The problem of a “terrible war” and “preserved humanity” in the story “Sashka” by V. Kondratiev

Literature lesson for grades 9 – 11 on the topic

“What is he like, a war hero? Based on the story “Sashka” by V. Kondratiev

Lesson Objectives : acquaintance with Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”, characterization of the image of the main character through analysis of the work and its individual episodes; instilling patriotism in students.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, presentation for the lesson, literary text of V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”, questions printed out for work in the lesson on each desk.

During the classes.

Teacher's opening speech.

The Great Patriotic War was a terrible event in the life of our state. It forever left its mark on the destinies of the people who survived these difficult years; the war will not be forgotten by those who were born after the fighting died down. And in Russian literature, the theme of the Second World War firmly took its place.

Literature about the Great Patriotic War went through several stages in its development. In 1941-45. it was created by writers who went to war in order to lift the spirit of the people with their works. Unite him in the fight against a common enemy, reveal the soldier’s feat. The motto “kill the enemy” permeated this literature; it was a response to the tragic events in the life of a country that had not yet raised questions about the causes of the war and could not connect 1937 and 1941 into one plot, could not know the terrible price that the people paid for victory in this war. This is a wonderful poem by A.T. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin”, “Young Guard” by A. Fadeev about the exploits and deaths of young Krasnodon residents. This literature was non-analytical and descriptive in spirit.

1945-1950 - the second stage in the development of military themes in literature. These are works about victory and meetings, about fireworks and kisses, sometimes overly jubilant. They did not tell the terrible truth about the war. A wonderful story by Sholokhov M.A. "The Fate of Man" (1957) hid the truth about where former prisoners of war typically ended up after returning home. Tvardovsky will later say about this:

And having lived to the end

That way of the cross. Half alive -

From captivity to captivity - under the thunder of victory

Follow with a double stamp.

The real truth about the war was written in the 60-80s, when those who fought themselves, sat in the trenches, commanded a battery, fought “for an inch of land,” and were in captivity came into literature. Yu. Bondarev, G. Baklanov, V. Bykov, K. Vorobyov, B. Vasilyev, V. Bogomolov - these writers narrowed the scale of depicting the war to an “inch of land”, to a trench, to a fishing line... they were not published for a long time for “degerization” events. And they, knowing the value of everyday feat, saw it in the everyday work of a soldier. They wrote not about victories on the fronts, but about defeats, encirclement, the retreat of the army, about stupid command and confusion at the top.

A short message from the student about the writer (prepared in advance):

Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratyev (October 30, 1920 - September 23, 1993) was born in Poltava in the family of a railway engineer. In 1922 the family moved to Moscow. From his first year at the Moscow Architectural Institute in 1939, he was drafted into the army. He served in the railway troops in the Far East. In December 1941 he was sent to the front. In 1942, the rifle brigade in which Kondratiev fought fought heavy battles near Rzhev. During them, he received his first wound and was awarded the medal “For Courage.” After finishing his leave due to injury, he fought in the railway troops. He was repeatedly and seriously wounded. He spent six months in the hospital recovering and was discharged as an invalid. In 1958 he graduated from the Moscow Correspondence Printing Institute. For a long time he worked as a graphic designer. Before his death he was seriously ill.

Teacher's word.

He published his first story, “Sashka,” in February 1979 in the magazine “Friendship of Peoples.” The story “Sashka” was immediately noticed and appreciated. Readers and critics, showing rare unanimity, determined its place among the greatest successes of our military literature. But what a late debut! At 59 years old... This means that it was impossible to remain silent about the experience and it was necessary to write about what was stored and nurtured in the soul about those terrible war years. Kondratyev decided that it would be almost meanness on his part not to write about those battles. He wrote: “Only I myself can tell about my war.”

Teacher Questions:

1. The story “Sashka” is named after the hero. Remember the works of Russian literature named after the main characters.

“Eugene Onegin”, “Dubrovsky”, “Taras Bulba”, “Anna Karenina”...

2. But the full name is Alexander or at least Sasha, but the writer stops at the colloquial version - Sashka. Why?

Sashka is a young hero, he is a simple guy, someone close to him. Thus, there is no distance between the reader and the hero, and an atmosphere of trust is established. Sashka does not even have a last name, which indicates that the heroes are typical - there are many of them at the front.

3. Where is the main character from and where is he located?

He is a simple village guy, fighting near Rzhev.

Teacher's word: participation in the battles near Rzhev is an autobiographical detail of the writer. “Sashka” is a story dedicated to “all those who fought near Rzhev - living and dead” (V. Kondratiev).

And we will get acquainted with information about the Rzhev battles.

(Message from a student prepared in advance)

The term "Battle of Rzhev" appeared only in post-Soviet times. To this day, the existence of this battle has not been recognized by official historiography, although military operations in January 1942 - March 1943 in the Moscow direction of the central section of the Soviet-German front can rightfully be classified as the bloodiest battle not only in the Great Patriotic War, but also in the entire history of mankind. And the most hushed up by historians.

According to official data, more than a million Soviet soldiers and officers died in the battles near Rzhev in 1942-1943. However, according to unofficial data, losses in the Battle of Rzhev amounted to more than 2 million soldiers and commanders.

A former participant in the battles near Rzhev recalls: “During three years at the front I had to participate in many battles, but again and again the thought and pain of memories return me to the battles of Rzhev. It’s scary to remember how many people died there! The Battle of Rzhev was a massacre, and Rzhev was the center of this massacre.”

“For the courage, fortitude and mass heroism shown by the city’s defenders in the struggle for freedom and independence of the Fatherland,” by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1345 of October 8, 2007 (most recently), the city of Rzhev was awarded the honorary title “City of Military Glory.”

Teacher's word:

There is a famous poem by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky “I was killed near Rzhev”

(reads by heart by a trained student)

I was killed near Rzhev,

In a nameless swamp,

In the fifth company, on the left,

During a brutal attack.

I didn't hear the break

I didn't see that flash, -

Right off the cliff into the abyss -

And no bottom, no tires.

And throughout this world,

Until the end of his days

No buttonholes, no stripes

From my tunic.

I am where the blind roots are

They look for food in the darkness;

I am where with a cloud of dust

Rye is growing on the hill;

I am where the cock crows

At dawn in the dew;

I - where are your cars

The air is torn on the highway;

Where is the blade of grass

The river of grass is spinning, -

Where for the funeral

Even my mother won't come.


4. With what events in the story does the reader’s acquaintance with Sashka begin?

Sashka, among other soldiers like him, is on the front line without rest. These are shelling, the difficult life of a soldier (“just staying dry and warm is no longer a small success”). The German offensive begins while Sashka is on duty. He fights the German hand-to-hand and defeats him. Sashka, of his own free will, risks his life to obtain shoes for the company commander. He really wants to do good to the commander in a human way and no force from outside is pushing him to do this - this is the movement of his own soul.

5. The episode with the German means not only his capture, but also his transfer to the front headquarters to the battalion commander. What can be noted about the hero when he leads a captured German?

He is ashamed of the Germans for the fact that our defense is poor, for the guys who were not buried, he is trying to choose a road so that the Germans do not see the unburied soldiers.

However, the situation “Me and the ENEMY” is smoothed out by the simple human curiosity that Sashka shows towards the German. As it turned out, there is no hatred in him.

6. What is the real test for Sashka in this episode?

Sashka proudly explained to the German that in the Soviet army prisoners are not shot, like the Nazis, the stronger his feelings when a drunken battalion commander, who lost his beloved girl from the military service, orders the German to be killed.

Sashka, it seems, did not experience such excitement even on the front end. He faces a moral choice: the battalion commander is in grief and drunk - he cannot disobey and argue, or fall under the hot hand; on the other hand, Sashki shows character, worrying about the German, who is promised life in captivity (confirmation of this is the leaflet in Sashka’s pocket). He is fair, persistent, slow to carry out orders, desperately thinks about what is happening, analyzes. Sashka cannot blindly follow orders, his soul protests (“We are people, not fascists”). The battalion commander, to Sashka’s joy, cancels the order.

7. Justice in this episode can be understood in two ways. How?

Speaking about justice, we can, firstly, remember that the German is an invader, and therefore an enemy. Then shooting is the right and logical action. Secondly, justice can be understood in another way: as the fulfillment of the promises made in the Soviet leaflet. This is exactly how Sashka understands justice towards the prisoner.

8. Under what circumstances is Sashka wounded and then sent to the hospital? From what side is the character of the hero revealed when he is there?

He was wounded in the arm while escorting the German further to brigade headquarters. He must go to the hospital where his beloved Zina serves. Thus, the hero is shown both in battle and in a more peaceful environment. Sashka loves Zina, strives for her, and worries deeply. He is young, and it is so natural at his age to love, and therefore to be jealous, and to suffer, and to enjoy being next to the girl he loves, and war cannot and should not change this. But even in the hospital, Sashka does not forget for a minute about the guys who remained on the front line, about the danger that threatens everyone every minute.

Zina not only loves Sashka, but also regrets, knowing what he had to endure, what losses our army suffered near Rzhev.

Sashka is a hero who thinks and feels deeply, and understands the girl’s feelings.

With other wounded Zhora and Lieutenant Volodya.

10. Three different people are walking together. The writer gives the reader the opportunity to compare the main character, Sashka, with other young fighters, all of whom emerged from heavy battles alive. What are they like? Briefly describe each one.

Zhora is a hero, endlessly glad that he remained alive, enjoying every moment of a peaceful situation, the quick opportunity to take a break from the fighting in the hospital, and the beauty of nature. The deeper the shock for both the readers and Sashka and Volodya when Zhora is blown up by a mine. Not in battle when there was obvious danger, but now, when he was careless and went out of the way towards a spotted snowdrop.

Volodya is a young lieutenant, and like Sasha, he is haunted by his experience. He talks about what worries him: being a lieutenant, he is forced to send other people, soldiers, to certain death. This, the lieutenant believes, is harder than being a private. Volodya is not similar in character to Sashka, he is lively and hot-tempered, as evidenced by the story in the hospital (when Volodya, in a crowd of hungry wounded, throws a plate at the major).

Sashka is different from the guys: he cannot allow himself to serenely rejoice while the guys are dying at the front, but he also cannot be like Volodya. The road to the rear is difficult for the three of them: the land is devastated, muddy roads, dirt, there is no order (where they expected to receive food, the hungry guys found no one

they find), in the villages encountered on the road, they are also hungry. But Sashka knows how to endure difficulties, he bends but does not break, he is more adaptable than Volodya, his comrade.

11. What next episode is important for revealing Sashka’s character?

Exhausted, sick, hungry, wounded are outraged by the meager food. The story of the plate thrown at Major Volodya, who was unable to restrain himself, could have had very serious consequences for him. Sashka takes the blame on himself for what he didn’t do.

12. What traits of Sashka’s character are manifested in this?

Sashka is able to instantly make decisions on which the well-being of those around him depends. Just as, taking extra risks, he got shoes for the company commander, Sashka takes the blame for the thrown plate, although he only recently met Volodya. He understands that the demands on a lieutenant will be much stricter than on a private. And Sashka has already studied Volodya’s character and understands that he may not be able to restrain himself and say something that should not be done in this situation (although this is true). And the special officer realizes that it was not Sashka who committed this act. He understands the true meaning of what happened and Sashka’s feelings and sends him to another hospital

13.What techniques for characterizing a literary hero do you know?

The appearance of the hero.

Characterization of the hero by other characters.

Comparison with other heroes.

The choice of events, actions performed by the hero, actions in which his character is revealed.

Characterization through introspection (inner speech of the hero).

The character is revealed through monologues and dialogue remarks of the hero

speech characteristics of the hero, etc.

14. What, in your opinion, does the writer Kondratiev use more often to unfold the image of Sashka before readers?

The choice of events, actions, because In the individual episodes we reviewed, the character of the fighter Sashka is revealed. The hero's inner speech is used (for example, thoughts before carrying out the battalion commander's order to shoot a captured German, his worries about the guys who remained on the front line, because they are his front-line family, etc.). The author's own direct speech is often used. (For example: Sashka got angry, wanted to make a sarcastic comment about the mug he ate at the rear grub, but changed his mind) What happens bringing the author's narrative closer to the speech of the characters. The speech characteristics of the hero are also interesting.

15. Let us dwell on the speech characteristics of the hero. What is the hero’s speech, what does it tell the reader?

Sashka is a simple guy, being at war, he communicates with peers in rank or with officers, but the communicative situation of the heroes is the same: extreme conditions at the front. And in such dangerous conditions, it is unlikely that a person thinks about the choice of words, so in the mouths of Sashka, and other characters, there are a lot of expressive words. But when he finds himself with Zina or talking with commanders, his speech is calmer. The hero's speech is full of colloquial and colloquial words (including rude ones, for example: Fuck you, nit, with your cigarettes! Because of you, ulcers, I don’t carry out the order.), it shows the intellectual level of a person and his social status. Sashka has everything ahead, if the war allows, he can still get an education, but for now his job is to defend his homeland.

16. Sashka is an artistic image. But besides being a literary hero, he is a war hero. What kind of war hero is he? Let's draw conclusions.

Sashka is an ordinary simple guy, he knows how to love, he has a girlfriend. He comes from a village and at the same time he is a bearer of morality, the roots of which Russian village writers (Belov V., Astafiev V., Rasputin V. and others) saw in the village. He hates the enemy, a patriot who loves his country quietly, without unnecessary or loud words. And Sashka fights for his Motherland in the most difficult front-line conditions, does not complain, does not despair, sincerely believing in victory. He is humble, patient and kind, he is caring and selfless. He is worldly wise, fair, he constantly analyzes what is happening, noticing shortcomings and disorder. In difficult times, he is ready to make a serious decision and take responsibility, to sacrifice his own for the well-being of others. And this humanism makes Sasha attractive to the heroes around him. It is not for nothing that at the end of the story, once in Moscow, it is Sashka who will attract the attention of inexperienced girls going to war. They will not only give Sashka their bread, they will also give him a piece of their human warmth. And compassionate, humane Sashka will only grieve about the terrible future that awaits them at the front.


V. Kondratyev “Leave due to injury” - M., 2005

G. Lazarenko “Russian literature. 20th century: A short course" - M., Bustard, 1998

A. Tvardovsky “Lyrics” - M., 1988


militera .lib .ru /memo /russian /mihin - “Military Literature” Memoirs. Mikhin.

Probably, until the end of our days we will not be able to deal with the legacy of the Great Patriotic War. And who better to understand this than writers? War is an event that had to not only be experienced, but also comprehended. And so, again and again, writers take up their pens and talk about the lessons of war. A passionate belief that he must tell, and people must learn about his war, about his comrades who laid down their lives in the battles near Rzhev that cost us great sacrifices, also guided Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratiev.

The story “Sashka” was immediately noticed and appreciated. Readers and critics, this time showing rare unanimity, determined its place among the greatest successes of our military literature.

I think that the reason for this is partly that it is devoted to one of the most important problems of military literature in general: man at war.

In the center of V. L. Kondratyev’s artistic universe, the Ovsyannikovskoye field is filled with craters from mines, shells and bombs, with uncleaned corpses, with bullet-ridden helmets lying around, with a tank knocked out in one of the first battles. It is unremarkable. A field is like a field. But for Kondratiev’s heroes, everything important in their lives happens here, and many are not destined to cross it; they will remain here forever. And those who are lucky enough to return from here alive will remember it forever in every detail - every hollow, every hillock, every path.

For those who fight here, even the smallest things are filled with considerable significance: huts, and small trenches, and the last pinch of terry, and felt boots that cannot be dried, and half a pot of thin millet porridge a day for two.

(1 ratings, average: 3.00 out of 5)

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There are a number of works in Russian literature that truthfully describe the terrible everyday life at the front of the Great Patriotic War. The story “Sashka” can easily be included in these works, the analysis of which we want to analyze using reasoning in this article. In this story there are no pompous words that would glorify the Russian soldier and the exploits of the people. Vyacheslav Kondratyev did not set out to reflect here the valiant victories of the soldiers, although it must be noted that the author is a front-line writer, so his view is especially impartial, and the events are presented exactly as they actually happened. So, let's analyze the story "Sashka" by Kondratiev.

What is the story about?

Let us highlight the main theme of the work “Sashka”. The author showed the daily life of ordinary soldiers, their work and courage on the battlefields. It is important to know that Kondratiev went to the front at the end of 1941, and fought in a rifle brigade that acted in fierce battles near Rzhev, defending the city. Having been wounded, he was awarded a medal. Of course, his memories and impressions of that terrible time formed the basis of his work.

In order to make a more accurate analysis of the story “Sashka,” one must understand that Kondratiev began writing his work not immediately after returning from the front and not a year or two later, but much later, when the author had already reached adulthood. In 1979, the text of the story was published in the magazine "Friendship of Peoples", and this was a year before the writer's sixtieth birthday.

And here’s what’s interesting: years passed, and Kondratyev could not completely distract himself for a single night from his memories of the comrades with whom he had the opportunity to defend Rzhev in 1942. Having tried to find any of them, he failed, after which he began to think that perhaps no one else had survived except him. He began to re-read various works about the war years, about battles at the front, but could not find the whole truth that would touch him to the depths of his soul. And then Vyacheslav Kondratyev himself took up the pen.

Analysis of the story "Sashka"

The events that the author describes in the story take place in the spring, when winter has just begun to recede. It's still cold and muddy. Sashka, who is the main character of the work, appears to the reader as an ordinary ordinary soldier who is thrown to the front line next to Rzhev. A month of battles is over, and Sashka is already completely used to it. The Germans are advancing over and over again, and it’s getting harder and harder for the Soviet guys. There are always not enough shells, there is a lot of pressure on bread, and you often even have to walk around in wet clothes and shoes, because there is nowhere to dry them.

It should be noted that Vyacheslav Kondratiev managed to convey the smallest details of military life in his work. When we focus on the analysis of the story "Sashka", it is immediately clear that the author wants to convey the main idea: a person should not lose his conscience, honor and courage, no matter how hard it is for him, and no matter what circumstances he finds himself in.

This article presented a brief analysis of the story “Sashka” by Vyacheslav Kondratiev, we hope that it helped you get a general idea of ​​the book and understand the main goal of the author. On our blog you will find many similar articles with analyzes of works and characteristics of characters.

Analysis of V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”

The story “Sashka” by Vyacheslav Kondratyev tells about a young Russian boy who, by the will of fate, ended up at the front. The war changed the lives of entire generations, took away a peaceful life, the opportunity to live and work.

However, human ideas about honor, conscience, good and evil cannot be eradicated from a person. Sashka is amazingly kind, he is characterized by mercy and compassion for his neighbor. Sashka manages to capture the young German. If they were destined to meet in battle, there would be no doubt what to do. And now the prisoner is completely helpless.

The battalion commander orders Sashka to shoot the prisoner. This order evokes strong resistance from the guy. The thought that he should shoot a defenseless person seems monstrous to Sashka. The captain guesses about Sashka’s condition, so he orders another soldier to check the execution of the order.

In the consciousness of every person lies the confidence that human life is sacred. Sashka cannot kill a defenseless captured German. It is no coincidence that he finds in the captured German a resemblance to his good friend. To top it all off, he cannot forget the leaflet he showed to the German. The leaflet promised life, and Sashka cannot understand how this promise can be broken.

The value of human life is an important factor. And even though Sashka is too simple to turn to the theories of great philosophers and humanists, in his soul he clearly realizes that he is right. And this is what makes him hesitate to carry out the order.

Even during the war, Sashka did not become bitter; universal human values ​​did not lose their meaning for him. It is no coincidence that after the battalion commander canceled the order, Sashka realized: “... if he remains alive, then of everything he has experienced at the front end, this incident will be the most memorable, the most unforgettable for him...”.

Due to injury, Sashka had to go to the rear. I'm worried about my upcoming meeting with the girl Zina, who was a nurse. And let Sashka realize that he and Zina had nothing serious, but still the thought of her warmed his soul and gave him hope.

Suddenly, someone else's distrust falls on Sashka, which shocks him. He was wounded in the left arm, and the lieutenant present at the inspection believed that this was done purposefully by the fighter himself in order to leave the battlefield and go to the rear. Sashka did not immediately understand what was being said. “But then, catching a suspicious, intent gaze on myself, I guessed: this neat little guy... who hasn’t drank even a thousandth of what Sashka and his comrades had, suspects him, Sashka, that he... is himself... Yes, at the very dashing days, when it seemed simpler and easier - a bullet in the forehead, so as not to suffer, such a thought did not occur to Sashka.”

The meeting with Zina was not as exciting as expected. Not immediately, but Sashka finds out about her betrayal.

And he becomes bitter and sad. At first, he had a desire to “go to the front line tomorrow morning, let them finish him off.” But then Sashka realized that he had a mother and a sister, and he couldn’t manage his life so recklessly.

Sashka is open and sincere, he is in full view, he does not hide anything. This is the type of simple Russian person who, in general, won the war. How many of these Sashas, ​​young, sincere, kind and pure in soul, died in the Great Patriotic War!

The story ends with Sashka’s reflections, which arise when he looks at a calm, almost peaceful Moscow. And Sashka understands: “... the more strikingly this calm, almost peaceful Moscow differed from what was there, the clearer and more tangible the connection became for him between what he did there and what he saw here, the more significant he saw his business is there...”

Each work about the war seeks to convey to subsequent generations the entire tragedy that Soviet people were forced to face in the period from forty-one to forty-five. The more time separates us from that terrible period, the fewer living people remain who remember that bloody meat grinder. And that is why works about the war must be read and re-read in order to have a reliable understanding of the complex fate of Russia.

Year of Literature


(based on the story “Sashka” by V. Kondratyev)

The purpose of the lesson: Analyze Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”

Lesson objectives:

1. identify the specifics of the depiction of war and the character of an ordinary soldier in the story by V. Kondratiev; to prove the writer’s main idea: even in inhuman conditions, a person must preserve his soul, not stain his conscience, and remain human;

2. develop a culture of reader perception of a literary text, understanding of the author’s position; imaginative and analytical thinking (the ability to analyze an episode, explain its connection with the problems of the work, the ability to compare, highlight the main thing, generalize);

3. educate a spiritually developed personality, form a humanistic worldview, national self-awareness, and a sense of patriotism.

Lesson plan:

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

2. Student messages.

· V. Kondratiev – front-line writer.

· Reading of A. Tvardovsky’s poem “I was killed near Rzhev...”.

3. Analysis of the story.

· Artistic details recreating the picture of the war.

· Sashka as a person and a fighter.

· Three tests.

6. Summing up.

7. Homework.

War - there is no crueler word.

War - there is no sadder word.

War - there is no holier word...


I . Teacher's opening speech .

The salvos of the Great Patriotic War died down long ago.

But we will be arguing about this war, opening new pages in the history of this terrible war, getting acquainted with honest and talented books about it for a long time.

admitted that every time he picked up a new book with the same thought about the author: what kind of person are you and what new things can you tell about life?

So what kind of person is Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratiev? What new did he tell us about the Great Patriotic War in his story “Sashka”?

II . Student messages.

1). V. Kondratyev is a front-line writer.

Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratiev came to literature quite late, many years after the war, in the late 70s.

He was born in 1923. In 1939, from his first year at the institute, he joined the army and served in the Far East.

In December 1941, among the junior commanders, he was sent to the front; in 1942, he was stationed near Rzhev, where the fighting was especially difficult, and our losses were especially numerous. We can judge the severity of those battles by the fact that first he was an assistant platoon commander, then a platoon commander, and then took over the company - and all this in just one week.

Then new battles, painful, unsuccessful, such as those that Alexander Tvardovsky wrote about in the poem “I was killed near Rzhev...”.

2). Reading an excerpt from A. Tvardovsky’s poem “I was killed near Rzhev...”(from the beginning - to the words: “... for the curse of the dead is a terrible punishment”).

Vyacheslav Kondratyev was not killed; he was wounded and received the medal “For Courage”. After leave due to injury, he returned to the front, served in the railway troops, and in reconnaissance. At the end of 1943, he was seriously wounded, spent six months in the hospital, and then demobilized due to disability.

“I didn’t make it to Berlin, but I did my job in the war,” - this is how Konstantin Simonov’s story about the military fate of front-line writer Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratiev ends.

(Simonov K. “Bon voyage, Sashka” - “Friendship of Peoples”, 1979, No. 2)


Vyacheslav Kondratyev prefaces his story as follows: “This story is dedicated to everyone who fought near Rzhev - living and dead.”

We will talk about V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka” today in class,

III . Analysis of the story "Sashka".

1. Two months on the front line. Life of war.

QUESTION: Name significant artistic details, paintings, facts with the help of which the author paints a true, reliable picture of the battles near Rzhev.

1) “And the night floated over the front line, as usual. Rockets splashed into the sky, scattered there with a bluish light, and then with a spike, already extinguished, they went down to the ground torn apart by shells and mines... Sometimes the sky was cut through by tracers, sometimes the Silence was blown up by machine-gun bursts or distant artillery cannonade... As usual…»

(We are talking about terrible things, a terrible picture is drawn, but for the hero all this is a normal, familiar state (“as usual”). “Sashka is already used to this, he has endured it...”).

2) “The villages they took stood as if they were dead, there was no movement in them. Only flocks of disgustingly howling mines, rustling shells and tracer threads were flying from there. From alive they only saw tanks, which, counterattacking, came at us, rumbling engines and pouring machine-gun fire on them, and they rushed about on the then snow-covered field... Well, our forty-fives started yapping and drove away the Krauts.”

(War is war, and it only brings death, a strange combination - “living tanks”).

3) “The bread is bad. No navaru. Half a pot of millet for two – and be healthy.”

4) “In the middle of the patch there was a crowd of them beaten-killed company near a political instructor wounded in the leg.”

5) “The fact that he had to touch a dead body did not bother him - They got used to corpses. Scattered throughout the grove..."

6) “ there was a howl overhead, a rustling sound, and then explosions thundered throughout the entire grove, and off it went... And there was a big shelling - mines were exploding one after another, in batches, as if some huge machine gun was firing a burst... I looked back, and what was really going on there terrible - explosions all over the forest, clods of earth are thrown up, uprooted trees fall."

7) “Even though there is nothing there - no shelters, no trenches, no crevices, only huts, - but we got used to it (the grove), like a home..."

8) “...felt... a feeling pulling from within emptiness in the stomach, which grabbed them all several times a day.”

9) “Sashka himself knows that it’s bad, but he doesn’t have the strength to bury the guys, no... After all, he’s not strong enough to dig a trench for himself alive.”

10) - “How many people did you have in your company? – asked the captain.

- One hundred fifty…

- How much is left?

- Sixteen…"

(In 2 months, nine out of every ten people died!)

11) “At night, after their very first offensive, the Germans fired at the rear, and twelve of his fellow Far Eastern soldiers were buried under this barn. And the guys didn’t make it to the front, but they were all young, Sashka’s age. The barn still smells like a corpse.”

12) " No trenches, no dugouts The first one didn’t have one, there was water all around. Even small mine craters are filled with it, and huddled beaten-broken V huts. Only the company commander had thin dugout, dug out on a hillock, but there is water in it up to the knee.”

(Pitiful words - “hut”, “trench”, “dugout” emphasize the precariousness and unreliability of the situation).

13) “... I knew for sure that there would be no meetings with many of those who remained here, and which of them would stay here, on this Rzhevskaya, blood-swollen ground, this is fate..."

CONCLUSION: The author paints a terrible, true picture of the battles: the troops suffered terrible losses, the survivors did not have the strength or opportunity to bury the dead, so corpses were lying everywhere; the soldiers had nowhere to rest or dry themselves, they were starving; There were not enough weapons, ammunition, and equipment. The author shows the “ordinariness” of extreme situations.

2. Sashka as a person and a fighter.

1). In which episodes does Sashka reveal himself with particular force? as a person and a fighter? Name the motives for his actions.

1). Sashka gets felt boots for the company commander.

(“I would never climb for myself, these felt boots will be lost! But I feel sorry for the company commander. His pymas are soaked through with water - and you won’t be able to dry them over the summer...")

2). The wounded Sashka, under fire, returns to the company to say goodbye to the guys and hand over the machine gun.

(“But his company won’t get the PPSh then... And we should say goodbye to both the guys and the company commander...")

3). Sashka leads the orderlies to a seriously wounded man.

(“...he knows that you can’t drag these sanitary platoon soldiers to the front with a lasso. They’ll come back and say they didn’t find them, they say, or that the wounded man died. Who will check them?.. But he gave his word. To the dying, his word!”)

4). The story of the captured German.

(“Sashka saw a lot of death during this time - if you live to be 100 years old, you won’t see so much - but the value of human life did not diminish from this in his mind.”)

5). The story with Zina.

(“And again, having gone through everything that he and Zina had that day and evening, remembering again all their conversations and imagining her life here over these months, he came to the conclusion that Zina is not subject to jurisdiction... It’s just war... And he has no evil at her.")

6). Sashka helps out Lieutenant Volodka.

(“Well, what kind of demand is there for me, a private van? It’s a pity to waste time on me, when all the same, in a month the marching and the limber. And you are a lieutenant. The conversation with you is different - they can demote you, and put you on trial.”)

7). Episode with Pasha.

(“-Here, Pasha,” said Sashka. “We met by chance and didn’t spend a day together, but I will remember you all my life...

- Stop pouring it! I know you...

- No, really, Pasha. I don’t like to lie..."

“It’s like I’m leaving home...

- You took a nap, then?

- That’s not the point... She’s a very good woman, very warm-hearted. She invited me to stay for a week...

- I guessed. What are you doing?

“There’s no need for this...” Sashka answered thoughtfully...”)

2). Why were these events chosen from the entire front-line life of your hero?

(These episodes reveal Sashka’s personality from different sides; he seems to be undergoing tests of endurance, humanity, loyalty in friendship, love, tests of power, unlimited power over another person.)

3. Three tests.

Teacher: V. Kondratiev led his hero “through the trials of power, love and friendship.” How did Sashka survive these tests?

1) The story with the German (“test by power”).

a) Condensed retelling.

(Sashka ran into German reconnaissance (when he was getting felt boots for the company commander), ran to the grove to warn his own, and ran into the company commander, who gave the order to retreat beyond the ravine. The Nazis captured the “tongue” and began to hastily retreat. German mines flew: the Germans they wanted to cut off their reconnaissance from ours. Sashka broke away from his own, rushed through the fire and then saw a German. Sashka shows desperate courage - he takes the German with his bare hands: he has no cartridges, he gave his disk to the company commander. But how many guys were killed for the “tongue”! Sashka did not hesitate for a minute. But at the same time, he does not consider himself a hero. When the company commander asks how this happened, he answers: “But the jester knows him. A fool.”

The company commander interrogates the German to no avail, then orders Sashka to lead the German to headquarters. On the way, Sashka tells the German that we don’t shoot prisoners and promises him life. The battalion commander, having not received any information from the German, orders him to be shot. Sashka does not obey orders.)

1. Why doesn’t Sashka obey orders?

(It would not be difficult for Sashka to kill a German in battle ("That's when they rose from under the hill - gray, scary, some kind of non-humans - they were enemies”, “Sashka would have shot these arsonists mercilessly if he had been caught”). This same German was a prisoner, unarmed, he could not shoot him, since he promised to save his life (“We are not you. There are no prisoners we shoot”, “he is not the type to mock a prisoner and unarmed”).

Human relations begin between two soldiers - Russian and German: both wash and clean themselves before coming to headquarters; the German treats Sashka with cigarettes; Sashka addresses the prisoner differently than at first (not “fascist”, but “Fritz”, more neutral, because Fritz is a German name); Sashka already wants to talk to him, ask him about life, it’s a pity he doesn’t know German.

Sashka saw in the prisoner not just an enemy, but another person: “... when he took this Fritz, fought with him, feeling the warmth of his body, the strength of his muscles, he seemed to Sashka to be an ordinary person, the same soldier as him, only dressed in a different uniform, only fooled and deceived... That’s why he could talk to like human beings, take cigarettes, smoke together...").

Sashka has very strong moral principles: if he gave his word, he must keep it (“Sashka saw a lot, a lot of death during this time - if you live to be a hundred years old, you won’t see so much - but the value of human life did not diminish from this in his mind.”)

2). At what moment did the thought of carrying out the battalion commander’s order flash through in a “flash of a second”?

(When the battalion commander, without an overcoat or hat, walked with Tolik to the ashes, near which Sashka and the prisoner were, “Sashka turned pale, I shrank, my body was bathed in icy sweat, my heart sank... and in a second flash it flashed - well, what if... I slap the German now and run to the captain: “Your order has been carried out...” And all the confusion was removed from my soul... And,... only turning to the German, I saw Sashka, he read that second thought, his eyes filled with the veil of death... No, I can’t... And when I decided irrevocably, it seemed to become calmer, only this peace was that of a dead person...")

3). When Sashka led the German to the battalion headquarters, at one moment he became scared. Why?

(“And then Sashka realized what a terrible power he had over the German. After all, from his every word or gesture, he either dies or enters into hope. He, Sashka, is now free over the life and death of another person. If he wants, he will bring him to headquarters alive , if he wants, he’ll slam him down the road! Sashka even somehow felt uneasy... Only the German doesn’t know what kind of person Sashka is, that he’s not the kind of person to mock a prisoner and unarmed... And Sashka somehow felt uneasy from having fallen on his almost unlimited power over another person").

4). What is the position of Tolik, the communications battalion commander?

(Tolik's motto: “Our job is a calf... We ordered it - we did it!”

Trying on the watch of a German who has not yet been killed (“...grabbed the watch on his hand with a tenacious gaze and did not let go”).

Ready to bargain with Sashka so as not to miss the “trophy” (“...I would give you a loaf of black bread...for an hour...I can give you a pack of terry in addition.”)

The company commander, for example, behaves completely differently: “The company commander took the lighter, struck it, lit it and gave it to Sasha... He turned the lighter, examining it, and handed it back to the German.”

He doesn’t have a “barrier, an obstacle” in his soul, like Sashka, he would, without hesitation or tormented by pangs of conscience, shoot an unarmed (“... if he doesn’t crack, he’ll go to the wall!... Why bother with him? If he’s silent, that’s where he belongs”).

Sashka understands that “Tolik likes to brag, but he’s a weakling.”

Sashka and Tolik are contrasted as responsibility and irresponsibility, sympathy and indifference, honesty and selfishness.)

5). What spiritual qualities of Sashka are manifested in this episode?

(Active Kindness; effective humanism; the firmness of moral principles; attitude towards life as the highest value; fear of unlimited power over another person; a huge sense of responsibility for everything, even for what he could not be responsible for).

6). What is the moral issue in this part of the story?

(- Problems of humanism, truth, moral choice, values

Power problem: power as right and power as responsibility).

d) Teacher: In the real-life case that formed the basis of the story, the ending of the story with the prisoner ended more tragically: the commander did not cancel his order, and the prisoner of war was shot, and the man who carried out the order (and later told this story to Kondratiev) was tormented all his life: was he doing the right thing? entered?

2) Relationship with Zina (“test of love”).

1).What does Zina mean in Sashka’s life?

(Sashka saved Zina’s life when he covered her with his body during the bombing. This is his first love. He is so looking forward to meeting! But on the front line he does not allow himself to think about her, because there is war, and anything can happen, because “We got used to living at the front for an hour, or even a minute.”

On the way to the hospital, when the terrible tension of the front line gradually releases, when joy floods into his soul that he is alive, Sashka allows himself to think about Zina, the little sister from Sanrota. He was worried about how they would meet, after all, 2 months had passed. And they didn’t have anything, they just kissed a few times. But when he said goodbye, he realized that he had no one closer and dearer to him, that he was ready to do everything for this girl in an overcoat, just to make her feel good and calm.

And then, during the offensive, he imagined that he was going to protect her, Zina, who promised to wait for him, and he felt better.

But, while waiting for Zina, he thinks all the time about his company: she will again tremble in huts, and “He will certainly spank someone today,” “and he feels confused and seems ashamed that he is here and they are there.”

When he finds out about the party, it makes him angry: “What dancing! You're lying, Zina! This can’t be!” and “it even shook him.” He says sternly: “You see, you can’t do this...Have fun It’s impossible when all the fields are ours!” Even in the rear, he cannot live by laws other than those of the front line.

When meeting with Zina in the evening, Sashka realized that "in the caresses of the Zinins more pity... and the words she spoke were all pitiful: dear, stupid, poor... Maybe it was out of pity that she decided to do everything, and also because she considers herself to owe him her life.”

He thinks that his love with Zina will be as short as the flash of a rocket: “It won’t burn for long, it won’t have time to warm it up properly and... it will go out - the war will separate them in different directions.”)

2). Why did Zina still go to the party?

(The lieutenant came and persuaded her, because he was being sent to the front line, he wanted to say goodbye to Zina. Zina told Sashka on a walk that the lieutenant liked her, that he was taking good care of her. And Zina, apparently, likes this lieutenant. )

3). How did Sashka feel about going to the dance?

(When he finds out that Zina is there, dancing with the lieutenant, he is bitter and hurt: “And the fact that Zina was there now, at the evening, affected her painfully, and something nauseating began to rise in her throat. He began to breathe intermittently, heavily and hastily, with a disobedient hand, he began to pull on his tunic.”

“Something cold and heavy grew like a lump in my chest, came up to my throat, pressed…”

“ if something had exploded in Sashka’s head,” when he saw Zina in the window, he was ready to throw a piece of brick at the window opening if someone offended her.

But Zina’s words brought him even greater suffering when she told the lieutenant:

“- Don’t, Tolya...” and took his hands away gently and not angrily.

If the earth had risen nearby from the explosion, Sasha would not have been so stunned. And not a word, not an address by name, but this calm, even affectionate gesture, with which she moved his hands away, as if she had power over the lieutenant, struck Sashka to the very heart and assured him that they were in love...

It was as if a blow struck Sashka with a sigh and threw him back.”

4). How do you assess Sashka’s behavior in final second parts of the story?

( Sashka behaved in this situation with the utmost dignity. Despite the shock, pain, resentment, remembering their meeting, conversations and “having imagined her life here over these months, he came to the conclusion that Zina is unconvicted... It’s just war... And he has no grudge against her...”

Sashka understood that they were in love, and since there was love, what right did he have to interfere with her? And Sashka leaves without hurting Zina with unnecessary conversations.

The kindness, sensitivity, and nobility of the hero prevailed here too. The ability to respect other people's feelings, to understand and forgive a loved one, and not to hurt him, awakened in him. This is true love.

3) The story with Lieutenant Volodka (“test of friendship”).

1). What are Sashka’s motives for interceding for Lieutenant Volodka?

(“Well, what kind of demand is there for me, Private Vanka? It’s a pity to waste time on me when, anyway, in a month I’ll be marching and getting ready. And you’re a lieutenant. The conversation with you is different - they can demote you and put you on trial.”

“Let’s come to an agreement - if they start to file a case against me, then do as you know, but for now we’ll wait. Maybe everything will work out.")

2). How do you evaluate his actions?

(We sympathize with Sashka and admire his actions: he, who looks not at all heroic, not a dashing soldier, turns out to be stronger and braver than the desperate lieutenant from Maryina Roshcha, and helps him out of trouble.

“No matter what you say, it still scratched my heart. Even if the tribunal now, during the war, is not terrible, because all the terms of the front line are replaced, but there - until the first blood, as he was wounded, he atoned for his guilt, but from the front Sashka still can’t escape anywhere, as soon as the wound heals, so and let's go there! But there was a disgusting feeling in my soul - Sashka had never been under any criminal investigation..."

“But he didn’t regret what he did. He considered himself more prudent than Volodka and perhaps more cunning.”

“A couple of days later they called Sashka again... He and his sister walked to that building, and his soul was vague, some kind of fear froze his heart, only one thing made him feel better: maybe everything will finally become clear, the unknown is the worst thing.”

“Whatever one may say, this story was worth the nerves; to be honest, Sashka didn’t care at all.”

Sashka's character traits.

1. A huge sense of responsibility.

2. An inquisitive mind and a critical look at what is happening.

3. Conscientiousness.

4. Understanding the need for what he is doing.

5. Intelligence .

Problematic situation.

Teacher:“...the company commander used to, before ordering something, pat Sashka on the shoulder and say: “It’s necessary, Sashok.” Understand, necessary" And Sashka understood that it was necessary, and did everything that was ordered, as it should.” This was necessary in the war.

There is “necessary” and “extra necessary”. Sashka, according to critic Igor Dedkov, does more than necessary. What do you think?

IV . Lesson summary.

Teacher: V. Astafiev in his novel “Cursed and Killed” says that the brutal force of war did not extinguish in his heroes “the light of goodness, justice, dignity, respect for one’s neighbor, for what was, is in a person from his mother, from his father, from the native house, from the Motherland, Russia, finally, mortgaged, transferred, bequeathed by inheritance.”

- Can we say that this also applies to Sashka, the hero of V. Kondratiev’s story?

Teacher:“Well, Sashok... You are a man...” - Lieutenant Volodka will tell Sashka when, on the way to the hospital, he hears from him a story about a captured German. “We are people, not fascists,” Sashka will say simply.

Lev Aizerman wrote about V. Kondratiev’s story: “In an inhuman, bloody war, a person remains a person, and people remain people. This is the main thing for a writer. This is what the story was written about: about a terrible war and preserved humanity.”

V . Summarizing.

What did this story make you think about?

VI . Homework. A written response to the question: “What did this story make you think about?”