Not so simple. Not so “Simple”! Dance night

A man may say: “I’m terribly stuck at work; I recently went through a breakup Serious relationships, which was a big blow for me; my parents’ divorce left an indelible mark on my soul and brought a bunch of new troubles; I need to focus on my career now; I can’t get into a relationship until everything gets better in my life; as soon as my situation improves, I will leave my wife, girlfriend, lousy job; I'm terribly busy."

It’s easier for us to jump out of a window than to say: “You’re not right for me.” We are one hundred percent sure that in this case you will kill us or yourself, or both of us, or, even worse, start crying and screaming. Even if we don't say it, we clearly show our attitude to you. Stop making excuses for us, our actions speak for themselves: we just don’t like you.

1. He doesn't like you that much if he doesn't ask you out.

Because if he likes you, trust me, he will definitely make an appointment with you

1. Excuse: Maybe he doesn't want to ruin our friendship.

I hate to tell you this, but this excuse doesn't hold water. Unfortunately, throughout human history, this excuse has never been used by those who really meant it. If we really care about a woman, we can't bring ourselves to stop - we want more. And please don't tell me he's just "scared." The only thing he is afraid of - and I say this with sincere sympathy for you - is to admit that he is not attracted to you at all.

2. Excuse option: He probably doesn’t dare take the first step.

You can hint to a man that you like him, but you shouldn't help him ask you out. I repeat again, dear ladies: the fact that you smile and playfully wink at him will be quite enough.

3. Excuse: Maybe he doesn't want to rush things.

If a man really likes you, but there are deeply personal reasons why he doesn't want to rush things, he'll tell you immediately. He will not leave you in the dark because he needs confidence that you will not be disappointed and disappear from his life.

4. The “But he gave me his phone number” excuse

Don't let him use cheap tricks to get you to ask him out on a date. If a man is interested in you, he will take all the troubles upon himself. It sounds a little old-fashioned, but when a man likes a woman, he asks her out.

5. The “Perhaps he forgot about me” excuse

Rest assured, you've made an impression on him. Now leave everything as it is. If he likes you, he will remember you even after a tsunami, flood or defeat of the Russian national team in the next match. If he has forgotten about you, you should not waste time on him. Do you know why? Because you are great.

  • Any excuse essentially means that you are of little interest to him. Men are not afraid to “ruin friendships.”
  • Don't fall for his tricks and don't ask him out. If he likes you, he will invite you himself.
  • If you can find him, then he can find you. If he wants to find you, he will do it.
  • “Hey, let's meet at such and such a party/at some bar/at a friend's house” does not qualify as a date invitation. Even if you live in New York.
  • The man remembers well whether he liked you when he met, so hang up.
  • You are good enough to be asked out.

2. He doesn't like you that much if he doesn't call you.

Men know how to use the phone

6. The “But he’s on the road so often” excuse

Take note: a man who is interested in you wants to spend time with you. And he will be content with five phone calls only if he can’t catch the plane to rush to you.

7. Excuse like “But his head is busy with completely different things”

The most important question here is: “Is it normal if a man forgets to call me?” I answer: “No.” Unless he needs to rush someone to the hospital or someone stole his Ferrari. He should never forget that he promised to call you. If I really like you, I will never forget about you. Don't you expect the kind of guy who would rather forget about everything that happened in his life than forget about you?

8. The "He's not saying what he really means" excuse

That's the problem: at the end of the date or telephone conversation many men tell you what they think you would like to hear. They think it's better than nothing. So if the guy you're dating doesn't call you despite all his promises, is it worth getting hung up on him? After all, you want a man who can at least keep his word.

9. The “But he’s very busy” excuse

Now I'm going to make an outrageous, harsh and categorical statement regarding the relationship between a man and a woman: the word "busy" is complete nonsense, usually used by asses. The word “busy” can destroy any relationship in one gulp. Being extremely “busy” may seem like a convincing excuse, but in reality, behind this concept there is always a man who was not interested in calling you. Remember: men will always have time to achieve what they want.

10. One hundred percent of the surveyed representatives of the stronger sex said: they will always find a minute to call a woman they really like.

  • If he doesn't call you, it means he doesn't think about you.
  • If he makes promises and then lets you down in small ways, rest assured that the same will happen when it comes to bigger things. Keep this in mind and keep in mind that this guy will have no problem disappointing you.
  • You should not build a relationship with someone who is unable to keep his word.
  • If he is unwilling to make the slightest effort to calm you down and smooth over the brewing conflicts in your relationship, then he simply does not respect your feelings and needs.
  • "Busy" is the same as "donkey". And "donkey" is the same as the guy you're dating.
  • You fucking deserve to be called.

3. He doesn't like you all that much if he doesn't acknowledge the fact that you're dating.

Spending time together does not mean dating

11. The “He just went through a painful breakup” excuse

He may be one of your closest friends, but as a man he's not that into you. Beware of the word "friend." It is often used by men or women who are in love with these men to justify their most disgusting behavior. When choosing friends, I prefer people who don't upset me.

12. The "But we're really dating" excuse

Men, like women, strive to gain a sense of security and safety when they see a relationship becoming serious. One common way to achieve this is to claim your loved one. A man who is truly passionate about you will want you to be his. What's wrong with that, girls?

13. The “It’s better than nothing” excuse

Let me remind you: you want a man who wants you, calls you regularly and makes you feel like the sexiest and most desirable woman in the world. He longs to see you more and more often, because each time his feeling grows stronger, growing from sympathy into true love. A relationship in which you meet a man once every two weeks or once a month without feeling any love or sympathy from him can last a day, or a week, or a month. But can they last a lifetime?

14. One hundred percent of men surveyed said that fear of a serious relationship has never stopped them from starting new novel. One young man even remarked: “The fear of a serious relationship is one of the myths big city" And another guy said, "That's what we tell girls we don't really like."

  • Men talk about their feelings, even if you refuse to listen or don't believe their confessions. “I’m not ready for a serious relationship” means “I’m not ready for a serious relationship.” with you" or "I'm not sure that you are the woman I need." (I am sorry.)
  • “Better than nothing” should not suit you.
  • If you don't understand what's going on in your relationship, then there's nothing wrong with slowing down and asking him a few questions.
  • Smells of uncertainty? Don't expect anything good.
  • There is one guy in the world who will want to tell everyone that he is your boyfriend. Stop fooling around and go find him.

4. He doesn't like you that much if he doesn't want to have sex with you.

If a man likes a woman, he always wants to touch her

Dear ladies, you have already met and will continue to meet a great many men. I hate to tell you this, but some of these men will simply decide that you are not their type. And none of those men who don't like you will ever tell you about it. And he will say that... he is afraid, worried, exhausted from fatigue, experiencing pain from a broken leg, suffering from a cold, afraid (again). But the truth, simple, cruel and bitter, is clear as daylight: he is not attracted to you, and he does not want to hurt you.

15. The "He's afraid he'll get hurt again" excuse

Is he afraid? Yes, he is afraid of offending you. That's why he didn't clarify the situation with your relationship. He may even be trying to make himself feel something for you by talking about how much he loves you and how he doesn't want to lose you, but might as well sign your name in your diary. He loves you as a friend. If he loved you as a woman, he would not be able to control himself and would have an affair with you whirlwind romance, despite all the fears and unpleasant memories.

16. The "I drive him so crazy that he doesn't show any interest" excuse

Of course, many people have suffered in the past and now fear serious relationships. But you know what? If a man really likes you, nothing will stop him from pursuing you, not even the fear of a serious relationship. If he really big problems on this matter, he may go for pointless treatment, but he will never keep you in the dark.

17. The “But it’s so cool” excuse

It used to be that a woman refused to have sex when she wanted to gain power over a man. It seems that representatives of the stronger sex have also learned to use this. If a guy is lying on the couch with you, happily eating cookies and watching a movie (and is not gay), then he simply is not attracted to you.

18. The “He has a bunch of explanations for everything” excuse

You can believe his excuses if you want, but ask yourself a few questions first. Are you satisfied with this kind of relationship? The most important thing here is do you want to feel this way, possibly for the rest of your life? Sex is also one of the greatest pleasures a person can experience. Therefore, it is at least strange when the person you are dating prevents you from having this pleasure.

19. Remember:

  • People talk about who they really are all the time. If a man tells you that monogamy is not for him, then there is no reason not to believe him.
  • Communication is wonderful. But if communication is combined with sex, that’s even better. Call a spade a spade, or rather, call a friend a friend. And find yourself a friend who can't resist touching you.
  • If you have low self-esteem, then you will have to spend more time improving it than looking for a new boyfriend. So prioritize according to your needs.
  • If you are tempted by the thought of a thousand and one nights spent in the arms (and only) of some man, then get yourself a puppy.
  • Hot thing, there's a man walking around somewhere who really wants to make love to you.

5. He doesn't like you that much if he sleeps with another woman.

There is no truly convincing excuse for cheating

Whatever problems plague your relationship, they do not give him the right to make love to another woman. Don't ask what is your fault. There is no need to take the blame on yourself. And if he tells you that it happened by accident, then remember: cheating is not accidental. This is not an accident like “I stumbled and was sucked into a swamp called “Treason.” He planned and executed this, fully aware that it could end your relationship. Remember: if he sleeps with another woman without your permission and approval, then he is acting not just like a man who is not that interested in you, but like a man who is not interested in you at all.

20. The "He has no excuse and he knows it" excuse

Cheating is bad. And the inability to explain why you cheated on a person is even worse. If one red flag isn't enough for you, how about two? Don't date men who don't know why they did something.

21. The “But I got fat” excuse

I'm completely sure that you need to lose 200 pounds from your worthless boyfriend, not the twenty pounds he's talking about. He cheated on you and called you fat. How much humiliation can a person endure? If something in your relationship does not suit him, then he should talk about it with you, instead of seeking solace in the vagina of another woman. Plus, think about how he would react if you got pregnant, got older, or got a few wrinkles? Or if you dye your hair a color he doesn't like? Get rid of this loser immediately, or I will come to your house and throw him out.

22. The “He needs more sex than me” excuse

There is no excuse for him to cheat on you. Dot. There are many ways to solve this fairly common problem, which arises due to differences in sexual appetite. As a rule, people start by having an open conversation about this topic, and everyone agrees to do everything in their power to make their partner satisfied. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to jump into bed with someone else!

23. The "But at least he knew her" excuse

I’ll explain in other words: it doesn’t matter whether he loves you or not. He has made it clear to you what his feelings are about your affair. He acted on his feelings and arranged everything so that he could be alone with another woman, kiss her, take off her clothes and do everything else that usually happens when two adults have sex. Can you continue to love him after this?

24. One hundred percent of men surveyed reported that they had never made love to a woman pure chance. (But many of them wanted to know how such an accident occurs and what needs to be done to take advantage of it.)

  • There is no excuse for cheating. Let me repeat: there is no excuse for cheating. Now say it yourself: there is no excuse for cheating.
  • The only thing you are responsible for when another person fails morally is your own feelings.
  • Treason is betrayal. It doesn’t matter who he cheated on you with and how many times it happened.
  • Each time it becomes easier to change. It is only difficult the first time when you experience remorse and guilt because you have not lived up to the trust of another person.
  • Cheaters are never happy. (Because they're all bastards.)
  • An unfaithful man first of all cheats on himself, since he cannot build a normal relationship with you.

6. He doesn't like you that much if he only wants to see you when he's drunk.

If he likes you, he will be eager to see you when his brain is not clouded by alcohol fumes. If your clown puts on a red nose every time it comes to intimacy, then this indicates that there are serious problems in your relationship.

25. The “But I like it when he’s drunk” excuse

If, sitting at a bar, he drunk says something like: “Baby, you’re so beautiful!” and at the same time hugs you a little tighter than he should, then it’s high time you learned something: you can’t believe everything a man says when he’s drunk. And listen to the ex-bad guy: " bad Boys"are called bad because they have a lot of troubles, no self-esteem, and they absolutely do not believe in sincere love relationship, but very often they dress cool and drive cool cars. Is this really what you need?

26. The “At least he doesn’t drink the strongest drinks” excuse

Don't be fooled. A guy who doesn't collapse and pee his pants from drunkenness shouldn't get away with quietly turning off his brains to others, more the easy way every time you are together. It's still intoxication, it's still a desire to avoid responsibility, and it's still not very good for you.

27. Remember:

  • His words mean nothing if he said them while drunk. “I love you” or the like, said under the influence of any drink stronger than grape juice, has no force in court or in real life.
  • Drinking alcohol and drugs is not the way to a person’s deepest feelings. Otherwise, people wouldn't break empty beer bottles over their heads and try to touch the flames of a fire to see if they would feel anything or not.
  • If he wants to see you, communicate with you, have sex with you only when he is drunk, this is not love, this is sport.
  • Bad guys aren't called bad for nothing.
  • You deserve a man who doesn't have to pump himself up to spend time with you.

7. He doesn't like you that much if he doesn't want to marry you.

Love cures commitment sickness

Each of your former men The person who told you that he doesn't want to get married, or doesn't believe in marriage, or has doubts about marriage, will certainly tie himself in sacred knots someday. Not with you. Because he’s not saying that he doesn’t want to get married at all. He says that he doesn't want to marry you.

28. The “Everything is very complicated now” excuse

If you focus on the state of your finances when choosing a time for your wedding, this favorable period will never come. If your boyfriend uses lack of money as an excuse not to marry you, then it is your relationship that is at risk, not his bank account.

29. The “But he’s just like that” excuse

If you have to sit and think about how to start a conversation about marriage with a person with whom you have been in a close relationship for quite some time, then this is an alarming sign. Immediately call him for a frank conversation and sort things out. Then, as soon as you are ready, go find someone who will be all about how you feel.

30. The dilemma of “Is this really an excuse not to get married?”

Marriage is a tradition that we inherited from previous generations That's why marriage has so many opponents. So be it: if a man is categorically against marriage, and you are both for it, then please make sure that behind his reluctance to marry lies only a dislike for the very institution of marriage, and not any other feelings or lack thereof.

31. The “I’m just not ready yet” excuse

I hate to tell you this, but he doesn’t want to rush for just one reason: he’s still not sure that you’re the one.

32. The "He's seen enough other failed marriages" excuse

For worthy man meeting the woman with whom he wants to share his life is always a real highlight. And, probably, if he understands that this is exactly the woman, he will not immediately tell her that the very thought of registering their relationship disgusts him.

33. One hundred percent of the men surveyed admitted that they would undoubtedly propose marriage to a woman if they were completely sure that she was the love of their life. One representative of the stronger sex said: “What kind of idiot do you have to be not to marry the woman you love?”

  • “He doesn’t want to get married” and “He doesn’t want to marry me” are two different things. Make sure that you correctly determine which category your chosen one belongs to.
  • If you have opposing views on marriage, there will likely be other issues that will lead to disagreements. It's time to make a problem list.
  • If nothing changes in your relationship, then what are you waiting for?
  • Somewhere on earth there is a man walking who wants to marry you.

8. He doesn't like you that much if he dumped you.

"I don't want to be with you" still means exactly that

34. The “He needs me” excuse

Don't be satisfied that he's bored without you. He should be bored. You are so unique. And yet he was and remains the person who abandoned you. Remember, there is only one reason why he might miss you when he remembers you: he thinks that he doesn't want to spend this day with you.

35. Justification like “It’s much easier after this decision”

If he dates you, asks you out, dumps you and continues to sleep with you, that essentially absolves him of any responsibility for your feelings for him. There is one thing that a young man will never do if he cannot imagine his life without you: he will never leave you. The only way for you to know if you love yourself is to get rid of him, and get rid of him as quickly as possible.

36. The “But everyone does it” excuse

Stop holding on to his dick, get dressed and quickly go home to your best friend. And don't look for an excuse to stay with him. And don’t think that all this crazy passion will inevitably lead to you getting together again. Oh yeah, sex after a breakup is not bad at all, because it's great to sleep with someone you know. It's also great to sleep with a person you feel for strong feelings. This combination is what makes sex after a breakup so vibrant. But now you know that because of this, real confusion arises in your head and you begin to feel terrible. Let's face it: you are a woman, and women don't know how to separate love and sex. And don't make the same mistakes again. Got it? He doesn't like you that much. He much prefers a very bad idea that masquerades as a very bad one. good idea, namely, sex after a breakup. Like this.

37. The “But then he wants to go back” excuse

Unfortunately, after you break up, your boyfriend starts looking for something better. And when he fails, he is overcome by loneliness and returns “home.” It's not like he likes you very much. He just really doesn't like being alone.

38. The “I refuse to accept the fact that he left me” excuse

I'm sorry he left you. Trying again and again to get him back, you point ex-boyfriend to the thought: “What did I even find in this psychotic bitch?” Remember one simple tip, ladies: always be on top. Never go crazy. Well, well, in fact, this is not even one, but two tips. But trust me, you will never regret listening to them. At least this will save you from unpleasant memories about how you cut his clothes into pieces or threw out all the photos of him.

39. Remember:

  • You won't be able to prevent a breakup by talking. Discussions won't help here. The termination of relations is a final decision and cannot be appealed.
  • Having sex after a breakup doesn't mean you're back together.
  • Stop communicating with him. Let him miss you.
  • You don't need to remind him how great you are.
  • He can take care of his cat himself.
  • A “gorgeous woman” will never torment his answering machine.
  • Somewhere there is a young man waiting for you who will be just happy that you didn’t get back together with your terribly nasty ex-boyfriend.

9. He doesn't like you that much if he just up and disappeared.

Sometimes you have to make up your own mind

Well, everything is very clear here. He made it clear to you that you were so not his type that he didn’t even bother to leave you any news about himself. The only thing you should take away from this love story, is the fact that he decided to leave you. And he didn’t have the courage to tell you this, looking him in the eye. Case is closed.

40. The “Maybe he died” excuse

There is nothing worse than not receiving a response from your loved one. But the trouble is that the lack of an answer is the answer for you. Perhaps he didn't write farewell letter, but his silence says more clearly: “I don’t like you.” The only reason reason why you should write to him again is the desire to receive an obvious refusal, now in verbal form. Have you forgotten? You are too busy with your fans and you don't have time for such nonsense.

41. Excuse like “So, it turns out I can’t even have a row with him for the last time?”

At first, it may seem that you will feel better if you call him and start a scandal. You may feel like you let him get away with it. But believe me, nothing you want to tell him will be a revelation to him. And you already have something to spend your time on.

42. The “But I just want an answer” excuse

Do you deserve to know what really happened? Without a doubt. I can tell you what happened: you dated a terrible person. The easiest way to correct this mistake is to draw certain conclusions for yourself, move on with your life and continue to be more selective in choosing a partner. Do all this quickly without wasting a minute of your precious time.

43. One hundred percent of males surveyed who “disappeared” from a woman’s sight said they were fully aware that they had done something terrible and did not phone calls and belated conversations would not make them change their minds.

  • He may indeed be in the hospital suffering from amnesia, but more likely he's just not that into you.
  • The lack of an answer is his answer to you.
  • Don't give him the opportunity to reject you again.
  • Let his mother make scandals for him. And you're too busy for that.
  • There is no mystery here: he simply left your life, and he was unworthy of you.

10. He doesn’t like you that much if he’s married (this also includes all the other, most incredible reasons why he can’t be with you)

If you cannot love each other freely and openly, then it is not true love. No matter how strong and sincere your feelings for another person are, if he cannot respond to them honestly and fully, that is mutual love, these feelings don't mean anything.

44. The “But his wife is such a bitch” excuse!

No matter how unhappy his marriage was and no matter how badly his wife treated him, it was definitely not that bad, otherwise he would have left her long ago. Sincere love relationships do not deserve to be hidden. Find yourself a man who won't hide his feelings.

45. The "But he's such a good person" excuse

Please don't try to ignore this fact. He is married to another woman. I know you are not like everyone else, and in your case everything is different, but the fact remains: he is married. If in your entire life you are ready to stop at a red light only once, then this is exactly the case. It's just that the stakes are too high for everyone who plays this game.

46. ​​The “I just have to wait” excuse

If at a certain stage in the development of a relationship there is talk of “waiting for him,” this is an alarming signal. He is not a stock in which you are going to invest money. He is a man whose heart must be open enough for him to be ready to meet you and fall madly in love with you. If someone really likes you, he will quickly solve all his problems and make a lot of efforts not to lose you.

47. Remember:

  • He is married.
  • If he doesn't belong to you entirely, then he belongs to her.
  • There are a lot of cool and gentle single men in the world. Try to meet one of them.
  • If a man screams and curses at ex-wife or mourning a previous girlfriend, go to the movies with someone else.
  • He is married.
  • There is no need to join the ranks of those same women.
  • You are not so easy to forget. Let him find you himself when he is ready for a new relationship.

11. He doesn't like you that much if he acts like a selfish egoist, a braggart, or just a big jerk.

If he really loves you, he will do his best to make you happy.

48. The “But he really wants to improve” excuse

Loving people try to treat each other well and even take pleasure in showing tenderness and care to their loved ones. If your partner is very bad at this, then you end up reaping the same benefits as in the situation called “He doesn’t like you that much.”

49. The “But that’s just the way he was raised” excuse

It's not necessary for him to go crazy over your CD collection. He doesn't have to like all your shoes. But any full-fledged and prudent man simply must make an effort and love your friends and your family, especially if they are all such wonderful people.

50. The “But he will change” excuse

Temper is not a temporary problem. People who yell at others simply do not know how to control themselves and need psychiatric help. People who yell at others think they have a right to do so. Hey, beauty, do you really want to create such a family?

51. The “After all, the only thing that matters is what happens between us in private” excuse

Why be with a person who needs to humiliate you in order to feel superior? Especially in front of friends! Why should you care if he treats you better when you're alone? After all, he is just waiting to bring you into the public eye in order to humiliate you. Drop him! Go to college and write a thesis on the topic: “How to find a man whom you are not ashamed to show to your friends.”

52. The "But he's just trying to help" excuse

It is not only behavior when a man beats a woman that is called offensive. Behavior that can and should also be considered offensive is when a man yells at a woman, publicly humiliates her, or reminds her that she is too fat, thereby making her feel unattractive. It's very hard to believe what you deserve true love when someone tries their best to convince you that you are not worthy of anything in this life. But, as I see, all the exhortations to break up with him still have no effect on you. So first, just realize: you are too good for such a relationship. You are too good for such a relationship.

53. The “He just hasn’t found himself yet” excuse

54. The "Maybe it's one of his little quirks" excuse!

You'll likely encounter men who don't like hugging, kissing, or having sex. You will spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to deal with this and whether you caused this behavior. Or you will simply come to the conclusion that these people do not like to do what you believe is an integral part of a fulfilling life, and you will go in search of someone who shares your views.

The joke goes something like this: “Hey, Björk called, she wants her dress back.” And the insult is like this: “God, you’re so fed up!” But the most important thing is to understand what you need. You all definitely deserve better treatment!

55. One hundred percent of men surveyed said that they had never tried to humiliate or upset a woman they really liked. And this is the most important thing.

  • You shouldn’t complicate an already difficult life by sharing it with a person who gives you a lot of trouble.
  • You deserve a man who will behave with you appropriately in any situation. (Don't forget that you should treat him well too.)
  • There is no reason to yell at another person unless they are in mortal danger.
  • Assholes belong in the circus, not in your apartment.
  • You already have one butt, why do you need a second one?
  • By getting rid of useless people, you will have a lot of free time that you can spend on what gives you pleasure.
  • Believe in yourself. How could it be otherwise?

13. So what should you do?

56. Here you ask: “What if the next novel doesn’t happen at all?” And we will answer: “Send these terrible thoughts on a long voyage on a ship that will certainly sink, because it is destined to crash on the reefs of the Island of Sorrows. And we don't want you on this ship."

Your new requirements:

  • I will not date a person who does not ask me out on dates.
  • I will not date a person who makes me wait for hours for his call.
  • I will not date a person who is not sure that he wants to date me.
  • I will not date someone who makes me feel sexually unattractive.
  • I won't date someone who abuses alcohol or drugs, so this makes me uncomfortable.
  • I will not date a person who is afraid to make plans for the future with me.
  • Under no circumstances will I waste time on a person who has already rejected me once.
  • I will not date a married man.
  • I will not date a man unless he is truly a kind, sincere and gentle person.

Now it's your turn. Only you know what other demands you want to make of your future chosen one. Write them all down. And don't forget about them.



What this should mean is this: I would never intentionally do anything to hurt you.


This should mean this: today was my inauguration as President of the United States.
In some cases, this means: I just don't like you that much.

Bad guy

It should mean this: A guy to stay away from.
In some cases, this means: A guy to stay away from.

I am not ready

It should mean this: I can't find my pants.
In some cases, this means: I just don't like you that much.

Call me

It should mean this: I accidentally dropped my cell phone off a cliff into the ocean.
In some cases, this means: I just don't like you that much.

I don't like your family

It should mean this: I don't want to date your mother.
In some cases, this means: I just don't like you that much.

I'm afraid of intimacy

What it should mean is this: I'm really, really afraid of intimacy.
In some cases, this means: I just don't like you that much.

And you will be happy!

The post is based on the book by Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo “He Just Doesn’t Like You. The whole truth about men." We recommend reading the entire book.

The next concert has died down. He was not like many of the previous ones. Svyatoslav was not on it. Not so long ago Obraztsov died, one might say, quite recently. He left, despite his strength, the boundless faith of all group members.
Life cannot end with the death of one single person. Can not. It can't, right?..
The Picnic leader threw his bag over his shoulder and looked around the small room with a tired look. Everyone had long since left, except for Shklyarsky himself, only Leonid remained in the room, who had already packed his things and was preparing to leave.
Edmund went to the mirror in full height and looked at himself: he seemed to have lost even more weight, and under his eyes, on his unusually pale skin, dark bruises stood out as a reminder of sleepless nights. The passing of a friend is an incredibly difficult loss that seems to affect everything that remains. A very small number of people helped to still stand on their feet, to stay in earthly world and not go into the realm of memories, prejudices and spiritual darkness. Speaking of one of these people...
- Where is Marat? - Shklyarsky asked the drummer quietly, looking at his reflection in the mirror.
“I don’t know, I hope that he disappeared or disappeared under the cover of darkness,” Kirnos snorted in response and, in response to the dissatisfied, almost angry look of the leader, turned around and hurried to leave the room.
The door slammed, causing an unpleasant impact on sensitive ears. Edmund just sighed, putting on his dark glasses.
Lenya was not ready to accept someone in Svet’s place, and especially Korchemny, whom for some reason he had long and strongly disliked. And no matter how much the frontman explained that he, in turn, was not ready to see anyone other than Marat in this place, no matter how much he said how hard it would be to see a stranger in Obraztsov’s place, Kirnos seemed to turn a deaf ear to all this, without keeping this information in your head.
The bass player's bag was against the wall, which meant he hadn't left yet. But where it went is unknown. Slowly rearranging in Lately As if his feet were filled with lead, Shklyarsky headed towards the exit of the room, grabbing his comrade’s bag. It was necessary to find Korchemnoy, he couldn’t be left in N-sk.
The corridor was quiet, the lights were dimmed, not a soul was around. Not long ago, such a lively local palace of culture now seemed like a haunted house, empty, dead, cold. The atmosphere was added to by a flashing light near the exit and sudden noise from behind the door with the sign “technical staff room.” Edmund frowned slightly, which would hardly have been noticeable to a prying eye, and slowly pressed the door handle. She gave in.
The room was dark, especially through the glasses. But Shklyarsky caught the slight movement, and he didn’t even need to guess who was there, however, this did not make the surprise any less.
- Marat? .. - the leader of the group raised his eyebrows questioningly, so that his glasses slid a little onto the bridge of his nose.
- Edmund? - the blond responded much louder, apparently from surprise, staring at his friend in fear.
The maestro threw the bags somewhere in the corner and closed the door behind him. It didn’t get much darker, since there was almost no light in the corridor, but here there was a dim light bulb sticking out above the door.
“I think we have a long conversation ahead of us,” Shklyarsky sighed heavily, approaching the bassist.
The innkeeper swallowed nervously when Edmund appeared half a step away from him. The bass player now looked like a downtrodden kitten, whom he wanted to feel sorry for, hug and calm, but the Maestro perfectly controlled himself.
- What's happened? - calmly, even too calmly, almost apathetically, he asked.
- It may not be easy for you to understand this, but... But it was so hard to stand on stage, in Svyatoslav’s place, and understand that you are not him. That the public looks at you with surprise, and some even with hostility. Even if we put aside this probably fairly normal reaction, Ed, how strange it is to just feel and realize that you are standing on the same stage with a group that has been your beacon for almost your entire life, can you imagine? And to understand that you are part of it... It’s almost impossible,” the blond fell silent for a few seconds, but in the end he added, “I don’t feel like I’m part of the mechanism, you know?”
Silence reigned for a few seconds, but for Marat these few seconds seemed like a real eternity. Shklyarsky's face did not express any emotions, as in many other situations. But in three years, Korchemny has already learned to achieve some kind of reaction, or at least see it.
Carefully, as if afraid of something, the blond took off the leader’s dark glasses with two fingers... And he was surprised to see in the eyes, which seemed dark green in such lighting, obvious sympathy, some sadness and even pain. That's why the Maestro wore glasses. You could always tell too much from his eyes. The bassist felt somehow sick and uncomfortable from such a look. It seemed to him that he had offended his comrade.
“Marat,” Shklyarsky raised his head a little more to look directly into the sad, slightly frightened grayish-blue eyes of the blond, which did not lose their color and charm even in the semi-darkness, “I understand everything.” It’s not easy for you, the audience is not used to it yet, this is the first concert with you, - subtle long fingers They slightly squeezed the blond’s tense wrist. “If you spit on Lenya, he’ll kill you.” I hope you don't decide to leave, don't decide to kill my soul.
- No, of course not! - Korchemny exclaimed, feeling his temples pounding from the touch of his wrist, which immediately relaxed, - What are you talking about! Not in life! I guess I just...
- You just need time to get comfortable and get into the working rhythm. As for the “mechanism”... You have been part of it for a long time.
Marat smiled involuntarily. Unable to restrain himself any longer, he carefully, as if afraid to break him like a crystal one, hugged Edmund, finally exhaling with some relief. The maestro didn’t even think about freeing himself from the hug. He suddenly felt warm, his troubles were forgotten for a while, the whole world was forgotten and faded into the background. And what problems could there be next to the warmest person in the whole wide world?
“Everything will be fine,” Korchemny said quietly, running his hand down along his comrade’s spine, and then returning his palm back to the shoulder blades.
The bass guitarist knew perfectly well how hard it was for Shklyarsky himself, and it was difficult not to notice his fallen mood, which is not at all surprising, his eternally sleepy and tired appearance. But Marat also knew that the Maestro didn’t like it when people dug into his head and imposed on him, so he tried to unobtrusively please, give him all his attention in private and try to help him forget. And now I was a little ashamed for hanging my problems on my shoulders.
“Sorry,” the blond whispered.
- For what? - Edmund asked in a little surprise, pressing himself closer to the warm body and burying himself in either of his comrade’s shoulders.
- I didn't want you to worry.
- Nonsense.

Dance and sports club "Ajax" celebrated its fourth birthday creative evening in the Palace of Culture named after. Lenin. "AJAX" combines two dance styles: ballroom dancing (European and Latin American programs) and modern dances (pop, jazz, modern styles). There is also a Solo-Latina group for adults.

The club is run by its founder Yana Koklenkova. Yana is not only a choreographer, but also a member of the panel of judges of the Union of Dance Sports of Russia in sports ballroom dancing and judge of the All-Russian Dance Organization for modern trends.

School choreographer modern danceIrina Korobkova, also a judge of the All-Russian Dance Organization in modern directions and a member of the Presidium of Sports Choreography of Russia.

Yana Koklenkova, founder of the Ajax dance and sports club:

The team was founded in 2013. The club is a member of the Dance Sports Federation Vladimir region and in the All-Russian Dance Organization. Today TSK "AYAKS" combines two dance directions. The age of the team members is from 3 to 15 years. TSK is the winner and prize-winner of Regional, Russian and All-Russian competitions and tournaments. The club's collection includes more than 200 cups. TSK "AYAKS" team - regular participant ORTO competitions in modern areas and STSR tournaments in sports ballroom dancing. The team has a warm, creative and friendly atmosphere.

The youngest students of the club opened the concert. Large cluster a touching sight for the young dancers. In addition, very young children were already standing in front of the large hall, demonstrating simple, but still dance movements.

Yana Koklenkova, founder of the Ajax dance and sports club:

“AJAX” began its dance season immediately with the reporting event. It's not easy when children are just after summer holidays. Not only do the dancers need to get into shape, but they also need to learn the material offered to them, get into character, work out all the steps... But we did it! They showed everything they planned. Many new issues have been released.

Every year we approach our concerts not simply, but with some kind of theme. Due to the fact that at the end of the past dance year we were very busy with competitions and traveled a lot to tournaments, we had to reschedule reporting concert for September. And they called it “SIMPLE”. We thought it would be simple. Just a concert. It’s nice that according to the reviews after the concert, it wasn’t so easy! Positive reviews, the growth of skill, aesthetics and interest was seen by our audience!
costume design, storyline, music, composition we come up with ourselves! We put our whole soul into each issue!

TSK "AYAKS" are children in love with dance art, supportive and empathetic parents, and for them this is not just a hobby, it is a way of life.

One of the TSK mottos:

We have adrenaline in our blood, and our AJAX is invincible!

Photographer Igor Volkov