What does it mean to draw in a dream. How to understand why you dream of drawing

Find out what the cards say about your sleep


If in a dream you are drawing, depicting attributes of royalty, such as a crown or power, this dream speaks of the futility of your intentions and self-deception.

If the drawing you drew in a dream looks very beautiful and is completely completed, you should expect to receive considerable profit from a business that you did not expect. Drawing fantastic pictures in a dream means that in reality there is no point in spending time in dreams, since they are not destined to come true.

If in a dream you paint a black and white drawing in different colors, then in reality you will be able to make life more vibrant. Painting with too bright colors means placing vain hopes that will not be realized.

If in a dream you draw a picture, it means that in reality you are exclusively engaged in self-deception.

If the picture you painted is completely ruined, it means that in reality someone is making great efforts to annoy you.


If you dreamed that you were making a portrait of someone, in reality you will have a difficult conversation with this person.

Painted nature - make a successful purchase; still life - you will find yourself in demand among your environment.

Posed for a picture - a new addition is expected in your home.

If you looked at your image, your family and friends will begin to treat you more attentively and friendly.

It was a caricature - your friends will play a joke on you.

Yuri Longo

A dream in which you are drawing is a symbol of the fact that you lack silence. A calm environment contributes to your peace of mind and only in complete silence can you collect your thoughts.

You are passionate about all things beautiful: painting, art, dancing and classical music. As a rule, vivid events are easily stored in your memory. Despite all the above advantages, your life lacks ordinary human communication. Therefore, stop being a recluse and meet your friends more often.

A dream in which you watch an artist work is a symbol of the fact that you are mired in envy. You cannot calmly tolerate the success of other people and constantly criticize yourself.

Remember, each person has his own destiny, and therefore it is impossible to give everyone what they want. A dream in which an artist paints your portrait is a symbol of the fact that enormous potential lies within you. This is a charged spring that must work sooner or later. Most likely, you will spend the accumulated love and tenderness on your loved one. If there is no life partner yet, then the family can be the object of outpouring.


If you saw a dream in which someone is painting your portrait, this means that in reality you are filled with inner love and mercy, but you still have not met a person who is ready to accept your dedication. Don’t be sad, soon you will find your other half - the one you’ve been yearning for for so long. Your happiness is already waiting for you. If in your dream you yourself were doing the drawing, then in real life, most likely, you are embellishing reality, trying not to notice reality. You are trying to make yourself believe that everything is fine and even more. Unfortunately, the real state of affairs is far from ideal.

Miss Hasse

If in a dream you see an artist painting a picture, you can safely make plans for the future, since everything planned will certainly come true.

In a dream you see a portrait of yourself, which means that someone is deeply in love with you.

Seeing a portrait of a stranger means a new, interesting acquaintance.

Drawing or seeing a painted landscape means an increase in material well-being.

Posing for an artist means a quick addition to the family.

Drawing with a pen means that you will earn universal recognition through your own efforts.

If you have a drawing set in front of you, such a dream foreshadows a promotion.

Seeing a large number of different drawings in a dream means receiving a gift.


You didn't see what you drew - unrealistic dreams.

This dream means that you want to change the world and add more bright colors to it. Perhaps the dreamer cannot express his feelings in real life, so he wants to leave his own thoughts and impulses on paper, paint on the wall with paints or spray.

If you want to understand why you dream of drawing beautifully in a dream, pay attention to what colors were used, what you wanted to express in the composition. This is how the dream book most often interprets various types of drawing.

Create pictures on paper

ABOUT ordinary drawing, in which you form unusual color compositions, means that in reality the dreamer lacks emotions and impressions.

Drawing patterns in a dream with paints means that in reality the dreamer will strive to embellish reality. Seeing someone else doing this means that you may become a victim of deception or someone else’s imagination. Especially if you believe in beautiful fairy tales and dream of quickly feeling on the wave of life.

In a dream, drawing portraits of people, houses and streets, or animals with a simple pencil is a release of emotions. It seems that you have been restraining yourself for a very long time and worried that you cannot sincerely express your own feelings, since the situation does not allow this.

If you had a dream in which you draw silhouettes of people, black and white pictures, then in life you cannot express your own emotions enough. Focus on what exactly you use to make the drawings and how professional they look.

If in a dream you draw scary pictures on paper, images of devils, predators, pictures of destruction, skeletons and blood, then such a dream means liberation from fears and worries.

Burning such drawings or throwing them away means that the dreamer will be able to get rid of and correctly evaluate his own experiences and fears.

The Islamic dream book writes that after this dream you will be happy. You will be able to say goodbye to many fears and complexes, gain self-confidence and become internally stronger.

If you draw such a terrible and unpredictable animal as a bull, then in life you can suffer greatly from someone’s aggressiveness.

A dream in which you paint pictures on canvas indicates failed episodes in your life, which you can now evaluate objectively. Pay attention to where exactly the drawing was and what was depicted on it.

If you dreamed of scraps of paper, torn portraits and drawings, the dream predicts illness and trouble. Drawing beautiful pictures indicates that you want to fill your life with emotions and bright colors.

If you used acrylic drawings for makeup or manicure design, then in reality you will want to change your usual image. Study color combinations and patterns to see how they created your mood.

Drawings with pencil, paints and pastels

Colorful and bright images, even if just abstractions, indicate that in reality there is a lack of emotions and positive impressions.

Miller writes that you make up for the lack of beauty in your life, but sometimes dreams indicate illusions and inaccurate aspirations.

If you were simply drawing for yourself, and not in order to create a masterpiece, then the dream means that your efforts will not lead to anything good.

If someone paints with rich colors and shows off their work, then you may become a victim of deception or a skilled swindler. Especially if the girl sees dreams, and the guy draws vivid pictures.

Holding a brush and learning to paint in a dream means that you will show your creative abilities. However, gloomy, black and white drawings that frighten rather than please the eye, dream of troubles, illnesses or grief.

But if you yourself are depressed and begin to pour out negativity on paper, this is a sign that your worries will soon dissipate. True, for optimists and those who are truly happy, such a dream predicts gloomy events and unpleasant impressions.

Painting on canvas, preparing for a personal exhibition is an illusion. For professional artists, such a dream means that they will be very worried that their work will not remain in people’s memory. Most likely, they are unlikely to understand these creations and enjoy them.

If you see your drawings at an exhibition and are embarrassed by some of your works, the dream book writes that the secret of your heart will soon become known to everyone.

If water or a waterfall washes away the colors and the pictures become blurry, then your plans for the future will not come true.

Unclear plots of paintings dream of uncertain perspectives, blurry plans, imprecise goals. Please note what or who was depicted on them.

Creativity for yourself, self-expression in which you use paints, drawings and paper indicates an outburst of emotions, an unclear strategy in life, the fact that you are thinking about plans, actions and decisions, but lack the courage to bring them to life.

If you draw a specific person, then in reality you will try to understand and feel him. Drawing for some purpose, in public, means that you need to benefit from some event or enjoy life, to express yourself, as you are claiming love and recognition.

If a girl dreams that she is drawing inscriptions and drawings on the walls or on the asphalt with chalk, then in reality she wants to be understood and heard. The content will tell you what emotions you are getting rid of.

If you want to apply makeup on your face, body or nails, then you lack confidence in life. Perhaps you want to create an image to direct attention to yourself. Painting your face means illness or hiding your true intentions.

Doing acrylic manicure on your nails is an attempt to protect yourself from enemies. Painting a wall signifies a strong desire to be heard.

Subjects and most common drawings

The numbers and inscriptions mean that you are trying to diversify your own life, give someone a message or, on the contrary, hide your intentions and desires, get rid of negative emotions.

Drawing classics and geometric patterns on the asphalt with chalk is a sign that you want to understand your thoughts and feelings, remove everything unnecessary and unimportant.

A house, high-rise buildings, skyscrapers mean your desire for society or loneliness. Drawing architecture, projects - indicates a desire to change circumstances, unless the dreamer is a professional architect.

Depicting a ship, transport, cars and planes is a sign of ambitious plans. You outline your goals in life and strive to realize them. If you start drawing animals, cats and dogs, then in reality the dreamer lacks warmth and affection.

X hunters and dangerous animals speak about your fears and experiences. If there is a bird in the pictures, then the dream predicts a happy occasion when it is not a jackdaw or a crow. The appearance of owls, eagle owls and other birds of prey predicts trouble and danger for you.

Cows, goats and farm animals dream of a happy and peaceful life. If you drew a chicken or a rooster, then the dream means that your sense of superiority is not recognized by everyone.

A circle, square and other geometric shapes symbolize isolation and mistrust, while a cross even predicts trouble, crossing roads, the death of a person you know or someone you care about.

Painting the sea, lake, beautiful landscapes in watercolor means that there is a lack of emotions and relaxation. Fish, shrimp and dolphins mean that you dream of being on the Cote d'Azur, but the dreamer has no opportunity to visit there.

A gloomy sea symbolizes disturbing news and frightening events, but if the sun rises after a storm, expect unexpected and pleasant joy.

A tree in a dream means that the dreamer is looking for support and protection. Fruit trees such as apricots, oranges, cherries or apples dream of a desire for wealth or receiving fruits from one’s activities.

Horses and pigs indicate a desire for peace and tranquility, although in men's dreams a horse shows a desire to communicate with an attractive girl with a slender figure and long straight hair.

Other meanings of drawings

A person in a painting, wall or image indicates a desire to study or get to know someone you know. If a girl paints a portrait of an attractive guy, a man, then in reality she wants to understand her chosen one.

An unfamiliar face on the canvas predicts changes in the dreamer's appearance. Some people have such a dream to signify a new acquaintance and interest.

A picture in which there are flowers, for example, roses or fruits, food, indicates that the dreamer wants new experiences. The brighter the colors, the stronger this desire.

But if food is drawn with black pencil or ink, this is a sign of forbidden pleasures. Such dreams are often experienced by those who keep themselves on a strict diet.

Drawing nude portraits that depict a naked body is a desire to understand another person and see his ins and outs. Some people dream about news or secret desires.

Mutilated, sick bodies are seen as a sign of the dreamer's illness or mental disorder.

A picture with snow, winter sky and stars predicts good news and happiness for you. Especially if they have elements of Christmas or New Year.

The predominance of a pleasant blue tint or blue tone predicts unexpected joy for you. However, gloomy pictures that frighten or evoke unpleasant feelings, coldness and loneliness predict the onset of a bright period in life after a gray streak of failures.

Many people use visual art to express their feelings, momentary thoughts, vivid emotions, and even those who have never tried to engage in such self-expression in life may come across a plot with a picture drawn in their dreams. Why do you dream of drawing? Interpretations of the dream book are based on small details, right down to what object you used to depict the drawing.

If a young girl in a dream had to draw herself with a pencil, and she got a good detailed drawing, then the predictions include the appearance of a beautiful and good-natured admirer, or the love of a guy who previously did not pay any attention to her.

Drawing a bright, cheerful picture in a dream is a subconscious symbol of the dream book that in reality you really lack new emotions and vivid impressions: you are tired of dullness and mediocrity. If you did not see the final work, but held the finished brush in your hands, then the plan you are in the process of implementing will bring you only positive emotions and satisfaction.

What does it mean to draw in a dream, but not see the drawing? According to the esoteric dream book, this is a symbol of unrealistic hopes. But if the silhouette of an object is clearly visible, then your cherished desires about it will come true in any case.

What does it mean to draw in a dream according to Freud’s dream book? You view events that are not happening too subjectively, and have a point of view that is radically different from the generally accepted one. It is this quality that prevents you from establishing contacts with the right people.

The interpretation of the dream book about why you dream of drawing eyebrows is very interesting. This is a harbinger of a new acquaintance that will happen because of your openness and sexual energy that literally emanates from you.

What was the result of the drawing?

According to the White Magician’s dream book, why you dream of painting a picture is a symbol of your isolation and loneliness. Moreover, this state of affairs does not bother you; rather, on the contrary, you strive for privacy.

If your relationship with your relatives is tense, don’t doubt why you dream of drawing a portrait. This is a sure prediction of a quick reconciliation, which will be associated with your new outlook on things and new priorities in life.

Drawing scarlet flowers in a dream is a dream book’s prediction of a meeting with a mysterious stranger, whose appearance will arouse a violent passion in you, and a reconsideration of all the values ​​that you previously could not doubt.

Improving well-being and increasing income promise what you dream of drawing a tree for. A powerful plant, as a symbol of the house - a “full cup” - predicts a promotion directly related to family ties.

Drawing a cross in a dream is an omen in a dream book about conflict situations with your soulmate, which may well lead to a complete break in the relationship due to a difference of opinion.

If in a dream you feel like a baby, and at the same time you manage to draw the sun in a dream, you can prepare for the collapse of your plans and painful loneliness. An even worse interpretation of the dream is given if you had to draw an icon in a dream. You will become an idolater, and because of this you will lose many friends.

When there is very little freedom and many restrictions in life, our subconscious tries to break out and give a signal that something needs to be changed in life. If you draw in a dream, it means that monotony and monotonous problems have dominated you for a long time, which the time has come to put aside.

Such an image in a dream indicates the activation of intuitive abilities; it conveys certain signs so that a person listens to them.

If you had a dream that you were painting a picture, its plot and symbols are very important for an accurate interpretation. Such a dream tells us that a lot can change if you start to look at the world differently, abandon the usual stereotypes and return to your original desires, which for a long time you did not allow yourself to realize and put on the back burner. So take a closer look at what you draw in your dreams!

Drawing in a dream - why do you dream?

Painting with bright colors in a dream means the appearance of important people who will help you achieve what you want, develop spiritually and provide psychological support.

Painting with dull and dark colors in a dream means a long period of depression, self-absorption and fixation on everyday problems.

Drawing a calm landscape, beautiful architecture or animals means realizing your mistakes, the emergence of positive changes in life and joyful emotions.

Drawing a picture with a gloomy plot in a dream means the resurrection of deep-seated fears, mental suffering due to past mistakes, and the manifestation of psychological blockages.

Drawing with a pencil in a dream means changes at work, important events in the social sphere. Depending on the plot of the drawing itself, the meaning can be either good or bad.

Drawing a cross in a dream means spiritual transformation, the appearance of a mentor, a rethinking of life values, a change of environment and the completion of some life cycle.

Drawing arrows in a dream means overcoming obstacles at work, the emergence of new partnerships that are based on friendly sympathy and mutual benefit.

Drawing a portrait in a dream means painful events in the life of the person you depicted. Such a dream makes you pay attention to the person you drew - this person needs your help and support.

Drawing your portrait in a dream is not a good sign. You should beware of diseases and immediately seek qualified help from doctors; you need to pay attention to your health condition and undergo diagnostics.

Drawing a tree in a dream means unity with relatives, good news from family members, harmonious relationships with a loved one and a way out of a spiritual crisis.

If in a dream you draw a picture of a person who has died, this is a sign that you should reconsider your views and pay attention to your family and loved ones, without getting distracted by trifles and fuss.

It is not always easy to determine why you dream about what you draw in a dream. It is important to remember the details of the image, color scheme and environment in the dream. As a rule, when you dream that you are drawing, the subconscious is trying to transfer some information from the subtle world to the material one. Such dreams are important and fateful in nature and may indicate global changes and spiritual transformation. You should seek help from various specialists in the field of esotericism: they will give information about time periods and events, help you understand the emotional plan, and will be able to understand how the events of the past will affect your future.

Dream interpretation to draw with a pencil

Often we have to draw with a pencil. Creative people cannot imagine themselves without this activity. Therefore, if you happened to see this picture in a dream, then there is nothing surprising here.
But why do you dream about such an image when you are far from an artist and have already forgotten the last time you picked up a pencil?

Dream books will help us with this; they know the answer to literally any question. All that remains is to remember the details that visited the images and analyze them.

General value

Often such dreams are signs that you are a rather extraordinary person. However, you lack opportunities to fully develop your talents.

Remember some of the details that you saw in your night dream.

What did you draw?

Painting a landscape in a dream

This detail is extremely important when interpreting; you need to start with it.
So, if you happen to draw any animals, then you are a cheerful person, you can handle any adversity and difficulty.

However, it is important to understand that this interpretation is only suitable if non-predatory animals were drawn. The Predator represents the aggression that is hidden within you. If in difficult situations you remain silent and accumulate grievances within yourself, this will not lead to anything good. Nature, be it trees, sun or sky, is an indicator of your vital energy.

Remember what the pencil-drawn picture looked like. The tree has a lot of leaves and the sun's rays indicate that you have a lot of energy. All you have to do is direct it in a positive direction. The picture is in a negative light - you need to save your vitality, it is running out.

But what do the people you drew mean? Here we cannot do without specifics:

What happened after? So, if you throw away your drawing, then you do not have enough strength to finish the job you started. You think your activity is pointless, you need to communicate with more motivated people.

Give to another - you like to shift responsibility to other people. Because of this trait, a not very good opinion has been formed about you. But if you gave the drawing sincerely, with positive emotions, then this is an indicator of your altruism. Your loved ones appreciate you for this trait.

Hang it on the wall - forgotten debts will be paid back to you. However, you also need to remember whether you owe a certain amount to another person.

What color?

The color of the pencil matters. Remember this detail:

Paint a picture in red tones

  • black - you are pessimistic towards others;
  • blue - you are a rather creative person, try not to do routine work;
  • red - a storm of feelings lurks in your soul, share positive emotions with others;
  • green – a symbol of longevity;
  • orange - for some reason you don’t want to accept other people’s help.

Other interpretations

Why do you dream of drawing from other dream books? Browse through famous and authoritative interpreters and choose one of them.

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist did not give an unambiguous interpretation. He focused on the gender of the person who dreamed of the drawing, and the drawing process itself.


The fair sex is famous for its popularity among men. She is surrounded by many fans who persistently seek her sympathy. But you should remember that only you must decide with whom you should associate your future life. Do not give in to persuasion, listen only to your heart.

Tearing apart creation in a dream

Tearing the picture you painted into small pieces means realizing your mistakes. Now you will definitely make the right life choice.

Drawing and selling a drawing means making a small profit. But the dream book notes: you are too passionate about money. In pursuit of enrichment, they stopped noticing the joys of life.


But for men, this image is a warning. He should be more attentive to the people around him, especially his colleagues. You should not trust them with any secrets and share your ideas. Excessive talkativeness can be detrimental.

Draw with a pencil, and then color with paints or felt-tip pens - for bright life events. Right now your life is quite boring and monotonous, but soon everything will change.

Miller separately looked at why he dreams of drawing only with a red pencil. Soon you will meet a charming girl, and passion will consume you. But you shouldn’t hope that a whirlwind romance will end in a long-term relationship.

Loff's Dream Book

This interpreter considers this dream extremely interesting. He focuses not on the pencil, but on the color of the paper:

Writing in a dream white on black

  • standard white - be careful, there is a high probability of theft;
  • yellow - everything will work out in the family, relatives will support you in everything;
  • pink - you are mired in illusions and dreams, it’s time to return to the real world;
  • gray - it’s worth diversifying your everyday life; if you don’t do anything, you’ll plunge into a depressive state;
  • draw white on black - you often go to extremes, try to find a middle ground in any area of ​​life.

The interpreter also considered dreams where he happened to draw fish or birds. Any fish drawn is an indication that you are a rather modest person, and this prevents you from moving forward in life. You should implement your projects, and not just think about them.

But the bird is a sign that you are “flying in the clouds.” You have invented a whole world for yourself, and reality no longer seems so attractive. You should start dealing with pressing problems.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Writing in a dream with colored pencils

This interpreter also did not stand aside and gave his explanations. So, drawing with a pencil means dramatic changes in life. New events will overwhelm you, you will barely keep up with more and more new things. The dream book claims that soon you will become a completely different person.

It is negative to have a dream where you drew your chosen one or chosen one. This is an indicator that you are overly passionate about your partner; such obsession begins to irritate him. You should not forget about your own life, try to have your own interests and goals.

Did you draw with colored pencils, did the picture end up being bright, positive, and beautiful? Congratulations, you will soon find your dream job. If a person has been single for a long time, then he will meet the love of his life very soon.

Don't worry if the drawing turns out dark. According to the interpretation, you are just overtired at work, you need positive emotions and a change of impressions.