Drawing in kindergarten is a group work. Methodological development on drawing (senior group) on the topic: Methodological development on the topic Drawing “Seascape” using non-traditional methods

Ganzhina E.A

EducatorI junior group No. 2 “Sun”»

What is ice? About what natural phenomenon Do people say “black ice”?

Ice - layer dense ice, formed on the surface of the earth, sidewalks, roadways and on trees, wires, when water and drizzle (fog) freeze. Ice is observed at air temperatures from 0° to minus 3°C. Ice thickness during icy conditions can reach several centimeters.

Glaze is a thin layer of ice on the surface of the earth that forms after a thaw or rain as a result of cold temperatures, as well as the freezing of wet snow and raindrops.

Ice and black ice are the reasons emergency situations. They can be extraordinary not only for pedestrians, but also for transport.

During periods of ice, the likelihood of accidents and collisions between vehicles increases. During this period, traffic police inspectors ask drivers to be extremely attentive and careful.

Ice greatly affects the operation of airfields, because the crust of ice prevents the aircraft from accelerating and taking off. In such cases, flights are canceled or rescheduled.

When there is ice, two dangers await a person - either you will slip and fall, or they will fall on you (or run over). When falling, people may have broken bones in their arms and legs; head injuries: concussion or bruise of the brain; pelvic bruises. During such an “ice” period, 400 out of 1000 people are injured and seek medical help. To avoid being among the victims, you must follow the following rules:

1. Pay attention to your shoes:

Choose non-slip shoes with microporous soles.

Attach metal heels to the heels.

Apply insulating tape (adhesive plaster) to the sole. Make the sticker crosswise or in a ladder pattern.

2. Watch your step, try to avoid dangerous places, but not on the roadway. And if it is impossible to get around an icy “puddle,” then move along it like a skier, in small sliding steps.

3. Calculate your travel time, leave early so as not to rush. You must look not only at your feet, but also up, as huge icicles and pieces of ice falling from the eaves of houses and drainpipes claim several lives every winter.

4. Be extremely careful on the roadway:

Take your time, and especially don’t run.

Try to avoid all areas with sloping surfaces.

On such days, try not to carry heavy bags, because under their weight you can fall and get injured.

5. Move carefully, stepping on the entire sole. When walking, your legs should be slightly relaxed at the knees and your hands should be free.

6. Learn to fall! If you slip, immediately sit down to reduce the height of your fall. Do not try to save things you are carrying in your hands. At the moment of falling, you need to squeeze (tighten your muscles, and when you touch the ground, roll to soften the force of the blow). Take your time to get up, check yourself for injuries, ask passers-by to help you. Remember: falling on your back, face up, is especially dangerous, as you can get a concussion. If you are injured, be sure to consult a doctor for medical attention.

Remember these rules! Live in safety!

Sections: extracurricular activities

Goal: To familiarize students with the rules of safe behavior on roads in icy conditions.



provide knowledge of basic definitions and concepts related to behavior on the street and road during icy conditions;

contribute to the formation of knowledge about the dangers of ice and the consequences for humans;

Developmental: to develop behavior skills during icy conditions.


formation of students' responsibility for own safety and the safety of surrounding people;

How can you protect schoolchildren from getting injured in icy conditions?

How to prevent an increase in accidents involving schoolchildren?

Game moment. Guess the riddles.

Who whitens the glades with white

And writes on the walls with chalk

Sews down feather beds

I decorated all the windows. (winter)

He's fluffy and silver

But don't touch him with your hand

It will become a little bit clean

How can you catch it in the palm of your hand (snow)

What do you like to ride in winter?

Wooden horses

Jumping in the snow

And skis don’t fall into the snow

We stood all summer

Winters were expected

The time has come

We rushed down the mountain. (sleigh)

I have two horses: two horses

They carry me across the water

And the water is hard, like stone (skates)

And with winter fun comes dangers. Let's figure it out: which ones.

1. We've been waiting for this snow! And here it is, clean, fluffy, falling and falling, covering your eyes, making it difficult to look. And the hood can also interfere with visibility. Attention and attention again! It’s not just you who have a worse view of the road. The driver too. Moreover, in snowy or icy conditions, the likelihood of skidding or skidding of the car increases. And most importantly, the braking distance lengthens unpredictably. Does it seem to you that the car is far away? Stop! Let her pass!

2. Children's favorite winter pastime is playing snowballs. They walk along the sidewalk along the roadway and throw cold white balls around. Laughter, excitement, fun! They slide, they fall, they rise!

Attention everyone! Games near the road are dangerous! Bring snow battles to your backyards!

In many courtyards there are now metal icy slides, from which the children ride - some on their feet, some on sleds or ice skates.... Great! And older kids try to run to steeper and higher slides. The spirit freezes when going down! Only such slides are dangerous! The exit from them, as a rule, goes out onto the roadway. Directly under the wheels of cars! You are about to ride down high slides. Stop! Dangerous! It is forbidden! Go on safe slides!

People fall and hit the ice

Ice on the ground. Ice.

Andrey Smetanin

Mom is walking in a hurry.


Dad is coming quickly


And papapallet

Someone is so cheerful

It's coming!


And someone is flying

Different uncle tetelet

Because it's icy

It's better to go slow

If the path is slippery.

Ice is ice or a layer of snow compacted to a hard state that forms a hard, slippery surface.

Black ice forms where there was water before the frost, or where, due to traffic or large quantity pedestrians, the fallen snow becomes compacted.

Most often this happens on roadways or sidewalks.

Rules of behavior on the streets in icy conditions:

When crossing the roadway, you need to be extremely careful.

Steps pose a huge danger in icy conditions: you need to place your foot along the steps; if you lose your balance, you can slide down without falling on your face.

Glaze is a thin layer of ice on the surface of the earth that forms after a thaw or rain as a result of cold temperatures, as well as the freezing of wet snow and raindrops.
Ice and icy conditions are causes of emergency situations. They can be extraordinary not only for pedestrians, but also for transport.
During periods of ice, the likelihood of accidents and collisions between vehicles increases. During this period, traffic police inspectors ask drivers to be extremely attentive and careful.
When there is ice, two dangers await a person - either you will slip and fall, or they will fall on you (or run over). When falling, people may have broken bones in their arms and legs; head injuries: concussion or bruise of the brain; pelvic bruises. During such an “ice” period, 400 out of 1000 people are injured and seek medical help. To avoid being among the victims, the teacher middle group“Cherry” Panteleimonova E.V. held a conversation on the topic “Caution, icy conditions,” where children became familiar with the rules of behavior in icy conditions. Thus, children should know the following rules:
1. Pay attention to your shoes:
.Choose non-slip shoes with microporous soles.
.Attach metal heels to the heels.
.Apply insulating tape (adhesive plaster) to the sole. Make the sticker crosswise or in a ladder pattern.
2. Watch your step, try to avoid dangerous places, but not on the roadway. And if it is impossible to get around an icy “puddle,” then move along it like a skier, in small sliding steps.
3. Calculate your travel time, leave early so as not to rush. You must look not only at your feet, but also up, as huge icicles and pieces of ice falling from the eaves of houses and drainpipes claim several lives every winter.
4. Be extremely careful on the roadway:
Take your time, and especially don’t run.
.Try to avoid all areas with sloping surfaces.
.On such days, try not to carry heavy bags, because under their weight you can fall and get injured.
5. Move carefully, stepping on the entire sole. When walking, your legs should be slightly relaxed at the knees and your hands should be free.
6. Learn to fall! If you slip, immediately sit down to reduce the height of your fall. Do not try to save things you are carrying in your hands. At the moment of falling, you need to squeeze (tighten your muscles, and when you touch the ground, roll to soften the force of the blow). Take your time to get up, check yourself for injuries, ask passers-by to help you. Remember: falling on your back, face up, is especially dangerous, as you can get a concussion. If you are injured, be sure to consult a doctor for medical attention.
Remember these rules! Live in safety!

Municipal budget preschool educational institution combined kindergarten No. 20

Consultation for parents

"Caution, ice!"

Prepared by: teacher Zhdanova T.A.


It's frozen in the morning
There is no yesterday's warmth,
There is ice on the roads,
And the cars carry everything.
Sidewalks are like a skating rink
I'd like to take another step,
But the sole failed -

She's very slippery.
How much trouble there is from ice!

There is work for janitors -
Pour salt and sand,

So that a passerby could pass.

With the onset of winter, we expect a lot of snow, but, unfortunately, there is very little snow, but frosts alternate with thaws. And this, as is known, best conditions for ice. Ice poses the greatest danger for you and me, dear parents, especially if we are late for work, and we also need to take our child to kindergarten in time. It’s easy to get a bruise in icy conditions, or even worse, a fracture.

What is ice and black ice?

Black ice is just ice on roads that forms after a thaw or rain during a sudden cold snap.

Glaze is a layer of dense ice that grows on objects when supercooled rain or drizzle falls, during fog and the movement of low stratus clouds at negative air temperatures near the Earth's surface, close to 0°C.

Ice is a much rarer and more dangerous phenomenon, especially for energy workers and motorists, since it is difficult to predict and usually develops quickly and intensively.

Most often, ice occurs during sudden warming, when warm air passes over a very cold surface.

Black ice is much more dangerous than black ice from the point of view of vehicle controllability and stability on the road. The coefficient of adhesion of a water-wet surface is significantly lower than in the absence of precipitation in the form of rain. This is noticeably reflected in the choice of speed. During icy conditions, the maximum safe speed on the highway is within 30-40 km/h, and during icy conditions – 60–70 km/h. Moreover, during icy conditions, the driver still has a chance to find a surface on the roadway that had no water on it before the onset of frost or that other cars had not yet polished to a shine so that the wheels of his car would have something to grip onto.

During icy conditions, freezing rain covers the entire surface of the road, regardless of how many wheels have already passed over it.

Black ice turns cities into big skating rinks. Slips and falls can occur at every step.

But injuries can be avoided if you know and follow five important rules.

Rule one: hold your child's hand

Children's behavior is sometimes simply unpredictable; a child may suddenly run, and the consequences in icy conditions can be very unpleasant. To avoid such a situation, it is better not to let go of the child’s hand the whole way. And before you go outside, regularly repeat with your children the rules of safe behavior on slippery roads - do not run, do not push, do not play, do not let go of an adult’s hand.

Rule two: don't rush

There is never any need to rush. Here, by the way, is the saying “The slower you go, the further you will go.” It is recommended to move with a shallow, shuffling gait. The wider the step, the greater the likelihood of falling.

It’s also not worth running and catching up with departing vehicles. It is better to wait for the next minibus or bus than to get injured.

Rule three: choose safe shoes

The third rule states that adult and children's shoes should be comfortable and safe. In icy conditions, it is better to wear shoes with non-slip rubber or other soles with deep tread. Leather soles are very slippery. When walking on a slippery surface, you should step on the entire sole, slightly relaxing your legs at the knees.


Do you have smooth soles? Stick a regular patch on it and the shoes will slip less.

Rule four: always look at your step

You should always look under your feet, especially in icy conditions. Slippery path, better to go around.

Rule five: learn to fall correctly

It is not always possible for a person to maintain balance. “Fall without consequences,” doctors advise. Therefore, you should learn to fall without risk. For this:

1. Sit down, the fall height will be less.

2. If you fall, group yourself. If you fall on your back, try to press your chin to your body. You must not fall on your outstretched arms; you can break your hands. To avoid a concussion, avoid hitting the back of your head.

3. When falling, try to fall on your side, this way there will be fewer injuries.

Having slipped and fallen, a person strives to get up quickly. But don't rush. First you need to examine yourself, move your arms and legs. If there is no pain, you can get up. Well, if painful sensations appear, you must try to determine what caused them - a bruise, damage to ligaments or a bone fracture.


  • Remember and don't forget that there may be ice under the snow.
  • If a limb is swollen and painful, immediately consult a doctor at the emergency room.
  • If you fall on your back and cannot move, immediately call an ambulance.

When crossing the road, follow the rules traffic, do not cross the street or run in front of nearby traffic. REMEMBER - the roadway is slippery and braking of vehicles is difficult, skidding is possible.

If there is a traffic light, go only to the green light. In icy conditions, choose a safer route and leave the house in advance.
If you fall on the roadway, try to get up quickly and move away safe place, if you can’t get up, ask passers-by to help you; if they are not there, then try to crawl to the edge of the road to a safe place.

Dear parents, be vigilant and take precautions in case of ice!

Target: Introduce children to the rules of safe behavior in icy conditions.


Provide knowledge of basic definitions and concepts related to behavior on the street and road during icy conditions;

Develop behavior skills during icy conditions.

Formation in preschoolers of responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others.

Equipment: pictures depicting dangerous situations associated with ice; doll with a bandaged hand.

OOD progress.
1. The teacher reads the poem “Ice” to the children:

It's frozen in the morning
There is no yesterday's warmth.
There is ice on the roads,
And the cars carry everything.
Sidewalks are like a skating rink
take another step,
But the sole failed -
she's very slippery.
How much trouble there is from ice!
There is work for janitors -
Pour salt and sand,
So that a passerby could pass.

  1. The teacher displays several pictures.

Guys, what is shown in these pictures? (they show how people have fallen and are falling, accidents on the roads).

What do you think caused the accident? (children's answers). Why did people fall? That's right, because the road is slippery. There is ice on the road.

I want to tell you where the slippery road came from. And how to behave on it.

It's cold outside in winter, there's a lot of snow. But it happens - it will become a little warmer, the snow will melt, and the next day it will be frosty again. And the road is covered thin ice. And it's called ice. It's getting slippery! Which means it's dangerous!

Guys, today we will talk about how to behave in icy conditions on a slippery road. But first we will play with you.

Physical education lesson “Winter”.

We play snowballs in winter, we play. (imitation of making snowballs)

We walk through the snowdrifts, we walk. (we walk, raising our knees high)

And we run on skis, we run. (springy movements in place, wide swings of the arms, arms bent at the elbows)

We slide on ice skates, we glide. (smooth springy movements of the arm, elbows bent)

And we sculpt the Snow Maiden, we sculpt. (corresponding movements)

We love the winter guest, we love him. (extend your hands in a bow and place them on your belt)

There is a knock on the door.

Do you hear a knock? Someone came to visit us.

The teacher opens the door and brings a Masha doll with a bandaged hand into the group.

Educator: Hello Masha, what happened to you? Why is your hand bandaged?

Doll Masha: - Hello, children! Something happened to me. I went outside to play. And it’s so cool outside - you don’t have to walk, but roll, because the paths are all icy. Well, so I accelerated and: slap! Oh, how painful it is, mommies! And this is the result - I broke my arm. Now I will be treating her for a long time. I came to the children to tell them what happened to me and to ask you - do you know how to walk on a slippery path without falling?

Educator: Sit down, Masha, on the chair. Now I will tell you and the guys how to behave correctly on a slippery road.

Exist rules that must be observed, we will talk about them.

You must not run or push, you must walk carefully, slowly, look carefully at your feet, and wear comfortable shoes with non-slip soles. And cars on the road are also slippery, and they can create a danger for people. After all, on a slippery road, the wheels of a car may not stop immediately, so you need to walk away from the edge of the road and be very careful. When the roads are very slippery, road workers come to the aid of cars and pedestrians by spreading sand and salt on the road. So that it's not so slippery.

Doll Masha says goodbye to the children: Thank you, goodbye. I think these rules will help me and my friends during icy conditions. It's time for me to go to the hospital for a bandage. Try to behave correctly on a slippery road so as not to end up in the hospital. Take care of your health.

3. Summary of the lesson: Children, what did we talk about today? Why were we talking about ice?