Anastasia Volochkova, biography, news, photos. Dramatic actress Liana Izhaeva became People's Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Famous figure skater from Karachay-Cherkessia

Anastasia Yuryevna Volochkova. Born on January 20, 1976 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian ballerina, dancer, socialite and public figure. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2002).

People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia and People's Artist of North Ossetia-Alania. Laureate of the Serge Lifar International Competition, winner of the Benois de la Danse prize (2002) and the Golden Lion (2009).

In 1994, she began her career as a leading ballerina at the Mariinsky Theater, and in 1998 she received an invitation from Vladimir Vasiliev to the Bolshoi Theater to play the main role of the Swan Princess in the production of Swan Lake. Volochkova's scandalous dismissal from the Bolshoi Theater in 2003 was widely covered in the press. Since then, she has been working on solo projects, and is also an actively discussed character in gossip columns.

Works as an actress, model and singer.

Father - Yuri Fedorovich Volochkov, champion of the Soviet Union in table tennis in 1983, athletics coach, taught at a sports school.

Mother - Tamara Vladimirovna Volochkova, worked as a tour guide in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).

Anastasia Volochkova in childhood

According to Volochkova herself, she dreamed of becoming a ballerina from the age of five, ever since her mother took her to the Nutcracker ballet at the Mariinsky Theater.

A graduate of the St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet, a student of the famous teacher Natalia Dudinskaya.

In 1994, while still a 2nd year student, she began her career as a leading ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater. Performs leading roles in such productions as “Giselle”, “Raymonda” and “Firebird”.

In 1998, he received an invitation from Vladimir Vasiliev to the Bolshoi Theater to play the main role of the Swan Princess in his new production of Swan Lake. She also danced the roles of Nikia (La Bayadère), Raymonda, and the Lilac Fairy (The Sleeping Beauty) staged by Yuri Grigorovich. Along with working in the Bolshoi Theater troupe, the ballerina begins a solo career, performing with her own concert numbers and in the troupe of other theaters.

Anastasia Volochkova on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater

From 2000 to 2005, with interruptions, Volochkova’s conflict with the administration of the Bolshoi Theater continued.

In 2000, after a tour in Great Britain, Volochkova received an engagement in London with the English National Ballet.

Choreographer Derek Dean creates a new image of Fairy Carabosse (Sleeping Beauty) especially for Anastasia. As a result, her contract with the Bolshoi Theater was limited to minor roles. However, in March 2000, the ballerina returned to Moscow and signed a contract for the next season for leading roles at the Bolshoi Theater. At the same time, Volochkova turns into a star of gossip columns, tabloids, constantly appears in various television shows and becomes the “face” of the Chopard jewelry house.

In 2003, the administration refused to sign another contract for a year, limiting it to four months. Volochkova responds by appealing to the courts and raising controversy about the legality of such a decision in the media.

In September 2003, the ballerina was officially dismissed from the troupe. The formal reason was that the ballerina did not meet the physical fitness requirements and it was impossible for her to find a partner. Evgeny Ivanchenko, the ballerina’s only partner, was injured and left the theater.

Volochkova herself connects her dismissal from the theater with the personal revenge of billionaire and deputy Suleiman Kerimov, with whom she broke up shortly before her dismissal. The ballerina explains the “problem” of excess weight by the fact that the director of the Bolshoi Theater A. Iksanov forced the male part of the troupe (Nikolai Tsiskaridze refused) to sign a letter in which they refuse to dance with Volochkova. Thus, a situation of objective impossibility for Volochkova to work in the theater was artificially created.

Although the court ultimately sided with plaintiff Volochkova, as a result of the litigation she left the troupe. Although she officially continues to be listed as a ballet dancer and leading stage master of the Bolshoi Theater.

Since 2005, he has been working in his own projects, starring in films, television series and commercials.

In 2009, Volochkova’s autobiography “The History of a Russian Ballerina” was published.

On June 17, 2010, Volochkova defended her dissertation on the topic of creative schools in the regions of Russia and received an MBA degree from the Higher School of Economics. In 2011, the first creative center of Anastasia Volochkova was opened in Moscow.

Anastasia Volochkova's height: 172 centimeters.

Personal life of Anastasia Volochkova:

I dated an oligarch for two and a half years. The reason for the breakup, according to rumors, was the ballerina’s irrepressible greed. The couple separated in 2003.

In 2007, she married businessman and doctor of legal sciences Igor Aleksandrovich Vdovin (born 1963), but later admitted that the wedding ceremony was fictitious and they were never officially scheduled. From Vdovin she gave birth to a daughter, Ariadna Volochkova (born September 23, 2005). According to media reports, a year later friction began between the newlyweds, they broke up, but maintain friendly relations.

Anastasia Volochkova and Igor Vdovin

She was in a relationship with businessman and PR man Chermen Dzotov. In 2017. Volochkova is sure that in order to boast of an intimate relationship with the artist: “I don’t know how he didn’t film his miniature creation, he erased it. He disgraced the Caucasian diaspora. Not a single woman will want to deal with him anymore, and the men of the Caucasus will not shake his hands. I trusted this man and invited him to my home.” Dzotov himself insisted that the photo was stolen by hackers.

Chermen Dzotov - former lover of Anastasia Volochkova

The ballerina lives in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

On the night of April 29, 2013, the mansion rented by Volochkova on Molokova Street in the Moscow district of Lianozovo was raided by robbers who stole two safes with jewelry from the house. The artist herself was on tour in Warsaw at that time. Volochkova herself accuses people from her close circle of robbery.

After the robbery, the ballerina, in a press interview, estimated the value of the stolen jewelry at several hundred thousand dollars and reported that a new lover named Bakhtiyar Salimov had appeared in her life.

Anastasia Volochkova and Bakhtiyar Salimov

In 2017, she began dating programmer Mikhail Loginov. Nastya regularly began publishing pictures of them together. She also stated that she was determined to build a strong family and was not at all opposed to formalizing her relationship with her chosen one.

She has repeatedly participated in TV shows on central channels.

In 2007, Volochkova participated, paired with figure skater Anton Sikharulidze, in the project “Ice Age” (Channel One) and in the third season of the show (in 2009) paired with Maxim Marinin.

Oligarchs and the main man: all the secrets of Anastasia Volochkova’s personal life

Volochkova is one of the main characters in the television cartoon show “Cartoon Personality”.

In December 2009, Volochkova was invited to Alla Pugacheva’s project “Christmas Meetings” as a singing ballerina; composer Igor Nikolaev wrote the song “Ballerina” especially for Anastasia.

On January 11, 2011, Volochkova posted erotic photographs from her vacation in the Maldives on her blog. According to the ballerina, she took such a step “to spite the paparazzi” and because she has nothing to be ashamed of. The photographs caused a great stir in the press.

Anastasia Volochkova kisses Nikolai Baskov

In an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel 1+1 in April 2014, she noted that for her Crimea will always be part of Ukraine. Regarding the “Crimean topic,” Volochkova spoke negatively about the public position of singer Valeria and her husband, producer Joseph Prigozhin, calling these two show business figures “political prostitutes.” But then she changed her position 180 degrees, visited Crimea several times and was blacklisted in Ukraine.

Filmography of Anastasia Volochkova:

2004 - A Place in the Sun - Katya Orlova
2004 - Black Prince - Natalie Goncharova
2005-2006 - Don’t be born beautiful - Cameo

Anastasia Volochkova is known for her splits, which she performs everywhere and under any circumstances. He then posts photos of his splits on Instagram.

Anastasia Volochkova's splits

21 DECEMBER. KCR. Creative anniversary evening of the actress of the Karachay Drama Theater Liana Izhaeva, in which she once again appeared on stage in the image of Electra, the main character of the play of the same name, brought together her friends, colleagues, theatergoers and admirers of her talent in the capital of Karachay-Cherkessia. Last Friday, the anniversary evening “Theater of My Soul” took place in the hall of the Drama Theater in two departments. In the first act, the artists of the Karachay troupe presented the benefit performance "Electra" - a story from ancient Greek mythology, which was told at one time by various playwrights - Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides and Seneca. This Greek tragedy, which has long been staged by theatergoers all over the world, does not lose its relevance and is presented to the viewer with a new color. Likewise, at the anniversary of L. Izhaeva, the audience watched in complete silence what was happening on stage. During her 28-year creative career, L. Izhaeva has embodied more than 50 images; her multifaceted talent continues to inspire admiration among viewers. Also that evening, the artist, playing one of the most important roles in her life, received numerous kind words and wishes addressed to her, applause and flowers. After the performance and intermission, the concert program “I am the Caucasus” started on the stage of the drama theater, where republican vocalists, instrumental and choreographic groups performed. First Deputy Minister of Culture of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Temirlan Aliyev addressed the hero of the day with words of congratulations: “Liana, you have everything: beauty, immeasurable talent, a wonderful son. There is only one thing left - so that your name does not leave the posters for decades to come. I want you to Even more talented actresses appeared after you on the theatrical horizon." Among other things, T. Aliyev announced that the Head of the Republic had already signed a decree conferring the title of People’s Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia on the actress of the Karachay Theater, and the ceremonial presentation of the award would take place later. Colleagues from the industry, representatives of various departments and ministries who have been observing the work of L. Izhaeva for a long time, came on stage with words of congratulations. Then the guests of the evening watched the short film “Healing Spring: The Legend of Health,” where the actress played the role of a caring mother. “This year, at the all-Caucasian youth forum “Mashuk”, it was decided to make thematic short films in each region of the North Caucasus Federal District. We were glad to hear that the artists of the Karachay theater took up this matter. Liana starred in it along with her son. On the forum, this short film was recognized as the best due to its brilliant acting."- said the head of the youth policy department of the Ministry of Tourism, Resorts and Youth Policy of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Kemal Bytdayev. Then he announced gratitude for high creative achievements, popularization of culture and art among young people from the Ministry of Tourism, Resorts and Youth Policy. "With Liana I had a lot of interesting work on stage in the leading roles of various medieval plays. Of course, she is very easy to work with. She is from that category of actresses who can immediately grasp the charge, the impulse that you send. And finally, today a very important day has come for her, a crucial moment that sooner or later comes in the life of a creative person - such an anniversary evening dedicated to the 28th anniversary of her career, which is a kind of report for her", - director of the Karachay Drama Theater Ruslan Gochiyaev told a RIA Karachay-Cherkessia correspondent. Other artists of the theater in which L. Izhaeva serves also unanimously noted that this artist can fully embody the character and convey emotions and feelings. In these roles, the extraordinary talent of the dramatic actress is clearly demonstrated.

I was born in the Stavropol Territory, but ended up in Karachay-Cherkessia, that is, over time, by decision of the government, this territory came under the jurisdiction of another region. But the people remained as before: kind, sympathetic and cheerful. So, finding myself in Karachay-Cherkessia, I became a people's artist of this republic.

I have been singing almost since birth. But she didn’t intend to be a singer. Following the example of her parents, I was going to become an engineer, just like them, and combine it with singing, like my dad - Zagidulla Shafigullovich Khaziev, half Tatar, half Russian. He was a laureate of the All-Russian and All-Union competitions, a permanent laureate of the Stavropol Television, while constantly working as deputy director of the low-voltage equipment plant, and then deputy director of the Mayskaya poultry farm. Dad was not considered a professional singer. True, I studied individually at a music school.

His life is generally unusual. He was born in China, on the border with Russia, in 1937, where the construction of the Manchurian Railway was just underway. He graduated from school in China and knew Chinese well.

My dad, unfortunately, has already died. He told us that there was a period when the Soviet Union sent thousands of specialists and scientists to fraternal China to improve the economy and science in this country, and they taught the Chinese a lot. And then in 1952, relations between China and the Soviet Union deteriorated. The situation on the border was very serious, ready to explode at any moment. There were cases when the Chinese stabbed Russians with pitchforks, threw stones at them... In a word, it became impossible to live there. And all my relatives who lived in the border zone left - some to Turkey, and some to Germany, America, Australia. My relatives were scattered across different countries. My grandfather knew eight languages ​​and believed that Russian was the richest language, and many languages ​​originated from it, so he decided to go to Russia, namely to Kazakhstan. And so the grandfather and his children: daughter and son (my dad) arrived at a new place of residence (my 37-year-old grandmother died in China; by the way, she was a professional singer).

Later, my father left Kazakhstan for the Siberian city of Omsk to receive higher education. He graduated from high school with a gold medal. In Omsk I met my mother. Dad graduated from the Institute of Civil Engineering, and mom became an engineer in the dairy industry. Mom comes from the Caucasus, from the city of Cherkessk, and she invited dad to go to her homeland. My older brother was born in Omsk, and I am already in Cherkessk.

My first song, as my mother told me, I composed when I was visiting my grandmother. A private house, near the house there were cherry trees, beautiful with thin branches, I was spinning around them, I was two years old. I had just learned to speak and sang a song: “Motherland, Motherland, you are my beloved, you live on grandma’s street. You, my love, live here always.” That is, I already had the concept that the homeland is where a person lives. It is so indeed. Now I say that my small homeland is where I was born, and Moscow is already my huge Motherland.

When I was still in kindergarten at the local chemical plant, that’s where my first independent performance took place. Time passed, and only then I was often invited to perform at the factory club. At school, from the first grade I was a soloist in the choir.

As a child, I was a very active girl, I loved various active games and, of course, dancing. In addition to numerous activities, she managed to help both her parents and grandparents.

Thank God, there are people who understand that the concept of “friendship” is a 24-hour concept. I have many friends, fate has spoiled me with this. My most important friend is my concert director Natalia Lanskaya, I can rely on her in all respects.

First of all, I want to say that my desire to become a singer was somehow predetermined in my life.

When I was in the 5th grade of a secondary school, my parents found an opportunity and bought me a piano, but I did not manage to finish music school. I went to a vocal group at the Palace of Children's Creativity. This group performed constantly. Of course, I took part in school amateur art shows and propaganda teams. The members of the jury were usually teachers from the music school, and thus they all knew that there was such a Marina, and they gave me not just “A”, but “A+”.

Soon I was faced with a dilemma: either continue studying at a comprehensive school or study in some musical specialty. At a decisive moment, I unexpectedly met a music school teacher, Lyudmila Ivanovna Gorodetskaya, she was my first piano, solfeggio and choral singing teacher.

She told me that I was a musical, talented girl and that I needed to enter a music school in the conducting and choral department. After thinking a little, I decided to enter a music school. And how happy I was that I studied at the conducting and choral department!

After graduating from college, I was invited to a secondary school to teach music from 1st to 7th grade. I’ll be honest: I gained useful work experience there. I also raised my professional level because the workload was heavy. There were 1,300 people studying at the school, and I taught music to all of them. She also led vocal groups and, naturally, choirs: October, Pioneer, Komsomol. Those. I disappeared from school from morning to night. But, of course, the small salary was depressing, and when I was invited to be a soloist in the Republican Philharmonic, I immediately agreed.

No, I started working there a little later. But immediately she became a soloist of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Caucasus”. Our team toured a lot, especially in our republic and in our other Caucasian republics. After about five years, I felt a little cramped within such a framework, I wanted more space for creativity, and I created my own vocal and instrumental ensemble. The guys from the Philharmonic and the music school played there.
It was all at the Philharmonic. There was a rehearsal space there. I had to study at the same time at the Karachay-Cherkess University. She studied, worked at the Philharmonic and also sang in a restaurant. The salaries of all the ensemble members are small, so I had to somehow support the guys. I made good money at the restaurant and therefore had the opportunity to help. In general, I was their “mother”. Life was very busy.

During this period of time, I already performed in the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories. She came to Moscow several times, concerts were held mainly on the territory of VDNKh. They were organized by the House of Nationalities.

In 2007 she became a People's Artist. Of course, there was a lot of envy, because at such a young age it was an exception for a singer to receive the highest title.

But those who knew my work closely were completely in solidarity with the decree of the President of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

By that time, I had released five solo albums, and now I have eight of them. I did a lot of work and re-recorded all eight albums.

In Moscow, where I came to conquer new heights, I met the composer Pavel Bekkerman and talented poets who write for us. Evgeny Minin wrote a lot of songs for me, Viktor Gin gave wonderful song poems. By the way, he wrote many songs for the repertoire of Irina Ponarovskaya, and also wrote for Obodzinsky, Serebrennikov, Tolkunova (“Talk to me, mother”, “Scarlet Dawn”). Meeting Rimma Kazakova was very memorable for me. She often invited me to visit her. How many times did we sit with her in her kitchen at home... She patted me so gently on the shoulder and said: “Marina – you are a real people’s artist!”

Many songs were recorded based on poems by Aues Betuganov, Farida Sidakhmetova, Vladislav Artyomov, Marina Pavlova, Elena Evstigneeva and other poets. I am very grateful to all these talented and wonderful people for their support and participation in my work.

I gave solo concerts at the Central House of Writers, the Central House of Scientists, the Central House of Journalists, the Central House of Artists, the House of Nationalities, VDNKh, the Federation of Peace and Harmony and many other places.

I am often invited by various prefectures of Moscow, city administrations of the Moscow region to perform at performances dedicated to the celebration of City Day, Victory Day, Youth Day and other holidays. I also continue to give solo concerts. In general, I am doing what I love. I also teach vocals at college.

The Azerbaijani community of Moscow and the Moscow region invites you to its festive events. Kurban Bayram, Novruz and other holidays. When I perform with them, I have the feeling that I have visited my homeland and seen friends. A life-affirming mood appears. I want to work for the joy and happiness of people.

I would like to note that Russian listeners like the culture of the Caucasus, the melodies and rhythms of the Caucasian peoples. I try to perform such songs with a Caucasian flavor, but also add a Russian spirit. I also bring in modernity. Therefore, any audience likes my songs. And the most important thing is the text. They have a national flavor, but I sing in Russian without an accent.

When I am introduced at concerts, they note that I sing songs about peace and friendship. It’s not for nothing that I sing: “I tell you salaam, my destiny, my Russia.” These are very symbolic words. They were written by the Karachay-Circassian poet, public figure, former deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Azret Alievich Akbaev. He is also the author of one of my most famous songs in the Caucasus - “Mountain Woman”. I also sing a wonderful song about Nalchik, the lyrics of which were written by the vice-president of the World Art Committee (WAC), songwriter Aues Abuevich Betuganov. All these songs were written by them in collaboration with composer Pavel Bekkerman.

I would like to say a few words about this Committee, which has branches in Russia, the USA, Canada, the Near Abroad and many other countries of the world. The headquarters of the World Art Committee is located in Switzerland. The most powerful representation in Russia is the Arty Committee of the North Caucasus, whose president is Aues Betuganov. I have been repeatedly awarded by the Committee with various awards. The most significant of them: the highest musical award of the Caucasus “Golden Microphone 2008” and the gold medal “For innovation, creativity and success in professional activities and public recognition.”

The fact that I am a diverse singer and that I have deep respect for people, regardless of nationality and religion.

What are you worried about? I'm happy. I've been happy since the morning. I don’t even pay attention to what the weather is like. Just think, it's raining! I immediately remember the song: “Nature has no bad weather...”

You go out into the street, people meet, sad, cheerful, and I am glad that they are healthy, and I want to believe that everything is fine at home. That they have love, prosperity, a favorite job, like me. I was really lucky. What worries me is that there is no way to realize myself to the end. It's hard to achieve the goal I see. And my goal is immense. I want to improve and not stop there. Sing more varied songs because they give you an incentive to live.

My main goal is to make people happy. And now I want to sing only about prosperous, happy love, peace, friendship. I have a desire to sing a song about our beautiful planet. I would remove these borders all over the world. Russia is a separate state, America is separate, why is this? I understand that it will be difficult to manage too much space. But how can we combine this?

And love knows no bounds, and music elevates us all. That's why I want more beautiful songs. What I wish for myself is what I wish for you. Health, true friends, ordinary human happiness to everyone. Let desires not fade, but opportunities increase. I wish your publication to increase its thinking audience! I wish you fruitful work in uniting peoples! With all my heart I wish PEACE IN THE WHOLE WORLD!

Prepared by Tiana VESNYAK

The project involves 16 pairs formed on the principle of “professional skater + star.” There are two trainers working on the show at once - Ilya Averbukh and Alexander Zhulin. They divided the pairs between themselves. As a result, it turns out that in the project, in addition to the competition between the participants, the coaches also compete with each other - whose team is stronger.

The performances of the participants are assessed by a panel of judges in the same way as in professional figure skating - on a 6-point scale. Each pair is given two marks: for technique and for artistry.

According to the rules, three issues in a row are not nominated for elimination. They are given time to prove themselves. But this Saturday, the two participants who scored the fewest points will be “expelled” from the show for poor performance. However, one couple can be saved by TV viewers using SMS voting.

The finale of the show will take place in December before the New Year.

The show "Ice Age" soared to the very top of television ratings. Channel One insists that this is not a continuation of Stars on Ice, but a completely new project. Moreover, it is original, and not a copy of a foreign program. How not to get lost in Ice Age? It's very simple: when you sit down in front of the TV, take our guide to the show with you.

1. Ville Haapasalo and Tatiana Navka. Finnish actor and Olympic champion in ice dancing.

Back to hell, I want to run away to Finland! Otherwise they’ll beat me, grab me by the collar...

2. Tatyana Totmyanina and Nikita Malinin. Olympic champion, two-time world champion, five-time European champion in pair skating and singer.

3. Irina Lobacheva and Dmitry Maryanov. Olympic silver medalist, world and European champion in ice dancing and theater and film actor.

4. Alisa Grebenshchikova and Alexey Tikhonov. Theater and film actress (played in the films “American”, “Driver for Vera”, in the TV series “Ondine”) and champion in pair skating.

5. Anastasia Myskina and Andrey Khvalko. Famous Russian tennis player, winner of many tournaments, Roland Garros champion and famous figure skater. The couple dropped out of the project early due to a groin injury that Myskina received during training.

6. Chulpan Khamatova and Roman Kostomarov. Actress and Olympic champion in ice dancing.

7. Albena Denkova and Igor Vernik. World champion in ice dancing, president of the Bulgarian Figure Skating Federation and actor, TV presenter, showman.

8. Olga Kabo and Maxim Marinin. Actress, theater and film star and Olympic champion in pair skating.

9. Maria Petrova and Mikhail Galustyan. World and European champion in pair skating and star of the TV show “Our Russia”.

10. Margarita Drobyazko and Alexander Dyachenko. Bronze medalist of the World Championship, bronze medalist of the European Championship, multiple champion of Lithuania in ice dancing and actor, performer of roles in the films “Brother-2”, “Star”, “White Gold”, “Stiletto”, “Barbarian” (USA), "One's own - another's."

11. Victoria Daineko and Alexey Yagudin. Singer and Olympic champion in figure skating, multiple world champion.

12. Anastasia Volochkova and Anton Sikharulidze. Ballerina, Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia and Olympic champion, two-time world champion, two-time European champion.

13. Elena Leonova and Grigory Siyatvinda. World champion in professional pair skating and Russian theater and film actor.

I loved skating so much! And most importantly: there is something to hold on to. Zhurova (speed skating). In addition to them, there are three rotating judges at each episode of the show. The legendary hockey player Vladislav Tretyak, artist Efim Shifrin, singer Philip Kirkorov, fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin, TV presenter Valdis Pelsh have already been noted as such.

And so that the trainers don’t get confused, one of us got a haircut!


Presenters: Figure skater Irina Slutskaya and actor Marat Basharov - winner of the last season's show "Stars on Ice".

“Ice Age”, Saturdays at 21.20

Anastasia Volochkova is a Russian ballerina and dancer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2002). She was a prima ballerina first at the Mariinsky and then at the Bolshoi Theater. She became famous not so much for her achievements in ballet art, but for her numerous scandals and extravagant behavior.

Anastasia Volochkova increasingly attracts the attention of viewers and admirers of her talent, but sometimes black PR plays a cruel joke on her. Nevertheless, this is one of the most notable stars of domestic show business.

Childhood and family

Anastasia Yuryevna Volochkova was born in Leningrad on January 20, 1976. Her father, Yuri Fedorovich, was the champion of the USSR and Europe in table tennis, and later became a coach at the State Sports Committee of Russia. Mother Tamara Vladimirovna worked as an engineer and, as Anastasia herself claims, as a tour guide. The ballerina's parents divorced when she was still a child.

At the age of five, little Nastya attended the ballet “The Nutcracker” at the Mariinsky Theater. It was after this that she got the idea of ​​becoming a ballerina. The parents fully supported their daughter's hobby. After school, Volochkova had difficulty, but still managed to enter the prestigious Academy of Russian Ballet. A. Ya. Vaganova, however, she was initially accepted on a probationary period for six months, explaining that the girl had no talent.

All the time that the probationary period lasted, one of the teachers, as Volochkova later admitted, bullied her, and her classmates, on the contrary, felt sorry for her. Fortunately for Nastya, the famous teacher Natalia Dudinskaya noticed her at the school, who supported the young ballerina and helped her achieve high results.

Ballerina career

Volochkova's final exam was the role of Odette-Odile in Swan Lake at the Mariinsky Theater in 1994. The ballerina graduated from the Academy with honors, after which she joined the Mariinsky Theater troupe, where she performed until 1998.

For four years at the St. Petersburg theater, Anastasia Volochkova performed the main roles in the classical ballets “Giselle”, “Don Quixote”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”. According to Anastasia herself, this period was very difficult for her: she learned from her own experience for the first time what intrigue is in the world of ballet. Passions in the troupe ran high to such an extent that Volochkova was removed from all performances and left without work.

In 1998, Vladimir Vasiliev invited Anastasia to the Bolshoi Theater to participate in his original production of Swan Lake. The ballerina made her debut on the stage of the country's main theater in the role of the Swan Princess. She was followed by leading roles in other productions - “La Bayadère”, “The Sleeping Beauty”, during the work on which Volochkova was lucky enough to collaborate with Yuri Grigorovich. After leaving the Bolshoi in 2000, at the invitation of Grigorovich himself, the ballerina returned in 2001 to participate in Swan Lake.

According to unofficial information, sports philanthropist Anzori Aksentyev “attached” Volochkova to the capital’s ballet. He helped her with connections and money, but after the ballerina took everything Aksentyev could give, she left him. At the same time, in the future, Volochkova in every possible way denied even the fact of acquaintance with Aksentyev.

In 2000, Volochkova won the honorary Golden Lion award at a competition in Austria as the most talented ballerina in Europe. After that, she was invited to The Sleeping Beauty at the National English Ballet. And here there was a benefactor - he was the millionaire Anthony Kerman, who at that time was the vice-president of the English National Ballet. For the sake of Volochkova, Kerman abandoned his family.

How Anastasia Volochkova dances

In 2002, Volochkova became an Honored Artist of Russia. In the spring of the same year, the ballerina was awarded the International Ballet Prize “Benois de la Danse” as the best dancer. This prize was established in 1992 by Yuri Grigorovich, whom many began to call the patron of the ballerina. During the presentation of the award, Volochkova was booed by unknown people, and shouts of “Shame!” were heard from the hall.

In 2003, Volochkova became the central figure of a major scandal - the Bolshoi Theater refused to sign a new contract with her, citing the refusal that some of Anastasia’s demands ran counter to the interests of the ballet troupe.

In addition, the general director of the Bolshoi declared that the ballerina was unsuitable for professional work: the weight of the 171-centimeter Volochkova ranged from 50 to 55 kilograms (for comparison: Maya Plisetskaya’s height was 167 centimeters, and her weight varied from 49 to 58 kilograms). The troupe openly said: “It would be better if Volochkova became a swimmer.” After lengthy litigation, Volochkova left the troupe and began working on solo projects.

In 2004, Anastasia Volochkova began performing in Grigorovich’s troupe at the Krasnodar Ballet Theater, where she became a prima ballerina. In the same year, Volochkova starred in the film “A Place in the Sun.” In 2005, she played in the film “The Black Prince”, and in 2005-2006 she played a cameo role in the series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful”. In 2006, Volochkova became People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia.

In 2009, Volochkova released her autobiography, “The History of a Russian Ballerina.” And on June 17, 2010, the famous ballerina received an MBA degree from the Higher School of Economics (Master of Business Administration). In 2011, the creative center of Anastasia Volochkova was opened in Moscow.

On the eve of her 35th birthday in January 2011, the ballerina published a series of nude photographs on her blog, which caused a flurry of criticism and discontent.

In 2013, intimate photographs of Volochkova with Nikolai Baskov became the reason for scandalous speculation. Rumors even appeared in the press that the ballerina had an affair with him, but the woman denied this information.

In May 2016, information appeared in the media that Anastasia Volochkova could be suspended from performing for the next three years. The scandal was caused by the ballerina’s refusal to participate in the play “A Man Came to a Woman” after Volochkova’s partner was changed without her knowledge.

Personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

The love affairs of Anastasia Volochkova are a favorite subject of discussion for yellow publications and gossip lovers. The ballerina dated oligarch Suleiman Kerimov for more than two years. The couple separated in 2003. It was after this, according to Anastasia herself, that she started having problems at the Bolshoi Theater.

In 2005, Volochkova gave birth to a daughter, Ariadna. The child's father is businessman Igor Aleksandrovich Vdovin. In 2007, the ballerina married him, but a year later the couple broke up, maintaining friendly relations. Volochkova later admitted that their magnificent wedding, which attracted public attention, was fictitious.

In the spring of 2013, Anastasia began dating oil businessman Bakhtiyar Salimov. They met on Valentine's Day during her tour in Vladivostok. A year later the couple separated.

At the beginning of 2018, journalists found out the name of the ballerina’s new lover - it turned out to be programmer Mikhail Loginov. “It doesn’t matter how much money he has, the main thing is that he has a huge heart,” Anastasia commented on an unusual choice for her, accustomed to luxury.

Social activity

In 2003, Volochkova joined the United Russia party. In 2009, Anastasia Volochkova nominated herself for the post of mayor of Sochi, but when filling out the documents she forgot to indicate her date of birth, which is why the election commission refused her registration.

On February 2, 2011, Volochkova announced that she had left the party due to the reaction of fellow party members to the publication of her explicit photographs.

Anastasia Volochkova now

The ballerina continues to work on solo projects, and she is also a constant heroine of the tabloids. She has excellent leverage over public opinion, which is confirmed by regular photographs with her signature splits and pictures from the bathhouse.

In 2017, hackers hacked the page of the notorious ballerina and posted her intimate photos online. Many decided that Anastasia herself allowed the photos to be leaked in order to stir up interest in her person.