Why do you dream about buying a cross? Why do you dream about a cross on your body? Negative and positive interpretations

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Why do you dream about the cross:

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing a cross in a dream means:

In a dream, this symbol means petition, protection from evil, renewal.
The dream in which you saw a cross with a chain on your neck symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for your neighbor.
Seeing in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes.
In a dream you saw a golden, shining cross - in reality you have such a necessary character quality as the ability to forget and forgive insults.
You dreamed that you were standing in a cemetery and in front of you was a grave on which you saw a large cross - this dream means that in reality you should do more good deeds, since bad deeds will certainly be punished by higher powers. In reality, you have lost faith in the justice of this truth.

Old Russian dream book

A dream with a cross in the dream book is interpreted as:

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Dreaming of a cross means:

The cross is a symbol of salvation, trials, hope.
Seeing a cross in a dream means that you will face long and difficult trials.
To see a church crucifix in a dream - your unseemly actions will cause your mental suffering.
If in a dream you clutch a cross in your hand, then you are choosing not the easiest, but worthy path in life.
A dream in which you saw an eagle carrying a cross in its talons means the aggression of a powerful empire.
Seeing a cross outlined in a circle in a dream is a sign of trouble; the entire planet and humanity are under threat.
If in a dream you put a cross on your neck, get ready for the fact that one of your neighbors will ask you for help, the consequences of which will be unfavorable for you.
Seeing a burning cross in a dream is a warning of danger.
The cross, which looks like an anchor, means spiritual rebirth.

Ukrainian dream book

Cross sleep meaning:

Azar's Dream Book

What does it mean if you dream of a cross:

Miller's Dream Book

What a cross can mean in a dream:

Seeing a cross in a dream is a warning about the approaching misfortune into which others will involve you.
Kissing a cross in a dream predicts that you will accept misfortune with due fortitude.
For a young woman to see that she is holding a cross in her hands predicts that she will observe modesty and goodwill in behavior, thereby winning the love of others and arousing the favor of fate.
If you dream of a person with a cross in his hands, then know that this dream encourages you to charity and care for others.

Miller's Dream Book

Cross in a dream means:

Seeing a cross is a warning about the approaching misfortune into which others will involve you;
kiss the cross - you will accept misfortune with due fortitude;
for a young woman - holding a cross in her hands - you will observe modesty and goodwill in behavior, which will win the love of others and arouse the favor of fate;
to see a person with a cross in his hands - this dream encourages you to charity, caring for others.

Esoteric dream book

If you dream of a cross, it means:

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Iron - reliable guardianship
cross by the road - good news
decorated with flowers - happiness in the home
fenced - you will get out of a difficult situation
closed - there will be a death in the family
to see on someone - sadness
kneeling before him means repentance and sadness.

Dream book Meneghetti

Cross in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetically

A cross seen in a dream is a sign of reliable protection from the misfortunes that threaten you, into which your enemies may involve you. Carrying a cross in your hands means that you will have favorable conditions for realizing your capabilities and abilities. Seeing a cross in the hands of another person foreshadows the friendly and supportive attitude of people towards you, on whom your success and happiness largely depend.

Praying on your knees in front of the cross means that in reality you will repent of your own mistakes. Kissing a cross in a dream means that the misfortune that befalls you will not break your spirit. A pectoral cross is a sign of recovery for the sick, help for those in trouble and reciprocity in love.

Seeing in a dream a cross in the form of an order that is awarded to someone means that in real life you will soon receive good news from afar.

Seeing a cross on the dome of a temple portends happiness in the house. A grave cross seen in a dream suggests that in a difficult situation, your faithful friends will help you find a way out of a hopeless situation.

Signing yourself or someone else with the sign of the cross is a sad event. Seeing a religious procession means the death of one of your close relatives. To be baptized or to baptize children in a dream - in reality you will receive a valuable parcel or parcel with an item that you have ordered and been waiting for a long time.

A dream in which you see your godchildren reminds you of the need to maintain old connections, because they may still be useful in the future.

If your godfather or mother appears to you in a dream, it means you will receive a salary increase or a big win in the lottery, which will dramatically change your entire future life.

Cross in a dream from Rommel's Dream Book

A cross in a dream is a symbol of fate, but at the same time a religious symbol.

It can mean salvation, joy and sorrow in various dream contexts.

For a patient, a dream where a cross appears is a sign of recovery.

For lovers - to reciprocity.

Kissing the cross means steadfastly accepting all the vicissitudes of fate.

If a young woman dreams that she is holding a cross in her hands, in life she will be modest and kind towards people.

Fate will smile on her.

Holding a pectoral cross in your hands is a sign of happiness.

Seeing it on someone means worrying about this person.

If you see a figure with a cross in his hands in a dream, show charity in reality.

A cross standing by the road is good news.

If the cross is fenced, you will find a way out of the difficult situation.

Praying to the cross means receiving a gift.

Find the cross - defeat opponents.

Seeing a golden cross in a dream is a sign of joy.

Cross in a dream from Astrological dream book

Losing means trouble or illness.

Wear it hidden - you don’t want to notice the danger, be more careful, if you see it in time, you will be able to cope with it.

Buy, receive as a gift, find - help will come from wherever you expect.

Imagine that the cross is not yours, but someone else’s. You find the owner and give him the cross.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Pectoral crosses

Good day, Olga! There is a popular belief that you should not wear a cross that you have found or someone else’s. This is a sign for non-Christians. For a Christian, any cross is holy. Its church canons do not even oblige it to be sanctified. Since the Cross of Christ itself sanctifies everything it touches. I think that since you connect this dream in some way with a love triangle in your life, then this dream is a good sign that everything will be resolved as it should. But it is quite possible that it is not as you need, but as it was decided from above... Happy Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos! Http://www. Sunhome. Ru/religion/19450 Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Pectoral cross

This dream is perhaps about letting go of something that is outdated and outdated. The dream may indicate a way of life that previously existed, but which will have to be abandoned. A pectoral cross may indicate this renunciation, letting go. For a blessing before you let go. This is exactly what was expected of you (your beloved “came to life”). It looks like he needs your permission to leave. This will lighten his load. The silver cross can signify his own destiny and purpose in this life. I assume that he is afraid to talk to you about it, so he is “hiding”. Perhaps you should take a step forward. I hope that everything will be fine for you, even if you have to break up, you can maintain a Spiritual connection with each other. Good luck to you! (Additionally, read the interpretation of a dream about a dog).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Various symbols and signs may appear in a dream. But why do you dream about the cross? Is this dream some kind of omen? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of a cross - basic interpretation

If a cross appeared to you in a dream, it is important to remember all the details of the dream, otherwise you may miss its important interpretation:

· Where did you see the cross;

· Was it a pectoral cross;

· What was it made of?

· What emotions did you experience;

· Who else appeared in your dream.

If you dreamed of a cross on your body, then such a dream may indicate that you are being protected from above. You don't have to be afraid of anything - life is on your side. You just have to remember that there is nothing more important than family. Especially if you dreamed of a wooden pectoral cross. Such a dream speaks of the need to support parents and help them in difficult times.

A dream in which you give your godson a pectoral cross means that you will become a guardian angel for him. Perhaps the child will need your help, or you will be raising him.

A dream in which you choose a pectoral cross in a church shop speaks of your need to repent. You will sincerely want to change something radically in your life, and you will start the changes with yourself. You will actively take care of your appearance and decide to change your lifestyle.

This desire to change is not spontaneous. You have long dreamed of doing something important and useful for yourself and finally decided to do it. If you buy a cross in a jewelry store and can’t choose, such a dream suggests that many unusual events will happen in your life. It will take you a long time to find the right words to describe them.

A dream in which you were given a gold cross on your neck means that the person giving it to you has long wanted to be useful to you. Now there will be such an opportunity. You will finally be able to not only appreciate his friendship, but you yourself will be able to be useful to him.

A dream in which you hand over a cross to a pawnshop means that you do not appreciate everything that life gives you and in the end you will lose everything. A dream in which a man sells your cross to a pawnshop speaks of the betrayal of loved ones. You have already been betrayed, but you have forgiven it. Now the situation will repeat itself.

A dream in which you wipe a golden cross means that you will try to revive old memories and you will not succeed. A dream in which you sell your pectoral cross at the market means that you will betray yourself. You will become your own enemy. You will be bored with yourself. Try to avoid this situation. Because there is no greater betrayal and rejection than rejection and betrayal of oneself.

A dream in which you lost your pectoral cross means that you will lose confidence in your loved ones. Some of them will really betray you, and you will not be able to come to terms with it. A dream in which you found someone's pectoral cross suggests that you will have to take on someone else's problems.

You can refuse to do this, but the situation will repeat itself again and again. Seeing a cross on someone's grave in a dream promises you problems and health troubles. You will see yourself from the outside and feel abandoned and depressed.

Such a dream also foreshadows the illness of one of your relatives. If you saw a cross on the grave of a loved one, such a dream can predict health problems for him. Now try to support your relative in everything so that he does not need anything.

If you see a new cross on a new grave in a dream, many of your plans, especially those related to finances, are not destined to come true. If in a dream you see someone trying to stop you from painting a cross in a cemetery, such a dream means that your problems will not end for a long time due to the intervention of an outsider.

Your problems most likely began due to the intervention of an outsider, and you are now reaping the benefits of this action. A dream in which you break a cross speaks not only of betrayal, but also of the fact that you have long wanted to live in peace and quiet, but you never succeeded, and now you have a wonderful opportunity to do it.

A dream in which you pray in front of the cross at night promises you repentance for many sins. Emotions and memories from the past will come over you, and you will try in every possible way to get rid of them, but you will not succeed. You will replay the scenario of events in your head again and again. You will execute and punish yourself.

A dream in which you pray in church in front of a cross speaks of your need to tell a friend about your problems. A friend will sincerely support you and help you, but this will not seem enough. If you melt down a gold cross in a dream, you will try to get rid of memories that have been weighing on you for a long time. Don't give in to them.

Why do you dream about a cross according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that one dreams of a golden cross as a symbol of joy and happiness in life. But, if you suddenly found a cross under your door in a dream, such a dream means that you should not let just anyone into the house. A person will come to you with evil intent, and you will not be able to resist it. At first it may seem to you that the person came to you with an open heart, but then you will understand that he actually thinks about you.

If you dream that the cross is broken in a dream, trials await you in your personal life. You will never be able to build a smooth and happy relationship. If someone else broke the cross in a dream, such a dream means that this particular person will influence your relationship. He can destroy them by spreading gossip. If you yourself broke the cross, such a dream means that you will create problems for yourself. Your behavior will bring your reputation into question.

A dream in which you wake up with a cross on your chest means that you will fall so much in love with someone that you will lose your head. A cross in the middle of the desert promises you many partners who will want an intimate relationship with you, but sincere feelings will not arise in them. A dream in which a cross is burning suggests that you will simply glow with passion and jealousy. You will burn endlessly. Until you yourself realize your mistakes.

A dream in which you see someone stealing your precious cross promises you separation from your loved one due to the intervention of someone else. Such a dream can also promise you a temporary separation, and if you can forgive your partner for cheating, your relationship will receive a new impetus in development.

A dream in which you hear a cross falling means that your plans for a romantic relationship will collapse. You won't be able to truly love anyone for a long time. Your previous relationship hurt you so much.

Why do you dream of a cross according to the Esoteric Dream Book

A dream in which a cross falls out of your hands means that you will miss a wonderful opportunity to become a successful and rich person. A dream in which you throw away the cross and do not want to pick it up means that you yourself will refuse a wonderful opportunity to improve your life.

A dream in which your pectoral cross is stolen suggests that someone will decide to appropriate your laurels. It’s too late to do anything, in future try not to be so gullible. A dream in which you see an old, rusty, faded cross promises you troubles from the past. You did something for which you are still ashamed. Are you still worried about this situation? The dream book advises you not to torment yourself, but to move on with your life.

Why do you dream of a cross according to other dream books?

The Women's Dream Book says that a golden cross is a sign of joy in life. And the bigger the cross, the more joy you will have. If you see a golden cross turning black in a dream, someone will envy you and darken your joy with their malice.

Seeing a silver cross in a dream means tears over trifles. Try to prevent this from happening, otherwise you will regret your actions for a long time. A dream in which you give a cross speaks of your open soul and your generosity, for which you will be thanked with true feelings.

Grishina’s dream book says that an old, damaged cross indicates that the events of the past have too much influence on your present. It's high time for you to reevaluate them, look at them differently. A dream in which you see a huge cross inlaid with stones speaks of your luxurious and prosperous life. You just need to wait. Life will soon give you a gift.

This sign for Orthodox believers is a symbol of the beginning of something new. Why do you dream about the cross? Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross to give people further life after death. This symbol is an integral part of a believer. Crosses are placed on children after the sacrament of Baptism. This sign acts as a symbol of life and eternity. Each nation has a cross with its own specific shape, but they are still similar to each other.

Why do you dream of an Orthodox cross: dream books say that this is an important sign, such a dream is worth paying attention to.

Each of us knows that a pectoral cross is worn under clothing and is hidden from others. You should not demonstrate your faith so as not to cause condemnation. Why do you dream about a cross? Such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation. The first thing you need to do after waking up is to remember the dream in detail, not to miss the little things, then you can accurately see the interpretation of the dream. Often seeing a cross in a dream indicates that a person is experiencing anxiety in reality; it may not always be justified.

You dreamed of an Orthodox cross

Why dream of a silver cross on your body - in reality your life begins to improve. You have reconsidered your views on life and those around you, crossed out people who negatively influenced you. A person is not interested in what others think about him. But a pectoral cross in a dream is a warning. The time has come to pay for the actions you have committed thoughtlessly. Step over your pride and ask for forgiveness from the person you carelessly offended. At this time, you need to devote more time to spiritual development.

If you dreamed of a cross on your body that you found on the street, in reality you do not experience problems with your health; your lifestyle is not the best. You were able to give up bad habits and play sports. Now you can take on any business, it will end in success, you just need to put in a little effort.

It happens that in a dream we give someone a cross and help them put it on. As the dream book says, a pectoral cross in this case means that trouble awaits you in reality. Health problems may arise. See a doctor, get tested and undergo a preventive commission. It is worth paying attention to the cardiovascular system, because recently it has been making itself felt. Stop drinking alcohol, quit smoking and take up cycling.

What does a grave cross portend in a dream?

Did you wake up in the morning with a feeling of fear and negative emotions? Calm down. A grave cross does not always dream of something bad and carries a negative meaning. Why do you dream of a grave cross? It’s time to analyze your actions. Look at yourself from the other side, are you doing everything right? You need to learn to control your emotions, be less selfish and ambitious.

Did a person wake up at night with goosebumps? This means he must analyze his actions.

Why dream of grave crosses can mean that others treat you with distrust, once again avoiding communication with you. You are haunted by failures and problems that you cannot always cope with on your own. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your family and friends, they are ready to help you at any time.

Seeing a cross made of wood in a dream means that in reality everything in your life is calm and harmonious. You spend a lot of time with family and friends, value each other, and try to avoid conflict situations. A pleasant surprise awaits you in the near future; perhaps you will receive a gift that you have long dreamed of. Why dream of a cross made of wood contains more positive aspects than negative ones.

Other: seeing a tabletop crucifix, a cross in a church

If a person experiences positive emotions in a dream, in real life everything is not as bad as it seems. You will be able to cope with life's difficulties on your own, without the help of others. Let it seem to you that a dark streak has come. There are people around you who may act meanly towards you in order to achieve their goal. Be careful, then you can avoid unpleasant moments.

Did you kiss a cross in a dream? This means that in real life you can cope with failures. You can find the right way out of the situation.

Why do we dream about crosses? In reality, you devote a lot of time to self-improvement and spiritual development. If a person was calm in his dream, in reality he is moving in the right direction and will be able to achieve his goal. But if you experienced a feeling of fear and rushed from corner to corner, in real life you should pay attention to your spiritual development. If a person had a dream who has been sick for a long time, it means that the illness will soon begin to recede.

A silver pectoral cross means that a white streak begins in your life.

I dreamed of a precious cross: made of gold, made of silver

Why do you dream of a pectoral cross that belongs to you? Such a dream carries a positive meaning. In the near future, events will happen in your life, after which a person will look at himself from a different perspective.

If a married woman has a dream, an unexpected surprise awaits her. Very soon you will learn that a new life has arisen within you.

If a lonely person saw a dream, there is someone very close to him who can make him happy. It is worth taking a closer look at a person who may not be noticeable to you at first. For a long time he tries to show you signs of attention. You can calmly go through life with him, he will be a true friend for you, who will help you at any time.

According to the dream book, a cross on a chain is a good sign for those who spend a lot of time working. Management has seen great potential in you; soon you will have a long business trip, which will help you make new acquaintances. A material increase in the form of a bonus is possible.

If in a dream a person is given a golden cross, it means in reality there are people who can come to the rescue at any moment, you don’t even need to ask them for it. If a gold cross in a dream gives you unpleasant sensations, you need to be careful in real life. Before you do something, you should think several times about what the result might be. This way you can avoid problems and failures.

If in a dream the golden cross becomes dark, you should pay attention to your health. Give up bad habits, start playing sports and visit a specialist.

Why do you dream of a silver cross? This means that in real life a person can achieve success, he just needs to make every effort to achieve this. If you are conscientious about your work, you can achieve appreciation and respect.

But if a person saw a silver cross breaking, a difficult period will soon come, the time has come for a black streak. Don't lose heart and become depressed. Maybe you should ask your family and friends for help? Turn to them for advice, tell them about your problems and troubles in life, go to church, help those who really need it.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man

  • A dream in which a young girl saw a cross means that in real life a test has been prepared for her that will teach her perseverance. In the near future she will start a family with her loved one. Love and mutual respect, support and care will reign there.
  • If a woman dreams of a cross, in reality everything does not work out quite as we would like. Reconsider your views on your own life, learn to control your emotions, spend more time with your family and friends.
  • If a man saw a dream, pay attention to your health, get tested and go for a consultation with a specialist. If you ignore this, you may pay with your men's health.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Remember that it is at night that we are able to experience events that will one way or another have an impact on real life. Pay close attention to your dreams, because they may contain hidden clues that will help you make the right decision and avoid troubles in reality. And various dream books will help you understand the secret meaning of the picture you see.

Miller's Dream Book - work on relationships

Why do you dream of a cross on a chain - not everything is going smoothly in your life. Relationships with others are often tense. You need to be able to control your emotions and not follow the lead of others. If a married woman saw a dream, it means a new stage begins in the relationship with her husband.

Vanga's dream book - visit the church in reality

Why do you dream of crosses on your body - you need to engage in spiritual development, attend church, take communion. Spend more time with your family and friends, visit your parents more often.

Freud's Dream Book - positive emotions

According to this dream book, crosses in a dream are associated with masculinity. Seen in a dream, it can attract a lot of positive emotions into a person’s life. It's time to propose marriage to your partner. The marriage will be strong and long.

If you dreamed of a cross in a dream, this may be a sign that it is time to visit a church in reality.

Modern dream book - financial problems

- this is not a very good sign. You will have to experience problems and failures, which will primarily affect finances. Learn to control your expenses, don’t spend money left and right. Only then will it be possible to avoid problems.

Intimate dream book - hidden sadness

To wear is a hidden sadness. To see, acquire, hold in your hands - to sacrifice something for the sake of another person. Seeing a cross on someone means you should do charity work or help someone close to you.

French dream book - you need help

You want support and you reach out for it. Receiving a beautiful cross as a gift and immediately putting it on is a good sign; in reality, you will receive help that you did not even expect. If you lose your pectoral cross, you should be more careful.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers - Good Health

To tear off your chest - consult with unworthy people, be careful. Lose - you will throw off the entire burden of responsibility to your superiors. Give, consider, wear - your health will not let you down on difficult journeys.

Imperial Dream Book - Spend time with your family

The cross is a sign of grief and loss. Wooden cross - connection with “roots”, family, possibly painful separation from loved ones. A cross somehow connected with a person, for example, on someone’s neck, is an incentive to show mercy and help others.

Russian dream book - you will solve your problems

There is no need to complicate everything you are trying to solve - often the solution is as simple as the very shape of the cross that you see in your dream. Such a dream can not only show you the way to solve problems, but also predict a useful gift for you.

Azar's dream book - it's time to change jobs

At the cemetery - solve all problems in personal finances. Giving as a gift on a string or on a chain means that some matter pressing on you will be resolved unexpectedly well. Burning out means feeling like you are not working towards your dream.

Children's dream book - they will entrust you with a secret

If you wear a small pectoral cross in a dream, it means hidden sadness. They give you a cross - someone will share their secret with you. Someone you know is wearing a cross - he needs your help. - we should start helping those in need.

Culinary dream book - take yourself in hand

Searching for support and fortunate circumstances that will help you solve the unpleasant problems that have accumulated. Losing a cross means you will need to cope with negative moods, pull yourself together and not pay attention to bad omens.

David Loff's dream book - good news

On your chest - dissatisfaction with care and affection. Give it to your godson or goddaughter - you can build a large and spacious house. To lose means good news, a big event in the family, prayers and requests for your health and well-being.


Often in a dream we are given hints on a particular issue. If you dreamed of a grave cross or a pectoral cross, you should not rush to conclusions; a dream does not always bring only bad things. A person who treats his dreams with trepidation will be able to avoid problematic situations in his life. And we wish you only good dreams!

Video “Why do you dream about the Cross”

Our dreams are a reflection of our consciousness. They can tell us a lot about our future, past and present. If you dreamed of a cross, then this may also mean something important for your destiny.

From a psychological point of view, dreams speak about our fears, hopes and other feelings. If we look at dreams from an esoteric point of view, then they come to us at the behest of invisible forces, both dark and light. Religious interpretations of dreams are also very popular - we previously wrote about a Muslim dream book, thanks to which you can explain almost any of your dreams.

Ancient Slavic dream book

Our ancestors had many gods, each of which was part of nature. Before the advent of Christianity, the cross was not associated with God. It was a sign of the Sun, light, fire. If you dream of a cross in any of its manifestations, then this dream book interprets this as a pleasant future.

The ancient Slavs believed that if you dream one cross or something similar to him, then good luck awaits you in the near future.

If you saw many crosses, expect help from loved ones, mutual understanding and great love in the family, reconciliation.

If you saw cross on fire, the weather will be warm or dry in the near future.

If someone is holding a cross in their hands, then this person will bring you good luck, help you with good advice or tell you how to get out of a difficult situation. If you don’t know this person, then expect a pleasant acquaintance that will turn into love or friendship.

Freud's Dream Book

Christian cross Freud defined dreams as fear of the unknown. You may be planning some risky activities, surgery or exams in the foreseeable future. A cross in a dream means that you are afraid, that you need to find the courage to accept your future.

Psychological interpretations of crosses are now based on religion, so such dream books can only indicate the very fact of the presence of a cross in a dream, but special cases are almost impossible to explain. If you lose your cross in a dream, Freud said that such dreams mean a loss of confidence, a renunciation of one’s own ideals.

Western dream book

If you dream large upright cross, this is a kind of warning about danger. The Western dream book is also based on religious views about this symbol.

If you are surrounded by crosses, this could be a prophetic dream telling you that religion will play a significant role in your life in the future. In general, we wrote about the interpretation of prophetic dreams in our separate article, which we recommend that you read.

if you give a pectoral or regular cross, then expect help from this person. He will be able to support you in a difficult situation. If you don't remember what he looks like or who he was, don't waste your time solving this mystery. This person will find you himself.

If you lose your pectoral cross in a dream, expect unfavorable changes in life. This can only be corrected by being careful in everything over the next couple of days.

If you see an elderly woman or an elderly man with a cross in his hands, this indicates that your future will depend on the older generation, on the advice of wiser people and on your relationship with them. In the next couple of days, try not to reject the instructions of your parents, older brothers, sisters, grandmothers or other loved ones that are worth listening to.

Eastern dream book

Eastern culture is rich in various esoteric knowledge, but all it can say about the cross is that this symbol is dangerous to see in a dream. The fact is that the cross is two intersecting lines, which means that in the future you will face a difficult choice, as a result of which you may lose something important. In addition, the cross has sharp ends, signifying danger. You have a chance of getting injured in the near future, so be careful.

Esoteric dream book

For magicians and seers, crosses mean serious incidents, big changes in life.

See in a dream religious cross means that someone close is protecting you, and much more strongly than you think.

Black cross indicates that someone wishes you harm. Be careful in everything.

If someone takes your cross, this is evidence that you will be able to avoid serious problems in the near future.

If you first found and then lost your pectoral or any other cross in a dream, then changes await you in the love sphere of life.

With the help of dreams, you can change your life for the better, since they are very often warnings. Treat them with respect and all seriousness, because from an esoteric and psychological point of view, every dream is a certain sign. Be happy, sleep soundly and don't forget to press the buttons and