Basic systems of the human body. Twelve morphofunctional systems of the human body 12 main systems of human organs for life

Endocrine and peripheral nervous system. The community of 12 systems gives us a whole organism. If one of the systems is zero, then the multiplier will also be zero. There are no important or unimportant systems. Every system is needed and every one is important. If one system disappears, then at least all the others will follow it. To understand how the systems work, we will start with the central nervous system.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM is a system that provides control in the human body over all vital functions of the body. Our brain contains absolutely conscious neurons that provide us with vital functions. If we understand what is happening, we will learn to communicate with them. If we don’t understand, then we’ll start treatment with a psychiatrist.

Second system - HEMOPOETIC. Many systems of our body have not yet been studied. Scientists have not yet fully understood how blood is synthesized in our body. Blood is the carrier of life. It consists of a white part and a red part.

THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM. Cardiologists were very unlucky. Doctors who deal with blood are divided into two groups: hematologists and cardiologists, who deal with the cardiovascular system. Cardiologists were left with empty vessels and an empty heart.

LEATHER. Skin is one of the most mysterious organs. Good dermatologists say that there are no skin diseases at all. All diseases that we see are associated with internal organs. The main skin disease is scabies and mite bites. Everything else is associated with diseases of the intestines, lymph and other internal organs.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. The respiratory system consists of two parts. There are upper respiratory tracts: nose, larynx, trachea. And the lower respiratory tract: lungs and bronchi.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. In the digestive system, it is very important to know the algorithm of work: intake, processing and excretion. No matter how many diseases of the digestive system there are, they obey a certain law. All the main problems arise at the processing stage. At the admission stage, there is a problem related to the teeth and esophagus.

THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. Not everyone gets sick during a flu epidemic. What determines who gets sick and who doesn’t?

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. An infection can get into the reproductive system: viruses, fungi and bacteria (Trichomonas), no more problems with the reproductive system can happen. There must be a normal sex life.

MUSCULOSCAL SYSTEM. Scoliosis is a condition of the spine, it is a condition of the pelvic bones as a foundation, and it must be even. The feet have five toes, which have five bones. When a person bears the entire weight of the body on one leg (70 kg), the foot bends greatly. To prevent a person from falling, a triangle is formed on the foot and the big toe unfolds. The bone of the thumb begins to protrude, and the person thinks that the bone has grown.

LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. The lymphatic system is a system that even doctors don't know. They have never seriously studied it. The lymphatic system works in one direction. All lymph flows from bottom to top. All massages that are done from top to bottom drive the lymph back and destroy the lymphatic ducts.

SENSORY SYSTEMS. VISION. If you want to take a comprehensive approach to solving problems, you must learn to communicate them clearly. Remember, we have 12 reasons.

The entire human body is conventionally divided into organ systems, united according to the principle of work performed and function. These systems are called anatomical-functional; there are twelve of them in the human body.

Everything in nature is subject to a single law of expediency and the economical principle of necessity and sufficiency. This is especially evident in the example of animals. Under natural conditions, an animal eats and drinks only when it gets hungry and thirsty, and just enough to get enough.

Little children retain this natural ability not to eat or drink when we want, but obey only their desires and instincts.

Adults, unfortunately, have lost this unique ability: we drink tea when friends gather, and not when we feel thirsty. Violation of the laws of nature leads to the destruction of our organism as a part of this very nature.

Each system performs a specific function in the human body. The health of the body as a whole depends on the quality of its execution. If any of the systems is weakened for some reason, other systems are able to partially take over the function of the weakened system, help it, and give it the opportunity to recover.

For example, when the function of the urinary system (kidneys) decreases, the respiratory system takes over the function of cleansing the body. If it fails, the excretory system - the skin - is activated. But in this case, the body switches to a different mode of functioning. He becomes more vulnerable, and the person must reduce his usual loads, giving him the opportunity to optimize his lifestyle. Nature has given the body a unique mechanism of self-regulation and self-healing. Using this mechanism economically and carefully, a person is able to withstand colossal loads.

12 body systems and their functions:

1. Central nervous system - regulation and integration of vital functions of the body
2. Respiratory system - providing the body with oxygen, which is necessary for all biochemical processes, releasing carbon dioxide
3. The circulatory system - ensuring the transport of nutrients into the cell and releasing it from waste products
4. The hematopoietic system - ensuring the constancy of blood composition
5. Digestive system - consumption, processing, absorption of nutrients, excretion of waste products
6. Urinary system and skin - excretion of waste products, cleansing the body
7. Reproductive system - reproduction of the body
8. Endocrine system - regulation of the biorhythm of life, basic metabolic processes and maintaining a constant internal environment
9. Musculoskeletal system - providing structure, movement functions
10. Lymphatic system - cleanses the body and neutralizes foreign agents
11. Immune system - ensuring the body’s protection from harmful and foreign factors
12. Peripheral nervous system - ensuring the processes of excitation and inhibition, carrying out commands from the central nervous system to the working organs

The basics of understanding the harmony of life, self-regulation in the body, as in a particle of nature, came to us from the ancient Chinese concept of health, according to which everything in nature is polar.

This theory has been confirmed by all further development of human thought:

A magnet has two poles;
- elementary particles can be charged either positively or negatively;
- in nature it is heat and cold, light and darkness;
- in biology - male and female organism;
- in philosophy - good and evil, truth and lies;
- in geography it is north and south, mountains and depressions;
- in mathematics - positive and negative values;
- in Eastern medicine - this is the law of yin and yang energies.

Philosophers of our time called this the law of unity and interpenetration of opposites. Everything in the world obeys the law “in nature everything is balanced, strives for the norm, for harmony.”

So it is in the human body. A prerequisite for the normal functioning of each of the body systems (if we consider them separately) is the provision of favorable (optimal) conditions. So, if a person’s functioning of one system is disrupted due to circumstances, it is possible to help normalize its functioning only if optimal conditions are created.

The functions of the systems are inherent in nature as self-regulating. Nothing can go up or down indefinitely. Everything must come to an average value.

How can we influence the human body, the functions of its systems?

In many respects, the conditions for the optimal functioning of systems coincide, but for some positions they are individual and inherent in a particular system. The work of other systems and the body as a whole depends on the work of each system. There are no important and minor functions in life. All activities are equally important.

But under certain conditions, the importance of a particular function can increase sharply. For example, in an epidemic, the immune defense function comes first, and if a person strengthens his immunity in time, this will allow him to avoid illness. And for good adaptation, a person must clearly understand the functions of systems and master methods of self-management of them. This means increasing the required function at the right time.

A person in ideal conditions, with optimal operation of all twelve systems, as well as with optimal sensory, intellectual and spiritual space, would be healthy and live a long time.

We need to highlight priority areas of influence on the body, which depend on living conditions, the nature of work, the level of psycho-emotional stress, heredity, nutrition, etc. The quality of system operation directly depends on the conditions in which it is located. Individual conditions also shape the characteristics of optimal functioning.

Each person must have a program of optimal life activity, taking into account the individual characteristics of existence. Only in this case can he create the conditions for a long and happy life.

Based on materials from the book “System catalog of natural products Coral Club International and Royal Body Care”, author O.A. Butakova

The entire human body is conventionally divided into organ systems, united according to the principle of work performed and function. These systems are called anatomical-functional; there are twelve of them in the human body. In order to understand how to maintain health, you need, first of all, to understand the interconnection of body systems and the rules for their safe, rational operation.

Everything in nature is subject to a single law of expediency and the economical principle of necessity and sufficiency. This is especially evident in the example of animals. Under natural conditions, an animal eats and drinks only when it gets hungry and thirsty, and just enough to get enough.

Small children retain this natural ability not to eat or drink when we want, but obey only their desires and instincts. Adults, unfortunately, have lost this unique ability: we drink tea when friends gather, and not when we feel thirsty. Violation of the laws of nature leads to the destruction of our body as a part of this very nature.

Each system performs a specific function in the human body. The health of the body as a whole depends on the quality of its execution. If any of the systems is weakened for some reason, other systems are able to partially take over the function of the weakened system, help it, and give it the opportunity to recover. For example, when the function of the urinary system (kidneys) decreases, the respiratory system takes over the function of cleansing the body. If it fails, the excretory system - the skin - is activated. But in this case, the body switches to a different mode of functioning. He becomes more vulnerable, and the person must reduce his usual loads, giving him the opportunity to optimize his lifestyle. Nature has given the body a unique mechanism of self-regulation and self-healing. Using this mechanism economically and carefully, a person is able to withstand enormous loads.

Body systems

1. Central nervous system – regulation and integration of vital functions of the body.

2. Respiratory system - providing the body with oxygen, which is necessary for all biochemical processes, releasing carbon dioxide.

3. The circulatory system – ensuring the transport of nutrients into the cell and releasing it from waste products.

4. The hematopoietic system – ensuring the constancy of blood composition.

5. The digestive system - consumption, processing, absorption of nutrients, excretion of waste products.

6. The urinary system and skin - excretion of waste products, cleansing the body.

7. Reproductive system - reproduction of the body.

8. Endocrine system – regulation of the biorhythm of life, basic metabolic processes and maintaining a constant internal environment.

9. Musculoskeletal system – providing structure and movement functions.

10. Lymphatic system – cleanses the body and neutralizes foreign agents.

11. Immune system – ensuring the body’s protection from harmful and foreign factors.

12. Peripheral nervous system – ensuring the processes of excitation and inhibition, carrying out commands from the central nervous system to the working organs.
Unity and Interpenetration

The basics of understanding the harmony of life, self-regulation in the body, as in a particle of nature, came to us from the ancient Chinese concept of health, according to which everything in nature is polar. This theory has been confirmed by all further development of human thought:

A magnet has two poles;

Elementary particles can be charged either positively or negatively;

In nature it is heat and cold, light and darkness;

In biology - male and female organism;

In philosophy - good and evil, truth and lies;

In geography, these are north and south, mountains and depressions;

In mathematics - positive and negative meanings;

In Eastern medicine, this is the law of yin and yang energies.

Philosophers of our time called this the law of unity and interpenetration of opposites. Everything in the world obeys the law “in nature everything is balanced, strives for the norm, for harmony.”

So it is in the human body. A prerequisite for the normal functioning of each of the body systems (if we consider them separately) is the provision of favorable (optimal) conditions. So, if a person’s functioning of one system is disrupted due to circumstances, it is possible to help normalize its functioning only if optimal conditions are created.

The functions of the systems are inherent in nature as self-regulating. Nothing can go up or down indefinitely. Everything must come to an average value.

How can we influence the human body, the functions of its systems?

In many respects, the conditions for the optimal functioning of systems coincide, but for some positions they are individual and inherent in a particular system. The work of other systems and the body as a whole depends on the work of each system. There are no important or minor functions in life. All activities are equally important.

But under certain conditions, the importance of a particular function can increase dramatically. For example, in an epidemic, the immune defense function comes first, and if a person strengthens his immunity in time, this will allow him to avoid illness. And for good adaptation, a person must clearly understand the functions of systems and master methods of self-management of them. This means increasing the required function at the right time.

A person in ideal conditions, with optimal operation of all twelve systems, as well as with optimal sensory, intellectual and spiritual space, would be healthy and live a long time.

We need to highlight priority areas of influence on the body, which depend on living conditions, the nature of work, the level of psycho-emotional stress, heredity, nutrition, etc. The quality of system operation directly depends on the conditions in which it is located. Individual conditions also shape the characteristics of optimal functioning.

Each person must have a program for optimal life activity, taking into account the individual characteristics of existence. Only in this case can he create the conditions for a long and happy life.

The path leading to restoration of health

Few of us think about why we get sick, lose strength, why our immunity fails, where do the extra pounds come from? We are accustomed to considering all these troubles as ordinary and inevitable circumstances even in an active age, and even more so in old age.

Meanwhile, the state of our body is nothing more than the result of lifestyle, nutrition, drinking regime, measures to care for the body not only outside, but also inside (which we most often completely forget about). It has been proven that a person’s health depends only 7-8% on healthcare, and more than half on his lifestyle. So maybe you shouldn’t shift responsibility for your health to modern medicine? And you need to figure out what is the cause of many diseases.

Negatively affects human health
12 main factors:

1. Psychology. The companions of a modern person are often stress, troubles at work, in the family, and financial problems. And the state of our health largely depends on how we react to the current situation. You can be nervous, angry, or you can treat everything calmly and philosophically. All this is a different psychology, a different attitude towards the world around us and reality.

2. Food. An ancient wisdom says: “Look for your illness at the bottom of your plate.” A huge amount of research is proof of this. Take, for example, the experience that American journalist Morgan Spurlock put on himself. After a 30-day experiment, during which Spurlock ate exclusively at fast-food restaurants, and his main diet was hamburgers, french fries and Coca-Cola, he gained 12 kg, his cholesterol skyrocketed, his liver began to hurt, stomach, headaches, depression appeared, sexual desire disappeared.

All this suggests that the factor of good nutrition is one of the most important in preventing diseases, maintaining health and increasing performance.>

3. Water. Humanity is reaching a dead end precisely because of nutrition and drinking regime. There are 96,000 living beings in the world, and only one of them - man - does not drink water and eats food cooked over fire. All other creatures drink only water.

We drink everything that gurgles and overflows, but not what our body needs so much. As a rule, these are chemical drinks: Pepsi, lemonades, soda, instant coffee, flavored tea, chemical kvass, artificial milk. And the body doesn’t need anything of this even in difficult times. He needs (like air) only clean, “living” alkaline water. This is exactly the big problem. But the problem is not technical, as a rule, but more psychological.

5. Medicines. More than 70% of diagnoses in the world, according to the World Health Organization, are made incorrectly. One in four hospital beds in the United States is occupied by a patient being treated for the consequences of a health care exposure. During the doctors' strike in Israel for 10 days, the mortality rate throughout the country as a whole decreased - and these are not isolated facts. Official medicine has accumulated a number of problems, so everyone who cares about their health may benefit from information about various areas of preventive medicine of the future.

6. Lack of movement. A sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of lymph, slagging of the body and, as a result, disruption of the functions of many organs.

7. Injuries.

8. Heredity.

9. Bioenergy. Nowadays, science has proven that biofields exist. Previously, this was called the evil eye, damage, but now it is called “bioenergetic disturbance” or storms.

10. Ecology. Doctors around the world have come to the same conclusion: “The environmental crisis is one of the main reasons that will destroy humanity.” More than half of diseases are already considered environmentally caused. What is endogenous pollution? These are man-made poisons - industrial and household (varnishes, paints, solvents, household chemicals - washing powders, detergents, shampoos and toothpastes with sodium lauryl sulfate), dirty air and dirty water with thirteen thousand toxic pollutants, electromagnetic radiation and much more that surrounds us, penetrates us through air, water, food, skin and poisons us every day, and at the same time slowly but surely disrupting the functioning of the excretory systems.

11. Bad habits. This is not only smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction. For example, sleeping on your stomach or side is also a bad habit. You need to sleep on your back, it’s called “Sleep On.” That’s what they called it for us, sleep on it and everything will be fine. Also, bad habits can cause vision loss.

12. Time. Time is a constant, it always flows in one direction. It is dangerous to miss the “point of return” - the moment from which there is still a chance to change your health, well-being, etc. for the better.

The path leading to restoration of health and the use of Coral Club products

Is it possible (and how) in modern conditions to preserve your body and optimize its living conditions? Of course it is possible, but this requires not one-time measures, but the development and implementation of systemic protection of the body in unfavorable socio-ecological conditions. The protection system should include a whole range of measures aimed at eliminating all links of the pathological chain. First of all, a person must learn to take responsibility for his health exclusively on himself.

The human macroorganism consists of 12 organ systems, the functioning of which occurs through their friendly, rhythmic, strictly individual work.

Each person is an open ecobiological system, in a mode of continuous self-development and self-regulation. According to the universal unified law of harmony, it contains everything that is necessary for expedient and economical work.

The interconnection of the 12 body systems is obvious. If you start regulating all 12 systems one by one, you will lose time, because all systems are regulated in one way - SYSTEMically.

This hike, combined with the use of natural products from the Coral Club, is a unique technology for preserving health and strengthening the body, which will allow you to forget about the energy- and time-consuming BLB (endless treatment of diseases). Thanks to the products of the Coral Club and the knowledge gained, you will be able to provide yourself and your loved ones with the highest quality of life:

The first stage of health is psychological training. First you need to understand psychology, get information, get information, get some knowledge that will shift your worldview: where are we going and why?

The second step that cannot be crossed on the path to health is food. If we do not learn to eat properly, then we will be taught how to treat ourselves “well”, and they will teach us quite harshly. Without changing our attitude towards nutrition, we will not become healthier. They say that we dig a grave with a spoon and fork. This spoon and fork are in our heads.

The third stage is water. You need to understand for yourself what you can drink and what you can’t. Water in the diet should be at least 80%, other drinks - no more than 20%.

If you say:

About fungi, then you need an antifungal program: Sea-Free, Ant tree bark, Alfalfa, Garlic.

About viruses, then antiviral program: Colloidal silver, Ant tree bark, Echinacea, Colloidal gold, Garlic, Microhydrin

About the protozoa - Giardia, then the antiprotozoal program: Ant tree bark, Garlic, Colloidal silver

About bacteria, then antibacterial program: Ant tree bark, Garlic, Colloidal silver

The fifth stage is systemic cleaning. It’s not just cleaning with enemas, it’s a consistent comprehensive cleansing of the excretory systems. Systemic cleansing includes lymph, breathing, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, skin. And it is advisable to clean at the same time, opening all excretory channels. Colo-Vada allows you to do this.

The sixth stage is the restoration of enzymes and beneficial bacteria, which contribute to the normalization of digestion, proper digestion of food, improve the functioning of the immune system, and participate in the production of B vitamins. Our health and longevity largely depend on the proper functioning of the digestive system. They will help you with this. : Assimilator, Papaya, Superfood, Digestble, Mega acidophilus, Chlorodophylus, Lax Max, Digestive formula

Amino acids: Spirulina, Protiviti, Bioshape, Alfalfa, Wire, Phytoenergy.

Minerals: Calcium (Chewable Calcium, Calcium Magic, Coral Mine), Zinc, Selenium, Iron, Sulfur (MSM), Potassium Gluconate, Iodine (Kelp), Silicon (Microhydrin).

Vitamins: Vitamin E, Lecithin, Folic acid, Exta C, B vitamins, Phycotene.
Fatty acids: Omega 3/60, Shark liver oil.

In custody

There is such a sparkling phrase: “There is always gunpowder in the flask to undermine your health.” Indeed, most people do not think about their health until the body begins to give alarming signals, and then they begin to fight the problems that have arisen with the help of doctors and medications. Instead of some problems, new ones inevitably appear, and some remain unresolved altogether, moving into a chronic stage.

It is important to remember that health is not essentially the absence of disease at some point in time. Health is the “strength” of the body and its ability to self-heal and high-quality reproduction of new, full-fledged and healthy cells.

Therefore, the use of natural health products made using modern scientific developments is the best solution for us, modern people living in conditions of constant stress, poor ecology, total deficiency of nutrients and clean water.

12 body systems and their functions The entire human body is conventionally divided into organ systems, united according to the principle of work performed and function. These systems are called anatomical-functional; there are twelve of them in the human body. In order to understand how to maintain health, you need, first of all, to understand the interconnection of body systems and the rules for their safe, rational operation. Everything in nature is subject to a single law of expediency and the economical principle of necessity and sufficiency. This is especially evident in the example of animals. Under natural conditions, an animal eats and drinks only when it gets hungry and thirsty, and just enough to get enough. Small children retain this natural ability not to eat or drink when we want, but obey only their desires and instincts. Adults, unfortunately, have lost this unique ability: we drink tea when friends gather, and not when we feel thirsty. Violation of the laws of nature leads to the destruction of our body as a part of this very nature. Each system performs a specific function in the human body. The health of the body as a whole depends on the quality of its execution. If any of the systems is weakened for some reason, other systems are able to partially take over the function of the weakened system, help it, and give it the opportunity to recover. For example, when the function of the urinary system (kidneys) decreases, the respiratory system takes over the function of cleansing the body. If it fails, the excretory system - the skin - is activated. But in this case, the body switches to a different mode of functioning. He becomes more vulnerable, and the person must reduce his usual loads, giving him the opportunity to optimize his lifestyle. Nature has given the body a unique mechanism of self-regulation and self-healing. Using this mechanism economically and carefully, a person is able to withstand enormous loads. Body systems 1. Central nervous system – regulation and integration of vital functions of the body. 2. Respiratory system - providing the body with oxygen, which is necessary for all biochemical processes, releasing carbon dioxide. 3. The circulatory system – ensuring the transport of nutrients into the cell and releasing it from waste products. 4. The hematopoietic system – ensuring the constancy of blood composition. 5. The digestive system - consumption, processing, absorption of nutrients, excretion of waste products. 6. The urinary system and skin - excretion of waste products, cleansing the body. 7. Reproductive system - reproduction of the body. 8. Endocrine system – regulation of the biorhythm of life, basic metabolic processes and maintaining a constant internal environment. 9. Musculoskeletal system – providing structure and movement functions. 10. Lymphatic system – cleanses the body and neutralizes foreign agents. 11. Immune system – ensuring the body’s protection from harmful and foreign factors. 12. Peripheral nervous system – ensuring the processes of excitation and inhibition, carrying out commands from the central nervous system to the working organs.