surface of the paper in the form of a stroke. Closely spaced strokes form a spot. We light a candle and drip melted wax onto our work in a chaotic manner.

Then we moisten the entire sheet with water using a spray bottle and select a color palette.

We cover our format completely warm shades watercolors. Watercolor, thanks to its transparency properties, allows you to create light and airy compositions.

The main property of wax is to repel water. The method of working in this technique is based on this property. The combination of watercolor and candle gives a completely unexpected effect: if you go over the wax with watercolor, then the places on the paper that are not painted over with wax will be painted with paint. This technique of work is called mixed.
The next stage of work is to remove excess moisture from the petals of our flower.

And we compact the color between the petals. Making it brighter and more interesting.

After the work has dried, take a brush with bristles or more dark shade color than in our work and apply a spray.

And to complete our work, you can decorate our flower with fabric contours.

And now, with a sense of accomplishment, we look once again at the finished work)))
And one more thing: it will be great if you formalize the work! A greenish passe-partout would be very suitable here...)))
I wish everyone pleasant creativity and inspiration!!!

Elena Samonkina

Master class “Drawings - scratches with a candle (wax)”

“I’ll tell you about grattage.

It arouses interest.

You're like a magician scratching

You paint a whole world of wonders.”

I'll tell you about interesting technology drawing "graffito" or GRATTAGE! This technique is interesting and accessible to both children and adults of any age.

Scratch - unusual technique drawing, translated from French means to scrape, scratch - this is making a drawing with a sharp instrument, scratching paper or cardboard filled with ink on wax. That’s why grattage is affectionately called “Tsap-scratchy”!

Materials for work: a sheet of paper or cardboard, a brush (sponge, candle, oil pencils, ink (gouache, a jar of water), soap (soap solution, sharp objects for scratching, napkin, newspaper.

Classic scratch paper (black and white): rub a sheet of paper with wax (candle). Then apply mascara (gouache) to the surface with a brush or sponge.

Mascara (gouache) hardly sticks to a greasy surface. To prevent mascara from collecting in drops on the wax surface, there is one trick - mix it with soap (soap solution).

When the ink dries, use a sharp object - a stick, a toothpick - to scratch the design, forming thin white strokes on a black background. The table must be covered, otherwise everything around will be strewn with black ink-wax crumbs. The work uses sharp tools to remove black paint from the surface of the cardboard, resulting in a white layer. The result is a spectacular black and white image.

You can paint over a landscape sheet not with a candle, but with egg yolk (base). The drawing will turn out very bright.

Colored scratch paper - it can be drawn using wax or oil pencils, and then a candle is not needed.

Stage 1: paint over a sheet of paper (cardboard) oil pencils, wax crayons. (can be used colored paper or cover the sheet with watercolors, but then the drawing must be rubbed on top with a candle).

Stage 2: add liquid soap or shampoo to the black mascara (gouache), cover the painted sheet with this mixture and let it dry. It is necessary to paint over it so that the pencil does not show through. You can let the paint dry and paint again.

Stage 3: the most interesting thing - when the black color is dry, you can draw the contours - with a pencil or transfer it using carbon paper. Then we take a toothpick (stick, stack, knitting needle, fork) and scratch the design across the ink. A pattern of thin colored strokes is formed on a black background.

Drawing unusual materials(in this case with a candle) brings a lot of joy and develops Creative skills children.

Children's drawings:

I'm sure you will succeed. If you try, you won't stop at one drawing.

I wish you and your children pleasant moments of creativity!

JOURNEY INTO HISTORY The history of the invention of candles can be traced back to the heyday of the Roman Empire, which gave the world many useful inventions. It was the Romans who first began to use wicks in the manufacture of candles, which they used to illuminate their homes and temples, and also used them to move through dark city streets and trees.

JOURNEY INTO HISTORY Wax candles do not produce soot or unpleasant odor; they burn brightly and evenly. But fat is easier to obtain in large quantities than wax, so wax candles were expensive and were used only in the homes of wealthy citizens, nobles and the royal court, this is how the history of the wax candle began.

CANDLE MAKING TECHNOLOGY They took a twisted thread - the future wick, twice as long as the candle and tied it to a stick, folding it in half and weaving the ends. On one stick there were several blanks for candles. Next, these wicks were dipped into melted lard, removed and allowed to cool. This procedure was repeated several times until the candles of the required thickness were obtained.

MODERN HISTORY OF CANDLES Massive extraction of paraffin made it possible to make cheap candles, since it cost much less than wax and similar substances. At the same time, paraffin burns as brightly as wax, without emitting an unpleasant pungent odor.

LESSON EQUIPMENT You will need: - candles - White paper- watercolor paints - brush - oilcloth (newspaper) on the table Creative task: 1. Cover the table with newspaper. 2. Spread a sheet of white paper and, pressing firmly, make a design with a candle. 3. Paint over this design with watercolors

What you need to know! Watercolors WILL adhere to, or be absorbed into, the paper, but not where it is covered with wax. Watercolor paints are held to paper by a force called AGRITION. But this did not happen where wax is present, because between it and the paper there is a great strength, which is called STICKING. Game 1. You can draw several different simple drawings and offer children 2-4 years old using watercolor paints find out what is drawn. 2. Children can draw their own designs with a candle and develop them with paint.