Male names born on August 9th. Distinctive character traits of girls born in August

Why see earth, a hole, dirt, landing in a dream. What does the color black mean, a dream about a road, an earthquake, a desert, a field, a meadow - in the article.

Since ancient times, all peoples have had a respectful attitude towards Mother Earth - the nurse and the last refuge of all living things. Everything that a person has comes from the Earth.

Earth is the densest and heaviest of all other elements, at the same time pure and clear. In daily life, we receive support and support from the earth for our physical body.

In a dream the earth symbolizes the mental energies we need - stability, resilience, strength, calm self-confidence.

Black is the color of the earth

The earth is colorful color palette rich.

Black color is the color of night, darkness, tranquility, the end of the earthly path, death. What is death? This is peace and immobility - states that are directly opposite and balance the activity and excitability of life.

If in dreams the ground is black- this is a hint of the need to relax and pay attention to your inner experiences, to let go of unnecessary tension.

Seeing a hole, mud, landing in a dream

In dreams, these symbols, as a rule, take the form of verbal expressions familiar to all of us:

  • “I’m in a complete hole,” we say about troubles;
  • “got into trouble” - about a rash act;
  • “fell” - about a degrading person;
  • “landed” - we are literally “lowered” from heaven to earth.

Meaning in a dream:

Dirt - unpleasant emotions and thoughts, also “getting bogged down” in business, stalling.

Mud is earth mixed with water, and water in dreams reflects, first of all, emotions and feelings. The more liquid the mud, the more accumulated emotions that are needed.

Yama is a difficult situation, dark emotions, heavy thoughts. Another pit is a symbol of the refuge that we seek when we are mentally tired and want to rest. It makes it possible to hide, to be protected by the thickness of the earth from the world and any communication.

Landing - it's time to take off your rose-colored glasses and perceive the world as it is, harsh, cynical, vulgar. Landing occurs in different ways: landing or falling of an airplane, rolling down a mountain, and the like.

Seeing a road in a dream

We do not need to walk in the space of dreams; our intentions and desires move us where we need to go instantly.

Dreamed road always has important meaning and means choosing a life direction in a momentary situation or in the long term, it all depends on the plot of the dream. Direction does not mean “left”, “right”, “north”, but a state of mind: melancholy or joy, excitement or calmness, anger or complacency, etc.

Pay attention to the original and end point, where you came to, how you walked, what the road was like.

Smooth, unobstructed road, easy movement along it shows your satisfaction, good luck and prosperity in business.

Winding, winding, unclear road, potholes, cobblestones, obstacles on it report difficulties and unfavorable circumstances in daily life, your fear and indecision before certain actions or activities.

Cross the road- be on the border mental states, change of moods, beliefs.

Fork in the road- a symbol of choosing a path, making a decision. Ask yourself: what choice or decision am I facing?

Why do you dream about an earthquake in a dream?

A dream about an earthquake rarely foreshadows natural disasters in reality.

Most often, disasters occur in dreams force us to pay attention to strong inner experiences that we may not be aware of. Picking up scary stories, our subconscious thereby strives to draw the dreamer’s attention to these experiences, makes them realize and accept them.

Ground surface

In a dream, the earth can appear in very different forms.

Field or meadow.

A colorful, lush, sunny plot with rich vegetation reflects a surge of new strength, a state of joy.

Withered grass, a nondescript picture - loss of strength, despair, mental fatigue, loneliness.

A desert in a dream has an ambiguous meaning.

On the one hand, a dream can speak of spiritual devastation, depletion of mental energy, sadness and heaviness of life.

On the other hand, the desire to retire, to immerse oneself, so that no one and nothing interferes. It was to such deserted places that hermits always went for spiritual rebirth.


The earth in a dream appears multifaceted and diverse. To understand the dream, imagine yourself as the dreamed land (road, disaster, hole or road) and describe it from your “I”.

“I am the road, wide, straight...”
“I am a hole, deep, dark...”
“I am an earthquake, I demolish everything in my path...”

Listen to the response feelings and thoughts.

This method of interpretation is good because it helps you understand the meaning of the symbols from the dream as they apply to you.

Some dreams are like beacons: they do not allow us to get lost in such a complex and confusing scheme of everyday life, they do not allow us to take the wrong step.

Many felt that through visions and images in dreams they seemed to communicate with us sleeping higher power and they tell us, they give us valuable advice and instructions, carefully protecting against dangers and offering a path to success. You just have to consider, notice, decipher the dream - there is an answer!

Natural phenomena and elements are undoubtedly the most significant and important symbols in dreams. Particularly significant are dreams in which the earth appears.

There are many parables, legends and sayings about the earth. She is called the mother, and for good reason - everything is born from the earth, people, animals and the entire plant kingdom feed from it.

The earth is a large-scale and comprehensive symbol that has a lot of interpretations. It can mean home - in the most global sense, indicating stability and calm, balance and confidence.

A dream book will help you understand why you dream about the earth, provided that all the nuances of the dream are taken into account as carefully as possible. After all, there can be a huge number of options - and appearance, and the state of the earth, and the actions of the dreamer.

The earth may be oily, fertile and moist in a dream, or dry and barren. The dreamer may see a hole or an abyss, a vegetable garden or plowed soil, or maybe he had to dig it himself with a shovel, plowing a vegetable garden or garden, or dig a hole... The options for “earth” dreams are as follows:

  • Just seeing the earth in dreams.
  • Fertile, black land in a dream.
  • A big hole in dreams.
  • Vegetable garden, greenhouse or beds.
  • I dreamed of plowed land.
  • Seeing dry or rocky soil in dreams.
  • Fertile land with vegetables or berries.
  • Soil covered with greenery different colors or just moss.
  • Plowing the ground with your own hands in a dream.
  • Get dirty with soil.
  • Fall into a hole or end up underground.
  • Digging a garden with a shovel in a dream or just digging the ground.
  • Digging a big hole with a shovel in your dreams.
  • The earth disappears from under your feet in dreams.
  • Sowing in a dream or planting something in the soil.
  • There is land.
  • Digging into it with your hands.
  • Lying straight on the ground in a dream.

These options are individually valuable and have unique meanings. So remember the dream - and find out what the land you saw in your night dreams means.

Seeing earth in a dream

Dreams about the earth can be passive - those in which the dreamer himself does not take any action, but simply sees it as a symbol. It is not difficult to explain why the earth is dreamed of in this case - the main thing is to remember its appearance.

1. As the dream book will tell us, the land that we saw in our dreams is a symbol of balance and stability. Soon your life will find a stable flow, order, you will feel calm confidence in your actions and stand firmly on your feet.

2. A good dream, the earth in which was black, loose, and wet. This definitely portends you wealth, which will become stable and bring you a different, more desirable standard of living.

Of course, achieving this is worth making an effort. But such a dream can be an almost complete guarantee that all your hard work is not in vain, and will bear great fruit in the near future.

3. The hole is a symbol of work, and the deeper and wider the hole in the dream, the more effort you will have to put into work in reality.

This work can absorb you entirely - try not to get bogged down in endless work, do not forget about rest and take care of yourself so that the work does not turn out to be harmful, bringing no joy or benefit.

4. A vegetable garden in dreams is a great symbol. If you see in your dream a large vegetable garden, or at least a modest plot reserved for a vegetable garden, your home will soon learn what “full bowl” means.

Prosperity, stability and joy await you after such a dream, and farming will only bring satisfaction, and everything will go smoothly and carefree.

5. Plowed land, or dug up with a shovel, is a sign for the dreamer of quick luck, which will lead to complete well-being in the future. Your work and ideas are the right way, and if you continue without giving up, you will be very pleased with the fruits.

6. Seeing rocky, dry or cracked soil in your dreams is an omen of difficulties or fruitless efforts, but this is temporary. Let your new ideas, fresh views and strength become life-giving moisture for the soil.

And if you can now seriously get together and make efforts, then shoots will sprout - and your work will bear fruits, generous and desirable, those that you dreamed of.

7. As the dream book says, fertile land with vegetables or other fruits growing on it is a symbol of quick success and complete prosperity for you. All conditions for the development of business, business, for profitable idea, you have it - you just have to work and believe in success, and great prosperity awaits you.

8. Seeing soil densely covered with green grass, moss or flowers in a dream is a good sign. He promises love and happy marriage, harmony in couples and in the family, a strong and harmonious union. Hold on to this relationship, take care of it - it is valuable and very rare, you are lucky!

Cultivate the land with your own hands

If you even touched the soil in a dream, with a finger or a shovel, and not just had to see it, it already takes on a different meaning - and in such dreams you should take into account not so much the type and quality of the soil, but your actions.

To find out why the earth is dreaming, you will have to remember all your actions. And also take into account the emotions with which you performed these actions in the dream. Emotional condition in a dream will give the interpretation a special color, and may even change it, so take this into account.

1. As the dream book indicates, the land that you happened to plow in your dreams is a symbol of great and guaranteed wealth through your honest efforts.

Your hard work and integrity will soon bring rich fruits to your entire family. And you will be fully satisfied, so keep working, it will pay off.

2. If in your dreams you get dirty with earth, expect unexpected profits from the outside, a monetary gift or help from someone. In the near future, someone from your circle will want to support you financially - and this will come in handy.

3. If the ground suddenly collapsed under you in a dream, or you somehow found yourself underneath it in some other way, you have to thoroughly understand your life, find important answers, and understand why certain events happen to you.

Give this the attention it needs now, it will certainly help you live more consciously, and understand what is happening and why - and therefore, control your destiny.

4. Digging the ground with a shovel in a dream is a good sign. Your ideas are very valuable, start implementing them immediately - even if it takes your time and requires effort, but know for sure that these ideas will bear fruit.

In addition, such a dream indicates your rare and enviable determination, and says that you will not deviate from your intended path - this is wonderful! Start taking action, you will achieve tremendous success.

5. The hole that you happened to dig in a dream may indicate danger. Perhaps, through some of your incorrect or insufficiently considered actions, you can seriously harm yourself.

Think before you do anything - otherwise you will have to figure it out later and get out of the deep hole of problems and mistakes.

6. As the dream book says, the land that literally leaves or slips away from under your feet in your dreams is advice - be more attentive to your own inner voice, listen to your heart. You probably forgot that you have not only a cold mind, but also intuition - and now is the time to remember.

7. If you are lucky enough to sow in a dream, know that soon your affairs will be crowned with unprecedented success. You will be recognized, you will not only receive a very solid and very worthy position in the new society, but all your efforts will pay off significantly.

Continue to move calmly and confidently in the right direction you have chosen, it is the right one and will lead to fulfillment and happiness!

8. If you did a strange thing in a dream, namely, ate earth, do not be afraid, but rejoice - such a dream portends you wealth. And believe me, it will be so!

9. Digging with your hands in the ground is a dream that foreshadows successful and rewarding work. You will have to work a lot, but you will be satisfied with the process, which will not be stupid or meaningless at all, and even more so with the result, which will delight and enrich you.

10. If in your dreams you were lying on the ground, it means that in reality you will soon feel confidence, stability and calm. Try to maintain and consolidate this state - in it you will be able to perform any work more productively and easily, and achieve much greater heights.

It is easy to notice that the earth very often symbolizes wealth, prosperity and happiness - and it may seem that the interpreter is exaggerating, promising generous fruits. But it’s true - the earth is a symbol that rarely comes into dreams and is a happy sign.

But do not believe that after this dream wealth will simply fall on your head tomorrow - you have to work hard, show strength, optimism and perseverance, and then only reap the generous fruits of your own honest and hard work. Let such a dream cheer you up and add faith in your strength - act! Author: Vasilina Serova

However, dreaming of rocky and bare soil means failures and troubles. It is worth noting that Gustav Miller has an ambivalent attitude towards such a dream: elderly people dream of the earth as a sign of death, travelers dream of the fulfillment of cherished goals, and young men and women dream of stormy love affairs.

Why do you dream about earth? Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga characterizes the fertile and good land in a dream as a symbol of a comfortable life and a fruitful year. If the dreamer digs in the ground, in reality some kind of amazing mystery. Becoming a discoverer of a new land in a dream means expecting favorable surprises from fate. Lying on the ground in a dream means a series of minor troubles, family troubles.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: earth

According to the interpreters of this dream book, digging in the ground means you will soon receive some kind of material benefit, and lying on it means financial difficulties. Watching people plowing the land in a dream is a harbinger of noble, but not rewarding work, which the dreamer will soon engage in.

Fertile black soil, according to this dream book, is good sign: in the near future the dreamer will improve his financial situation. Land overgrown with weeds indicates the onset of unfavorable times. Naked and barren land promises constant failures awaiting the dreamer literally at every step. A dream in which a person is covered with earth speaks of his future mistakes.

Earth in a family dream book

Seeing the earth on your own shoes in a dream means success and good luck in business. Digging the ground means completing current affairs with obvious benefit for the dreamer. Plowing the ground in a dream means the beginning of some new and rather interesting business. In the future it will bring great success and recognition. Getting dirty in the ground means a wild party, a friendly drinking session, or a reunion of graduates.

Erotic dream book: earth in a dream

According to this dream book, the earth is a symbol of carnal pleasures, with which the dreamer will make up for the lack of his spiritual communication with people. The dream promises that sexual adventures will be stormy, but short-lived. The dreamer should understand that trying to have an affair with his sexual partner is not a good idea. He needs to strive for mental stability, and not escape from his problems through carnal pleasures.

An old Russian dream book. Earth in a dream

Seeing black earth in a dream means that in the near future you will attend the funeral of a well-known person. Throwing a handful of earth into a grave means longevity for the person into whose grave this handful was thrown. Digging in the ground, plowing it or harrowing it means making a profit, good year and food abundance.

The earth can be a dream of troubles in business, of a dead person. If you see yourself digging in the ground in a dream, then in reality you will probably face health problems or hard physical work. Lying on damp ground also means trouble, a worsening situation, and loss of health.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

The warm fertile land that you saw in a dream brings good luck and if you do something soon, it will make you richer and will bring good results over time. No matter how much effort you put in, the income will return double. Seeing the earth completely exhausted in a dream means failure. What did you plan for real life, will turn out to be a failure. You should not start a business after seeing such a dream. It is quite unpleasant to realize that if, after falling asleep, you see a person digging the ground, then this is for a funeral. Perhaps you should try to avoid troubles that may also fall on your head during this period.

However, the freshly dug soil in blooming garden guarantees only prosperity in reality, and the owners of the land - a good harvest and profit. There will be no shortage of fruits in your garden. To understand why you dream of black earth, you should study the area where you saw it. If she came into your field of vision while you were sleeping in the middle of the road, then this bad dream. You will have to hide from strangers to avoid trouble. According to another interpretation, such a dream suggests that you are a realist and never have your head in the clouds, which is sometimes not enough for happiness.

Jewish dream book

Depending on the season of the year, lying on the ground suggests different interpretations. Lying on good soil in spring in dreams means hopes for luck, in summer it means positive thinking, in the fall this dream warns of deception, and in the winter it prepares for illness.

Magic dream book

Why you dream of land covered with greenery can be found in this dream book. As a rule, for young people this dream promises a happy, rich marriage and strong relationships. Married people can interpret this in their own way. The earth covered with greenery means for the spouses joint activities. If it is also very fertile, then a comfortable life is guaranteed. But digging the ground in a dream can symbolize simple hard work in reality. The main thing is not to lie on the wet ground. This can be humiliating in reality.

Dream book of healer Akulina

In the dream book, plowed soil promises future prospects, loose soil - the opportunity to live in abundance, dried soil - it is worth preparing for losses. You just have to imagine well-cultivated soil into which you plan to throw grain and germinate it.

English dream book

Soil in a dream speaks of strength and wealth of experience, worries and obtaining financial wealth. Even if you dug up this land, then according to this dream book, black soil means new opportunities, a search for prospects.

Home dream book

This can be a dream of an energetic person who has many plans and life experience for their implementation.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Soil always dreams of prosperity, because grain can be sprouted in it. She breathes warmth when a person works with her.

Psychoanalytic dream book

If the planet Earth appeared to you, then this speaks of a system of parental relationships, of the established position of everyone in the family. If today, in your dream, the ground is soft to the touch, then in reality you probably have a lack of tactile contact with your parents, with your mother in particular. You need the support of a loved one. Falling into an earthen trap means poor understanding of the harmfulness of your habits, inability to control yourself.

According to Felomena's dream book

This image is considered a natural habitat for humans. Most often it represents family and relationships between relatives. If a girl digs the ground, then she will soon get married.

English dream book

To have your own in a dream land plot is considered a good sign, which portends you wealth and independence from others. Selling soil in a dream means you may have to change your place of residence, but paying land taxes means losses.

Assyrian dream book

A person who sees someone sitting on the ground can rely on respect and honor. If he eats soil, it promises trouble at work and hunger.

Muslim dream book

If in your dreams there is a person who draws a plan for the construction of some building on the ground, then you will be able to resolve worldly and religious matters. A person who will have to obtain property by fraud can see the soil during a dream and start eating it. According to the Muslim dream book, it is bad see a person who tramples the ground. This is to death.

Newest dream book

A person who sees soil in a dream and begins to cultivate it, dig it up and move it from one place to another may become too forgetful.

Russian dream book

If in a dream you happened to cut down the earth, then in reality you will be able to fulfill your dream, build real castles in the air. Plowing the land according to the Russian dream book means prosperity.

A dream in which you saw black earth raises many doubts and guesses. The world of dreams is surprising because dreams can be interpreted in different ways: for example, black earth can be associated with dug up and - literally the opposite interpretation - with freshly plowed soil into which seeds are sown (i.e. this is the beginning of a new stage in life, the time of creation reserve for the future).

The relevant question is “Why do you dream of black earth?” - this means it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the interpretations of the dream and “deciphering” the ephemeral message. It is possible that these actions will help avoid troubles in the future, because the rule “forewarned is forearmed” has not been canceled.

Predictions of interpreters

In most dream books, a dream about black (damp) earth has negative interpretation . But before reading about alarming prophecies, it is worth familiarizing yourself with neutral and even positive interpretations.

Standing on the edge of a large field with freshly plowed soil is a sign that big changes and new achievements are coming. Walking on the black earth: an allegorical message from the kingdom of Morpheus that in reality it is worth being more realistic and down-to-earth; such tactics of clearly planned actions will give results in the foreseeable future.

Walk barefoot or lie down

Gypsy dream book: seeing yourself barefoot on black earth means danger in reality, a dangerous road and a new beginning.

The Slavic Dream Book provides clarification:

  • Walking on the ground barefoot in a dream, doing it with pleasure, feeling the soil, its softness and relief - to liberation in reality from burdens and oppressive obligations, in this case, you will have to make concessions and compromises on important issues, humble your pride.
  • Standing barefoot on damp ground due to poverty (lack of shoes) – in reality the dreamer will feel helpless and vulnerable.

English dream book: a dream in which you saw yourself lying on the ground, interpreted as a warning about the future, deterioration of health. Seeing such a dream for a pregnant woman means a quick release from the burden. A traveler had a dream with such a plot - unplanned circumstances await him on the road.

Miller's dream book: walking barefoot on the ground means in reality receiving an undeserved insult. Sleeping on the ground means you risk being taken by surprise under extremely unfavorable circumstances.

Vanga's dream book: step bare feet on the ground in a dream - a harbinger that in reality you will experience worries about your health and the health of your loved ones, and this concern will be justified.

In Longo's dream book, a dream with such a plot has different interpretations for men and women:

  • For a man to see himself barefoot in a dream, walking on the ground during a difficult period of his life - to the loss of one's power and influence in society, to worry about this.
  • For a woman to see herself barefoot - in reality you will feel like a victim of circumstances, gossip and slander.
  • Lying on the ground - is to feel tired, the desire to “reset to zero” and start life from scratch.

Earth from the cemetery

A dream in which you pick up the earth in a cemetery foreshadows a difficult period in life when you will have to survive and deal with circumstances. Shake off damp earth from your hands - in reality you will be able to find a way out of the impasse by rethinking your past and present.

Dream promises sadness and sadness, and you have to worry not so much about yourself, but about your loved ones and relatives.

Dial into pockets cemetery landto large financial losses; holding a handful of grave soil means a period of trials and tribulations, illnesses and illnesses is coming.

Dry earth from the graveyard in hands - such a dream foreshadows a period in life when you feel like the arbiter of destinies, at the same time, it is important not to cross the boundaries of morality and morality, because retribution for misdeeds will not be long in coming. Throwing a handful of earth into the grave means sadness that will overshadow the days and weeks.

Dream Book of the Wanderer: danger, threat to life and health in the foreseeable future, and this dream is a warning that you should be more careful and judicious.

Sweep it up

Sweeping the ground in your house or yard - to quarrels and disagreements in the family circle; sweep the land on someone else's territory - slander can cause trouble.

Sweeping the ground, while dust swirls - to hassle and fuss that will irritate. To have such a dream unmarried girl- in reality you will miss a certain person, but will not receive reciprocity in return.

Longo's Dream Interpretation: imprudence and wastefulness(and it's not so much about material values how much about health, mental well-being, determination, good relationships with loyal and reliable people) in the present will result in significant losses in the future.

Scattered earth in the house, sweep it up - in in real life, your words and actions can be misinterpreted, which will bring sadness and disappointment.

Soil in the mouth

If we summarize the interpretation of a dream with such a plot, then this is a harbinger of a dream, a warning of future upheavals. Perhaps the inability to keep your mouth shut will cause trouble and loss of trust on the part of loved ones.

Longo's Dream Interpretation: illness, feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, vision portends betrayal on the part of those whom they trusted and valued, will be an incentive to open new page your life and write it down completely, without making past mistakes.

Esoteric dream book: a warning from the subtle world that the time has come to moderate your selfish appetites so as not to go too far with greed.

A mouthful of earth in a dream - a desire to flaunt one’s will result in a series of troubles from enemies and secret ill-wishers, besides, you risk receiving false information.

Gypsy dream book: you will become the culprit of your own troubles, and it will take a lot of effort to return to its former well-being.

There is land - the desire to tempt fate will result in fatal changes, which you will later regret.

Buy earthen soil

Buying a plot means making plans in reality that will come true with a fair amount of patience and hard work; buy a small amount of land (for example, a bag of land) - you will do your work under the close attention of ill-wishers and envious people.

English dream book: a dream in which you acquire land foretells that in reality you will acquire a well-deserved position in society.

Receive practical advice and support, but in return you may be required to reciprocate the courtesy. Buy some land, literally a handful - the feeling of independence in reality can turn into an illusion, and then disappointment and doubt cannot be avoided.

Vanga's dream book: in a critical situation for you get support and help, which we didn’t even count on initially.

Esoteric dream book: the feeling of having your feet firmly on the ground will not leave you in the foreseeable future, which will give you confidence in resolving important issues.

Longo's Dream Interpretation: a “straw” laid out in advance will help you get out of stalemate situations with minimal losses.

Soil in a pot

If you see a full pot of earth, troubles await you related to your home, well-being, and taking care of your family and friends as needed.

Esoteric dream book: joyless chores and quickly get rid of the boring routine.

The 21st century dream book interprets this dream as follows: receive a minor insult for an undeserved reason, but you will be able to make sure that it does not throw you out of balance.

Empty hassle, you won’t get the expected reward for your efforts. For a married woman to have such a dream - to the pleasant chores of arranging a home and creating comfort, this is how Longo’s dream book interprets the vision.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation: in reality you will receive compliments addressed to you “with a double bottom”, and it is advisable to unravel the insincerity, which will help avoid troubles in the near future.