Scenario for the report concert of the choreographic department. Dance mosaic - scenarios - assol

Scenario of the closing concert of the creative season of the vocal and pop studio "LiKA"

(3 presenters: Maksimova I., Satsuk Kr., Volokhov A.)

The music starts and the presenters come out:

Ved: Good evening, dear friends!

Ved: Good evening, our dear viewers!

Ved: Hello, we welcome you to the next reporting concert of Obraztsova vocal and pop studio “LiKA”!

Ved: Be part of this wonderful creative team honorable and responsible!

Ved: It's no secret that vocal lessons are not just fun - it's hard, but enjoyable work.

Ved: And today the students of the LiKA studio will present the results of their work during this creative season!

Ved: Our concert program we called it “The World I Need!”

Ved: Let it give you a good spring mood!

Ved: And so we begin!

Ved: There is 1 junior studio staff on stage!

(Children of the 1st junior group come out) Poems:

1: A beauty is walking across the planet - spring!

We will recognize by signs that she has come to us!

2: We will recognize by the clean thawed patches of the fields,

By fragrant lilies of the valley, by songs of rain!

3: April! April!...Drops are ringing in the yard, Streams are running through the fields, puddles are on the roads. The ants will soon emerge from the winter cold. 1.Number: “Merry Song”

1: My balloon

Hanging on a branch

Does not know,

Where should I go?

He may come down

Of course, down, but it can also go up into the sky!

2. Number: “Balloons”

What kind of monster is this, three-headed, big, flying above the ground, puffing with a hot flame?


Night has come. The Dragon is tired. He lay down on the bed and laid his tops

On separate pillows. 3. Room: “Dragon”(They leave)

Ved: Childhood is wonderful country, which you won’t find on maps. Its territory does not lie on the ground, but on the souls of people.

Ved: Childhood is energy, optimism, self-confidence. This is the time when it seems that the future is limitless and that tomorrow will definitely be better than yesterday.

Ved: They believe in magic here

Here they are friends with miracles

All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

Ved: Here the clouds are not visible, here it’s crowded with smiles,

Childhood floats somewhere on a creative wave.

Ved: Meet the middle staff of the LiKA studio

4: Number: “I dream of a miracle”

1: Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Its azuria alive

He blinds my eyes.

5. Room: “Spring”

2: April gurgles, ringing streams,

The thawed patches are visible all around.

Spring carefully washes away

Remnants of the past winter.

6. Number: “Good Tales”

Ved: How easily and beautifully our artists perform today! It seems like you know how to sing, go on stage and dare - surprise the audience! Right?

Ved: Of course not, talent alone is not enough! Rehearsals, rehearsals and rehearsals! And how much courage it takes to come out on stage here! Adult artists' knees are shaking! And what can we say about the young people?!…

Ved: But the participants in our concert are already real artists!

( A boy (Ilya) comes out unnoticed, approaches the leader, pulls his hand)

Ved: Get out of here, boy, don't interfere with work. (A boy comes in from the other side and pulls...)

M: What are you doing here?

Ved: Like what?! Don’t you see, we’re holding a concert, don’t disturb me, I say!

M: So big, but you swear!

Ved: Don't hurt me, boy, what did you want?

M: I also want to perform, that is, I want to sing!

Ved: Sing then.

M: I don’t want to sing alone, but with friends!

Ved: Then call your friends quickly and sing already!

M: No, first I want to announce the number, like a real artist!

Ved: Well, finally announce it and sing!

M: We have not yet become laureates of Republican, All-Russian, International competitions, but... we will definitely be! Guys, come out!. (Group of 3 - 4 grades comes out.)

6. Room: “Everything is very simple”(At the end "…like this!.»)

Ilya: One day I met a stray cat:

How are you doing?

Nothing, little by little.

I heard that you are seriously ill.

So, you were lying in bed?

She lay on the street for many weeks -

Homeless, I have nowhere to put a bed.

I thought: “It’s strange that in this huge world

There is no place for homeless dogs and cats."

Do you hear, cat? Come with me -

It's getting dark, which means it's time for us to go home!

We walked with her down the street proudly and boldly -

I was silent, and the cat sang softly.

What was she singing about? Perhaps about

That everyone needs their own home.

7. Number: “Mongrel cat”

Sonya: The sun is red,

Burn, burn clearly!

Fly into the sky like a bird,

Light up our land

So that gardens and vegetable gardens

Green up, bloom, grow!

Sasha B: The sun is red,

Burn, burn clearly!

Swim like a fish in the sky,

Revive our land

All the kids in the world

Warm up, improve your health!

8. Room: “The sun is shining for everyone”

A. Ved: Yes, these will definitely become Laureates. ( And then...!- children answer)

And now it is with great pleasure that we invite real Laureates to this stage!

I. Ved: Meet the repeated winners of Republican, All-Russian and International competitions senior group vocal and pop studio "LiKA".

9. Number: “The world that I need”

10. Number: “On the Road of the Stars”

A Ved: Lead singer of the group Danil Novoselov with the song:

11. Room: “Ships”

(Anton Polyakov comes out and reads:)

Hey half-hearted! All the way up!

What kind of joke? What kind of laughter?

We can't stand fun

We take what we want, we don’t ask.

Arguing with us is of little use,

There are no barriers to the sea WOLF.

We know the treasures of all the seas

In the holds of different ships

12. Room: “Grandmother and granddaughter”

I. Ved: The creative reporting concert of the LiKA studio is taking place on the eve of a significant date - the 70th anniversary of Great Victory of our people over fascism!

An. Ved: I know it's not my fault

That others did not come from the war.

The fact that they, some older, some younger,

We stayed there.

And it’s not about the same thing that I could,

But I couldn’t save it.

This is not about that, but still, still, still...

I. Ved: And with great gratitude to those who achieved this Victory in that terrible, cruel war!

An. Ved: This number sounds in memory of those who did not return from it.

13. Number: “Letter from the Front” - Kristina Pr. (DK word)

An: The senior group of the vocal and pop studio “LiKA” continues to delight you with their creativity. Meet Anushik Egoyan!

14: Room: "Erazanq"

15. Number: “The swans flew away”

16. Number: “Fly, summer”

17. Number: “Divchina - Spring”

(I stay, everyone leaves to change clothes, I say words of gratitude for the children, about the profession, I thank the mothers)

18. Number: “To Mothers”

Ved: Guys grow up, leave, others come to replace them and everything comes back again. We invite this year's graduates, as well as our studio graduates, to the stage! Victoria Kolesnikova! Danila Novoselova and Irina Valova!

(Words about the studio graduates, words of gratitude and small souvenirs for them, then a song performed by them.)

19. Number: “For what”

Ved: And so, word by word, song by song, our concert came to an end.

Ved: And we really hope that you didn’t look at your watch, remembering the tale of lost time, but enjoyed our creativity!

Ved: Good health to you. Happiness, good luck and love!

20. Number:"Save the Love"(Performed by all concert participants)


reporting concert vocal studio"Inspiration"

"Let's light up the stars!" (2015)

(curtain opens)

There is a middle and 1 junior group on stage. There's a song playing1. “On the wings of our songs”

(the presenters come out from the opposite wings)

Lisa : Good afternoon, dear guests! Good spring day!

Dima: Hello, dear friends!

Lisa: We are glad to meet you, dear viewers, friendly connoisseurs of children's creativity.We are very pleased to welcome you again to the reporting concert of the vocal studio “Inspiration”!

Dima: It seems that Very little time has passed since that memorable concert when you first became acquainted with the work of this wonderful group.

Lisa: But today is not just a reporting concert. Today we, our dear viewers, celebrate our first anniversary! How Time flies quickly and inexorably. And sovocal studio “Inspiration” is already 5 years old!

Dima: I would say: “Only 5 years!” After all, the team is still so young. There are so many interesting and educational things awaiting the guys ahead. From lesson to lesson the boys and girls continuereach the heights of vocal mastery.

Lisa: M You didn’t come this way in vain,

We learn to work hard.

For so many years there are only friends around,

After all, we had to cook in the same pot.

Dima : You have reached the anniversary mark

The whole team is cheerful and brave.

Please accept congratulations soon,

Lisa : Accept your first musical gift from the most young participants vocal studio.

2. “Congratulations!”(group "Barbariki") Sp. 2 junior group

Dima : Each of us, looking at the night sky, dreams of seeing a falling star and wishing cherished wish. But, as comic statistics say, 90 percent of those who see this phenomenon only have time to say: “Wow!” We can only hope that someday, looking into the starry sky, we will see not the fall, but the birth of a new star.

Lisa : As it turns out, the birth of stars is not only an astronomical phenomenon. Our vocal group- a constellation of talents of varying sizes. Some have already discovered themselves and therefore are seen and known by many, others are just beginning to open up and are so far less noticeable. Therefore, the motto of today’s concert is “Lighting up the stars!” is the motto of everything creative life team.

Dima : Stars are a symbol of success

A symbol of talent, joy, laughter.

And children, like stars, also shine!

No wonder there is such a shower of stars today!

Lisa: A star team must certainly congratulate celebrity guests! Meet! Sleepwalkers on stage!

3. "Sleepwalkers" ( A. Ermolov, S. Zolotukhin) Sp. 1st junior group

Dima : This spring, the Inspiration studio, together with the whole country, celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.Time is taking us further and further away from the victorious May 1945. But no matter how far the years of war go into history, they will not be erased from the memory of our people.

Lisa : A bright star lit up in the sky

on that May day when Victory came.

And let the years run mercilessly.

They cannot outshine that bright ray of light.

Dima : Victory lives in everyone's heart.

Like the most joyful and bright holiday.

He will never, I believe, die.

We are all warmed by his immortality.

4. “Let's fix the world” (A. and V. Pozdnyakov, V. Belyakov) Used. E. Bondareva, I. Kuznetsov, S. Saprykin, M. Potapenko

Lisa : What could it be worse than war? And children and war are absolutely incompatible concepts.So can we sit with our hands folded and not fight for peace when the memory of the Second World War lives in us, and when shots are fired again and civilians are killed?

Dima : Of course not! Let's unite our efforts in the fight against war! Let's all vote for peace together! It's within our power.

5. “A world without war”(E. Komar) Sp. vocal studio team "Inspiration"

Dima: Everyone has their own path in life,

From birth to last days let's walk along it

“What should a person do,” thoughts come to the heart,

How to illuminate your path and the path of other people.”

Of a thousand roads we choose,

To bring joy and beauty to others.

Let the good trail of the living warm,

And we preserve the light of the soul for Great Eternity.

6.Shine ( John Ballard, Ralph Charlie and Gerard James Borg.)

Spanish Maria Potapenko, Elizaveta Bondareva

Lisa: D Children are the most curious creatures on the planet. But even with their excessive curiosity, it is not always possible to find answers to some questions. Do you know who lights up the stars in the sky?

Dima : Yeees. There are such things in the world. Try not to try, but there are some things you never manage to see...

Lisa: I know.

There's an old house on the edge,

A cheerful gnome lives in it.

During the day the gnome usually plays,

At night the stars light up.

This is nothing for him!

Dima : That's it, a gnome! What an eccentric!

We cannot count the stars in the sky...

Lisa : And the gnome has friends!

7. "Gnome" (A. Ermolov, B. Shifrin) Used. 2nd junior group

Dima : Report concert vocal studio “Inspiration”, as always, takes place in the spring. Maybe because the spring play of colors, soft green first leaves, alluring primroses and the rays of such a warm and gentle sun inspire to create beauty?

Lisa : And I believe that every season can be beautiful and amazing and inspiring creative people– poets, artists, composers. So our team was born in September. Maybe this is not a coincidence?

Dima : Melody of autumn rain

Sounds like the blues... playing the saxophone.

And autumn is a blessing for me.

Even with specks in the gray sky...

8. “Autumn Blues” ( A. Ermolov, A. Bochkovskaya) Sp. Anastasia Rubtsova

Lisa: Anastasia Rubtsova! Applause for the diploma holderInternational vocal competition "Magic Range - 2015" in the city of Novocherkassk,holder of a 1st degree diploma international festival-competition performing arts"Golden Dolphin 2015" in Sochi!

Yes, autumn is rich in sadness.

And the sky weeps rain in sorrow.

But the warm puddles were in no hurry to be sad.

Will summer suddenly return?

We will wait!

9. “It’s raining today”(A. Ermolov, A. Bochkovskaya) Sp. middle group

Dima : So, the vocal studio “Inspiration” is 5 years old. For a creative team, 5 years is a period of searching for their own path, their originality and uniqueness.

Lisa : Over the years, so many things have happened and we have learned a lot. Students of the studio participated in various festivals and competitions, lost and won, met and broke up, quarreled and made up, fantasized and dreamed...

Dima : It’s not harmful to dream, it’s harmful not to dream,

After all, without a dream you are gray, dull and boring...

Lisa : And there is no light in the indifferent gaze,

And the soul has no wings to fly!

10. "Dreamer"(M. Fadeev, A. Kozhikina, O. Seryabkina) Used. Yaroslav Degtyarev

Lisa : (comes out on the last chords, points to the girl with a broad gesture)…Yaroslava Degtyareva, winner of the Grand Prix of the International Vocal Competition “Magic Range 2015” in Novocherkassk, winner international festival-competition performing arts "Golden Dolphin-2015"!

Dima : We dream about the “Main Stage”:

To perform at the Big Kremlin.

Go to Eurovision

Lisa: Dreams are supposed to come true.

Just work and talent to connect...

Dima: Well, for now we'll have to use scales

Teach-teach, teach-teach...

11. “Cuckoo scales”(A. Ermolov, S. Zolotukhin) Sp. 1st junior group

Dima : Dear viewers, let me interview you. (He says, going down to the hall.) This is not your first time at a concert of the vocal studio “Inspiration”, and you know this group well. Tell me, what do you like about the work of our vocal studio?

(audience responses, briefly)

Lisa : And one more question: what would you like to wish our guys?

(answers from the audience, briefly. At the end - “True friendship!”)

Dima : Right! This is exactly what boys and girls sing about!

12. “Hey, boys and girls!”(from the repertoire of the children's vocal studio "Nuance", Gomel, Belarus, performer Diana Gromova) Spanish. middle group

Dima : Spring. And the winds suddenly died down,

and the snow turned into a stream.

She was always beautiful

open, bright and no one's.

Lisa : Oh, how many colors there are in this word

and the smell of forest flowers.

Oh, how much tenderness and affection there is in him,

so many unspoken words!

How much warmth, hope, light

and expecting miracles.

Spring is coming like a queen

like an angel sent from heaven.

On the stage - Sergey Saprykin! Laureate of the International competitions "Gukovo Art-Fest 2014" and Christmastide - 2015", diploma winner of the International festivals-competitions"Magic Range" and "Golden Dolphin"!

13. "Beauty Queen"(A. Babajanyan, A. Gorokhov) Sp. Sergey Saprykin

Dima: (addresses Lisa)- Do you know what you need to do to make your dreams come true?

Lisa: I think To make your dream come true, you can simply see a falling star and during its flight have time to make a wish.

Dima: It would be great if everyone's dreams come true! Only there may not be enough shooting stars for everyone...

Lisa : Let's chip in and buy some

Island. Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

Let it become the “Island of Dreams”.

And he welcomes guests from all over the world.

Don't get lost in the thick fog -

The cry of vociferous seagulls will not allow it.

Everyone will find a friend, a girlfriend.

And it will warm the souls of others.

And then, forgetting about all the ailments,

Watching the dawn turn red,

Everyone will understand that their dream is not a ghost...

You just have to really believe in it!

14. “Island of Dreams”(A. Ermolov) Sp. E. Makarenko, M. Potapenko, A. Rubtsova, V. Petreyko

Dima : They say that the soul of every nation is in its songs. And there is also an opinion that of all the types of music ever invented by mankind, the most “groovy” are gypsy singing and rock and roll.

Lisa : Exactly! And even just songs about gypsies are always associated with unbridled fun and boundless freedom. Just imagine: the endless steppe, the endless road and the starry sky, the neighing and snoring of black horses, the crackling of a fire and the melodic voice of a young gypsy...

15. “Oh, you horses” ( Zhenya Chernovsky, 1 TV competition " morning Star", 1991) Spanish Ivan Kuznetsov

Lisa: We welcome the Grand Prix winner with thunderous applause international competition“Magic Range”, Novocherkassk -2015, 1st degree laureate of the television international festival-competition of performing arts “Golden Dolphin” (Sochi-2015)

Dima : Chopin's music is like ringing drops,

Sparkling and sparkling, it scattered in space.

And I imagine violins and pipes

In the melody of a charming waltz.

Fingers fly quickly and easily

Above the ripples of black and white keys.

And, trembling, they fly high

Soul and thoughts, but you don’t know where.

16. "Chopin" (lyrics and music by E. Khruleva) Spanish. Elizaveta Bondareva

Dima: And another applause to the winner of the international festival of youth and students “Christmas time” (Sochi - 2015), laureate of the 1st degree of the television international festival-competition of performing arts "Golden Dolphin" (Sochi-2015)

Dima: Friends! And now I invite you to guess the riddle.

Kind, gray-haired,

Helps us all

Knits us socks

And sits until night

With us at the bedside,

If we are sick.

Who is she?..

That's right, “dear grandmother”! There are many grandmothers of our participants present in the hall today. They are very worried about their beloved grandchildren. Dear grandmothers, the younger group of the group is singing for you.

17. "Song about Grandma"(studio "Springs") Used. 2nd junior group

Dima : The sailors went to sea,

And brave and strong.

And they led me across the sea

The distant ships are on their way.

It's good to argue with the wave

In a storm, in a storm or in fog...

And bravely shout to the sea:

Hello, sea-ocean!

18. "Sailors" (Victoria Petrik, Eurovision 2014, Ukraine. Russian text by A. Tokarev)

Spanish middle group

Lisa : Dear friends, have you noticed that all the songs that are played in our concert are certainly about kindness and friendship, cherished dreams And fairy-tale heroes? And they are also about beautiful country called "Childhood".

Dima: Eh, h The older we get, the harder it is for us to return to our childhood. Do you happen to know what type of transport you can use to get there? I'll tell you! A special train is leaving just now. Let's run, maybe we'll still have time!

19. “Locomotive Bukashka”(A. Ermolov, A. Morozov) Used. 1st and 2nd junior groups

Dima : Lisa, do you know this song? I really like it! “Don’t look, don’t look around, stay yourself, stay as you are...”

Lisa : I know this song. I just won’t sing it now. Let him sing about the same thing - about his uniqueness and originality. English language Maria Potapenko!

20. "Whats_In_It_For_Me" (Amy_Diamond) Sp. Maria Potapenko

Lisa: I ask you to award your applause to the 2nd degree laureate of the international art festival “Gukovo Art Fest-2014”,international festival of youth and students "Christmas time" (Sochi - 2015), winner of the 1st degree of the television international festival-competition of performing arts "Golden Dolphin" (Sochi - 2015)

Lisa: Dim, why do you think people call childhood carefree? Do adults think that kids don’t have any worries?

Dima : That's it! Adults believe that only they are overcome various problems, worries, difficulties…. All this in childhood, according to adults, simply does not exist. In the meantime, we are little children, we want to go for a walk!

21. "Little Children"(E. Krylatov, Yu. Entin) Used. middle group

Dima: 5 years of vocal creativity- this is already enough for the team to say: “We are one big family, we have traditions, achievements, plans and dreams.”And today another tradition is being born: saying goodbye to graduates... This year “Inspiration” has two graduates - Elizaveta Bondareva and Maria Potapenko. Let us greet our graduates with friendly applause! The head of the vocal studio “Inspiration” Olga Gennadievna Bondareva is also invited to the stage.

O.G.: Dear friends! Our team is still celebrating its children's anniversary. And there are already the first graduates. From the Children's Art House…….(certificates are read out)Dear girls, Masha and my daughter Lisa. You will forever remain stars of the first magnitude in the constellation of talents of the vocal studio “Inspiration”. But now you will have to shine your own light. And may the next school year be successful for you, and may all your hopes and dreams come true. As a musical gift, accept a song performed by Kirill Logvinov.

22. "Eternal Love"(Denis Maidanov) Spanish Kirill Logvinov

Dima : Stars... How many times have we looked atsky and couldn’t stop looking at them! Sometimes we want to get up and take a closer look at them, but, unfortunately, this is not given to us. And then we look for the stars among us and light them.

Lisa: Listen!

After all, if the stars light up -

So does anyone need this?

This means it is necessary

So that every evening above the rooftops

Did at least one star light up?

The final 23. “Lighting up the stars”(K. Kostin, M. Liberov) Sp. vocal studio team "Inspiration"