What does it mean to see a small child in a dream. Why do you dream about a baby: a stranger or a dear one?

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Why do I dream about children?

Most interpretations of dream books indicate that a healthy and beautiful child who appears in your dream is a messenger of joy, success, profits and other manifestations of well-being. This could be a pleasant surprise, sudden gain, promotion, strengthening relationships with friends and relatives. The esoteric dream book reports that the appearance of a child in dreams is a harbinger of a good event to come. And according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a small child dreams of prosperity, but if he is ugly or naked and dirty, it means you should prepare for future troubles that will unexpectedly appear in your life. caring about her child - a favorable dream, promising happiness and health.

Boy or girl?

It is also important what gender the child appears in your dream. Dreaming of a boy means that you will soon be given a pleasant surprise, and for a pregnant woman such a dream can be considered a promise of an easy birth. If you saw a crying boy in a dream, think about showing more attention to your loved ones, and games with baby in a dream - will be a harbinger of the onset of a happy period in your life. An unfamiliar child in a dream, who seems to be your own son, will warn you of possible disappointments in love or mistrust on the part of the opposite sex.

What if you dream about a cute girl? For a woman, such a dream can be regarded as a promise of an early pregnancy, while a man who sees a girl child in a dream should be prepared for the fact that he will certainly have a good assistant in some difficult undertaking. A girl seen in a dream can serve as a message about upcoming news, while if the child is clean and beautiful, the news will be pleasant, and a dirty or ugly girl will warn of unpleasant news.

Rock the baby in your arms...

A dreamed baby is always interpreted as a harbinger of prosperity and future happiness, however, if you are rocking a baby in your arms, a modern dream book can warn you about deception from a loved one, and sick child The person you pick up will be evidence of minor troubles. And according to Aesop’s dream book, after a dream where you rocked the baby in your arms, you should be prepared for difficulties in achieving your desired goal.

Other people's children in their own dreams

It often happens that in a dream you see someone else’s child; such a dream is interpreted in different ways. A beautiful and cheerful baby in a dream means the imminent appearance of a “soulmate” in your life or an improvement in your relationship with your lover. In addition, the appearance of other people’s children in your own dream can be regarded as a signal that you will have to face difficulties, but they will be completely surmountable.

I dreamed about a dead child

You should not be afraid of such a dream. The English dream book reports that such a dream may indicate the opposite, which means your the kids will be healthy and happy. But in Miller’s dream book on this matter it is said that problems and difficulties may await the child, and unnecessary worries or disappointments may await you. Although there is such a thing as “prophetic dreams,” you should not give in to worries when you see a sick or dead child in a dream; most dream interpreters are unanimous in the opinion that such a dream in life will turn out to be the complete opposite, that is, the health and well-being of the baby.

Seeing small children in a dream is a good sign that promises joy, calmness, harmony and positive moments in reality. To correctly interpret a dream, one should take into account the child’s gender, his behavior and the emotions that the dreamer had to experience in the dream.

Seeing small children in a dream - what does the dream mean?

Beautiful and cute little children are a joy to dream about in reality. A woman who dreams of children may dream of a small child. Children in dreams are a symbol of development, change, and material well-being.

  • A dream in which the dreamer sees students promises a stable income and financial well-being.
  • Saddened and crying babies in a dream are a sign that gossip and intrigue are woven around the dreamer and he should be wary of the machinations of ill-wishers.
  • Many joyful kids in a dream - to profit, winnings, a successful project.
  • Hitting small children means big troubles and problems in real life.
  • To visit an orphanage or orphanage in a dream means expect support and real help from friends and loved ones.
  • Kidnapping children in a dream is a risky proposition.

What gender were the children in your dream?

  • If you dream of little girls, expect guests. Their visit will be a surprise for you. If the kids are joyful and calm, meeting with friends will bring a lot of positive moments, and if they cried and were capricious, get ready for chaos in the house.
  • Seeing unfamiliar male children in a dream means a pleasant acquaintance awaits the dreamer. For a woman, a dream means a lot of attention from fans who will try to win her affections.

What did the children do in their sleep?

  • A capricious and crying unfamiliar child in a dream - expect troubles in reality.
  • If you dreamed of a child who helps elders around the house, the dreamer will experience a favorable period in life associated with an improvement in his financial situation. Perhaps there is a promotion at work, the start of an interesting profitable project in business.
  • A child sitting in the middle of the road in a dream is a symbol of uncertainty and confusion. The dreamer cannot independently find a way out of a difficult everyday situation.
  • To see a group of children in nature or on vacation in a dream - the subconscious mind tells a person that it is time for him to rest, take time for himself, his family and restore strength.
  • Sick children dream of difficulties and obstacles on the way to their intended goal.

Small children in a dream according to Miller's dream book

A dream in which the dreamer sees many beautiful, carefree children portends well-being and prosperity.

  • Seeing sick children means troubles and problems; your financial well-being may be shaken.
  • Playing with children means you will achieve success in any endeavor.
  • Feeding babies means profit and a prosperous life in reality.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga believes that children in a dream are a symbol of problems that the dreamer must solve in real life, making every effort.

  • According to Vanga’s dream book, a crying baby is a harbinger of war or global changes in the future.
  • Seeing sick children or disabled people in a dream - pay attention to your addictions, which it’s time to give up.
  • Having fun with your children - get ready for quick changes in life, a change of job, or field of activity.

The meaning of sleep according to Freud

  • According to Freud’s dream book, a man’s dream of a child is a symbol of a lack of sexual experiences and emotions in reality; it’s time for him to diversify his sex life.
  • If a woman dreams of children, she needs affection and attention from a man. The dream speaks of her dissatisfaction and uncertainty that she is loved.

What does the modern dream book say?

According to the modern dream book, children dream of troubles, most often unpleasant ones.

  • If you dreamed of many healthy and cheerful toddlers, the dreamer will experience joyful events and success in a new business.
  • Seeing a little boy means an exciting and important event in life. A lot of boys in a dream means anxiety.
  • If your baby falls in a dream, expect obstacles in your business, and if he starts crying, you are surrounded by deceitful friends who are ready to betray you at any moment.
  • Watching children playing is a sign of good news and joy in family life.
  • An unhealthy child dreams of a quarrel and family troubles.

Having studied the interpretations of popular dream books, we can conclude that young children dream of joyful events and positive changes in reality. This is a pleasant and positive dream that foreshadows a favorable period in life.

Few women will be able to look at beautiful photos with small babies and hold back a smile of tenderness. Small children are a great joy; hopes for the future, further continuation of the family and life are associated with them. After talking with a small baby, holding him in your arms, inhaling his scent, you can recharge yourself with positive energy for a long time, the same goes for dreams with toddlers.

Dreams in which small children appear do not foretell a new addition to the family. From the point of view of psychology, a small child, the birth of a child symbolizes the renewal of life, the appearance of something unusual in the life of a dreamer, or it is a symbol of the birth of new ideas that have to be brought to life.

A child in a dream - general interpretation.

If you dreamed about a child, expect surprise and a miracle. Babies in a dream foretell the arrival of a pleasant and completely unexpected surprise. Sometimes dreams even show how soon a pleasant surprise will happen, and even in what place. So if you dream of a trip with a small child, then a pleasant event will certainly happen during the trip.

Bathing a baby symbolizes washing away difficulties, and in the near future a difficult situation will be resolved in a positive way. The child in this case symbolizes the dreamer, and dirt on the child represents problems. Therefore, by bathing a child, problems are solved. Perhaps, in the near future, after sleep, insight will come and a decision on how to eliminate the accumulated problems. Also, a newborn baby speaks of the well-being that the dreamer will achieve through his own efforts.

A newborn baby can also be dreamed of as a harbinger of mutual love and strong friendship. An interesting interpretation can be considered a child walking independently, which is a symbol of the independence of the sleeping person.

Psychologists say that people who often dream of babies are by nature shy and very trusting, literally as naive as children.

Gender of the child you dreamed about

When interpreting a dream, it is important to pay attention to who exactly you dreamed about – a boy or a girl. In this way, more detailed information can be obtained. If you dream of a boy, you can safely expect a pleasant surprise. And if a pregnant woman dreams of a boy, this is a harbinger of an easy birth.

If you dream that a little boy is crying, you need to pay more attention to your loved ones. The child, in this case, symbolizes relatives, and crying is a lack of attention and the need for communication or help from the dreamer.

Playing with a child in a dream is a harbinger of a happy period in life, which is just around the corner. I can also dream about children as a warning. So, if you dream of a completely unfamiliar child, but in the dream it seems that he is one of your own, then this may be a signal that disappointments lie ahead, perhaps even the formation of distrust of the opposite sex.

Girls can dream as harbingers of an imminent pregnancy, but if men dream of little girls, this indicates that an assistant will soon appear, which will be very useful. If a woman gives birth to a girl in a dream, then this promises her a comfortable future. Also, such a dream can be interpreted as the birth, or rather the beginning, of a new happy relationship that will end with a logical end. Dreaming about girls can also be seen as harbingers of imminent news, but what they will be will all depend on the dream.

If you dream of a pure, beautiful girl, then the news will be very pleasant, if everything is accurate, but vice versa, then the news will be appropriate.

What did the child do in his dream?

A small child means, in any case, changes that will happen in the near future. But no less important is what exactly you dreamed about, what exactly happened in the dream. If you dream that you are sitting by a baby’s crib, then this indicates family troubles, but they promise to be pleasant. If a man had such a dream, then this symbolizes the beginning of new affairs and projects at work or in business. And you will have to devote a lot of time to these projects, just like a newborn baby.

Feeding a child, especially if the baby eats with appetite, symbolizes health and well-being. But rocking a child in your arms can promise deception of a loved one. If you take a sick child in your arms in a dream, minor troubles await you.

Whose children did you dream about?

When interpreting a dream, the fact whose children are may also be important. Our dreams are very interesting, and in a dream we may dream that we have children, although there are no such outside the land of dreams. There are many options. So, if in a dream you hold a child in your arms, and in the dream it seems that it is your own child, then this indicates that things that were planned may not go according to plan.

But if you dreamed about your own child, then you can safely expect surprises, in the good sense of the word. If you dreamed of someone else’s child, for example, the child of a friend or acquaintance, then this indicates that someone is trying to rake out the heat with the hands of the dreamer. But don’t be afraid, nothing will work out, these plans are not destined to come true.

Someone else’s beautiful and cheerful child in a dream can be interpreted as the immediate prospect of pleasant acquaintances with their logical conclusion. If you already have a soulmate, then such a dream may indicate an improvement and a transition to another stage of the relationship.

As paradoxical as it may sound, if you dream of your own sick child, then in reality the child will have good health, but minor troubles lie ahead.

I dreamed about a dead child

With what horror a woman wakes up after such a dream, the feeling of anxiety makes her literally suffocate. But you should not be afraid of such a dream. Such dreams are the opposite of what was seen, i.e. Everything will be fine with the child, the children will be healthy and happy. On the other hand, such a dream may show that troubles, unnecessary worries, and disappointments lie ahead.

From a psychological point of view, such dreams can be an indicator of the loss of a loved one, and we are not necessarily talking about death. Many women say that after a divorce or breakup of a long-term relationship, they were visited by such dreams. In this case, a child in a dream symbolizes something valuable, be it a relationship or a person, and his death in a dream is a severance of these relationships, communication with people. The man left the life of the dreamer, literally died.

For some, any mischievous trick of the kids causes tenderness and a smile, while others are annoyed even by their presence. Why do little children dream? The dream book ambiguously interprets the plot with children in a dream: the interpretation may depend both on the details of the dream and on your emotional mood towards the baby.

For a loving mother, seeing young children healthy and beautiful in a dream is a good sign: the dream book predicts a happy and prosperous period in life. Even if your own children get sick in a dream, this is still considered positive - they will very rarely get sick.

If you play with other people's children, then in reality you cannot decide which activity you like. It’s better to wait a little while changing your profession to your favorite one; anyway, nothing will work out at the moment.

If a business man dreams of small children, then the dream book associates them with a recently started business. Do you remember the emotional coloring of the dream, how did you feel about the guys? If you have experienced irritation and anger, then in reality business will not give you pleasure.

If the general mood of the dream was positive, then the goals you set for yourself will be achieved with incredible ease. In addition, you will enjoy achieving them, and the profit you will receive in the end will be higher than all expectations.

Small children are often dreamed of by those who, for whatever reason, cannot have their own. This is a reflection of the subconscious desire to find a strong, friendly family and home comfort. Don’t worry, all this is achievable, the main thing is to show the will and take a step forward.

If you often see your own children in your dreams, then the dream book gives a warning that they really need you. Pay more attention to your kids, even if they don’t particularly require it from you. Also, this may be a subconscious personification of concern for their fate and future.

Depending on the situation, the dream book gives other predictions about why small children dream. A woman who has acquired numerous offspring in a dream can expect to meet an old friend. This event will entail troubles and troubles.

Why dream of feeding babies in a dream? You will receive a difficult assignment at work. Although you will have to spend the lion's share of moral and physical strength on it, the reward will be higher than deserved, the money will flow like a river.

Interpretations of the dream book depending on the gender and age of the children

For a girl, small children and boys in a dream are a harbinger of the dream book about the appearance of numerous suitors. If the boys are also well-dressed and have a good-looking face, then the fans will be all right—wealthy and handsome.

A woman can have no doubt why she dreams of such a picture: she will receive significant funds, and for this she will not have to undertake any labor costs. But the boys are fighting, then in reality you need to be wary of dubious events - they will lead to ruin.

If in a dream you saw little girls, and the children were strangers to you and entered the house, then the dream book predicts the arrival of unexpected guests. Moreover, whether this surprise will be pleasant or not depends on the behavior of the girls. If they were noisy, then the guests will only bring chaos and confusion into the house.

And well-mannered, calmly behaving girls in a dream predict a pleasant company of good people, with whom you will enrich your horizons. It’s bad if girls pester you and ask a lot of questions; it is possible that after a pleasant evening with friends they will spread gossip about you.

Why do you dream of seeing your children when they are small? The dream book advises to at least call them, or better yet come. Now more than ever they need support, and it is the parental society, a conversation with relatives, that will help them come to their senses.

Also, if adult children dream of being small, then this may be a subconscious reflection of your desire to take care of someone. You are tired of loneliness, and the dream book advises gathering as many people around you as possible, and your state of mind will immediately return to normal.

If you dreamed of a lot of small children, and you kissed them, hugged them, showed affection, then the dream book predicts that in reality life will go on a calm course, scrapes and troubles will end, and you will only have to live and enjoy unprecedented harmony. Even such a negatively colored plot as beating children in a dream is deciphered by the dream book as a positive forecast: success awaits you in any endeavor, fortune favors you.

Foundlings in a dream are a good symbol. In real life, you will be accidentally given a job that will be to your liking and will bring stability in your financial affairs. The plot with children is interpreted negatively only if they are capricious and mischievous - minor troubles and tedious matters are guaranteed to you.



    I dreamed of many many children aged 3-5, both girls and boys together. They were kind, active and got along well with each other when playing, most of them climbed a small hill in the yard. They overcame it with joy and play, without even noticing it at all. I watched this picture while looking out the window in a dream. How to understand this vision?

  • I dreamed that I was on some planet. My team and I need to quickly save the kids and take them to Earth. But some children cried and did not obey, they did not want to run in. And like some kind of superheroine, I quickly and deftly chose an approach to everyone. She calmed all the children down, and they happily boarded our shuttle. In general, the operation to rescue small children was successful.

Every day we spend from 5 to 9 hours in sleep and live our whole lives there. Since ancient times, people have had a special relationship to dreams. Some believed that sleep is an illusion of death, others that it is travel to parallel worlds.

But everyone agreed that dreams for people are harbingers of both good and bad events. Therefore, even in ancient times, dream books were invented, where the subject of a dream is analyzed in detail from different positions.

When analyzing dreams, it is important to take into account information from different sources, so you will receive a more detailed and objective prediction.

The dreams in which you have children can be completely different both in content and emotional coloring. It is important to pay attention to the state in which you woke up, whether you are comfortable or anxious, because this can also affect the prediction. So, why do children dream?

Was there a boy?

First of all, if you dreamed of children, you should pay attention to the gender of the baby.

1. Why does a boy dream about a child? Let's turn to the literature, if you type in a search engine the query dream book: child is a boy, then you will be told that the meaning of the dream directly depends on the emotional state of the little guest.

To dream of a boy who smiles and shows an active interest in you is a sign of very good events. Fortune has turned to face you, an unexpected and pleasant surprise or news awaits you. If you dreamed of a child, a boy, who is sad or offended, this portends vanity and troubles.

2. Why does a boy dream about a child, we figured it out. But why does a girl dream about a child?

Be prepared for the fact that you will have a unique opportunity to finally express yourself and your positive qualities, talents and skills; soon you will experience a surge of positive emotions, so it will be pointless to keep you, you will be eager to fight and burst with creativity ideas. This is what a girl dreams about.

If you give birth, this means a remarkable financial recovery, new projects and career advancement.

According to the Small Velesov dream book, a child dreams of a girl to surprise, unexpected news. And if you dreamed of a child, an infant girl, then this foreshadows an imminent wedding, but not necessarily yours; perhaps in the near future you will have the opportunity to attend someone’s wedding.


Why do you dream about a newborn baby? A newborn baby symbolizes a new beginning, this can be either a new project or a new relationship. It all depends on the gender of the child.

  • When you dreamed of a boy, it promises financial success and new projects.
  • A newborn girl dreams of a new romantic relationship and courtship, or your soulmate (if you already have one) will bring newness to the relationship.

Why do you dream about a baby? It is a symbol of happiness, prosperity and success. If you have been waiting for a replenishment for a long time, and you dreamed of a baby, it means that you will soon have offspring.

But why dream of a baby if this is your blood from real life, but of a different age? The dream foreshadows a reassessment of values. Something will happen quickly that will strengthen the general moral and ethical foundations.

If you dreamed of a child already at the age of 3-5 years, then this marks the beginning of internal personal growth. Feel free to start going to trainings or looking for an experienced coach.

By hand or in a stroller

1. Why do you dream of a child in your arms? Holding a toddler in your arms in a dream means a love relationship that will most likely lead to marriage and procreation.

There is another assumption about why you dream of a small child in your arms, it is expressed by Meridian predictors - this means that you already hold your happiness in your hands, you have caught luck by the tail, now the main thing is not to miss it. Try to analyze recent events in your life and understand where future success lies.

2. But according to the modern dream book, a child in a stroller is a symbol of travel; in the near future you will go to a new city or country.

More options for what small children dream about:

  • If we look at the Ukrainian dream book, children in a dream foretell wealth and pleasant chores in all respects, as well as preparation for moving to a new home.
  • If you dreamed of a child of the opposite sex to you, then this indicates that circumstances will develop in such a way that it will be necessary to show masculine qualities, such as perseverance, composure and focus on results.
  • Let's take a look at the gypsy dream book; according to this dream book, children foretell wealth, an unexpected inheritance or a successful deal.
  • Seeing a black man in a dream means a change in your plans, but in the end these changes will only play into your hands.

Some masters of dream analysis say that to the question - why do children dream? - It’s not easy to answer unequivocally. When analyzing, it is necessary to pay attention to details, both positive and negative, since a dream is a mirror, and most often the negative in it predicts something good.

Other images

1. So, it’s difficult to say with confidence why a crying child dreams; the meanings are very contradictory. Some argue that gray everyday life will quickly be swallowed up and the feeling of celebration will leave you, while others, on the contrary, say: tears mean laughter, joy and a good time.

2. Why do you dream of a sick child? More often, this vision suggests that it’s time for you to improve your health and visit a doctor, or maybe go to a SPA or go to a sanatorium. You've spent a lot of energy lately, and now you need to restore your strength and energy balance.

3. It is important to dwell separately on why you dream about the death of a child. Usually this is either good news or material wealth. Another thing that dreams of the death of a child means is changes in your life.

If the baby died in your arms, then you should think about the new business you are starting. It may be worth making adjustments to it or taking on another project.

Seeing in a dream how a baby died not in your arms, but, for example, in a cradle, promises that you should soon expect news from distant relatives. Maybe one of them needs your help.

Well, if the baby died a violent death before your eyes, then you need to think about whether you love yourself, whether you forbid yourself anything. And start at least sometimes indulging your desires, since self-restraint will not bring you any good.

4. If you dreamed of a child, a boy or a girl, who was lost and looking for his mother, then soon you will help people who will not remain in your debt with advice or action.

If your offspring suddenly got lost in a dream, it means you should be more attentive to your finances, reconsider all planned expenses and try to control yourself during your next shopping trip.

Thus, to the main question - what do children dream about, we can say that about something good, about change and something new, the main thing is your attitude to the vision. If you believe that this is a good sign, then it will be so.