Famous couples by zodiac sign. Gemini and Sagittarius

Useful tips

Astrologers have long disagreed with the famous phase of L. N. Tolstoy from the novel “Anna Karenina” that all happy families are equally happy, because we know that everyone needs completely different things for happiness, and therefore happiness itself will be different.

And to find two identical happy couples, it’s worth trying hard!

However, the Zodiac, as always, can give you a lot of tips: There are very harmonious unions of signs that get along well and understand each other. Let's figure out which pairs of zodiac signs will be happiest together.

If you do not find your signs and the signs of your partners on this list, do not think that your union will not be happy.

remember, that everyone can be happy, regardless of the zodiac sign, some people just have to fight more for their happiness than others, and take longer to get used to the character of the other.

Compatibility by birth

1st place: Cancer and Pisces ♋ +

A good and very loving couple who will find in each other that tenderness and care that they both need like air... or like water? This water union will be the strongest, most loving and happiest if Cancer does not demand unconditional devotion from Pisces, and Pisces does not go into fantasies and dreams, forgetting about loved ones.

2nd place: Leo and Libra ♌ +

Leo is the king of animals, everyone knows this, he loves to rule and command, make decisions and lead. Who might be suitable for him as a personal partner? Of course, the sign that will obey him, look with loving eyes, always and in everything support his opinion and allow him to shine. Libra is a subordinate sign that is ready to always rely on a partner in everything. They will get along great with Leo, and they have every chance of being one of the happiest couples!

3rd place: Cancer and Taurus ♋ +

Both of these signs have a very strong Moon, which means that emotionally they will understand each other well. Taurus will look for care and attention in Cancer in the same way as Cancer in Taurus, and if the feelings are mutual, it will be easy for them to be happy. The family in this couple will be the most important part of life, and the practicality and desire for comfort of Taurus will bring prosperity and stability to this family.

Marriage compatibility by date of birth

4th place: Taurus and Virgo ♉ +

This union of earth signs can be called one of the most successful, because the elements always understand each other better. Both Virgo and Taurus are quite calm and balanced signs that stand firmly on their feet, know the value of things and know how to properly manage their values. You both need stability and less unpredictability to be happy, and you can easily find these things in each other.

5th place: Aries and Scorpio ♈ +

It doesn’t matter who exactly in the pair is Scorpio and who is Aries: passions here will boil in any case, because for both of these signs the important planet is Mars, the planet of activity, movement and aggression. However, even if both are very aggressive, they will understand each other perfectly, and also support each other’s hot temperament. Any Aries and any Scorpio need bright emotions, without which they cannot imagine their happiness, and this couple will be provided with bright emotions.

Read also:

6th place: Sagittarius and Aquarius ♐ +

A successful union of these two signs will allow this couple to move mountains and reach unprecedented heights, both figuratively and literally. The brilliant ideas of Aquarius, combined with the huge charge of energy of Sagittarius, will help this couple act together. In addition, the light and good-natured nature of both signs will allow partners to never quarrel and always solve problems together, listening and understanding each other.

Compatibility in love

7th place: Pisces and Taurus ♓ +
Both of these signs have deep feelings, water and earth get along well with each other and complement each other. Pisces lacks practicality and ground under their feet, Taurus lacks plasticity; partners can easily find these qualities in each other, accept them and become a happy couple. Pisces know how to appreciate spiritual values, Taurus - material ones, if they transfer and accept this important knowledge to each other, this union will be wonderful.

Read also: How he will break your heart depending on your zodiac sign 8th place: Gemini and Aquarius ♊ +

These two signs have a lot in common: they are inquisitive, easy-going, love to communicate and surround themselves with cheerful and bright people. At the same time, both love change and do not tolerate monotony. What else do they need to be happy? So that the partner gives them freedom in expressing themselves, can always lend a friendly shoulder and does not pull back, imposing their opinion!

9th place: Aries and Sagittarius ♈ +

This fiery union of signs is quite harmonious: both signs are active and active, they do not like to sit still. Aries will start things and lead, and Sagittarius will choose the right goals, teach and mentor Aries, who remains a child until the end of his life. They will always have something to talk about and something to do, and to be happy, both need vivid impressions and new knowledge.

Compatibility of signs by date of birth

10th place: Gemini and Aries♊ +

These two signs will always light each other up, supporting the bright fire of love: air and fire are harmonious elements that, once they know each other, cannot do without each other. Both signs are active and easy-going. If Aries strives to develop intellectually, and Gemini strives to develop physically, they will always have common interests and common activities, and these are important things for their personal happiness.

Sympathy and understanding between two people mainly depends on zodiac compatibility. Often it is people who are contrasting and, at first glance, incompatible in energy and internal strength, are attracted to each other, creating the most excellent couples among the zodiac signs.

Astrologers are sure that partners with the same zodiac signs are the happiest couples. It will be much faster and easier for such people to understand the outbursts of emotions or changes in the mood of another person. They are united by similar dreams and views on life:

  1. Aries. A fire sign will never be bored. The couple has many plans to spend their leisure time unforgettably.
  2. Taurus. One can only envy the trust of these partners.
  3. Twins. Fickle in their aspirations and inattentive to details, but they create a strong union.
  4. Scales. Emotional support, harmony and suitable life priorities are the main conditions for a great relationship.
  5. Sagittarius. Quarrels in a couple are rare, since Sagittarius has an understanding of the sudden changes in each other’s desires and goals.
  6. Capricorns. Dedicated teamwork in one direction. Verbosity in explanations is definitely not needed for Capricorns.
  7. Aquarius. Such people will always be interested in each other. They are very good at achieving the high bar they set in relationships.
  8. Fish. Kindred souls with a pronounced complementarity to each other.

Video “Ideal Zodiac Unions”

This video presents ideal couples according to zodiac signs.

Out of my element

People from the same element, but born under different zodiac signs, create the most ideal couples. They become role models. They are united by similar energy, but have different character traits. In such unions there will always be harmony in outlook on life and common areas of interest. Slightly different desires and aspirations for self-improvement will not let partners get bored.

Other options

Sometimes people with completely different outlooks on life create the best families. Such couples are called created for each other:

  1. Aries and Gemini. Without air there will be no fire - this is how one can characterize the attitude of these two people. They love an active lifestyle and always work together.
  2. Aries and Libra. They have an incredibly strong sense of support, and their life principles overlap in many ways. Passion, attraction and a sense of adventure are what make them a great couple.
  3. Aries and Virgo. Aries' passion for new sensations will be clearly and in detail planned by Virgo. Together they can achieve a lot.
  4. Taurus and Pisces. A non-standard and different attitude to life creates a wonderful union of these two zodiac signs. Dreamy Pisces will be able to complement the life of the realistic Taurus, and together they will create a strong bond.
  5. Gemini and Leo. This couple never gets bored. Both do not pay attention to details, as larger views open up to their eyes.
  6. Gemini and Virgo. It will be difficult for Virgos to overcome the fickle nature of Gemini, but common aspirations will create a strong union.
  7. Gemini and Pisces. The partners are different emotionally: Pisces are guided by feelings, and Gemini calculates everything logically. However, when they find a common language, everything changes radically, and the horoscope already loses its significance.
  8. Leo and Virgo. Create a unique pair. There is a balance between planning and striving to achieve your goal.
  9. Leo and Libra. Having achieved their goal, they will definitely share the success with their other half. The love of competition does not affect their relationship. They know how and love to make the life of their beloved happier.
  10. Virgo and Pisces. Once created, the union will become exemplary. Commitment in a relationship does not require additional testing.
  11. Virgo and Sagittarius. Sagittarius will always be able to provide Virgo with fun and will not let her relax, but Virgo will control all of Sagittarius’ actions or lead them to their logical conclusion.
  12. Libra and Pisces. When one partner loses vital energy, the other immediately finds ways to support and restore it.
  13. Scorpio and Gemini. Next to Scorpios, Gemini can change their attitude towards things, as well as their life priorities.
  14. Capricorn and Pisces. Create strong and long-lasting relationships. In their partner they will find what they themselves lack.

The best alliances

As noted above, stars promise couples from the same element a long and happy life. Inexhaustible interest in each other will always be supported by the eternal forces of fire, water, air and earth. From the corresponding values ​​in the table you can find out about your pair.

Fire couples

The signs of the fire element are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. These are emotionally strong partners with a burning fire in their souls:

  1. Aries and Sagittarius. The perfect fiery couple. In addition to love, there is strong friendship here. They understand each other perfectly, and they will always support any idea, even a crazy one, and see it through to the end.
  2. Leo and Sagittarius. A very harmonious couple. If they manage to keep the fire burning in the relationship, it will burn for a very long time.
  3. Aries and Leo. People under these signs will be good together, because they are not only partners, but also excellent friends. New plans and desires will always be supported.


Water signs include Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. Those born under these signs are dreamy in nature, they create the best creative combinations. A deep understanding of your lover is a characteristic feature of water signs:

  1. Cancer and Pisces. We can say about this couple that they are inseparable. And, indeed, water signs are similar to each other. These people will definitely be united by a common passion for a business, or they will be work colleagues.
  2. Cancer and Scorpio. The strong relationship of these two signs is built on the feelings and inner world of the partner. They understand without words that a loved one is near them.
  3. Pisces and Scorpio. Such a harmonious couple may seem too ideal. They understand their partner on an intuitive level and easily switch to other activities.

From the element of Earth

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn belong to the earth element. They are stable in their choice and are able to surprise with harmonious relationships. The best unions are made:

  1. Taurus and Capricorn. In this couple, in addition to the restless physical attraction to each other, fidelity and mutual interest are very well developed.
  2. Taurus and Virgo. So different in their views, they at the same time have a perfectly expressed balance of friendship, love and respect. Taurus adapts perfectly to Virgo's desire to plan everything down to the smallest detail and incredible precision of actions. The earth element contributes to the development of the relationship between these two partners.
  3. Virgo and Capricorn. Purposeful people who know how to complete things they start. Quite conservative in their views, but having trusted and opened up to their partner, they go through life in the same direction.

Air combinations

The air element includes the zodiac signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They create the best matches among other zodiac compatibility:

  1. Gemini and Libra. The priority of such a couple is self-development and new knowledge. They place the psychological aspect of personality above all active activities. Such a union may seem boring to others, but loving partners are not particularly eager to stand out and show feelings.
  2. Gemini and Aquarius. The element of air inspires an insatiable desire to learn new things and experiment. They can easily replace mental leisure activities with active recreation.

Aquarius and Libra. They know how to smooth out corners in conflicts. Non-standard and comprehensive interests, new hobbies are the most important part of their life.

Zodiac attraction is a huge force that constantly grows and strengthens when two elements come closer and look in the same direction. The ideal union of two zodiac signs does not mean a life without problems, but the stars will certainly help maintain the relationship.

There are certain things that help you understand someone better: favorite food, favorite movies, stories from childhood, etc. But the information about your astrological compatibility goes much deeper than any of these things. In fact, you can find out how suitable a certain person is for you if you know his date of birth. After studying the information presented below, it will be easier for you to decide whether your relationship has a future or not.

Libra and Leo

Representatives of these signs love to complement each other; they are irreplaceable interlocutors. They both love social gatherings and also adore romance and complement each other intimately. They both feel free in this relationship and are not afraid to show feelings. Leo demands attention, and Libra will constantly and with pleasure flatter this ego.

Aries and Aquarius

Such a tandem is never bored together! This relationship will be amazing and full of adventure! They love each other, but they also love their freedom. These two can be a very creative couple, and mutual admiration only fuels the relationship.

Aries and Cancer

Aries is brave and fiercely independent, he is confident and smart, he has a head on his shoulders. Cancer will be attracted by such energy, he will gladly accept challenges, and will also help Aries to show all his positive qualities. Aries can teach Cancer how to become independent.

Pisces and Aries

These two are a great match as they are both romantics at heart who will carry true love through the years. These feelings will motivate them to become better. Pisces will be more sensitive, their reliability will help them go a long way in relationships. Aries is a proactive leader, but he will not hesitate to follow Pisces. He will also take on the role of defender.

Taurus and Cancer

Representatives of these signs have complete understanding with each other. Cancer is loyal and affectionate and provides strong emotional support. They both value home and family, stability, but they will also never refuse to relax in good company. In addition, these are unsurpassed gourmets! After all, spending time together in the kitchen is key.

Taurus and Capricorn

The two respect and love each other and have an almost telepathic understanding. Taurus will admire their partner's work ethic, strong ambitions and cheerful nature, while Capricorn will be grateful for someone else's common sense. Fortunately, these practical signs are on the same wavelength, so to speak, and have a lot in common.

Sagittarius and Aries

Sagittarius is a master of adventure who loves his freedom, always following his heart. Aries is also a person who can't live without adventure and fun, so these two will vacation everywhere together and never get tired of it. They are also not conflict instigators, these relationships are full of joy, there is no room for drama!

Cancer and Pisces

These signs have a natural spiritual connection. Pisces will easily ensure harmony; the couple intuitively understands each other. They are both deeply sentimental and gentle, well-mannered and calm. And since the No. 1 need in this relationship is love and peace, the couple will probably be together for a long time!

Leo and Sagittarius

They are both optimistic and generous, and they also love to party! Both are a little impulsive, but does common sense really hurt in a relationship? Leo can be a little stubborn, but his partner will help you find solutions that are not visible at first glance. Sagittarius will love to the end, and Leo is flattered by this; he appreciates the lack of jealousy on the part of Sagittarius.

Virgo and Capricorn

Virgo is thoughtful, calm, vulnerable, but she tries in every possible way to hide it. It's very difficult to get the key to her heart, but it's like unlocking a code. Once you know it, you will always own it. Capricorn will pull Virgo out of her “shell”; he is not afraid of her mysterious nature. Once Virgo opens up, Capricorn will begin to be attracted to her even more.

Leo and Gemini

This cheerful duo loves adventure! Leo values ​​loyalty and is a strong and quite decisive partner, while Gemini is kind-hearted and focused on making others feel loved. They appreciate Leo's practicality and find him attractive.

Aquarius and Gemini

These two signs will go through life together, overcome ups and downs. Geminis simply love fantasy, and creative Aquarius is full of them! Both of these signs enjoy their independence, so they understand each other's needs and neither will be clingy. Gemini maintains vigor in relationships, and Aquarius maintains calm.

Scorpio and Leo

It can be kind of a tense relationship. Scorpio can be alluring and jealous, with a sharp tongue. But Leo will feed on this passion, desire it with all his heart. They are both very loyal, but also very determined, so if they can work on their relationship, the fireworks will be more than explosive.

Gemini and Libra

These signs can be said to have an intellectual relationship, but they also love sex very much. Relationships will be healthy and strong with these signs. They both appreciate beauty (Libra in art, Gemini in ideas). Libra, who values ​​harmony more than all of us, will not encourage Gemini's love of argument and will create calm.

Cancer and Pisces

Both signs belong to the element of Water, which makes them incredibly compatible. Pisces loves harmonious relationships, and when they connect with Cancer, who is intuitive and nurturing, their bond becomes unbreakable. They both follow their hearts, so they understand each other without words.

Perhaps you are the lucky one!

Previously, the question “What is your zodiac sign?” was a stupid cliché and a catchphrase that never fails, writes Urbo.

This is because the general wisdom was that those born under certain star signs are more compatible with others.

Nowadays this theory is mentioned less often, but it has not lost its relevance, so we have nevertheless selected a list of the best couples for you.

Here are the very combinations of zodiac signs for long and happy relationships:

Scorpio and Cancer.

This passionate couple will create a balance between hard work and adventure. Scorpio will bring true loyalty into your life, which Cancer will be able to appreciate. Cancer will retain emotions and unpredictability in relationships.

Beware of some Scorpios who may try to take away from you what is rightfully yours. When Scorpios engage in "bad" tactics, they don't pay attention to how your life is structured.

Some of the more dangerous Scorpios may try to steal your partner, just to prove that they can!

Aries and Gemini.

This is another balanced pair. While Aries will demonstrate their determination, Gemini will ensure that you make the right informed decisions.

However, to get to the altar, you will have to work on the problems that plague your signs. Sometimes Aries can be very impatient, this is worth paying attention to.

Gemini sometimes delays for a long time, which increases Aries's impatience. If you're a Gemini, turn on the "patience and determination" mode and your romance will become incredible.

Sagittarius and Leo.

These two were made for each other. Each of them can be a little short-tempered and reckless, but they both tend to be positive and kind.

These mirror personalities can actually feed off each other. A real fire can ignite between these two hot signs (but that can be a good thing, especially in the bedroom).

Relationships can be threatened by Sagittarius' habit of not seeing potential problems until it's too late, and Leo's tendency to turn on the overbearing "boss." Stay open and you will always be together.

Libra and Aries.

Speaking of strong couples! This tandem combines diplomacy and leadership. Both of these signs will work together and can look forward to achieving high personal, social and professional goals.

However, those born under the sign of Aries are not the best at planning. Don't let your impulsiveness threaten your relationship with Libra.

As for Libra, watch your natural tendency to flirt. Don't make Aries jealous.

Pisces and Scorpio.

Pisces and Scorpio go together like yin and yang. While Pisces may cool a relationship with a reserved and sometimes simple-minded demeanor, Scorpio will add intensity and passion to it. When these two get together, they will definitely hit it off.

On the other hand, a situation may occur in which Scorpios control the life of Pisces too much. Be careful, get to know your partner well. Strategy is never superfluous.

Virgo and Aquarius.

Pure bliss watching this couple. Aquarius will constantly bring new ideas, and Virgo will analyze, reflect on the smallest details while their partner moves on to the next big idea.

These two complement each other in that when Aquarius suddenly wants to be alone, Virgo can be completely immersed in her thoughts.

Your main obstacle in relationships is Aquarius's love of experimentation and Virgo's critical, perfectionist nature. Learn to cooperate, and romance in a relationship is guaranteed.

Aries and Capricorn.

This is another power couple; Both are ambitious and driven, each bringing their own leadership style to the table, helping to keep each other on their toes.

Whether they want to throw a party or conquer the world, if they decide to do it together, they will do it!

This amazing relationship can be hindered by Capricorn's periodic pessimistic thoughts. If you're an Aries, you just need to encourage your partner to keep moving forward and upward again!

Pisces and Cancer.

Pisces and Cancer dress up as a passionate couple. Cancer brings a new, romantic perspective, and Pisces will soak it up, respecting every gesture on the part of their partner.

To get the most out of this relationship, Pisces will have to overcome the habit of keeping secrets from their significant other.

Cancer must remember not to overreact to difficult situations. Learn to calmly solve problems together and your path to a happy life will be easier than you think.

Gemini and Virgo.

This couple is really good together. Together they see all sides of the problem, which means they can break through all sorts of obstacles.

By combining their forces, they can achieve incredible success.

When this couple has an argument, they may say a lot of unnecessary things, turning a minor conflict into a major battle that threatens the relationship. Learn to breathe out and work things out peacefully.

Capricorn and Aquarius.

This couple is a wonderful combination of a leader and a thinker. One develops a plan, while the other actively implements it.

Unfortunately, Capricorns and Aquarius can both be a little depressed. Here's how to deal with it: You can work together, drawing on your own experiences, to help your partner come out of a dark place.

Discuss your plans when you're both in a good mood so you're prepared to face depression head-on.

Taurus and Virgo.

This is one of the most stable, long-term couples. Taurus is a delightful home person who would rather spend an evening with Netflix and a loved one than at the club. Virgo also prefers a quiet life.

This strength is also their greatest potential weakness. Constant closeness can make you forget what it's like to go out and make new friends.

And when you finally decide to change the situation a little, one of the most unfortunate qualities of Taurus may come out: a tendency to jealousy.

Sagittarius and Taurus.

Everyone knows that people born under the sign of Sagittarius love travel, adventure and freedom. Meanwhile, most people born under the sign of Taurus prefer comfort and silence. How can these two make a great couple you ask?

This is a couple of exceptions. Of all the zodiac sign combinations, the connection between Sagittarius and Taurus is the most powerful.

Taurus's job is to give Sagittarius the complete freedom he needs. Sagittarians need to remember how important their partner is to them and be grateful for such a wonderful relationship.

Don't let a sudden whim make you forget who's there for you and what you've been through together.

The stars recommend that everyone who is in search of an ideal relationship not neglect their advice.

The ideal relationship for you is a balance between stability and adventure. Libra will help you find him: it is with a representative of this zodiac sign that you can create a strong and very harmonious union. Well, if you are more interested in crazy sex, then look for meetings with Scorpio or Pisces.

You attract strong and independent individuals, of which there are many Aries. Your union will probably turn out to be reliable: you won’t have to regret what you did. When it comes to sex, Pisces and Cancer are your choice: they know how to make you feel like you're on cloud nine.

You don't always know what exactly you need. Sagittarius will help you understand your desires. At the same time, it will show you what a real adventure is and teach you to enjoy life every day. In bed, you will get along well with Capricorns and Cancers. They seem to know something about your secret sexual fantasies!

You need a partner you can rely on in any situation. Meet Capricorn: confident and reliable as a rock. Don't miss the chance to enter into a serious and long-term relationship with him. Well, you can flirt desperately with Aquarius and Scorpio: they will help you discover your sexuality.

You need a partner with whom you can share knowledge: in a relationship, you constantly need to learn something. But you also love to teach – this cannot be taken away from Leo. Gentle Aquarius can curb your ardor. And he has enough knowledge on a variety of issues. The ideal sexual partner for you is Pisces: they know how to add a pinch of their mysticism to the fire of your passion.

You are attracted to things the essence of which you cannot explain. Scorpio will help you find the answers: sexy, lively and passionate. At the same time, it is quite possible to build a serious relationship with him: you are able to pacify his ardor. The energy of Aries can turn you on, but you can’t really count on “happily ever after” in such a union. Rather, it will be “bright and memorable.”

But you and Aries can develop a very stable relationship: he will help you maintain balance. In addition, your views on beauty coincide, so you will always find something to talk about. As for sex, take a closer look at your Taurus friends: in bed you will understand each other at a glance.

You are a strong personality and you need a strong partner. Aries is a great option. You will easily find a common language, and you will never be bored in each other's company. Gemini can turn you on: you will like their easy nature and readiness for bold experiments.

You are bursting with ideas and bold plans. Aquarius will be able to share your passion. They will also appreciate your passion for travel and the ease with which you can take off. All in all, a great union. Cancers turn you on sexually: in bed they are the ones who will help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts.

Cancer is your bro. He will bring into your life those emotions that you, the main astrological control freak, sometimes lack so much. The ideal lover for you is Leo: expect intense passions and sparkles from the eyes (in a good way).

Leo can unravel your mysterious nature and understand who you really are. He will not encroach on your independence, and your common desire to help people will only strengthen your union. If we talk about sex, then your ideal partner is Virgo: in bed you are on the same wavelength. Outside of it - not always.

You want a Leo: reliable, passionate and honest. With it you can go to an expensive restaurant or to intelligence. The best lover for a Pisces is a Pisces. No one understands better what you want, but he will definitely understand - and how!