The best season of the battle of psychics according to viewers. The strongest psychics in Russia

The “Battle of Psychics” program on the TNT channel, like many other things on our television, is an invention of the British. The Britain’s Psychic Challenge format (literally “British Spiritual Challenge”) was bought by many countries, including ours. If in England the program started in the fall of 2006, then ours, filmed according to local patterns, first appeared on television in February 2007.

The 3rd season of the “Battle of Psychics” is considered the highest rated season. The project attracted the maximum possible number of viewers from television screens. By the way, the winner of that season was one of the brightest participants - Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa. Despite criticism of the show, despite various “shocking revelations from the participants” and “unknown details of the behind-the-scenes struggle,” the show’s popularity, if at all, is falling, then only slightly. As StarHit learned, the penultimate episode of the 18th season of “Battle” was watched by 13.2% of all Russians whose TV was turned on at that moment (data from Mediascope; information about the finale will be known a little later). Not a bad indicator, I must say.

The following information is known to many. But it would be strange not to mention these people. From the 1st to the 7th seasons, the program was hosted by the popular actor Mikhail Porechenkov; from the 8th season to this day, the host is the no less popular artist Marat Basharov. The co-hosts and sometimes direct participants in the tests are the so-called skeptics: the illusionists the Safronov brothers and the famous psychiatrist-criminalist Mikhail Vinogradov. A little later, in 2010, psychologist Alexander Makarov also joined them. A huge number of stars of various sizes took part in the “Battle of Psychics”. Someone acted as a guinea pig, someone helped the main presenter, among them: Lera Kudryavtseva, Ksenia Borodina, Vera Sotnikova, Ksenia Novikova.

The number of heroes in each season varies. How the number of releases changes because of this. In total, through the crucible of competitions and tests - for 18 seasons! - 178 people passed, 61 of them made it to the finals. The most popular seasons were the 13th, 17th and 18th seasons, which were released in 2013, 2016 and 2017, respectively. In the first two cases, 13 people became participants in the project, in the last season – also 13, although the couple of Zhan and Dana Alibekov acted as one participant. In other seasons, the number of psychics ranged from 8 to 12.

It is noteworthy that the “Battle of Psychics” was most often won by boys and men. To date, they have been winners ten times. Girls and women are a little less common - eight. By the way, all the finals were mixed, that is, representatives of both sexes participated in them. Except for season 16. Then, in 2015, only women reached the finals: Nicole Kuznetsova, Marilyn Kerro and Victoria Raidos, who eventually won.

The leader of the season is determined by audience voting. Sometimes the winner gets almost all the votes, sometimes they are evenly distributed among several participants, and then a couple of extra percentages actually decide everything. In the 8th season, for example, Vladimir Muranov received only 45% of the audience votes, but this was enough to beat Dilaram Saparova with 43% and Galina Bagirova with 12%. Valery Gibert grabbed the maximum percentage at the end of the 11th season. The guy managed to get 91.4% of the votes. His rivals - Victoria Subota (5.8%), Vlad Kadoni (2%), Anika Sokolskaya (0.8%) - were left far behind.

Sadly, out of 178 participants in the program, five did not survive to the end of 2017. Season 3 finalist Alexey Fad died of a heart attack. Alexey’s colleague from the same 2007 releases, Nadezhda Titova, also died; the cause of her death is unknown. Season 4 participant Alexander Agapit died in a car accident. Season 7 finalist Ilona Novoselova fell from a sixth-floor window. The hero of the 9th season of “Battle” Yuri Isparyants died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

“The Battle of Psychics” has always been broadcast and continues to air on the TNT channel, although the day and time of release periodically change. In 2007, the show aired on Sundays. From the fall of 2008 to the end of 2010, “The Battle” was broadcast on Saturdays. From the fall of 2011 to December 2012, the project moved to Friday, but in September 2013 the show moved again to Saturday.

What the most interesting season of the “Battle of Psychics” was, everyone determines in their own way.

Perhaps it is yet to come.

There is hardly a person in our country who watches TV more or less regularly who would not know about the TV show “Battle of Psychics.” This program has been running since 2007, the number of seasons has exceeded one and a half dozen, but there is still no clear answer to the question of what the most interesting season of the “Battle of Psychics” was.

Many will probably name the first season, all episodes of which can be watched.

This is quite understandable, because until now there have been no programs of this format on our television, and topics related to human extrasensory abilities, and indeed mysticism in general, have been and are extremely popular. Suffice it to recall the numerous films and TV series in which various kinds of seers, psychics, etc. appear. Therefore, it is quite natural that the “Battle of Psychics” caused an incredible surge in audience interest.

Heroes and roles

“The Battle of Psychics” is really a battle, but the main weapon here is not physical training, but what is given by nature - extrasensory abilities that you and I do not possess. Therefore, only real psychics can become heroes - participants in the show. But whether they are real is determined by the qualifying round, and as a result, the number of participants is reduced by 3-4 times. They are the ones who become the heroes of the “Battle of Psychics”.

Each hero has his own image. This could be a charming blonde, whom you would never think that she has some kind of paranormal abilities, or an elderly woman in black with a piercing gaze, about whom you would immediately say that she is a witch, or maybe an unremarkable guy who in the end turns out to be the most powerful psychic.

The image of the program's heroes can be different - from an ordinary person whom you wouldn't even look back at on the street, to an exotic image created with the help of a man's hairstyle, mustache and beard, clothing, headdress, amulets, talismans. This, of course, gives the show entertainment, but still is not the main thing.

The truth is somewhere near

This phrase from the popular TV series “The X-Files” is perfect for the “Battle of Psychics.” Very often they turn out to be so close to the truth that it is simply amazing, and their correctness can be confirmed by actual participants in the events who are in another room and watching the progress of the battle on the monitor.

It is difficult to determine which season of the “Battle of Psychics” was the most interesting, because this matter is quite subjective. However, if you wish, you can review all seasons of the program by going through this link.

However, there is a more objective criterion - the transmission rating. The highest rating (33.4%) was for the episode of season 14 dated November 24, 2013, which was dedicated to the mystery of the murder of the legendary TV presenter and journalist Vlad Listyev. By that time, 18 years had passed since his death, but the killer (and the customer?) had never been found.

This was one of the most notorious murders of the 90s, and Listyev was known and loved by everyone, so everyone had a burning interest in the task assigned to the psychics. Most of the participants correctly described from the photo some moments in Listyev’s life, and one even said that he knew who the customer was, but refused to name him in front of the camera.

This program really turned out to be exciting and with an incredibly high rating by television standards, but perhaps an even more interesting season is ahead?..

March 08, 2016

The “TV program” brought together famous magicians who gained popularity thanks to their participation in the “Battle of Psychics.” Over 9 years, 16 seasons of the rating project were released. Some psychics from dozens of participants conduct successful practices, write books and are as popular as ever.

Alexander Litvin

more on the topic

“I don’t really like the word “psychic” because of the associations it evokes and the stereotypes. The knowledge that I possess is knowledge of a narrow circle, and my task is to convey it to as many people as possible, explain cause-and-effect relationships, teach how to catch a fair wind, explains the winner of the 6th “Battle of Psychics "on the TNT channel.

Alexander came to Moscow to participate in a television project from the city of Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region. His wife died during filming. After the funeral, he decided not to stay at home, as he said, “he was afraid of going crazy.” He moved to Moscow with his two sons. After the finale aired, thousands of people who wanted to get advice from Litvin flew to him from all over the country. Now their number has not decreased. Alexander helps to improve matters in business and personal life. He calls himself a consultant. Many stars consult with Litvin, among them, for example, Sergei Bezrukov. “Having found out a person’s date of birth or shook his hand, I can tell everything about him and, if possible, give some advice,” says Alexander Litvin. He never answers the question: how long will a person live? Litvin married and in his second marriage had two sons.

Mohsen Norouzi

Photo: Mohsen Norouzi official website

The winner of the 10th “Battle of Psychics” is hosting a reception in Moscow. Sometimes he goes to Tehran to visit his two daughters and grandchildren. Mohsen, explaining how he sees the past and predicts the future, says that symbols flash in his mind, and the necessary words themselves appear on the tongue. Mohsen often surprised the audience in the “Battle of Psychics.” In one of the final tasks, he correctly indicated the location of the sniper who was watching the psychics through the rifle scope. Mohsen said he remembers what it was like to be under the gun of a sniper. Since, when in his youth he served in his homeland in the army, the Iran-Iraq war began and he had to fight. The psychic does not like to remember this time.

Victoria Rydos

A specialist in tarot cards, clairvoyance and occult sciences won a landslide victory in the latest season of the show “Battle of Psychics.” The witch's competitors suspected that she was casting a spell so that they would not be able to pass the tests. Raidos used grave soil in rituals; she communicates with the dead, sees the souls of the dead and makes contact with them. The so-called “book of the dead” helps her in this. Its pages are clean, but for Victoria, each of them contains a separate story of a person who has passed away. Rydos admitted that she cannot predict everything. Her friend’s mother died, and Victoria was accused of not warning about the tragedy. From the television screen, Raidos addressed a loved one, saying that she is always there, but it is better not to know about some events in advance.

Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa

“When I was 6 years old, I told my parents to warn my neighbor: he shouldn’t drive tomorrow,” Mehdi recalls. “I explained to my mom and dad that I had a dream in which the neighbor got into a major accident. The father warned the man. But he, like many other people, ignored this warning. The man drove a car on the indicated day and died. After which, of course, they said that it was me who croaked”... Mehdi, using his abilities, often helped people. He received three higher medical educations: general practitioner, dentist, and psychologist. After winning the 3rd season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Mehdi announced that he works with people as a psychologist. Now he advises in Moscow on the following issues: getting rid of fears, stress, phobias and psychological trauma; protection from negativity; restoration of energy potential, reserve vital forces of the body, which are reflected in the aging process; energy programming for good luck, increased income, success in business and career.

Vitaly Gibert

The 27-year-old St. Petersburg handsome man became the first in the 11th “Battle”. The esotericist and mystic is fluent in hypnosis and practices healing, has the ability to attract women of any age and instill peace in people. Vitaly believes that a person is able to cope with any problems on his own; his task is to guide and tell a person how to start moving towards his goal. Vitaly Gibert successfully passed all the tests at the “Battle of Psychics,” which irritated his opponents. Envious people started a “canard” that his victory in the project, when he received 90% of the audience votes, was paid for by his relatives. But this was not confirmed. Thousands of fans confirm that Gibert’s charm, external beauty and magical abilities work wonders.

Alexander Sheps

“As a child, I came to my grandfather’s grave with my grandmother. And suddenly we both heard a voice that demanded that we leave immediately. We ran away, scared, and lightning struck the place where we were standing a minute ago. At that moment, I realized that there was something beyond that available to me,” recalls Alexander. In the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, Sheps won, according to him, he was helped in this by “the souls of dead people who get in touch with him.” It was in this way that he received the right answers to the right questions and helped people. For predictions, Alexander uses different methods: Tarot cards, pendulums, artifacts.

Natalia Vorotnikova

In early childhood she experienced two clinical deaths. It was these events that largely determined the fate of the future psychic, clairvoyant, healer and winner of the very first “Battle of Psychics.” From an early age, Natalia foresaw and predicted misfortunes for those around her. She was called a witch, a radar. In her parents’ house, Natasha’s energy was causing household appliances and light bulbs to burn out. After graduating from the International Academy of Informatization, Vorotnikova learned to control her powers, the manifestation of her abilities and her amazing gift.

Lilia Khegai

The clairvoyant removes the evil eye and damage. Her abilities manifested themselves in childhood, and “worked” in full force after she suffered a clinical death. According to Lilia, the gift passed to her from her grandmother. Her opponents in the 5th “Battle of Psychics” believed that she was blocking the information they needed. Lilia lives in Moscow. After participating in the television project, she began to communicate with Alexander Kharlamov, the son of a famous hockey player. Their acquaintance took place at the “Battle”, after Liliya told the amazing results of the investigation into the death of hockey player Valery Kharlamov and his wife. Khegai “saw” information about the last minutes of the Kharlamovs’ life. This shocked Alexander Kharlamov.

Marilyn Kerro

The finalist of the last season of the “Battle of Psychics” is a close friend of Alexander Sheps. Marilyn's great-grandmother was a witch, she could find missing people and predict misfortunes. Marilyn inherited books describing magical rituals from her. At a spiritualistic session, according to Marilyn, the soul of her late great-grandmother appeared to her, after which the girl believed in her gift. She can “see” and feel people’s pain. Kerro plans to open a magic salon in his homeland, Estonia. Marilyn's mom is the owner of a beauty salon, and her dad is raising a psychic's 4-year-old sister. According to Marilyn, the girl is already showing strong psychic abilities.

Roman Fad

Finalist of the “Battle of Psychics”, son of the finalist of the third season of the show Alexey Fada. Roman calls himself a hereditary sorcerer. Abilities in their family are inherited through the male line. Fans of Roman still remember one of the most striking tests of the “Battle”, when among several people he found a person who had survived clinical death. He did this by communicating with the spirits through his voodoo staff.

After participating in the television project, father and son engaged in psychic practice. After the death of his father, Roman Fad continued the family business. He believes: “Interest in the paranormal will continue to exist for a long time. Until science gives a definitive answer. To believe or not to believe, what to believe is everyone’s personal choice.” Roman writes books and conducts receptions. He is ready to provide assistance on the following issues: removing the crown of celibacy, damage, the evil eye, curses, returning a loved one, controlling fate, choosing an amulet and many others.