Dream interpretation: a dead person gives money to a living person. If in a dream you give money to your deceased mother

Why do you dream about a deceased person giving money in a dream according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, if you receive money from a person who is dead in reality, it means you need to be extremely careful, not chase dubious benefits, soberly assess the situation and foresee its consequences, otherwise you will disappear, and instead of finding something, you will lose what you already have.


I had a dream about my deceased mother: what could a dream mean?

An invisible umbilical cord connects every person with his mother, and this connection is not lost even after the death of the parent, because even being in the world of the dead, she protects her children from troubles, misfortunes and serious illnesses, warning them about the inevitable.

According to the dream book of the Old Sage, if you dreamed of a (deceased) mother, it means that a person is tormented by a long, unquenchable sadness of the soul and heart. If the deceased mother calls the dreamer, then this is not a very good sign, foreshadowing a serious and prolonged illness, trouble, or grief.

A dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and talks confidentially with her about the most intimate things promises him a comfortable life, happiness and love.

I open the door and the water flows out along with the little kittens. The water washed all the cats and kittens. It was transparent, almost crystal.

I rush into the room where my grandmother is. She sits waist-deep in water and I breathe a sigh of relief, because she is alive. God bless!

What she told me, but did not scold me.

After that, a man whom I love very much proposes to me. I agree to his proposal. And he says that he really fell in love with my son Yaroslav and wants him to bear his last name. He brings his things to me, and I am very happy and happily sledding down the mountain!

In a dream I understand that this is exactly what true love is.

Deceased parents in a dream

My sister dreamed about her deceased mom and dad. Young and cheerful. My sister saw herself as a one-year-old baby. Her parents taught her to walk. Mom kept saying, “come on, daughter, top, top, come to me.” My sister said that the dream was so clear and she really wanted to run to her mother.. I’m scared that trouble is threatening, I hope that my fears are in vain. In real life, our parents haven’t lived together for a long time. Mom died 2.5 years ago, and recently they found information about my father that he died back in 2001. Maybe this information will be useful for interpretation.

The deceased mother does not let you into the house in a dream

Today I dreamed that my late mother was washing the floors in the hallway, I walked into the apartment from the street, but she didn’t seem to let me in. I leave my bag on the floor and leave, she closes the door behind me, I walk down the street with coins in my pocket, I don’t know where to go or what to do.

Why do you have such a dream that your late mother won’t let you into the house? Here you need to choose an interpreter, but I don’t care who will express their point of view, thanks in advance.

Late father in a dream

Today I dreamed that while leaving the house on the stairs I saw my father who died six months ago (I haven’t seen him in my life for 20 years) I felt in the dream that he was dead. He asks to give me tea, smiles, we go home, I give him tea and feed him!

Why do you dream about the late father in a dream?

The deceased father gives money in a dream

I dreamed that I was sitting in the courtyard of the house where I spent my entire childhood on a log (an attribute of our yard) and saying goodbye to my father, behind me on the same log another relative was sitting, unfortunately I couldn’t say who, it seemed like my father was supposed to go where then leaving looks tired and a little sad (my father died 4 months ago, I dreamed about it for the first time, but in my dreams I don’t think about it)

I say goodbye to him, kiss him, he moves away, then calls me to him and gives me a wallet with money (medium-sized paper money), I take it, say thank you,

We kiss again, I think he felt relieved after that, or maybe I felt better and he leaves the yard through our entrance.

What does it mean?

Late mother in a dream

Hello! I want to understand what my dream means and I really hope for help! I don’t remember the whole dream, only one moment - I’m sitting on the windowsill at home and my late mother is strangling me and seems to be trying to push me out of the open window, I scream a lot and wake up. I continue to scream after waking up (I really scared my husband)!

Late grandmother in a dream

I dream of my late great-grandmother, she is in my grandmother’s house, everyone communicates with her as if nothing had happened, I come up and hug her, heat emanates from her, it’s as if she is burning from the inside, I pull away and start saying that she has a fever . The feeling of sleep is quite strange. I can't figure out what this heat means.

Deceased in a dream

I dreamed of a grandfather who was deceased but alive in a dream. Moreover, its role in the dream is not the main one. I don’t remember exactly how or why, but we hugged and as if in reality I felt his stubble and it felt really good. But we were walking somewhere with our parents and I had to follow them and my grandfather asked me for 600 rubles, but I said that I would give him tomorrow and began to think how I would get that amount.

Late grandmother in a dream

I dream about a house or apartment, but not mine or my parents’. But I feel at home. It’s someone’s birthday (for little ones, since many give balloons). I hear the doorbell ring, someone opens the room and a deceased grandmother, younger than she died, enters the room. Nicely dressed in 80's clothes. I go up to her and hug her. I am glad to see her and she is glad to see me. My mother (my grandmother is her mother), as if from the outside, tells me if I understand that my grandmother is dead. I answer yes. Then my grandmother and I go to the kitchen, I hug her again. She asks how she looks, this is important to her. I answer that it’s good, but it’s kind of greenish. She feels cold. When I look at her up close, it’s as if I can see through my grandmother’s features the features of another person. But it's very fleeting. In the kitchen I fry it in a frying pan like frying it for borscht, stirring it with a spoon. The grandmother undresses, takes off her coat, she has gifts in her hands, something small and more than one. I tell her to go to the guests and show her another door, not the one through which we entered.. And she replies that she will wait for me and we will go through the same door that we entered. I don’t remember further.

Late grandfather dies anxiety voice in sleep

Last night I was very scared, I woke up from a very realistic dream. The voices were clearly audible. I dreamed about my late grandfather. In the dream, he was already old, very ill, and near death. I see one of the relatives leaving the room with a sick grandfather and telling me that he is dying, will die soon... This caused me great anxiety, fear... Then I hear some voice that loudly tells me that what - something terrible will happen (repeats several times). I woke up completely terrified, I felt the presence of a stranger. In general, I often see dreams when I am in my childhood house, and today the events of the dream took place in that house. At the moment, the house has burned down, but I always see it safe and sound; the incident with the fire did not affect my dreams in any way.

Late grandmother in a dream

I dreamed that my grandmother was changing her apartment and as a result, instead of a Khrushchev-era apartment, she got a 2-room Stalinist apartment. And so we walk along it, looking around. This is a huge apartment, located not far from the previous place of residence, although it is uninhabited and requires renovation. And for some reason it’s somehow a passageway: it feels like it’s endless, like if you walk through it, you can get into something like a theater. And the strangest thing is that there is something like a funeral home nearby and people come to order coffins. And so my grandmother, while I’m calling on the phone, is also asking about the upholstery of the coffin. I go and look at the dimensions of the rooms. I go into the hall (for some reason I don’t purposefully go to the room where, logically, my grandmother should live, and I think to myself, “this is where my table would stand, this is where my bed is. There’s so much space, I don’t even know what it might look like.” And I understand that it’s not good I think. I call my mother and say that I have been visited by base thoughts. The apartment should go to other people, but I walk around and drool: why are they getting it (after the death of my grandmother), and I will still have to sit in the same room. I say and I’m crying because I’m not getting real estate, although I understand that the main thing is that my grandmother is “living.” By the way, when I called my mother, she also had some not quite right feelings, which she herself said.

In fact, my grandparents have been gone for almost 2 years now. The apartment became unequally owned by the uncle: his wife owns the majority. Before and our relationship was always not the best.

In general, I often dream about my deceased relatives, but this dream really scared me.




The deceased mother feeds her potatoes and cucumbers and pours coffee. I need to have a serious operation on my daughter. I called my mother in a dream for advice. And in a dream she tells me about another polished patient. And then she says, when I ask her again about her daughter, the number sixty. What do these dreams mean? I will be very grateful for your answer


if in a dream a deceased matchmaker gives money


The deceased mother is planning to give a gift in a dream. I tell her that there is no need to bother, it can be done with money. she says no, you need a lot of money, a gift would be better.


I dreamed of a deceased neighbor who gave me a wad of money, which contained both new bills and ones that were too old, even damaged. She asked to put this money into some account and then do something else. I went with her, and then I don’t remember what to do next. This woman was strange during her life; they even believed that she cast a spell, and we tried to avoid her, we were even afraid of her. Please interpret the dream.


I had a dream. My late grandmother came to visit, and it was my sister’s birthday, she seemed to give her money in large 1000g and 500g bills and a lot more rolled into a tube, but my sister wasn’t at home, she puts the money on the table, I take it, I ask, and if you have no money, keep it for yourself, she says I have 100g. That’s enough for me. My sister comes in and doesn’t even say hello to grandma, but I say say hello, I take her aside and say grandma gave you about 3 thousand money and you’re going to go somewhere, stay home for your birthday. But my sister calls somewhere and wants to leave, nothing explaining. Grandma ate at the table, I don’t remember what they said, and I invited her to rest, she lay down on the sofa, we covered her with a blanket and she slept. I started counting the money and didn’t give it to my sister. I woke up. Please interpret the dream. My sister’s birthday was January 28th, my grandmother died 3 years ago.


deceased mother gives a dark wallet with money and a VIP-SIM card for a mobile phone. There are 30 ruble bills in the wallet. Everything happens in a bright room. During sleep, restless and peaceful feelings.


my 2nd brother died 1.5 years ago, and today he kissed me on the lips and gave me money, after which he said something to me (I don’t remember what) and then there was a weak breeze, a couple of bills flew away but I caught them all... that’s it, thanks in advance...

[email protected]:

Today I had a dream: All my close and distant relatives were sitting in a clearing, My mother and stepfather went to lay out the well by hand, after that my stepfather gave me 70,000 rubles and then I begged him for another 55,000. In total, I have 125,000 rubles in paper money in my pocket. The lock in the apartment was broken, we were renovating the apartment together with our deceased stepfather and mother.
Two months before her death, my mother also had a dream about all her deceased relatives, she died in the hospital - from a cerebral hemorrhage..... THANK YOU!




Hello! I will be grateful for your help! Mom, she died 1.5 years ago and I constantly dream about her! And today she was so beautiful and warm! in a dream she gave me a lot of money, half of it for me, and half to take away! But then they stole it from me and I woke up my mother and said, she was very emotionally surprised, and from the outside someone said! that they saw the daughter of my older sister, that she and her father stole this large half of the money! thank you in advance!


in a dream, my mother gave me money... bills... I took it... then she felt very sick... I understood why... she had an incurable disease (as in life) that’s all


On May 31, my grandmother died on May 31 of this year, I had a dream last week, well, as usual, I came to see her, she gave me money, and then she just said that there was no money. and they are at my uncle's. and I woke up. but during her lifetime she was organizing money for the funeral; upon the arrival of her relatives, no one found the money.
and today my boyfriend dreamed of my grandmother, in the dream there were me and his sister, she asked him to do something in the garden or go somewhere, he doesn’t remember exactly. why such dreams?


Hello. I dreamed that my late grandmother gave me 4 thousand, supposedly for expenses, but at the same time she asked me to buy her a lot of things, I don’t remember what. In the dream she was healthy and we talked a little, but again, I don’t remember what. And yet, we were sitting in some white room. Thank you.


in the apartment where we lived, my mother and my older brother. I’m standing with my mother and she gives me money (2 five-thousandth bills) and says: this is for you, otherwise it’s all for him (as I understood to my brother). I asked, do you have it? Mom showed me the money, counted more than 40 thousand in 5 thousand and woke up in fear


my father, who died five years ago, gives me and my brother money, saying why are you living like this, you have no money at all, the money was a few hundred rubles, and he also told you my card number, write down I wrote down 10114600, what does that mean? the number looks like an index


I didn’t dream it. and to my niece. that her grandmother gives her money so that she can give money in the amount of 500 euros to her missing sister. (My sister has been gone for 2 years)


Good afternoon. In a dream, I gave birth to a son and a guy who is no longer alive came to visit us, he brought a baby rocking chair as a gift and gave my mother money to buy a towel for the baby, allegedly he forgot to buy it. The dream was as if it was real.


My husband died a year ago! a few days ago I had a dream!….a big house and there are a lot of people there! all friends and acquaintances! everyone is happy and walking around saying that Lyoshka is coming now! Alexey is my husband! then he comes and tells me... well, I’m back... they let us go there for good work... and by the way, I earned 30,000 but spent a lot on the trip, so I brought only 24,000. and gave me the money! all the guests celebrate his resurrection! We are sitting on a bench with him and he says... I miss you so much... give me a kiss? and we kiss him in our dreams! there was no fear in the dream... there was peace! then in a dream I say that now I definitely need to go to social security and cancel the receipt of a child’s pension for the loss of a breadwinner... because since you say he’s risen, then you can’t deceive the state! and in reality I already had a new boyfriend, and the day before bed we broke up with him! and in my dream he also came and I told him...you see! no wonder they separated... my husband is now resurrected anyway!


I talk to my husband (who has been dead for 10 years) and say that I decided to leave my job (I don’t remember why). He asks how much I get paid. I answer 28 or 24 thousand. He takes a wad of money out of his pocket and gives it to me.


Hello, I dreamed that my deceased husband came to the hospital and gave me money, but he came in dirty shorts, although in fact they were washed, according to him. What could this mean? I also had a dream that when I came to the store, something broke and the fragments turned out to be in her mouth, spitting out glass.


I dreamed of a deceased husband holding large paper money in his hands, with which he pays a stranger for meat products for the table


I dreamed about the deceased father of my common-law husband, he gave me 3 silver coins, shiny, and told me to buy some water for us to drink. The husband and daughter were standing nearby at that time. It seems like a coin for each - me, my husband, our daughter. I had a dream when we were relaxing at sea and the event in the dream took place in the same place where we were vacationing.


Hello! I dreamed that my deceased aunt brought 3-liter jars for my son, one of them contained 500 rubles, another contained candy, and the third contained something else. I refused, but my aunt silently left and left.


I dream that I wake up and my mother-in-law is baking pancakes, and next to me is my ex-husband (he died on July 22, 2013) and he gives me even larger bundles of money. He gave me two, and kept the third for himself, and then it’s like we’re talking to him, we’re joking, we’re laughing, and he gave me the third. pack. But I haven’t seen what kind of banknotes. And then I woke up.


I saw in a dream my grandmother, my mother’s mother, in our house, she was about to leave, and inviting me with her, I didn’t go, she didn’t insist and gave me money as a farewell, and my mother came up and took it in silence, and she left.


He was raging in his house and only I, as my most beloved, could stop him, then he gave me as much as a wad of money, but there were three thousand rubles, no less, my mother and grandmother were in amazement. My grandmother even tried to take them for herself, but I didn’t give them away.


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed about my late mother and gave me money in large bills. She asked me to give half of it to my sister. What would that mean?


hello. I dreamed that my brother was freed. He came home. We were happy. He gave me money and left. Then he came with the cops and they arrested him again. That’s it.


The grandmother (neighbor) dreamed that she came (or arrived, maybe even fell from the sky), yes, something similar, as if from the sky, and so she said, “sell me vodka, I have 500 rubles, otherwise we have it there no,” and I said to her, “no, I’ll lend you a loan.”. and I woke up




I opened a butcher shop! My first customers paid for the meat, my deceased husband came up to me and put 500 rubles in the cash register.


Hello, I had a dream in which my grandfather died. He called me on the phone and asked me to come to him. He said that he would give me money, but I was unable to reach him. Afterwards, I went with my husband to the hospital and there I met my grandfather’s best friend. And he told me the address where he lives and again asked me to go to him. But I never got there


Sleeping in the morning, I met my maternal grandmother on the street, asked me to buy a few servings of ice cream and while walking she gives me a lot of small change to buy and pours a few into my handful even fell to the ground, I say where is this much for buying, in response it is necessary , yes, when moving to the tent we step over clods of dirt, we didn’t get dirty, because I noticed that my grandmother’s shoes were completely clean, I woke up.


In a dream, my late father gave me money, I refused, but he said, “Take it, I’m burned out from my extra job,” and I took it


On August 27, 2013, my husband died. I had a dream from 11 to 12 August 2014 in the early morning. It was as if he had returned alive from a business trip and brought money, as I remember now, 3 thousand. I say, why so little? You've been gone for so long. And he smiles so maliciously and coldly and leaves. I dream about it quite often, but this is the first time - with a cold expression, as if he doesn’t love me anymore. Moreover, in all my dreams I know that he is dead, but here he seems to be alive


Today I dreamed about my dead father. Some man and I (I feel like both my father and I know him) come to a room very similar to a basement and there is my father with a beard and shoulder-length gray hair. The beard and hair are well-groomed. This man gives his father money, bills rolled into a tube. My father takes two bills and gives me the rest, hugging me and saying something like I need them more. I hide them and run away, I decided to see how much money I was unwrapping there and the bills were old like in the 90s, but I wasn’t upset. Having run to some store there, my old friend (the love of his youth), he wants to hug me, my heart is pounding, I want to kiss him so much, but in a dream I remember that I am married, and he has a family and children, he boasts of a new shirt from Guchi, and It seems like it’s even someone’s wedding. That's how I woke up.


Hello, I dreamed of my dead husband, we were in some house, there were some people there, my husband brought me a bag with wads of money and said that they were mine, I hid the money, but then it wasn’t there, I looked for it but couldn’t find it .


I dreamed about my dead grandparents. When my sister and I were little, my grandparents helped my mother and gave us money every year before the school year. So in this dream, I dreamed that my grandmother and mother went into another room to get gifts for my sister and me, and my grandfather gave me and money to my sister, while saying that he was giving 9 thousand, but in fact I had 5, I was embarrassed to tell my grandfather that it wasn’t 9 thousand. Our grandfather was sick before his death, he had problems with the spine and he walked on crutches, in the same dream, I gave him a glass of vodka to drink and for some reason there were no crutches nearby, I brought my grandfather to the sofa, later he walked in his sleep, but with great difficulty, it was clear that he was in great pain. In general, I don’t dream about grandma and grandpa very often.


I dreamed that my dead mother gave me a wad of 5,000 money and went, I caught up with her and gave her in her mouth either cookies or candy, I don’t remember


In the salon where I want to buy a red dress, I met my husband who died in reality, who gave me money - a paper bill.


in the morning I saw in a dream our neighbor who had never been married and she was ill; she died somewhere 10 years ago, she gave me 5000 Cooper pieces, 5 and one 100 or 1000 Cooper I don’t remember, I mentally searched for someone to ask for money and then she came and gave it to me this money and I left, surprised, I stood watching


I dreamed of my husband’s deceased grandmother, just a couple of days ago it was 40 days, in the dream she was cheerful and gave my husband and I money, but we gave this money to my grandfather, he is alive


I dreamed about my grandmother who died 2 years ago. I allegedly need to fill up my Zhiguli and she added 5 UAH to me. in the end there was more gasoline and she and I were driving a KAMAZ without a body, just a cab... and I seemed to be taking her to where she needed


I dreamed that I had a wedding (I’m not married, gr. marriage) Nothing is ready for the wedding, we don’t have time to do anything, I ran to put on a dress, someone threw something at me and stained it for me. When I dressed it, it looked like it was made of paper. Still dressed. Then I was sitting at the table and my late grandmother was there, she seemed to be writing a congratulation or something on a 50 ruble bill, then she saw a thousand lying next to her and seemed to give me 1000 for a place of 50 rubles. What could this mean?


Hello, my name is Natalya. In a dream I dreamed of my grandmother (she died more than 15 years old) I don’t remember with whom I came to visit her in the house where she lived! She met us, we sat down and said take the money, gives 500 rubles and says buy pants like pantaloons and shows which ones, and I don’t know who to give it to! And then I don’t remember the dream…………………


Hello Tatyana, please explain to me the dream I had today. My mother died almost a year ago, I constantly go to her cemetery, I often go to church and light a candle for her for her repose, so I remember her often. And now about the dream. I dream that I am in my parents’ house, my mother and I were there, and it seems like she and I don’t do a lot of cleaning there, but this is not certain, or I came and she was cleaning the house, putting things in order, and it was as if my brother came to them to live again, and that’s what it really is now, my brother not long ago separated from his woman with whom he lived for 8 years and came to live with his father again, and now they actually live together with their dad. And when my brother separated, he brought only his things, a TV and a computer to his father’s house. And in a dream I see this computer that my mother came up with where to put it and says to me, well, it will stand here and we will use it and takes the wallet and gives a lot of 5000 bills from it and puts them all on the table, but I immediately told her I don’t need the money , I don’t remember further, then I tell her mommy not to use this computer anymore, well, it’s like I’m giving her a hint that she will die soon, and this was the case before her death in fact, I knew when she would die and she she said the same thing while still alive... Well, after these words of mine in a dream, she began to cry a lot and I was with her and I also woke up in such tension, and in general I feel very bad when I dream about my dead mother... I had a very hard time her illness and death. Thank you for your answer in advance!


I saw in a dream a deceased neighbor in old age, she gave me 450 UAH, there were paper bills, but from 1 to 100, because I came to her to generously


Hello Tatyana. On the 13th I dreamed of my deceased who brought me a large pile of money, I don’t remember why. But from this pile I gave him a little and he left. The money was paper. I also left in the other direction but with this money. Thank you


In the dream there was a difficult situation; I had to spend the night away from home. Later, someone came and asked for change at the door. (I don’t remember if I lifted them, as if someone else had lifted them, but not all of them). And my late brother arrived, I went outside, he gave me two paper tens and said that he didn’t have any change, you’ll probably find it at your place. And then I saw that my car was missing, I remember that I was looking for the car by number. I woke up thinking that I needed to report it to the police.


my husband came into the yard, hugged me, kissed me, gave me a pink and white card with money, he had brown circles under his eyes and he cried and was silent and then disappeared


I dreamed of a dead husband who took money from me and then threw it in my face with insulting words. and in the distance stood his own sister, but she is alive.


hello, I dreamed last night that my uncle died, I didn’t see him, but I felt his presence and he himself gave signs that he was nearby. We were in a room with people and they were climbing in his chest of drawers, he scared them by opening and closing drawers and they all ran away. I was the only one left and suddenly noticed a small white towel lying on the floor. I went up to look at something inside. I opened the towel and saw a large stack of money in it, but I had never seen such bills before, they were large, unlike our paper money. It was his. money hidden during his lifetime that no one found, I put it under the pillow on his former bed and left. Tell me what this could mean?


hello, I often dream about my late mother, and my late husband’s grandfather and grandmother, my mother gave me money, and my grandfather is always chasing me, my grandmother seems to be calm, and in my dreams I often scold my mother or beat him, explain what all this means?


Mom lives in a beautiful apartment with beautiful furniture. Our apartment, on the contrary, requires renovation. We don’t have money right now, but we urgently need to buy something. The boots I bought the day before fell apart and urgently need to be sent in for repairs. Mom gives money, 100 hryvnia in one piece of paper, not as a loan, but as a gift, she says that it’s not a burden to her


Hello! I dreamed of my grandmother (mother’s mother), whom I had never seen in my life. She died in 1956. She and my mother (who is alive) are sitting there. And my grandmother gives me a 500-ruble bill and two 50-ruble bills and says: “500 rubles.” give it to Ksyusha (this is my 16-year-old daughter) for 100 rubles. buy something, well, you know what. 3 days before, I dreamed of a black dove knocking on the window with its beak 3 times. I feel a little uneasy.


I had a dream that at first I was in the bathhouse, for some reason, wearing someone else’s clogs, I thought I was wearing my own, but I saw that it wasn’t mine, I couldn’t see my head, then I went to put my things somewhere, I had bags somewhere, I don’t remember how I put them, but I came back back to the bathhouse and couldn’t get to where I was, I came to the men’s department, then I opened the door and there were babies lying in the bed, I went back then I remember I had to collect a debt from my mother (she died) one hundred rubles, and she gave me 10 rubles and walked ahead of me in a colored robe, I told her if you don’t have money then don’t give it, and I go behind, she seemed to go through one gate, but I can’t get through there, I look there’s another gate next to me, I went there around private at home, my mother is nowhere to be found, I go further, it seems like I end up in the same building where I was in the bathhouse, only there is a cafe and corridors, I ask where the men’s apartments are, they say they don’t know, then I say one-room ones, my mother should have bought an apartment here recently , then one of them says, and so it’s here on the second floor that leads me up the stairs with some woman, when we went up to the second floor, they took me past the door to the house, I realized that they were leading me to some abandoned construction site and wanted to rob, I realized that here they would not touch me, I would scream and everyone would hear, I began to cry and beg the man to show me where my mother was, but I instinctively realized that he would not tell me this. (I’ve already had an operation on the same place three times and I always dreamed of my mother, once she brought me naked straight to the operating room and stayed waiting for me in the corridor, the operations were unsuccessful, the last one was also unsuccessful, I have to go on November 10th to have it redone, I’m very worried about what kind of anesthesia I will need this time use it in the back or general, and I heard that you can’t take anything from the dead.)


I dreamed that I was at someone else’s wedding, but for some reason my dead parents were giving me money. And it seems like they are giving me money for a song that I performed - some kind of romance


Hello, my mother died 7 months ago, I dreamed that we were in the room, I was showing some kind of care for her (during her life she was sick for 2 years and so I constantly took care of her), she hands me bills, I don’t take them, my mother says no no, thank you.


moy pukovodilel died okolo 10 days ago. on mne prisnilsya i dal dengi chtobi mi kupili xinkali, svoey jene piccu postnuyu, eto dengi bili v nacionalnoy valyute po 20 20 i 50 lari. on mne dobro ulibalsya.


Zdrastvujte menya zovut Susanna mne 33 years. Mne prisnilsa son gde moya umershaya babushka daet mne dengi 20 evro i govorit chto bi ya kupila chto nu bud sebe na den rojdenie o nej na pamyat ya otdaju jej 10 back govorya chto 10 xvatit potom viju chto pod 20 eshe 10 evro lijit. potom peredumav nexochu brat dengi a ona vse pitaetca vlojit ix mne v lodon. Potom ona uxodit i eti je dengi pitaetca vlojit mne v ruki moj starshij sin no ya ix takje nexochu brat potom ya prosnulas. Thank you zaranee za otvet.


I dreamed that I was sitting at home with my deceased grandmother, suddenly something black and scary loudly knocked on the window, then on the door I began to cross the room and pray, I went to the front door, the door opened and my grandmother was standing on the threshold and came up and took my wallet out of my bag and pulled out 500 rubles from it. and gave me real money. then she offered to live with her and look after my father, she says he promised to give money together and pay the rent, but he doesn’t pay. Grandma was very angry in the dream


I dreamed that my late grandmother gave me a lot of potatoes in a large bag and suddenly five huge potatoes fell out of it, I picked them up and put them in a bag that hung over my shoulder


Hello. I dreamed that my deceased mother-in-law was counting large bills and my deceased father-in-law and I were standing nearby. then I counted them. And my father-in-law said to wrap them in paper. I wrapped them in a large white sheet. And my soul felt so light and calm.






at first I dreamed of a soldier whom I was hiding, later my dead mother appeared who brought me money and scattered it to the wind and I caught it (money)


Good afternoon, I had a dream that my grandparents gave me a gift for the New Year, a bright blue electric stove. They died a long time ago, but in the dream they were very cheerful and hugged, kissed and congratulated on the upcoming holiday.


I dreamed of my deceased grandfather and grandmother. They congratulated me on the upcoming New Year and gave me a blue electric tile. They themselves were cheerful and hugged and kissed me. I told them that I didn’t give you a gift, they said it’s okay))


Hello! I dreamed that I picked up a small dirty dog ​​that came out of a dirty river, the banks of this river were cracked and were collapsing into the river. I brought the dog home, started bathing it in the bathtub, then my dad, who died 4 years ago, came, brought a wad of euros and told me where the cheap shampoo for the dog was. That’s when I kind of woke up.


my deceased mother-in-law gave me 100 rubles so that I could give them to my sister, and she started giving me 50, but I didn’t take them


my late father came up to me. I’m 12!!! I was in a white space and dressed in a torn dress that had big pockets. My dead dad handed me a wad of money, I fearfully put it in these pockets! And I immediately woke up and I saw a wad of money on the table! Where did they come from, I don’t know? And is this even real? Maybe it’s time for me to go to a mental hospital! Or maybe my dead dad just wants to help me! As a child, he left for another woman and had a son! He died of cancer! MAYBE HE GIVES ME A BRIBE FOR ME TO SORRY HIM? HELP ME PLEASE.....it seems to me that he is NEAR.....


It’s as if the dead grandmother, grandfather, husband, some other people came to visit my apartment, who is sitting, who is lying, grandfather, counts out the money and gives it to me, and another relative wants to use this money, I give it to him, grandfather is somehow angry with him, and I say grandfather, I have nothing. salary is coming soon, and at this time I’m looking for my late husband, I ask my son, he says that he went to park the car, I go into my room, I see sweets on the bed and he’s standing, I jokingly throw sweets on his bed and say that’s who we like to eat sweets at night and he stands and smiles because I eat candy at night and it’s as if I’m asking him for the last one, he gives it to me, in general, I have a sweet tooth, during his lifetime he always bought candy, in general, everyone was friendly in the dream, all the guests and in the dream there were living relatives, son, mother, acquaintances made some purchases they and I woke up


Today in my dream, my deceased father, at his old place of residence on the street (since he had been there), put a lot of 5000 bills in my hand and said, take them, you really need them. The meeting was so bright and colorful, as if it was reality. My father always came to me in my dreams as a warning, and it was definitely a 100% warning. But where did he find out about the money? After all, he died at 17 years old and there were no such bills.


My dad, who died two years ago, smiles and silently gives money, and so on twice a night. He also fed me soup (borscht) with some kind of iron, a piece of linen, a bolt, a knitting needle.


My grandmother came up behind me and silently handed me money. I didn’t see how I took them in my dream, but I remember that she gave them to me




I had a dream about a war going on, a father who died 4 years ago came and brought money, large Russian rubles, went in and lay down to rest in the house where he lived before his death, and he was so tired. On the street there was shelling from the artillery, I and my two children ran to my mother (she is alive in real life) and she was sitting on the threshold and knitting some kind of dress or skirt with a beautiful color and pattern, I told her that you are not hiding because the shelling is going on, and she is silent and knits, I told her that dad came and brought money, she tells me so what, but she knitted with knitting needles.


an unfamiliar room and people, a statue breaks, money falls out of it, stacks of dollars and rubles. Mom (who died) hands me a charred thousand and says to exchange it, I don’t take it, she shrugs and puts it in her wallet. Then I run to the church at dusk, crossed myself at the entrance, got a little skittish and g=I said *Lord, how slippery*, I entered. The church is strange and the icons are strange, depicting angels, but somehow distorted. People are familiar to me, everyone and I have scarves on their heads. Then I want to go into the closed door, I open it and see a meeting of women, I know my mother among them and I see my sister (she is alive), but they turn me away and make it clear that I can’t go there. There is a broom above the door, a friend in the church says that when I saw it, I should have realized that I couldn’t go there, I answer that they could have warned me and I wake up. There was still a little cat running around in the church. I took her by the back and brought her to my son, warning him that these were not our cats and that she might scratch him. This is such a strange dream. It seems to be black and white, but there is light, as if a lamp or candles are burning in front of the icons, in general the lighting is like in a church.




Hello. I dreamed of my father, who died in November 2014, I remember the dream in fragments... he dug the ground and took out coins from there, a lot of coins and gave them to me, he said, “that’s not all, then I’ll dig some more.”...Then the sleeping man dreamed that a friend came to him, both my friend and I understood in the dream that there was no father alive, he woke up and said “what are you talking about”, I was just sleeping and they left….. In the same dream I dreamed of a morgue, dirty and unkempt…. Moreover, my mother, that is, his wife, had a similar dream today, only the money was paper.... Since the day of his death, my father has never had a dream, although I really asked him to find out the reason for his death!!! Sincerely, Valeria!


dead brother took money from a friend and gives it to me and my uncle. Friend I didn’t take it. He put mine next to me on the sofa, and my uncle took it.


Mom came with a living woman and gives her brother 100 ruble bills, I ask her to give me 500 rubles, a tattered banknote, then another good one, I ask where she got it from, she says, where she was, someone left her with documents


A deceased acquaintance with whom he was friends gave money in dollars and bills. I got into the car and drove home. When I got to the house I noticed that they were waiting for me near the gate, my son went into the yard and said that people had arrived and were asking me to repay the debt. I meet and say, I paid you my debt, they say that’s all. Then I remember that I gave only 130 dollars, I say okay, I go to the car and give another 450 dollars, which the dead man gave. The one who took the money smiles and says - now you don’t owe us anything. In my opinion, the dream was colorful because I was driving a white Volga and when I counted the dollars they were slightly green.


a deceased friend asked for help. Buy vodka. She drank when she was alive.
At first she gave me money, but she flew away. and it was an old brand. then he takes out a 5000 bill from his wallet and gives it to me. I took. and woke up


I dreamed about my dead dad (10 years ago). Never dreamed of it. I came home in a dream, as if from work, and brought a lot of money. I gave everything to my mother. I was a witness... But I kept part of it for myself (as I did in life), hid it, so to speak. :-)
Why sleep?


Bright, sunny day. Lots of greenery, flowers. It's like we live there. House in nature, next to it there is an extension like a summer kitchen. The father is walking and returning home. He brought money (possibly salary), but there was a lot of it. They were placed in packs, wrapped in paper, and each pack was topped with either tape or stretch film. I counted 6 packs (they were in one plastic bag). He gives them to his mother, she takes them. My father died 10 years ago, my mother is alive.
I stand behind my father and watch all this. Then he bent down and I saw that his trousers were torn right along the seam... I told him about it. He answered something to this and went into the house to change clothes. When he bent over, I noticed that inside the jacket pocket there were 2 more bundles of money, but no longer wrapped in anything.
What does it mean? What did he want to say? Convey? Perhaps a warning?


Today I had a dream in which there was a guy we met with him in our youth, we were looking for a place again where we could meet and his mother, Comrade Valya, was there. She gave me four thousand 900 rudders. At first I didn’t take it, it was somehow not convenient for me, but she persuaded me and in In the same dream, there was a stepfather who had also been gone for a long time, he was holding a child in his arms and a girl with long hair approached so affably and talked affably and he was also pleased.


My deceased mother dreamed that she came with our relative, who is alive, to visit me, they cheerfully kissed me three times and my mother gave me money and then they left.


Hello! I dreamed that it seemed that my deceased friend and I were somewhere on the beach, there was a beautiful rich house near the sea, the water in the sea was very clean and there were big waves (like a storm). We sit at a set table and he gives me large bills of money (5 thousand). Then I woke up (to feed the baby). Thank you!


The deceased (almost 2 years ago), was in perfect health (as in life), walked around the apartment, not mine, (I don’t know it at all), from room to room, and then comes up to me and says something, I don’t know him I hear, but I understand that he is calling. I follow him into another room, and there is a woman, a pile of some clothes, they are talking (I don’t hear voices, I understand it in their eyes), and they look at me, I put my hand in my pocket, (right, to the right), wanted to get money to give to the woman, and Andrei (dead friend) takes out his own, shows me, makes it clear that he himself will give her the money, and then looks with such a look as if something wants to say (very strongly), but doesn’t dare.


Hello! I had a dream this morning. I saw my recently deceased grandmother asking me to convey her words to my mother: to put a monument to my grandfather buried in another city next to my great-grandmother in the cemetery and put the money on the chest of drawers 5 thousand, they were paper 4 thousand 500 rubles and 3 thousand


I dreamed that I came to visit my late grandmother, we looked at photographs with her, laughed, then she gave me money and some kind of book so that I would send it somewhere


We were walking with my husband, and a group of people approached us with shawarma with rotten meat on it. They said: give me money for good luck, he took a 5 thousand bill out of his pocket and gave it to them. The woman took the money and started burning it on a torch, I said, why are you giving it to me, these are scammers and took it away, and then I thought, she replaced it, looked at the bill, and one side of it was red, as it should, and the other was green, I thought it was fake and woke up.


At the funeral of my friend’s father (he recently died and I was present at the funeral, and the day of the funeral coincided with the day of the funeral of my father, the cat has been gone for exactly 15 years) as if my father was present and at the same time he had his place in the farewell hall and he went there and lay down in trousers and a white T-shirt, while we were getting ready to see off the dead, I saw a lot of thousands of paper money, like for Ruslan’s funeral, and I stole half of it, put it in my pocket, then in the process I gave 1000 to my friend, cat. buries his father, I think the rest should be put in a coffin - but I don’t remember who, and two women, I know them, and some boy cat also sat in the coffin with my father. then he disappeared - and I woke up, and my soul was very anxious because I didn’t know what to do or what to expect


I dreamed that both of my late grandmothers gave me money in large bills, but I don’t remember for what reason


Mom seemed to be sewing something with a machine. An unfamiliar woman was sitting next to her, she was looking at some papers, supposedly checking something. And then she asked for wine. Mom gave me 50 rubles in one large bill. I was looking for wine for a long time. I found it somewhere, but not in a bottle, but in a glass. I carried it so as not to spill it and got lost, went out of the city, and there the steppe stretched to the horizon. He returned, but the nightmare search for the road continued. And no one helped, no advice.e-mail - [email protected]


I dreamed that my late grandmother and I were buying a toy rocking horse... we spent a long time choosing and she chose a brown one... it cost 250 UAH... my grandmother gave me 150 UAH and started looking for the rest, but I said that I would put my 100 UAH and took it out of my wallet and put it with my grandmother’s money.


My mother died a year ago. Today I dreamed about my mother and gave me money in bills and kopecks. I took them.


Hello. My mother died a year ago. That night she dreamed that she gave me money in bills and kopecks, I took them. What does it mean?


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed about my father. He died 2.5 years ago. It was as if we were in an apartment familiar to me. We sat with him at the table together and he put 1000 rubles on the table for me. I asked where he got the money from, and he replied that he had it. And I took it.


I had a dream, my late mother came home and brought me potatoes, I asked her why I should have them, she didn’t answer anything. Then I looked into the bag and there were different varieties of potatoes, large as planting material.


zdrastvyite,moego myga mama kotoraya ymerla prisnilas mne perviy raz,kak bydto givaya I mi vmeste givem,ona bespokoilas hto myg longgo s magazine ne idet,dala mne dengi bymagnie,I dohke 3 years dengi tohno dala ia pomny,xotia pomoemy y dohki kogda ko mne podohla yge bili dengi,dengi bili neizvestnoi valyti,korihnevie,sama ego mat toge bila ne ohen svetlix tonov,myg prihel s magazina kak I vsegda s polimi symkami prodyktov,vot I vse


I had a dream about the artist Krasko (he is deceased at this time), he comes in smiling, very handsome and happy, I joke when I see him, they say, where have you been for so long, I’ve already been waiting..., he smiles contentedly and hands me rolled up thousandth bills, three thousand and says : Buy yourself a white dress and shoes and leave.


everything happened in the corridor of the school where I studied. The dead sister came, but she was not standing on the floor, but higher... in the air and threw a wad of money at me and I woke up...


Hello! I dreamed about my late grandmother. In the dream she was dressed in white, she was very cheerful, laughing. She got me a lot of manet (tenge) from her pocket, and gave it to me twice. My hand was heavy from the coins. That's all.


At first I spat out my false teeth in a dream, then my late grandfather and I collected them so that I could put them back in, then my deceased grandmother appeared and gave me large bills for my teeth!


Hello. Last night I dreamed of my late grandmother - she gave me new colored two ten-thousandth bills, and under 10 thousand rubles two rhinestones were glued, one of which came off a little and I tried to stick it, but I had difficulty doing it and in the end she Still stuck in place! Then grandma hugged and kissed me on the lips without saying anything! in the dream she was as kind and gray-haired with a scarf on her head as in life, so good and dear. I didn’t want to take money from her, but my hands reached out! Please interpret my dream, I’m worried because... I rarely see dreams, but the ones I remember always come true. Thank you in advance.


The action takes place in the apartment where my great-grandmother lives. In the dream there is her, me and my grandmother, who has been dead for 3 years. We communicate very warmly in our sleep. Then they hug me one by one. For some reason, my great-grandmother cries and says that she misses me very much. (In reality, we live in different cities). And my grandmother also says that she missed me and is very glad that I finally got out to HIM. After which my grandmother gives me a decent stack of money and says that I will need it. I try to refuse them, but the two of them insist that I take the money. I thank them and take the money. Then I wake up.


the deceased aunt brought money with the words “they gave you 30,000, but she gave it to my colleague, and he, in turn, to me. I began to count a large stack of 5000 bills, but there were more than 50 thousand in there. I turned around to give the extra money aunt, but she began to leave and got lost in the crowd, and I began to look for her and cry very much.


the late aunt held 15 thousand in her hand, gave me 5 thousand for my birthday in a week I will turn 50 years old, she wanted to give more but I didn’t take it and she gave this money to my deceased son

[email protected]:

My deceased friend and I walked around the city looking for alcohol. We went into the store with him; there were a lot of people and the line went in a circle from right to left. I left, but before leaving he put a thousand rubles in my left hand. Until his death, he owed me 500 rubles. what could this mean?

Zinaida Fedorvna:

Good afternoon, Tatyana, I dreamed of a long-dead uncle and gave me a wad of money, I refused, but he gave it to me and said that I would need it, I wanted to count it, but changed my mind, respectfully Zinaida Fedorovna.

Liya Maksimova:

My deceased aunt offered me 500 rubles. I refused. She was in a neighbor’s apartment. The day before I fell over the deceased.

Liya Maksimova:

My deceased aunt offered me 500 rubles in paper 3 months ago. I refused. She was in her neighbor’s apartment across from her. On the eve, she fell over the deceased.


in a dream, my late dad gives me two large coins with images on them unknown to me and says that one coin was valued at 150 thousand lire and the other a little cheaper and that this is my fortune and then pirates appeared………but the ending I was left with the money of what


I dreamed that my deceased sister gave me 3,000 rubles for my birthday, which had already passed... but they had to be glued together somehow, we couldn’t do it... but my sister was neat, well dressed, tanned and I didn’t feel evil.


I’m in the bedroom of my parents’ house, a former neighbor, now deceased, appeared next to me and asks for money, but I refused her, at that time my father entered the bedroom, who is now alive and silently gives the deceased money. At this time, behind me there is a man who is not familiar to me, but he seems to be my fiancé or husband. The deceased says that she saw him, I asked where, she replied that when they erected a monument to me (that is, to me, Svetlana, I suppose) and I woke up at this.


Last night I dreamed about my wife's grandmother, my grandmother died 4 years ago. For some reason, we communicated with my grandmother in a dream precisely about the fact that my wife and I live poorly. In a dream, I explained to my grandmother the reasons why we live this way. She listened to me and asked “Why don’t I contact her?


I dream that my dead aunt gives me a banknote. but not a modern one, but an old, large-sized one, and I woke up.


the deceased was my boyfriend, asked for forgiveness, asked that we be together, gave me money, I took it, said that I would buy clothes for myself.


Hello Tatiana. My distant relative and her paternal daughter were in very nice, clean clothes, with a smile, handed me two large bills of money and told me to give them to my sister, whose youngest daughter was getting married soon.


A long-dead woman invited her into her house, put something in her pocket and escorted her out the door, saying goodbye.


In a dream, my old friend (it is not known whether he is alive) in an expensive light suit was buying very expensive fruit delicacies from Georgians at the market. And then when we went, he pulled out a large wad of rubles and started giving it to me.


I dreamed of a purse and in one compartment there were a lot of coins, both silver and most yellow, and in the second compartment as well……. then my deceased grandfather spoke to me and gave me 4 coins that looked ordinary, but the design was somehow unusual..... I realized in a dream that these coins were rare


Hello, I had a dream in which a long-dead person gives me icons, but I have not seen the icons themselves, I know that they are valuable. We are in his house. Then he gives me more money. And I also dreamed of a dead grandmother who was in her house and was mopping up water from the floor with a rag.


Good afternoon, I saw in a dream my deceased grandmother, who through me gave my mother money and a new blue dress.


My grandmother had a dream (before forty days from the death of my uncle, her son) that he told my grandmother to give me all of her pension. She gave every penny. What does this mean. What can you do with this money? (I have a wedding in two months, maybe this is a gift, but why so early?)


I dream about my dead husband, I see money in his hands, I really want him to give it to me, but he doesn’t seem to want to, then this money ended up in my possession. I remember I tried to hide it. And then I gave it a little to a relative who needed help. That's what I remember.


I dreamed of my dead dad, I asked him for money, he took a very large amount from his pocket and gave it to me.


I dreamed of my dead uncle. at one time he spent a lot of time in prison for theft. I dreamed of him with my uncle, who was still alive, they dug up potatoes in my aunt’s garden and wanted to take them out to sell, but I stopped them and told them to return the potatoes, they returned them, but they didn’t bring them into the yard; all this happened in the garden behind the yard. then I met my late grandmother, but not my own, but a stranger, but at the same time she reminded me of someone of the grandmother who lived next door, we started talking to her, I don’t remember exactly what, but she and I were cheerful. then supposedly a neighbor appeared, but I didn’t know him, or maybe in the dream I didn’t recognize him, and he gave the uncles, the deceased and the living, money, seemingly so that they could buy themselves a drink. the money was paper. Then I say to Kolka, the living uncle: “Why did you follow him,” and Zhenka, the deceased, replies: “Yes, he’s a follower, wherever you call him, he’ll go there,” and I woke up. the dream was colorful, calm, the deceased was not angry, but one might even say cheerful. and Kolka was gloomy and calm, as if he didn’t understand what he was doing.


I had a dream, I work at a factory, everything is so gray and gloomy, I find myself on some bus and I see my grandmother there, who died, she gives me an envelope and on this envelope there was something written, well, I don’t remember exactly, there was one thousand rubles in this envelope


We're in the room. There is a table between me and my deceased husband. We are on different sides. I see how the late husband takes out from his trouser pocket a thick wad of money in large bills, folded in half. The money is very large, a lot of 5ths and thousandths. During his lifetime, he had women and spent his entire salary. In my head, he would spend it on his women, he would give me more, because he has so much in his pocket. He gives me three one thousand bills, just put them on the table on my side.


A deceased person (9 days from the date of death) gives money in a dream, while he himself is in a coffin. I tried to get away from him in a car, the coffin seemed to be tied and was trailing behind me


Hello! I dreamed that I was in this man’s yard. They gave me money 80 UAH. I felt uncomfortable, I refused and this man gives me 50 UAH. And I take 50 UAH. This man is my stepfather’s mother and 40 years have not passed since his death days.


I dreamed of my late grandmother, I heard her voice, she was talking to someone, she was angry, then she smiled, and then she gave me her handkerchief, I took it!
Grandma died 1.5 years ago!


Hello! I dreamed that I was talking to my mother (she died), showing her my wedding dress and veil, she said it was very beautiful! In general, it was as if I was getting married (although in life I am married)
I told her, but I haven’t bought shoes yet, she hands me a wad of money and says buy yourself shoes, I was surprised and said why so much? She says take it, don’t refuse! Why is this dream? Thanks in advance for the answer!


Hello!...I saw my parents who died in a dream....at the moment I am in a very difficult situation....regarding finances.....and in a dream I saw how my parents gave me money....the receipt was from my father and mother....they were sitting together against a friend….I didn’t really see their faces….and in front of them there was a bunch of paper bills…a certain amount of money was given…but I asked my father to add more….and more…..before that I saw how I had money was stolen...then a phone call from my sister...who asked me..."Are you having an accident?...my mother called and said...go look in the toilet"...I got to the toilet...knowing that my son was sitting there....I got scared....I thought that something happened to him... but he wasn’t there...... but then I saw my parents... who gave me money.


I dreamed about it. The deceased father came very quickly, put in a new 1000 rubles, said something else and, without looking at me, ran away very quickly. I myself wrote a short surreal story before this


my daughter had a dream about her son and she always dreams about him, he came and asked for money at that time she was in the store, she told him I won’t give him money, but if you need something, let me buy it, he said again, give me money

[email protected]:

I dreamed of a classmate who asked me for my email address and then gave me paper money, I took it and said that he would come to visit me, the address I wrote to him is an excerpt from a dream, usually I see several different dreams during the night.


my husband died 7 years ago this morning, I had tears in my eyes and gave me money in banknotes, I saw such a dream after his death and they actually sent me the balance of the payment to his email card


Good evening, I dreamed that my late grandfather was cheerful, healthy and handed me 2,000 dollars in his hand, although during his lifetime they lived very poorly, now there is a big fight in the family over money and inheritance, how to understand this dream.


I saw my mother-in-law in a dream, her husband who died came and gave her a large wad of money and asked her to go to the store to buy food since they were leaving soon, then I saw her naked and tried to cover her, they ran to the ship and I was with them there were a lot of people there, but the mother-in-law was naked and she He gives me a beautiful tiara, I ask where it’s from and she says it’s always been mine, then I try to cover up my mother-in-law’s failure because she’s naked and men are looking at her and I show them figs and my father-in-law says why are they going to chase us now and really some guy with my father-in-law we run away and he leads us through some kind of dark tunnel, incomprehensible colors, something with dark and green gaps, then I don’t remember what I dreamed about


4 months ago my son died, he was 31 years old. I dreamed that he won 250 thousand rubles and gave it to me. The money was large paper bills. He sat and smiled as always.


In a dream, my brother gives me a dirty, crumpled ruble, and I say why so little, he shrugged, then I dreamed about my dead dad, complaining that his hand hurt, I dreamed about my deceased mom, and my dad said in his dream, in the summer we’ll go to the seaside together , then some kind of smelly toilet, I go down the steps, some boy comes into it, I say, this is not the place for you. This is the women’s room..


2 months ago my aunt died, she loved me very much. and I had a dream that she unclenched her fist and there were two bills with money. She gave me one bill.


Hello. Today I dreamed of my deceased great-grandmother. Not my own. It’s as if she gave me Danila money for my birthday, saying, “Well, I didn’t give you anything, even if it’s late, take it.. my birthday was September 14th.”


I had a dream that I was in the old house where we lived before. There I saw a lot of kittens, just born and older ones, and I decided to get rid of the new ones. I took them out into the street. I fed the others, then I saw my dead mother, she gave me paper money, five thousandth bills and thousandths. Then I saw her ex-dead husband, we were mourning his son, that is, my brother who died at 8 years old. When he left, I started making the bed after him and saw that all the pillows and blankets were wet i.e. in urine, I began to take everything off and lay it out to dry


feast, a deceased friend gives me money as if for my birthday


Hello. I now live away from my parents' house. Last night, most likely in the morning, I dreamed that I was alone in my parents’ apartment. I open the front door (I don’t remember if someone rang or knocked), my grandfather, who died several years ago, is standing there and giving me money. I take them, turn away, count them, I don’t remember the amount, but paper money in large bills, a lot of it, blue-green in color. then I turn to the door, and my grandfather is already leaving with his back to me. I catch up with him and say: “Your great-grandson was born,” although I have one daughter, whom he saw during his lifetime. he smiles, then turns away and leaves. I'm going back to the apartment. The dream was good, the emotions were positive.


Hello. I dreamed about my deceased ex-boyfriend. In a dream, he gave me change, exactly 10 tens. He just extended his hand to me and put money in it and I took it.


I had a dream, my dead mother gives me a large sum of money, 5000 kapyu.


In a dream, my recently deceased husband gave a large 100 hryvnia bill along with small ones to buy a newspaper, but he still had a whole pack left


I dream about my dead parents being alive in my dreams, and in my dreams my sons are my brothers. and my mother calls us for a walk, we leave the house and my mother says that we are going into the forest for cloudberries. I tell her “what a forest if we didn’t even take mosquito repellent,” and my mother just smiled. and so as not to walk in vain, I decided not to go into the forest, there was a store nearby, I decided to go to the store for groceries. I ask, “Who took the money?” Mom asks my father about the money, but he is silent and silently smiling, he begins to put cakes in my food pans, and I ask him, “Should I exchange them for sausage?”, and he remains silent and smiles. then he begins to take money out of a small bag and holds out a bill similar to a thousand, while taking out the bill, other money begins to fall out of his bag, in a dream I had brothers in the story (in life they are my sons) I tell them “that their mouths were open, collect , what extra money or what?. then I wake up


Hello. I dreamed of a dead godfather. I worked as always in his store, the entire interior was in dark colors. The godfather looked, and the interior was very frightening, he was very thin, his hair was black with gray and looked like wire, his skin was very dark, as if it were made of wax. Unnatural. In the dream I knew that he had already died. Gives me 500 rubles 100 rubles. bills and I think 2 or 3 bills fall to the floor. I picked them up and went to buy New Year's tinsel. He asked me about this purchase, but not in words, but simply showed me with his hand, pointing to the tinsel. Please interpret the dream. Thank you


Grandmother offered money, I refused, I said that she needed it more. she said: whatever you want and put it in her purse. then she stood in a row with other people and raised her hands to the sun, I said goodbye and left.


I came to congratulate my daughter on her birthday, and so did my deceased mother. I look in my bag and see that there are 5,000 in one bill, but I planned to give my daughter 10,000. I think I forgot it at home and ask my mother: Do you have money with you? She gives me 7000 and says that she has a new 10000 bill. I look, and it’s small in size. I think it’s better to give a new one. Like this. Thank you N


My grandmother, who died in April of this year, appeared alive in a dream. She stated that she had recovered and was going to sell something at the market to earn money. And she asked me to pick bananas from a tree in her garden, which I did.


Hello. I saw my grandmother, she gave me paper money, a lot of money. She unfortunately died, I loved her very much. I cried a lot yesterday and at night I dreamed about her.


I have a dream about mom and dad giving money to dad 11000 mom 800, I’m so glad, I kiss dad, they are already dead, then I dream about a man who wants to sleep with me, but I don’t want that, but I really understand that I have no choice, and I’m already ready to this unpleasant procedure, but nothing happened,


my uncle gave me 1000 rubles, but I don’t remember whether I took it or not, he was healthy and cheerful


hello, I saw in a dream today that I returned with the children to my ex-husband’s home and there my father-in-law, who had already died after my husband and I divorced, gives me money so that I can buy food for home since my husband had already given money, but the father-in-law thought that this was not enough and added money mother-in-law I was also happy about our return home and I see it many times almost every week that I return home to my ex-husband and sometimes I see a broken house and clean it up upon my return. Thanks for the answer in advance


I dreamed about my husband (he drowned, not for another 40 days). It was as if we met after separation and hugged. He says I’ll come now and rides off on a bicycle with bunches of grass (as grandmothers used to collect), he arrived and pours various pennies into my palm. And 2 thousand paper ones are visible from his pocket. I tell him that you gave me small change and left the big ones for yourself? He said there is no smoking and left.


Me and my mother were calm grandparents together and they seemed to give me and my mother paper money


A man who died a few months ago gives me money - 2 times 25,000 rubles each. Water as it should, but gives 2 times more than it should


My mother-in-law, who died, gave me money, in large bills of 5000 and 1000, a total of 53,000, I gave 3,000 to my daughter and kept the rest for myself. What does it mean? Thank you.


My grandfather died 3 months ago, and this is the second time I’ve dreamed of him giving me money..


Today (from Thursday 01/07/2016 to Friday 01/08/2016) I dreamed that I was walking along the path with my daughter and I saw an old woman handing me a box in which a large yellow duckling was sitting. She says that have pity on him (he has some kind of healed wound on his head), otherwise he will die. I pick it up, but there are already two ducklings in the box. I brought it home and wanted to feed them. This is where the dream ended.


I dreamed of a long-dead grandmother. We are standing in the corridor, the light is on, don’t worry about the debt for the light, gas, the rent, I will pay for you, but later I felt better that she would help me with my debts. Why this dream, although in reality I have debts. Explain to me dream


the first dream was that my late husband brought me a wad of money and said I’ll bring it to you later, 4 days ago he dreamed again and brought a lot of money in large banknotes, I took it and put it in a bag and was afraid that it would be stolen, since the bag I needed to leave it in another room, but when I returned, the money was there. In general, I dream about my husband very often, as if in reality.


It’s just that the father of the deceased in reality had a wad of money in his hands, he puts it on the windowsill and I put it away on the shelf


Hello, I dreamed that my dead mother-in-law was alive. We were in an unfamiliar apartment. We are the deceased mother-in-law (during my life I did not have a very good relationship with her, we constantly fought, she didn’t really want me to live with her son. I married her son, I have a daughter from my first marriage, and a son from her son. ), my mother-in-law’s daughter (we quarreled in the dream, I don’t remember why, but I told her not to come here anymore, I actually have a bad relationship with her - we don’t communicate, me and my children. In the dream, I’m on my own I cut my hair (my hair is actually long and dark) and asked my mother-in-law how she liked it, she said that she liked long hair better. Then I had a fight with my mother-in-law’s daughter, her daughter left, she started collecting and I started asking her questions about what would she be able to sit with her grandson later, she said that it was possible. Her condition in the dream was painful. Then she took out a lot of paper money bills of 5000 denominations and gave her grandson 5000 or 10000 and said that dad called and said that I would like them for you gave (Dad is not really at home with us, he left and will be gone for about 6 months. My relationship is bad. Maybe we can make peace.) Then we went outside, it was summer, I had a plate of lard in my hands, my mother-in-law didn’t need a plate, she said that she had one and asked her to bring it home and catch up with them. I went to drop it off and my mother-in-law went with the children - I thought I’d drop it off now and catch up. We went out to see her off. And then the phone woke me up... Why sleep?


I dreamed that my late grandparents were giving me money in banknotes of one hundred rubles, I took it, they started giving me more, I refused and left


I dreamed of a deceased neighbor. I knock on his apartment, he opens the door and I don’t remember whether I asked for a loan or he himself gives me money with his right hand, while saying that I haven’t given it back yet. And during my life I borrowed from him a small amount, but never had time to pay it off


I dreamed of my late mother-in-law, who gave me a pack of dollars, there were 2000 dollars in the pack, she told me that, I took the money


hello! I saw my grandmother in a dream, who died 10 years ago, she gave me money and then died in her sleep (

[email protected]:

I dreamed that I scolded my sister, that she took one hundred tenge from me without asking, and my late grandmother gave me 2 coins of 50 tenge each so that I would not swear, the dream was vivid




My great-grandmother (deceased) cried in my arms. I calmed her down for a long time. And then she suddenly abruptly threw me several hundred-dollar bills and left.


I dreamed about my brother. he died 4 years ago. dreamed of smiling and brought me a lot of money


I dreamed about my dead father. In my dream he smiled, threw money at me, large bills in denominations of 1000 and 5000 thousand rubles. Also in the dream he gave me and my mother 3 bottles of champagne and 3 chocolates each, gave my brother money twice, 3000 thousand rubles each . When the bills were flying at me, I only took 10,000 thousand rubles and told my dad that this was enough for me, my birthday was not today, and my dad kept saying that he had extracted a salary from his bosses.


Hello, I had a dream about my brother (who died in reality 7 years ago) that he was giving me money for some of my needs.


My father, who died, in a dream gave me a large sum of money in paper bills, the sum of 10 million, he smiled and looked happy.


A friend, who had already died at some feast where there were many young men and women, gave me a large wad of money, about 500 thousand, I put it in the back pocket of my trousers, and there was a feeling of gratitude and happiness, as if he had helped me a lot in something and calmed down.


In a dream, the late grandmother, sitting on the bed in her apartment, handed me paper rubles (5t, 1t, and some other bills, I don’t remember). I first took them in my hands and thought how good it was, because I’m completely without money right now), but then she handed them back and said that this is not why I came to visit her and that I have money. Grandma took them back. I am currently experiencing a difficult financial situation. Why such a dream?


I see the deceased gives me money for 5 there, but there was more of it, and I went to give it, not happy that I had money to smoke something for myself


my grandparents lived in different houses in my dream, I don’t remember how I ended up with my grandfather, but I was very happy to see him. I hugged and kissed him. In this dream, the house of my brother’s ex-wife was often shown; it was where my grandmother lived. I don’t remember my grandfather’s house in the dream, but I saw him running through the garden of his ex-wife’s house. I clearly saw black and white colors. Grandfather bought something, but it didn’t suit him. When I came, he gave me a passport for this thing. Then I remember how I came to my grandmother and told her something and she gave me money to my grandfather, a little money. Grandma too I was very glad to see you, but she greeted me coldly. She handed me the money on the porch. Then I remember answering the phone. call. They asked if it suited my grandfather and it seemed like I needed to pay something. I said that I would go to my grandfather later, now I don’t have time because... I have four children, the woman laughed in surprise... then I remember how I went to my grandfather’s house, saw him running through the garden towards me, called out to him, I was glad to see him again, and I woke up.


I dreamed about the deceased Kum. We are sitting in the car, talking about something (I don’t remember), and he congratulates me on the holiday (February 23, I think). Gives one 200 hryvnia bill. The bill is new as soon as it is printed. I think that I should also give him something and I give him this bill back as if as a gift. We laughed, I remember there was some awkward hesitation, but Kum still put the bill back on the dashboard of the car. At this point the dream was interrupted.


My grandmother bought me new nails at the store and I still owe her money.


I dreamed that I drank a lot somewhere, then I felt very bad and my dead uncle teased me with money and I snatched 500 rubles from him. Then we went somewhere to get a drink and he disappeared. I showed up at home and there was my deceased father and my living husband, who seemed to be about to leave me for another, and in my dream I was very worried.


Hello, I was lying on the bed, my mother came in and gave me rolled up money with some kind of note, a note I don’t remember, and the dream was interrupted!


The deceased gave my children money in a dream, and my husband and I a trip to Thailand


I saw in a dream my recently deceased husband who brought me 5 thousand, he said that his sister was rubbing this money and he picked up this money in his hands, I didn’t take it. He just put it there, I don’t even remember, it seems like the house wasn’t ours.


I often ask my late mother for money, but she doesn’t give me money, but I see money from her, a lot of it, and she’s silent all the time.


I dreamed about my own aunt who died 12 years ago. She gave me money in a dream and I hugged her, kissed her on the brush and said thank you. She was happy and a little tired


I dreamed about my own aunt who died 12 years ago. She gave me money and I kissed her on the brush and hugged her, saying thank you.


I dreamed that my grandparents died. My grandfather took all the money, and when I said that it was the last, he gave me some part of this money.


A woman acquaintance who died long ago gave my sister paper money and some change. She put the change aside and offered to count the paper money.


my late mother gave bills to children who only asked for change of 4 rubles. But I was against it. Having opened my wallet, she gave away all the bills that were there. And it was raining


I often dream about my deceased mother. At first these were disturbing and even scary dreams. For example, she chased me in the dark, slowly pulled out her arms, after which I screamed and woke up. Then the dreams became calmer, warmer. We started talking to her, but for some reason I don’t remember the conversations, only some phrases. One day she took me around the garden (during her life she loved to dig in the ground) under the moon, showed me how she planted potatoes, and said something enthusiastically. And last night I dreamed that my mother and I were doing some household chores, then she gave me a banknote, I took it. My late older brother is sitting next to me, but I don’t see his face. Overall there was a warm homely atmosphere. Please tell me, why do you dream when your late mother gives money? And how to remember conversations in your sleep? They are very informative, but unfortunately they are not remembered. Have a white road!


I dreamed of a deceased grandfather alive, he received his pension money, took away large bills and put them in my house where I live now, hid them so that his children would not find him, I also had a quarrel with my uncle (the son of the deceased)
grandfather because of money


my late aunt at first didn’t want me to talk to her, but then she found out that a large sum of money was stolen from me and she came up to me and gave me money


I dream about my deceased mother and she gives me money and there is a lot of it and they are all in large bills


I dreamed of a classmate who died a long time ago and gave me money and I took it

Nadezhda Adeyeva:

My deceased mother gives me money for shoes and I take it and go look for shoes but didn’t buy them.


I dreamed of my late father leaving home, he took his money from the corner.


I was at home, my husband came (he died four months ago), in a good mood, looked very well-groomed, gave me a wad of money (in red, like 5000 tenge), said that everything was fine with him, so that I wouldn’t worry , and left.


I dreamed of my husband’s father, who had recently died from illness, as alive, he and I went on a bus and I paid him for the fare, but he was offended by me and, turning away from me, gave me the money, saying: “that he doesn’t need anything from me,” At first I refused to take the money, but he insisted and when I saw the money, it was five rubles, I took it, although they didn’t pay for the trip in full, but so that he would calm down, I took the money


My grandmother came to me in a dream, gave me money in 5000 and 1000 rubles, then took them away and left 1000 bills.


I arrived at the old house where my deceased grandparents lived. went into the summer kitchen. everything in the dream was black and white. during their lives there was always order in the summer kitchen, but in the dream everything was in decline. when I walked in, my grandfather stood with his back to me. Before entering their yard, I saw a car and another car crashed into it at full speed. so when I entered the room I asked my grandfather what was happening. to which he replied that it was just the neighbor’s head that was not right. then I told my grandfather about my successes. When he was alive and we were little, he encouraged us with money. so this time he fussed and left. when he came in he started giving me a large amount of money. Large bills predominated. but I didn't take it. She said that he needed it more. For some reason I forgot in my dream that he died. then I continue to tell him the news and wake up.


I dreamed that my long-dead mother gave me 2 dener coins for 5 UAH each. in the hand


I see my deceased mother, but I think I need to get married and I want to get my hair done at the hairdresser, I have no money, and she gives me a bill in a denomination I don’t understand, the color is reddish-pink, and then we get into the car with the top open and drive off


My dead mother gave me money, large bills, as if she had come from somewhere and we met her with her niece and gave me the money and left!


My deceased grandfather gives me 3 banknotes rolled into tubes and says, “I know that my granddaughter needs money,” I unwrap the bills, and there are still some in there, but I don’t remember what kind of money, it seems like it’s not Russian, and I don’t remember the dream anymore , woke up and remembered only this excerpt from the dream.


the deceased uncle earned money and gave it to the living family and made a supply of firewood for the winter in the house that was sold.


From Thursday to Friday I dreamed about my deceased grandparents. I came to their house and they gave me money. pack. It contained 13,500 and I left.


I dreamed that it was my birthday. Everyone gave me a lot of big soft toys, and my deceased grandmother gave me money, two 500 ruble banknotes. like.


I dreamed about Mom, who recently died in her life. She gives me money 60 thousand rubles and some certificates about my birth. And he says: take it, I won’t give you a better gift.

Why do you dream about a dead man giving money in a dream?

A dead person you see in a dream usually serves as a warning and makes you think about the decisions you are making. Money in a dream is a symbol of power, prosperity, and big changes. On the one hand, if a dead person gives money, this is not a bad, but ambiguous symbol that will require careful deciphering of the person who sees such a dream. Receiving money in a dream from a person who is alive is a harbinger of the opening of new horizons, opportunities, and the beginning of a new period. But if money is given to you by someone who has already died in reality, then this serves as a rather stern warning. It is possible that the business that is being offered to you is not only unprofitable, but also dangerous for you.

Dream Interpretation Deceased gives money

Why do you dream about a deceased person giving money in a dream according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, if you receive money from a person who is dead in reality, it means you need to be extremely careful, not chase dubious benefits, soberly assess the situation and foresee its consequences, otherwise you will disappear, and instead of finding something, you will lose what you already have.

Dream Interpretation Dead Man gives

Why do you dream about a Dead Man giving you a dream book in a dream?

I dreamed that a dead person was giving something - to happy events, improved well-being, material well-being.

Everything that happens to you in reality will promise exclusively positive emotions. Changes in the future will be for the better.

What does a dead man give you in a dream?

A dead man gives food in a dream

Why do you dream that a dead person gives food? The vision has a favorable meaning. If you can’t get enough of the offered treat, you are about to become rich, the efforts you made earlier will help with this.

I dream that a dead person gives something

A dead person gives a thing in a dream - extreme caution should be exercised. Do not give in to the persuasion of the deceased and do not follow him. The gift itself from the deceased has a positive meaning. Be prudent and luck will be on your side.

I dreamed that a dead man was giving flowers

A dream about a dead person giving flowers foreshadows the fulfillment of desires, the embodiment of dreams and fantasies. If you manage to achieve what you want, it’s time to outline new horizons for yourself.

I dream that my late sister gives me a flash drive

If you dream that your late sister gives you a flash drive, you should be careful, a serious danger is looming. Pay attention to individual details of the dream and spoken words.

Why do you dream about a dead man giving candy?

The dream book considers a dead person giving candy as a harbinger of changes for the better. Your dreams and cherished plans will come true, you just need to wait a little.

A dead man gives bread in a dream

I dreamed that a dead person was giving bread - an auspicious sign. In reality, things will develop as they should, prosperity and prosperity will begin to reign in life. There is a high probability that you will have the opportunity to earn extra money.

I dreamed that a dead man gave me a lot of money. What does it mean?


Eduard Yagant

You will be given financial protection from the other world. Either you will find money (they will let you down, push you towards it), or they will introduce you to those who will help solve your problems.
Almost all of our souls have legal rights. agreements with certain organizations on the other side of life + they look after, protect, and insure their own kindred spirits in case of anything happening.
The heavenly side also does this, but tries to let the person get by on his own. And only in a critical situation do they intervene, otherwise, no, no!! !
The dark side also has an extensive network, but having provided this or that service, it will always demand tribute right there, tomorrow, in a year, in the next life.
When accepting free, easy money, remember that fools and drunkards are lucky, having darkness in their souls, cancerous movements against life and constantly falling on their faces = down, i.e. degrading.
Curious? http://my.mail.ru/community/valentinalavrova/
If you baptized the deceased and he immediately backed away, then in front of you was a gloomy side that took the form of the deceased, whose appearance is familiar to you.
Often people FROM THERE, in order to convey information HERE, try on the costumes of relatives by blood, acquaintances of the deceased (in the next world there is kinship in spirit and there is no place for blood kinship). The bodies are close, but the souls are vagrant birds, and sometimes your “relative” was ready in the past or in this life to kill you for the sake of self-interest, resentment, hatred. And all because HERE on the earthly plane everyone is mixed (- and +, bad and good). In the subtle worlds there is a strict hierarchy of intelligence.

In general, expect help in your life. And from whom - only your soul and only it knows. Even a purchased lottery ticket will be in place, as well as a special one. inspired numbers, the desire to do something, to go - the subtle work of subtle planes of existence.

"ALL EVENTS COLLECT AROUND ONE FOCUS. ALL SIGNS POINT TO ONE FOCUS. In everything there is one manifest FIRE, THE GRAIN OF WHICH ATTRACTS all the corresponding ENERGIES. This is how ALL COSMIC EVENTS are carried out, therefore, full awareness of the ONE FOCUS can direct SPIRITUAL SEEKINGS to the Earth R N U
U T V E R J D E N N O M U ". - Hierarchy - Agni Yoga. p. 223.



good dream


You have a patron and he wants the best for you)

Ushakova Tatyana

Sorry, but the dream is bad and you will have to figure something out and quarrel with someone, and this is what the dead man wants, he is trying to tell you that this is necessary specifically for you.

Elena Yakunina

remember! money in a dream always means big problems. money is shit, but shit, on the contrary, is related to money!


I hope you didn’t take anything from the deceased!! ! It’s just that someone is currently trying to deceive you...(offend you) and the deceased is warning you about this

Irina Tulyakova

Money is the equivalent of energy. A dead person is a good sign. Something must still be in the dream in order to understand who gives you or returns energy to you. In a dream, there must still be a code that only you can understand - who sent it or what you did. The dream must be fully narrated by you so that it can be deciphered as much as possible. Moreover, you need to know what time you woke up after the dream you had. If it’s lost before 6, you can trust him, but if after, then it’s unlikely... Yes, on what day of the week. ..Color or black and white...
With respect to you Irina Mazo

The deceased promised to give money

Dream Interpretation The deceased promised to give money dreamed of why in a dream the dead man promised to give money? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead man in a dream promise to give money by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

A dream in which you see your relatives dead foretells them many years of prosperous health, if they are actually alive; if they are already dead, such a dream foreshadows a change in your mood, which will depend either on the weather outside the window, or on what foot you got up from.

Seeing your lover dead foreshadows a sad parting with him. Seeing yourself dead means anxiety and disappointment, if you are buried modestly and hastily in a dream, or solemnly and with a lot of people, such a dream suggests that soon your circle of friends will expand significantly and you will become widely famous.

A dream in which a dead person has committed suicide portends betrayal on the part of your husband or lover.

A dead man executed as a criminal is a harbinger of insults and insults that will be inflicted by loved ones in a state of extreme excitement, according to the saying: “What is on the mind of a sober man is on the tongue of a drunken man.”

Seeing a drowned person or an accident victim means that you face a desperate struggle to preserve your property rights.

A dream in which you are surrounded by revived dead people who have turned into ghouls eager to drink your blood - such a nightmare foreshadows many annoying troubles in your personal life and a deterioration in your situation in society.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person in your apartment portends discord in the family due to alcohol abuse. A talking dead man who asks you to help him rise from the grave - to malicious slander and slander.

A dead person falling out of a coffin means injury or illness; if you fall on it, you will soon receive news of the death of someone close to you. Finding a dead person in your bed means success in an initially unpromising business. Washing and dressing the deceased means illness, burying them will return to you what you did not expect to get back.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

The dream is favorable. Seeing a dead person means expect changes in fate. For an unmarried girl, seeing a male deceased means an imminent wedding. If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her. If he is young, he will find someone his own age. The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich. If you saw a deceased person in a nice expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy. If a married lady dreams of a deceased man, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep his distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreams of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision. Seeing a deceased woman in a dream means a long and happy life. Kissing a deceased woman on the forehead means recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person, decorated with flowers, and a mournful crowd around - means having fun in the company of friends. If you dreamed that a coffin with a deceased person was being carried to a cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends. If you see yourself sitting over a deceased person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands. Washing the deceased is a well-deserved pleasure. Dressing a deceased person for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the deceased is your acquaintance or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends you will make a dizzying career or win a large inheritance. Closing the coffin with the deceased - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are putting flowers in the coffin of a deceased person. The deceased is dressed in a luxurious, expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. The coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones, is no less luxurious.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

Seeing your son dead will be a joyful event with an addition.

Opening the coffin and talking to the deceased is unlucky.

A dead person eats - illness.

The dead man rises from the coffin - a guest from outside will arrive.

The dead man comes to life - portends news, a letter.

The dead man is crying - foreshadows a squabble, a quarrel.

A dead man collapses with tears - portends prosperity.

A deceased person in a coffin - portends material gain.

A dead man who is standing portends great trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

The following interpretation options are usually associated with the appearance of dead people in dreams: normal presence, resolution of issues, and condemnation.

Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but its appearance itself does not carry much meaning for the entire dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, simply a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant character in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event in which both the sleeping person and the deceased were once participants. It is likely that in a dream this way hidden sadness and regret that the person who was dear to you is no longer around is revealed.

The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you don't have what they need, or their behavior makes you feel certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow connected with the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is a degree of condemnation or joy in such dreams.

“Judgmental” dreams show us dead people either simply dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings because we find ourselves unable to do anything to change the situation.

What character traits were the deceased endowed with during their lifetime? (For example, Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agnes was mean as a snake, etc.)

Did their behavior in the dream coincide with reality or was it contrary? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased (dead fathers)

Towards death, conversations, failure, changes in weather, they must be remembered; deceased mother - severe illness, grief; dead person - you will be sick, the duck will overcome, bad weather (rain, snow), quarrel, change of home, bad news, death (sick); to meet a dead person - for good, good luck // illness, death; man - success; woman - obstacles; the dead come to life - obstacles in business, loss; to be with the dead means to have enemies; seeing the dead alive - long years // a big nuisance, illness; to see a sick person dead - he will recover; hugging a dead person is a disease; kiss - longevity; giving him something is a loss, a loss; moving the deceased, moving - bad, sadness; congratulating is good; talk - interesting news // illness; calls with him - death.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

To see a dead person means he is asking for the repose of his soul.

I saw a dead person - you need to light a candle in the church and give it for the repose.

Dreaming of dead people means bad weather.

Dreaming of dead people in the summer means rain.

The dead in winter - to the snow.

If a deceased person calls you to come and follow you, or says: “I’ll pick you up,” this is a very bad omen.

Dead parents - to death, your parents came for you.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dead man - tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see a living person as a dead person, either to the fear of loss, or to a hidden desire for death for this person. Seeing a dead person alive speaks of your feelings of guilt towards this person.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Washing a dead person means a tragic event.

Seeing a dead person means good luck, achieving a goal.

If you are a dead person - to a long life.

Dream Interpretation - Dates

Often in a dream, dates and numbers are a signal for determining some event in a dream, which will then be reflected in real life. In dreams, dates become pointers that direct you to some time or event that is the trigger for a given dream.

Dream Interpretation - Date

A dead man gives money in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Money

Money reflects not only financial values, but also useful qualities of a person: hard work, generosity, commitment, etc.

Thus, giving money to someone is showing your best qualities.

Giving money is a fulfillment of desires.

Losing money means failure in relationships and work.

Finding money means losing money.

It’s a good sign if money is placed in your hand - this means friendly support.

The most amazing things happen with money in our dreams.

We buy something, borrow something, get change, lose it and find money.

In each specific dream, money can carry a specific meaning: strength, masculinity, knowledge, power, etc.

When we acquire something in life, we pay with our own energy, health, and comfort.

When a person dreams that he is losing money, this can be considered a symbolic loss of some achievements - power, position.

If money was stolen from you, then this is a hint that someone is interfering with your activities, “putting a spoke in your wheels.”

If the dreamer stole the money himself, perhaps he is hatching plans to fight someone.

Money is usually very intricately woven into the fabric of a dream and all its details should be considered.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

A deceased acquaintance who comes back to life in your dream reminds you of the type of character he possessed.

If unpleasant memories are associated with the image of the deceased, it is likely that a similar person has appeared in your current life.

The image of a dead man warns you against communicating with him.

Unknown living dead symbolize the revival of deeds, qualities, events that are associated with your past.

Seeing people who are currently living dead means “burying” those unworthy qualities that you don’t like.

The funeral of strangers means that some of your affairs, a stage of life, have been completed.

Seeing yourself dead means admitting that some part of your self has died. And you will be reborn in a new quality. Accept this with humility and hope for the best.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Deceased - good health, long life.

Dream Interpretation - Money

Money is a symbol of the dreamer's sexual energy and sexual desires.

If you spend money, then you are filled with sexual energy. You are ready to fuck with any person. If he inspires you with even the slightest sympathy.

If you receive money, then this symbolizes the lack of love in your life. You also miss the joys of sex.

The money you earn symbolizes your desire for sexual release.

Found money symbolizes the joys of sex in an unexpected meeting. They can symbolize an upcoming change of sexual partner.

Lost money symbolizes loss of strength and possible impotence. In any case, it is better to check your health.

Dream Interpretation - Money

Finding money in a dream is evidence that someone around you is preparing great evil against you. Do not take other people’s things, even if they lie unattended in a remote place, for it is through them that unclean people send damage to good people, believers.

If you dreamed that you were receiving money, then people around you see you as a generous, kind person who is always ready to help in difficult moments of life.

Seeing torn money in a dream is a bad omen. Torn money symbolizes poverty, hunger and robbery. Perhaps in the future you will lose all your savings as a result of a robbery committed on your home.

If in a dream you counted money, then in real life you are a very petty person. You need to reconsider your attitude towards money, because it will never replace human relationships.

Handing money to someone in a dream means that you will soon need a lot of funds to successfully complete the business you have started.

Dream Interpretation - Money and the number two

Having a lot of two-kopeck Soviet coins in a dream means that in reality you will conclude several important agreements and establish connections with the right people. Pay special attention to people whose phone number includes the number "767".

If in a dream you have 2 kopecks or 2, 20, 191, 200, 2000 and so on rubles (if you add up the numbers, you will definitely get a two!), then after a while you will enter a period of increased tension, which will last from 2 months to 2 years. This dream is favorable for businessmen, as it shows that all this time their business will develop and prosper.

If in a dream you waste this money or lose it, then on the 11th or 29th you will appear in court. If in a dream you are able to find this money, then the trial will end well for you, but if not, then get ready for the worst.

Buying this money in a dream means that your doubts will be dispelled and you will be able to start your own business or find a profitable job. The more money, the sooner this will happen. For young people, this dream is advice to listen to the words of their parents and not go to a party that is scheduled for the 20th or 29th. But in February, young people can do as they please.

Seeing foreign money in a dream, say 2 dollars, 2 pence or 2 pounds sterling, means that relatives will soon arrive at your house. The more money you hold in your hands, the more trouble this event will cause you.

Dream Interpretation - Money and the number nine

If you dream of old money, Soviet nine rubles or nine kopecks, then this indicates that in life you are clinging to unwinnable deals and people who are completely unnecessary to you. If you give this money to someone, then after nine days it will become clear to you that you need to throw off the burden of the past and start living a new life. If this money is given to you, then soon you will be deceived and betrayed.

If you dream of foreign money, then this is a direct indication that you are spending too much money. You need to come to your senses and try to use the money wisely - for example, invest it in some business. If in a dream you have a large amount of money, say, not 9 cents or 9 pence, but 9 thousand dollars or francs, then this means that in real life you are about to have a chance to get rich. However, in order to know exactly what capital will help you acquire, pay special attention to the 9th, 27, 18. Your main assistant will be the person whose birth year numbers add up to the cherished nine.

If you dream of working Russian money, then this is an important sign - unknown forces recommend that you start establishing friendly and business connections. For women, this dream promises marital joys and the birth of healthy children soon. Young girls, however, should beware - if she gives nine rubles to a young man, then in the next nine days she will do something stupid, which she will later bitterly regret.

Dream Interpretation - Money and the number four

If in a dream you understand that money was stolen from you, of which there was quite a lot, for example, 4,000 rubles, 490 dollars or 31,000,000 francs, then in reality you will be discouraged by the words or actions of your household members. You have lost sight of something, and now the next 4 weeks will become a period of all sorts of surprises for you. If your money is in a dream, then you can rejoice - life will pamper you, even your mistakes will turn out for the better for you. It’s great if in a dream you yourself grab a thief or publicly expose him: you will be able to sort things out with your superiors and even set your own conditions, to which management will be forced to agree during this period of time. But if the money is not found, then this is just a temporary success, and you cannot make plans for the future; soon your luck, no matter how sad it is to say, will end.

If in a dream you are holding old Soviet money in your hands, say, 4 kopecks or rubles, or 13, 22, 85 (and others from the same series!), and do not know where to put them, then in real life you are an object increased attention from your enemies. Perhaps 4 days ago you did something that allowed them to think that you could be easily seduced into an adventurous venture or forced to dance to someone else’s tune. In order not to live up to their expectations, control yourself and do not relax even in friendly company for at least 22 days, otherwise you will, contrary to your own wishes, be grist to the mill of your competitors.

If in a dream you have foreign money and you like to count it, and when adding all this money you get the number “4”, then this is a warning to you - you eat and sleep too much, perhaps you are depressed and need the attention of others. Instead of being sour at home and feeling sorry for yourself, go for 4 or 13 days to the village or to nature, if the weather permits, in any case, you should dramatically change the situation. There is no need to think about the current state of affairs and look for a way out of it; during your short rest, everything will become clearer in your head; all you have to do is do what seems right to you.

If in a dream you pick up 4 kopecks or 4 rubles from the ground, then this is symbolic: you have entered a difficult but honorable path, in 4 weeks you will receive the first results of your activity, and in 4 years you will enjoy its fruits. This dream promises young mothers that her child will be sick, but by the age of 4 he will be completely cured of all his ailments and will be strong and healthy in the future.

Dream Interpretation - Money

Oddly enough, it has long been believed that seeing money coins in a dream portends tears. This applies not only to copper or silver coins, but also to placer gold. Paper money has the opposite meaning.

To dream that every hour a large banknote disappears from your wallet before your eyes - you do not want to spend money because you believe that you are being offered a deliberately losing business, which will not only not bring you profit, but will also take away your last; a person will appear in your circle whom you consider richer and capable of striking a blow to your financial affairs; to the failure of the contract, which will bring you large material costs.

To see a wad of money that is given to a dog to sniff, but it cannot find the owner of the money - the dream means hidden hopes that the illegal activity will not be discovered and will not harm your business; You are faced with a choice between money and a quiet life.

To see a relative in a dream who does not want to return your money means that a warm meeting awaits you ahead of you with a person whom you have not met for a long time; a distant relative you don’t know will come.

Borrowing money - this dream speaks of excessive anxiety, worry about something that actually does not exist, and an inadequate assessment of current events.

To see people around you, each of whom demands money from you and declares that you have long promised to repay the debt - beware of “easy” money and “profitable” projects; you may be let down by those whom you completely trust.

To dream of a very good friend who came to ask for a large sum of money - beware of a quarrel with someone you value and are afraid of losing, with whom you were too frank.

Losing all your money in gambling means beware of careless people and casual acquaintances.

Seeing yourself repaying your debt - you will experience a stormy adventure that will bring a lot of experiences, but will end happily if you act carefully.

To dream that you are risking your life because you were promised a reward for it - you will be deceived, beware of disappointment, avoid personal details in conversations with those who are little known to you.

Seeing a treasure trove in a dream, in which the coins are so fragile that they crumble before your eyes at one touch, is a sign of empty promises, wasted effort, and vain hopes.

Seeing yourself in an empty house that belongs to a person who owes you a large sum of money is a sign of an unexpected turn in affairs that were going smoothly and without problems.

Dream Interpretation - Money

Seeing it in a dream means trouble.

Receiving means trouble, giving means success.

Copper coins - to sadness: silver - profit, tears, worries (if small).

Sometimes gold means grief.

Paper money?! - news, deception.

Finding money is fortunate, good luck.

Giving away means unexpected wealth.

Borrowing money means difficulties in life.

Losing money means failure.

Repaying debts means recovery.

Spending other people's money means deceiving someone.

A dream that you stole money is a warning about danger for you.

Seeing a wad of currency in a dream is a sign that you are living beyond your means.

If in a dream someone claims this money, you are planning losses in business due to loved ones.

The late grandmother gave money

Dream Interpretation - Late grandmother

I think this is her way of showing that she protects you and loves you. And that's great!

Dream Interpretation - Late grandmother

It's OK.

Dream Interpretation - Late grandmother

Such a dream should be taken as a warning, take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation - Late grandmother

During this period, you will be able to make significant positive changes in your life (grandparents). Most likely of a cordial, personal nature (candy). Pay attention to everything that happens, read the signs, watch your dreams carefully.

Dream Interpretation - Late grandmother

Receiving something from a deceased person in a dream is considered a good sign.

Dream Interpretation - Dead grandmother gives money

Your grandmother needs to be remembered, order a memorial service in the church and distribute change (money) to the children

A DREAM means that the dreamer is thinking about the fact that she is sorely lacking in love and joyful emotions (a deceased relative (whom the dreamer loved and loves very much) is visiting with her grandson and grandson’s daughter). It is a pity that the deceased relative (which is Love) came to the dreamer only to visit; for complete happiness in reality it is necessary that she stay with the dreamer forever in the dream. The dream also symbolizes the revival of the dreamer’s very self ((her goal, for the sake of which she lives with all her might and will live - the grandson of a relative, now Healthy (health) in a dream and his daughter - a symbolic hint in a dream of the family chain, the continuity of generations). Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - I saw my late grandmother

It may mean that someone will come to you, you will be delighted.

You have hidden somewhere a feeling of guilt towards your grandmother (old house). Work on forgiveness, ask your grandmother for forgiveness, forgive yourself. Grandmother in a dream represents your inner wisdom. Forget that you are dreaming about her because you were unable to visit her grave on Easter, or you put a candle to the wrong icon, or her former home is in disrepair. Only then will you be able to pay attention to the accompanying signs and receive a message from your higher self. The second dream suggests that your creativity and joy (number 3) is restrained by the usual state of awareness (car) of yourself and the world around you. But there is great potential within you to change it (Jesus), as well as adherence to old dogmas (domes). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - I often dream about my deceased grandmother

Why are you worried? After all, “she is in a good mood, she laughs, jokes, and tells something.” So grandma is happy where she is now! I can only advise you to try to remember what your grandmother is telling you. And a dream about Jesus Christ brings good news about consolation in sorrow and support in difficult times.

Why do you dream of dead people (close relatives) giving a lot of money in large bills?


Helen Reuth

In general, it’s a good dream, kind of help, and good money.


You believe that your temperament was inherited from relatives. In addition, the dream is a warning. You need to read a prayer in honor of departed relatives.


The main thing is that they don’t invite you with them! If they just give generous gifts, remember them (him); if you are Orthodox, light a candle, give a note, perhaps they are warning you.

Father's Favorite Daughter

Relatives warn about possible deception being prepared against you.

Why do you dream about a dead man giving money in a dream?

A dead person you see in a dream usually serves as a warning and makes you think about the decisions you are making. Money in a dream is a symbol of power, prosperity, and big changes. On the one hand, if a dead person gives money, this is not a bad, but ambiguous symbol that will require careful deciphering of the person who sees such a dream. Receiving money in a dream from a person who is alive is a harbinger of the opening of new horizons, opportunities, and the beginning of a new period. But if money is given to you by someone who has already died in reality, then this serves as a rather stern warning. It is possible that the business that is being offered to you is not only unprofitable, but also dangerous for you.

Dream Interpretation Dead Man, why do you dream about seeing a Dead Man in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream of a Dead Man according to the dream book:

Seeing a Dead Man alive in a dream and dreaming of talking - such a dream warns you of troubles that will arise on your path in life. What was discussed in the conversation with the deceased? This dream will give you the answer to the question of which area to expect problems from.

Why dream of a dead person being alive and talking to him in a dream - a new period will begin in your life. You can quit your job or break off a relationship that has been bothering you, in any case, changes await you.

A revived dead man - a long and eventful life awaits you.

Why do you dream of a living dead person visiting you - if the living dead person is in your house and he is someone you know - then you are simply yearning for this person in real life.

Why dream that a dead person gives money or something else - this person, if he is your friend, wants you to repeat his fate. If he gives you some advice, you should remember them and listen to them.

A deceased person gives gifts in a dream - the interpretation of the dream depends on the thing you received from him as a gift.

Deceased relatives dream of being alive and are called with them - to illness, possibly death. Walking after the dead, kissing them, hugging them - the same thing.

Why do you dream about dead relatives alive? These people want to support you, and you may start to succeed in something. You will receive spiritual help and support. However, it is possible that you simply miss these people, so you see them alive in your dreams and talk to them.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why does a Dead Man dream:

Interpretation of sleep by dream book:

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: What does a dead person mean?

Seeing a dead person in a dream - This symbol has different meanings. Usually, if the deceased does not ask for anything and does not show dissatisfaction, does not make any complaints, then the dream means a change in the weather. To dream that people are condemning someone who is lying in a coffin means trouble; prepare for conflict with your superiors; to a quarrel with neighbors or strangers. Seeing a person who died long ago in a dream as if he were still alive means a change in the weather. Seeing a person whose pale appearance closely resembles a dead person is a sign of illness; to a conversation with a friend who has serious problems; to meet with older people.

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does a dead person mean?

Deceased - For rain, changes in weather; outside the coffin - a guest.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing a Dead Man in a Dream

  • Dead man - The dead man is crying. - Foretells a squabble, a quarrel.
  • You see a dead man standing - portends great trouble.
  • The dead man collapses with tears. - Portends prosperity.
  • The dead man comes to life. - Foretells news, a letter.
  • You see another person or yourself dead. - Fortunately.
  • You see your son dead. - There will be a joyful event with an addition.
  • You see your dead ancestors, respectable people. - Great happiness.
  • You accept condolences from other people. - It foretells the birth of a son, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream of a Dead Man:

Solves the dream book: Why do you dream of a dead person – Health and longevity, weather change

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Dead Man in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream about seeing a dead person in a dream - Health, longevity

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Dead Man:

Interpretation of the dream book: To see a dead person in a dream foreshadows a change in the weather.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream of a Dead Man according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see Dead People in a dream - Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but its appearance in itself does not carry much meaning for the entire dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, simply a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant character in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event in which both the sleeping person and the deceased were once participants. It is likely that in a dream this way hidden sadness and regret that the person who was dear to you is no longer around is revealed. The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you don't have what they need, or their behavior makes you feel certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow connected with the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is a degree of condemnation or joy in such dreams. Judgmental dreams show us dead people either simply dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings because we find ourselves unable to do anything to change the situation. What character traits were the deceased endowed with during their lifetime? (For example, Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agnes was vile as a snake, etc.) Did their behavior in the dream coincide with reality or go against it? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of dead people (people who have died, but appear alive in a dream) - In general - to a change in the weather; relaxation, peace of mind. Taking and giving something from a deceased person, taking him “to one’s place” is very bad (unfortunately, serious illness, death of loved ones or one’s own).

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a Dead Man in a dream:

  • Deceased people (dead fathers) - Towards death, conversations, failure, change of weather, they must be remembered;
  • deceased mother - severe illness, grief;
  • dead person - you will be sick, the duck will overcome, bad weather (rain, snow), quarrel, change of home, bad news, death (sick);
  • to meet a dead person - for good, good luck // illness, death;
  • man - success;
  • woman - obstacles; the dead come to life - obstacles in business, loss;
  • to be with the dead means to have enemies;
  • seeing the dead alive - long years // a big nuisance, illness;
  • to see a sick person dead - he will recover;
  • hugging a dead person is a disease;
  • kissing a dead person - longevity;
  • giving him something is a loss, a loss;
  • moving the deceased, moving - bad, sadness;
  • congratulating is good;
  • talking to a dead person - interesting news // illness;
  • the dead man calls with him - death.

Dead man gives money

Dream Interpretation Dead man gives money dreamed of why in a dream a dead man gives money? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dead Man giving money in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

A dead person eats - illness.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

The dead in winter - to the snow.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

The following interpretation options are usually associated with the appearance of dead people in dreams: normal presence, resolution of issues, and condemnation.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dead man - tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see a living person as a dead person, either to the fear of loss, or to a hidden desire for death for this person. Seeing a dead person alive speaks of your feelings of guilt towards this person.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

the deceased father gave money in a dream. for what?


olga ivan

Vlad KobelEv

he will help you, there will be a situation that you can use to your advantage.


This is very good - you can’t give anything to the dead - but it’s good to take

Elena Krylova

double dream: here the disease can... and receiving an inheritance... and big changes in life...


If you are talking to a dead relative in a dream and that relative receives a promise from you, this is a warning of future troubles if you follow the advice you receive.
Catastrophic consequences can be prevented if consciousness can grasp the actions and types of the higher, or spiritual, essence.

Dreaming about the dead is usually a warning.
If you see your deceased father and talk to him, you are about to do some unfortunate deed. Be careful in your contacts: you are surrounded by enemies.

After such a dream, men and women should carefully monitor their reputation: they have been warned about the threat.
A dream about a deceased mother warns of illness; you should restrain yourself and not show unkind feelings towards other people.
A brother, other relative or friend means that very soon you will be approached for charity or help.
If you see the dead alive and happy, it means that you have allowed some wrong influences into your life, which will lead to material losses if you do not correct the situation with your willpower.
A dream that you are talking with a deceased relative and he is trying to convince you to make some kind of promise warns of impending trouble if you do not follow the advice you hear.
Catastrophic consequences can be prevented if the consciousness can grasp the activity of a higher or spiritual essence.

Ivan Tsybinov

I want money

Dream of a deceased father giving money

I dreamed that I was sitting in the courtyard of the house where I spent my entire childhood on a log (an attribute of our yard) and saying goodbye to my father, behind me on the same log another relative was sitting, unfortunately I couldn’t say who, it seemed like my father was supposed to go where then leaving looks tired and a little sad (my father died 4 months ago, I dreamed about it for the first time, but in my dreams I don’t think about it)

I say goodbye to him, kiss him, he moves away, then calls me to him and gives me a wallet with money (medium-sized paper money), I take it, say thank you,

We kiss again, I think he felt relieved after that, or maybe I felt better and he leaves the yard through our entrance.

Dead man gives money

Dream Interpretation Dead man gives money dreamed of why in a dream a dead man gives money? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dead Man giving money in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

The dream is favorable. Seeing a dead person means expect changes in fate. For an unmarried girl, seeing a male deceased means an imminent wedding. If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her. If he is young, he will find someone his own age. The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich. If you saw a deceased person in a nice expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy. If a married lady dreams of a deceased man, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep his distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreams of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision. Seeing a deceased woman in a dream means a long and happy life. Kissing a deceased woman on the forehead means recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person, decorated with flowers, and a mournful crowd around - means having fun in the company of friends. If you dreamed that a coffin with a deceased person was being carried to a cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends. If you see yourself sitting over a deceased person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands. Washing the deceased is a well-deserved pleasure. Dressing a deceased person for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the deceased is your acquaintance or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends you will make a dizzying career or win a large inheritance. Closing the coffin with the deceased - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are putting flowers in the coffin of a deceased person. The deceased is dressed in a luxurious, expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. The coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones, is no less luxurious.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

A dream in which you see your relatives dead foretells them many years of prosperous health, if they are actually alive; if they are already dead, such a dream foreshadows a change in your mood, which will depend either on the weather outside the window, or on what foot you got up from.

Seeing your lover dead foreshadows a sad parting with him. Seeing yourself dead means anxiety and disappointment, if you are buried modestly and hastily in a dream, or solemnly and with a lot of people, such a dream suggests that soon your circle of friends will expand significantly and you will become widely famous.

A dream in which a dead person has committed suicide portends betrayal on the part of your husband or lover.

A dead man executed as a criminal is a harbinger of insults and insults that will be inflicted by loved ones in a state of extreme excitement, according to the saying: “What is on the mind of a sober man is on the tongue of a drunken man.”

Seeing a drowned person or an accident victim means that you face a desperate struggle to preserve your property rights.

A dream in which you are surrounded by revived dead people who have turned into ghouls eager to drink your blood - such a nightmare foreshadows many annoying troubles in your personal life and a deterioration in your situation in society.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person in your apartment portends discord in the family due to alcohol abuse. A talking dead man who asks you to help him rise from the grave - to malicious slander and slander.

A dead person falling out of a coffin means injury or illness; if you fall on it, you will soon receive news of the death of someone close to you. Finding a dead person in your bed means success in an initially unpromising business. Washing and dressing the deceased means illness, burying them will return to you what you did not expect to get back.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

Seeing your son dead will be a joyful event with an addition.

Opening the coffin and talking to the deceased is unlucky.

A dead person eats - illness.

The dead man rises from the coffin - a guest from outside will arrive.

The dead man comes to life - portends news, a letter.

The dead man is crying - foreshadows a squabble, a quarrel.

A dead man collapses with tears - portends prosperity.

A deceased person in a coffin - portends material gain.

A dead man who is standing portends great trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

To see a dead person means he is asking for the repose of his soul.

I saw a dead person - you need to light a candle in the church and give it for the repose.

Dreaming of dead people means bad weather.

Dreaming of dead people in the summer means rain.

The dead in winter - to the snow.

If a deceased person calls you to come and follow you, or says: “I’ll pick you up,” this is a very bad omen.

Dead parents - to death, your parents came for you.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

The following interpretation options are usually associated with the appearance of dead people in dreams: normal presence, resolution of issues, and condemnation.

Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but its appearance itself does not carry much meaning for the entire dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, simply a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant character in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event in which both the sleeping person and the deceased were once participants. It is likely that in a dream this way hidden sadness and regret that the person who was dear to you is no longer around is revealed.

The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you don't have what they need, or their behavior makes you feel certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow connected with the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is a degree of condemnation or joy in such dreams.

“Judgmental” dreams show us dead people either simply dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings because we find ourselves unable to do anything to change the situation.

What character traits were the deceased endowed with during their lifetime? (For example, Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agnes was mean as a snake, etc.)

Did their behavior in the dream coincide with reality or was it contrary? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased (dead fathers)

Towards death, conversations, failure, changes in weather, they must be remembered; deceased mother - severe illness, grief; dead person - you will be sick, the duck will overcome, bad weather (rain, snow), quarrel, change of home, bad news, death (sick); to meet a dead person - for good, good luck // illness, death; man - success; woman - obstacles; the dead come to life - obstacles in business, loss; to be with the dead means to have enemies; seeing the dead alive - long years // a big nuisance, illness; to see a sick person dead - he will recover; hugging a dead person is a disease; kiss - longevity; giving him something is a loss, a loss; moving the deceased, moving - bad, sadness; congratulating is good; talk - interesting news // illness; calls with him - death.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dead man - tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see a living person as a dead person, either to the fear of loss, or to a hidden desire for death for this person. Seeing a dead person alive speaks of your feelings of guilt towards this person.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Washing a dead person means a tragic event.

Seeing a dead person means good luck, achieving a goal.

If you are a dead person - to a long life.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

This symbol has different meanings. Usually, if the deceased does not ask for anything and does not show dissatisfaction, does not make any claims, it means that the dream is about a change in the weather.

To dream that people are condemning someone who is lying in a coffin means trouble; prepare for conflict with your superiors; to a quarrel with neighbors or strangers.

Seeing a person who died long ago in a dream as if he were still alive means a change in the weather.

Seeing a person whose pale appearance closely resembles a dead person is a sign of illness; to a conversation with a friend who has serious problems; to meet with older people.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

If you dream that you are dead, rest assured that good health and a long, happy life await you.

If the deceased is someone else, you will have a long and interesting life, although not necessarily happy and with good health.

Is taking money from a dead person a good dream or a bad one?



This is a good dream, in general, taking anything from the dead is good, giving something away is bad... We believe that we don’t dream about dead relatives when everyone is happy... Usually, if I see one of my own, I make sure to bake and treat the children... And also, if the deceased says something in a dream, you have to try remember - these are prophetic words...

Mustachioed Striped Potbelly

this is a good dream.

Oksana Maslyukova

If it’s not a small thing, it’s good and should definitely be remembered.

Yulia Rymar

A good dream promises pleasant things

I fall in love with KotE in the spring!)

Apparently, you will get an unexpected profit.... and, of course, the weather will change!


For your well-being..

Lyubov Chistyakova

a good dead person dreams of a change in weather, and as for money, they will probably pay you back the debt if they took it out or there will be other cash receipts in the near future

Igor Zavgorodniy

It's urgent for you. You need to order a prayer service for the repose. Have you not remembered for a very long time???? URGENTLY

in a dream, the deceased husband gives money, why such a snr


Anya Polyakova

I read somewhere that if a dead person gives you money in a dream, it means that some kind of stash or something like that is kept somewhere.


a dead man means rain... and money... big money means income, good luck... small money means tears...


apparently there is no one else to give

Sturua Sturua

This is a dream hint! Money will arrive to you, and you will understand that your husband helped with this in your dream! But how? Perhaps he had an account or a passbook, or something was saved. But he didn't indicate the location! Didn't specify? It's a pity...

Alexey Revenkov

If in a dream they give you money, bring you food, or you eat or have fun, laugh, it means you earned money through honest labor. Who should we
gives dreams read here, this is my discovery https://yadi.sk/d/vF7v8iz9bkfXK



The deceased mother feeds her potatoes and cucumbers and pours coffee. I need to have a serious operation on my daughter. I called my mother in a dream for advice. And in a dream she tells me about another polished patient. And then she says, when I ask her again about her daughter, the number sixty. What do these dreams mean? I will be very grateful for your answer


if in a dream a deceased matchmaker gives money


The deceased mother is planning to give a gift in a dream. I tell her that there is no need to bother, it can be done with money. she says no, you need a lot of money, a gift would be better.


I dreamed of a deceased neighbor who gave me a wad of money, which contained both new bills and ones that were too old, even damaged. She asked to put this money into some account and then do something else. I went with her, and then I don’t remember what to do next. This woman was strange during her life; they even believed that she cast a spell, and we tried to avoid her, we were even afraid of her. Please interpret the dream.


I had a dream. My late grandmother came to visit, and it was my sister’s birthday, she seemed to give her money in large 1000g and 500g bills and a lot more rolled into a tube, but my sister wasn’t at home, she puts the money on the table, I take it, I ask, and if you have no money, keep it for yourself, she says I have 100g. That’s enough for me. My sister comes in and doesn’t even say hello to grandma, but I say say hello, I take her aside and say grandma gave you about 3 thousand money and you’re going to go somewhere, stay home for your birthday. But my sister calls somewhere and wants to leave, nothing explaining. Grandma ate at the table, I don’t remember what they said, and I invited her to rest, she lay down on the sofa, we covered her with a blanket and she slept. I started counting the money and didn’t give it to my sister. I woke up. Please interpret the dream. My sister’s birthday was January 28th, my grandmother died 3 years ago.


deceased mother gives a dark wallet with money and a VIP-SIM card for a mobile phone. There are 30 ruble bills in the wallet. Everything happens in a bright room. During sleep, restless and peaceful feelings.


my 2nd brother died 1.5 years ago, and today he kissed me on the lips and gave me money, after which he said something to me (I don’t remember what) and then there was a weak breeze, a couple of bills flew away but I caught them all... that’s it, thanks in advance...

[email protected]:

Today I had a dream: All my close and distant relatives were sitting in a clearing, My mother and stepfather went to lay out the well by hand, after that my stepfather gave me 70,000 rubles and then I begged him for another 55,000. In total, I have 125,000 rubles in paper money in my pocket. The lock in the apartment was broken, we were renovating the apartment together with our deceased stepfather and mother.
Two months before her death, my mother also had a dream about all her deceased relatives, she died in the hospital - from a cerebral hemorrhage..... THANK YOU!




Hello! I will be grateful for your help! Mom, she died 1.5 years ago and I constantly dream about her! And today she was so beautiful and warm! in a dream she gave me a lot of money, half of it for me, and half to take away! But then they stole it from me and I woke up my mother and said, she was very emotionally surprised, and from the outside someone said! that they saw the daughter of my older sister, that she and her father stole this large half of the money! thank you in advance!


in a dream, my mother gave me money... bills... I took it... then she felt very sick... I understood why... she had an incurable disease (as in life) that’s all


On May 31, my grandmother died on May 31 of this year, I had a dream last week, well, as usual, I came to see her, she gave me money, and then she just said that there was no money. and they are at my uncle's. and I woke up. but during her lifetime she was organizing money for the funeral; upon the arrival of her relatives, no one found the money.
and today my boyfriend dreamed of my grandmother, in the dream there were me and his sister, she asked him to do something in the garden or go somewhere, he doesn’t remember exactly. why such dreams?


Hello. I dreamed that my late grandmother gave me 4 thousand, supposedly for expenses, but at the same time she asked me to buy her a lot of things, I don’t remember what. In the dream she was healthy and we talked a little, but again, I don’t remember what. And yet, we were sitting in some white room. Thank you.


in the apartment where we lived, my mother and my older brother. I’m standing with my mother and she gives me money (2 five-thousandth bills) and says: this is for you, otherwise it’s all for him (as I understood to my brother). I asked, do you have it? Mom showed me the money, counted more than 40 thousand in 5 thousand and woke up in fear


my father, who died five years ago, gives me and my brother money, saying why are you living like this, you have no money at all, the money was a few hundred rubles, and he also told you my card number, write down I wrote down 10114600, what does that mean? the number looks like an index


I didn’t dream it. and to my niece. that her grandmother gives her money so that she can give money in the amount of 500 euros to her missing sister. (My sister has been gone for 2 years)


Good afternoon. In a dream, I gave birth to a son and a guy who is no longer alive came to visit us, he brought a baby rocking chair as a gift and gave my mother money to buy a towel for the baby, allegedly he forgot to buy it. The dream was as if it was real.


My husband died a year ago! a few days ago I had a dream!….a big house and there are a lot of people there! all friends and acquaintances! everyone is happy and walking around saying that Lyoshka is coming now! Alexey is my husband! then he comes and tells me... well, I’m back... they let us go there for good work... and by the way, I earned 30,000 but spent a lot on the trip, so I brought only 24,000. and gave me the money! all the guests celebrate his resurrection! We are sitting on a bench with him and he says... I miss you so much... give me a kiss? and we kiss him in our dreams! there was no fear in the dream... there was peace! then in a dream I say that now I definitely need to go to social security and cancel the receipt of a child’s pension for the loss of a breadwinner... because since you say he’s risen, then you can’t deceive the state! and in reality I already had a new boyfriend, and the day before bed we broke up with him! and in my dream he also came and I told him...you see! no wonder they separated... my husband is now resurrected anyway!


I talk to my husband (who has been dead for 10 years) and say that I decided to leave my job (I don’t remember why). He asks how much I get paid. I answer 28 or 24 thousand. He takes a wad of money out of his pocket and gives it to me.


Hello, I dreamed that my deceased husband came to the hospital and gave me money, but he came in dirty shorts, although in fact they were washed, according to him. What could this mean? I also had a dream that when I came to the store, something broke and the fragments turned out to be in her mouth, spitting out glass.


I dreamed of a deceased husband holding large paper money in his hands, with which he pays a stranger for meat products for the table


I dreamed about the deceased father of my common-law husband, he gave me 3 silver coins, shiny, and told me to buy some water for us to drink. The husband and daughter were standing nearby at that time. It seems like a coin for each - me, my husband, our daughter. I had a dream when we were relaxing at sea and the event in the dream took place in the same place where we were vacationing.


Hello! I dreamed that my deceased aunt brought 3-liter jars for my son, one of them contained 500 rubles, another contained candy, and the third contained something else. I refused, but my aunt silently left and left.


I dream that I wake up and my mother-in-law is baking pancakes, and next to me is my ex-husband (he died on July 22, 2013) and he gives me even larger bundles of money. He gave me two, and kept the third for himself, and then it’s like we’re talking to him, we’re joking, we’re laughing, and he gave me the third. pack. But I haven’t seen what kind of banknotes. And then I woke up.


I saw in a dream my grandmother, my mother’s mother, in our house, she was about to leave, and inviting me with her, I didn’t go, she didn’t insist and gave me money as a farewell, and my mother came up and took it in silence, and she left.


He was raging in his house and only I, as my most beloved, could stop him, then he gave me as much as a wad of money, but there were three thousand rubles, no less, my mother and grandmother were in amazement. My grandmother even tried to take them for herself, but I didn’t give them away.


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed about my late mother and gave me money in large bills. She asked me to give half of it to my sister. What would that mean?


hello. I dreamed that my brother was freed. He came home. We were happy. He gave me money and left. Then he came with the cops and they arrested him again. That’s it.


The grandmother (neighbor) dreamed that she came (or arrived, maybe even fell from the sky), yes, something similar, as if from the sky, and so she said, “sell me vodka, I have 500 rubles, otherwise we have it there no,” and I said to her, “no, I’ll lend you a loan.”. and I woke up




I opened a butcher shop! My first customers paid for the meat, my deceased husband came up to me and put 500 rubles in the cash register.


Hello, I had a dream in which my grandfather died. He called me on the phone and asked me to come to him. He said that he would give me money, but I was unable to reach him. Afterwards, I went with my husband to the hospital and there I met my grandfather’s best friend. And he told me the address where he lives and again asked me to go to him. But I never got there


Sleeping in the morning, I met my maternal grandmother on the street, asked me to buy a few servings of ice cream and while walking she gives me a lot of small change to buy and pours a few into my handful even fell to the ground, I say where is this much for buying, in response it is necessary , yes, when moving to the tent we step over clods of dirt, we didn’t get dirty, because I noticed that my grandmother’s shoes were completely clean, I woke up.


In a dream, my late father gave me money, I refused, but he said, “Take it, I’m burned out from my extra job,” and I took it


On August 27, 2013, my husband died. I had a dream from 11 to 12 August 2014 in the early morning. It was as if he had returned alive from a business trip and brought money, as I remember now, 3 thousand. I say, why so little? You've been gone for so long. And he smiles so maliciously and coldly and leaves. I dream about it quite often, but this is the first time - with a cold expression, as if he doesn’t love me anymore. Moreover, in all my dreams I know that he is dead, but here he seems to be alive


Today I dreamed about my dead father. Some man and I (I feel like both my father and I know him) come to a room very similar to a basement and there is my father with a beard and shoulder-length gray hair. The beard and hair are well-groomed. This man gives his father money, bills rolled into a tube. My father takes two bills and gives me the rest, hugging me and saying something like I need them more. I hide them and run away, I decided to see how much money I was unwrapping there and the bills were old like in the 90s, but I wasn’t upset. Having run to some store there, my old friend (the love of his youth), he wants to hug me, my heart is pounding, I want to kiss him so much, but in a dream I remember that I am married, and he has a family and children, he boasts of a new shirt from Guchi, and It looks like it’s even someone’s wedding. That's how I woke up.


Hello, I dreamed of my dead husband, we were in some house, there were some people there, my husband brought me a bag with wads of money and said that they were mine, I hid the money, but then it wasn’t there, I looked for it but couldn’t find it .


I dreamed about my dead grandparents. When my sister and I were little, my grandparents helped my mother and gave us money every year before the school year. So in this dream, I dreamed that my grandmother and mother went into another room to get gifts for my sister and me, and my grandfather gave me and money to my sister, while saying that he was giving 9 thousand, but in fact I had 5, I was embarrassed to tell my grandfather that it wasn’t 9 thousand. Our grandfather was sick before his death, he had problems with the spine and he walked on crutches, in the same dream, I gave him a glass of vodka to drink and for some reason there were no crutches nearby, I brought my grandfather to the sofa, later he walked in his sleep, but with great difficulty, it was clear that he was in great pain. In general, I don’t dream about grandma and grandpa very often.


I dreamed that my dead mother gave me a wad of 5,000 money and went, I caught up with her and gave her in her mouth either cookies or candy, I don’t remember


In the salon where I want to buy a red dress, I met my husband who died in reality, who gave me money - a paper bill.


in the morning I saw in a dream our neighbor who had never been married and she was ill; she died somewhere 10 years ago, she gave me 5000 Cooper pieces, 5 and one 100 or 1000 Cooper I don’t remember, I mentally searched for someone to ask for money and then she came and gave it to me this money and I left, surprised, I stood watching


I dreamed of my husband’s deceased grandmother, just a couple of days ago it was 40 days, in the dream she was cheerful and gave my husband and I money, but we gave this money to my grandfather, he is alive


I dreamed about my grandmother who died 2 years ago. I allegedly need to fill up my Zhiguli and she added 5 UAH to me. in the end there was more gasoline and she and I were driving a KAMAZ without a body, just a cab... and I seemed to be taking her to where she needed


I dreamed that I had a wedding (I’m not married, gr. marriage) Nothing is ready for the wedding, we don’t have time to do anything, I ran to put on a dress, someone threw something at me and stained it for me. When I dressed it, it looked like it was made of paper. Still dressed. Then I was sitting at the table and my late grandmother was there, she seemed to be writing a congratulation or something on a 50 ruble bill, then she saw a thousand lying next to her and seemed to give me 1000 for a place of 50 rubles. What could this mean?


Hello, my name is Natalya. In a dream I dreamed of my grandmother (she died more than 15 years old) I don’t remember with whom I came to visit her in the house where she lived! She met us, we sat down and said take the money, gives 500 rubles and says buy pants like pantaloons and shows which ones, and I don’t know who to give it to! And then I don’t remember the dream…………………


Hello Tatyana, please explain to me the dream I had today. My mother died almost a year ago, I constantly go to her cemetery, I often go to church and light a candle for her for her repose, so I remember her often. And now about the dream. I dream that I am in my parents’ house, my mother and I were there, and it seems like she and I don’t do a lot of cleaning there, but this is not certain, or I came and she was cleaning the house, putting things in order, and it was as if my brother came to them to live again, and that’s what it really is now, my brother not long ago separated from his woman with whom he lived for 8 years and came to live with his father again, and now they actually live together with their dad. And when my brother separated, he brought only his things, a TV and a computer to his father’s house. And in a dream I see this computer that my mother came up with where to put it and says to me, well, it will stand here and we will use it and takes the wallet and gives a lot of 5000 bills from it and puts them all on the table, but I immediately told her I don’t need the money , I don’t remember further, then I tell her mommy not to use this computer anymore, well, it’s like I’m giving her a hint that she will die soon, and this was the case before her death in fact, I knew when she would die and she she said the same thing while still alive... Well, after these words of mine in a dream, she began to cry a lot and I was with her and I also woke up in such tension, and in general I feel very bad when I dream about my dead mother... I had a very hard time her illness and death. Thank you for your answer in advance!


I saw in a dream a deceased neighbor in old age, she gave me 450 UAH, there were paper bills, but from 1 to 100, because I came to her to generously


Hello Tatyana. On the 13th I dreamed of my deceased who brought me a large pile of money, I don’t remember why. But from this pile I gave him a little and he left. The money was paper. I also left in the other direction but with this money. Thank you


In the dream there was a difficult situation; I had to spend the night away from home. Later, someone came and asked for change at the door. (I don’t remember if I lifted them, as if someone else had lifted them, but not all of them). And my late brother arrived, I went outside, he gave me two paper tens and said that he didn’t have any change, you’ll probably find it at your place. And then I saw that my car was missing, I remember that I was looking for the car by number. I woke up thinking that I needed to report it to the police.


my husband came into the yard, hugged me, kissed me, gave me a pink and white card with money, he had brown circles under his eyes and he cried and was silent and then disappeared


I dreamed of a dead husband who took money from me and then threw it in my face with insulting words. and in the distance stood his own sister, but she is alive.


hello, I dreamed last night that my uncle died, I didn’t see him, but I felt his presence and he himself gave signs that he was nearby. We were in a room with people and they were climbing in his chest of drawers, he scared them by opening and closing drawers and they all ran away. I was the only one left and suddenly noticed a small white towel lying on the floor. I went up to look at something inside. I opened the towel and saw a large stack of money in it, but I had never seen such bills before, they were large, unlike our paper money. It was his. money hidden during his lifetime that no one found, I put it under the pillow on his former bed and left. Tell me what this could mean?


hello, I often dream about my late mother, and my late husband’s grandfather and grandmother, my mother gave me money, and my grandfather is always chasing me, my grandmother seems to be calm, and in my dreams I often scold my mother or beat him, explain what all this means?


Mom lives in a beautiful apartment with beautiful furniture. Our apartment, on the contrary, requires renovation. We don’t have money right now, but we urgently need to buy something. The boots I bought the day before fell apart and urgently need to be sent in for repairs. Mom gives money, 100 hryvnia in one piece of paper, not as a loan, but as a gift, she says that it’s not a burden to her


Hello! I dreamed of my grandmother (mother’s mother), whom I had never seen in my life. She died in 1956. She and my mother (who is alive) are sitting there. And my grandmother gives me a 500-ruble bill and two 50-ruble bills and says: “500 rubles.” give it to Ksyusha (this is my 16-year-old daughter) for 100 rubles. buy something, well, you know what. 3 days before, I dreamed of a black dove knocking on the window with its beak 3 times. I feel a little uneasy.


I had a dream that at first I was in the bathhouse, for some reason, wearing someone else’s clogs, I thought I was wearing my own, but I saw that it wasn’t mine, I couldn’t see my head, then I went to put my things somewhere, I had bags somewhere, I don’t remember how I put them, but I came back back to the bathhouse and couldn’t get to where I was, I came to the men’s department, then I opened the door and there were babies lying in the bed, I went back then I remember I had to collect a debt from my mother (she died) one hundred rubles, and she gave me 10 rubles and walked ahead of me in a colored robe, I told her if you don’t have money then don’t give it, and I go behind, she seemed to go through one gate, but I can’t get through there, I look there’s another gate next to me, I went there around private at home, my mother is nowhere to be found, I go further, it seems like I end up in the same building where I was in the bathhouse, only there is a cafe and corridors, I ask where the men’s apartments are, they say they don’t know, then I say one-room ones, my mother should have bought an apartment here recently , then one of them says, and so it’s here on the second floor that leads me up the stairs with some woman, when we went up to the second floor, they took me past the door to the house, I realized that they were leading me to some abandoned construction site and wanted to rob, I realized that here they would not touch me, I would scream and everyone would hear, I began to cry and beg the man to show me where my mother was, but I instinctively realized that he would not tell me this. (I’ve already had an operation on the same place three times and I always dreamed of my mother, once she brought me naked straight to the operating room and stayed waiting for me in the corridor, the operations were unsuccessful, the last one was also unsuccessful, I have to go on November 10th to have it redone, I’m very worried about what kind of anesthesia I will need this time use it in the back or general, and I heard that you can’t take anything from the dead.)


I dreamed that I was at someone else’s wedding, but for some reason my dead parents were giving me money. And it seems like they are giving me money for a song that I performed - some kind of romance


Hello, my mother died 7 months ago, I dreamed that we were in the room, I was showing some kind of care for her (during her life she was sick for 2 years and so I constantly took care of her), she hands me bills, I don’t take them, my mother says no no, thank you.


moy pukovodilel died okolo 10 days ago. on mne prisnilsya i dal dengi chtobi mi kupili xinkali, svoey jene piccu postnuyu, eto dengi bili v nacionalnoy valyute po 20 20 i 50 lari. on mne dobro ulibalsya.


Zdrastvujte menya zovut Susanna mne 33 years. Mne prisnilsa son gde moya umershaya babushka daet mne dengi 20 evro i govorit chto bi ya kupila chto nu bud sebe na den rojdenie o nej na pamyat ya otdaju jej 10 back govorya chto 10 xvatit potom viju chto pod 20 eshe 10 evro lijit. potom peredumav nexochu brat dengi a ona vse pitaetca vlojit ix mne v lodon. Potom ona uxodit i eti je dengi pitaetca vlojit mne v ruki moj starshij sin no ya ix takje nexochu brat potom ya prosnulas. Thank you zaranee za otvet.


I dreamed that I was sitting at home with my deceased grandmother, suddenly something black and scary loudly knocked on the window, then on the door I began to cross the room and pray, I went to the front door, the door opened and my grandmother was standing on the threshold and came up and took my wallet out of my bag and pulled out 500 rubles from it. and gave me real money. then she offered to live with her and look after my father, she says he promised to give money together and pay the rent, but he doesn’t pay. Grandma was very angry in the dream


I dreamed that my late grandmother gave me a lot of potatoes in a large bag and suddenly five huge potatoes fell out of it, I picked them up and put them in a bag that hung over my shoulder


Hello. I dreamed that my deceased mother-in-law was counting large bills and my deceased father-in-law and I were standing nearby. then I counted them. And my father-in-law said to wrap them in paper. I wrapped them in a large white sheet. And my soul felt so light and calm.






at first I dreamed of a soldier whom I was hiding, later my dead mother appeared who brought me money and scattered it to the wind and I caught it (money)


Good afternoon, I had a dream that my grandparents gave me a gift for the New Year, a bright blue electric stove. They died a long time ago, but in the dream they were very cheerful and hugged, kissed and congratulated on the upcoming holiday.


I dreamed of my deceased grandfather and grandmother. They congratulated me on the upcoming New Year and gave me a blue electric tile. They themselves were cheerful and hugged and kissed me. I told them that I didn’t give you a gift, they said it’s okay))


Hello! I dreamed that I picked up a small dirty dog ​​that came out of a dirty river, the banks of this river were cracked and were collapsing into the river. I brought the dog home, started bathing it in the bathtub, then my dad, who died 4 years ago, came, brought a wad of euros and told me where the cheap shampoo for the dog was. That’s when I kind of woke up.


my deceased mother-in-law gave me 100 rubles so that I could give them to my sister, and she started giving me 50, but I didn’t take them


my late father came up to me. I’m 12!!! I was in a white space and dressed in a torn dress that had big pockets. My dead dad handed me a wad of money, I fearfully put it in these pockets! And I immediately woke up and I saw a wad of money on the table! Where did they come from, I don’t know? And is this even real? Maybe it’s time for me to go to a mental hospital! Or maybe my dead dad just wants to help me! As a child, he left for another woman and had a son! He died of cancer! MAYBE HE GIVES ME A BRIBE FOR ME TO SORRY HIM? HELP ME PLEASE.....it seems to me that he is NEAR.....


It’s as if the dead grandmother, grandfather, husband, some other people came to visit my apartment, who is sitting, who is lying, grandfather, counts out the money and gives it to me, and another relative wants to use this money, I give it to him, grandfather is somehow angry with him, and I say grandfather, I have nothing. salary is coming soon, and at this time I’m looking for my late husband, I ask my son, he says that he went to park the car, I go into my room, I see sweets on the bed and he’s standing, I jokingly throw sweets on his bed and say that’s who we like to eat sweets at night and he stands and smiles because I eat candy at night and it’s as if I’m asking him for the last one, he gives it to me, in general, I have a sweet tooth, during his lifetime he always bought candy, in general, everyone was friendly in the dream, all the guests and in the dream there were living relatives, son, mother, acquaintances made some purchases they and I woke up


Today in my dream, my deceased father, at his old place of residence on the street (since he had been there), put a lot of 5000 bills in my hand and said, take them, you really need them. The meeting was so bright and colorful, as if it was reality. My father always came to me in my dreams as a warning, and it was definitely a 100% warning. But where did he find out about the money? After all, he died at 17 years old and there were no such bills.


My dad, who died two years ago, smiles and silently gives money, and so on twice a night. He also fed me soup (borscht) with some kind of iron, a piece of linen, a bolt, a knitting needle.


My grandmother came up behind me and silently handed me money. I didn’t see how I took them in my dream, but I remember that she gave them to me




I had a dream about a war going on, a father who died 4 years ago came and brought money, large Russian rubles, went in and lay down to rest in the house where he lived before his death, and he was so tired. On the street there was shelling from the artillery, I and my two children ran to my mother (she is alive in real life) and she was sitting on the threshold and knitting some kind of dress or skirt with a beautiful color and pattern, I told her that you are not hiding because the shelling is going on, and she is silent and knits, I told her that dad came and brought money, she tells me so what, but she knitted with knitting needles.


an unfamiliar room and people, a statue breaks, money falls out of it, stacks of dollars and rubles. Mom (who died) hands me a charred thousand and says to exchange it, I don’t take it, she shrugs and puts it in her wallet. Then I run to the church at dusk, crossed myself at the entrance, got a little skittish and g=I said *Lord, how slippery*, I entered. The church is strange and the icons are strange, depicting angels, but somehow distorted. People are familiar to me, everyone and I have scarves on their heads. Then I want to go into the closed door, I open it and see a meeting of women, I know my mother among them and I see my sister (she is alive), but they turn me away and make it clear that I can’t go there. There is a broom above the door, a friend in the church says that when I saw it, I should have realized that I couldn’t go there, I answer that they could have warned me and I wake up. There was still a little cat running around in the church. I took her by the back and brought her to my son, warning him that these were not our cats and that she might scratch him. This is such a strange dream. It seems to be black and white, but there is light, as if a lamp or candles are burning in front of the icons, in general the lighting is like in a church.




Hello. I dreamed of my father, who died in November 2014, I remember the dream in fragments... he dug the ground and took out coins from there, a lot of coins and gave them to me, he said, “that’s not all, then I’ll dig some more.”...Then the sleeping man dreamed that a friend came to him, both my friend and I understood in the dream that there was no father alive, he woke up and said “what are you talking about”, I was just sleeping and they left….. In the same dream I dreamed of a morgue, dirty and unkempt…. Moreover, my mother, that is, his wife, had a similar dream today, only the money was paper.... Since the day of his death, my father has never had a dream, although I really asked him to find out the reason for his death!!! Sincerely, Valeria!


dead brother took money from a friend and gives it to me and my uncle. Friend I didn’t take it. He put mine next to me on the sofa, and my uncle took it.


Mom came with a living woman and gives her brother 100 ruble bills, I ask her to give me 500 rubles, a tattered banknote, then another good one, I ask where she got it from, she says, where she was, someone left her with documents


A deceased acquaintance with whom he was friends gave money in dollars and bills. I got into the car and drove home. When I got to the house I noticed that they were waiting for me near the gate, my son went into the yard and said that people had arrived and were asking me to repay the debt. I meet and say, I paid you my debt, they say that’s all. Then I remember that I gave only 130 dollars, I say okay, I go to the car and give another 450 dollars, which the dead man gave. The one who took the money smiles and says - now you don’t owe us anything. In my opinion, the dream was colorful because I was driving a white Volga and when I counted the dollars they were slightly green.


a deceased friend asked for help. Buy vodka. She drank when she was alive.
At first she gave me money, but she flew away. and it was an old brand. then he takes out a 5000 bill from his wallet and gives it to me. I took. and woke up


I dreamed about my dead dad (10 years ago). Never dreamed of it. I came home in a dream, as if from work, and brought a lot of money. I gave everything to my mother. I was a witness... But I kept part of it for myself (as I did in life), hid it, so to speak. :-)
Why sleep?


Bright, sunny day. Lots of greenery, flowers. It's like we live there. House in nature, next to it there is an extension like a summer kitchen. The father is walking and returning home. He brought money (possibly salary), but there was a lot of it. They were placed in packs, wrapped in paper, and each pack was topped with either tape or stretch film. I counted 6 packs (they were in one plastic bag). He gives them to his mother, she takes them. My father died 10 years ago, my mother is alive.
I stand behind my father and watch all this. Then he bent down and I saw that his trousers were torn right along the seam... I told him about it. He answered something to this and went into the house to change clothes. When he bent over, I noticed that inside the jacket pocket there were 2 more bundles of money, but no longer wrapped in anything.
What does it mean? What did he want to say? Convey? Perhaps a warning?


Today I had a dream in which there was a guy we met with him in our youth, we were looking for a place again where we could meet and his mother, Comrade Valya, was there. She gave me four thousand 900 rudders. At first I didn’t take it, it was somehow not convenient for me, but she persuaded me and in In the same dream, there was a stepfather who had also been gone for a long time, he was holding a child in his arms and a girl with long hair approached so affably and talked affably and he was also pleased.


My deceased mother dreamed that she came with our relative, who is alive, to visit me, they cheerfully kissed me three times and my mother gave me money and then they left.


Hello! I dreamed that it seemed that my deceased friend and I were somewhere on the beach, there was a beautiful rich house near the sea, the water in the sea was very clean and there were big waves (like a storm). We sit at a set table and he gives me large bills of money (5 thousand). Then I woke up (to feed the baby). Thank you!


The deceased (almost 2 years ago), was in perfect health (as in life), walked around the apartment, not mine, (I don’t know it at all), from room to room, and then comes up to me and says something, I don’t know him I hear, but I understand that he is calling. I follow him into another room, and there is a woman, a pile of some clothes, they are talking (I don’t hear voices, I understand it in their eyes), and they look at me, I put my hand in my pocket, (right, to the right), wanted to get money to give to the woman, and Andrei (dead friend) takes out his own, shows me, makes it clear that he himself will give her the money, and then looks with such a look as if something wants to say (very strongly), but doesn’t dare.


Hello! I had a dream this morning. I saw my recently deceased grandmother asking me to convey her words to my mother: to put a monument to my grandfather buried in another city next to my great-grandmother in the cemetery and put the money on the chest of drawers 5 thousand, they were paper 4 thousand 500 rubles and 3 thousand


I dreamed that I came to visit my late grandmother, we looked at photographs with her, laughed, then she gave me money and some kind of book so that I would send it somewhere


We were walking with my husband, and a group of people approached us with shawarma with rotten meat on it. They said: give me money for good luck, he took a 5 thousand bill out of his pocket and gave it to them. The woman took the money and started burning it on a torch, I said, why are you giving it to me, these are scammers and took it away, and then I thought, she replaced it, looked at the bill, and one side of it was red, as it should, and the other was green, I thought it was fake and woke up.


At the funeral of my friend’s father (he recently died and I was present at the funeral, and the day of the funeral coincided with the day of the funeral of my father, the cat has been gone for exactly 15 years) as if my father was present and at the same time he had his place in the farewell hall and he went there and lay down in trousers and a white T-shirt, while we were getting ready to see off the dead, I saw a lot of thousands of paper money, like for Ruslan’s funeral, and I stole half of it, put it in my pocket, then in the process I gave 1000 to my friend, cat. buries his father, I think the rest should be put in a coffin - but I don’t remember who, and two women, I know them, and some boy cat also sat in the coffin with my father. then he disappeared - and I woke up, and my soul was very anxious because I didn’t know what to do or what to expect


I dreamed that both of my late grandmothers gave me money in large bills, but I don’t remember for what reason


Mom seemed to be sewing something with a machine. An unfamiliar woman was sitting next to her, she was looking at some papers, supposedly checking something. And then she asked for wine. Mom gave me 50 rubles in one large bill. I was looking for wine for a long time. I found it somewhere, but not in a bottle, but in a glass. I carried it so as not to spill it and got lost, went out of the city, and there the steppe stretched to the horizon. He returned, but the nightmare search for the road continued. And no one helped, no advice.e-mail - [email protected]


I dreamed that my late grandmother and I were buying a toy rocking horse... we spent a long time choosing and she chose a brown one... it cost 250 UAH... my grandmother gave me 150 UAH and started looking for the rest, but I said that I would put my 100 UAH and took it out of my wallet and put it with my grandmother’s money.


My mother died a year ago. Today I dreamed about my mother and gave me money in bills and kopecks. I took them.


Hello. My mother died a year ago. That night she dreamed that she gave me money in bills and kopecks, I took them. What does it mean?


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed about my father. He died 2.5 years ago. It was as if we were in an apartment familiar to me. We sat with him at the table together and he put 1000 rubles on the table for me. I asked where he got the money from, and he replied that he had it. And I took it.


I had a dream, my late mother came home and brought me potatoes, I asked her why I should have them, she didn’t answer anything. Then I looked into the bag and there were different varieties of potatoes, large as planting material.


zdrastvyite,moego myga mama kotoraya ymerla prisnilas mne perviy raz,kak bydto givaya I mi vmeste givem,ona bespokoilas hto myg longgo s magazine ne idet,dala mne dengi bymagnie,I dohke 3 years dengi tohno dala ia pomny,xotia pomoemy y dohki kogda ko mne podohla yge bili dengi,dengi bili neizvestnoi valyti,korihnevie,sama ego mat toge bila ne ohen svetlix tonov,myg prihel s magazina kak I vsegda s polimi symkami prodyktov,vot I vse


I had a dream about the artist Krasko (he is deceased at this time), he comes in smiling, very handsome and happy, I joke when I see him, they say, where have you been for so long, I’ve already been waiting..., he smiles contentedly and hands me rolled up thousandth bills, three thousand and says : Buy yourself a white dress and shoes and leave.


everything happened in the corridor of the school where I studied. The dead sister came, but she was not standing on the floor, but higher... in the air and threw a wad of money at me and I woke up...


Hello! I dreamed about my late grandmother. In the dream she was dressed in white, she was very cheerful, laughing. She got me a lot of manet (tenge) from her pocket, and gave it to me twice. My hand was heavy from the coins. That's all.


At first I spat out my false teeth in a dream, then my late grandfather and I collected them so that I could put them back in, then my deceased grandmother appeared and gave me large bills for my teeth!


Hello. Last night I dreamed of my late grandmother - she gave me new colored two ten-thousandth bills, and under 10 thousand rubles two rhinestones were glued, one of which came off a little and I tried to stick it, but I had difficulty doing it and in the end she Still stuck in place! Then grandma hugged and kissed me on the lips without saying anything! in the dream she was as kind and gray-haired with a scarf on her head as in life, so good and dear. I didn’t want to take money from her, but my hands reached out! Please interpret my dream, I’m worried because... I rarely see dreams, but the ones I remember always come true. Thank you in advance.


The action takes place in the apartment where my great-grandmother lives. In the dream there is her, me and my grandmother, who has been dead for 3 years. We communicate very warmly in our sleep. Then they hug me one by one. For some reason, my great-grandmother cries and says that she misses me very much. (In reality, we live in different cities). And my grandmother also says that she missed me and is very glad that I finally got out to HIM. After which my grandmother gives me a decent stack of money and says that I will need it. I try to refuse them, but the two of them insist that I take the money. I thank them and take the money. Then I wake up.


the deceased aunt brought money with the words “they gave you 30,000, but she gave it to my colleague, and he, in turn, to me. I began to count a large stack of 5000 bills, but there were more than 50 thousand in there. I turned around to give the extra money aunt, but she began to leave and got lost in the crowd, and I began to look for her and cry very much.


the late aunt held 15 thousand in her hand, gave me 5 thousand for my birthday in a week I will turn 50 years old, she wanted to give more but I didn’t take it and she gave this money to my deceased son

[email protected]:

My deceased friend and I walked around the city looking for alcohol. We went into the store with him; there were a lot of people and the line went in a circle from right to left. I left, but before leaving he put a thousand rubles in my left hand. Until his death, he owed me 500 rubles. what could this mean?

Zinaida Fedorvna:

Good afternoon, Tatyana, I dreamed of a long-dead uncle and gave me a wad of money, I refused, but he gave it to me and said that I would need it, I wanted to count it, but changed my mind, respectfully Zinaida Fedorovna.

Liya Maksimova:

My deceased aunt offered me 500 rubles. I refused. She was in a neighbor’s apartment. The day before I fell over the deceased.

Liya Maksimova:

My deceased aunt offered me 500 rubles in paper 3 months ago. I refused. She was in her neighbor’s apartment across from her. On the eve, she fell over the deceased.


in a dream, my late dad gives me two large coins with images on them unknown to me and says that one coin was valued at 150 thousand lire and the other a little cheaper and that this is my fortune and then pirates appeared………but the ending I was left with the money of what


I dreamed that my deceased sister gave me 3,000 rubles for my birthday, which had already passed... but they had to be glued together somehow, we couldn’t do it... but my sister was neat, well dressed, tanned and I didn’t feel evil.


I’m in the bedroom of my parents’ house, a former neighbor, now deceased, appeared next to me and asks for money, but I refused her, at that time my father entered the bedroom, who is now alive and silently gives the deceased money. At this time, behind me there is a man who is not familiar to me, but he seems to be my fiancé or husband. The deceased says that she saw him, I asked where, she replied that when they erected a monument to me (that is, to me, Svetlana, I suppose) and I woke up at this.


Last night I dreamed about my wife's grandmother, my grandmother died 4 years ago. For some reason, we communicated with my grandmother in a dream precisely about the fact that my wife and I live poorly. In a dream, I explained to my grandmother the reasons why we live this way. She listened to me and asked “Why don’t I contact her?


I dream that my dead aunt gives me a banknote. but not a modern one, but an old, large-sized one, and I woke up.


the deceased was my boyfriend, asked for forgiveness, asked that we be together, gave me money, I took it, said that I would buy clothes for myself.


Hello Tatiana. My distant relative and her paternal daughter were in very nice, clean clothes, with a smile, handed me two large bills of money and told me to give them to my sister, whose youngest daughter was getting married soon.


A long-dead woman invited her into her house, put something in her pocket and escorted her out the door, saying goodbye.


In a dream, my old friend (it is not known whether he is alive) in an expensive light suit was buying very expensive fruit delicacies from Georgians at the market. And then when we went, he pulled out a large wad of rubles and started giving it to me.


I dreamed of a purse and in one compartment there were a lot of coins, both silver and most yellow, and in the second compartment as well……. then my deceased grandfather spoke to me and gave me 4 coins that looked ordinary, but the design was somehow unusual..... I realized in a dream that these coins were rare


Hello, I had a dream in which a long-dead person gives me icons, but I have not seen the icons themselves, I know that they are valuable. We are in his house. Then he gives me more money. And I also dreamed of a dead grandmother who was in her house and was mopping up water from the floor with a rag.


Good afternoon, I saw in a dream my deceased grandmother, who through me gave my mother money and a new blue dress.


My grandmother had a dream (before forty days from the death of my uncle, her son) that he told my grandmother to give me all of her pension. She gave every penny. What does this mean. What can you do with this money? (I have a wedding in two months, maybe this is a gift, but why so early?)


I dream about my dead husband, I see money in his hands, I really want him to give it to me, but he doesn’t seem to want to, then this money ended up in my possession. I remember I tried to hide it. And then I gave it a little to a relative who needed help. That's what I remember.


I dreamed of my dead dad, I asked him for money, he took a very large amount from his pocket and gave it to me.


I dreamed of my dead uncle. at one time he spent a lot of time in prison for theft. I dreamed of him with my uncle, who was still alive, they dug up potatoes in my aunt’s garden and wanted to take them out to sell, but I stopped them and told them to return the potatoes, they returned them, but they didn’t bring them into the yard; all this happened in the garden behind the yard. then I met my late grandmother, but not my own, but a stranger, but at the same time she reminded me of someone of the grandmother who lived next door, we started talking to her, I don’t remember exactly what, but she and I were cheerful. then supposedly a neighbor appeared, but I didn’t know him, or maybe in the dream I didn’t recognize him, and he gave the uncles, the deceased and the living, money, seemingly so that they could buy themselves a drink. the money was paper. Then I say to Kolka, the living uncle: “Why did you follow him,” and Zhenka, the deceased, replies: “Yes, he’s a follower, wherever you call him, he’ll go there,” and I woke up. the dream was colorful, calm, the deceased was not angry, but one might even say cheerful. and Kolka was gloomy and calm, as if he didn’t understand what he was doing.


I had a dream, I work at a factory, everything is so gray and gloomy, I find myself on some bus and I see my grandmother there, who died, she gives me an envelope and on this envelope there was something written, well, I don’t remember exactly, there was one thousand rubles in this envelope


We're in the room. There is a table between me and my deceased husband. We are on different sides. I see how the late husband takes out from his trouser pocket a thick wad of money in large bills, folded in half. The money is very large, a lot of 5ths and thousandths. During his lifetime, he had women and spent his entire salary. In my head, he would spend it on his women, he would give me more, because he has so much in his pocket. He gives me three one thousand bills, just put them on the table on my side.


A deceased person (9 days from the date of death) gives money in a dream, while he himself is in a coffin. I tried to get away from him in a car, the coffin seemed to be tied and was trailing behind me


Hello! I dreamed that I was in this man’s yard. They gave me money 80 UAH. I felt uncomfortable, I refused and this man gives me 50 UAH. And I take 50 UAH. This man is my stepfather’s mother and 40 years have not passed since his death days.


I dreamed of my late grandmother, I heard her voice, she was talking to someone, she was angry, then she smiled, and then she gave me her handkerchief, I took it!
Grandma died 1.5 years ago!


Hello! I dreamed that I was talking to my mother (she died), showing her my wedding dress and veil, she said it was very beautiful! In general, it was as if I was getting married (although in life I am married)
I told her, but I haven’t bought shoes yet, she hands me a wad of money and says buy yourself shoes, I was surprised and said why so much? She says take it, don’t refuse! Why is this dream? Thanks in advance for the answer!


Hello!...I saw my parents who died in a dream....at the moment I am in a very difficult situation....regarding finances.....and in a dream I saw how my parents gave me money....the receipt was from my father and mother....they were sitting together against a friend….I didn’t really see their faces….and in front of them there was a bunch of paper bills…a certain amount of money was given…but I asked my father to add more….and more…..before that I saw how I had money was stolen...then a phone call from my sister...who asked me..."Are you having an accident?...my mother called and said...go look in the toilet"...I got to the toilet...knowing that my son was sitting there....I got scared....I thought that something happened to him... but he wasn’t there...... but then I saw my parents... who gave me money.


I dreamed about it. The deceased father came very quickly, put in a new 1000 rubles, said something else and, without looking at me, ran away very quickly. I myself wrote a short surreal story before this


my daughter had a dream about her son and she always dreams about him, he came and asked for money at that time she was in the store, she told him I won’t give him money, but if you need something, let me buy it, he said again, give me money

[email protected]:

I dreamed of a classmate who asked me for my email address and then gave me paper money, I took it and said that he would come to visit me, the address I wrote to him is an excerpt from a dream, usually I see several different dreams during the night.


my husband died 7 years ago this morning, I had tears in my eyes and gave me money in banknotes, I saw such a dream after his death and they actually sent me the balance of the payment to his email card


Good evening, I dreamed that my late grandfather was cheerful, healthy and handed me 2,000 dollars in his hand, although during his lifetime they lived very poorly, now there is a big fight in the family over money and inheritance, how to understand this dream.


I saw my mother-in-law in a dream, her husband who died came and gave her a large wad of money and asked her to go to the store to buy food since they were leaving soon, then I saw her naked and tried to cover her, they ran to the ship and I was with them there were a lot of people there, but the mother-in-law was naked and she He gives me a beautiful tiara, I ask where it’s from and she says it’s always been mine, then I try to cover up my mother-in-law’s failure because she’s naked and men are looking at her and I show them figs and my father-in-law says why are they going to chase us now and really some guy with my father-in-law we run away and he leads us through some kind of dark tunnel, incomprehensible colors, something with dark and green gaps, then I don’t remember what I dreamed about


4 months ago my son died, he was 31 years old. I dreamed that he won 250 thousand rubles and gave it to me. The money was large paper bills. He sat and smiled as always.


In a dream, my brother gives me a dirty, crumpled ruble, and I say why so little, he shrugged, then I dreamed about my dead dad, complaining that his hand hurt, I dreamed about my deceased mom, and my dad said in his dream, in the summer we’ll go to the seaside together , then some kind of smelly toilet, I go down the steps, some boy comes into it, I say, this is not the place for you. This is the women’s room..


2 months ago my aunt died, she loved me very much. and I had a dream that she unclenched her fist and there were two bills with money. She gave me one bill.


Hello. Today I dreamed of my deceased great-grandmother. Not my own. It’s as if she gave me Danila money for my birthday, saying, “Well, I didn’t give you anything, even if it’s late, take it.. my birthday was September 14th.”


I had a dream that I was in the old house where we lived before. There I saw a lot of kittens, just born and older ones, and I decided to get rid of the new ones. I took them out into the street. I fed the others, then I saw my dead mother, she gave me paper money, five thousandth bills and thousandths. Then I saw her ex-dead husband, we were mourning his son, that is, my brother who died at 8 years old. When he left, I started making the bed after him and saw that all the pillows and blankets were wet i.e. in urine, I began to take everything off and lay it out to dry


feast, a deceased friend gives me money as if for my birthday


Hello. I now live away from my parents' house. Last night, most likely in the morning, I dreamed that I was alone in my parents’ apartment. I open the front door (I don’t remember if someone rang or knocked), my grandfather, who died several years ago, is standing there and giving me money. I take them, turn away, count them, I don’t remember the amount, but paper money in large bills, a lot of it, blue-green in color. then I turn to the door, and my grandfather is already leaving with his back to me. I catch up with him and say: “Your great-grandson was born,” although I have one daughter, whom he saw during his lifetime. he smiles, then turns away and leaves. I'm going back to the apartment. The dream was good, the emotions were positive.


Hello. I dreamed about my deceased ex-boyfriend. In a dream, he gave me change, exactly 10 tens. He just extended his hand to me and put money in it and I took it.


I had a dream, my dead mother gives me a large sum of money, 5000 kapyu.


In a dream, my recently deceased husband gave a large 100 hryvnia bill along with small ones to buy a newspaper, but he still had a whole pack left


I dream about my dead parents being alive in my dreams, and in my dreams my sons are my brothers. and my mother calls us for a walk, we leave the house and my mother says that we are going into the forest for cloudberries. I tell her “what a forest if we didn’t even take mosquito repellent,” and my mother just smiled. and so as not to walk in vain, I decided not to go into the forest, there was a store nearby, I decided to go to the store for groceries. I ask, “Who took the money?” Mom asks my father about the money, but he is silent and silently smiling, he begins to put cakes in my food pans, and I ask him, “Should I exchange them for sausage?”, and he remains silent and smiles. then he begins to take money out of a small bag and holds out a bill similar to a thousand, while taking out the bill, other money begins to fall out of his bag, in a dream I had brothers in the story (in life they are my sons) I tell them “that their mouths were open, collect , what extra money or what?. then I wake up


Hello. I dreamed of a dead godfather. I worked as always in his store, the entire interior was in dark colors. The godfather looked, and the interior was very frightening, he was very thin, his hair was black with gray and looked like wire, his skin was very dark, as if it were made of wax. Unnatural. In the dream I knew that he had already died. Gives me 500 rubles 100 rubles. bills and I think 2 or 3 bills fall to the floor. I picked them up and went to buy New Year's tinsel. He asked me about this purchase, but not in words, but simply showed me with his hand, pointing to the tinsel. Please interpret the dream. Thank you


Grandmother offered money, I refused, I said that she needed it more. she said: whatever you want and put it in her purse. then she stood in a row with other people and raised her hands to the sun, I said goodbye and left.


I came to congratulate my daughter on her birthday, and so did my deceased mother. I look in my bag and see that there are 5,000 in one bill, but I planned to give my daughter 10,000. I think I forgot it at home and ask my mother: Do you have money with you? She gives me 7000 and says that she has a new 10000 bill. I look, and it’s small in size. I think it’s better to give a new one. Like this. Thank you N


My grandmother, who died in April of this year, appeared alive in a dream. She stated that she had recovered and was going to sell something at the market to earn money. And she asked me to pick bananas from a tree in her garden, which I did.


Hello. I saw my grandmother, she gave me paper money, a lot of money. She unfortunately died, I loved her very much. I cried a lot yesterday and at night I dreamed about her.


I have a dream about mom and dad giving money to dad 11000 mom 800, I’m so glad, I kiss dad, they are already dead, then I dream about a man who wants to sleep with me, but I don’t want that, but I really understand that I have no choice, and I’m already ready to this unpleasant procedure, but nothing happened,


my uncle gave me 1000 rubles, but I don’t remember whether I took it or not, he was healthy and cheerful


hello, I saw in a dream today that I returned with the children to my ex-husband’s home and there my father-in-law, who had already died after my husband and I divorced, gives me money so that I can buy food for home since my husband had already given money, but the father-in-law thought that this was not enough and added money mother-in-law I was also happy about our return home and I see it many times almost every week that I return home to my ex-husband and sometimes I see a broken house and clean it up upon my return. Thanks for the answer in advance


I dreamed about my husband (he drowned, not for another 40 days). It was as if we met after separation and hugged. He says I’ll come now and rides off on a bicycle with bunches of grass (as grandmothers used to collect), he arrived and pours various pennies into my palm. And 2 thousand paper ones are visible from his pocket. I tell him that you gave me small change and left the big ones for yourself? He said there is no smoking and left.


Me and my mother were calm grandparents together and they seemed to give me and my mother paper money


A man who died a few months ago gives me money - 2 times 25,000 rubles each. Water as it should, but gives 2 times more than it should


My mother-in-law, who died, gave me money, in large bills of 5000 and 1000, a total of 53,000, I gave 3,000 to my daughter and kept the rest for myself. What does it mean? Thank you.


My grandfather died 3 months ago, and this is the second time I’ve dreamed of him giving me money..


Today (from Thursday 01/07/2016 to Friday 01/08/2016) I dreamed that I was walking along the path with my daughter and I saw an old woman handing me a box in which a large yellow duckling was sitting. She says that have pity on him (he has some kind of healed wound on his head), otherwise he will die. I pick it up, but there are already two ducklings in the box. I brought it home and wanted to feed them. This is where the dream ended.


I dreamed of a long-dead grandmother. We are standing in the corridor, the light is on, don’t worry about the debt for the light, gas, the rent, I will pay for you, but later I felt better that she would help me with my debts. Why this dream, although in reality I have debts. Explain to me dream


the first dream was that my late husband brought me a wad of money and said I’ll bring it to you later, 4 days ago he dreamed again and brought a lot of money in large banknotes, I took it and put it in a bag and was afraid that it would be stolen, since the bag I needed to leave it in another room, but when I returned, the money was there. In general, I dream about my husband very often, as if in reality.


It’s just that the father of the deceased in reality had a wad of money in his hands, he puts it on the windowsill and I put it away on the shelf


Hello, I dreamed that my dead mother-in-law was alive. We were in an unfamiliar apartment. We are the deceased mother-in-law (during my life I did not have a very good relationship with her, we constantly fought, she didn’t really want me to live with her son. I married her son, I have a daughter from my first marriage, and a son from her son. ), my mother-in-law’s daughter (we quarreled in the dream, I don’t remember why, but I told her not to come here anymore, I actually have a bad relationship with her - we don’t communicate, me and my children. In the dream, I’m on my own I cut my hair (my hair is actually long and dark) and asked my mother-in-law how she liked it, she said that she liked long hair better. Then I had a fight with my mother-in-law’s daughter, her daughter left, she started collecting and I started asking her questions about what would she be able to sit with her grandson later, she said that it was possible. Her condition in the dream was painful. Then she took out a lot of paper money bills of 5000 denominations and gave her grandson 5000 or 10000 and said that dad called and said that I would like them for you gave (Dad is not really at home with us, he left and will be gone for about 6 months. My relationship is bad. Maybe we can make peace.) Then we went outside, it was summer, I had a plate of lard in my hands, my mother-in-law didn’t need a plate, she said that she had one and asked her to bring it home and catch up with them. I went to drop it off and my mother-in-law went with the children - I thought I’d drop it off now and catch up. We went out to see her off. And then the phone woke me up... Why sleep?


I dreamed that my late grandparents were giving me money in banknotes of one hundred rubles, I took it, they started giving me more, I refused and left


I dreamed of a deceased neighbor. I knock on his apartment, he opens the door and I don’t remember whether I asked for a loan or he himself gives me money with his right hand, while saying that I haven’t given it back yet. And during my life I borrowed from him a small amount, but never had time to pay it off


I dreamed of my late mother-in-law, who gave me a pack of dollars, there were 2000 dollars in the pack, she told me that, I took the money


hello! I saw my grandmother in a dream, who died 10 years ago, she gave me money and then died in her sleep (

[email protected]:

I dreamed that I scolded my sister, that she took one hundred tenge from me without asking, and my late grandmother gave me 2 coins of 50 tenge each so that I would not swear, the dream was vivid




My great-grandmother (deceased) cried in my arms. I calmed her down for a long time. And then she suddenly abruptly threw me several hundred-dollar bills and left.


I dreamed about my brother. he died 4 years ago. dreamed of smiling and brought me a lot of money


I dreamed about my dead father. In my dream he smiled, threw money at me, large bills in denominations of 1000 and 5000 thousand rubles. Also in the dream he gave me and my mother 3 bottles of champagne and 3 chocolates each, gave my brother money twice, 3000 thousand rubles each . When the bills were flying at me, I only took 10,000 thousand rubles and told my dad that this was enough for me, my birthday was not today, and my dad kept saying that he had extracted a salary from his bosses.


Hello, I had a dream about my brother (who died in reality 7 years ago) that he was giving me money for some of my needs.


My father, who died, in a dream gave me a large sum of money in paper bills, the sum of 10 million, he smiled and looked happy.


A friend, who had already died at some feast where there were many young men and women, gave me a large wad of money, about 500 thousand, I put it in the back pocket of my trousers, and there was a feeling of gratitude and happiness, as if he had helped me a lot in something and calmed down.


In a dream, the late grandmother, sitting on the bed in her apartment, handed me paper rubles (5t, 1t, and some other bills, I don’t remember). I first took them in my hands and thought how good it was, because I’m completely without money right now), but then she handed them back and said that this is not why I came to visit her and that I have money. Grandma took them back. I am currently experiencing a difficult financial situation. Why such a dream?


I see the deceased gives me money for 5 there, but there was more of it, and I went to give it, not happy that I had money to smoke something for myself


my grandparents lived in different houses in my dream, I don’t remember how I ended up with my grandfather, but I was very happy to see him. I hugged and kissed him. In this dream, the house of my brother’s ex-wife was often shown; it was where my grandmother lived. I don’t remember my grandfather’s house in the dream, but I saw him running through the garden of his ex-wife’s house. I clearly saw black and white colors. Grandfather bought something, but it didn’t suit him. When I came, he gave me a passport for this thing. Then I remember how I came to my grandmother and told her something and she gave me money to my grandfather, a little money. Grandma too I was very glad to see you, but she greeted me coldly. She handed me the money on the porch. Then I remember answering the phone. call. They asked if it suited my grandfather and it seemed like I needed to pay something. I said that I would go to my grandfather later, now I don’t have time because... I have four children, the woman laughed in surprise... then I remember how I went to my grandfather’s house, saw him running through the garden towards me, called out to him, I was glad to see him again, and I woke up.


I dreamed about the deceased Kum. We are sitting in the car, talking about something (I don’t remember), and he congratulates me on the holiday (February 23, I think). Gives one 200 hryvnia bill. The bill is new as soon as it is printed. I think that I should also give him something and I give him this bill back as if as a gift. We laughed, I remember there was some awkward hesitation, but Kum still put the bill back on the dashboard of the car. At this point the dream was interrupted.


My grandmother bought me new nails at the store and I still owe her money.


I dreamed that I drank a lot somewhere, then I felt very bad and my dead uncle teased me with money and I snatched 500 rubles from him. Then we went somewhere to get a drink and he disappeared. I showed up at home and there was my deceased father and my living husband, who seemed to be about to leave me for another, and in my dream I was very worried.


Hello, I was lying on the bed, my mother came in and gave me rolled up money with some kind of note, a note I don’t remember, and the dream was interrupted!


The deceased gave my children money in a dream, and my husband and I a trip to Thailand


I saw in a dream my recently deceased husband who brought me 5 thousand, he said that his sister was rubbing this money and he picked up this money in his hands, I didn’t take it. He just put it there, I don’t even remember, it seems like the house wasn’t ours.


I often ask my late mother for money, but she doesn’t give me money, but I see money from her, a lot of it, and she’s silent all the time.


I dreamed about my own aunt who died 12 years ago. She gave me money in a dream and I hugged her, kissed her on the brush and said thank you. She was happy and a little tired


I dreamed about my own aunt who died 12 years ago. She gave me money and I kissed her on the brush and hugged her, saying thank you.


I dreamed that my grandparents died. My grandfather took all the money, and when I said that it was the last, he gave me some part of this money.


A woman acquaintance who died long ago gave my sister paper money and some change. She put the change aside and offered to count the paper money.


my late mother gave bills to children who only asked for change of 4 rubles. But I was against it. Having opened my wallet, she gave away all the bills that were there. And it was raining


I often dream about my deceased mother. At first these were disturbing and even scary dreams. For example, she chased me in the dark, slowly pulled out her arms, after which I screamed and woke up. Then the dreams became calmer, warmer. We started talking to her, but for some reason I don’t remember the conversations, only some phrases. One day she took me around the garden (during her life she loved to dig in the ground) under the moon, showed me how she planted potatoes, and said something enthusiastically. And last night I dreamed that my mother and I were doing some household chores, then she gave me a banknote, I took it. My late older brother is sitting next to me, but I don’t see his face. Overall there was a warm homely atmosphere. Please tell me, why do you dream when your late mother gives money? And how to remember conversations in your sleep? They are very informative, but unfortunately they are not remembered. Have a white road!


I dreamed of a deceased grandfather alive, he received his pension money, took away large bills and put them in my house where I live now, hid them so that his children would not find him, I also had a quarrel with my uncle (the son of the deceased)
grandfather because of money


my late aunt at first didn’t want me to talk to her, but then she found out that a large sum of money was stolen from me and she came up to me and gave me money


I dream about my deceased mother and she gives me money and there is a lot of it and they are all in large bills


I dreamed of a classmate who died a long time ago and gave me money and I took it

Nadezhda Adeyeva:

My deceased mother gives me money for shoes and I take it and go look for shoes but didn’t buy them.


I dreamed of my late father leaving home, he took his money from the corner.


I was at home, my husband came (he died four months ago), in a good mood, looked very well-groomed, gave me a wad of money (in red, like 5000 tenge), said that everything was fine with him, so that I wouldn’t worry , and left.


I dreamed of my husband’s father, who had recently died from illness, as alive, he and I went on a bus and I paid him for the fare, but he was offended by me and, turning away from me, gave me the money, saying: “that he doesn’t need anything from me,” At first I refused to take the money, but he insisted and when I saw the money, it was five rubles, I took it, although they didn’t pay for the trip in full, but so that he would calm down, I took the money


My grandmother came to me in a dream, gave me money in 5000 and 1000 rubles, then took them away and left 1000 bills.


I arrived at the old house where my deceased grandparents lived. went into the summer kitchen. everything in the dream was black and white. during their lives there was always order in the summer kitchen, but in the dream everything was in decline. when I walked in, my grandfather stood with his back to me. Before entering their yard, I saw a car and another car crashed into it at full speed. so when I entered the room I asked my grandfather what was happening. to which he replied that it was just the neighbor’s head that was not right. then I told my grandfather about my successes. When he was alive and we were little, he encouraged us with money. so this time he fussed and left. when he came in he started giving me a large amount of money. Large bills predominated. but I didn't take it. She said that he needed it more. For some reason I forgot in my dream that he died. then I continue to tell him the news and wake up.


I dreamed that my long-dead mother gave me 2 dener coins for 5 UAH each. in the hand


I see my deceased mother, but I think I need to get married and I want to get my hair done at the hairdresser, I have no money, and she gives me a bill in a denomination I don’t understand, the color is reddish-pink, and then we get into the car with the top open and drive off


My dead mother gave me money, large bills, as if she had come from somewhere and we met her with her niece and gave me the money and left!


My deceased grandfather gives me 3 banknotes rolled into tubes and says, “I know that my granddaughter needs money,” I unwrap the bills, and there are still some in there, but I don’t remember what kind of money, it seems like it’s not Russian, and I don’t remember the dream anymore , woke up and remembered only this excerpt from the dream.


the deceased uncle earned money and gave it to the living family and made a supply of firewood for the winter in the house that was sold.


From Thursday to Friday I dreamed about my deceased grandparents. I came to their house and they gave me money. pack. It contained 13,500 and I left.


I dreamed that it was my birthday. Everyone gave me a lot of big soft toys, and my deceased grandmother gave me money, two 500 ruble banknotes. like.


I dreamed about Mom, who recently died in her life. She gives me money 60 thousand rubles and some certificates about my birth. And he says: take it, I won’t give you a better gift.


My grandmother, who died a long time ago, gives me money for my niece’s wedding.


my late aunt gives me lari money supposedly for a bus ticket and I say where I will change it and take out my own

Why do you have a dream in which a dead person gives money? Does it promise something good or warns of some troubles. The dream book will give the best interpretation of everything you saw in your dream.

No reason to be afraid

The dead often appear to a living person in dreams to warn. This is precisely the sign the dream book considers to be a vision in which a dead person gives money. Moreover, its traditional interpretation promises success, enrichment and a good period in life.

Knowledgeable people, on the contrary, advise when meeting the dead in dreams to ask them for something. And if in response you receive at least one paper bill, then expect good luck in business.

Relation degree

So why do you have a dream in which a dead person gives money? The dream book recommends recalling the degree of relationship of the deceased. For example, seeing a close relative in a dream often means that he is aware of all your affairs.

And if you dreamed that money was given by a deceased person with whom you had a very close connection during your lifetime, then he probably wants to help you in a difficult situation. By the way, it doesn’t necessarily concern finance.

But the appearance of a completely unfamiliar dead person to a living person should be regarded as a sign of some danger. Even if you dreamed that an unfamiliar dead person gave you a bundle of banknotes, you should be careful in commercial matters in the near future.

Of course, this does not mean at all that the stranger has thus introduced danger into your life. It’s just that you can expect anything from an outsider, even in reality.

Quantity and quality of money

Trying to figure out why you dream that a dead person gives cash, the dream book advises you to pay attention to such details as their quality and quantity.

For example, paper bills can really mean profit, copper coins and any little thing can often mean tears and sadness, but foreign currency in some cases acts as a symbol of deception.

If you can remember what denomination and how many specific bills you saw, that’s even better. The Dream Interpretation believes that numbers, inscriptions and other signs on them can indicate the time of fulfillment of the prediction and provide other valuable information. By the way, a dream in which you received high-denomination paper money promises very serious changes.

Other details

The most complete interpretation of a dream, according to the dream book, is provided by additional details. They are the ones who help to specifically understand why he is dreaming.

For example, if you dreamed about a dead person giving money with his right hand, then perhaps you will win the lottery, have success in business, or get a promotion. But if the dead man held out money with his left hand, then the dream book advises expecting an inheritance or help from an influential person.


As already mentioned, a living person under no circumstances needs to be afraid of a dead person in a dream. However, sometimes the atmosphere itself gives rise to unpleasant sensations.

Therefore, even if you dreamed that a dead person was giving money, but the surroundings were too dark and gloomy, then probably luck and wealth would not bring the desired pleasure. A dream in which you experienced unpleasant feelings carries the same meaning.


Dream interpretation money Dead man

Why do you dream about money? Dead man in a dream according to the dream book?

The deceased gives money - the dream book considers such an action as the desire of the deceased to convey his destiny. A dead man gives paper money - a serious warning; you should be wary of new business.

A dead man with money - the desire to achieve material well-being can turn into disaster. To prevent troubles, you should moderate your own desires.

Have you taken money from a dead person in a dream?

Taking money from a dead person in a dream

If you dreamed that you took money from a dead person, your excessive trust in people can play a cruel joke on you. Troubles and misfortunes are possible.

Giving money to a dead person in a dream

Why dream of giving money to a dead person? Pay off previous debts, including karmic ones. The more money you give to the deceased, the more problems you will be able to solve.


Dream Interpretation Dead Man, why do you dream about seeing a Dead Man in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream of a Dead Man according to the dream book:

Seeing a Dead Man alive in a dream and dreaming of talking - such a dream warns you of troubles that will arise on your path in life. What was discussed in the conversation with the deceased? This dream will give you the answer to the question of which area to expect problems from.

Why dream of a dead person being alive and talking to him in a dream - a new period will begin in your life. You can quit your job or break off a relationship that has been bothering you, in any case, changes await you.

A revived dead man - a long and eventful life awaits you.

Why do you dream of a living dead person visiting you - if the living dead person is in your house and he is someone you know - then you are simply yearning for this person in real life.

Why dream that a dead person gives money or something else - this person, if he is your friend, wants you to repeat his fate. If he gives you some advice, you should remember them and listen to them.

A deceased person gives gifts in a dream - the interpretation of the dream depends on the thing you received from him as a gift.

Deceased relatives dream of being alive and are called with them - to illness, possibly death. Walking after the dead, kissing them, hugging them - the same thing.

Why do you dream about dead relatives alive? These people want to support you, and you may start to succeed in something. You will receive spiritual help and support. However, it is possible that you simply miss these people, so you see them alive in your dreams and talk to them.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why does a Dead Man dream:

Interpretation of the dream by the dream book: Deceased person - Tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see a living person as a dead person, either to the fear of loss, or to a hidden desire for death for this person. Seeing a dead person alive speaks of your feelings of guilt towards this person.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: What does a dead person mean?

Seeing a dead person in a dream - This symbol has different meanings. Usually, if the deceased does not ask for anything and does not show dissatisfaction, does not make any complaints, then the dream means a change in the weather. To dream that people are condemning someone who is lying in a coffin means trouble; prepare for conflict with your superiors; to a quarrel with neighbors or strangers. Seeing a person who died long ago in a dream as if he were still alive means a change in the weather. Seeing a person whose pale appearance closely resembles a dead person is a sign of illness; to a conversation with a friend who has serious problems; to meet with older people.

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does a dead person mean?

Deceased - For rain, changes in weather; outside the coffin - a guest.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing a Dead Man in a Dream

  • Dead man - The dead man is crying. - Foretells a squabble, a quarrel.
  • You see a dead man standing - portends great trouble.
  • The dead man collapses with tears. - Portends prosperity.
  • The dead man comes to life. - Foretells news, a letter.
  • You see another person or yourself dead. - Fortunately.
  • You see your son dead. - There will be a joyful event with an addition.
  • You see your dead ancestors, respectable people. - Great happiness.
  • You accept condolences from other people. - It foretells the birth of a son, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream of a Dead Man:

Solves the dream book: Why do you dream of a dead person – Health and longevity, weather change

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Dead Man in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream about seeing a dead person in a dream - Health, longevity

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Dead Man:

Interpretation of the dream book: To see a dead person in a dream foreshadows a change in the weather.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream of a Dead Man according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see dead people in a dream - The following interpretative options are usually associated with the appearance of dead people in a dream: normal presence, resolution of issues and condemnation. Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but its appearance itself does not carry much meaning for the entire dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, simply a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant character in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event in which both the sleeping person and the deceased were once participants. It is likely that in a dream this way hidden sadness and regret that the person who was dear to you is no longer around is revealed. The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you don't have what they need, or their behavior makes you feel certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow connected with the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is a degree of condemnation or joy in such dreams. Judgmental dreams show us dead people either simply dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings because we find ourselves unable to do anything to change the situation. What character traits were the deceased endowed with during their lifetime? (For example, Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agnes was vile as a snake, etc.) Did their behavior in the dream coincide with reality or go against it? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of dead people (people who have died, but appear alive in a dream) - In general - to a change in the weather; relaxation, peace of mind. Taking and giving something from a deceased person, taking him “to one’s place” is very bad (unfortunately, serious illness, death of loved ones or one’s own).

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a Dead Man in a dream:

  • Deceased people (dead fathers) - Towards death, conversations, failure, change of weather, they must be remembered;
  • deceased mother - severe illness, grief;
  • dead person - you will be sick, the duck will overcome, bad weather (rain, snow), quarrel, change of home, bad news, death (sick);
  • to meet a dead person - for good, good luck // illness, death;
  • man - success;
  • woman - obstacles; the dead come to life - obstacles in business, loss;
  • to be with the dead means to have enemies;
  • seeing the dead alive - long years // a big nuisance, illness;
  • to see a sick person dead - he will recover;
  • hugging a dead person is a disease;
  • kissing a dead person - longevity;
  • giving him something is a loss, a loss;
  • moving the deceased, moving - bad, sadness;
  • congratulating is good;
  • talking to a dead person - interesting news // illness;
  • the dead man calls with him - death.


Dream Interpretation Father

Father, Sick Father, Father Beats, Girl's Father, Friend's Father, Living Father, Evil Father, Father and Mother, Boyfriend's Father, Father Crying, Deceased Father, Drunk Father, Child's Father, Father Died, Dead Father, Father Dies, Revived Father , Naked father, Someone else's father, Dead father gives money, Dead father alive, Dead father calling

If in a dream you dreamed of your Father or you saw that your Father was Dying, Dream Interpretations urge you not to ignore such a dream. A dying or sick father in a dream is a hint for you that in reality you may now make a serious mistake. Dream Interpretations claim that the image of the Father appears in a dream at the moment when in reality you are in dire need of advice, participation and support.

I dreamed about my now living father, My father is cheerful and healthy- fortunately.

Dreamed about mother and father- warm relationships in the family; for young girls - for marriage.

Dreaming about living family members is normal and common. If the Father you saw was cheerful, healthy and looked the same as in reality at the moment, this indicates a friendly and healthy atmosphere within the family.

I dreamed of a sick father, Father crying in his sleep- to big troubles.

With the help of such a dream, you received a hint about the problems that threaten you in reality. The figure of the Father is a symbolic image in such a dream and a pointer for you that you should definitely take note of what you see.

I dreamed that my father died or was dying, A dead father in a dream- financial collapse; otherwise - illness and problems with the father.

The father in a symbolic interpretation is the basis of some idea or project. From this position, the Death of the Father in a dream foreshadows major troubles and problems for you. However, the Dream could have appeared to you at the moment when in reality the Father was having serious health problems.

I dreamed of an evil father, the father beats or scolds in a dream- danger of making a mistake; otherwise - difficult relationships in the family.

Probably, some kind of conflict or misunderstanding has been brewing for a long time in your relationship with the Father. You replay this situation again and again in a dream. The Father is subconsciously perceived by you as an angry and aggressive person. And at the same time, such a dream can warn you against some fatal mistake in reality. You are probably now on the verge of taking some unseemly action or deed.

I dreamed of a deceased father coming to life, a dead father alive, a dead father calling or giving money in a dream- need for support and advice; receive important instructions.

A dream involving the Late Father should be remembered to the smallest detail. Perhaps the Deceased was trying to convey something to you, to warn you against something or to point out your mistakes. In any case, this kind of dream indicates that in reality you are in dire need of fatherly support and advice.

I dreamed about the girl's father- receive a blessing; otherwise - difficulties in the couple.

The figure of the Girl's Father can be a serious obstacle for you on the way to realizing your plans (the Father is against your relationship or does not give his blessing to your marriage). Mentally, you are conducting a dialogue with the Girl’s Father, even in a dream, trying to defend your opinion.

I dreamed about the father of a friend or boyfriend- you will need the help of a reliable person.

I dreamed of someone else's naked father- sexual fantasies.

Someone else's Father could appear in a dream due to an acute lack of male authority, support and approval. The image of the Naked Father in a dream makes you understand that in reality you experience a secret physical attraction to him.

I dreamed about the father of the child (for women)- worries about the father of your child.

I dreamed that you were the father of a child (for men)- take on new responsibilities.

The interpretation of this dream will depend on who and at what point in life had such a vision. For a mother raising a baby, the Image of the Child's Father in a dream is a reflection of her own thoughts and feelings regarding the man she saw. A man who became the Father of a Child in a dream must be prepared that in reality he will be entrusted with new obligations and assignments.

I dreamed of a drunk father- worries and worries.

If your Father tends to abuse alcohol in reality, It is not surprising that a similar plot crept into your dream. However, your Father's alcoholism in a dream may symbolize another kind of addiction or dangerous hobby.


Dream of a deceased father giving money

I dreamed that I was sitting in the courtyard of the house where I spent my entire childhood on a log (an attribute of our yard) and saying goodbye to my father, behind me on the same log another relative was sitting, unfortunately I couldn’t say who, it seemed like my father was supposed to go where then leaving looks tired and a little sad (my father died 4 months ago, I dreamed about it for the first time, but in my dreams I don’t think about it)

I say goodbye to him, kiss him, he moves away, then calls me to him and gives me a wallet with money (medium-sized paper money), I take it, say thank you,

We kiss again, I think he felt relieved after that, or maybe I felt better and he leaves the yard through our entrance.

What does it mean?


Late father gives money

Dream Interpretation Late father gives money dreamed of why in a dream the deceased father gives money? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a deceased father giving money in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Father

Dream Interpretation - Father

The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved issues (Which ones? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.)

Dream Interpretation - Father

Dream Interpretation - Father

Dream Interpretation - Father

Dream Interpretation - Father

Dream Interpretation - Father

Dream Interpretation - Father

Dream Interpretation - Father

Father - Living - you need support, support. There is a lack of reliability and stability in your life. If your father gives advice or teaches, you need to listen to it.

Dream Interpretation - Father


Late father asks for money

Dream Interpretation Late father asks for money dreamed of why in a dream the deceased father asks for money? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a deceased father asking for money in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Father or husband rejecting money

He (father or husband) abstains from love.

Dream Interpretation - Father

The father you saw in a dream will remind you to take advantage of someone’s wise advice and solve the problems that have arisen. If you disobey your father, you will face great difficulties.

If you dreamed that your father died, conduct business more carefully, otherwise you will have a very difficult time.

A young woman who sees her dead father in a dream should be prepared for the fact that her lover is deceiving or will soon deceive her.

D. Loff wrote about dreams in which we see our father: “The father is an interesting figure in dreams. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, the perception of higher-order beings in whom you believe largely depends on how you treat your father, how you perceive him.

As a result, dreams about the appearance of a father often refer to issues of power, presence and love. As a rule, power and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father. The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing person, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. Sometimes your father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well organized.

The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved issues (Which ones? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.)

Dream Interpretation - Father

The father is an interesting figure in dreams. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological research shows, how you treat your father, how you perceive him, largely determines the perception of higher-order beings in whom you may believe.

As a result, dreams about the appearance of a father often refer to issues of POWER, presence and love. As a rule, power and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father. The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing man, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. Sometimes your father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well organized.

The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved issues (Which ones? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.)

The most important and decisive for the interpretation of a dream with the participation of a father are the following points: the circumstances of his appearance, other participants in what is happening, your usual relationship with your father and the characteristics of your relationship with him in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Father - father - happiness. Father is deceased - don’t expect joy. A dying father is a shame. "I'm dreaming about my father - it's the devil"

Dream Interpretation - Father

A dream in which you saw your own father portends happiness in the family and marriage, if he is alive and well in real life; if in reality he is no longer alive, then such a dream means that you will have difficulty avoiding obstacles in business by resorting to the help of friends and close relatives.

Seeing your healthy father sick in a dream predicts grief due to a failed or postponed meeting with a loved one.

If you had a dream in which your father died and you are burying him, it means that in reality an accident will befall you.

A revived father is an unexpected gift.

Talking with your father in a dream means you will experience the joy of meeting friends you haven’t seen for a long time; arguing with your father means that in reality things will stall and you will have to invite a consultant to understand the reasons for this.

Seeing your godfather in a dream means that you will be given new responsibilities, which you will not be able to refuse for a number of personal reasons. Dreaming of a holy father means that your relatives are misleading you.

Dream Interpretation - Father

A strict father in a dream: a sign that you have neglected or abandoned some important things.

A sick father, if the dream is not associated with a real illness: is a sign of difficulties that may have a bad effect on your well-being. Perhaps in reality you did not foresee something or made a tragic mistake that threatens to ruin your plans.

If the father is sad or crying: such a dream indicates a very bad course of affairs.

If in reality you do not feel any special reasons for concern, then perhaps some of your plans threaten to turn into a big disaster.

A happy, joyful father in a dream: portends success.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Seeing him dying in a dream means that you will be ashamed of what you have done.

Seeing a deceased father is a sign of illness or receiving an inheritance. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows news of betrayal. If your father remains silent in his sleep, then soon you will receive news of his illness. A dream in which you saw that your father is sick portends grief. If you dream that you are talking to your father, who died long ago, then you should remember him. Arguing with your father in a dream is a sign of failure. Seeing him happy in a dream means receiving news from home.

Becoming a father in a dream is a sign of a happy ending to something. A godfather in a dream is a symbol of protection. After such a dream, you should listen to good advice and follow it. Sometimes such a dream reminds us of the responsibility that lies with us. For a girl to see her mother and father together in a dream - a sign of imminent marriage or great luck and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Father

If you dreamed about your own father, you should be careful in love affairs; the father is a warning that not everything is going well in your personal life.

If in a dream your father is having a serious conversation with you, take a closer look at your partner, perhaps he is not worth you.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Father - Living - you need support, support. There is a lack of reliability and stability in your life. If your father gives advice or teaches, you need to listen to it.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Father - Living - you need support, support. There is a lack of reliability and stability in your life. If your father gives advice or teaches, you need to listen to it.


If the deceased father gives

Dream Interpretation If the deceased father gives I dreamed about why I dream in a dream If my deceased father gives? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream If your late father gives by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Father

The father you saw in a dream will remind you to take advantage of someone’s wise advice and solve the problems that have arisen. If you disobey your father, you will face great difficulties.

If you dreamed that your father died, conduct business more carefully, otherwise you will have a very difficult time.

A young woman who sees her dead father in a dream should be prepared for the fact that her lover is deceiving or will soon deceive her.

D. Loff wrote about dreams in which we see our father: “The father is an interesting figure in dreams. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, the perception of higher-order beings in whom you believe largely depends on how you treat your father, how you perceive him.

As a result, dreams about the appearance of a father often refer to issues of power, presence and love. As a rule, power and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father. The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing person, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. Sometimes your father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well organized.

The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved issues (Which ones? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.)

Dream Interpretation - Father

The father is an interesting figure in dreams. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological research shows, how you treat your father, how you perceive him, largely determines the perception of higher-order beings in whom you may believe.

As a result, dreams about the appearance of a father often refer to issues of POWER, presence and love. As a rule, power and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father. The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing man, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. Sometimes your father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well organized.

The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved issues (Which ones? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.)

The most important and decisive for the interpretation of a dream with the participation of a father are the following points: the circumstances of his appearance, other participants in what is happening, your usual relationship with your father and the characteristics of your relationship with him in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Father - father - happiness. Father is deceased - don’t expect joy. A dying father is a shame. "I'm dreaming about my father - it's the devil"

Dream Interpretation - Father

A dream in which you saw your own father portends happiness in the family and marriage, if he is alive and well in real life; if in reality he is no longer alive, then such a dream means that you will have difficulty avoiding obstacles in business by resorting to the help of friends and close relatives.

Seeing your healthy father sick in a dream predicts grief due to a failed or postponed meeting with a loved one.

If you had a dream in which your father died and you are burying him, it means that in reality an accident will befall you.

A revived father is an unexpected gift.

Talking with your father in a dream means you will experience the joy of meeting friends you haven’t seen for a long time; arguing with your father means that in reality things will stall and you will have to invite a consultant to understand the reasons for this.

Seeing your godfather in a dream means that you will be given new responsibilities, which you will not be able to refuse for a number of personal reasons. Dreaming of a holy father means that your relatives are misleading you.

Dream Interpretation - Father

A strict father in a dream: a sign that you have neglected or abandoned some important things.

A sick father, if the dream is not associated with a real illness: is a sign of difficulties that may have a bad effect on your well-being. Perhaps in reality you did not foresee something or made a tragic mistake that threatens to ruin your plans.

If the father is sad or crying: such a dream indicates a very bad course of affairs.

If in reality you do not feel any special reasons for concern, then perhaps some of your plans threaten to turn into a big disaster.

A happy, joyful father in a dream: portends success.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Seeing him dying in a dream means that you will be ashamed of what you have done.

Seeing a deceased father is a sign of illness or receiving an inheritance. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows news of betrayal. If your father remains silent in his sleep, then soon you will receive news of his illness. A dream in which you saw that your father is sick portends grief. If you dream that you are talking to your father, who died long ago, then you should remember him. Arguing with your father in a dream is a sign of failure. Seeing him happy in a dream means receiving news from home.

Becoming a father in a dream is a sign of a happy ending to something. A godfather in a dream is a symbol of protection. After such a dream, you should listen to good advice and follow it. Sometimes such a dream reminds us of the responsibility that lies with us. For a girl to see her mother and father together in a dream - a sign of imminent marriage or great luck and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Father

If you dreamed about your own father, you should be careful in love affairs; the father is a warning that not everything is going well in your personal life.

If in a dream your father is having a serious conversation with you, take a closer look at your partner, perhaps he is not worth you.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Father - Living - you need support, support. There is a lack of reliability and stability in your life. If your father gives advice or teaches, you need to listen to it.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Father - Living - you need support, support. There is a lack of reliability and stability in your life. If your father gives advice or teaches, you need to listen to it.

Dream Interpretation - Father

If you dreamed about your father, you will soon need advice to resolve a difficult issue, and it is best to turn to family traditions.

If your father speaks to you, this is a sign of immediate happiness.

Seeing him sick is disappointing.

Dead or dying - to family squabbles, complications in business.

For a young woman - to her lover’s betrayal.

Talking in a dream with a father who actually died means the need to remember him.

Arguing with him means a decline in business.

Seeing your father and mother together in a dream is good luck.


The deceased gives a cigarette

Dream Interpretation - A deceased mother gives money in a dream

Yes, it looks like your mother cares about you. Moreover, you need to remember that money also means strength and energy. That is, she can send you her energy into this world. It can also mean experience and knowledge (old banknotes that are out of circulation - outdated views of the world). Postcards are her warm feelings for you, messages of love. The boxes on her desk are her personal belongings. What she keeps for herself and for you. With a red cross - probably help in the most extreme cases. I think this is a very good dream. Good luck!

Good day. The deceased asks for a memorial. Order a service in church or at least light a candle for the repose. Something is not at peace in your father’s soul.

Dream Interpretation - Dream about a deceased father

Hello! I agree with the previous interpreter of your dream - your father’s soul is not at peace. Be sure to go to church and remember your father. And the small house with 3 photographs that your father brought with him in a dream is what worries him. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - Dream about a deceased father

Good night, Margarita! “A few days ago I saw in a dream my late father, whom I had not dreamed of for about 9 years.” - usually I dream about deceased parents to warn about some difficult trials or serious dangers. And you internally realized this - “I’m scared and ask him why he came.” This is mitigated by the fact that the late grandmother always dreams of good changes in life, well, at least you have her house - “In the dream, I was in my late grandmother’s house and it was as if I was sleeping in one of the rooms.” “Mom stayed with me and started counting the money and said that she now has 33,500 rubles, I tell my mother, for some reason my father doesn’t leave, and she answers me, don’t worry, at 7 pm he will leave” - In a dream published by you today ( December 30) a way out of these difficulties is visible. Moreover, your mother (even though it is your spouse’s mother) plays a leading role there, since she is also your mother. Save Christ!

A DREAM means that the dreamer is thinking about the fact that she is sorely lacking in love and joyful emotions (a deceased relative (whom the dreamer loved and loves very much) is visiting with her grandson and grandson’s daughter). It is a pity that the deceased relative (which is Love) came to the dreamer only to visit; for complete happiness in reality it is necessary that she stay with the dreamer forever in the dream. The dream also symbolizes the revival of the dreamer’s very self ((her goal, for the sake of which she lives with all her might and will live - the grandson of a relative, now Healthy (health) in a dream and his daughter - a symbolic hint in a dream of the family chain, the continuity of generations). Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - I saw my late grandmother

It may mean that someone will come to you, you will be delighted.

Dream Interpretation - I dreamed about my late father

Don't worry! This is a good dream. A one-time dream about a deceased person, very positive. Deceased relatives who loved us come to us 7-15 days before the successful completion of some matter (problem, event) to rejoice for us, in such cases they are silent in our sleep.

Dream Interpretation - Wake up the deceased

Coming to a Relative with a deceased Grandmother means the Dreamer’s desire for internal and external harmony, where the Grandmother is earthly experience, and the Relative is the emotional sphere, that is, the Dreamer is drawn to life-tested emotions/relationships. Asking a Relative for an overnight stay and his consent is an accessible emotional comfort (close relationship), but hearing his Wife swear is already a hidden and uncomfortable close relationship without a solid future. The dreamer turns towards the Station and wakes up Grandmother, pulling her sleeping hand - symbolizes an uncertain state in the emotional sphere and a period of waiting, which can last a very long time if you do not take decisive action yourself. It’s time to go to the Station - this means in reality the Dreamer’s desire to get out of the current and unsettled personal situation.

Dream Interpretation - Repay debt to the deceased

The dream suggests the Dreamer’s desire to return missed opportunities in social and personal life (marriage, marriage) - The Dreamer is waiting for the Deceased to repay the Debt. The deceased comes, and the Dreamer gives him 100 rubles - in reality this means the Dreamer’s necessary efforts in activating this sphere and its real possibilities in the future. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - A man with a smoking cigarette

A smoking cigarette means you will have a conversation, and dancing is like the development of a relationship, the more beautifully they danced, the more harmoniously the relationship will develop.. It also plays a role in how fast they danced, who danced slowly, who led, etc. If you remember...

Let's try to figure out what will happen if in a dream a dead man gives money. What does this mean?

Numerous dream books, of course, can answer the question about a mysterious dream. In any case, a dead person in a dream will not allow a person to immediately forget such a dream. This is an extraordinary event. It's memorable. Perhaps the deceased in this way makes the person understand the importance of this dream. Therefore, you need to decipher such a dream as quickly as possible.

The deceased is the soul of a person who has already left our real world and moved into a more subtle world. The soul is a kind of energy, a subtle body that does not have a physical component. The soul can move in space and time, in any direction. In this case, the human soul can communicate with a living person. This happens precisely in a dream.

Very often we are very attached to specific people. Therefore, this connection is not destroyed if a particular person dies. Our sleep is very similar to death. Our subtle body leaves the physical during sleep. When a person’s death occurs, the subtle body or soul can no longer return to the physical shell.

If you saw money in a dream, this means big changes, perhaps you will have power and gain prosperity. But if a deceased person gives you money in a dream, then in this way he transfers part of his energy to you from his subtle level.

The main thing is what emotions a person experienced in a dream when a dead person came to him. If these are positive emotions, then nothing bad is expected. If there were negative emotions, this means that there is a certain fear of death. It’s just that in this dream we came into contact with the real subtle world.

If we answer directly the question of what it means if a dead person gives money in a dream, then this is certainly an increase in the income of a particular person. Money is always good. People perceive money extremely positively. But in this case, when you see a dream about a dead person, you should not take anything from him. You shouldn't take everything except money. Taking money is not only possible, but also necessary. If you took money from a dead person, then this will give you a very decent profit, and in the near future.

When remembering a dream, you need to remember the currency of the monetary amount. Banknotes play an important role. For example, if you dream of Chinese money, then the increase in your salary will be very insignificant. But American dollars mean prosperity, success in business in the long term. Euro means stable income. If you dream of English pounds sterling, then this means getting a good job. Rubles in a dream represent some good and profitable hobby.

You should carefully remember other seemingly trifles of the dream about the dead, which gives money. If his hair was black, then the person will certainly listen to his inner voice and approach his affairs very carefully. All his steps will be carefully planned, even the smallest details will not be excluded. If a deceased person in a dream has blond hair and gives you money, then there will be temporary income.

If the deceased has red hair, then he will have to work very hard to earn money. Perhaps the deceased will have no hair at all, then everything needs to be thought through very carefully for success.

Some people say that any dead person seen in a dream certainly means something bad. If in a dream you dreamed of a dead man who had money in his hands, then you should not be afraid of such a dream. It is better to remember all the details, all the little things of the dream and calmly decipher it.