The most beautiful dancers in the world. Mesmerizing professional photos of dancers from Richard Calmes

Dance is an amazing spectacle, from which, at times, it is simply impossible to take your eyes off. It is used not only as a means of entertaining spectators, but also as a beautiful sport. It is in dance that everything is reflected human nature, and the most are invested in it sincere feelings and emotions. We present to you the top 8 most beautiful dances planets whose divine body language evokes only admiration and a desire to learn it.

8. Tango

Initially, tango was exclusively men's dance. It was believed that in this way one could achieve the affection of almost any woman.

There is a kind of legend that tango first appeared in Argentina, where there were significantly more men than the fair sex, and in order to avoid bloodshed for their attention, such an original dance wrestling was invented as an alternative to hard sports and fights.

The winner was the “knight” who, during the dance, was able to step on his competitor’s feet the most number of times.

Passionate paso doble: a courageous and graceful partner, skillfully controlling his cloak, played by a beautiful lady. Sometimes she can be the beautiful Carmen and even a bull, ultimately defeated. This emotionally explosive plot is reminiscent of a real bullfight, and in the movements you can notice elements of flamenco and gypsy dances.

6. Lambada

Just the name of this dance starts to ring the fiery hit Kaoma in your head. Absolutely anyone can dance Lambada. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what gender you are, a slight sway of your hips - and you’re the king of any disco! Some people are embarrassed to start dancing because of the somewhat sexual movements, but what latin dance without passion?! Excellent decorations for girls dancing Lambada are beads, fabrics, flowers and leaves.

5. Belly dance

This dance got its name not by chance. The word “belly” can be translated as “life,” which immediately evokes associations with a woman, mother, and fertile land. Belly dancing is directly related to the cult of the Goddess of Fertility and is even now part of some rituals. Historians are still debating where this mesmerizing dance originated. Some believe that its homeland is Egypt, another group of scientists claims that belly dancing was “invented” in India.

Flamenco is an interweaving of gypsy music and Spanish temperament, and right up to the second half of the 19th century For centuries it was danced exclusively barefoot. Flamenco is included in the UNESCO list of oral and intangible heritage. Currently, there are more than 50 flamenco genres, the exact boundary between which can only be drawn by true connoisseurs. dance art. An integral part of flamenco is the graceful play with the hem of the dress, the prototype of which is the traditional attire of gypsies.

This dance is often called the “dance of the coquettes”, as it contains quite expressive movements of the hips. Few people know that at one time Bruce Lee was the champion of Hong Kong in performing cha-cha-cha and even tried to teach his kung fu master some steps.

The waltz originated in the 18th century and during its development absorbed elements Czech dance Furiante, French Volta and German Landler. This dance was probably the main entertainment of royal balls once in medieval castles. Every year on the Thursday before the start of Lent catholic church The Viennese Ball is held. This event is included in the list of intangible and cultural heritage, and you can get there only by passing special “exams” and rehearsals, where a special commission will determine whether you know how to waltz or not.

When a ballerina appears on stage, you understand that a magical and bewitching performance is about to begin. Initially everything ballet movements did not require special physical training. The first performer to stand on her toes was Italian Maria Taglioni.

Despite the fact that ballet originated in Italy in the 15th century, by the 20th century the authority of Russian ballet school has grown so much that many Western performers began to take Russian names for themselves. It is noteworthy that on tutu It takes about 16 meters of tulle, and in one year a ballerina can change more than 300 pairs of pointe shoes.

Belly dancing makes the figure very feminine and the gait – mesmerizing. Woman’s Day presents the most beautiful dancers belly dance!

Ekaterina Kalachikova, 22 years old

About Me. I have been practicing oriental dances for about 10 years. But I always liked the East. As I remember, from the age of 5 I was playing with jewelry and different scarves. I was studying ballroom dancing. But when my ballroom dancing partner left, I had to look for something new for myself. I really liked Tarkan and Shakira, I watched the series “Clone” and was greatly influenced by the performance of one dancer in Turkey. Oriental dances are very beautiful, elegant, feminine, mysterious and at the same time very deep and emotional.

About the costumes. I have about 20 outfits for performances. They cost from 2,000 to 40,000 or more.

The secret of a beautiful figure. For me the most The best way to be in shape - dancing. Also, oriental dances are very good at helping to cope with depression and bad mood. It is very important not to drink alcohol or smoke. Well, eat healthy food.

Advice for beginners. If you dream of taking up belly dancing, just start. You can't put anything off until later. Never worry or be embarrassed if something doesn’t work out for you! Everyone started from scratch, and not everyone succeeded right away!

Valentina Tsepeleva (Lilia Serebryanaya), 27 years old

About Me. I'm working out oriental dances about 8 years old. I was invited to a trial lesson, and away we go... The choice fell on this style, because learning belly dancing is very difficult - it requires patience. That's why I became interested! I am surrounded by people who understand perfectly what belly dancing means to me. Don't try to interfere with my creative development. True, they call it a disease.

About the costumes. I have about 15 suits, some are sold and new ones are sewn. And the amount spent on all the costumes in my life is simply terrible!

The secret of a beautiful figure. No secret! Body constitution and no magic. On the contrary, I’m trying to eat up so I can be a little rounder.

Advice for beginners. You don’t have to think - you have to go and dare... And don’t give up, don’t despair if suddenly something doesn’t work out. It `s naturally.

Polina Voloskova, 24 years old

About Me. I've never danced before. This thought first came to my mind after watching the TV series “Clone”. The whole belly dance industry owes this series! At first I studied for myself, then I decided to move to a more serious level. I have been dancing for 7 years now. Now I teach in the Czech Republic, in Prague - I have a school here.

About the costumes. About outfits is a separate topic. It’s difficult to count how many there were in total. Outfits are sewn, danced, then sold and new ones are sewn. My costumes can be roughly divided into 3 categories: competitive ones (they cost on average 10–20 thousand rubles, taking into account materials and work), universal ones (6–7 thousand each) - you can perform in them at a good order or concert, workers (4–7 thousand). 6 thousand rubles including fabric) - I work in them in restaurants and change them quite often.

The secret of a beautiful figure. There are no secrets, and not every dancer would call her figure excellent. However, the good thing about belly dancing is that you can have a couple extra centimeters around your waist, but you'll still look great. Our workouts cannot be called super fat-burning. The best time to lose weight is before a competition, when you train until the last drop of sweat and there is simply no time to eat.

Advice for beginners. I would advise you not to be afraid. You don’t need to look at the belly dance stars and think that you can’t do it. Technique can be improved through training, but fear and uncertainty are more difficult to overcome. This is the kind of thing that constantly leads us to competition and comparison with others. You need to find maximum willpower in yourself so as not to say after the first failure, “I’m giving up everything, nothing will come of me!”

Evgeniya Oborina, 23 years old

About Me. I have been belly dancing for 12 years. My passion began at the age of 12. Then it seemed unusually exotic and something supernatural. I was interested in the work of the singer Shakira, and I wanted to learn how to move gracefully as well. One day my mother suggested that I take belly dancing lessons... this moment I myself am a belly dance trainer for children and adults in a dance studio. I also work in the oriental show ballet Amar-Surage.

About the costumes. Now I have 8 oriental dance costumes. Each new costume is a highlight of the dancer! average cost my costumes cost 15 thousand rubles. Simpler costumes cost 10–12 thousand, and the cost of competitive ones reaches 20 thousand. During all the time I studied belly dancing, I spent about 150 thousand rubles on stage costumes.

The secret of a beautiful figure. Belly dancing is a great way to maintain a beautiful figure! It gives femininity, grace and plasticity to any girl! Thanks to belly dancing, muscles that are not used in everyday life work, blood circulation improves and all processes in the body are activated!

Advice for beginners. Be patient and never rush, everything will come with experience and even the heaviest elements will become easy. For me personally, the difficulty in mastering belly dancing was the ability to relax in the dance and show my acting. I am very shy and modest by nature, so it was hard for me to show emotions while dancing!

Anna Stepanova, 23 years old

About Me. I have been practicing oriental dancing for 7 years, and before that I did gymnastics for 11 years. My interest in belly dancing began with the TV series “Clone,” but at that moment my mother did not allow me to go learn belly dance. She said that I was still small, and at that moment I was doing gymnastics. When I was already in my 1st year of culinary college, I saw an advertisement on the tram for one of dance studios cities. Then I decided to try it. Already in the first lesson, I told my teacher that I wanted to be a star and perform on stage. And how can you pass by such beauty when there are so many beads, sequins, and beautiful hangings on the costume! Currently I teach oriental dances in the studio.

About the costumes. At the moment I have 11 suits in my wardrobe and 3 are still in the process of being sewn. In total, in terms of money, I have... a car hanging in my closet. All costumes are in completely different price categories, ranging from 3,500 to 20,000 rubles. I try not to sew them more expensively, otherwise it would be problematic to sell them.

The secret of a beautiful figure. I have a big sweet tooth and love to cook various delicacies. In my opinion, an oriental dancer should look like you want to eat her, not feed her (laughs). Therefore, I do not deny myself anything, and a sufficient amount of training helps me keep myself in shape.

Advice for beginners. Everything is difficult at first! Especially when they were learning isolated movements: top - standing, bottom - working. Or when the bottom does one thing, and the top does something completely different. The brain begins to boil! To avoid any problems or injuries, at the beginning of the lesson you need to warm up well, warm up and, of course, listen to your teacher!

About Me. I am a dancer and choreographer of oriental and Indian dances with dance experience of more than 10 years. I saw belly dancing for the first time in Turkey, and those 7 minutes completely changed my life. For the sake of a dance career, I gave up my career in the restaurant business and have never regretted it! I went through different styles of dance - from Egyptian cabaret to Iraqi Khaliji, but, most surprisingly, after 13 years I returned to the Turkish style. Worked a lot in eastern countries– Morocco, Emirates, Bahrain, Turkey and I really love the “professional” audience - dancing for an Arab audience is the highest form of pleasure for a dancer. In addition, I am a choreographer, show director and organizer of oriental dance festivals.

About the costumes. I have a separate closet for suits. How many are there? terrible secret, even for myself! More than 20 for sure! Each costs from 7,000 to 40,000 rubles.

The secret of a beautiful figure. Damn... I don't have a great figure! But nevertheless, I exercise 4 times a week in the morning.

Advice for beginners. The most important thing is to accept the “inner queen” within yourself. If this does not happen, it is a deliberate failure, no matter how much you train! Well kind heart And open soul– this is what is felt in the dancer right away. A bitch on stage is immediately visible, no matter how well she dances!

Svetlana Sokolova, 28 years old

About Me. I have been dancing for 12 years. I dreamed of doing ballroom dancing, but it so happened that I was involved in shaping for some time. Then I entered college and in my first year I saw my classmate dancing. I was amazed by the movements, the music, and the costumes. I wanted to try it myself. So I ended up in one of the most best studios countries in oriental dance. And then it happened that I organized my own school of oriental dance, where I now pass on my knowledge and experience.

About the costumes. There are so many costumes for performances that I can no longer count them. And when belly dance just started to appear in Russia, having your own costume was very cool. The suit from an Egyptian designer was something special! Costumes are made for each girl, taking into account the parameters of her figure, so as to advantageously emphasize her advantages and natural beauty. The simplest suits cost from 8 thousand rubles, prices for good suits start from 15 thousand rubles. It often happens that costumes are more expensive, but they are worth it: high-quality work, expensive fittings, fabric for stage costumes, rhinestones... In total, at least a car could be bought with the money that I spent on costumes.

The secret of a beautiful figure. My secret to staying fit is dancing different styles, and I noticed that the more different workouts, the better.

Advice for beginners. Choose a teacher who you like based on the style and aesthetics of movement. The teacher’s task is to teach you what he himself can do and push you higher. Dancing requires consistency - the effect only comes from constant practice. Yes, and, probably, the most important thing is to relax and enjoy everything - the music, the movement, the fact that you are doing something new and interesting!

Maria Melek, 24 years old

About Me. My passion for oriental dances began after my first trip abroad to Egypt about 12 years ago. I ended up in Cairo and there on a ship sailing along the Nile I saw a belly dance. I had never seen anything like this before and was deeply amazed by the dancer’s plasticity. A few years later, the series “Clone” was shown on television, and the love for the east was firmly entrenched in my heart. I have more than 10 years of dance experience. Oriental dancing is my main job, as I run the center dance culture and I teach there.

About the costumes. I always have an average of 5-6 suits in my wardrobe. They are completely different in cost. For 5-6 thousand rubles - these are either folk dresses or suits for working in restaurants. There are competition costumes that cost more than 20 thousand. On average, a wardrobe is completely updated every 2 years.

The secret of a beautiful figure. As little fat and carbohydrates as possible, more protein And physical activity. Try to walk more, dance, eat less sweets and starchy foods, and don’t overeat at night. The main thing is to find the strength in yourself and give up some tasty treats in favor of low-fat cottage cheese or chicken breast.

Advice for beginners. Now great amount schools with qualified teachers. If you have just decided to start studying oriental dancing, choose a teacher not only based on diplomas and regalia, but also someone with whom you feel comfortable. Dancing should not depress you, but rather give you more energy and positivity. Whatever the weather, don’t skip training, don’t neglect technique classes, and don’t be lazy in attending master classes.

I try not to involve my husband in the implementation of my projects; he already has enough worries. And besides, I am a mother of two children, and they require constant attention. So you have to spin.

About the costumes. Of course, my love for belly dancing requires a fair amount of financial investment. Every new dance- this is a new suit and new image. Tatiana Guseva, also a wonderful teacher, sews for me. Together we come up with the image, style and finishing of the outfit. I have to part with my used suits - I sell them to use the money to create a new look. And for each new season At least 2-3 new suits are sewn.

The secret of a beautiful figure. My figure is far from ideal, but rather the opposite - I am too much, which does not prevent me from being feminine. Constant exercise helped to correctly distribute the mass: narrow shoulders, waist and “eastern” hips. Everything looks quite “tasty” from the stage. But if my weight becomes uncomfortable, then I go on a salt-free or protein diet.

About Me. From the early childhood I was studying variety dancing. I liked this direction. But as I got older, I wanted to try something new. I for a long time I watched the classes of oriental dancers from the corridor of the fitness club after my strength training. I couldn’t bring myself to come in and join - I was embarrassed about my figure, and the girls danced with their bellies exposed. But one day I decided! And from the very first lesson I realized that I fell in love! Already from the next lesson I stopped hiding my tummy under my T-shirt.

I have been doing oriental dancing for 4 years. There was a case when I injured my back, and the doctor forbade me to dance. I was told that the choice was mine: dancing or living without pain. I stopped going to classes... And after a month I realized that life without dancing is worse than pain! Returned to dance class. The pain in my back has not gone away, but it bothers me less, and if I warm up very well, there is no pain at all.

About the costumes. There are not as many costumes in my dance wardrobe as I would like, only 4 sets. The last suit cost about 10,000 rubles, but that’s just the material and rhinestones, plus sleepless nights working on it.

The secret of a beautiful figure. He is in regular training. During classes, you train muscles that you can’t pump even in the gym. Well, cardio exercises are not inferior to a treadmill. And how many calories are burned when you are nervous backstage before going on stage...

Advice for beginners. Don’t be shy – the coach, yourself, your body! You are beautiful! And oriental dances are created to reveal all your beauty. Personally, I had difficulties with various “shaking” and working with my hands. It’s a paradox, but all viewers think the opposite. But shaking your tummy and chest is not so easy. The whole difficulty lies in relaxing certain muscles and working them in this state. To shake your tummy, you need to work with your knees. And to achieve oriental plasticity in your hands, it will take a lot of time and patience. Sometimes it seems that the dancers’ hands are boneless, they move them so smoothly.

In this article we will tell you about those for whom dancing played a significant role in life and brought incredible popularity.

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Hrithik Roshan

Hrithik Roshan is a famous Indian film actor. For the first time he came to film set at the age of 6, where he played a dancing boy. A main role Hrithik received the film with which his career began at the age of 26, playing in the film “Say What You Love!”

The female part of India simply melted from the incredibly charming green-eyed actor, whose dancing literally drove me crazy. Hrithik is incredibly flexible, his movements are mesmerizing, as if he is living some kind of life while dancing.

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Madonna - American singer. From the age of 4 she imitated the dances of the star Shirley Temple, and at the age of 15 she began serious ballet training. Teachers noted her incredible natural endurance. Its controversial but successful career made Madonna one of the most talked about artists of all time.

Her fiery dances which she skillfully demonstrates during her performances are eye-catching. Madonna's dances have always been characterized as agile, rhythmic and mesmerizing movements. And a huge bonus to all this is an incredibly sensual and strong voice. Her concerts are enjoyed by millions of people around the world. different ages. Madonna truly deserves the title of one of the most gorgeous dancers on the planet.

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Shakira Colombian singer, who achieved dizzying popularity thanks to her fiery songs and beautiful choreography. Shakira's signature dance is considered to be belly dancing, which she always dances with the grace of a cat.

The singer was born and raised in Barranquilla. She wrote her first poem at the age of 4. At the age of 7, they bought her a typewriter and she continued to write her poetry.

At the age of 10, Shakira began dancing in front of the public - she performed oriental dances. Then she won dance competition"Long live the children!" And a few years later, Shakira published her first album, which, however, was not successful. But, having released her third album, Shakira gained incredible popularity and an army of fans. And this is not surprising, because a clear and pleasant voice combined with delightful oriental dances and a beautiful face are simply doomed to success.

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Graham is an American dancer and choreographer. She created a troupe, a school and a dance technique, all under her own name. Martha was born in Pennsylvania. Her father worked as a doctor and practiced an unusual technique - the use of physical movements to treat nervous disorders. Martha was very interested in this technique. Already as a teenager, she studied the art of dance in Los Angeles.

In 1926, in New York she created her own dance company. She danced until she was 60, and later worked as a choreographer almost until her death.

Martha invented new language dance, he expressed passion, fury and ecstasy. Graham was the first dancer to be awarded the highest civilian honor, the Order of Liberty.

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Gene was born into a family of Irish immigrants. At the age of 8 he was sent to a dance school, but he preferred sports. But in 1929, when the guy entered college, his family found itself in a difficult financial situation. To help his family, he went to work as a choreographer in a Pittsburgh theater.

Kelly received a bachelor's degree in economics from the university and combined his studies and work as a dance teacher in the studios his family owned. But he did not have enough time to devote enough time to several professions and he chose a dance career. In 1938, Gene began dancing on the stage of Broadway theaters, mainly in operetta. His debut took place in 1942, in the film “For Me and My Girlfriend.” His dancing was known for its unique style - energetic and athletic.

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Joaquin Cortez

Cortez is the most popular on the planet spanish dancer. He is often positioned as the king of flamenco. He was born in Cordoba, Spain. There were gypsies in his family, which he is very proud of. Cortez became interested in dancing while still a child. An example for him was his uncle, who was famous dancer flamenco. In 1981, the guy began taking lessons classical dance.

Already at the age of 16, Cortes was accepted into the National Ballet of Spain, where he soon became a soloist. Cortez is a favorite of both men and women, with many celebrity fans such as Jennifer Lopez, Madonna and Naomi Campbell.

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Madhuri Dixit is a classical dancer and one of the leading actresses in Bollywood. She was born in Bombay into a Hindu family. The girl didn’t even think about becoming a dancer, but she learned to dance Indian dance Kathak.

Dixit's career did not start very successfully, but a few years later she made it to the list of the most successful Indian actresses and for the highest fees was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2001. She seems to hypnotize with her dance, her graceful and plastic movements breathtaking. Her style is unique.

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Rudolf Nureyev is rightly considered greatest dancer twentieth century ballet. Their duet with ballerina Margot Fonteyn is still considered legendary. Rudolf headed the management ballet troupe Paris Opera for 6 years.

In 1961, he toured in Paris and was removed from the tour “for violating the rules of being abroad.” But he refused to return to the USSR and was convicted in absentia of treason.

IN last years During his life he acted as a conductor, since he could no longer dance. In 1983, HIV was found in Nureyev’s blood. The disease progressed rapidly and Rudolf died of AIDS in 1993.

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Michael Jackson

The '80s pop star wowed the world with his eye-popping dance moves. He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as many as 25 times! In 2009, he was officially recognized as an American legend and pop music icon.

Michael was born in Gary, Indiana. His father was very strict and harsh with him, but Jackson respected his discipline. In 1983, Jackson debuted his signature " moonwalk”, which instantly won the hearts of many people around the planet. This is still considered his unique attribute. The king of pom music even today has a huge crowd of fans who, even after the death of their idol, continue to love and idolize him.

On June 25, 2009, Michael died of a drug overdose. The news of death spread throughout the world within minutes. Millions of people were stunned by such terrible news and for a long time could not come to terms with the loss of the pop idol.

Jackson's albums are being released even after his death. These include unreleased songs. Michael Jackson continues to be the king of pop for the whole world.

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Baryshnikov is a ballet dancer of the USSR and America, an honored choreographer. Baryshnikov was born in Riga. He is recognized as one of greatest artists ballet of all history.

In 1967, Mikhail entered the Mariinsky Theater, immediately after college. He worked there for 7 years, instantly becoming famous. Choreographers admired his unique talent, impeccable execution and perfect coordination.

In 1974, Mikhail decided not to return from a tour of Canada. That same year, Baryshnikov performed in front of Americans for the first time. The audience was wildly delighted, and since then Mikhail has become a famous American dancer. He made a great contribution to the development modern ballet, led many art projects. Mikhail Baryshnikov is a rightfully recognized modern dancer.

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This was the article The most popular dancers in the world. Thank you for your attention!