Literature project 2. The most interesting topics for the project

Stavropol region
Materials for school scientific and practical work
conference "Organization of educational
process, research, methodological and
innovative and experimental work in
MKOU "Secondary School No. 9"
Direction – social humanitarian
Literature project "I am a storyteller"
Lutsenko T.V., Russian teacher
language and literature
MARCH 2017

Business card
What points of the thematic plan of a school subject
the project being developed corresponds (training lesson)
CNT, fairy tales
Problem areas that arise when studying this topic
Uniformity of literary text analysis in 5th
Illogicality in the design of written speech
High level of awareness of children on this topic
Low level of interest in reading
Project ideas that can be used to solve one of the
selected problems.
creation of presentation
website creation
Justification for choosing one of the project ideas through analysis
real situation in which it is necessary to implement
developed project (training lesson).
To implement this project, the idea of ​​creating a website was chosen,
because This form of presentation allows for more complete and
talk widely about the work done. It is assumed that
the site will contain presentations of children with collected
necessary information, a collection of his own fairy tales with
illustrations, 2 booklets about famous writers

Topic of the project (training session)
I'm a storyteller
Goals of the project (training session) and tasks to achieve
set goals
After reading the didactic material, write
fairy tales according to the proposed schemes.
Form a positive Self-Concept in students
through group creative activities
Describe the features of the fairy tale genre
Learn to work not only with artistic, but
and literary criticism
Develop the ability to present your ideas concisely and logically
thoughts written and oral
Learn to use Microsoft PowerPoint,
Microsoft Publisher for formatting results
Develop presentation and presentation skills
product of activity
Planned final result
increasing interest in the academic subject, working with programs
List of criteria for checking the achievement of planned
Test, compliance of the collection with the requirements
Project implementation time (training session)

2 weeks
Required resources (human and technical)
Hardware: computer, Internet access,
projector, screen, printer, scanner
Software: Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop
Image, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, Designer

teacher, 4 groups of students of 5 people each
The triad of questions you pose to students
Fundamental question: What if there were no fairy tales?
Problematic issues of the educational topic:
Why are the plots of the same fairy tales found in
different writers and peoples?
How can we explain that there are favorite and unloved fairy tales?
Can everyone write a fairy tale?
What benefits does repeated reading of a fairy tale give to a child?
Private questions:
What do you know about the fairy tale genre?
List famous writers and storytellers
The plot of which fairy tale is found in different authors?
Do you have favorite and least favorite fairy tales?
Have you ever written a fairy tale?
What kind of independent student research takes place in
proposed project (study session)

“Fairy tales as building material”
“Fairy tales in a new way”
“Why do I love fairy tales? (questionnaire)”
“Famous writers and storytellers”
List of items attached to the project (study session)
didactic materials
selection of material
memo “How to design a collection”
piggy bank illustrations
Project Description
Topic: I am a storyteller
1. having familiarized yourself with the didactic material, write fairy tales according to
proposed schemes; form a positive self-concept in students through
group creative activity
A) Describe the features of the fairy tale genre
B) Learn to work not only with artistic, but also literary criticism

C) Develop the ability to briefly and logically express your thoughts in writing and orally
D) Learn to use Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher for
registration of results
D) Develop the ability to present and formalize the product of activity
Class: 5
Duration: 2 weeks
Hardware: computer, Internet access, projector, screen, printer,
Software: Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop Image, Microsoft
PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, Website Builder
Other resources: fairy tale books, dictionaries, films
Brief summary of the project (educational topics covering the project, description
the main theoretical principles being studied, a brief explanation of how
practical exercises and independent research will help students 5
class to answer problematic questions and questions of the educational topic):
This project was developed within the framework of the educational topic “Oral folk art.
Fairy tales". During the search activity, students will expand their understanding of
fairy tale genre, learn interesting facts from the lives of famous writers -
storytellers, will find out from the students of their school why they love fairy tales, will show
themselves as writers - storytellers. The project is intended to develop creative
student abilities: involves the development of imaginative and logical thinking
when solving problems, aims at independent
research activities, develops skills comparatively
comparative analysis as a way of studying a work of art.
Registration of project results: website (teacher), presentation, booklets
Project stages:
1. Development
project assignment

The teacher formulates
the theme of the project, forms
groups, preparing envelopes
with tasks, creates a website,
rating system
evaluation of work on

1.1. Choosing a theme
The teacher suggests
project topic for students
1.2. Selection
subtopic in the topic
Teacher pre
identifies subtopics and
offers students for
selection of 5 envelopes with

1.3. Formation
creative groups
1.4. Preparation
materials for
questions to which
need to answer
task for teams,
literature selection
1.5. Definition
forms of expression
results of the project
Teacher accepts
participation in discussion with
students about completing
subtopics of the project
The teacher conducts
organizational work
on unification
preliminary, 4 groups
5 people each
Teacher presents
project website, where
goals, problems,
project issues, as well as
research topics
students. At the end
work all developments
there will be students
posted on the website
Teacher in envelopes with
assignments in advance
suggested forms
presentation of the design
(presentation, booklet)
Students discuss and
accept the general
decision on the topic.
Group coordinator
chooses an envelope with
Students are active
discuss and propose
search and collection options
information as well
possible forms
representation. Every
student chooses one of
subtopics for yourself (i.e.
chooses a role).
To the beginning of the project
students are already
grouped, and on
the first stage determined
their roles
Questions to search
answers are developed in
teams are determined
main sources,
write down a plan
Students in groups and
then they discuss in class
presentation forms
activities, identify
missing knowledge for
2. Project development Teacher advises Students carry out

regarding work in
Microsoft Publisher,
Microsoft PowerPoint
coordinates the work
students, stimulates
their activities
rating assessment
The teacher advises
coordinates the work
students, stimulates
their activities
The teacher invites you to
as experts
school administration,
presents the site
Evaluates his
activities on
children's activities,
takes into account their assessments
search activity
Students by groups
formalize the results in
According to
accepted rules.
Report on
results of its
works: show
presentations, distribution
To implement
reflections each group
fills in the suggested
sheets for group and
3. Design
4. Presentation
5. Reflection
Modules studied: Creating works in Microsoft Publisher, creating
educational website based on the School Website Builder, creation
educational film, editing of educational film from ready-made
fragments, creating crosswords and tests in Microsoft Excel.

Project on the topic “Why are we interested in going to the library” by Kirill Aseev, a student in grade 2 of school No. 4

The main entrance to the library. The library I go to is located at the address: Engels-19, 1st block, building 1. Opening hours: from 10.00 to 18.00, closed on Sundays.

The library I visit is quite old. Last year she celebrated her 60th anniversary. Initially, the library selected books that were included in the school curriculum. Such selectivity helps to decide on works that are not only necessary, but also interesting to read. The library has a children's subscription and a reading room.

Reading room. The reading room will not lend books to take home. There are encyclopedias, reference books, and dictionaries. Anyone can ask for these publications, everyone reads them, so they should be in place.

Reading room. There are encyclopedias: universal, in which you can find answers to all industry questions, that is, on certain topics. In the reading room of our library there is a “Children's Encyclopedia” in 12 volumes, “What is. Who is this?” Encyclopedia about animals and others.

Reading room. In the reading room of our library you can also learn about the history of your native land and famous fellow countrymen.

Children's subscription. The children's subscription includes children from grades 1 to 9. Here I can take a book that interests me home. The books that I take home must be returned after 2 weeks, as other children are waiting for them.

Children's subscription. In addition to books, the library also contains periodicals. For example, we can read the following magazines: Young naturalist Svirelka Cool magazine Vinnie and his friends Murzilka Misha Children’s adventures and detective stories from the “Black Kitten” series are especially popular among children.

Children's subscription. From grades 1 to 3, the books are arranged in thematic sections. For example: Fairy tales About you guys Books about nature Poems For middle-aged and older children, books are arranged alphabetically.

Children's subscription. In the library, I can choose a book myself or ask the librarian for help.

Children's subscription. You can get acquainted with books through book exhibitions. Currently in the library there are thematic exhibitions about the writers of the day: Vera Chaplina, Vitaly Bianchi, Charles Perrault, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and others.

Children's subscription. On Saturdays, the library runs a “Homemade Workshop” club. Here you can draw a picture or make a craft with your own hands.

The library is an important place for a student. I am interested in going to the library because: in the library you can read interesting books, you can find books on any topic, learn how to choose books yourself, draw a picture, make a craft, take part in competitions, events and just chat with friends

Thank you for your attention!

A school project is one way to ensure student development. These works are required for students. Often, high school students take exams that allow them to better assess their knowledge and ability to assimilate information.

Why are such tasks needed?

Interesting topics for projects are an opportunity for a student to develop their abilities and believe in their strength as a student. After all, children often choose topics for research work that captivate them. Thus, in the design process, the student’s independence increases, and he develops strong motivation for further learning. He also learns how to conduct a discussion correctly and argue his point of view. Working on a project allows a student to combine classroom and extracurricular activities.

Topics for middle and primary school

Interesting topics for projects are a guarantee that the work will be exciting for the student. If the project is a research project, it must include elements of scientific work - a hypothesis, its testing, laboratory research, analysis of the results obtained. For example, the chosen topic is about growing beans at home. The student can prepare in advance - read the necessary material on natural history; conduct an experiment - germinate beans; take photographs of the plant at each stage. The following interesting project topics are suitable for middle and junior high school students:

  • Cars of old times and modern ones.
  • About how dinosaurs lived. Estimated options for their death.
  • My favourite dog.
  • The professions that every schoolchild dreams of.
  • Color in human life.
  • Cartoons and their role in the lives of children.
  • The aquarium and its amazing inhabitants.
  • How to grow a crystal yourself?
  • Features of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Sports in my family.
  • Ancient fun in Rus'.
  • Human exploration of outer space.
  • History of music and musical instruments.
  • Robots of the future.
  • Features of the life of bees.
  • The most beautiful legends about flowers.
  • History of money - from antiquity to modern times.
  • Tea and coffee. History, legends, traditions.
  • Growing beans at home.

Topics that will be of interest to school audiences

There are many areas that could captivate you. These could be gadgets, various products, issues of love and friendship. The following interesting topics for the project will not leave school audiences indifferent:

  • Emoticons in messages. History, features of use.
  • The brightest and most unusual advertising.
  • What do young people think about family life?
  • Is Barbie the standard for female attractiveness?
  • The problem of cleanliness in public places.
  • Why do you need to turn off your phone during a flight?
  • Anglicisms in modern speech.
  • Horoscopes and astrology - truth or myth?
  • How to achieve prosperity?
  • What does a person need to achieve emotional balance?
  • The operating principle of a microwave oven.
  • How to develop logical thinking?
  • Is chewing gum good for you?
  • Lies: causes and consequences. Why do people lie to each other?
  • How to become a photographer?
  • How 3D glasses for cinema work.
  • Does the pace of the speaker's speech affect the audience's perception of the report?
  • Cheat sheet - helper or enemy?
  • Why does everyone learn English?
  • Do our little brothers understand our speech?
  • Tea traditions of China.
  • What is a person like: good or evil? Examples from history and life.
  • Stress and illness - is there a connection? What are psychosomatic illnesses?
  • How to forgive a person? Is it necessary to do this?
  • "Leopold's Cats" in modern society.

Current topics for preparing projects on Russian literature

One of the most interesting jobs for many schoolchildren will be a literary project. Its problems should be selected in accordance with the knowledge and level of training of the student. The topic of a literature project can be the biography of a poet or writer or the features of his work. Such work will help you learn a lot of interesting things about the author whose works the student liked. The project can be dedicated to the characteristics of a literary character or an entire work. In the process of work, the student will be able to refresh his memory about his favorite work and once again plunge into its events.

The following literature project topics are approximate. The student can always choose the question that arouses his greatest interest.

  • Features of I. Bunin's creativity.
  • The role of the hero’s appearance in his characterization (using the example of several
  • Features of a romantic hero (using the example of several works).
  • The theme of love in Akhmatova’s lyrics.
  • Nature in the works of V. A. Zhukovsky.
  • History in Pushkin's works.
  • The problem of the homeland in Yesenin’s work.

Labor projects

There will also be great scope for creative work in technology assignments. The project topics discussed below are intended for girls:

  • How to decorate a kitchen-dining room.
  • Dishes of Russian cuisine.
  • Indoor plants and interior design.
  • DIY knitted accessories.
  • Decor and setting of the festive table.

Here are the projects boys can prepare:

  • Making wall shelves for CDs or books.
  • How to make a board for cutting vegetables.
  • Models of airplanes, ships, cars.
  • Making a bench.
  • How to make a folding table for a balcony.

Scientific design

Often, students need to find suitable topics for research projects. The scope of options is wide, because there are so many scientific branches, so many different areas of research. From the following topics, perhaps the student will be able to choose something for himself:

  • Earth's atmosphere: composition, structure, movement of air masses.
  • Newton's laws and their application.
  • Aggregate states of matter.
  • Physical properties of carbon.

In the second quarter of the 2014 academic year, on the basis of the Ivanovo Secondary School, we developed and implemented a project on literary reading in grade 2 on the topic: “Creating a collection book on oral folk art.”

Topic: "Creation of a collection book on oral folk art"

Academic subject: Literary reading.

Project goals:

Expand students' horizons in folk art;

Instill a love of folk culture;

Enlarge your vocabulary;

Learn to correctly retrieve the necessary information, use reference books and surveys;

Develop creative abilities, logical thinking;

Teach children to work in a team, to be responsible for the assigned work;

Estimated product of the project: A book-collection of oral folk art.

The relevance of this project lies in the need to introduce students to folk art, culture, and history. Oral folk art fully reflects the life, traditions, customs and morals of our ancestors. Since ancient times, oral folk art has been one of the means of education; the younger generation has drawn from it knowledge about morality, relationships between people, and spirituality. With the development of new information technologies, oral folk art faded into the background and lost its role in the life of society for some time. Currently, in connection with the problems of education that have arisen, society has realized the need to return to cultural folk traditions that contribute to the harmonious development of the individual.

In the Literary Reading program, very few hours are devoted to the study of small genres of folklore. The developmental and educational potential of these genres is very great, so there is a need for a deeper study of them, especially since primary schoolchildren enjoy reading, memorizing, and analyzing works of oral folk art. The project method helps make up for the lack of allocated hours.

Project abstract:

The project is designed for 3 months. Second grade students are invited to create their own book-collection on oral folk art. The first stage of the project is created in the second half of the year; it represents the first chapter of the book, which is called proverbs and sayings. The second stage is implemented by the same students upon transition to 3rd grade. Students create chapter 2 of a book of nursery rhymes, jokes, and riddles. The third stage is fairy tales and epics. One month is allotted for each stage. In total, over the course of three months, students must create and design a book. Upon completion of each stage, students report in the form of a presentation of the results obtained.

Students are divided into 3 groups. Each group receives its own topic, for which they must choose proverbs and sayings at the first stage. To find the necessary materials, they must visit the library, conduct a survey of parents, then systematize the material received and colorfully arrange it in the form of pages for a future book. Summing up the work, each group must present a report to the class in the form of designed pages on their topic, and then, together with the teacher, combine all the created pages into one common book.

Project description:

1. Preparatory stage. Introductory lesson. The project begins with a discussion with students about the topic of the project, its significance and relevance. Then the students, together with the teacher, discuss the final results of the work and ways to achieve them, develop a work plan, and choose research methods. Also, before starting work, students are discussed how to find sources of information on the topic. The teacher recommends a list of resources (school library, educational literature, survey of the older generation, and others).

2. Organization of activities. Second lesson. At this stage, students, with the help of the teacher, are divided into 3 groups. Then each group gets a theme: 1. Laziness and hard work, 2 - Friendship, 3 - Greed and generosity. After this, the teacher discusses specific goals with each group and outlines a plan (sequence of work). If necessary, within each group, each student is given certain responsibilities: two are responsible for searching for literature in the library, two are collecting a survey (of teachers, parents), one is responsible for registration. But at the same time, each member of the group can take part in any type of work.

3. Main stage. Completing of the work. (3 weeks) This stage is characterized by the implementation of the project, independent work of students to find information, systematize it and design it. During the work, the teacher controls and corrects the activities of the students, but the main responsibility for the work and initiative lies with the students. They can only turn to the teacher for advice.

This stage is performed sequentially in 2 steps:

1. Search for materials (2 weeks)

2. Page design (1 week)

4. Reflective-evaluative stage. Presentation of group work. (1 day)

At this stage, the results are presented. Each group illustrates its pages for the book, telling the class about its topic, reading proverbs and sayings, and showing ways to format the work. Each group also shares their impressions, talks about how they looked for materials for work, and what the difficulties were. Together with the teacher, the results of the first part of the project are summed up. Grades are given. After the presentation, all 3 groups, together with the teacher, combine the created pages into one book. The result is a finished product - the first chapter of a book-collection on Oral Folk Art, which contains proverbs and sayings on current topics.

The work is assessed according to the following criteria:

1) the quality of work on the topic;

2) independence of work on the project;

3) ability to answer questions;

4) the number of collected and learned proverbs and sayings;

5) originality of page design for the book;

Analysis of the results obtained.

During the project implementation, the first stage of work was completed. Students visited the school library, where they searched for literature on oral folk art, interviewed parents and teachers, and designed the pages of the book. Thus, over the course of one month, the students created the first chapter of a book-collection on oral folk art, entitled “Proverbs and Sayings,” which includes 3 topics: Laziness and hard work, Friendship, Greed and generosity. (Appendix No. 1).

During the defense of the project, students received the following grades:

The groups were awarded the following titles:

1 gr. - the most hardworking;

2 gr. - the most creative;

3 gr. - the most friendly;

This work evoked an emotional response from the students: at the reflection stage, 100% of the children gave a positive assessment of their work (Appendix No. 2). Further implementation of the project is planned for the next academic year.

Chapter Conclusions

Based on the research, we can conclude that project activities really have a positive effect on students’ work. During the implementation of the project, all children actively and with interest took part in the work. Even those students who are usually passive in class strived to carefully complete the tasks assigned to them. It was noticeable that in order to achieve a common goal, the class rallied and did the work collectively. When completing the project, children sometimes had quarrels and disagreements that had to be resolved together with the teacher.

The technology of project activities decorates and brings variety to the learning process, in addition to the fact that this work allows children to master the material more successfully, thanks to its rich and interesting content, it also facilitates the work of the teacher, who finds it easier and more interesting to work with children who are interested and passionate about the activity . In addition, thanks to the use of this method, the teacher gains experience, consolidates and expands his knowledge due to the fact that he does not act as a speaker in the educational process, but as a listener or an equal figure in a team of students.

During the implementation of the project, the set goals were achieved. This work united the students, interested them in searching for new information, expanded the students’ horizons, laid the foundation for the formation of research skills and cognitive interest, contributed to the development of teamwork skills, the ability to find and jointly correct errors, the ability to defend their point of view and find compromises.

The difficulty of the work was that children in 2nd grade do not yet know how to memorize a task for a long time. With them we had to periodically repeat the meaning of proverbs and sayings and their distinctive features. Despite the positive response and demonstrated interest in the proposed work, the children systematically had to be monitored, directed and corrected in their activities, because Independent work is still difficult for them.

Lesson-project of literary reading in 2D class.

Topic: “Generalization for the section: “Writers for children.” Teacher: Volkovskaya V.A.


repeat and summarize the material covered, expand students’ knowledge about the life and work of the studied writers;

learn to formulate questions to the works read, analyze, express your opinion;

develop children's creative abilities, memory, attention, thinking;

cultivate interest in reading lessons, a sense of teamwork and mutual assistance.

Equipment: portraits of writers A. Barto, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, K. Chukovsky, cards with titles of works, object pictures, masks, dolls, drawings for dramatizations of poems, an exhibition of books by studied writers, a slide show on the works of writers.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

The bell has already rung, class is starting!

Smile, pull yourself up and sit down quietly!

Wish each other good luck, I wish you successful work and pleasant communication, and our guests get a good mood from the lesson.

So, a lesson in literary reading.

2. Updating knowledge. Setting the lesson goal.

Today we will recall and summarize the works studied in our section. And what is it called, you will tell me if you decipher these words (iletasip - myated). Writers for children. How did you guess? (read from right to left)

I show you a portrait of the writer, and you say his full name and surname. (showing portraits) You were already familiar with the books of K. Chukovsky, S. Mikhalkov, S. Marshak, A. Barto from kindergarten. You have done a lot of work in groups: you have created a rich exhibition of books, prepared interesting tasks, prepared dramatizations of poems, and illustrated your favorite passages. And they collected all their works into a single folder by individual author. Each group came up with a name for itself, imagine your group: “Ball”, “Nakhodka”, “Rope”, “Joy”.

Well, let's start our lesson with the biographies of writers.

3 .A story about writers.

One student speaks from each group. Shows the folder and tells the biography of the writer.

The Nakhodka group talks about S.V. Mikhalkov.

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov was born in 1913, on February 28, in Moscow. Poems attracted him already in early childhood. When he was ten years old, he wrote his first fable. In 1927, the Mikhalkov family moved permanently to the city of Pyatigorsk. There Sergei Mikhalkov graduated from high school in 1930. After graduating from school, Mikhalkov returned to Moscow, without ceasing to write poetry. Mikhalkov entered the Moscow weaving and finishing factory as a laborer. Then he took part in one expedition on the Volga. Once Mikhalkov wrote poems for children. Published in the Pioneer magazine, they were immediately noticed, attracting the attention of readers and poets. The success of these poems essentially decided the poet’s fate. Mikhalkov wrote 2-3 more children's poems, then “Uncle Styopa” was born, “My Friend and I” appeared. Acquaintance and then creative friendship with such masters of children's literature as S.Ya. Marshak and K.I. Chukovsky helped Mikhalkov finally determine his creative path - the path to literature for children. So Mikhalkov became one of the favorite poets for children.

The group "Joy" will talk about K.I. Chukovsky

Millions of readers - from two years old to old age - know Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky as a cheerful, mischievous, wise storyteller. Years of life – 1882 – 1969. Chukovsky’s creative personality in children’s literature was determined later and is associated with his observation and study of the lives of children, their interests, tastes, language, and their continuous attraction to creativity. “Before writing the first fairy tale,” writes Chukovsky, “I studied children for 15 years... Without this long study of the child, I could not have written a single line for children.” Chukovsky’s fairy tale poems - “Moidodyr”, “Barmaley”, “Crocodile”, “Mukha-tsokotuha” and others are perceived by children as songs to which they can move and dance. If poems “cannot be sung or danced... they will never ignite young hearts,” Chukovsky asserted. By reading stories about funny animals, we learn to be brave, kind, to love people, animals, nature - everything that surrounds us.

The group “Rope” will talk about A.L. Barto

Agnia Lvovna Barto began her journey in literature in the 20s. In the poetry of A. Barto, the diverse, full of joyful moods, fighting, reverent life of a growing person arises literally from the moment of his birth. From the pages of Barto's books, living children look at us, each of them has their own character, their own quirks, their own characteristics. A. Barto is deeply convinced that it is in childhood that the foundation of a person is laid, and if negative qualities appear in the character, then this threatens great moral ones in the future. That’s why she talks to the children so passionately and seriously, and not jokingly, and that’s why in the funniest poems she teaches them honesty and honor.

The “Ball” group will talk about S.Ya.Marshak

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak is a children's poet and translator. He was gifted by nature. From the age of 4 he wrote poetry, and during his high school years he began publishing in metropolitan magazines. Marshak’s fate was such that his interest in children and connections with various children’s

groups arose with him long before he became a children's writer. First

Marshak's book for children was a collection of plays and fairy tales "Theater for Children." In verse

Marshak lives childhood itself, boys and girls, from the tiny owner of the mustachioed

striped and the Giant to the heroes of the poems “Ball” and “Cat” and the loafer “Ball Game, War”, a visit to the circus, an excursion to the zoo, an endlessly varied life at school, a ride on the carousel, a walk with dad on a day off, a conversation with mom about the hippopotamus - these are the themes of Marshak’s poems about children and for children. S. Marshak understood childhood, until the end of his days he felt like a child, capable of enjoying the first snow, a clear sky, a birch tree in spring dress.

4. Students reciting one poem by each author.

Poem “Joy” by K.I. Chukovsky.

Poem “We didn’t notice the beetle” by A.L. Barto.

An excerpt from the poem “My Secret” by S.V. Mikhalkov.

An excerpt from the poem “Ball” by S.Ya. Marshak.

5. Creative work of students

The poems of our wonderful writers can not only be read by heart or expressively, but also mini-plays, filmstrips, television programs and puppet shows can be created.

a) The “Joy” group will show you a skit (excerpt) based on the poem “Confusion” by K. Chukovsky:

The kittens meowed:

“We’re tired of meowing!”

We want, like piglets,

And behind them are the ducklings:

“We don’t want to quack anymore!

We want, like little frogs,


The pigs meowed:

"Meow meow!"

The cats grunted:

"Oink oink oink!"

The ducks croaked:

“Kwa, qua, qua!”

The chickens quacked:

“Quack, quack, quack!”

Little Sparrow galloped

And the cow mooed:

A bear came running

And let's roar:


And the cuckoo on the bitch:

“I don’t want to scream cuckoo,

I'll bark like a dog:

Woof woof woof!"

Just a little bunny

There was a good boy:

Didn't meow

And he didn’t grunt -

Lying under the cabbage

Busted like a rabbit

And he persuaded the foolish animals:

“Who is told to tweet -

Don't purr!

Who is ordered to purr -

Don't tweet!

The crow should not be like a cow,

Don’t let the little frogs fly under the cloud!”

But funny animals -

Piglets, bear cubs -

They're playing more pranks than ever,

They don't want to listen to the hare.

b) The group “Rope” will show a TV show based on the poems of A. Barto

TV show

Host: Hello, dear guys! The program “Bibigosh” is on air. Today a girl came to visit us, and her name is Mashenka.

-What did you bring with you?

Mashenka: – My favorite toys, I often take them with me, here’s a horse, an elephant, a bunny (shows toys)

Host: - But there is a writer Agnia Barto who wrote poems about your favorite toys. Do you want to listen?

Mashenka: - Yes (shows a toy, children read poetry)


I love my horse

I'll comb her fur smoothly

I'll stroke my tail with a comb

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

The owner abandoned the bunny.

There was a bunny under the bush

I couldn't get off the bench

I was completely wet.

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

He lay down on his side in the box.

The sleepy bear went to bed,

Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.

The elephant nods its head

He bows to the elephant.

Host: Did you like the poems? These were poems by A. Barto from the collection “Toys”. And in the next program we will read other poems. Our time is up. Goodbye, see you again!

c) The “Nakhodka” group will show a filmstrip based on S. Mikhalkov’s poem “My Puppy” (they recite it by heart and show a drawing for their passage)

I'm off my feet today -

I lost my puppy.

I called him for two hours,

I waited for him for two hours,

Didn't sit down for lessons

and I couldn’t have lunch. drawing

It's very early this morning

the puppy jumped off the sofa,

I started walking around the rooms,

jump, bark, wake everyone up. drawing

He saw a blanket -

there was nothing left to cover.

He looked into the closet

I turned the jug of honey over. drawing

He tore my dad's poems,

fell to the floor from the stairs,

I climbed into the glue with my front paw,

barely got out and disappeared... drawing

Maybe it was stolen

taken away on a rope,

They gave me a new name,

Did they force you to guard the house? drawing

Maybe he's in the dense forest

sits under a prickly bush,

Lost, looking for a home,

gets wet, poor thing, in the rain? drawing

I didn't know what to do.

The mother said: “Let’s wait.”

I grieved for two hours

I didn’t pick up books,

I didn't draw anything

I just sat and waited. drawing

Suddenly some terrible beast

Opens the door with his paw,

jumping over the threshold...

Who is this? My puppy. drawing

What happened if immediately

I didn't recognize the puppy?

The nose is swollen, the eyes are invisible,

cheek is twisted

And, digging in like a needle,

a bee buzzes on its tail.

The mother said: “Close the door!”

A swarm of bees is flying towards us. drawing

All wrapped up in bed

My puppy is lying flat

and barely wobbles

Bandaged tail.

I don't run to the doctor -

I'm treating him myself. drawing 10 sheets

d) The “Ball” group will perform a puppet show based on the poem “The Cat and the Quirks” by S. Marshak.

The idlers were gathering for class,

And the loafers ended up at the skating rink.

A thick satchel with books on the back,

And the skates are under the arms on a belt.

They see, they see the loafers: out of the gate

A gloomy and tattered cat is walking.

The idlers ask him:

Why are you frowning, why?

The gray cat meowed pitifully:

I, a mustachioed cat, will soon be one year old.

And handsome, I am a quitter and smart,

But he doesn’t learn to write and read.

The school is not built for kittens.

They don’t want to teach us to read and write.

And now you’ll be lost without a diploma,

You won't get far without a diploma.

You can't read the numbers on the gate!

The quitters answer: - Dear cat,

We will soon be in our twelfth year.

They teach us both literacy and writing,

But they can’t learn anything.

We lazy people are too lazy to study.

We skate all day.

We don't write with a slate on a blackboard,

And we write with skates at the skating rink!

The gray cat answers the quitters:

I, a mustachioed cat, will soon be one year old.

I knew a lot of quitters like you,

And I met such people for the first time!


We worked together

A little tired

And now everyone quietly stood up.

- “Oh, you, my poor orphans,

The irons and pans are mine!

Go home, unwashed,

I will wash you with spring water.

I'll clean you with sand

I'll douse you with boiling water,

And you will be again

Shining like the sun." Fedora (K.I. Chukovsky)

- “And now you’ll be lost without a letter,

You won't get far without a diploma.

Neither drink without literacy, nor eat,

You can’t read the numbers on the gate!” Cat (S.Ya.Marshak)

- “I frankly admit,

That I'm afraid to sleep in the dark.

I just want to jump up

And quickly turn on the light,

When it's dark around me

And the window is curtained.

I'm afraid of this feeling

But I fight it with willpower -

I tell myself: “Lie down!

Keep your eyes closed!” Boy (S.V. Mikhalkov)

- “I’m straight, I’m sideways,

With a turn and a leap,

Both from the run and on the spot,

And two feet together...

I galloped to the corner.

I wouldn't be able to do that! Lida (A.L. Barto)

7 . "Ask a Question!"

Each group asks questions about the works they read.

S. Marshak

Name the works of S.Ya. Marshak. What did the cat look like in the poem “Cat and

Which work has characters - numbers?

What time of year is described in the work “Rope”. What did the hero Vovka do? Why did Petya wake up 10 times?

K. Chukovsky

What is Fedora's full name? Which of the characters in the poem “Confusion” was a good boy? What grows from joy on birch trees?

S. Mikhalkov

Why did Mikhalkov call the poem “My Secret” that way? How did the boy overcome his fear in the poem “Willpower”? Remember what kind and funny poems Mikhalkov wrote.

8 . "Working with proverbs"

Each group draws a card with a proverb and matches it with the appropriate work.

1. “Order is the soul of every business” Fedorino grief

2. “Learn at a young age - it will be useful in old age” The cat and the quitters

3. “Fear has big eyes.” Willpower

4. “If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.” Vovka is a kind soul

9 . “Match the title of the poem with the portrait of the poet.”

On the board there are portraits of writers and cards - the names of the poems “Uncle Styopa”, “My Secret”, “Telephone”, “Confusion”, “Rope”, “To School”, “Joy”, “The Cat and the Loafers”, “Mail”, “Luggage”, “Willpower”, “We didn’t notice the bug.” You must attach the title of the poem under the portrait of the author.

10 . Summing up the lesson.

What writers' works did we study? Why do you think the works of these authors are combined into one section? What brings these authors together?

They write interestingly, cheerfully, sometimes they scold children;

They rejoice at children's good deeds;

Helps get rid of shortcomings;

They make fun of ill-mannered children and teach them kindness.

Name your favorite poem. Why do you like reading the works of these authors? What do these verses teach? And in the future, in literary reading lessons, we will continue to study the works of these wonderful children's writers.

Thank you everyone, you did a very good job!

Self-analysis of the lesson

Lesson – literary reading project according to the “School of Russia” program, 2nd grade. There are 29 people in the class according to the list, all students were present at the lesson. In general, the class is able-bodied. There are students who are successful in learning, easily master educational material, and have a high speed of completing tasks. But against the background of these students, a group of schoolchildren stands out for whom studying school subjects is not easy. More and more often we are faced with the fact that our children do not read any books. This causes concern not only for the teacher, but also for the parents. We need methods and forms of work that could arouse children’s interest in reading.

In order to increase motivation for the educational activities of younger schoolchildren, the project-based learning method was used. In this project, we worked on poems by famous writers, repeated and generalized knowledge of their work. Working on a project with students in the class gave me the opportunity, as a teacher working in this class, to discover the creative potential and abilities of students who did not show themselves in the lessons. Working in groups, the children became friends, together they prepared masks for a mini-play, brought toys for a TV show, created a filmstrip, drew pictures in groups, looked for books by these authors, exchanged them, let each other read, i.e. The creative initiative of students and friendly cooperation increased, which created a positive motive for studying. Every child can become successful through play activities, creating positive emotional situations, working in groups, and through problem-based learning. Play and creativity are effective ways to increase student motivation.

The following tasks were solved during the lesson:

1. Educational:

Learn to distinguish poems by poets.

Learn to write questions about the works you read.

Learn to analyze and express your opinion.

2. Educational:

Develop students' cognitive interest.

Develop children's creative abilities, memory, attention, thinking.

Improve students' vocabulary.

3. Educational:

Cultivate interest in reading lessons, love for native culture through poetry of poets.

Improve teamwork skills, good relationships in groups, cooperation.

Techniques used in the literary reading lesson:

Getting children into the mood for work, organizing the class;

Method of setting goals and updating knowledge;

Reception of work on developing the skills of reading by heart poems by each author;

Taking a differentiated approach to children (multi-level tasks were given - strong students were given to prepare a story about writers, the role of authors in mini-plays, creating a folder about their writer, weak students - reading poems by heart, drawings for works, drawing up questions on the works they read;

Reception of creative work: mini-play, TV show, filmstrip, puppet show based on poems by writers;

Role-playing technique;

Reception of visualization (portraits of writers, cards, drawings of children, slides of portraits and books of poets, exhibition of books);

The technique of listening to an audio recording and guessing the hero of the work;

Reception of questions and answers;

Method of observing language and speech;

Method of activating vocabulary;

Acceptance of problematic motivation;

Acceptance of proof of the educational task;

Method of formulating conclusions and generalizations.