The tragedy with the hanged guy and girl was planned in advance. A new page in the life of Dmitry Dmitrienko

controversial investigation into the death of a couple from the Tambov region.
The opinions of psychics differed, and radically.

Because the graves show and the dates are visible, then
Chudin Dmitry

9 -1\20 2985
6 -7\8-8-52
50-83 ;31-45;43-41
It’s immediately clear that he’s from a dying family and the father is lying nearby in the cemetery, as young on the monument as his son. Also probably with the 9th in gender, but the date is not visible.
This 9 can indicate suicidal tendencies and also that he was a provocateur in life. Tribal tax collectors have accumulated and they inspire thoughts of suicide and all sorts of bad things.
I found him on VK, he was mainly in groups for various jokes, cars, turnips and girls, but there are two or three unexpected “Encyclopedia of Maniacs”, “Murderers of the 20th Century” and in the same spirit. If I studied technology, it was murder, not suicide.
last record 8 days before death and the photo was taken with the girl, also on July 8, 2016.
The psyche seems to be a stable (43-41) energy mass, an energy donor. He is really strongly attached to his family and his girlfriend; she is the most important thing in his life, which is why he took him with him according to ancient Vedic traditions.
A very interesting period for him up to 12 years old was 2/8, the destruction of relationships or harm to the family, if he had not been a 9 by birth, well, he would have simply lost his family (he lost his father) or would have broken up with his girlfriend (further after 24 years passed again the same period).
Was at zero, i.e. ALL INTENTIONS CAME TRUE, naturally, if they were bad intentions, they also came true. But for some reason, no note was left and nothing was filmed on a phone or camera. Well, the zero period also glorified him after his death, television is filming the investigation.
But here doubts still arise that it was suicide and could have killed.
Soul Formula:

We immediately see two subpersonalities. One subpersonality is better aspected by the planets and is more clearly expressed: Neptune and Saturn are in the center of the subpersonality. Here Venus is in the orbit of Venus, high ideal women, practically unattainable (usually such people remain single), but he was lucky and found his ideal. There is also an aspect in the orbit of Venus Mars retro 4 points, which speaks of aggression towards women or simply a love of provocations in relationships.

But it seems that during the suicide a second subpersonality was activated: Jupiter 6 in the center of this subpersonality (to become famous, to do everything for show), which was beaten by Strong Pluto in the orbit of Mercury. As Astragor says, this is a sign of Pavlik Morozov, a traitor. The man did what no one expected from him and even set up his girlfriend and pulled her along with him.
The girl’s mother says that on the day of his death Dima did not look like himself.
I had a suicidal boyfriend and I also observed such a split, Dima too, by the way. It was as if there were two Dimas. Moreover, one loved me, and the other hated me. The first Dima was a leader, a musician and blew away specks of dust from me, I was afraid that I would quit.
The second Dima changed radically and spoke only about suicide, kicked me out of the house at night and was rude in every possible way.
Therefore, the relatives who knew one subpersonality of their Dima and had no idea that their Dima could be different. They don’t believe in psychics, and even Higai joined in, grabbing one of the main character’s subpersonalities.
By the way, Chikatilo’s wife did not believe for a long time that her henpecked and weakling husband, over whom she commanded and humiliated all her life, could kill. Another subpersonality was also included in certain circumstances.

Olesya is Dima's girlfriend.

2 -5\812 182
4 -7\134 314

55-72 ;50-36;14-35

I came to work on an emotional connection with a partner and family, also leading svadhisthana 72% and 2/4 work on gender and periods. I didn’t live to see the take.

They have a connection from a past incarnation (he has 1/7, she has 5/7) perhaps a spiritual connection, maybe they were in the same sect, church or some kind of ideological movement. But he died from violence in past life, connected to the church, and it looks like she killed someone. Perhaps they changed places in this life.
Soul Formula:

The orbit of men is occupied by retrograde Jupiter 6 points. I was drawn directly to her ideal: a killer. Defamed, but in a negative sense.
There are a lot of retro planets here and the female orbit is also affected, she was too submissive and dissolved in her boyfriend, she trusted too much and could not trust her environment either.
The girl’s social orbit of Jupiter and Saturn is also occupied and could achieve recognition in society, and she has already achieved it - a gold medalist and the pride of the region.

Rasskazovsky district of the Tambov region, the village of Vorozheikino, in the summer of June 2016, the name of this village thundered throughout Russia when young Dmitry Chudin, 21 years old, and young Alesya Dmitrienko, 17 years old, were found hanged in a forest belt not far from the road. How did these two young men end up in nooses? Double suicide or were they killed?
Tatyana Bulgakova - Dima's aunt.
Dmitry Tarasov - cousin Olesya.
The police opened a criminal case.
Tatyana Chudina is Dmitry's mother.
These two were local Romeo and Giueltta.
Ekaterina Korchagina is Olesya's friend.
Dima supported Olesya in everything, and she was waiting for him from the army. Everyone knew the guy as a kind and cheerful person.
Alexey Filin is Olesya's uncle.
Lyubov Ilyicheva is Dmitry's grandmother.
This one was the one rare pair, in which the lovers did not quarrel at all.
Tatyana Chilyushnikova is Dmitry's sister.
Denis Vorozheikin is Dmitry's brother.
Everyone they know says they were killed.
What happened on the fateful day of July 16, 2016 in the Vorozheikino forest belt?
Three clairvoyants will help at once - Leonid Konovalov in a cowboy hat, Zulya Radjabova and Liliya Khegai.
What happened, is it true that Dima himself hanged his beloved and committed suicide, or were they both brutally killed?
People will meet psychics at Dima's grave.

Leonid Kanovalov saw everything - from the color of the blouse to the moment when the beloved pulled his beloved by the hand out of the car, but he sees nothing about the moment of their death and suggested that the girl was killed, and the psychotic guy committed suicide in the form of strangulation.
Liliya Khegai says that the young people were hanged because of a conflict situation.
Zulia Radjabova said that Dima killed his girlfriend and then committed suicide.
Dima had fused long eyebrows.

The title of the program, Battle of the Strongest - Psychics are investigating season 8 (episode 4).
TV channel: TNT
Air date: April 1, 2017

Another investigation of the “Battle of Psychics” led Liliya Khegai, Leonid Konovalov and Zulia Radzhabova to grief-stricken parents who had lost their children. The cause of their death is ambiguous and mysterious.

An incident occurred in the Tambov region that reverberated throughout Russia. Two lovers were found hanged in a forest belt. What caused such a tragic circumstance, whether it was suicide or not - all this remains to be found out by the strongest psychics.

Relatives of the victims met psychics at the cemetery. A lot of questions about the couple, which everyone considered a role model and called the local Romeo and Juliet, haunts no one. The investigation has reached a dead end and blames the tragedy on the guy who first killed the girl and then committed suicide.

Leonid Konovalov

Before meeting with relatives, the psychic saw images in which he recognized the guy from the photograph. The clear pictures that came to him were confirmed: he saw both the vest and the beauty of the guy. Leonid said that only one phrase came to his mind: “ridiculous death.” Focusing on his feelings, the psychic said that he sees two deaths: murder and suicide. This means that Dmitry killed his girlfriend and then committed suicide. However, he made a mistake in defining the couple’s characters, calling them hot-tempered and prone to quarrels and conflicts. Outraged relatives did not agree with his opinion and criticized everything he said.

Lilia Khegai

As soon as she looked at the photo of the deceased, Lilia began to talk about him as if she knew him personally. The details from the couple’s life shocked family and friends so much that there was no doubt that the psychic really felt the tragedy and could help in the controversial issue. She also talked about the guy’s hobbies, his love for cars and music. For some time, Lilia asked herself questions and answered them in order to get closer to the truth. Having clearly described the place of death, she suddenly went deeper into the cemetery and kept looking closely at the trees, trying to climb at least one of them. She explained her actions by the fact that trees are witnesses to everything that happens on earth and willingly share information. Lilia stopped at the grave of grandfather Dmitry, who recently died of illness. And again, the guy’s mother and grandmother, with trembling voices, confirmed every word the psychic said. Her conclusion is that the guy and the girl were killed after a conflict in which Dmitry defended his beloved.

Zulia Radjabova

Without explaining anything and not knowing the essence of the task, Zulia began to perform actions that only she understood. After the ritual, during which she asked Dmitry’s mother to leave, Zulia amazed everyone present with precise visions. She named many of the deceased who stood behind the living, and told details from the life of the couple. People froze in shock, not believing that she was really communicating with dead souls. However, Zulia explained that Dmitry wanted to go to his girlfriend. The psychic led to the burial place of Olesya, the girlfriend of the deceased guy, the soul of Oksana, her cousin. Arriving at the place, Zulia pointed to Olesya’s last name - Dmitrienko, and said that the souls of the lovers followed the same fate and were connected with the other world. She, like Leonid Konovalov, saw that Dmitry had planned his suicide in advance, but did not want to part with Olesya and therefore took her with him.

Psychics at the scene of death

Late in the evening, in complete darkness, relatives and psychics arrived at the place where Dmitry and Olesya were found. Zulia and Leonid continued to insist that Dmitry was determined and killed Olesya himself, and then committed suicide. Liliya Khegai fundamentally disagreed with this opinion and insisted that suicide was strange for a couple in love: they were hanged on different trees, in a half-sitting position, with broken necks. Lilia assured that this was nothing more than a staged death. However, Zulia in her visions considered strange activity Dmitry. According to her, the guy spent a lot of time on the Internet and was part of a certain group that promoted suicide. The opinions of psychics are divided. The relatives were also confused and could not believe that Dmitry decided to do such a terrible act. Without reaching a consensus, the psychics said goodbye to their relatives and left the place of investigation.

One thing is clear - the abilities of the psychics who came to the rescue are truly unique. Many details from the life of the young couple, as well as relatives and friends present at the cemetery, speak of the power of mediums. Exciting stories and secrets await us ahead, which other heroes of the “Battle of Psychics” will try to shed light on. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.04.2017 18:44

The third episode of season 9 of “Battle of the Strongest” turned out to be very exciting and truly interesting. History awaits you...

Look online Psychics conducting an investigation on 04/01/2017 on TNT. Rasskazovsky district of the Tambov region, the village of Vorozheikino, in the summer of 2016 the name of this area thundered throughout Russia when young Dmitry Chudin and young Olesya Dmitrienko were found hanged in a forest belt not far from the road. The incident shocked all the residents of the small village, people were scared. How did these two young men end up in nooses? What was it: a double suicide or were they killed? Are such cruel killers really hiding somewhere nearby? The local police opened a criminal case, but the first statements from authorities shocked the relatives even more. According to the police, Dmitry killed her and hanged himself.

Close friends of the victims said that they were the local Romeo and Juliet; everyone admired the relationship of this loving couple. Everyone knew the guy as a kind and cheerful person, and she was smart and faithful girl. But in all the surrounding areas they were already discussing Dima as a possible murderer; the already immense grief of the parents added to the feeling of cruel injustice in the memory of the victims. But to dispel all doubts about this cruel story can only tell the truth about what happened on the fateful day of July 16 in a forest belt near the village and the parents were forced to turn to the best psychics. Relatives hope that those who have paranormal abilities three clairvoyants will tell you everything that really happened and immediately respond to their call for help in the Tambov region

Dmitry Dmitrienko hardly knew his parents. Dad left them when he was still very young, and his mother died when he was 10 years old. Throughout his childhood, the boy was raised by his own aunt, whom Dima currently calls mom. But in addition to his aunt, Dmitry also has a stepfather, a sister and a brother (his aunt’s own children).
As a child, Dmitry was an obedient and shy child. He never fought with his peers, never swore, and always stood up for the younger ones. Starting from the age of 5, he had a craving for the stage, he loved to show various home performances of his own composition.

After graduating from school, Dima entered the Far Eastern Academy of Arts, where he studied for five years. When he graduated from the academy, he already considered himself an experienced, skillful artist and without difficulty got a job at the Primorsky Philharmonic. But he didn’t work there for long. After the Primorsky Philharmonic, he got a job at a local karaoke club. But over time, Dmitry became bored with such a life and gray everyday life. One day he met his friend from Vladivostok, Olga Rapunzel, truly Grigorievskaya, with whom he went to Moscow for the casting of “House-2”. He passed the casting with great ease and became a participant in the popular youth show, along with Olga Rapunzel.

Personal life, friends, family

Before joining Dom-2, Dmitry Dmitrienko was completely free, he had neither a wife nor children. In addition to popularity, from participating in the project, Dima also came to gain true love and family. Dmitry did not find anyone as good friends on the project, since all the guys in “House-2” constantly laughed at him, considered him a simpleton and henpecked, in a word, a person from a lower society. With some guys, for example, Fedor Strelkov and Serge Lavind, Dima even got into strong fights, after one of which he was hospitalized due to a severe jaw injury.

Life on the Dom-2 project

Upon arrival at the project, Dima seemed to the other participants to be a very boring and uninteresting guy. Immediately after the New Year, Dima began a relationship with Olga Rapunzel, with whom he decided to go to the Seychelles, but he had a problem with his foreign passport. Olga flew away alone. After solving the problem, Dmitry flew to Olga. On Seychelles Dima showed his different character. And upon arrival from vacation, all project participants began to treat Dima better. Also, while on vacation in the Seychelles, Dmitry began to show himself as a real man, that is, he began to express everything that he did not like about Olga, but then he still realized that he was wrong and began to ask for forgiveness from his beloved. However, Olga herself expressed the same thing to Dima. Although their relationship seemed sincere and serious, several problems arose between them: the first was that Dima’s mother, or rather aunt, was 100% against their relationship, due to Olga’s bad past. The second problem was Olga herself, since she often insulted and laughed at her lover, and sometimes raised her hand to him. The third is that Olga demanded different things from Dima expensive gifts, for which he did not have enough money.

Dmitry loved Olga so much that even in the summer of 2016 in the Seychelles he asked her to marry him, to which Olya immediately agreed. Unfortunately, the wedding did not take place due to frequent quarrels with Olga. IN general life at Dmitry's "Dom-2" it was not very sweet.

A new page in the life of Dmitry Dmitrienko

By his nature, Dmitry Dmitrienko is very weak person, who could not even cope with all the problems that fell on his shoulders. On the one hand, Olga demanded too much from him, and then wrote to him big list expenses for the wedding and in the end simply called him a gigolo. Dima got tired of all this, and he canceled the wedding and a few days later, or rather in the fall of 2016, he left the project and went back to Vladivostok, where he started new life. His would-be bride remained on the project in search of new love. Arriving in Vladivostok, Dima understood that his love for Olga had not gone away.

Despite the fact that everyone considered Dmitry a loser on the Dom-2 project, he is still very creative personality, from the musical and acting side. A very smart and sympathetic young guy holds the position of director, artistic director and chief conductor at the State academic ensemble Russians folk instruments“Russia” by Lyudmila Zykina. Also, Dmitry Dmitrienko has several awards from different music competitions. He also knows how to play the button accordion, which he learned to play as a child. In addition to singing and filming in various performances, Dima teaches children musical skills.
On the pages in in social networks Dmitry Dmitrienko has many photographs with various famous people.

At the age of 20, Dmitry first starred in a student film called “GroZa”. This film gained enormous popularity at that time and even began to be shown in all corners of Russia and beyond. This film also participated in the sixth international film festival “Pacific Meridian”, where it won the Grand Prix of the “University Cinema” festival.