Positive perception of the world. Development of positive thinking: methods and exercises

Regarding any events as favorable is a great advantage in everyday life. This view of the world allows you to make the most of your inner talents, fill your life with joy and harmony. Developing positive thinking is a task that every person can do. By applying the methods and doing the exercises daily, the habit of thinking creatively will be formed within two months.

What is positive thinking?

Positive thinking is a way of human mental activity, in which any result of an activity or event is perceived as something with positive potential, carrying in itself:

  • life experience;
  • success and luck;
  • resources to fulfill your own desires;
  • new opportunities;
  • ways to achieve greater results.

The ability to see the good reflects a person’s attitude towards himself, life, the world as a whole, and also towards other people. This serves as a source of personal growth and spiritual development, promotes the discovery of creative abilities and the formation of a stable sense of inner harmony.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

A person who practices this way of thinking in life receives a number of advantages.

These benefits can be obtained by every person who sets himself the goal of mastering a new way of thinking.

How to learn to think positively?

To develop the habit of thinking positively, you need to recognize the benefits of this way of thinking and purposefully practice a new way of thinking and creativity.

It is important to realize that any thought is material and all events in a person’s life are the result of their actions.

A thought is something that a person can change. To do this you need:

  • constantly monitor your thoughts;
  • observe events in your life;
  • learn to see the relationship between thoughts and situations;
  • practice daily, performing exercises to develop a positive way of thinking.

Daily and purposeful work on yourself will allow you to master new ways of thinking within two months.

Methods for developing positive thinking

Learning to think positively is a science that every person can master if desired.

These simple positive thinking techniques, if practiced daily, will help you develop a positive mindset.

By practicing these methods in your daily life, positive thinking will be developed day by day. Most people's experience is that it takes 30 to 60 days to form new thinking habits.

tions for developing positive thinking

The following exercises to develop positive thinking will help you develop a new way of thinking.

  1. "Gratitude". Practicing sincere gratitude for everything in life helps activate positive energy and improve your mood. This can be done mentally, but it is better to write down in a notebook every day everything for which a person is grateful to God, the world and the people around him.

This training will teach the mind to choose good moments in life and displace negativity from the brain.

  1. "Speech purification" Having carefully monitored your everyday speech, you need to exclude all phrases that contain denial, negativity, doubt. By consciously restructuring his speech in a positive way, a person forms the habit of thinking in life-affirming images.

Additionally, it is advisable to write down life-affirming aphorisms and positively charged phrases.

  1. "A contract with the past." The burden of past grievances and failures, mental dialogue about past negative events absorbs a huge amount of time and mental energy. During these periods, the brain does not create anything new, but evokes old images and emotions.

To change this situation, you need to one by one restore the unwanted event in the past, forgive all its participants and let go. To enhance the effect, you can use a balloon, in which you place a note describing the unpleasant moment, inflate it and release it in the open air.

  1. "Five pluses." This practice teaches you to see favorable roots in any unpleasant event. It is necessary to write down an event that is regarded as negative and write down 5 benefits from its occurrence.

By going through one memory after another and transforming them into positive ones, the memory and brain are freed from unwanted evaluations and filled with confidence and positivity.

  1. "Tactile anchor". This exercise uses the ability of the subconscious to avoid pain. An elastic band worn on the wrist serves as a tactile anchor. Every time your thoughts become negative, you need to pull back and slap yourself on the wrist. In the future, the brain and subconscious mind will independently avoid unwanted thinking.
  2. "Purple Bracelet" Effective training that is aimed at tracking negative thoughts and consciously changing them.

The bracelet is put on the right hand, if the brain rolls into complaints, criticism, disappointment, gossip and other negative mental images, then the bracelet is moved to the other hand. The challenge is to keep the purple bracelet on one hand for 21 days.

By performing these simple exercises, consciousness is reconfigured in a positive way and stable habits of favorable thinking are formed.

Thus, positive thinking, as a way of mental activity, can be developed by every person. Daily practice and constant control over your thoughts for 2 months can completely change your life.

Psychologically, positive thinking can have such a beneficial effect that at times, thanks to it, a person gets rid of physical illnesses. Just think about the placebo effect. Positive thinking strengthens the immune system. Those who are constantly depressed, on the contrary, are more susceptible to various diseases.

In order to learn to think positively, you need to focus on three aspects:

  • Physical.
  • Subconscious.
  • Mentally.

Only focusing on these elements will give excellent results. We have collected techniques and exercises that have a positive effect on the body, brain and psychology.

Use strong words

Great and strong people do not utter weak words, not only because they do not like them, but also because they know that they can negatively affect one’s mood.

Throughout the week, write down words on a piece of paper that make you feel strong, confident, and independent. Incorporate them into your daily life as often as possible. Think about these words, analyze them.

Practice Affirmations

It doesn’t really matter how much you believe in the truthfulness of certain phrases, repeat them every day until these words penetrate your subconscious:

  • I am calm and nothing can upset me.
  • I am a creative person.
  • I know how to communicate with people.
  • My presentation will be excellent.

Find ones that suit you personally.

Guide your thoughts

It's amazing that most people don't even know that they can direct their thoughts anywhere. When you're feeling anxious and worried, this simple technique can help you think about something completely different. Remember that anxiety and stress are purely products of thought. You won't be able to worry if you stop thinking about the bad.

For example, you are working on a project and at the same time thinking about how to solve the problem of a conflict with an employee. The solution is simple - consistency. Complete the project and only then direct your thoughts to this situation.

Analyze what went wrong

When a problem arises, it is important to understand where the starting point is. That is, at what point did the situation change and lead to a problem. Once you figure this out, analyze why this happened. Avoid accusatory speeches and the desire to complain about circumstances. You must solve the problem in the most effective way possible without involving unnecessary emotions.

One of the main qualities of a great man is the ability to cope with his problems.

Learn from past mistakes

Mistakes from the past cannot be corrected, but we can learn from them. Follow the chain in full:

  • Remember all the events that preceded the error.
  • Find out why it happened.
  • Decide how to change your thinking so that this doesn't happen again.

Find opportunities in problems and failures

The best, simplest and at the same time the most complex technique for positive thinking. Remember that any failure is an opportunity and a chance, the feedback you received. This requires turning your thinking upside down, but it's worth it.

Develop the habit of responding to any problem or failure with curiosity. Imagine if you accidentally let this happen to see if it works. This approach will allow you to calmly analyze the situation and see new opportunities in it.


Works. Many people have a controversial attitude towards it, because it seems to them that it is something occult or esoteric. In fact, visualization has long been proven scientifically.

The brain does not see the difference between a well-thought-out fantasy and real experience. If you mentally move yourself forward a few years, use all your senses, and believe that this is happening to you now, your brain will believe it too. You will begin to behave like a person who has achieved success - with that set of necessary qualities.

This technique is ideal for performances and. Study the place where you will be speaking, find a quiet place and try to imagine yourself on the podium: imagine as many details as possible. If in this fantasy you are worried, great, live this moment. When the time comes for the real performance, it will be easier psychologically.

Turn visualization into action

There is no point in visualizing the future if you don't make any effort to make it happen. So act today without delay. Your fantasy probably concerned one of the most important goals.

Sit up straight

This improves your thinking processes and tells your brain that you are alert and focused. A hunched back says: “I’m in a bad mood and I’m depressed.”

Relax and let things just happen

You can't change the world, at least not now. - the best way to get rid of self-criticism, worries, worries and obsessive thoughts.

Create a list of 100 things you love

Set aside one and a half to two hours and fully devote yourself to this process. This will show that life is not so bad, that there are a lot of positive aspects in it. Add to it every day and you will see that there are many more good things.

We wish you good luck!

Positive thinking can completely change a person's life. You've probably noticed that successful businessmen are always in a good mood and optimistic. Only in rare moments can one notice a gloomy state of mind in such a person. As you understand, the secret of success lies precisely in positive thinking.

What is the essence of positive thinking

According to the views of modern psychology, the thought process can have two moods: positive or negative. The entire life of an individual depends on the nature of thoughts.

If a person thinks negatively, then this indicates a low level of his brain abilities. As a rule, the tendency to negative thinking is caused by the past experiences of the person himself and the people around him. We are talking about mistakes made and disappointments.

In the process of growing up, a person accumulates negative emotions and problems, which aggravates the situation. By the way, this state of affairs is especially typical for introverts. By the way, the art of positive thinking is available to everyone, regardless of whether you are an extrovert or an introvert.

The basis of negative thinking is the denial of information that is unpleasant for a person. Immersed in thoughts about them, the person strives to prevent such a situation from happening again. However, concentrating on negative experiences, a person notices even more what is unpleasant for him and loses the ability to notice the positive sides. As a result, the individual feels that his life is gray. And showing him that there are other possibilities is quite difficult. Negative thinking allows you to select facts that prove that life is very hard, and there is nothing interesting, pleasant, or joyful in it.

Since a person focuses on the negative, it seems to him that others are to blame for something. He strives to find those who constantly ruin his life. He is not interested in ways to improve his mood, since he sees only disadvantages in them. For this reason, he misses the chances that are given to him.

A person who thinks negatively can be described as follows:

  • there is attachment to the usual way of life;
  • looks for negative aspects in everything that is new and unfamiliar to him;
  • there is no desire to know;
  • tends to be nostalgic;
  • believes that a more difficult time will soon come, and we need to prepare for this period;
  • strives to identify pitfalls in the successes of other people and his own;
  • wants to have everything at once, without doing anything;
  • there are negative thoughts and actions towards the people who surround the person, an inability to cooperate;
  • does not know how to see the positive sides of life;
  • he always has compelling explanations for why life cannot be improved;
  • greedy.

A person who thinks negatively has no specific desires or plans. Everything he wants is about making his life easier.

Positive thinking is a higher level of development of thought processes, which is based on the fact that everything that surrounds us has positive aspects. An optimist thinks that failure is the next step towards victory. In a situation where a negative person gives up, an optimistic person has twice as much strength to get the desired result.

Positive thinking allows a person to get acquainted with new information and take advantage of emerging opportunities. He is engaged in self-development, and he does not have any fears. By focusing on the positive, he sees even failure as something useful for himself. As a rule, such a person is an extrovert.

A person who is characterized by positive thinking can be characterized as follows:

  • he seeks advantage in everything;
  • interested in acquiring new knowledge and using additional opportunities;
  • the presence of a restless desire to improve one’s life;
  • he plans his time, records new ideas;
  • hardworking and can work hard to achieve a goal;
  • positive attitude towards people;
  • he watches with interest individuals who have achieved success and learns from them;
  • he wonders why what is planned and thought out to the smallest detail always comes true;
  • is calm about his achievements;
  • generosity in emotional and material terms (in moderation).

A person who is characterized by positive thinking finds it easy to do work, because he sees all the opportunities and strives to use them. Such people are usually called “lucky” or “darlings of fate.” In a sense, this is true. After all, a positive person is able to achieve a lot, and everything can be done without such negative aspects as worries, mental trauma, and serious losses.

A successful person makes new discoveries and achieves his goals.

The Power of Positive Thinking and the Benefits It Brings

Positive thinking is a great thing that can affect your mood, health, and circumstances. According to research results, positive thinking not only helps to improve a person’s emotional state, but also allows you to touch every area of ​​your life. That is, by thinking positively, you can improve your financial situation, relationships with others, and much more.

As you know, positive thoughts have an extremely positive effect on a person’s health. Testimony from thousands of people suggests that positive thinking can improve physical well-being. A person does not react so strongly to stressful situations and easily recovers from a depressed state.

Health improves. There is an opinion that if you think positively about your well-being, you can get rid of various diseases, even if we are talking about serious diseases. It is difficult to understand how true this is. However, there are many stories that talk about miraculous healings of people who choose to think positively. Perhaps we are dealing with the placebo effect, that is, a person’s belief in recovery.

Immunity is strengthened. Thoughts affect the immune system, which means they can either strengthen or weaken it. This conclusion was drawn by the researchers when they noticed that the immune response to the vaccine became less pronounced when areas of the brain associated with negative experiences were activated. There are many stories in which, due to despair and loss of hope, mortality increased in cities where epidemics developed. Also, each of us is familiar with examples from our family and friends who confirm that thanks to a positive attitude and optimistic attitude towards life, you can strengthen your immune system and become healthier.

Directing your attention. Positive thinking allows a person to concentrate on what he wants, and not on what is unpleasant to him. It is easier for him to make efforts to achieve what he wants. In addition, the effectiveness of its actions increases significantly. Positive thinking makes it possible to focus on the goal, and not on the possible unpleasant consequences of the decisions made.

Self-control. Positive thinking allows you to fight negative thoughts, false judgments and avoid stupid decisions. Maintaining a positive attitude will take some effort. This is a kind of exercise for our attention.

Attracting positive things. According to the law of attraction, like attracts like. Positive thinking allows you to attract the things and circumstances you need into your life. And if you think negatively, it will lead to the appearance of only negative aspects. It doesn't matter if you know what positive thinking or the law of attraction is.

In any case, if you think positively, then more positive things will appear in your life, and if your way of thinking is negative, then the result will be very disastrous. This conclusion can be drawn based on the experience of thousands of people, most of whom have no idea about the law of attraction. Of course, the point is that positive thinking allows you to take the right actions and get a positive result.

Expanding awareness and perception. Positive thinking allows a person to see everything that happens differently. For example, loss or failure is perceived by most people as something bad. By thinking positively, you will think that this event is another step towards your goal, it will allow you to become a stronger person, gain patience and faith. By focusing on the positive, you see the whole picture, not just part of it. You understand that life has a continuation, and nothing ends with failure, and constant negative thoughts about this will not bring anything pleasant.

Feeling good. The state of our health is determined by the nature of our thoughts. It is obvious that an optimist can endure even a serious illness without nervous shock. Such a person knows that thinking about illness only worsens his situation, so he strives to rejoice and tune in to the positive, and often this becomes his salvation. If an individual is accustomed to thinking about bad things, then it will not be difficult for him to worsen his condition, even if there is no special reason for this. Doctors often have to work with gloomy and emotionally exhausted people who are looking for non-existent, far-fetched sores in themselves. And the more they think about it, the higher the likelihood that such an illness will actually appear. However, you should not assume that positive thinking will make you ignore signs of a possible disease. On the contrary, an optimistic person pays attention to his body and its needs. But a positively minded individual will definitely not engage in making terrible diagnoses for himself without visiting a doctor.

Developing healthy self-esteem. Positive thinking allows a person to maintain healthy self-esteem and feel good about himself. Such a person will not speak negatively about himself, relatives and friends. An optimist forgives mistakes and shortcomings both to himself and to other people. He is not interested in thoughts that there is something wrong with him. He has no need to compare himself with others. The opinions of others are important to him and he treats them with respect. However, a positive-minded person understands that other people’s judgments are not decisive for him. He does not like excessive pride and a sense of superiority. He has a love for life, he wants to live with dignity, and he is sure that success and positive thinking are interconnected. At the same time, he adequately assesses his abilities.

Eliminate negative habits. Positive thinking may seem to suggest that a person sees only the good side of negative habits and does not notice their unpleasant consequences. Actually this is not true. An optimist strives to create for himself a way of life that will not cause any harm to the well-being of the person himself, those around him, the world, and nature. He wants his activities to be beneficial, so negative habits simply do not find a place in his life.

Less stress. Positive thinking allows a person to stop remembering unpleasant situations that happened in the past. Of course, the optimist thinks about them once or even several times, but he does this in order to learn lessons for himself. But he will not simply constantly dwell on unpleasant experiences, because this risks the fact that he can again get stuck in the negative. For a positive thinking person, what happened is in the past. This is especially true if the memories are not at all happy. Positive thinking helps increase a person's resistance to any stressful situation.

Improved relationships. Positive thinking teaches a person to control his thoughts and emotions, thanks to which he becomes especially gentle and calm in communication. Disagreements and disputes will gradually fade away. An optimist knows how to accept other people's opinions with respect. He is able not to point out the mistakes of others, and if this is absolutely necessary, then he has the right words to communicate this as gently and tactfully as possible.

Longevity. Thanks to improved health, stronger immunity, positive habits, quality and deep relationships with loved ones, life expectancy can increase. Of course, testing this in practice is not so easy. But it is also impossible to deny that positive thinking can prolong a person’s life.

Increasing the level of motivation. A person's motivation can increase if he is rewarded or punished. The encouragement method is especially relevant for those who have mastered positive thinking. An optimist only needs to think about the positive changes that will follow from completing tasks and achieving goals, and he is already full of desire to act. The punishment method is more complex because it involves using a negative image to create motivation, which is highly undesirable if you are practicing positive thinking. However, for many this method remains relevant. It is important to understand that over time, a positive attitude will save you from problems with motivation, but until this happens, you can use both methods.

Easily overcome difficulties. Are you facing problems and obstacles? It's OK. Positive thinking will teach you over time that it is in contradictions and difficulties that the best opportunities lie. We are talking about improving skills, gaining experience, learning some lessons. Difficulty is no longer something that frightens you and makes you lose your enthusiasm and desire to act. Moreover, when you learn to overcome obstacles, you will experience special pleasure when you meet them again. After all, for you, a problem is an opportunity to demonstrate yourself, your abilities and skills.

Of course, positive thinking has other benefits, but we have listed the most important ones. The most important thing you will gain from this practice is the opportunity to take steps towards your dreams and goals.

How to cope with chronic fatigue: a step-by-step algorithm

Set aside what you're doing for five minutes and think about whether you are experiencing the symptoms described below:

  • impairment of short-term memory and concentration;
  • a sore throat;
  • muscle and joint pain without signs of swelling;
  • feeling tired after sleep;
  • headache;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • dry mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth;
  • allergic reactions that did not exist before.

If you experience at least three of the nine symptoms, you most likely have chronic fatigue syndrome. In this article from the e-magazine "CEO" you will find six steps to overcome fatigue, recommended by American physician Jacob Teitelbaum.

How to develop a positive way of thinking

Focusing on negative thoughts is just a habit. You can get rid of it if you are willing to put in the effort. In just two weeks you can completely change your thinking and see the world from a different perspective. Just use these rules:

  1. Don't fight the windmill.
  2. Stop complaining about life, accept it as it is.
  3. Learn to communicate with others, do not allow conflicts to arise.
  4. Understand what your strengths are, think about how you can use them.
  5. Follow a daily routine: get up early and go to bed on time, do exercises, eat well.
  6. Choose a hobby for yourself and do it.
  7. Don't get irritated over trifles.
  8. Surround yourself with things that delight and inspire you.
  9. Set goals for yourself and write down a step-by-step plan for achieving them.
  10. Do good deeds.

In addition, you can talk to a psychologist, identify your fears and eliminate them.

  • Logistics interview: 3 tasks for logic, thinking and resourcefulness

Exercises to develop positive thinking

If you want to develop positive thinking, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with special exercises and perform them.

Exercise 1. “Looking for dignity.”

It is especially important to understand what strengths you have. Developing your strengths allows you to achieve success. To do this exercise, sit alone for ten minutes and write a list of ten of your strengths. The next day, repeat the practice and make ten more. Continue for two weeks. As a result, you will have a list of at least 140 of your best qualities.

At first, the task may seem impossible. However, get started, overcome the stupor and find your strengths daily.

Exercise 2. “Disadvantages can be useful.”

The same quality can be both your disadvantage and your advantage. For example, you are very careful. Perhaps someone will consider you a coward, while others will see it as a productive trait that protects you from unnecessary recklessness.

To master positive thinking, learn to find benefit even in your shortcomings. Reflect on the character traits that you are unhappy with and consider how they benefit you.

Exercise 3. “What good do you see?”

Thanks to this exercise, you will look completely differently at the people who surround you. If you are careful, you can see virtues even in the worst people. Think about a person who annoys you. Maybe we are talking about a neighbor who can’t finish his renovation and is constantly making noise. Look at him carefully. Surely, you will notice that he knows how to do a lot of things with his own hands, knows how to carry out repair work, which not everyone can do.

Remember the people who are unpleasant to you, and learn to find merit in them. Developing positive thinking is much easier if you don't have resentment or other negative feelings towards others. Learn to see the best in people.

Exercise 4. “Happiness Journal.”

Buy a beautiful notebook and divide it into the following parts: my successes, my dreams, my virtues, joyful events in my life, my gratitude. There is no need to deal only with the description of grandiose events. It could be a simple walk in the park, a small gift from your friend, or a vacation. Record everything that makes you happy: that you woke up earlier than usual today, the weather was good, etc. The psychology of positive thinking will gradually become entrenched in your mind if you constantly perform this exercise.

The lists should be updated regularly. Thanks to this, you will have a real journal of happiness, which will become a source of inspiration for you in moments when, for some reason, you are plunged into negative thoughts and emotions.

Exercise 5. “Always say yes.”

Don't use negative statements. The word “no” simply does not exist for you anymore. Thanks to this exercise, you will learn to listen to your interlocutors. Often, the ability to agree with the opinion of another person allows you to stop a dispute, conflict, and build friendly relationships with relatives and friends.

It seems to many that their own worldview does not change anything. But negative people rarely achieve success, but positive people are always happy, even if they haven’t succeeded yet, because they know that everything has its time.

Exercise 6. “My ideal day.”

Martin Seligman, an American psychologist and founder of positive psychology, proposed this technique. This technique is recommended to be used when you set your goals. Thanks to the technique, you will be able to focus on the positive, on what you are striving for, and not on what is unpleasant for you.

Describe your ideal day in as much detail as possible. Don't forget about your personal preferences and life values. For example, you can write what you would like:

  1. Stay close to loved ones.
  2. Pursue your favorite hobby.
  3. Relax in nature.
  4. Work on interesting projects.

You can write about what brings you pleasure. Each person will have their own points.

And then you have to bring all this to life. Try to spend your day perfectly and then analyze what you were able to do and what you weren’t able to do. Reflect on the emotions you felt. If something didn’t work out, then try to live the perfect day again. Repeat the exercise until you feel satisfied with how your day is going.

Exercise 7. “Five advantages.”

You can develop positive thinking quite quickly if you use this technique. Think about situations that cause anxious feelings, interfere with sleep and stay in a good mood. Analyze each of them and find positive aspects (at least five). For example, you were fired from your job. The advantages could be:

  1. You now have time to relax.
  2. You can do what you love or spend time with your family.
  3. Your old job wasn't interesting to you, but now you have a chance to find a job that matches your talents and strengths.
  4. You can engage in your professional development, analyze past mistakes and achieve success in a new place.
  5. Since your income has decreased, you will learn to be more smart about spending your money.

Exercise 8. “A peace treaty with the past.”

You've probably noticed that sometimes we spend a lot of time thinking about situations that happened in the past. Unfortunately, this process can consume your vital energy and precious time. Instead of creating the future, you worry about what is long past. Negative emotions associated with past times affect your life today. It should be remembered that an emotion always appears after some thought, so try to control your thinking. For this:

  1. Forgive everyone who has ever offended you.
  2. Focus on the present moment, feel joy in who you are and what you are doing now.

Exercise 9. Visualization.

Yes, there has been a lot of talk about visualization lately, and this technique is really effective. The work of the mind is carried out thanks to images. What exists in our imagination one way or another affects our feelings, thoughts, approach to business, and relationships with loved ones.

In the words of Einstein, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” If you have many positive pictures in your imagination, then many of them will begin to manifest themselves over time in your everyday life. First an idea arises, and then it is implemented.

Create a positive image of yourself and your life, because this way you will influence your consciousness, the quality of which will, over time, be reflected in how you behave, how you act, how you make choices.

Of course, only through regular, daily exercise can you achieve the desired result. As you can imagine, one day of positive thinking and visualization practice will not change anything. Visualization is not a magic wand that you just have to wave once and immediately realize everything you dreamed of.

Exercise 10. Meditation.

Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and focus on the positive. Through regular meditation practice, physical and spiritual health improves.

This method has many advantages, one of which allows you to develop positive thinking and attitude. In meditation, you can more easily eliminate negative emotions and thoughts. If you combine meditative practices with visualization and affirmations, the effect will increase significantly.

The owner of his consciousness knows how to see a positive and inspiring experience in every event, and easily gets rid of worries and other negative emotions associated with yesterday and today. A person who has mastered positive thinking is no longer a hostage to his past, he creates his own wonderful future.

Developing Positive Thinking

Here are five tips to help you develop a positive mindset. If you manage to implement them in your life, then it will be beneficial for you.

Tip 1. Avoid news.

This advice may seem a little strange. After all, many believe that a modern person must be aware of events taking place in the country and the world. However, psychologists say that a successful person does not follow the news, except when his activities are directly related to it.

If you have doubts, try not watching news reports for one week. Surely, you will notice that it has become much easier to think positively.

You will still learn about the necessary events from friends or acquaintances. Then what is the point of immersing yourself in the daily negativity coming from the news report?

Tip 2: Change your speech.

The words we speak are our materialized thoughts. The more positive your speech, the more pleasant events will happen to you.

Think about how you respond when you are asked the question “How are you?” Most likely, you say: “I’m fine,” “Slowly,” or something similar.

If your answer is more original, then at the subconscious level positive thinking will develop much faster. Try to avoid platitudes in your speech.

Tip 3: Key words for positive thinking.

What keywords are we talking about? We mean all phrases that are repeated regularly. For example, your friend may periodically repeat, “Well, you know, I don’t have everything like other people.” And you understand that he implies that not everything is in order in his life.

Or, for example, something didn’t work out for a person, and he immediately said: “I’m a loser!”, “I’m constantly getting worse!”

It is important to understand that such an attitude and similar phrases will not allow you to develop positive thinking. If something goes wrong, think about it differently: “I couldn’t do it now, but next time I can.”

Tip 4. Praise and thank.

Many people will think that such advice is not at all appropriate. Alas, few are accustomed to being grateful and praising others.

Still, it's worth a try. In order to develop positive thinking, take an example from a successful person. This will be great motivation for you.

Many prominent figures were very generous with praise and kind words to the people around them.

And the nature of gratitude is generally supernatural. If you learn to be grateful for everything in your life, then you won't have to wait long for positive changes. Benjamin Franklin, one of the most prominent Americans, attached special meaning to the concept of gratitude.

Tip 5. Avoid negative society.

Each of us is surrounded by people with whom it is very pleasant to communicate, and those with whom we are somehow forced to maintain relationships, but this does not bring any pleasure.

However, these individuals with whom we find it difficult to connect may not influence us in the best way. And shyness and decency do not allow us to simply ignore them.

However, if this is important to you, then try to take some measures to minimize your communication with people who are especially negative.

Today, the expression positive thinking does not just mean a light attitude towards life, but a whole concept and system. There are other definitions: mental positivism, correct thinking, thinking of power, new thinking. This concept includes special techniques and methods of positive thinking. They are taught in popular trainings on ways to achieve success. Generally speaking, the system is built on the belief that our thoughts can materialize. What we think about will definitely happen. If you are positive, think about success, health, happiness, then these categories will definitely come into your life. The psychology of positive thinking originated a long time ago, and its heyday occurred in the 20th century (in the USA and Europe) and the 21st century (in Russia).

History of mental positivism

It is generally accepted that the foundations of the theory of positive thinking were laid by the American writer Norman Peale. He outlined his views in his work “The Power of Positive Thinking.” It is important that he developed his theory by collaborating with experienced psychoanalysts. The Peale Method is based on the idea that a person should construct and visualize desires and dreams in order to achieve a higher quality of life and greater life satisfaction.

The author tried to use his work to help a person create a positive way of thinking. The Power of Positive Thinking has sold over 5 million copies. Although the work has been subject to considerable criticism. The author was accused of hypnosis and a large number of unconfirmed quotes.

The Birth of Mental Positivism

Despite the fact that Norman Peale, who lived in the 20th century, is considered the founding father of positive thinking techniques, people first started talking about these techniques back in the 19th century. American philosopher and writer Ralph Emerson in his works spoke about the need to trust your inner strength and listen to yourself. The main works that expound these ideas are “On Nature” and “Self-Trust.” Emerson had many followers in the USA: Quimby, R. W. Train, P. Melford. In Europe, 3 directions of force thinking were most famous: the French Coue method, German mesmerism and the institute of “mental positivism” of Schellbach.

Psychologist and pharmacist Emile Coue has developed a method based on daily actions that should bring what you want, for example the phrase - I look better every day. This method is based on self-hypnosis, on changing unconscious thoughts, as Coue himself said. The advantage of theory is that it is based on practical observations. While working as a pharmacist, the scientist observed how self-hypnosis affects a person’s recovery. What Coue noticed would later be called the placebo effect.

The physician Friedrich Mesmer founded a technique named after him mesmerism, or animal magnetism. It is based on irrational ideas. According to Mesmer, people are free to release special energy and use it to communicate with each other. He conducted group sessions in which he treated people by placing them in a state of trance.

All of these scientists laid the foundations of positive thinking. Today, many of these principles are used by modern specialists in their work.

Positive psychology

The science of correct thinking relies heavily on such a section as positive psychology. It is generally accepted that the thinking of force is its applied continuation. There are also opponents to this opinion, who argue that positive psychology appeared much later.

This direction of psychology studies only the positive aspects of the human psyche, in contrast to the classical one, which focuses on pathological problems. The main themes of the positive direction: optimism, forgiveness, trust, flow, solidarity, i.e. those categories that bring joy, peace, and satisfaction into our lives. The purpose of this section is to try to reveal a person’s potential, make his life brighter and...

Founder Martin Seligman identified the main areas of research: positive emotions (enjoyment, optimism, energy, vitality), positive character traits (love, wisdom, kindness, courage, honesty), social institutions that contribute to the development of people (strong family, democracy, free media , comfortable working environment).

Researchers working in this area have proven the influence of positive emotions on a person’s perception of the world. Research results have shown that positive thinking makes a person more open, productive, and courageous. He is able to think more effectively and find optimal ways to solve problems.

Experts in Mental Positivism

The formation of positive thinking has received the greatest development in our century. Today millions of books on and are published. The leader in this area is the USA. First of all, the practice of positive thinking is used in the work of development consultants, business coaches, and speakers. During their talks, they teach people how to be a positive person, have a positive mindset and change their lives. Here are the most popular experts on positive thinking techniques today.

  1. Stephen Covey. American consultant and teacher. The main area of ​​activity is consulting on organizational management and life management. He is best known for his bestselling books: “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, “The Eighth Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness”, “4 Rules for Successful Leaders”, “Super Work. Super career."
  2. Robin Sharma. One of the most famous American business coaches. Writes books, gives lectures and seminars. The basis of his philosophy is the unification of two traditions: Western and Eastern. The West is characterized by determination and efficiency. For the East - wisdom, spiritual peace, the desire for the harmonious development of body and soul.
  3. Anthony Robbins. Motivational speaker, writer, trainer. The main topics are life coaching and self-development. Known for his audio motivational programs. He published several books that became bestsellers: “Awaken the Giant Within”, “The Book of Power over Yourself”, “Money. Game Master. Seven steps to financial freedom." To become a student of Anthony Robbins, you must enroll 2 years in advance. His services cost $1 million a year.
  4. Jim Rohn. The peak of Jim Rohn's career occurred in the second half of the 20th century, and in total his speaking experience was about 40 years. Over such a long period, he gave lectures around the world, was engaged in consulting and published a large number of books. The most famous works: “Treasury of Wisdom. Success, career, family”, “Seven strategies for achieving wealth and happiness”, “Vitamins for the mind”.
  5. Robert Kiyosaki. This famous trainer is already 70 years old, and he still gives motivational lectures, during which he tells how to start thinking positively and how to set yourself up for success. Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" brought him worldwide fame. Other bestsellers include Rich Dad's Guide to Investing and The Cashflow Quadrant.
  6. Lee Iacocca. Lido Anthony Iacocca worked as a top manager at Ford and Chrysler, but became known throughout the world thanks to his autobiographical books. The most popular of them in Russia is “Manager’s Career”. In them, he shares the secrets of his success, including the importance of such actions as positive thinking every day.

Napoleon Hill

When talking about the science of mental positivism, one cannot help but talk about Napoleon Hill. He stood at the origins of modern life coaching, career and personal growth training. He is often referred to as a great success writer and is called the founding father of new thought and the self-help genre. His book Think and Grow Rich is one of the best-selling books in the world. Hill's philosophy is in the phrase: "A man can achieve what his mind can imagine."

In his books, he offered specific exercises on how to set yourself up for success. This technique is based on a huge amount of practical work: Hill interviewed the most successful and famous figures of his time. Subsequently, he analyzed these success stories and derived his formula.

Principles of Positive Thinking

What are the basic principles of positive thinking? They include certain attitudes, exercises and techniques that help to form positive personal qualities and a positive way of thinking. In order to eliminate negative thinking and begin to think positively, you must practice these principles every day and sincerely believe in their effectiveness. Here are the main ones.

  1. Our thoughts materialize. The world around us treats us the way we treat it. Be kind, caring, help others and you will see that the world will reciprocate you.
  2. . She always accompanies us. Love is at the core of learning to think positively and attract good things. Accompany all your actions with care, respect, and do not show indifference. A positive person treats everyone with love and kindness.
  3. The world around us is not limited, the resources in it are limitless. It sounds unusual, but try repeating this phrase to yourself every day. And you will see: if you really want something, you will definitely get it.
  4. Each of us is the author of our own destiny. There are many studies confirming that self-confidence is one of the keys to success. Don't look for the reasons for your failures in other people. Believe that everything in your life depends only on you.
  5. Love yourself. Tell yourself every day that you are smart, beautiful, happy. Praise yourself even for small victories.
  6. The world around us is fair: if something happened to you, then you deserve it. So do good deeds and the world will reciprocate. This principle is similar to the method of causal positive thinking, widely used in psychology.
  7. Our world is unique and worthy of admiration. Don't take for granted everything you have. Every day, thank fate for any pleasant little things. A positive person always concentrates on the good and finds pleasure in everyday little things.


Let's look at exercises aimed at developing positive thinking. Unlike principles, they are specific actions that need to be done every day. It is believed that they need to be done daily for 3 weeks. After this time, exercise will become a habit.

"My perfect day"

This is a popular exercise that psychologists use in their practice. Most often used by personal and career development consultants. The exercise helps you set and implement goals, focus on positive attitudes, and ultimately teaches you how to be positive. The technique is as follows: describe your ideal day on a piece of paper. Pay attention to details, highlight the most important and enjoyable things for you personally: time with loved ones, playing sports, walking in the fresh air, interesting projects, effective meetings with colleagues, etc. After that, try to spend the next day the way you described it. Think about how happy and satisfied you were. If something doesn't work out, try again.

Power Thinking Techniques

Positive psychology has developed certain techniques that have proven to be effective. By applying them in your life, you will learn to better understand yourself and your desires, and realize your dreams. The most popular techniques are: visualization, meditation, affirmations, and the method of causally positive thinking. When using them, remember that they also work with negative thinking. Therefore, eliminate all sad thoughts, think only about the good.


Visualization is about imagining what you want. The technique is based on self-hypnosis. Some scientists believe that our brain does not distinguish between real and fictitious images. Therefore it reads what we imagine as a real object. In this way, what you want comes true. Our sensations in a dream are cited as proof of this theory. They are the same as in reality. If we are scared in a dream, we feel fear as if in reality. Of course, visualization can only be seen as an addition to achieving goals. For example, if you want to lose weight, imagine in detail what your body will be like and what clothes you can wear. But visualization won't work if you don't exercise and eat right.

In addition to presenting your wishes, use special boards. Glue everything related to your dreams on them. The board can be replaced with an album, notepad, etc. It is important to imagine everything in detail: for example, how you step on the scale and see the long-awaited weight that you have been striving for for a long time. It is important to maintain spiritual harmony, calm and peace.


Meditation is similar to the previous method in that it also actively uses the imagination. But meditation is more aimed at working with energy, rather than with consciousness. During this process, you relax and tune into the desired psychological state. There are different types of meditation on positive thinking: for success, love, wealth. But at the first stage it is important to learn to relax and listen to yourself. Having successfully mastered this technique, you can both change your thinking to a positive one and achieve your goals. People who meditate talk about the indescribable sensations experienced during this practice.

The main principle of meditation is regularity. The most optimal time of day is considered to be early morning or twilight. You need to position yourself so that your face faces north or east. For successful meditation, just half an hour a day is enough.


Affirmations are the basis for learning to think positively. They are phrases that a person repeats to himself every day for a long time. The effect of using this technique is based on self-hypnosis and the belief that thoughts can materialize. Despite its apparent simplicity and even primitiveness, mastering this method is quite difficult. It is necessary to adjust your consciousness so that you sincerely believe in the materialization of your thoughts.

Affirmations help both form positive thinking and make dreams come true. At the first stage, use expressions aimed at harmonizing your inner world and acquiring mental balance. After successfully mastering such affirmations, try other types: for love, success, etc.

Causal Positive Thinking Method

This method aims to find the root cause of an event. By finding it, in the future we can solve all other problems caused by this reason. The method of causally positive thinking makes a person more confident, as it offers control over one’s life and being its creator. We usually experience stress because one event can have several consequences. This method suggests moving from the cause. As a result, a person learns how to think positively.

Books on positive thinking

Just a few decades ago in our country they started talking about what positive thinking is as a concept of life. Therefore, on book shelves you can mainly find works by American specialists. Here are the most popular books on how to start thinking positively, achieve success and.

There is also harm to positive thinking. This happens when a person breaks away from reality and is immersed exclusively in his positive thoughts. Therefore, the techniques of correct thinking can only be considered as an additional tool to real affairs.

Positive perception of the world around you

How a person perceives the world around him is how this world treats him. We often forget about this simple truth, but in vain. To better understand the degree of perception of the world around us, to improve ourselves as an individual, we will consider this process in the form of several small recommendations. These simple recommendations will help you find yourself, improve your quality of life, and become a healthy and happy person.

1. Worldview is the most reliable key to your personality.

The way you view yourself greatly influences how others perceive you. If you are a confident, cheerful and positive person, then all your colleagues, friends and relatives will be attracted to your personality. If you are an unhappy, negative person, constantly complaining about your situation, then this will scare away the people around you. Even if at times you don't feel like a very happy person, force yourself to act positively in such situations. Tell yourself: “This is temporary” and be sure to smile. I assure you, you will soon see that you have become simply impenetrable, since your subconscious does not feel the difference between artificial emotions and real phenomena. By behaving positively, you will have a positive impact on your environment.

2. You don’t need to control other people’s actions, only control your reaction to these actions, this is the most important thing for you.

No one can force us to experience negative feelings - fear, anger or feelings of inferiority - without our express consent. There will always be people who take a savage joy in confusing others, or those who simply play on your feelings in pursuit of their own selfish goals. Whether they succeed or not depends entirely on you and how you respond to their negative behavior. If you have to deal with such people, try to understand from the very beginning that they want to offend you not because you did something bad to them, but because they have their own problems, and therefore they are just angry, trying to disrupt my anger at you. In such a situation, just tell yourself: “This is not about me. I will not give this man the pleasure of annoying me. I have good self-control. He (or she) doesn’t bother me.”

3. Look for in other people those character traits that you clearly lack. Beauty is always in the eyes of a charmed person. We see in other people only what we want to see. Each person is a complex combination of feelings, emotions and thoughts - good and bad. Your impression of another person depends much more on yourself and on what you expect from this person. If you believe that someone is a good person, you will begin to find positive traits in them. If you don’t believe it, you will only see the bad in it.

No one can force us to experience negative feelings - fear, anger or feelings of inferiority - without our express consent.

If you are a positive person, you will try to find positive qualities in other people. As you develop positive, constructive habits and continually improve yourself, make it a point to look for the same good qualities in other people. It is very easy to look for other people's shortcomings, but if you begin to find only the good in other people and congratulate them on their positive achievements, then you can quickly win the friendship of such people. You can always rely on them - both in good times and in bad times.

4. Strive to complete your work on time, without complaining or making excuses. If you carefully study the fortunes of those who have reached the top in any company or industry, it is easy to find that these are people who enthusiastically accept challenges, take initiative and do well in any job. They do not complain about any problems and do not look for excuses. Anyone who has not achieved anything either in work or in their career cannot understand that winners reach the top precisely because they passionately strive for it all the way.

You can easily become the type of person who is constantly promoted at work - if you are willing to pay the appropriate price for this with your genuine hard work and real talent. Any good manager will explain to you that the type of employee who is always in short supply is the type of employee who thinks for himself, takes initiative, does what needs to be done without waiting for orders, and works tirelessly until his work is finished. . If you understand this and make your choice, you can easily become an equally valuable and highly paid employee.

5. By judging yourself fairly, you will judge others fairly.. The ability to objectively evaluate yourself and your own performance is very important for building relationships with other people and will have a tremendous impact on the level of success that you are destined to achieve in this life. If you do not learn to honestly assess your strengths and weaknesses, then it is difficult to count on improving your own performance. You first need to figure out exactly where you are so you can then develop a plan to get to where you want to be.

Imagine yourself as an independent and dispassionate observer. Consider what advice you would give to yourself to improve your own skills, work abilities, interactions with others, and overall contribution to your firm. Honesty with yourself is the first step to self-improvement.

6. If you want to become a better person, be fair and honest to other people.. If you are dishonest in your dealings with others or take advantage of them, then you are deceiving yourself more than those others. They will regret contacting you for a while, but then they will forget and move on to something else. You, on the other hand, will have to live with this behavior for the rest of your life. In the depths of your heart, the truth about what kind of person you really are will forever remain.

Each of us from time to time has a great temptation to use other people for our own selfish purposes. If they are so stupid that they fell for your bait, then, as they say, it serves them right. However, in reality, if you are fair and honest with the people you could take advantage of, you will become a better person.

7. The typical excuse: “I don’t have time” has a very detrimental effect on the quality of your entire life. The price of these words is multifaceted. You may be depriving yourself of the pleasure of spending time with your family. You may not have time to correct a minor mistake, which later turns into a tragedy. You may neglect your body's need for rest and exercise. Whatever happens, don't let the perceived lack of time distract you from the things that keep you healthy and happy.

There are many ways to organize your time so that you have enough for everything that needs to be done. A good leader always has a trusted assistant on whom he can shift part of his burden during a difficult period. You can also turn to a positive outlook and gain the vitality needed to get the job done faster and better. If you are constantly short of time, it’s time to conduct an audit, a comprehensive analysis of your entire lifestyle. Never let a momentary lack of time stop you from doing what you want or need to do.

There are many ways to organize your time so that you have enough for everything that needs to be done.

8. You can increase your happiness if you share it with others.. The more of your happiness you give to other people, the more of it you have left. The greatest rewards in life never come from accumulating financial wealth. They are always a consequence of the moral satisfaction that a person experiences from helping others achieve happiness. He who has accumulated the greatest riches in life has found a way to combine the first and the second; he learned to provide services in such a way as to give satisfaction to other people and benefit himself.

9. A small but sincere smile improves communication results.. In the laws of the animal world, baring your teeth is a clear sign of aggression, but in the world of human beings, a smile has only a positive effect. Nothing can disarm an angry or aggressive person faster than a kind-hearted smile. Keeping a smile at the ready will always ensure that the other party rolls out a rug of greetings and respect for you, and if your request for help is accompanied by a sincere smile, you will likely be given more help than you ask for.

Practice smiling at others in front of a large mirror until it becomes your natural reaction to all the people you come into contact with. For example, when you are introduced to others, when you meet an old friend, or when you arrive at work every morning. However, make sure that your smile is natural. A fake smile is easily detected, and nothing turns people away faster than an artificial, cold smile that has no real feeling behind it.

Our natural reaction when we look into the camera lens is to smile. We instinctively feel that we are more attractive and desirable when we smile. When you smile at others, it provokes them to respond favorably to you, but more importantly, it makes you feel better too. This is not only due to psychology. Experts have discovered that when a person smiles, all the chemical processes in his body change in a positive direction, and a feeling of happiness and well-being comes to him.

Practice smiling at others in front of a large mirror until it becomes your natural reaction to all the people you come into contact with.

When you have a smile in your voice, others let down their defenses and open up to you—in person or even over the phone. Employees who spend a significant portion of their working time on the telephone have already learned that those they contact can hear the smile in their voice. If you find it difficult to constantly remember to keep a pleasant note in your voice, place a small mirror next to your phone to check for a smile on your lips when you talk.

10. A good laugh dissolves all worries.. Several years ago, the editor of a famous magazine literally brought himself back to life with laughter. Having been hospitalized with a serious illness and severe pain, he noticed that when he was happy, the physical pain subsided. This observation allowed him to develop a special program for using laughter for self-medication. He read collections of jokes, joked, asked visitors to always come to him with jokes, and watched videotapes with comedies and humor for 4–5 hours. As a result, he successfully defeated his illness.

Reader, you should not behave so seriously in everyday life that you cannot laugh at yourself or at the situation in which you find yourself. It will be difficult to work and live if you do not learn to laugh heartily from time to time and have fun in your free time.

11. Happiness is found through deeds, not through money. This is true. Even a lot of money cannot buy happiness. The actions of most of us are motivated by the desire for a different way of life, which we strive for for ourselves and our families, and not purely material possessions - prestigious apartments, luxury houses, expensive cars, etc. If you accept this fact, you will understand something else, you must constantly “raise your bar”, inspiring yourself to achieve higher goals. Your goals should include the possessions you want to achieve, but remember that success is a journey, not a destination. Therefore, enjoy the journey itself for success and happiness.

12. You cannot find personal happiness by taking it from other people.. There are very few things in the world that will enrich you if you take them away from others by force. As a rule, the opposite happens.

When you share your wealth and happiness with other people, you increase your own possessions of both. Essentially, neither happiness nor economic wealth has any serious value until you share it.

Happiness cannot be preserved and put off until needed, and well-being in general is an abstract concept. By and large, there is no well-being in a person’s life, there are only opportunities. Try to find happiness and economic independence for yourself, then share it with others to save it. For good always returns to the one who created it, however, like evil too.

13. Conquer people with your kindness, not hatred. The best way to make someone love you is to first fall in love with her or him. You will find that it is almost impossible for someone you like not to like you. This is how people are made. Whatever bad feelings they may have towards you, you can always neutralize them immediately by simply expressing your admiration for these people. When you fully understand the wisdom contained in this advice, anyone you meet can be considered a potential friend.

The surest way to gain sympathy is to freely and generously give your sympathy to people. If you put conditions on your friendship or try to win others over just because they can do something for you, they will quickly sense your insincerity. If you show by your actions that you care about them, and if you always give them more than they give to you, they will become your friends for life.

14. By generously distributing your happiness, you will receive an inexhaustible supply of it. True happiness does not depend on external reasons. This reservoir is constantly replenished from within. Happiness, which is constantly with you, is the source that flows from your thoughts and feelings. You can train your brain so that you experience constant bursts of happiness. It is important to fill it with interesting thoughts and ideas, because an empty brain tries to look for pleasure in various substitutes for happiness, and this is the path to nowhere.

15. If you are weak and lethargic, simply do not eat until you are hungry. Many nutritionists advocate eating four small meals a day, with roughly the same number of calories consumed in each. In fact, by limiting your fat and sugar intake, you won't have to worry too much about calories. Food containing a lot of grain products, vegetables and fruits is much easier to digest. At the same time, blood sugar levels remain more stable and appetite decreases.

The result of this is a higher and more sustainable level of your vital energy because you will have less fat on your body. You will feel more cheerful immediately after you start eating this food.

16. The best time for treatment is before illness. Recently I was reminded of the words spoken by one of the ancient philosophers: “The disease needs to be treated a year before it appears, not three days before death.” There is great wisdom in these words, especially for modern reckless Russians. In general, when it comes to maintaining good physical health, it makes sense to talk about prevention. Indeed, many of the most serious diseases - cancer and cardiovascular disease - can be triggered by the behavior of the sick person himself.

Smoking and disordered eating have shortened the lives of many millions of people. Few people know that the negative effects of leading an unhealthy lifestyle extend over a long period of time. And when we begin to feel their severe consequences, it is already too late. So don't let bad habits ruin your health now. Try to lead a lifestyle that excludes any excesses. Swap your bad eating habits for healthy foods, and frequently lying on a cozy couch for increased physical activity. By doing this, you will not only feel better physically. You will start to think better about yourself.

17. If you want to have good health, get up from the table a little earlier than usual, slightly “dissatisfied.” Many of our unhealthy eating habits were developed in our childhood, when we were forced in every possible way to become members of the “Clean Plate Club”, forcing us to eat everything that was served on the table. However, as we become adults, our body's metabolism decreases and our nutritional needs become different. Once we are fully grown, we need far fewer calories to keep our bodies functioning, and the excess food begins to accumulate in our body as fat deposits.

Remember, as soon as we stop growing upward, we immediately begin to grow in width, gradually taking on the external image of a well-fed bun. At first young and cheerful, but over time tired and with a bunch of “unexpected” illnesses.

Eat little by little, stop eating until you are completely full, try to chew your food slowly and with pleasure, then your figure will be slimmer and your health will be excellent.

18. Don’t constantly think about the bad, think only about the good.. Recently, doctors have finally begun to study the importance of morale in maintaining a high level of physical health. If you do what you need to do to stay healthy and don't constantly worry about what might be wrong with your body, then your chances of staying healthy will be immeasurably higher than if you constantly think about what's wrong with you. something bad might happen to you.

In fact, you are the person you imagine yourself to be. The brain is a wonderful device that can have a profound effect on the physical state of the entire body. If your brain is strong and healthy, your body will benefit as a result.

19. Don’t listen to other people about what you should eat; it’s better to decide for yourself. Now, perhaps more than any other time, it is important to judge things wisely and use good old-fashioned common sense in every decision you make.

Today we live in a world full of hypocrisy, empty promises and outright deception. In Russia, American models of aggressive business conduct are widespread, by imposing thoughts and ideas that are alien to the consumer. There is a massive distribution of food products, energy drinks, etc. to the gullible population that are clearly not good for human health.

Receiving large rewards for all this, people whom we sometimes admire advertise things that they themselves would never touch. However, they do not feel any remorse for deceiving us into buying it.

When it comes to digestion, decide for yourself what to eat; Don’t let those whose only self-interest is to foist something on you. Food producers are required by law to make their food ingredients public so we can determine whether we want to eat it or not. Become a careful reader of all labels on your food products.

20. Fresh fruits and vegetables prevent overeating. Human evolution may not have taught us to find great pleasure in eating the foods that are actually best for us. On the other hand, our digestive system has not yet fully adapted to painlessly digesting some foods that we really like. She needs a huge amount of energy, for example, to digest meat and other heavy foods. The same energy that could be directed towards achieving some more constructive goals than simply processing products. Conversely, it is almost impossible to overeat with raw vegetables and ripe fruits. This food is low in fat, easy to digest and contains many essential substances that can quickly be converted into energy.

21. Learn to eat right and take care of your body. We often spend a lot of time learning how different machines work and what maintenance they require to keep them in good working order.

However, when it comes to our own body - that is, our most important wealth, we pay negligible attention to its needs. But, as they say, it’s never too late to learn. There are literally hundreds of books on this subject. Find out everything you need to know about yourself, take care of your own body, and it will immediately begin to take care of you.

22. Don’t rush to get treatment, try to get rid of the causes of the disease. If you have a serious medical problem, be sure to consult your doctor. On the other hand, keep in mind that many of our diseases, for which thousands of medications have been invented and sold without prescriptions in pharmacies, are caused by reasons that we ourselves can control. Headaches, indigestion, muscle pain, forgetfulness and similar ailments are signals that you are neglecting the needs of the body or problems of the brain.

Remember, maybe you put off solving some difficult problem for later, and this causes your tension. Ask yourself if your body is getting enough exercise to stay fit and energetic. As with anything, it is important to try to understand the sources of your problems and work to eliminate them. Once you do this, you will feel more enthusiastic and energized to successfully pursue your highest purpose.

23. Watching your eating habits can help you avoid serious health problems.. We are only now beginning to understand the far-reaching consequences of diet on our health and well-being. But we already know which foods are good for us and which are harmful. However, we often ignore this knowledge, preferring to give ourselves the small pleasures of food and drink today, without thinking about the negative consequences tomorrow. If you pay proper attention to your diet, you can avoid serious health problems for many years to come.

Experts advise avoiding significant amounts of caffeine, alcohol and sugar, using meals that are low in protein and fat, but rich in vegetables, cereals, potatoes and fruits. They also suggest eating more fibrous foods, such as grains, wholemeal bread and high-fibre vegetables and fruits such as asparagus, carrots, green beans, oranges and strawberries.

24. Reduce your consumption of foods containing refined sugar. The most common cause of food-related illness is overeating. Diet is one of those areas where less is more. This is especially true when it comes to foods containing refined sugar. If you feel like you can't give up candy completely, at least limit your consumption to one or two small portions per week. Your body will soon get used to such minimal doses. You should never make sweets containing refined sugar a regular part of your diet. Remember that high sugar content in your diet “acidifies” the blood and significantly reduces the body’s overall immunity.

25. Good relaxation is calming, and time is healing.. This, however, does not mean that you can ignore your physical problems. If something happens to your body, you need to try to understand as quickly as possible what is causing your illness, so that you can then try to correct the situation. But sometimes we feel very stressed and sick. It feels like your head is about to split open, and your stomach reacts painfully to the simplest food. In addition to this, the back pain seems unrelenting. The reason for all this may be ordinary fatigue, the cure for which is simple and well-known rest.

Allow yourself every day, even if only for a short time, to relax and reflect on those things that are especially pleasant to you. A few minutes a day of carefree pleasure can literally do wonders for those problems that depress you so much and restore the strength and energy that you thought you had lost completely.

26. Strive to create rather than destroy. In any activity, in any profession, in any occupation or calling, it takes much more skill, knowledge and perseverance to create something worthwhile than to destroy what others have created. The imagination and craftsmanship required to create works of art come from simple and accessible materials. They always deserve a much greater reward than the unskilled labor (there is strength - no need for intelligence) with the help of which creations are destroyed. Try to always be a builder and creator, and not a destroyer, of both material objects and the ideas of other people. In most cases, it's all about your attitude. Develop the habit of searching for constructive and creative ideas, new ways, learning how to do long-known and new things, and then you will become the builder of your health and your destiny.

27. If you don’t win, smile. Human courage is what Ernest Hemingway called “grace under tension.” Human life often resembles a game. If you can demonstrate your high competitive spirit in the face of defeat, then you have taken the first step towards earning the respect of your opponents and preparing for your next victory. In case of defeat, you should not treat yourself and the situation with such tragedy that you do not smile and sincerely congratulate the one who won a temporary victory over you. Wish him or her well, then focus on improving your own capabilities. With this approach to your life, you will definitely succeed.

28. Look for the cause of the disease, and not those responsible for it, believe in your healing.

The power of our brain is truly incredible. It has such a profound effect on our bodies that standard practice when testing new drugs is to assign a so-called placebo (that is, harmless substances or plain water disguised as a drug as a suggestion) to a control group of patients.

If the brain thinks that the body is receiving a beneficial drug, then those patients who take a placebo may experience the same recovery as those who take the real drug.

Use your knowledge of how consciousness greatly influences your health to your advantage. Combine a physical activity regimen with a positive outlook. If you take the right steps to maintain good health in your body, then your mood will improve, which means you will be more likely to take action on a healthy lifestyle. The result will be a complementary unity of physical and spiritual health. One area will benefit from the other.

If the brain thinks that the body is receiving a beneficial drug, then those who take a placebo may experience the same recovery as those who take the real drug.

Understand, reader, it is impossible to have a healthy body for a long time without a healthy spirit in it. If your body doesn't feel good, it's very difficult to maintain a positive outlook. Learn to alternate more often physical or other work with relaxation, mental stress with physical activity, exercise with rest and relaxation, and food with fasting. Be sure to combine your seriousness in relationships with people with healthy humor and a sincere smile - this is the key to solving many of your problems and the path to success in everything.

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