Who is Zara's second husband? Singer Zara biography personal life husband nationality

Revelation: the singer consults her former mother-in-law on everything.

The young singer Zara, a slender girl with an oriental appearance and sad eyes, became known to Russians when she came to Star Factory-6.

Until this moment, she was known as the wife of the only son of the governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko. The wedding of Sergei and Zara was brilliant, but the marriage, unfortunately, was short-lived.

The newlyweds separated without even living for a year and a half. And during a frank interview, we could not help but ask Zara about this stage of her life.

– Zara, you have never commented on your relationship with your husband and his family before. Come on, to close this topic once and for all, you will answer a few of our questions regarding the Matvienko family. As someone with experience, what advice can you give to young girls going through divorce?

- Throw yourself into work. For me, “Factory” became a rehabilitation center. Thank God, my ex-husband and I still have a normal relationship; we send greetings to each other through our mutual friends.

Together with her friend Ksenia Gorbacheva (granddaughter of the first President of the USSR), Zara chooses cosmetics

– What kind of relationship do you have with your ex-mother-in-law?

– You know, Valentina Ivanovna is an amazing woman. She always supported me in everything. We have a wonderful relationship with her. When I decided to go to the “Factory”, I came to Valentina Ivanovna and asked her permission and advice. She said, "Go for it!" It's very nice that she supported me. Unlike all the other family and friends, she was the only person who gave me the go-ahead for a new stage in my development.


– How did you first meet your ex-husband?

– We were introduced by friends at a fashion show in St. Petersburg. And then Seryozha began to attend all my concerts and look after me beautifully. Once he gave me a thousand and one roses, and my home felt like a greenhouse. When I got married, I truly loved. This was my first conscious love. I was 19 years old. I kissed Seryozha for the first time. It was all for the first time with him...

The wedding of Zara and Sergei was like a fairy tale

– When you got married, did you change your name from Zara to Zlata?

-Where did you get this from? Of course not! It’s just that during the wedding ceremony in the church they called me by the Christian name Zlata. But I didn’t change my own name!

– Is it even worth getting married early?

- Costs. Whether it works out or not, it doesn’t matter, in any case you gain experience. I realized that in marriage you need to love, feel sorry for, trust each other unconditionally, be proud of each other and encourage each other to do something. Family is a vessel filled with love, and you need to try not to spill it. Many couples, exposing their relationships to the public, I’m talking about all families, not just stars, splash out on family happiness and worsen their relationships. Family is personal. You need to live this together, without listening to anyone, anyone’s advice...


– Zara, do you remember your first love?

– My very first crush arose in kindergarten. The boy's name was Vanechka, he was a whole head shorter than me, white, blue-eyed. I remember when they put him in a corner, I took a chair and sat next to him with a handkerchief in my hand. So that when he cried, you would immediately wipe away his tears. And I very often asked the teacher to forgive him and let him go.

Like many singers, Zara is partial to beautiful clothes

-Are you a good housewife?

“I don’t like running a house, but I love cooking, and they say it turns out very well.” True, when I stand at the stove, everything comes out hot – I like to add pepper. I love a lot of greens, meat, and pita bread. I used to cook all the time, but now, unfortunately, I don’t have any time left for it. At the “Factory” it was wild for me, when the boys washed the dishes or prepared food, I always tried to do it all myself.

In the cafe, Zara and Ksenia indulge in sweets

– Zara, what are your roots? What is your nationality?

- I? (embarrassed) I'm just an oriental girl (smiles mysteriously).

– How did your family perceive your desire to appear at the Factory?

– Many relatives and friends were against this project, especially dad. He was afraid that the attention to my personal life would be too close. Therefore, I understood that if I didn’t achieve anything at the Factory, it would not only be my failure.

– When you came to the Factory, you were already an accomplished artist. Why risk the attitude of your loved ones?

– I really wanted to work with Drobysh. I sought his favor for a very long time, repeatedly approached him, ran after him, and he politely said: “Zarochka, later.” But this would not have happened later if I had not ended up at the Factory. There was no other way to get his attention. The other day I received the Pilar Award for the development of culture in Russia from the Moscow City Hall - which means I’m on the right track.


– Who is closest to you in your family?

– As a child, when they asked me: “Who do you love more – mom or dad?”, I always answered that today is dad’s day, and tomorrow is mom’s day. Now my mother is the closest person to me. My parents worked, and when the opportunity arose, my mother became a housewife and began raising my brother and me. She is a strong woman who has been through a lot in her time. Mom buried both parents and lost her sister during the earthquake. She is very kind, humane, she is my best friend.

Valentina Ivanovna always supported her daughter-in-law in everything

– Zara, with your strict oriental approach to modern life, would you agree to explicit shooting in men’s magazines?

– I understand that I am in show business. There are rules here. You can act naked, and it will be very beautiful and not vulgar, or you can be in a completely covered dress, while looking vulgar. Now I’m not ready for candid filming, but I don’t renounce it in the future. Anything is possible. I know for sure that my dad will be categorically against it. This mother is more loyal to everything that happens to me. I don’t mind that I straighten my curls in salons before every appearance. My hair is naturally curly. There was a photo shoot recently, it will go on the album. I didn't dare to show myself...

– When will your solo album be released?

– I plan to release it in early spring. Why so late? I'm just not used to being lazy. I'm shaking on every song. It is important for me that she moves me to tears. After all, every song of mine is lines about me, about my personal life...

Zara biography personal life family husband children photo singer

Zara Real name - Zarifa Mgoyan Birthday: July 26, 1983 (34 years old) Place of birth: Leningrad Height: 165 cm Weight: 60 kg Zodiac sign: Leo Eastern horoscope: Pig Occupation: singer

View photos of pop stars: singer Zara

zara.ru - official website of the singer Zara

Zara, a very large number of fans. And it’s not surprising, because this woman is famous not only as a singer, but also as a completely successful actress. She is one of the few artists of the musical genre who were also able to conquer the cinematic Olympus.

But this is not the only thing that makes Zara stand out from other pop singers. Among other things, she performs songs in the folk genre, which is not so often seen on the modern stage.

Height, weight, age, nationality. How old is Zara (singer)?

It must be said that information about the singer Zara did not immediately begin to appear in the media and the Internet. Which, however, only fueled the interest of the public and journalists in her. However, now it is unlikely that such details as Zara’s height, weight and age can be called secret.

This magnificent singer was born in 1983, which means that this year she turns 34. Her height is quite average - 168 centimeters. But the weight is probably the ultimate dream of many girls, including fans of the performer - only 49 kilograms.

Zara's nationality is a native Kurdish, although she was born in Armenia.

In addition, we can say that Zara’s zodiac sign is Leo. Indeed, this woman has a very calm disposition and truly majestic beauty.

Biography of Zara (singer)

Mgoyan Zafira Pashayevna was born - and this is the actual name of the singer Zara - on a sunny summer day on July 26th in the town of Leninakan, in Armenia.

Zafira studied at school No. 2, in Otradnoye. From which the conquest of creative heights began. Zara's biography is to some extent similar to a fairy tale. We can say that Zafira began her musical career as a child. At the age of 12, fate brought the future singer together with Oleg Kvaksha, a famous composer and musical figure. With him, a year later, Zara recorded her first songs, including “Juliet’s Heart” and “Lullaby.” These compositions were heard on the radio and it was they that brought her, then still a teenager, her first fame.

“Juliet's Heart” - just a year later brought her victory on the children's musical television show “Morning Star”. And after him came the first prize of the foreign song competition “Let the Children Laugh”, held in distant Egypt. A year later, she was awarded first prizes in such music competitions as “Hope of Siberia” (held in Omsk) and “Hit of the Year” (held in St. Petersburg). But the girl didn’t stop there. For years, continuing to participate in a variety of competitions and nominations, she confidently took first positions.

Biography of Zara (singer)view photos

At the age of 21, the young, but already, one might say, well-known singer in some circles, graduated from the Theater Academy in St. Petersburg. Throughout her studies, Zara appeared on the theater stage in productions of such works as “The Idiot” or “Sky Swallows.”

And just a couple of years later, another turn came in her personal and creative life - Zafira became a participant in the sixth season of the popular music competition “Star Factory”, with producer Viktor Drobysh. It was there that she won the hearts of the jury members, including the viewers of the TV show, with her voice. And although she only took third place there, this did not prevent her from finding fans and becoming a fairly popular performer. Among other things, her established cooperation with Drobysh also helped her.

After the end of “Factory,” the performer did not disappear from television screens. She began acting in various TV series, short films, and also took part in shows. Journalists started talking about Zara, the media began to take an interest in her, and her full-fledged career as a star began.

Currently, Zafira Mgoyan is an Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, as well as an active charitable figure. She takes part in a fund to help blind children, and, in addition, is on the board of trustees of a fund for people with disabilities.

Zara's family (singer)

The singer often mentioned that Zara’s family and people close to her mean more to her than fame and a musical career. Which, however, is not surprising, because the girl herself grew up in a close-knit family. It is perhaps worth noting that none of her family members were in any way connected with creativity.

Zara's family (singer) view photos

Zafira’s father, Mgoyan Pasha Binbashievich, works in the mechanical engineering industry and at the same time is a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. The performer’s mother, Mgoyan Nadi Dzhamalovna, is an ordinary housewife. But Zara was not the only child in her family. She is the second oldest. She also has an older sister named Liana and a younger brother - Roman.

Personal life of Zara (singer)

Since no details about the singer were known for a long time, it is not surprising that Zara’s personal life aroused great interest among fans. Does she have a husband, does she have children - such questions seriously worried the fans of this beautiful performer.

Personal life of Zara (singer)view photos

Zara the singer experienced a divorce from her second husband somewhat more difficult than with her first, because she tried to restore her relationship with him for the sake of the children. Did you know that singer Zara divorced her husband after eight years of marriage? We have revealed the reason below.

Zara's first (former) husband (singer) is Sergei Matvienko, son of Valentina Matvienko

It is worth saying that Zafira got married twice. And in love she was not as lucky as in her career. Her first marriage took place at the age of 21, just the year she graduated from the theater academy. Zara’s first (former) husband, Sergei Matvienko, is the son of the former governor of St. Petersburg. Sergei himself held a high position in one of the St. Petersburg banks.

Zara's first (former) husband (singer) - Sergey Matvienko photo

It is noteworthy that the future husband insisted on the wedding. And for his sake, Zara even converted to Christianity, although before that she professed a different religion. However, marriage before God and people did not become one for life. The couple did not live together for even a couple of years, after which they filed for divorce.

Zara's ex-husband (singer) - Sergei Ivanov

Zara’s second (former) husband is Sergei Ivanov. The next wedding ceremony took place 2.5 years after the divorce. Sergei Ivanov, as you know, holds a leading position in the capital’s Department of Health Protection. In addition, there is information that for the sake of Zafira, Ivanov left his then wife and children. However, things didn’t really work out here either.

Zara's ex-husband (singer) - Sergei Ivanovview photos

The divorce took place after eight years of marriage. Although, it is worth noting that there were no scandals or much noise in the media. The basis for the divorce was rather the mutual loss of interest between the couple.

Children of Zara (singer)

Despite unsuccessful marriages, Zafira Mgoyan still managed to experience the happiness of motherhood. And today she is raising two wonderful sons - Daniil and Maxim, whom she gave birth to in marriage with her second husband, two years apart. After the divorce, Zara’s children began to live with their mother, but despite this they quite often spend time with their dad.

Children of Zaraview photos

In addition, it is known that immediately after another divorce, the performer, without regret, canceled several performances in order to pay more attention to her beloved boys.

Zara's first son (singer) - Daniel

Zara's first son named Daniel. Zara gave birth to her first child just a couple of years after her marriage to Sergei Ivanov, in the late spring of 2010. The boy will soon be seven years old.

Zara's first son (singer) - Danielview photos

Zara's second son (singer) - Maxim

Zara’s second son, Maxim, is two years younger than his brother. He also turned out to be a “spring” child - he was born in April. He will only turn five this year.

Zara's second son (singer) - Maximview photos

For fans of the performer, it is no longer a secret that Zafira has adjusted her appearance. Photos of singer Zara before and after plastic surgery were first presented in one of the episodes of the Russian program “Let Them Talk,” where the biography of the singer was discussed. And they are not so difficult to find on the Internet.

After just a few specific procedures, Zara became a real beauty.

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In addition to the fact that Zafira began to straighten her naturally curly hair, the girl also corrected her lips. Most likely using hyaluronic acid. According to experts in this field, Zara undergoes facelift procedures in the form of Botox injections. It is also quite possible that she had blepharoplasty on her eyelids. Among other things, it has long been no secret that the happy mother of two sons corrected the shape of her breasts. Moreover, this would have remained a secret if it were not for the too open outfit, which exposed the seam left after the implantation of special implants.

It is noteworthy that after the program, where the before and after photos were discussed, the singer’s fans only complained, saying that it was better before.

Instagram and Wikipedia Zara (singer)

The performer keeps up with the times and is a fairly active user of social networks. Zara's Instagram and Wikipedia allow fans to track the most important events in the singer's life, as well as follow the progress of her daily life with her two lovely sons.

Zafira quite often updates photos on Instagram, leaves small messages, and communicates with fans. As for the main significant events in her life, it is clear that only the information that is covered in posts on Zara’s official pages is reliable.

Instagram and Wikipedia Zara (singer)view photos

The singer mainly posts photos on Instagram with her sons or from some social events, performances, or TV shows. As for Wikipedia, in addition to the basic information, you can additionally see the list of awards of this truly magnificent girl.

We can say with all confidence that Zafira Mgoyan’s life was a success. Even if she didn’t have a love relationship, she is nevertheless a happy and loving mother, a popular singer and a talented actress.

Zara is a popular Russian performer who amazes audiences with her vocal abilities, extraordinary beauty and artistry. The girl is successfully touring. Interest in her work has not waned over the last ten years. At concerts, no matter where they take place, the hall is filled to capacity.

The singer performs both pop songs and folklore equally well. Her soulful singing leaves no one indifferent. The actress is successfully filming. Currently, she can be seen in several films.

Height, weight, age of Zara (singer)

After the release of Star Factory 6 in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, in which Zara took part, the artist gained a large number of fans. They are interested in everything that concerns the artist. Admirers of talent will even be able to answer the question: What is the height, weight, age of Zara (singer)?

This 34-year-old beauty has a model appearance. With an average height of approximately 170 cm, the artist weighs 49 kg.

Zara, whose photos in her youth and now invariably attract the attention of men, leads a healthy lifestyle. She eats only natural products. The woman does not drink alcoholic beverages, flour products or sausages. This is what, in her opinion, contributes to the aging of the body. The singer advises looking forward with optimism, despite the difficulties that have arisen.

Biography of Zara (singer)

A charming girl was born in Leninakan (Armenian SSR). Father - Pasha Binbashievich Mgoyan worked at the factory. Mother - Nadi Jamalovna Mgoyan took care of the house and children. In addition to Zafira, which is the actual name of the popular pop singer, the family raised three more children. Zara has an older sister, Liana, and a brother, Roman.

Many workers at the maternity hospital noted when she was born that the newborn did not cry, but sang. This is what determined the girl’s entire future fate. She sang all the time. At the age of 12, the famous composer and musical figure Igor Kvasha saw the talented performer. He wrote several compositions for the girl, after the performance of which the talented teenager woke up famous.

In the early 90s, the girl performed one of Oleg Kvasha’s compositions on “Morning Star”. This television program was very famous in those days. The talented singer was duly rewarded. She was awarded the first prize. Soon the girl received an award from an Egyptian competition for young performers. Then there were a large number of other awards.

After receiving her certificate, Zafira entered the St. Petersburg Academy, where she learned the basics of dramatic art. But having received the coveted diploma, the girl decided to become a professional singer. Since Russians found it difficult to perceive her name, the young singer decided to change it. It was at this time that Zara’s professional biography (singer) began. Having learned that one of the most popular Russian producers, Viktor Drobysh, has announced a casting for the next “Star Factory”, the girl goes to Moscow. She amazed everyone: both the listeners and the professional jury, with her vocal abilities. Although Zara took only 3rd place in this competition, she gained numerous fans who have since followed the development of the work of the popular performer.

After the project, Zara began to actively tour not only throughout the Russian Federation, but also in other neighboring countries. Some of her friends who took part in “Factory” have disappeared from the musical horizon, but the artist’s popularity is still growing. She can be seen in television programs, film series, and short films. Listeners are looking forward to the appearance of her new compositions, and Zara often records new songs.

The performer oversees the work of the Foundation, which provides assistance to sick people.

Personal life of Zara (singer)

The personal life of Zara (singer), as well as her creative activity, interests numerous fans living both in the Russian Federation and far beyond its borders.

The popular artist was married twice. Like a true oriental woman, she tried to surround her husband with attention, but neither one nor the other appreciated it.

Zara (singer), whose divorce from her second husband took place, despite all the woman’s efforts to save the marriage for the sake of the children, has recently been devoting more and more time to children. She tries to make sure that her sons do not feel the absence of their father.

Zara's family (singer)

Zara's (singer) family currently consists of the beloved sons of the popular artist, her parents, brother, sister and their families. The singer gratefully says that her family helps her live and develop creatively. After the divorce, Zara gave up all touring for several months. She devoted herself to her beloved family.

The girl always tries to find out if her beloved dad approves of the song. With a positive response from him and his mother, Zara understands that the song will be loved by listeners.

The popular performer also calls her artistic colleagues her family. The girl communicates well with everyone. She has never been seen in scandals. Zara is friends with Prokhor Chaliapin, Sati Casanova, Sasha Savelyeva and other artists.

Children of Zara (singer)

Zara's children (singer) were not born in her first marriage. Zara and her first husband, Valentina Matvienko’s son, Sergei, do not like to talk about this.

In her second marriage, the artist managed to become a mother. She gave birth to a son, whom she named Daniel. Two years later, a second son was born, whom she named Maxim. The boys are very friendly. They love it when mommy comes home from tour. Zara tries to give her sons as much free time as possible. The boys' father, although he divorced his wife, does not forget the children. He often comes to visit them. Zara believes that boys need a father, so she does not interfere with their communication. She maintained friendly relations with her ex-husband for the sake of the children.

The singer calls her children the sick children whom her Foundation provides assistance to. She often performs at charity concerts to raise money for people in need.

Son of Zara (singer) - Daniel

The popular artist became a mother for the first time in May 2010. Her firstborn was born in one of the St. Petersburg maternity hospitals. Before the boy was born, few people knew about the delicate condition of the star. She canceled all concerts for a while and spent time at home.

In 2018, Zara’s son (singer) Daniil will celebrate his 8th birthday. The boy studies at school. He enjoys learning the basics of science. In particular, Dana likes mathematics, physical education and music. In these subjects, a talented child can reveal himself to the fullest.

The boy is engaged in martial arts. He already has several prizes to his name.

Son of Zara (singer) - Maxim

Zara became a mother for the second time in 2012 on a sunny April day. They decided to name the boy Maxim. If Daniil is completely similar to the father of the popular artist, then Zara’s son Maxim is similar to her ex-husband. He turned 5 years old in 2017. The boy is cheerful and sociable. He loves to play with his older brother and mom.

Maksimka begins to prepare to enter school. He dreams of attending the same school as his older brother. Recently the boy started going to the hand-to-hand combat section. Maxim wants to defeat everyone and become the best in his category.

Zara's ex-husband (singer) - Sergei Matvienko

When Zara turned 21, she met a young man on her way whom she immediately fell in love with with all her soul. He was the only son of the famous Valentina Matvienko. The guy worked in a bank.

After a few months of relationship, Zara’s ex-husband (singer) Sergei Matvienko asks for his beloved’s hand in marriage from her parents. The wedding was very noisy. Politicians and artists attended the celebration.

For the sake of her beloved, Zara was baptized and became an Orthodox Christian. Happiness lasted only 3 years. When the singer becomes popular and begins to tour actively, her husband did not like it. He set an ultimatum: either Zara gives up her career and starts taking care of the house, or their relationship ends. But suddenly it turned out that Sergei already had another lover. The performer got divorced. Unlike his mother, she still does not communicate with her ex-husband.

Zara's ex-husband (singer) - Sergei Ivanov

A few months later, the artist met a man who attracted her attention with his spontaneity and ability to joke. But the singer tried to ignore him until the very end, since her chosen one was married and already raising a daughter. Sergei left the family and appeared on the threshold of Zara’s apartment with a suitcase. Soon the lovers got married. Two years later they had a son, and then another.

In 2016, the couple decided to divorce. Nobody knows about its reasons. Zara's ex-husband (singer) Sergei Ivanov is actively involved in the fate of his sons. He often comes to visit them and takes them away for the weekend. The man maintained friendly relations with his ex-wife.

Photos of Zara (singer) appeared in Maxim magazine only once. But here the artist did not appear naked. She believes, like a true Eastern woman, that a woman should not undress in front of strangers. The photographs in which the artist appeared in a light oriental dress only whetted the appetite of the male representatives. They want more, dreaming that Zara’s candid photos will finally grace Maxim’s pages.

Last year, photos appeared on the Internet in which the popular singer appeared in a swimsuit. But Zara said that it was not her, and that the photographs were taken through Photoshop. Upon closer examination, it was found that the artist’s head had been attached to the body of another girl. Similar pictures flooded the Internet community.

Instagram and Wikipedia Zara (singer)

The singer follows the trends of the time; her accounts are on many social networks.

On Wikipedia, admirers of the artist’s talent can see what path the artist has taken and what competitions she has won. Here is a complete list of songs ever sung by Zara. On the page you can learn about the singer’s family, her husbands and children.

The Instagram page is constantly updated with photos taken from various concert venues across the country and beyond. The artist posts a large number of pictures, allowing fans to see what her children have become.

Zara’s Instagram and Wikipedia help fans of Russian pop music follow the performer’s life. Article found on alabanza.ru

Zara (Zarifa Mgoyan) is a popular Russian singer, actress and TV presenter. She was born on July 26, 1983 in Leningrad. Her Yazidi Kurdish ancestors at one time migrated from Armenia to the Northern capital. The parents of the future singer had nothing to do with the stage. The father, who has a Ph.D. degree, worked in mechanical engineering, and the mother was raising three children.

The first years of education of the future star took place in a regular high school in Otradny. Later, her stay in this city played an important role in the artist’s life. There she met composer Oleg Kvasha, who helped Zara take her first steps on the stage. Subsequently, the girl moved to the economics class of the prestigious gymnasium No. 56 of St. Petersburg, from which she subsequently graduated. However, she quickly realized that economics was not her specialty at all.

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At the age of 14, the young singer Zara appeared on the big stage, taking part in the television competition “Morning Star”. On it she presented the song “Juliet’s Heart”, recorded together with Oleg Kvasha. The brilliant performance of this composition not only made it possible to advance to the final stage of the popular television project, but also to receive the Grand Prix of the international festival “Let the Children Laugh.” In the future, Zarifa will continue to successfully perform in various music competitions, becoming the winner of the prestigious “Birthday” and “Hope of Siberia” festivals. She also became the 1st degree laureate of the “Hope of Europe” competition twice in a row.

The resounding success attracted the attention of producers, and the young singer’s song was included in the rotation of domestic radio stations. In 1999, the singer’s first album, “Juliet’s Heart,” was released. A year later, the second disc entitled “Zara” was released. At this time, the artist began training at the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. Thanks to her theater education, the performer successfully took part in several theater projects, performing her roles perfectly. After a series of notable performances on stage, Zara was noticed by film directors. True, at first these were supporting roles in little-known TV series. But over time, having gained experience, she began acting in serious films. Among the most successful works of the actress are the films “Pushkin. The Last Duel" and "White Sand".

The performer gained widespread fame after participating in the sixth season of Star Factory. The amazingly gentle voice, brilliant performance and notes of oriental flavor of the singer Zara could leave few people indifferent. In this situation, reaching the finals of the television project was considered in order. After leaving the star house, she began to actively collaborate with the recording company of Viktor Drobysh. The partnership with the producer turned out to be very fruitful. Between 2008 and 2012, several albums were released, dozens of videos were shot, and hundreds of concerts were held. Zara became recognizable in all corners of the vast country. She began to be invited to popular TV shows - “Property of the Republic”, “Two Stars”, “Star Factory. Return". In addition, the singer has repeatedly become a laureate of the prestigious national music award “Golden Gramophone”.

In the winter of 2015, the popular performer decided to try herself in a new role, becoming the host of the evening news block on the Zvezda TV channel. Singer Zara takes an active part in the work of the jury of the vocal project “New Star”, organized under the auspices of the TV channel of the same name. She actively supports projects of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In February 2016, the artist arrived at the Russian military base Khmeimim (Syria) to support the military participating in the anti-terrorist operation.

Personal life of Zara

Zara was married twice. The performer lived with her first husband Sergei Matvienko, the son of the head of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, for less than two years. A young 19-year-old girl trusted her husband in everything and for his sake agreed to enter into an Orthodox church marriage, changing her religion. However, her husband’s demands to leave the stage and stay at home were completely unacceptable to her. This became a stumbling block in the relationship of the young people, and they decided to divorce.

The singer Zara walked down the aisle for the second time in 2008. The new chosen one of the talented artist was Moscow government official Sergei Ivanov. At the end of the wedding, the couple announced their desire to have children, but at first Zara could not get pregnant. Then, according to the singer, she decided to seek the protection of higher powers. She was often seen in the chapel of Xenia of St. Petersburg, where the artist, like many other women, asked for help in having a child. And her diligence was rewarded. In 2010, his first child was born, who was named Daniil, and two years later his younger brother Maxim was born.

The artist admits that she really wants to raise real men from her sons, so she won’t mind at all if they go to serve in the army. In the meantime, Zarifa Pashaevna dreams of having a daughter. She always imagined herself as a mother of many children and wanted to have a large family. If it is the will of the Almighty, he will definitely listen to prayers, and we can only hope and wait, the singer reasons.

Most Russians associate the surname Matvienko with the former governor of the Northern capital and current head of the Federation Council Valentina Ivanovna. However, her son Sergei is no less famous. In the 90s, he became involved in a criminal case. Later, the young man came to his senses and started promoting his own business, thanks to which he managed to become a billionaire. In addition to financial success, Sergei Matvienko became famous for his affairs with beautiful women. Previously, his wife was the popular singer Zara, and today he is married to former fashion model Yulia Zaitseva.


The future billionaire was born on May 5, 1973 in the family of Valentina Ivanovna and Vladimir Vasilyevich Matvienko. He was born in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Sergei's parents are graduates of the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute. His mother was already an active public figure. Soon after graduating from the institute, she became the head of the department, and 6 years later - the first secretary of the Komsomol district committee. Sergei's father worked as a teacher at the Leningrad Military Medical Academy. It is clear that a child in such a family should have grown up to be a highly educated person. And so it happened. Sergei Matvienko received two higher educations. Valentina Ivanovna’s son has diplomas in popular specialties: “International Economics” and “Finance and Credit”.


Sergey began his working career in 1992 as a manager at the Augustina investment check fund. After working there for 3 years, the young financier in 1995 founded his own company, “Northern Extravaganza”. This was followed by the founding of the limited liability company Zodchiy. For some time, Sergey Vladimirovich Matvienko was listed as an employee of the banks Inkombank and Lenvneshtorg. In 2003, he was appointed vice president of Bank St. Petersburg. The son of Valentina Matvienko held this post until 2010. In parallel with this, since 2004, Sergei Vladimirovich began acting as vice president of another large financial institution - Vneshtorgbank. After 2 years, he became the founder of the closed joint-stock company VTB Capital. Investment projects and real estate of Vneshtorgbank came under the management of the established company. In 2010, he was appointed to the post of General Director of VTB Development. Among other things, Matvienko owns the Empire company, which owns 28 subsidiaries and is engaged in activities in the field of cleaning, construction, media market and transportation. In the spring of 2012, Sergei Vladimirovich began overseeing the promising domestic e-sports project Moscow Five.

In 2011, Matvienko entered the list of the richest people in Russia. According to the rating of billionaires compiled by the domestic publication “Finance”, he took 486th place in the list of 500 possible. Experts estimated his assets at almost 5 billion rubles.

A dark spot in the billionaire's past

Today Sergei Matvienko, whose photo is presented in this article, is a successful businessman. High-ranking officials in Russia and abroad take him into account, and the best financiers in the world listen to his opinion. However, in his youth, Valentina Ivanovna’s son had problems with the law, which could not have the best impact on the development of his career. In 1994, young Matvienko became involved in a criminal case involving beating and robbery. Sergei at that time worked at the Augustina Foundation, and his famous mother served as the Russian Ambassador to Malta. For several years, the case materials were hidden from prying eyes, but at the beginning of the 2000s they fell into the hands of journalists and became available to the public. The information leak occurred just during the appointment of Valentina Matvienko as governor of St. Petersburg and could have been the beginning of the end of her political career. The woman was then able to retain her high position, but her son’s illegal act became the topic of many conversations.

Case details

How did it happen that an educated, wealthy guy from a decent family became involved in crime? According to the protocol, Sergei Matvienko and his friend Evgeniy Murin (the son of a famous professor at the State University of St. Petersburg) severely beat their friend A. Rozhkov, and then tried to take away valuables from him to pay off a debt that he did not return to them. A criminal case was opened against the guys after committing a crime. They faced 4 to 10 years in prison.

Sergei Matvienko was arrested on the day the crime was committed, but three days later he was released home, having taken a written undertaking not to leave. The guy partially admitted his guilt. Murin was taken into custody after Matvienko was released from the pre-trial detention center. However, not a single one of Rozhkov’s offenders received the punishment they deserved. In 1994, the case was hushed up, apparently not without the intervention of the boys’ high-ranking parents. Soon after this, Matvienko plunged headlong into his own business, setting up the Northern Extravaganza company, and his accomplice Murin went to re-educate into the army.

Meet Zara

In 2004, Sergei Matvienko became the hero of gossip columns. The businessman’s personal life began to be discussed in the media in connection with his marriage to the young singer Zarifa Mgoyan, better known by her stage name Zara. Sergei saw a girl at one of the fashion shows, and he immediately liked her exotic beauty. Brought up in strict Eastern traditions, Zara did not reciprocate Matvienko’s feelings for a long time. In order to win her favor, the man began to beautifully look after her. He attended all her performances and gave her gorgeous bouquets of flowers. But Zara was in no hurry to let him into her life. Then the businessman decided and proposed to the singer. The girl answered him with consent. Zara’s parents liked their daughter’s fiancé, and they gave the young couple their blessing. After Valentina Matvienko approved her son’s choice, preparations for the wedding began.

First marriage

The couple's wedding took place 2 months after the engagement. Matvienko insisted that he and Zara not only be married, but also married in church. For this reason, the girl converted to Orthodoxy. The young people got married in No. 1 of the city of St. Petersburg, and got married in the Kazan Cathedral. The bride and groom moved around the city in a carriage. All relatives and friends of the newlyweds were invited to the luxurious celebration.

and divorce

The wedding of the singer and businessman became a real social event. However, the spouses turned out to be very different in cultural upbringing and could not get along together. In addition, the banker’s young wife was interested in the career of a pop star, and not in the birth of an heir. Sergei's friends believed that, having married an influential and rich man, Zara was counting on his financial support. However, Matvienko was in no hurry to invest money in promoting his wife, and soon after the wedding, serious conflicts began between the newlyweds. Her high-ranking mother-in-law was not delighted with Zara’s ambitions either.

A year and a half after the wedding, the couple separated. The divorce of Zara and Sergei Matvienko cost the latter 500 thousand dollars. This is exactly the amount the young singer demanded from her husband as a payoff. She invested the money she received in her own promotion. Soon after the divorce, Valentina Matvienko’s ex-daughter-in-law met official Sergei Ivanov and married him in 2008. Zara's second marriage turned out to be more successful than the first. Today the couple are raising two sons and look quite happy.

Wedding with Yulia Zaitseva

Zara’s first husband, Sergei Matvienko, did not waste any time after the divorce. Photos of his new fiancee were kept secret for a long time and appeared in the media shortly before the wedding. The banker’s second wife was a student of the Faculty of Philology and fashion model Yulia Zaitseva. She is much younger than her chosen one: by the time she met her future husband, she was a little over 20 years old. The spectacular blonde captivated Sergei with her beauty and intelligence. Having fallen in love with the girl, Matvienko soon proposed to her.

The young people got married in St. Petersburg on the last day of November 2008. At the time of the wedding, Julia was already four months pregnant. She was dressed in a chic snow-white dress that successfully hid her rounded tummy. Only close relatives of the newlyweds were invited to the holiday, and immediately after its end the happy newlyweds went on a romantic trip to Italy for 7 days. Returning to Russia, Sergei went about his work, and his wife began to prepare to defend her PhD thesis in economics.

Birth of a daughter

Late in the evening of April 6, 2009, in an elite Swiss clinic, Yulia Matvienko, Sergei’s wife, gave birth to his daughter Arina. The birth of the baby on this very day became a real gift for her grandmother-politician, because Valentina Ivanovna was preparing to celebrate her sixtieth birthday. The governor of St. Petersburg had long dreamed that her only son would give her a grandson or granddaughter, and finally, her wish came true. Valentina Matvienko was one of the first to congratulate her son and daughter-in-law on the birth of an heiress. In addition to her, many celebrities expressed their good wishes to the young family. But Sergei Vladimirovich did not receive congratulations from his Matvienko. Zara, who had recently gotten married for the second time, ignored the joyful event in the life of her first husband.

Details of the family life of Sergei and Yulia Matvienko are not advertised today. The businessman’s second wife turned out to be a non-public person, so seeing her at fashionable events is almost impossible. the young woman is of little interest. She also takes care of the house, which her influential banker husband really likes.

The biography of Sergei Matvienko contains many interesting facts from his life. For example, the famous businessman celebrated his 35th birthday in the luxurious Yusupov Palace, one of the main attractions of the Northern capital. The banker then spent about 60 thousand euros on his birthday celebration.

Despite his mother’s high status, Sergei Matvienko did not shy away from the army. For two years he served in the Russian border troops on the border with Finland.

There are a lot of rumors about Sergei Matvienko on the Internet. After his divorce from Zara, false information appeared on one of the websites that he died of a heroin overdose.


Being the son of a famous politician is a huge responsibility. Since childhood, Sergei Vladimirovich Matvienko was accustomed to increased attention to his person, so he tried to act in such a way that his mother did not have to blush for him. And even though this didn’t always work out in his youth, today Valentina Ivanovna’s son has become a truly respected person of whom she can be proud.