Julia from supermodel in Ukrainian. Yulia Mochalova about childhood, self-acceptance and modeling career

For most people, a country house with a plot is not only a place where you can have a good rest, relax and relieve accumulated fatigue, but also space for creative inspiration. Every owner wants to transform and decorate their garden plot in any possible way. Some plant beautiful ones, others try to come up with an original one, others start making crafts or crafts, and others make crafts for the garden with their own hands. We will dwell on the latter in detail in this article. Let's find out the latest news, new products and the main trends of the summer season.

DIY garden crafts (photo)

To create an original art object for your garden, you don’t have to run to the store to buy materials. You can make your new creations without them. Take a look around. After all, there is probably something in your household that you have not used for a long time for one reason or another.

This could be a broken bicycle, an old bucket with holes in it, worn-out tires and tires, accumulated leftovers, basins, barrels of unnecessary shoes and much more. Give new life All these used things are very simple, the main thing is not to be afraid of experiments.

A visual diagram of how to properly make a decorative well for a summer house with your own hands

First you need to decide for yourself what style you want to design your garden in. In the style of Provence, or Art Nouveau, or whatever you prefer. Taking into account characteristic features each direction, as well as your own preferences, and you should begin to design and decorate it.

DIY garden crafts can be not only an aesthetic addition to your garden, but also have a functional component that can be useful on the farm.

Materials will also help decorate your garden. natural origin. Field boulders, river stones, tree trunks and stumps, clay, glass, etc. All this will add beauty and improve the habitat on your site.

The most important thing is the desire for excellence, this is what will help create a unique and beautiful decor for your site.

Stones for garden decoration

Flat stones- a real find, especially if they are large. You can draw anything on them. And most importantly, making crafts for the garden with your own hands from stones is exciting and fun, especially with children.

Large stones can simply decorate the garden, and medium-sized stones will serve as excellent helpers in the garden. You need to take pebbles shaped like a certain fruit or vegetable, draw it on it and place it in the garden in accordance with the drawing. The garden and vegetable garden will immediately be filled with bright colors.

Rock Ladybugs - Design by Crafts by Amanda

DIY garden figurines (photo)

If you decide to decorate your garden yourself, remember that here you need to finely feel the line between the stylistic direction of the garden and a sense of proportion. Because when decorating a garden, going too far with the number of figurines or choosing the wrong type of decorative figurines can easily ruin the aesthetic appearance of your site.

After all, you will agree that figurines of Little Red Riding Hood, Baba Yaga, Kolobok or another fairy-tale character would not look entirely appropriate in a Japanese garden. A green lawn decorated with a large number of artificial palm trees, under each of which there will be a figurine of a gnome, will look even more strange.

Based on the requirements of landscape design, try to choose images of figures in unison with the main direction of the style of your site.

Crafts for the garden from tires (photo)

Using old car tires as a material for making garden decorations has long become a common practice for many people. Absolutely all tires of any diameter are suitable for this.

Having a number of fresh and practical ideas in your head, as well as certain skills in using piercing and cutting tools and devices, you can turn a boring piece of rubber into a beautiful art object, thereby decorating your garden in an unusual way.

There is nothing complicated in this work and, as practice shows, it takes less than one hour to make crafts for the garden with your own hands from car tires, even for a novice craftsman.

A little imagination and an old tire found a new life in the form of a children's swing "overweight"

Products made from tires are exactly the case when you don’t need to spend too much time on DIY garden crafts and invest a lot of money in purchasing expensive materials.

Scope of application of old car tires, where they can be used as material for making crafts, great amount. Starting from the design of ordinary flower beds and flower beds, ending with full-fledged playgrounds for your children. Tire crafts for the garden- these are simple, cheap, well-proven products, the design forms of which know no boundaries.

Crafts for the garden from scrap materials (photo)

In order for the DIY garden crafts you create to retain their original properties for as long as possible. appearance, try to choose the right source material for them. It is also important to be thorough in the application of paints and varnishes.

For open air modern synthetic ones are ideal acrylic paints, which are characterized by reliable resistance to constant changes in air temperature and ultraviolet radiation.

In such an important task as decorating a garden with your own hands, absolutely any little thing that has been gathering dust on your property for years without use can come in handy. As experienced gardeners say, there is nothing unnecessary and nothing superfluous in the dacha!

To add special chic to your creations, experienced designers recommend using various sparkles, beads, beads, colored glass, etc. as decoration. With their help, you can create an original image fairy tale characters, gnomes, small figures of animals or insects. Well, if you add a little magic to the surface of the products, in the form of fluorescent paint, you will be able to enjoy the beauty of your garden not only during the day, but also at night.

New ideas for the garden that will inspire you (photo)

Everyone wants their space to look beautiful and cozy. It’s so nice to admire this beauty during warm summer evenings. To do this, you need to spend a lot of time and money, because often purchased decorative items are not cheap at all and, unfortunately, not everyone can afford it. And yet, even from this situation there is an excellent budget way out - to make crafts for the garden with your own hands.

First of all, of course, you should take care of landscaping the site:

  1. Pay due attention to paths, paths, trees, flower beds and flower beds;
  2. Also, don’t forget about the recreation areas (,), where you often like to relax on warm summer evenings. They must look perfect.

If we talk about more interesting projects, then you can take aim at creating decorative mini-garden or other decoration. The miniature will look best surrounded by small figurines and various figures.

A pond decorated with artificial lilies or swans will look no less beautiful. If you do waterproof DIY garden crafts If it’s difficult for you, you can easily purchase them in specialized stores. There you will certainly be able to choose suitable products that will harmoniously fit into your landscape design for your garden.

It is important to remember that some products (especially those made of cheap plastic) are susceptible to severe temperature changes. Therefore, if necessary, winter period, the whole thing can be moved from the street to more discreet place, where he will not be threatened by the cold.

DIY master class - everything for the garden (photo)

Many people decorate their garden using classic techniquesbeautiful figures little gnomes, unusual birds, as well as cheerful and funny little animals. This style of design for a site is very popular, especially for those who have small children. It has been proven that created in this way fabulous atmosphere in the garden, has a beneficial effect on the development of the child.

If you add a water bowl or bird feeder to your garden, then in addition to improving the aesthetic beauty of the area, you will make a significant contribution to saving starving birds in winter. Thus, you will teach your kids to love all life on earth from a very early age.

Garden decor - photos of the best DIY crafts

If there has been construction or renovation on the site recently, then some building materials, such as cement, are likely to remain. With your help you can create an excellent DIY garden decor.

  1. To do this, you need to find the largest leaf; a burdock or water lily leaf is perfect;
  2. Then you need to apply a layer of cement on this sheet, not very thick, but not thin either. In order for the leaf to subsequently stand, the top must be level and smooth, otherwise the leaf will have to be dug into the ground;
  3. After this, you need to wait about 5-6 hours until the solution dries completely, turn it over, remove the sheet from the cement and voila - the decor is ready.

To manufactured DIY concrete crafts with your hands they didn’t look too gloomy, you can glue colored pebbles in the middle or just paint the sheet in any color.

Wall decor with flower pots (photo)

Flowers are beautiful decor idea. If there is an empty boring wall on the site that needs to be decorated with something, then hanging flowers and photo frames will be a great option.

  1. To do this you need to find empty cans or unnecessary flower pots, preferably the same size;
  2. Holes are made on the sides through which you need to pass a rope or chain. It will act as a clamp to hold the craft on a vertical wall;
  3. If the wall is wooden, then you can simply drive a nail into it, but if we are dealing with a brick or block wall, then we cannot do without a hammer drill and anchor dowels;
  4. Around the pots, which can be painted as desired, you can hang frames with photos or children's drawings.

Also, clay products will look very beautiful and impressive on the wall, which will give an image reminiscent of a structure from old Russian fairy tales.

Beautiful garden- this is not a dream, because today you can make any dreams come true. By decorating your site with original and beautiful crafts, you will not only transform it appearance, but you will also make it different from the others.

The main thing in creating decorative items is imagination and some skills that come with time. A little persistence and everything will definitely work out. Your own handmade garden crafts will be your faithful helpers in this exciting process.

Our children in kindergarten play during walks different games on the street. And of course, I would like to make the space around them beautiful, both on the site and on the verandas. And not only beautiful, but also interesting, developing and teaching children shapes, colors, logic, letters, and counting through play. Creative ideas about how to decorate a children's veranda, how to decorate a children's area where kids play in kindergarten.

The walls of the veranda can be beautifully decorated by drawing flowers, clouds, animals, forests, hedgehogs or episodes from fairy tales. Children really like the various characters in fairy tales. You can come up with a whole landscape!

If you have a private house and it has a veranda, then it can be painted in the form of some images, for example in the form of postcards, photographs, or add decor.

You can also use it to decorate crafts made from plastic bottle caps for the veranda on the playground in a kindergarten.

The simplest decorations from lids are to make a caterpillar, flowers, using multi-colored lids of different diameters.

You can also use children 4-5 years old to “help” select lids that are the same in diameter for one flower per verana, by color, and determine the location of the flower or caterpillar.

These are the most simple ways decorate a children's veranda in a kindergarten, which parents can do for their kids. After all, every area in a kindergarten can be used for the development of children through play! Only by playing do children learn and develop.

You can also decorate the veranda beautifully by decorating it with spray paints. The most extraordinary parents who know how to do this can dare to do this.

For example, you can draw interesting and everyone famous characters from cartoons. Or simply decorate it in the form of pictures of living nature. You can also draw flowers and on each flower there are letters and numbers on top.

Such decorations of verandas will help you learn letters and numbers while playing right on the playground on the street.

Beautiful artistic drawings The kids will be happy and can be an additional incentive to go to kindergarten in the morning!

Do you want your child to go to kindergarten with pleasure? Then help decorate the space around him and other children - i.e. playground space! Create, as far as possible, a gaming space that is not only for play, but also for unobtrusive development and learning.

A child who knows that this drawing on the wall of the veranda was drawn by his parents will not only remember this, but also to some extent understand that his dad and mom give him their love and care.

And the personal example of parents’ attitude towards their child will help him feel the space of love around him, which will help him form a caring attitude towards his children later.

And thus, the help to the kindergarten will be strong and the question for kindergarten It will be decided to diversify the playground. And the kids will have a good time too!

I hope these examples of how to decorate a children’s veranda in a kindergarten will help you come up with new ideas on how to make the surrounding space of your children in the kindergarten more interesting, fun and useful for their development.

Sincerely, .