Indian actress Katrina Kaif. Katrina Kaif: personal life, husband, children, family

(eng. Katrina Kaif) - Indian actress and model.

Born July 16, 1984 in Hong Kong, lived briefly in Hawaii, then moved to London. She has 6 sisters and one brother. Katrina's father is from Kashmir and her mother is British.

Both father and mother are British citizens. Parents are now divorced. One of the sisters lives in Chennai with her mother. Others are in London and the USA.

Already in Hawaii, at the age of 14, Katrina starred in commercials for a jewelry company. Having moved to London, she continued to engage in modeling.

She made her debut in the film “Boom” (2003).

Today Katrina Kaif is the most sought-after actress in Bollywood, yet she has already touched the heights of fame despite having little knowledge of Hindi. She acquired the number 1 position through her hard work, her choice of films and the advice of her mentor Salman Khan. There is no doubt about the fact that Salman Khan plays important role in shaping Kat's career (Kat is Katrina Kaif's nickname). It was Salman who introduced her to the top Bollywood film makers and helped Kat get good films. Katrina Kaif is grateful to Salman Khan for everything he has done for her. The Dhoom 3 actress says in an interview that Salman's advice is invaluable and very important for her career.

"I can't speak for other people, but at the end of the day, your job should give you satisfaction and it should move you forward, but I personally think that Salman's advice was so important? Yes, I think it was invaluable. He has a very strong core instinct for the workings of the film industry, so that's useful, but it's quite similar to Anushka Sharma and all the other YRF (Yash Raj Films) protégés taking advice from Adi (Adi is Aditya Chopra's nickname) In my case, having Salman and his circle to give me advice was in a certain way very helpful and very important," she said in an interview when asked what gratitude she would have for Salman's leadership.

Personal life

Kat expresses gratitude to Salman for her successful career. Her last film with Salman there was “Ek Tha Tiger”. The film was a super hit and they really liked the couple. Katrina was also seen romantically linked with Salman, but they mutually separated and the reason for their breakup is believed to be due to disagreement over marriage. Salman wanted to make their relationship official, but she is not ready to be married at the peak of her career. Sallu (Sallu - Salman's nickname) did not insist and allowed her to follow her path. Despite the breakup, Kat maintains a cordial relationship with Sallu and his family. The actress is currently dating Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor. They fell in love while filming Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahini. Although the couple is constantly in the gossip columns, they are said to be quite serious about their relationship. Katrina had very promising films in 2012 and this year 2013 also her list is full of quality films like Main Krishna Hoon and Bombay Talkies. She will be seen in Yash Raj Films' Dhoom 3 with Aamir Khan and Dostana 2, as well as in Siddharth Malhotra's Bang Bang. .

Katrina Kaif- Indian actress and model. Gained greatest popularity thanks to films "While I am alive", "Life can not be boring", "My Brother's Bride" And "Partner".

Biography of Katrina Kaif / Katrina Kaif

Katrina Kaif born July 16, 1984 in Hong Kong. Father Katrina Mohammed from Kashmir, and mother Suzanne– British. Both spouses are nationals Great Britain. On this moment parents Katrina divorced.

In family Kaif 7 daughters and one son. For some time they lived on Hawaii, and later moved to London. Already from the age of 14 Katrina She began acting in commercials and working as a model. Most fashion shows in India took place with her participation. On one of them Katrina offered main role in film "Boom".

Her next acting work became a picture "How I fell in love". Partner Katrina became Salman Khan. Due to rumors of an affair Salman And Katrina the film became quite successful.

The next projects in which Katrina participated were "In the footsteps of my father", "Premonition of Love", "Hello London" And "Family People". Movie "Partner", in which they also participated Govinda Ahuja And Salman Khan, became the most successful in her career.

In 2008 Katrina Kaif recognized as the most sexy woman planets and presented the award "FHM Sexiest Woman".

Filmography of Katrina Kaif / Katrina Kaif

  • 3. Once upon a time there was a tiger (2012);
  • 4. Fire Path (2012);
  • 5. My Brother's Bride (2011);
  • 7. King of Deception (2010);
  • 8. Politicians (2010);
  • 9. Big Trouble (2009);
  • 10. Amazing story strange love (2009);
  • 11. Blue Abyss (2009);
  • 12. Heirs (2008);
  • 13. Race (2008);
  • 14. Welcome (2007);
  • 15. Partner (2007);
  • 16. Native people (2007);
  • 17. Premonition of Love (2006);
  • 18. Struck by Lightning (2005);
  • 19. How I fell in love (2005);
  • 20. In the footsteps of my father (2005);
  • 21. Boom (2003).

The beautiful Katrina Kaif, a Hollywood star, is one of the most talked about actresses. Katrina was born in Hong Kong, after which her parents took her and seven other daughters to Hawaii, and then to London. Her parents are subjects of Her Royal Majesty Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain. The father was born in Kashmir, and the mother was from the Caucasus. Today the parents are already divorced.

Like many modern film actresses, Katrina Kaif's career began in the modeling business. When the family still lived in Hawaii, Katrina tried herself as a model. Having moved to London, she continues to participate in fashion shows. But it so happened that upon arrival in India, Katrina was offered a role in the film “Boom”, where Amitabh Bachchan was supposed to star with her. But this first role of Katrina was unsuccessful: neither critics nor audiences accepted the film. The well-known Salman Khan suggested her candidacy to David Dhawan for the film “How I Loved?” Katrina Kaif stars in this film and even receives the Max Stardust Award in the Discovery of the Year category for her role in it. And offers from directors rained down on Katrina like from a cornucopia. She knows how to bring lightness and freshness to the film, which is difficult for many actresses.

Katrina's career was also boosted by persistent rumors about her close relationship with the popular and controversial actor Salman Khan. Although her first film with Akshay Kumar, the king of Bollywood, was a flop, Katrina Kaif proved herself to be a very strong actress. After her role in Vipul Shah's Hello London, her real voice began to be heard in films. After all, before that she was dubbed by other actresses (when Katrina came to India, she absolutely could not speak Hindi). Along with studying the language, Katrina studied dance.

Katrina Kaif's most successful film to date is Partner. Her co-stars are Govinda and Salman Khan. Another hit was the comedy “Welcome,” which broke all box office records. Here again the duo Katrina Kaif - Akshay Kumar performed well. Katrina is called a “good luck charm” because all the films in which she participates become hits.

In early 2008, Katrina Kaif received the "Sabsey Favorite Heroine" award - a prize audience choice. For her role in the film Hello London, Katrina was nominated as “Best Actress”.

All the actors, both men and women, with whom Katrina Kaif has worked, note one thing: she is very easy to work with. She doesn't try to make things difficult film set. She is very hardworking and tries to achieve her goal, tirelessly and, at the same time, without suffering from star fever.

Katrina, without having any relatives in the film industry, you made it to the TOP of Bollywood actresses. Do you feel safe, or is this an industry where an actress can't afford to sit back and relax?
In any industry, especially acting, complacency can get to you cruel joke. Actors always need to be alert, keep up with the times, develop and improve. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing the interest of viewers very quickly. As long as the actor works long and painstakingly on himself, he will arouse the sympathy of the audience.

What problems did you face while working on yourself?
The main difficulty was learning Hindi. Unfortunately it's not mine native language and it was very difficult for me to study it. I think in English and then translate my thoughts into Hindi. I always try to speak English, but, for example, with the domestic staff who have been working for me for many years, I communicate only in Hindi. Every person has obstacles that he actively tries to overcome. Some people improve their dancing, others acting, and for me it’s Hindi. Hindi is my cross and I will have to constantly work on it.

To make your mark in Bollywood, it's important to have some flair. Shah Rukh is known as the king of romance, Vidya Balan and Kangana Ranaut are beautiful dramatic actresses, Shahid Kapoor and Hrithik Roshan good dancers. What is your highlight?
If I give an answer to your question, it will be a little presumptuous. I'd rather ask the audience for their opinion. If you analyze which films with my participation the audience liked, which performances or dance numbers they liked most of all, then you will know what my highlight is.

IN Lately more and more actresses are getting the chance to play in films aimed at female role. You still haven’t played in a single project that rests solely on your shoulders. Why?
It is my choice. Have I been offered heroine-centric films? Many times. Have I encountered a lack of trust from directors? No. Did you experience a lack of choice in roles? No. Did I experience a lack of vision for the role? Yes, it did. But, as you know, every person learns from his mistakes. Yes, I didn’t have a vision for the role, but now I feel how I have changed internally. I hope that life will give me another opportunity when I am completely ready.

How do you feel when you look at yourself? big screen?
To be honest, I can't watch my films on the big screen. I am too critical, I constantly analyze every gesture in the smallest detail and think where I could play better, and where completely differently.

Who is your toughest critic in the industry?
Me myself.

And no one else?
I think Adi (Aditya Chopra) can give a fair assessment and I respect his opinion.

Many actors try their hand at film production. Do you have similar plans?
I don't have much business acumen, but I have ideas. I’m not sure in which direction I want to try myself, but from an area related to the film industry for sure. I just started working with this, so let's see later.

They talk more about your personal life than about your movie roles...
The personal life of any actor goes hand in hand with his profession.

But you always shy away from talking about your personal life. Do you think this creates more curiosity?
No. I prefer to say 4 words: “I don’t discuss personal life”, rather than then brush off journalists’ questions and talk about everything that’s happening to me.

Now everyone is talking about your breakup with Ranbir Kapoor. Will your breakup affect the filming of Jagga Jasoos?
This is a personal question... You are trying to dig into privacy. I repeat, this is my personal life. " " wonderful movie and, God willing, everything will be fine with him.

Do you think that the media does not give you a pass, constantly asking about your personal life?
Everything is fine. This is part of the profession of any artist. The main thing is not to take everything to heart and separate the personal from the professional.

Excerpts from Katrina's interview with Mid-day, January 2016
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Katrina Kaif was born on July 16, 1984 in Hong Kong. From the early childhood the girl showed interest in cinema. It should be noted that it was her persistence and desire to always achieve her goal that influenced the “star” future of this beauty. However, about how fate unfolded famous actress, we’ll talk about it in our article.


Katrina spent her entire childhood in Hawaii. Already at the age of 14, the girl began working as a model, posing for local magazines. Later, Katrina's parents decided to move to England to serve as subjects under Her Royal Majesty. It should be noted that, in addition to Katrina, the family raised 7 more children - 6 sisters and 1 brother.

First turns in career

Katrina Kaif, whose photo is in our article, continued to study in England modeling career. She tried herself at several castings, then she was accepted into one of the fashion houses. Now Katrina Khalif is a full-fledged representative of the fashion industry.

By the way, at that time the girl had no idea that she would one day become a famous Hollywood actress.

First role

After some time, Katrina Kaif, whose biography is described in detail in our article, moves to India. There she continues to pursue a modeling career. At one of the screenings, a Hollywood producer notices her and offers her to star in the film “Boom.” The proposal delighted the girl, and she immediately agreed.

Unfortunately, the first role turned out to be not as successful as the actress herself expected. The film was discussed in a negative context by both viewers and film critics.

One of the famous film critics said then: “This girl is really beautiful, but she is still far from acting talent. It is unlikely that she will have success in Bollywood, since, most likely, Katrina is just another actress of one role. Such people are often found in our world.”

Afterwards, the actress plays in two more films. But they also do not bring the girl the expected glory. Fortunately, at one of the social parties, Katrina met the famous Salman Khan. According to him, the girl has inexhaustible talent and a remarkable ability to get used to any role. He then introduces Katrina to David Dhawan (a well-known director in Bollywood), who immediately offers her a role in the film “How I Loved?”, for which Katrina Kaif receives the Max Stardust Award in the “Best Actress” category.

Peak of Glory

After her role in this film, Katrina began to be offered roles from all sides. It should be noted that before this, the actress’s voice was dubbed, since upon arrival in India she did not know Hindi at all. In parallel with filming, the girl actively studied the language and took up dancing.

The young actress was showered with offers from all sides. Finally, Katrina is set to star with successful actor Akshay Kumar. It was he who glorified the name of the actress throughout the world. After filming the film “Premonitions of Love,” Katrina Kaif, whose biography includes interesting points, and Akshay continue to act together, despite the fact that the first film failed at the box office.

From this moment on, Katrina becomes famous throughout the world. Surely active rumors about an affair with Salman contributed to the success of the actress.

Next, Katrina Kaif starred in the film “Namaste London”, in which the actress no longer had to be dubbed, since she was already fluent in language. By the way, she also managed to move to Indian music quite well.

After this movie, Katrina’s arsenal is replenished with the film “Family People”. But one of the most important films in the actress’s career is a film called “Partner.”

The same year the film “Welcome!” was released. It should be noted that this particular film became the highest-grossing Bollywood comedy film of all times.

Many actors say that Katrina Kaif, whose photo reminds of her beauty, is a real workaholic. She gives herself completely to her work and does everything the directors say.

By the way, Katrina Kaif was recognized as “The sexiest woman on the planet” according to FHM Sexiest Woman. The young actress also received the Sabsey Favorite Heroine (audience award).

Katrina Kaif. Biography. Her husband

At the beginning of her career, there were many different rumors about Katrina. First of all, everyone focused on the romance with Salman. Later, both actors stated that they each have their own personal lives and that they only have a working relationship.

After this, people began to actively discuss the affair with Akshay. This time, Katrina confirmed the information and called the actor a person with whom she feels comfortable both on the set and at home.

Akshay did not hide his feelings either. The actor noted that he feels very good with this woman. Unfortunately, without ever getting married, the couple separated.

At the moment, Katrina Kaif, biography (her husband, by the way, is not in it) last place) who is diverse in all respects, cohabitates with Ranbir Kapoor. The young people met on the set of the film Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahini. Despite the fact that the press claims that the guy’s attitude towards the girl is not serious, both Ranbir and Kareena unanimously claim that they have real love. Perhaps soon the couple can be congratulated on their legal marriage.