Kids in a cage: Hype Camp reality mentors bullied young participants. What is a hype camp? What is the name of the host of the hype camp?

Each has its own mentor. This

“Hype Camp” is a new reality show about video bloggers who, over the course of seven weeks, will compete for the title of the first YouTube star and the main prize - one million rubles. Only 15 participants passed the casting, who were divided into three teams.

Each has its own mentor. This is , and . The qualifying rounds took place in several large cities of the Russian Federation, but the first issue was dedicated to the capital. Among the judges, in addition to the mentors, were Lisa Nered and Danya Komkov.

Even in the initial stages, the show had many negative reviews. Mainly thanks to one of the jury members - Daniil Komkov. A young, but already quite popular blogger, behaved very arrogantly and could afford to drive small children into hysterics. Although among his colleagues, he has the smallest fan club. Since you only had to be six years old to participate in the program, quite a few children were affected. The guys received strange tasks that were not part of the mandatory program.

One of the participants could not hold back her tears right on stage. The girl previously participated in the show “The Voice” and even sang with Dima Bilan. Bloggers thought that the young star had too much show-off and simply drove the poor thing into hysterics. Although subscribers believed that she was the one worthy to be a participant in the project.

Those who are lucky enough to make it onto the team will go to live in a shared house with excellent conditions, where they will learn a craft seven days a week. Now this topic is quite popular not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The format of the show is new, young people thought that it would be quite interesting to look at the life of the heroes under lock and key and their new achievements.

They did watch the show, but not for long. After the first broadcasts, the program was torn to smithereens. Well-known bloggers have also joined the public. The anger fell mainly on Komkov, but Katya Klap was not left unattended, because she was the oldest of all, at the time of filming she was twenty-four years old. The girl silently watched as her colleagues abused the children. She herself took part in provocations several times and supported her colleagues.

“I have a feeling that these so-called “bloggers” are simply asserting themselves at the expense of the guys! And note, the one who shouts the most is the one who has achieved nothing!” — quote from blogger Nikolai Sobolev.

After the criticism, the project's customers decided to close it. Daniil Komkov himself personally wrote a post on Twitter that there would be no continuation of the show. He emphasized that he was very sorry.

To be fair, it should be noted that the popularity of the program participants has dropped sharply. Subscribers of Komkov and Katya Klap are disappearing before our eyes. But discontent and complaints are still being received. But negative popularity is also popularity. For example, Danya Komkov showed himself in the new television program “Verified by a Blogger.” The guy started in his homeland in the first issues, but he is not going to stop there. Filming in big cities is planned in the near future. It seems that he is also targeting Moscow and St. Petersburg. The essence of the program is to check public catering places and large supermarkets.

A sea of ​​indignation is raging online over the drowning of the new YouTube project Hype Camp, where popular bloggers recruit the younger generation of video makers into their teams.

Bloggers came to the defense of offended children

The scandalous reality episode Hype Camp currently has 114 thousand dislikes versus 9 thousand likes. And all because it’s difficult to call the show anything other than beating up babies.

The essence of the project is that three top Russian bloggers - Katya Klap, Mariana Ro and Yang Guo– recruit promising young people into their teams who could become their successors. Then, for three months, the teams live and learn the craft of video blogging in a country mansion under the auspices of their mentors. Qualifying rounds for the show took place in several cities of Russia, and the first episode was dedicated to casting in Moscow.

The jury included not only mentors, but also two invited YouTubers - Lizzka (Lisa Nered) And Danya Komkov. It was 20-year-old Komkov who became the main object of hatred from the audience, because he actively played the role of a “bad cop” - the guy did not stand on ceremony with teenagers, interrupted them and infuriated them in every possible way. As a result, 14-year-old children who dreamed of becoming bloggers left the stage crying and humiliated. According to the Internet community, the guy who behaved most impudently was the one who has the least number of subscribers among those who sat on the jury.

One of the contestants, unable to withstand the pressure from the judges, burst into tears right on stage. The audience was also outraged by the way they interacted with the 15-year-old Victoria Korobkova, which clearly could have made it into the project, but was sent home with the wording “too much show-off.” Victoria participated in the project on Channel One and even sang then with Dima Bilan. The teenager sang Maryana’s song, behaved confidently, but failed to cope with the task from Komkov - to show a funny improvised stand-up without any preparation.

After the first release, an avalanche of criticism hit Hype Camp. The project was torn to smithereens by many famous bloggers. Among which was Dmitry Larin.

“Who are all these people who don’t even know how to joke on camera? Look at their blogs - these are banal life stylers (people who make videos about their lives. - Ed.), who never had a sense of humor. There were absolutely wild, bilious things from Komkosaurus that brought children to tears. Yes, perhaps he had such a role - an angry critic and skeptic. But naturally they will be stupid, why make them cry? – Dmitry Larin is indignant.

Nikolai Sobolev was also bombed. The famous blogger attacked Komkov with righteous anger.

“I have a feeling that all this is justified by the janitor syndrome. These "blaggers" felt their importance - they were seated on the jury. It feels like they are simply asserting themselves at the expense of the children. Moreover, note that the one who crows the most is the one who is least of all,” summarizes Nikolai Sobolev.

Katya Klap also received her share of hatred, who was accused of remaining silent when children were humiliated before her eyes. At the same time, Katya is the oldest member of the jury, the girl is 24 years old.

After the first release, Daniil Komkov posted news on Twitter that the project had been closed. “There will be no #HypeCamp today. The customers closed the project due to a large amount of hate. It’s a pity,” the blogger wrote.However, on Monday, September 25, came out the second part of the casting in Moscow.

Hello! This post is about the new season of the "Hype Camp" project. As always, brew some tea and let's go!

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First, let's explain what Hype Camp is.

Hype Camp is a famous reality show about video blogging. Gained wide popularity on the Internet thanks to the defiant behavior of the judges. It is because of this that other video bloggers filmed numerous revelations and reactions on YouTube.

Hype Camp Logo:

:black_small_square: Number of subscribers on the channel (11.18): about 340 thousand.


The mentors in the first season were Katya Klap, YanGo and Annie Mae. The main judge was Daniil Komkov. Participants were given various tasks and tests related to video shooting. The finalists were Lyosha Chensky and Igor Yang.

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And now to the topic - Hype Camp 2.0

A new season of Hype Camp was recently announced. According to Nikolai Sobolev, the main judge of the new season, in Hype Camp 2.0 there will be no defiant behavior of the hosts, there will only be a good, positive and honest video blogging show, the purpose of which will be to make the content on YouTube better and better.

Mentors will be:

1. Max +100500

:black_small_square: Number of subscribers (11.18): more than 9.6 million.

Famous video blogger, host of the show "+100500". He has been hosting the show for a very long time, and is a fairly experienced YouTuber.


2. Natalia Krasnova

:black_small_square: No YouTube channel, but number of Instagram subscribers (11.18): 2 million.

Model and blogger on Instagram. He wants to make the field of video blogging more useful so that people don’t associate bloggers with “morons.”


3. Dmitry Maslenikov

:black_small_square: Number of subscribers (11.18): more than 4 million.

A blogger who became famous for his show "Ghostbusters", where he walks through abandoned buildings in search of ghosts, and for testing life hacks.


And also, the main judge is Nikolai Sobolev

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Videos on the Hype Camp channel dedicated to the second season:


HYPE CAMP 2.0 // FIRST MENTOR || teaser

If you suddenly follow the situation in the Russian segment of YouTube, you have definitely heard about Hype Camp - a hybrid of “Star Factory”, “Voice” and “Minute of Fame”, but on the Internet and about bloggers. The show’s application is as follows: thousands of people (mostly children) who dream of becoming popular video bloggers come to Hype Camp, and there they show themselves in front of the jury. If everything is successful, then the guys are taken by Maryana Ro, Katya Klap or Yang Guo - the mentors take the wards to the bloggers’ castle, where they actively teach the intricacies of the YouTuber’s craft.

It would seem that what could go wrong: the format of the show plus or minus in a similar form has long been tested on television, the project’s budget is obviously plump, and the jury consists of truly popular YouTube employees (besides the mentioned trio, two more: Daniil Komkozavr Komkov, plus Elizaveta lizzka Nered). Liza Anokhina, the country's main star child in conventional media, the face of the Karusel TV channel, and a participant in Bilan's video, was seen presenting.

But the project broke down from the very beginning - only two videos from the Hype Camp qualifiers were released, and the Russian blogosphere is already seething. And this is the case when the seething is justified - such abomination has not happened in this environment for a long time.

“That’s why the jury was put in place, so that you don’t have to justify a damn thing.”

Daniil Komkov

Let us briefly explain how the qualifiers work: a participant comes, talks about himself, is asked questions and given a task. Here the first problem emerges: for example, the jury asks to “come up with a stand-up comedy about the friend zone.” The requirement naturally causes a stupor in teenagers - as sympathizers rightly noted, the jury members themselves could hardly come up with something funny in 20 seconds. The children are obviously stupid, the judges scold them sternly, some leave in tears. The atmosphere is unpleasant, but forgivable - shows like this are harder to make than they seem; TV has long since mastered what the Internet is yet to achieve. But there is another problem in Hype Camp that has caused a storm of hatred towards the project.

To understand, you don’t need to go to the official channel - both videos from the qualifiers hang safely, but watching them is unnecessary and even harmful - many minutes, a lot of Spanish shame, little sane and useful. Let's play this excerpt:

In the video, one of the jury members, Daniil Komkov, rinses approximately all the participants, choosing very strange reasons for negativity: for example, Danil kicked out one girl because it seemed to him that she “came to show off” and not show off her, um, ability to video blogging. At the same time, the girl was not simple - she previously sang together with Bilan in the children's “Voice”, and on the horizon she has filming for a series on STS. It’s not very clear why the participant needs Hype Camp in this case, but now she won’t have to rack her brains: thanks to the jury.

Komkov spoke with the other candidates in approximately the same vein, sometimes Lizka joined in. The main trio of the jury remained silent: Katya Klap, apparently, was afraid to open her mouth so as not to spoil her reputation, and Maryana and Yang Guo exploited the image of the “lamp guys” with varying success.

It is unknown how much this would have worked if the main Russian YouTubers had been turned off for a week and they would not have seen the video. But they looked, naturally became indignant, spoke out on their channels - and the “school of bloggers” made it to the top. It’s hard to call the bloggers’ reaction planned free advertising (although full integration with the same Sobolev would cost around a million rubles) - YouTubers, commenting on Hype Camp, did not mince words at all. This is how millionaire blogger SNAILKICK characterized the behavior of Daniil Komkov, who refused to explain the reason for the refusal to the qualifying participant:

Who are you anyway?

SNAILKICK about the Hype Camp judge

But Lisa and I are from the same city. I was very proud that she was the second Chaikovka resident who was able to reach the top of YouTube. Now I see that she doesn’t care what tops she occupies, I’ll remove her from friends right after the stream

SNAILKICK about Lizka

Not only Sneilkick was disappointed - this is what the comments look like on Lizka’s latest (by the way, advertising) video

And this despite the fact that the girl had practically the most loyal audience in all of Russian YouTube - their own Elizabeth was selflessly loved. However, this is not yet an indicator: fans tend to exchange mercy for anger (and vice versa), and the creator of Bad Room is known for his intemperance and monologues in the spirit of Tarantino films. Maybe other bloggers have a different opinion? Alas: even the usually scrupulous and pompous Sobolev called the Hype Camp qualifiers “the worst video in the entire history of video blogging.” And then in the author’s broadcast he added to the idea.

At the same time, almost all YouTubers who commented on Komkov’s behavior modestly noted that he himself had not moved far away from the children he was terrorizing. Indeed: Daniil has 371 thousand subscribers - not many by today's standards. Lizka, who was sitting next to her, has more than one and a half million, and there is nothing to say about Katya Clapp and Maryana Ro: their combined mass of followers is equal to the official population of Moscow (assuming, of course, that these are all different people).

At the same time, Komkov became famous for his non-obvious content: his main find was sketches with dressing up as a grandmother, where zero acting stumbles over jokes from KVN. The blogger also has a diss parody, “Pranker, for example,” that was a month late. Actually, it’s a parody of the pharaoh’s “Wildly, for example,” and a diss is about a former friend of Artyom K. We don’t pretend to have exclusive knowledge of YouTube trends, but it seems like we’re recording a parody of a track that Sokolovsky, Sam Nickel and how- then... slow? Later Komkova spoke only - do not forget with what joy the Internet kicks television for late ignition.

Why do we need “blogger schools” at all?

Most YouTubers drowned in hatred of Komkov, but he is in fact only a victim: firstly, he could play the role of a “bad cop” imposed by the producers, and secondly, in the second issue, Daniil behaves more exemplary - Lizka rocks out more there. In fact, it is neither Komkov nor Nered’s fault that such nonsense has come about: “blogger schools” themselves are complete nonsense.

convince Yang Guo to do highlights." The judges absolutely do not understand how to fish out a stone of talent from an unfamiliar participant - maybe there is a toxic stand-up artist hidden in the newcomer, maybe a beauty blogger, maybe a life styler. Most of the contestants are under 18; they themselves don’t really know, what they are capable of, let alone the jury... If teenagers found something special inside themselves and were able to channel it in the right direction, Hype Camp would be the last place they went.

And finally, how do you imagine a successful video blogger? This is a very broad field of activity: you can be at the top of YouTube by recording jokes, posting reviews on your smartphone, reviewing new products from Chinese companies, or, finally, just getting a lot of lard for money. Video blogging is a giant testing ground where the winner is the one who tries everything a lot. The concept of Hype Camp (and other “blogger schools”) assumes that a diligent student of Maryana Ro, Katya Clapp or Ian Go becomes successful. Well, he’s an extremely reserved person who definitely won’t drive the lenses of Gucci glasses into Danil Komkov’s pupils.

If you analyze the successes of other “schools of bloggers” (no, Hype Camp is not the first educational company of this profile), you can see that there are no successes. Dmitry Larin spoke about this in one of the videos.

“Like Factory” was a project by Kostya Pavlov, Brandt, and someone else; it was just a reality show. Christina Fink was still outstanding there, she then got on the “High Five” channel, got silicone boobs, everyone hated her. Where are these stars now...

Larin about the failures of the “Like Factory” school of bloggers

Then Dmitry lists what every “Hype Camp” can teach: “Sound production, working with light, tags. I even admit that they even teach sign language and non-verbal communication. But this has nothing to do with video blogging.”

Fate does not force you to agree with Larin every time, but this is exactly the case - it is impossible to become a top blogger simply by learning some basics of video production. You can write anything in the comments, but not everyone can hold the attention of a million viewers - even with conversations about “what’s in my phone” or “where is my toilet.” To do this, you need to clearly sense trends, understand which way the wind is blowing, glow with charisma, and most importantly, work hard. Everything else will not work, and this became clear many years before Hype Camp, Daniil Komkov, crap on YouTube and all that nonsense. Namely, when the first results of the “school of bloggers” took place in the Russian-language segment of LiveJournal. Let us remind you: there were no results in LJ at that time. You cannot learn the art of instantly becoming a millionaire blogger - just like a millionaire video blogger.

As often happens, children suffer as a result of idiotic and strange actions of adults. Someone came up with the idea of ​​pouring a lot of money into a stupid show, bought up popular bloggers, they started a scandal, in response, other bloggers started the scandal even more powerfully, in the end everyone won, except for the children.

The same ones who were worried, chewed on words and cried on stage. We went to Hype Camp and hoped to change something. We went to Hype Camp and hoped to see Katya Klap, Maryana Ro and Yan Go - in the teenager’s universe, they are like Messi for any student of a football youth sports school. But instead, the castles in the air were blown up into the air: Hype Camp was not invented for the participants, the deities are quarrelsome and noisy, this whole Internet showbiz is a big ball of sewage.

A useful experience of confronting reality? Perhaps. Can't you keep your head in the clouds forever? Perhaps. But we all remember from our youth the moment when a teenage idol turned out to be a decent scumbag - it was very painful and unpleasant. The only difference is that for these children, the idol turned into a villain right before their eyes - without taking off the women's sunglasses and cartoonish fur coat.