Galkin is what a husband. All Pugacheva's men

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva is the most famous Russian pop singer, popular far beyond the borders of the countries of the former Soviet Union. She was born on April 15, 1948 in a small town into a family of ordinary workers who encountered creativity only during amateur performances at work. During World War II, father and mother fought at the front, defending the honor of the Motherland, and then worked at a shoe factory.

Who is Pugacheva? This name has long become almost a household name, since a talented artist, an attractive woman and a wonderful mother, as well as a devoted friend, attracts everyone around her - more than forty million people follow her life. There are several versions according to which the diva achieved such popularity, and why Alla Pugacheva’s husbands looked after her so reverently. One of them is a passion for magical rituals. This myth arose thanks to the rich roots of Alla Borisovna: her grandmother, originally from Belarus, made her living by harvesting herbs and was famous in the area as a fortune teller.

Viewers, as a rule, show special attention to the life of the prima donna, wondering how Pugacheva’s husbands live. There have been many of them in her lifetime, and each is a very extraordinary person with his own character. In addition, Alla Borisovna did not show interest in one type of man throughout her life. So, it’s worth discussing who Pugacheva’s husbands are (in order).

Mykolas Orbakas

Pugacheva’s first husband was a man with an unusual surname and occupation. Mykolas Orbakas was officially married to Alla and lived with her for four years. Mick worked as an artist in a Lithuanian circus, and the acquaintance itself took place on the stage of a circus school. While married, Alla changed her last name to Orbaken, but continued to perform under her maiden name.

The prima donna recalls that on the eve of her visit to Lithuania she went to a fortune teller asking who Alla Pugacheva’s husbands would be. The sorceress made a prediction. If you believe him, then Alla was supposed to meet her first husband, but at that time the artist did not attach the slightest importance to this. As a result, the sorceress’s words came true.

In this marriage, Pugacheva’s first and, until recently, only daughter, Kristina Orbakaite, was born. Journalists have tried many times to interview Mikolas, but he refuses to make any comments about Pugacheva and does not want to make contact. Christina communicates with her father and is on a warm relationship.

Slobodkin Pavel

This man played one of the most important roles in the development of Alla Pugacheva’s career. The fact is that the singer participated in his project “Jolly Guys” along with Alexander Buinov and Alexei Glyzin. As part of this work, an arrangement was also created for the song "Harlequin", which later became legendary.

Relations with Pavel developed over two years, but after fruitful work they faded away. Alla and Pavel decided to break up after Slobodkin raised his hand against her. At the age of twenty-seven, the woman left. The husbands of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, whose photos are presented in the article, have natural charisma and determination.

Alexander Stefanovich

No less vibrant and interesting was the relationship between Pugacheva and the famous Leningrad director Alexander Stefanovich. The two creative people were introduced by Leonid Derbenev, a famous poet. The relationship with Stefanovich became the second officially registered marriage, but it did not last long at all - only three years.

At the moment, Alexander has filmed the series “Courage” based on his novel. The film premiered on Channel One.

Evgeny Boldin

The marriage with Evgeniy Boldin lasted the longest at that time. The man worked with Alla and was her concert director. Over time, the work began to develop into something more, and the couple decided to get married. The relationship lasted eight years, and after the divorce, the diva wrote the song “Strong Woman.”

There is an agreement between the former spouses - Evgeny does not talk about Pugacheva and refuses to give interviews. The topic of “Pugacheva’s husbands” is also taboo for him.

Vladimir Kuzmin

Vladimir Kuzmin is a performer who has attracted a lot of girls all over the Soviet Union. An attractive, talented young man fascinated everyone around him, and Alla Borisovna herself fell under his charm and charm. You shouldn’t think that it was she who made him popular; when they met, they already knew him, and his songs were played on all radio stations. The initiator of the meeting was Pugacheva: after listening to the recording of the group “Dynamic”, she herself asked to organize a meeting with Vladimir. It was love at first sight, Alla no longer wanted to part with her partner even for a minute, but a year later the love faded away. Both performers fondly remember the past and share funny incidents. Pugacheva’s husbands in order did not worry the artist either then or now.

Sergey Chelobanov

Sergei Chelobanov has his own interesting story: being an athlete and boxing, the young man decided to build a solo career and move from Saratov to Moscow. The guy was noticed there, and soon his video with Pugacheva was already shown on television. The news that Alla Borisovna again decided to dive into the abyss of relationships spread quickly among her colleagues and among the people. But the romance ended the same way it began - spontaneously and practically without a trace. Carried away by his popularity, Sergei plunged into drinking alcohol. They say that he was jealous of Alla and asked who Pugacheva’s husbands were. In order, with the photo, she first explained to him, but soon her patience ran out.

Filya - Philip Kirkorov

The most popular and truly “popular” marriage was love with Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov. The young man decided to win the favor of his lady at all costs. He was not embarrassed by the age difference, or the presence of a child, much less the ex-husbands of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. The wedding took place unexpectedly for everyone, during Kirkorov’s tour. Passports with stamps were handed over to them personally by Anatoly Sobchak, and Pugacheva’s marriage stamp ended up in the “Children” section. This is due to a large number of previous seals. The marriage lasted until 2003, the couple lived together for a total of eleven years.

Philip still idolizes his ex-wife and is glad that he communicates with her. Their children, who have a slight age difference, are also friends.

Maksim Galkin

Kirkorov himself introduced Maxim and Alla. At the same time, the couple was still married; this happened in 2001. Galkin admits that sympathy did not arise at the very first moment, only professional interest and the desire to “touch” a personality that had already become a legend. Over time, this relationship began to develop despite the huge age difference and the fact that Kristina Orbakaite is the same age as her stepfather. Maxim is not ashamed of his position, knowing that some of Pugacheva’s husbands did this. He even jokes about it. At one of the concerts, he cheerfully talked about how he was raising his daughter Kristinochka. Alla Borisovna admits that she is happy in her marriage. It was with Maxim that she decided to have children again. Although this was impossible due to health and advanced age, the couple found a compromise.

After Philip's children were born from a surrogate mother, Alla and Maxim became interested in finding their donor. They easily found a girl who agreed to bear their children. Galkin and Pugacheva gave birth to twins - a boy, Harry, and a girl, Lisa. The kids look like their star parents and are already demonstrating their talents with all their might.

July 5, 2015, 11:15 pm

Mykolas Orbakas, circus performer (marriage lasted from 1969 to 1973)

The Lithuanian circus performer became the singer’s first official husband, with whom the prima donna was married for four years. The future couple met at a circus school.

Four months after the first meeting, a wedding took place, which was held in a cafe. With the money earned while working around the country in the summer, the groom bought a suit, and the bride sewed a white dress to order based on the best examples of advanced Czechoslovak fashion.

Being married to an artist, Alla officially bore the surname Orbakene, but performed at concerts under her maiden name. It was in her marriage to Mykolas that Pugacheva had a daughter, Kristina. “We had a modest Soviet family,” says Mikolas, “Because I got married when I was a fourth-year student. We didn’t have money yet, and we didn’t have fame either. Only dreams."

Due to constant tours, Alla and Mikolas saw each other very rarely, and besides, Pugacheva’s great ambitions (and she had been dreaming of becoming the best singer in the country for several years) did not combine with Mikolas’s modest creative desires. They divorced in November 1973.

Alexander Stefanovich (marriage lasted from 1976 to 1980)

Leningrad director Alexander Stefanovich and Alla Pugacheva were introduced to each other in the fall of 1976 by the poet Leonid Derbenev. “Lenya told me then,” recalls Stefanovich, “I want to introduce you to a talented girl. I think that you can help her, just keep in mind that she has absolutely no inhibitions!” After dinner, a barely familiar man and woman (Stefanovich at that time had not even heard a single song by Pugacheva) went to the Mosfilm hotel, where they stayed overnight. After some time, Pugacheva married Stefanovich.

Five “Stefanovich Principles” formed the basis of Pugacheva’s future phenomenon: confession (songs about herself), the image of a lonely woman, refusal to imitate the West, theatricality on stage (each song should be performed as a small performance), scandalousness (controlled rumors, leaving the stage, returning to the stage). This was a real media plan to turn a popular singer into an idol of the country, into a myth, in fact, into a deity. And this plan was a brilliant success.

One of the reasons for the sharp deterioration in relations between the spouses was a certain bed scene involving Stefanovich and one girl. Pugacheva accidentally caught them together, after which she could not restrain herself during filming. When Stefanovich began to make some comments to her about the role, Alla suddenly shouted across the entire stage: “And you’re still going to tell me, you asshole?” Stefanovich jumped up to his wife and whispered: “Hush, Pugachevochka, hush! A civilized family is not happiness, but the appearance of happiness.”

“He is a very practical person,” Pugacheva said, “One day he said: “Pugachevo, write me a power of attorney to use the savings book, otherwise you are away all the time, and the money may be needed to repair the apartment.” I wrote it out, and shortly before the divorce, he withdrew all the money from the book, and at that time it was a good amount. Then I noticed that he considered himself an amazing playboy, he had all sorts of girls on his side. I waited once until everything was over with him, a second time, and then I thought: “Okay, stop waiting already - we need to leave.”

Evgeny Boldin (marriage lasted from 1985 to 1993)

Program director of the festival department of Rosconcert Evgeny Borisovich Boldin met Alla Pugacheva on May 26, 1978. Despite the fact that the fame of the twenty-nine-year-old singer was already nationwide, she still did not have her own team - no musicians, no costume designer, no sound engineer. Boldin undertook to ensure all this and soon became the director of Alla Pugacheva’s team.

The handsome Boldin was with Pugacheva from morning to evening, and as her relationship with Stefanovich cooled, their romance developed in the most natural way. Boldin dealt not only with issues of organizing tours or economic problems - he became the official “defendant” before the party and Soviet authorities for all the scandals and risky public actions organized by Pugacheva in different parts of the USSR.

She and Pugacheva lived for five years without formalizing their relationship in any way. They probably would never have become legal husband and wife if not for chance. One day, an anonymous letter was sent to the Oktyabrsky district committee of the party, where Alla Pugacheva was a member, about the immoral behavior of Evgeniy Boldin, who allowed himself to live in the same room during foreign tours with a woman with whom he was not married.

The first secretary of the regional committee summoned Pugacheva, began to have a moralizing conversation with her and threatened that he would stop letting Boldin go abroad. As a result, Pugacheva immediately went to Boldin, and they went to the registry office.

After her divorce from Boldin, Pugacheva wrote the song “Strong Woman” with the words: “I will shout, and in response there is silence. Again I am left alone.” They say that when Boldin first heard this song on TV, he cried.

Philip Kirkorov (marriage lasted from 1994 to 2005)

Philip Kirkorov came to Alla Pugacheva’s theater immediately after graduating from the Gnessin School in 1988. According to his father, Bedros Kirkorov, Philip idolized Pugacheva since childhood and even dressed in women's clothing to portray his favorite singer. Pugacheva, although she accepted Kirkorov into the theater, treated him quite dismissively.

Kirkorov followed the singer everywhere and asked her to “come up with an image for him.” A large-scale offensive began five years later, in 1993. In May, at the Star Surf festival in Sochi, Kirkorov ensured that he was accommodated next to Pugacheva’s dacha. One day he caught a large flounder while fishing, fried it and sent it to the singer. Having received a strange gift, Pugacheva, as a whim, demanded a box of champagne with the fish. Kirkorov, despite two o’clock in the morning, found such a box and personally delivered it to Pugacheva. Gradually, Alla Borisovna changed her attitude towards her ardent suitor.

Kirkorov and Pugacheva got married during Philip's tour in St. Petersburg in March 1994. The passports were handed over to them personally by Mayor Anatoly Sobchak, and the marriage stamp on Pugacheva’s document had to be placed on the “Children” page - there was no free space left in the “Marital status” column. In May 1994, Pugacheva and Kirkorov got married in Jerusalem, in the Trinity Cathedral.

“I was very worried about the rift with Boldin,” said Pugacheva, “and then this Kirkorov. And then the dunce, and now he still won’t grow up. He got so sick of me that it was easier to marry him than to explain why not we need to do this." Her marriage to Philip Kirkorov was very popular with the public, and regardless of the actual personal relationship between Alla and Philip, this union was generally recognized as the most important in secular Russia. The news of the “wedding of the century” raised the fading popularity of 45-year-old Pugacheva to the skies. And her 28-year-old husband became an overnight superstar.

As a couple, Alla and Philip lived together for only one year and then for another 10 years they created the appearance of a happy family life: “All my life I didn’t like this type of people, this type of behavior, I didn’t like everything about him and I don’t like it now!” says Alla. “At the same time, she officially lasted with him for 10 years, but unofficially they didn’t live with him for a year.”

Pugacheva came to the registry office to get divorce documents together with Maxim Galkin and his brother Dmitry. Pugacheva was in a great mood and immediately after the registry office she went to a restaurant to celebrate her divorce.

Maxim Galkin (married from 2011 to present)

Ironically, Alla was introduced to Maxim by the singer’s then-legal husband, Philip Kirkorov, in July 2001. The fateful meeting of the artists took place in Vitebsk at the Slavic Bazaar festival. According to Maxim, it was not love at first sight, but over time, feelings took over. The diva admitted that for the first time she felt like a Woman with Maxim. Their age difference is 27 years.

Nothing about her irritates me, Galkin confesses, especially since, you know, after years it happens that people get tired of each other. For me it's the other way around. She's just my person. With her, I understood the most banal, trivial truth that people are divided into halves. So I found my other half. Well, they didn’t match in time or age. But half is still half. I like everything: the way she looks, sits, sings, is silent, the way she thinks, the way she cooks. And one more thing that is not customary to talk about.

Alla Borisovna has great respect for Maxim’s talent and “his amazing character.” Pugacheva says that it is with this person that she is comfortable, calm, peaceful, fun, and there are no problems. In 2013, the country's main celebrity couple, with the help of a surrogate mother, had children - Harry and Lisa.

What really connects this bright couple: business, love, strong friendship or something else - is known only to them...

I can’t even believe that Diva, the legend of the Soviet stage, crossed the 60-year mark a few years ago. The passage of time has not been kind to her appearance. But still, age did not change her character at all. Pugacheva’s husbands claim that over the years she has become more charming and wiser.

Alla remained as those who were born in the Soviet era knew her - energetic, unique and adored by her fans. For them, the famous singer is still as young and mischievous as she was many years ago. It's hard to imagine her differently. The rich personal life of the “woman who sings” is a reflection or even a continuation of her vigorous creativity.

Such a popular Alla!

Long-time acquaintances of Alla Pugacheva mention, in particular, that even in her childhood, boys loved and respected her and often perceived her as their leader. The memories of those who studied with her in the same class form the basis of television stories. Now they are in adulthood, but then they could not even imagine that their classmate and girlfriend was a future star.

Every year Alla Pugacheva became more and more popular, and the number of fans also increased, especially among men.

It just so happens that ordinary people are very interested in the personal lives of personalities of such magnitude as Diva. Alla Pugacheva loved and was loved. The singer’s husbands warmly remember their Muse and simply a wonderful woman.

Mykolas Edmundas Orbakas

Alla Pugacheva first married in 1969 to an aristocratic Lithuanian with refined manners - Mykolas Edmundas Orbakas. The story of their acquaintance is as follows. Then the green-eyed girl with red hair braided in pigtails had just graduated from the Music College named after. Ippolitova-Ivanov.

There have just been vacancies for singing artists in the touring circus crew for the summer. And then Alla came to the audition. Naturally, she could not leave the males present indifferent. The thin, fair-haired, inconspicuous guy, but with the refined manners of a gentleman, was also captivated by the 18-year-old aspiring accompanist with a charming smile. The fact that Alla gave preference to this particular student of the Circus School is difficult to explain. All of Pugacheva’s husbands had a special charm. The list of men turned out to be significant, but the first one left the singer with a special memory of herself.

A daughter with the same white hair as her father Mykolas. During the same period, Pugacheva first performed the song “Harlequin,” which later became very popular. Unfortunately, constant touring caused the breakdown of the marriage - she liked the new man.

Despite this turn of fate, Mykolas still has extremely good memories of his life together with the Prima Donna. All Pugacheva’s husbands accepted Christina and treated the singer with respect.

Alexander Stefanovich

Since 1971, after a short-term marriage, a 5-year period of calm began in Alla Pugacheva’s personal life, during which she could not decide which of her friends could become her companion. The contenders were Konstantin Orbelyan, Pavel Slobodkin, Vitaly Krytyuk. But Alla Pugacheva was in no hurry to marry. Husbands (photos of men are presented in this article) claim that they fell in love with this woman at first sight.

This continued until 1976, until she finally met the famous director from Leningrad, Alexander Stefanovich, or rather, the famous composer Alexander Sergeevich Zatsepin contributed to the acquaintance. The director is the author of a large number of documentaries. Stefanovich began filming music videos for the first time in the country. Soviet audiences should be grateful to this director for seeing the first film musical called “Dear Boy.”

The new husband ensured that Pugacheva was provided with a prestigious apartment, which he began to furnish in a masterful manner. But when it came to divorce in 1980, the now former second husband divided the family property very scrupulously, down to the last detail. During her marriage to Alexander Stefanovich, Pugacheva’s music album “Mirror of the Soul” was released, which turned out to be one of the best. Each man contributed to her work, says Alla Pugacheva. Her husbands gladly helped her and did everything they could.

Evgeny Boldin

The prima donna met her third future husband, Evgeny Boldin, when she was still married to Stefanovich. Even the exact date of this event is known, which Boldin remembered for the rest of his life. This is May 26, 1978. It is to him that Alla Pugacheva should be grateful for the fact that, holding the position of program director of the festival department at Rosconcert, he gave everything that a popular singer should acquire - her own costume designer, musicians, sound engineer, etc.

They lived together for a long time without formalizing the relationship. At first, they were connected only by creativity, but then the boss and subordinate, as usually happens, became close. They would have lived like this for 13 years without a marriage mark in their passports, if this fact discrediting Soviet citizens had gone unnoticed by the district committee clerks. After five years of marriage, the lovers got married. But this romance also came to an end. The breakdown of relations that occurred in 1993 prompted Alla Pugacheva to write the song “Strong Woman,” which touched Boldin’s soul so much that he even shed a tear. Pugacheva’s husbands are worthy men who appreciated and loved “the woman who sings.”

Philip Kirkorov

Before her marriage to the Bulgarian Philip Kirkorov on March 15, 1994, the Diva managed to turn the heads of such famous representatives of Russian art as V. Kuzmin, R. Pauls, A. Rosenbaum, S. Chelobanov, I. Talkov. Many fans and connoisseurs of talent remember how touchingly Kirkorov courted his beloved, despite the noticeable and unusual age difference. Pugacheva’s husbands were getting younger. The list of young men began with Philip.

Every day the guy gave Alla a bouquet of roses, and each time the number of flowers in it increased by two pieces. And the carriage in gold could not help but turn the beloved’s head. However, many who closely followed this action suspected that it was nothing more than a publicity stunt. On May 15, 1994, the wedding of Alla and Philip took place in Israel.

Maksim Galkin

Pugacheva’s young husbands shocked the public, but Alla did not pay attention to the gossip. Finally, 2011 was marked by the fact that in December, on the 23rd, she married humorist-parodist Maxim Galkin, the union with whom has not yet been dissolved. Their relationship remained hidden from the inquisitive gaze of fans for almost ten years.

A glossy publication became a sponsor in the banquet hall, which received the right to exclusive photographs of the gala event. The famous Pugacheva will be remembered for her loving personality. Biography, husbands and children - all this is closely intertwined with her songs, in which the soul is inside out.

All the men of Alla Pugacheva (PHOTO)8

Yesterday, Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva announced during a conference at RIA Novosti that she was leaving the stage forever. The singer explained her decision due to health problems and the fact that her voice, due to a number of operations, had shrunk and could not express the feelings that she wanted.

For numerous fans, this day was apparently one of the saddest in their lives. After all, Alla Borisovna devoted most of her life to the stage and listeners - 49 years. And throughout her career, men were constantly present in Pugacheva’s life. She married some, and had affairs with others. But one way or another, each man left a mark in the singer’s life. decided to introduce its readers to these men.

1. Mykolas Orbakas - 1969-1973

Mykolas Orbakas, the singer’s first official husband (1969 - 1973), supported her in her work, but soon got tired. Alla lost interest in him and got divorced. Today Mykolas lives in Moscow with his new family. His daughter Christina continues to visit him.

2. Vitaly Kretyuk - 1974

Vitaly Kretyuk in 1974 helped Alla make her way on the stage and was her common-law husband. After the breakup, he quit music and went to prison. A few years after his release from prison, he went missing.

3. Pavel Slobodkin - 1974-1976

Pavel Slobodkin led the group “Jolly Fellows”, where Alla came from the group “New Electron”. People gossiped that Pugacheva had an affair with the leader. Because of this, there was a split among the “guys”: Lerman left, followed by Buinov. After her first solo record, Alla decided to break with the “Jolly Fellows”. They say that on tour in Germany, Slobodkin shouted and even raised his hand at her. In the fall of 1976, the star left Slobodkin. Today he has his own concert hall on Arbat.

4. Konstantin Orbelyan - 1976

From the “Jolly Fellows,” Alla came to Konstantin Orbelyan’s orchestra, with whom she began a short-lived affair. It was to him that she dedicated the song “Maestro” to the music of Pauls and the poetry of Reznik, who wrote the text about the holy love of music.

5. Alexander Stefanovich - 1976-1980

In the fall of 1976, when Alla was still with Orbelyan, Leningrad director Alexander Stefanovich (he was her husband from 1976 to 1980) entered her life. The singer surprised the director when, on a date, she cut her finger and wrote him a few words in blood. “I married her, although there were a lot of contenders,” Stefanovich said. - I came up with the image of a lonely, unhappy woman, which the country fell in love with. Alla was happy with me, but did not talk about me in the interview. We don’t maintain a relationship, but I’m not offended - she doesn’t owe me anything.”

Today Stefanovich continues his creative search - he organized a photo exhibition in St. Petersburg, and is going to film a series.

6. Evgeny Boldin - 1985-1993

Evgeny Boldin (husband from 1985 to 1993), program director of the festival department of Rosconcert. After her divorce from Boldin, Pugacheva will write the song “Strong Woman” with the words: “I’ll shout, and in response there will be silence. I was left alone again.” Boldin cried when he heard the song on TV. They gossiped that he never came to terms with the loss of his beloved.

7. Vladimir Kuzmin - 1986-1988

Vladimir Kuzmin (they communicated closely with Alla from 1986 to 1988). Boldin, having learned about his wife’s new hobby, nobly stepped aside, and Pugacheva settled with Kuzmin. Their duet song “Two Stars,” written by Igor Nikolaev, was a hymn of love. But the “two stars” did not get along together; in the early 90s, Kuzmin went to America for a new wife, American Kelly Corzon. They say that when Kuzmin exchanged the pop queen for a new lover, Alla cried and decided to have an affair with Chelobanov. Today Kuzmin continues to sing; he was married to Kelly for just over a year, and in 2001 he married 19-year-old fan Katya from Yelabuga.

8. Igor Talkov - 1991

Few people know that Pugacheva had a short affair with Igor Talkov, who was killed in 1992. For some time, Talkov performed at the Song Theater, and even dedicated his song “Star” to Pugacheva, because of which he had troubles with Alexander Kalyanov. The song sang: “Star, no one needs you anymore” - indeed, the very beginning of the nineties was a difficult time for Pugacheva. New times were coming in the country, the population greedily consumed everything new - even if this new thing was “Tender May” or Irina Allegrova. Pugacheva was relegated to the margins - not at all because she began to sing worse. The public was simply trying the unknown. Soon, without having tried it, she will return to true values, but for now, in the early nineties, Alla Borisovna has the same problems as the CPSU or the KGB - she is tired of her people.

9. Sergey Chelobanov - 1990-1993

Sergei Chelobanov (was with Alla from 1990 to 1993). When a sophisticated man with a bob hairstyle appeared next to Pugacheva, fans started talking about a new star. However, Chelobanov did not pass the test of fame and began to abuse alcohol and stronger stimulants. As he admitted, he was still with Alla when Philip appeared next to her. After breaking up with the “woman who sings,” he went into a “peak” for a long time and disappeared from the stage. Recently they started talking about him again - it turned out that he had come to his senses and returned to singing. He does not maintain friendship with Pugacheva. When he came with flowers to congratulate Prima on her birthday, they didn’t open the door for him.

10. Philip Kirkorov - 1994-2005

Pugacheva’s last official husband is Kirkorov. She adopted the Philip Kirkorov brand and will receive dividends from it for life. After divorcing him, Alla continues to look after him. Ksyusha Sobchak told how Alla Borisovna scolded her for not clearly announcing Kirkorov’s exit - they say, not everyone knows you, Ksyusha, but millions love Kirkorov!

11. Maxim Galkin 2001

Alla Borisovna was introduced to Maxim Galkin by Philip Kirkorov in 2001 in Vitebsk at the Slavic Bazaar festival. It is interesting that they were introduced by the singer’s real husband, Philip Kirkorov, whom Pugacheva divorced only in 2005.

For the last 7 years, Pugachev and Galkin have had a touching friendship - they often appeared together at social events, conducted concerts together and recorded as a musical duet.

It is noteworthy that the age difference in this star couple is quite impressive - 32-year-old Galkin is 27 years younger than his chosen one.

Lately there have been rumors about the imminent wedding of two stars, but neither Alla Borisovna nor Galkin gave official confirmation. They limited themselves to hints only.

It remains to add that Pugacheva’s departure from the stage, of course, will mark the end of an entire era in Russian pop music, which in one way or another was inextricably linked with the name of the singer. However, her decision cannot be called sudden or illogical: in the last ten years, after a memorable farewell tour dedicated to her fiftieth anniversary, she did not give solo concerts and was perceived by most of the country’s population as a media character rather than a singer.

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Alla Pugacheva’s first husband played, if not the main, then a key role in the singer’s life. After all, it was in marriage with Mykolas Orbakas that daughter Christina was born. But Mikolas doesn’t like to talk about marriage with an all-Union star. He intelligently refuses an interview. I wonder how he's doing?

Modestly. In an ordinary house among gray five-story buildings. His apartment is located on the outskirts of Moscow, from where it takes several kilometers to get to the metro.

– Understand, I am a non-public person, I have my own narrow circle of friends. “I live simply, like everyone else,” Mykolas responded to the journalists’ offer to give an interview.

However, the man’s neighbors, of course, remind Orbakas every day that he was married to Pugacheva: after all, dozens of publications write about the Diva’s every move. “Look, you did something crazy again - they wrote it in the newspapers!” Mykolas hears every day addressed to him.

Mykolas works at children's parties with his wife. At one time, Alla Borisovna’s first husband graduated from the circus school. I didn’t go to the circus; I worked at the Philharmonic for a long time, but it was closed during the crisis. On New Year's Eve he worked part-time as Father Frost, and his wife as the Snow Maiden. By the way, she is 18 years younger than Mykolas. He will be 67 years old in April.

Orbacas has a 26-year-old son, Fabis. They say that both Mykolas's wife and son are very polite. When asked what kind of wife Pugacheva was, Mikolas always briefly and politely answers: “Good.”

“Yes, he doesn’t like to talk about it,” said Anatoly Marchevsky, director of the Yekaterinburg circus and longtime friend of Mikolas. – When we meet, we talk about anything, just not about Alla Pugacheva. Well, why bring up the past? Well, I was married for a long time. Yes, there is a daughter. But they haven’t communicated closely with Alla for a long time.

By the way, Mikalos Orbakas has Sofia Rotaru as a friend on his social network. An involuntary question arises: will such a modest person at such a respectable age really be on social networks? And, perhaps, there he constantly goes to his ex’s page to look at photos and read her statuses... What if?