Life on stage. Great dancers and choreographers who became famous throughout the world

At all times, dance as an art form has attracted the attention of millions of spectators. For beginning dancers, they serve as a source of inspiration. Each of them achieved success thanks to their talent and long hard work.

Dance is not just movements honed according to special rules to the beat of music. This is a special philosophy that embodies freedom of thought, a rush of passion and absolute harmony. Dances performed by true masters fascinate, completely absorb, taking you into an unreal world to which the material is alien. It is not surprising that the names of the best dancers are passed down from generation to generation, confidently confirming the truth: true talent is immortal.

What was the creative path of the legendary Masters of Movement? How did the best dancers in the world achieve success? What did world recognition cost these great people? Is it possible to repeat their path? Let's open a few pages of dance history...

Bill Irwin: peaks are within reach

The star of one of the best dancers on the planet lit up in 1926 in the slums, and in the literal sense of the word. The small Scottish town of Kilseef, a simple mining family - let's face it, not the most favorable conditions for the development of creative abilities. However, it was the parents who became the main driving force for this: they just took little Bill to dance parties. At the age of 11, the boy, easily mastering steps in different directions, was already known as the best dancer in the area, and at 16 he won his first significant victory, backed by a prize of 10 shillings. Irwin's life path from that moment was predetermined...

Joaquin Cortez: become a king, be the best

A native of the North American gypsies-Kale, a descendant of an artistic dynasty, Cortez was born in 1969 and until the age of 12 he gained life experience... in “street universities.” It is unknown what kind of “education” the boy would have received, in the end, if not for the intervention of his uncle, who literally persuaded his nephew to take up dancing. This was a turning point that ensured worldwide fame for the Spaniard.

Today he is the King of Flamenco, the “Dancing Aphrodosiac”, the author of a new language of modern rhythmic movements that millions strive to master. .

Ulyana Lopatkina: ballet as the meaning of life

The list of the best dancers in the world includes many wonderful representatives who have achieved true heights on an equal basis with men in different directions. Many of them, having once fallen into the magical shackles of ballet, remained forever its devoted prisoners. Ulyana Lopatkina is a significant name in contemporary art, which is confirmed by world-class awards, including the Golden Mask and Vaganova-Prix. Having taken her first steps into the world of dance in early childhood, Ulyana Lopatkina continues to tirelessly hone her skills, which she generously shares with young talents.

Benjamin Millepied

The talented French ballet dancer and choreographer began his career with the New York City Ballet and became its principal dancer. Throughout his busy career, he worked with famous choreographers, performing in famous productions such as “Swan Lake”, “The Four Seasons”, “The Sleeping Beauty”. At the same time, he began to try himself as a choreographer, which brought him great success. His productions are imbued with a sense of freedom, a sense of flight without restrictions and an endless love for music. He became famous in the world of cinema thanks to his participation in the film “Black Swan” as a choreographer and actor.

Michael Flatley

A world-famous American dancer and choreographer, born into a family of Irish immigrants. He became famous thanks to his participation in famous shows that demonstrated the national Irish dance to the whole world. The boy’s love for tap dancing was instilled in him by his mother and grandmother, who themselves were involved in dancing. As a child, Michael won many dance competitions, but finding a well-paying job proved difficult. He began his career as a backup dancer for popular Irish folk groups. His participation in the dance performance “Riverdance” brought him worldwide fame, where he demonstrated his uniqueness to the world, combining the rhythms of Irish folk dance and step dance.

A few years later, Flatley created his own theatrical dance performance, “Lord of the Dance,” where he himself played the main role. It differed from others in its colorful costumes, fascinating plot, but at the same time retained the atmosphere of Irish culture. Each year he continued to improve his show by adding new elements. This is how another, no less popular dance performance appeared - “Feet of Flames”. Thanks to him, the world saw all the beauty and versatility of the national dance of Ireland.

Mark Ballas

American dancer, successor to the dynasty of famous figures in the art of dance. Their dynasty includes: their grandmother danced Spanish dance - flamenco, parents Shirley and Corky Ballas are famous choreographers of Latin American dances. Mark began to learn dancing in his grandfather's dance studio, which at that time was considered the largest in the world. When Mark was 10 years old, he won a Latin American dance competition. This was followed by numerous victories at world championships and a victory at the Youth Olympics. He is also known for starring in major musicals such as Copacabana and Maria De Buenos Aires.

He, like many, did not ignore the project “Dancing with the Stars”, in the 5th season of which, together with his partner, he scored the maximum number of points.

Derek Hough

Hereditary American dancer, champion in Latin American dancing. His parents, who were themselves former ballroom dancers, sent him to study dance in London, where he began his career under the guidance of the famous choreographer parents of dancer Mark Ballas. And there, in London, together with his sister and Mark Ballas, they organized the trio “2B1G”, performing together on television shows.

His main achievements are considered to be victory at the sports ballroom dancing championship and victory in the “Outstanding Dancer of the Year” nomination.

Paula Abdul

The talented American began her creative career by participating in the support group of a basketball team and grew to the status of one of the best dancers and choreographers in the world. At one of the NBA championship games, the Jackson brothers noticed her and invited her to participate in their show. From that moment on, her successful career began as a choreographer for the famous musical shows of the Jackson brothers, and it was with them that she first choreographed a music video.

After her dizzying success, Paula began collaborating with many famous stars and choreographing dance numbers for Hollywood films. Her dance shows opened such a large-scale event as the Oscar ceremony.

In addition to dancing, Paula is known as a singer and producer. Many of her popular songs were at the top of the charts in the USA, Great Britain, Canada and other countries of the world. Participation in the American Idol project as a choreographer and jury member brought her additional popularity and financial well-being. Now she continues to work on new music albums, tries herself as a jewelry designer and has her own dance studio.


A male dance group from America gained fame after participating in the “America’s Got Talent” project and winning a hip-hop competition. The peculiarity of their performance was that they performed in white masks and gloves, creating an aura of mystery around themselves and emphasizing the team spirit of the group. Thanks to this success, the guys were able to demonstrate their dance creativity on a world tour with Shaquille O'Neill, starring in video clips and films.

Karina Smirnoff

The road to success in ballroom dancing for this American with Ukrainian roots was very branchy: she studied ballet, figure skating, gymnastics, acrobatics, and only then found herself in ballroom dancing, becoming a multiple champion of world competitions and a five-time US champion. She is also known for her participation in television projects and reality shows such as Dancing with the Stars and Chelsea Lately.

Cheryl Burke

Another famous participant in the “Dancing with the Stars” project, Cheryl Burke, successfully combines her career as a dancer and choreographer. Her most famous production is considered to be the Christmas parade show for the Disney parks. Cheryl has opened several dance schools and has her own dance studio in San Francisco


Justin Isarick, the star of video blogs, is not a professional dancer, but her performances have brought her wild popularity on the Internet. She makes videos on various topics, reflecting on life with humor. Through dancing she expresses her good mood and positive attitude towards life. These positive emotions and humor are liked by the audience, and bring her multi-million views on the Internet.

The best dancer - this title obliges, forcing you to constantly learn, develop and strive. This requires a special creative atmosphere, where everything will be subordinated to the main thing - perfection in movements. A good dance hall, a professional trainer, the support of loved ones, maximum desire - and the peaks are not as far as it seems...

The best dancers in the world continue to show off their talents, leaving us gasping in admiration. Every year new talented stars appear on the horizon of dance art.

In this article we will tell you about those for whom dancing played a significant role in life and brought incredible popularity.

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Hrithik Roshan

Hrithik Roshan is a famous Indian film actor. He first appeared on the set at the age of 6, where he played a dancing boy. And Hrithik got the main role with which his career began at the age of 26, playing in the film “Say What You Love!”

The female part of India simply melted from the incredibly charming green-eyed actor, whose dancing literally drove me crazy. Hrithik is incredibly flexible, his movements are mesmerizing, as if he is living some kind of life while dancing.

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Madonna is an American singer. From the age of 4 she imitated the dances of the star Shirley Temple, and at the age of 15 she began serious ballet training. Teachers noted her incredible natural endurance. Her controversial but successful career has made Madonna one of the most talked about artists of all time.

Her fiery dances, which she skillfully demonstrates during her performances, are eye-catching. Madonna's dances have always been characterized as agile, rhythmic and mesmerizing movements. And a huge bonus to all this is an incredibly sensual and strong voice. Her concerts are enjoyed by millions of people around the world of different ages. Madonna truly deserves the title of one of the most gorgeous dancers on the planet.

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Shakira is a Colombian singer who has achieved dizzying popularity thanks to her fiery songs and beautiful choreography. Shakira's signature dance is considered to be belly dancing, which she always dances with the grace of a cat.

The singer was born and raised in Barranquilla. She wrote her first poem at the age of 4. At the age of 7, they bought her a typewriter and she continued to write her poetry.

At the age of 10, Shakira began dancing in front of the public - she performed oriental dances. She then won the “Long Live the Children!” dance competition. And a few years later, Shakira published her first album, which, however, was not successful. But, having released her third album, Shakira gained incredible popularity and an army of fans. And this is not surprising, because a clear and pleasant voice combined with delightful oriental dances and a beautiful face are simply doomed to success.

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Graham is an American dancer and choreographer. She created a troupe, a school and a dance technique, all under her own name. Martha was born in Pennsylvania. Her father worked as a doctor and practiced an unusual technique - the use of physical movements to treat nervous disorders. Martha was very interested in this technique. Already as a teenager, she studied the art of dance in Los Angeles.

In 1926, in New York she created her own dance company. She danced until she was 60, and later worked as a choreographer almost until her death.

Martha invented a new dance language that expressed passion, rage and ecstasy. Graham was the first dancer to be awarded the highest civilian honor, the Order of Liberty.

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Gene was born into a family of Irish immigrants. At the age of 8 he was sent to a dance school, but he preferred sports. But in 1929, when the guy entered college, his family found itself in a difficult financial situation. To help his family, he went to work as a choreographer in a Pittsburgh theater.

Kelly received a bachelor's degree in economics from the university and combined his studies and work as a dance teacher in the studios his family owned. But he did not have enough time to devote enough time to several professions and he chose a dance career. In 1938, Gene began dancing on the stage of Broadway theaters, mainly in operetta. His debut took place in 1942, in the film “For Me and My Girlfriend.” His dancing was known for its unique style - energetic and athletic.

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Joaquin Cortez

Cortez is the most popular Spanish dancer on the planet. He is often positioned as the king of flamenco. He was born in Cordoba, Spain. There were gypsies in his family, which he is very proud of. Cortez became interested in dancing while still a child. An example for him was his uncle, who was a famous flamenco dancer. In 1981, the guy began taking classical dance lessons.

Already at the age of 16, Cortes was accepted into the National Ballet of Spain, where he soon became a soloist. Cortez is a favorite of both men and women, with many celebrity fans such as Jennifer Lopez, Madonna and Naomi Campbell.

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Madhuri Dixit is a classical dancer and one of the leading actresses in Bollywood. She was born in Bombay into a Hindu family. The girl didn’t even think about becoming a dancer, but learned to dance the Indian Kathak dance.

Dixit's career did not start very successfully, but a few years later she was included in the list of the most successful Indian actresses and was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2001 for the highest fees. She seems to hypnotize with her dance, her graceful and flexible movements will take your breath away. Her style is unique.

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Rudolf Nureyev is rightfully considered the greatest ballet dancer of the twentieth century. Their duet with ballerina Margot Fonteyn is still considered legendary. Rudolph headed the management of the Paris Opera ballet troupe for 6 years.

In 1961, he toured in Paris and was removed from the tour “for violating the rules of being abroad.” But he refused to return to the USSR and was convicted in absentia of treason.

In the last years of his life, he acted as a conductor, since he could no longer dance. In 1983, HIV was found in Nureyev’s blood. The disease progressed rapidly and Rudolf died of AIDS in 1993.

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Michael Jackson

The '80s pop star wowed the world with his eye-popping dance moves. He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as many as 25 times! In 2009, he was officially recognized as an American legend and pop music icon.

Michael was born in Gary, Indiana. His father was very strict and harsh with him, but Jackson respected his discipline. In 1983, Jackson first introduced his signature “moonwalk,” which instantly captured the hearts of many people around the planet. This is still considered his unique attribute. The king of pom music even today has a huge crowd of fans who, even after the death of their idol, continue to love and idolize him.

On June 25, 2009, Michael died of a drug overdose. The news of death spread throughout the world within minutes. Millions of people were stunned by such terrible news and for a long time could not come to terms with the loss of the pop idol.

Jackson's albums are being released even after his death. These include unreleased songs. Michael Jackson continues to be the king of pop for the whole world.

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Baryshnikov is a ballet dancer of the USSR and America, an honored choreographer. Baryshnikov was born in Riga. He is recognized as one of the greatest ballet dancers of all history.

In 1967, Mikhail entered the Mariinsky Theater, immediately after college. He worked there for 7 years, instantly becoming famous. Choreographers admired his unique talent, impeccable execution and perfect coordination.

In 1974, Mikhail decided not to return from a tour of Canada. That same year, Baryshnikov performed in front of Americans for the first time. The audience was wildly delighted, and since then Mikhail has become a famous American dancer. He made a great contribution to the development of modern ballet and led many artistic projects. Mikhail Baryshnikov is a rightfully recognized modern dancer.

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This was the article The most popular dancers in the world. Thank you for your attention!

The art of dance is a unique form of expression that uses a universal body language that everyone can understand. From ballet to modern dance, from hip-hop to salsa and from oriental dance to flamenco, dance has recently become an indulgence that is something of a renaissance.

But when it comes to individual dancers, who has the best moves? The best posture, strength and sharpness? Below are ten of the greatest dancers of the twentieth century - selected for their fame, popularity and influence on the world art of dance.

10. Vaslav Nijinsky

Vaslav Nijinsky was one of the most talented ballet dancers in history, perhaps even the greatest. Unfortunately, there is no clear footage of his incredible talent in motion, which is the main reason why he only ranks tenth on this list.

Nijinsky was well known for his amazing ability to defy gravity with his magnificent leaps, as well as his ability to fully inhabit the role he was playing. He is also known for dancing in pointe shoes, a skill not often seen in dancers. Nijinsky danced in the lead roles paired with the legendary ballerina Anna Pavlova. Then Tamara Karsavina, founder of London's Royal Academy of Dancing, became his partner. They were described with Karsavina as “the most exemplary artists of that time.”

Nijinsky left the stage in 1919, at the relatively young age of twenty-nine. His retirement is believed to have been due to a nervous breakdown, and he was also diagnosed with schizophrenia. Nijinsky spent the last years of his life in psychiatric hospitals and asylums. The last time he danced in public was in the final days of World War II, impressing a group of Russian soldiers with his complex dance moves. Nijinsky died in London on April 8, 1950.

9. Martha Graham

Martha Graham is considered the mother of modern dance. She created the only fully codified technique of modern dance, produced over one hundred and fifty works during her life as a choreographer, and had a huge influence on all areas of modern dance.

Her technique's departure from classical ballet, and her use of specific body movements such as contraction, release and spirals, have had a profound influence on the dance world. Graham even went so far as to create a “language” of movement based on the expressive capabilities of the human body.

She danced and choreographed for over seventy years. During this time, she became the first dancer to perform at the White House; the first dancer to travel overseas as a cultural ambassador and the first dancer to receive the highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. As the mother of modern dance, she will be immortalized in the memory of people for her incredibly emotional performances, her unique choreography, and especially for her homegrown dance technique.

8. Josephine Baker

Although Josephine Baker's name is primarily associated with the Jazz Age, her fiery dances continue to influence the dance world almost one hundred and ten years after her birth, as they always did.

Many decades before Madonna, Beyoncé, Janet Jackson, Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez, there was Josephine Baker, one of the world's first celebrities of African descent. Josephine went to Paris in 1925 to dance in La Revue Nègre. She made a lasting impression on French audiences with her perfect combination of exotic charm and talent.

The following year she performed at the Folies Bergère, and this was the true beginning of her career. She appeared in a banana skirt and wowed the crowd with her dancing style. She later added singing to her performances, and remained popular in France for many years. Josephine Baker responded to the adoration of the French people by becoming a French citizen herself in 1937.

In France, she did not feel the same level of racial prejudice that was present in the United States at the time. Toward the end of her life, Josephine Baker hoped to create a "world village" on her estate in France, but these plans were dashed by financial difficulties. To raise funds, she returned to the stage. Her return was short, but it was a triumph on Broadway in the 1970s, and in 1975 she opened a retrospective show in Paris. She died that year from a cerebral hemorrhage, a week after the show opened.

7. Gene Kelly

Gene Kelly was one of the biggest stars and greatest innovators during the golden age of musicals in Hollywood. Kelly considered his own style to be something of a hybrid of different approaches to dance, taking his movements from modern dance, ballet, and tap.

Kelly brought dance to the theater, using every inch of his set, every possible surface, and every wide camera angle to break out of the two-dimensional confines of film. And in doing so, he changed the way filmmakers looked at their cameras. Thanks to Kelly, the camera became a living instrument, and even the dancer it was filming.

Kelly's legacy permeates the music video industry. Photographer Mike Salisbury photographed Michael Jackson for the cover of "Off The Wall" wearing "white socks and lightweight leather Gene Kelly loafers" - which have become the movie star's trademark. It was this image that after some time became the singer’s own recognizable brand.

Paula Abdul, originally known for her dancing and choreography, referenced Kelly's famous dance with Jerry the Mouse in her kitschy video for "Opposites Attract," which ends with a tap dance. Usher was another top-selling artist who paid tribute to Kelly's legacy. There will never be another dancer like Kelly, and his influence continues to resonate through generations of American dancers.

6. Sylvie Guillem

At forty-eight years old, Sylvie Guillem continues to defy the laws of ballet and gravity. Guillem changed the face of ballet with her uncanny talents, which she always used with intelligence, integrity and sensitivity. Her natural curiosity and courage led her to the most daring paths, beyond the usual boundaries of classical ballet.

Instead of spending her entire career on "safe" performances, she made bold decisions, equally capable of performing the role of "Raymonda" at the Paris Opera, or being part of an innovative dance performance based on the work of Forsythe. In The Middle Something Elevated.” Almost no other dancer has such range, so it is not at all surprising that she has become the standard for most dancers around the world. Like Maria Callas in the opera world, Guillem was able to change the popular image of the ballerina.

5. Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was the man who made music videos a trend and he is, without a doubt, the man who made dancing an important element of modern pop music. Jackson's moves have already become standard vocabulary in pop and hip-hop dances. Most modern pop icons such as Justin Bieber, Usher, Justin Timberlake admit that Michael Jackson's style has had a strong influence on them.

His contribution to the art of dance was original and unusual. Jackson was an innovator who was primarily self-taught, designing new dance moves without the common effects of formal training that limit one's imagination. His natural grace, flexibility and amazing rhythm contributed to the creation of the “Jackson style.” His employees called him a "sponge." This nickname was given to him for his ability to absorb ideas and techniques wherever he found them.

Jackson's biggest inspirations were James Brown, Marcel Marceau, Gene Kelly, and perhaps this will surprise many people, various classical ballet dancers. What many of his fans don't know is that he initially tried to "pirouette like Baryshnikov" and "tap dance like Fred Astaire" but failed miserably. However, his dedication to his own unique style brought him the fame he sought, and today his name stands alongside other giants of popular music such as Elvis and the Beatles, and he is considered one of the greatest pop icons of all time.

4. Joaquin Cortés

Joaquin Cortez is the youngest dancer on this list, but despite the fact that he is still in the process of shaping his legacy, he is one of the few dancers in history who managed to become phenomenal sex symbols, beloved by both women and men. and men. Elle Macpherson described it as "walking sex"; Madonna and Jennifer Lopez have publicly expressed their adoration for him, while Naomi Campbell and Mira Sorvino are among the women whose hearts he has (rumored) broken.

It's safe to say that Cortés is not only one of the greatest flamenco dancers of all time, but also the one who cemented flamenco's place in popular culture. His male admirers include Tarantino, Armani, Bertolucci, Al Pacino, Antonio Banderas, and Sting. Many of his fans call him the Flamenco God or simply the Sex God and if you get a chance to watch one of his shows, you will understand why. However, at the age of forty-four, Cortez remains a bachelor, declaring that "dance is my wife, my only woman."

3. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers

Astaire and Rogers, of course, were a unique pair of dancers. They say that “he gave her charm, and she gave him sex appeal.” They made dancing much more appealing to the masses in a rather prudish time. This was partly due to the fact that Rogers used her acting skills to dance, and made it seem like dancing with Astaire was the happiest moment of her life.

The era also contributed to the rise of their popularity; during the Great Depression, many Americans were trying to make ends meet - and these two dancers gave people a chance to forget about the depressing reality for a while and have fun.

2. Mikhail Baryshnikov

Mikhail Baryshnikov is one of the greatest ballet dancers of all time, considered by many critics to be the greatest. Born in Latvia, Baryshnikov studied ballet at the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet in St. Petersburg (then called Leningrad) before he began performing at the Mariinsky Theater in 1967. Since then, he has performed leading roles in dozens of ballets. He played a key role in bringing ballet into popular culture back in the late 1970s and early 80s, and he was the face of the art form for over two decades. Baryshnikov is perhaps the most influential dancer of our time.

1. Rudolf Nureyev

Baryshnikov won the hearts of critics and fellow dancers, and Rudolf Nureyev was able to charm millions of ordinary people around the world. The Russian-born dancer became a soloist at the Mariinsky Theater at the age of 20. In 1961, when his personal life brought him under Soviet scrutiny, he sought political asylum in Paris and then toured with the Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas.

In the 1970s, he broke into the film industry. Most critics argue that he was not as technically good as Baryshnikov, but Nureyev still managed to captivate the crowds with his amazing charisma and emotional performances. The ballet of the couple Nureyev and Fonteyn (Romeo and Juliet) remains to this day one of the most powerful and emotional duet performances in the history of ballet.

Unfortunately, Nureyev was one of the first victims of HIV infection, and died of AIDS in 1993. Twenty years later, we can still see the incredible legacy he left behind.

Donnie Burns

Donnie Burns is a Scottish professional ballroom dancer who specializes in Latin dance. He and his former dance partner Gaynor Fairweather were World Professional Latin Dance Champions a record sixteen times. He is currently the President of the World Dance Council, and also appeared on the twelfth season of Dancing with the Stars.

He is considered the greatest ballroom dancer of all time, and his championship dances with his partner are now considered classics. But things didn't always go so well for Burns. During an interview with the Daily Sun, he admitted: “I never thought a little boy from Hamilton would get to experience any of what I have experienced in my life. I was teased relentlessly at school and often got into fights because I wanted to prove that I was not a “dancing queen.”

It is safe to say that today he would not object to such an epithet, since Donnie Burns is currently considered the “King of Dance”.

The art of dance has been a universal form of self-expression since ancient times. Body language is understood by anyone in the world, which is why dancing is so popular. From ballet to modern dance, from hip-hop to salsa, from oriental dance to flamenco - in recent decades, dance as a high art has experienced a real flourishing.

But when it comes to individual dancers, it can be very difficult to choose just one as the best. If you are interested in dancing and the people who devoted their whole lives to it, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most famous and popular dancers of the 20th century.

10 Most Famous Dancers of the 20th Century


The artist was born in Russia and already at the age of twenty became a soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. In 1961, Nuriev asked for political asylum, allegedly in connection with his oppression by the authorities, and received it in France. Then the artist tours with the Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas.

Eyewitnesses say that Nureyev was amazingly charismatic, and his emotional performance in a duet with Fonteyn in Romeo and Juliet remains to this day one of the most powerful performances among duets in the history of ballet.

Unfortunately, Nureyev became one of the first victims of HIV and died of AIDS in 1993. Twenty years later, we are still enjoying the great legacy he left behind.


Mikhail Baryshnikov is one of the greatest ballet dancers of all time, considered by many critics to be the best. Before joining the Mariinsky Theater troupe in 1967, Baryshnikov studied ballet at the Leningrad Vaganova School. Since the beginning of his career at the Mariinsky Theater, Mikhail has taken leading roles in dozens of productions.

Baryshnikov played a key role in the emergence of ballet as part of popular culture in the late 1970s and early 80s, and he was the face of the art form for more than two decades.

Today Mikhail Baryshnikov is perhaps the most influential and famous dancer of our time.

3. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers

Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers - this great dancing couple is today in third place in the ranking of the most famous dancers of the 20th century. The couple was very harmonious, he gave her class, and she made him even more charismatic. Their performances were accessible to the widest masses, and the public responded to them with sincere love.

The heyday of Astaire and Rogers' careers came during the Great Depression, and the timing was extremely fortunate: many Americans at that time were struggling to make ends meet, and the couple's fiery dancing allowed them to at least briefly escape reality and have fun.


Joaquin Cortez is the youngest among the dancers presented on our list. Although he has not yet finished his career and may not have danced his most famous dance, Cortez is one of the few dancers in history to earn the title of sex symbol and is wildly popular among both women and men. Madonna and Jennifer Lopez claim to adore him, while Naomi Campbell and Mira Sorvino join the ranks of women whose hearts he broke.

It's safe to say that Joaquin Cortez is one of the greatest flamenco dancers in the world. Among his male admirers are Tarantino, Armani, Al Pacino, Banderas and Sting. Fans call him the god of flamenco, and if you watch even one recording of his performance, you will understand why. At the age of forty-four, Cortez is still alone; he once declared: “Dancing is my wife, my only woman.”


Michael Jackson was the man who made dancing an important element of modern pop music. Most modern pop stars, such as Justin Bieber, Usher, Justin Timberlake, have admitted that at different times they were greatly influenced by the style of Michael Jackson.

His contribution to dance is enormous. Jackson was an innovator who created new dance moves on his own. His natural grace, flexibility and sense of rhythm contributed to the emergence of the signature "Jackson style". His colleagues called him a “sponge” for his ability to search and find new ideas and techniques wherever he was.

Jackson looked for inspiration in the works of James Brown, Marcelle Marceau, Gene Kelly and, no matter how strange it may sound, in the performances of classical ballet dancers. Michael Jackson's originality and unique style brought him fame, and today he stands alongside other giants of popular music such as Elvis and the Beatles.


At forty-eight years old, Sylvie Guillem continues to be one of the most popular ballerinas in the world. Guillem has changed the face of ballet, her performances go beyond its classical boundaries.

Instead of building a classical career as a ballerina, Guillem made a bold choice, equally participating in productions of the Paris Opera and in the projects of William Forsythe. Along with Maria Callas in the opera world, Sylvie Guillem again shaped the popular image of a ballerina.


Gene Kelly was one of the most famous stars of Hollywood musicals. Kelly's numbers harmoniously combined ballet elements and modern dance movements - it was his own unique style. Kelly brought new dance trends to theatrical productions.

Kelly's legacy is his music video, recognized and loved around the world. More than one generation of American dancers has found something of their own in his movements and style.


Although Josephine Baker's name is primarily associated with the heyday of jazz music - the Golden Age of Jazz, her influence on emerging and contemporary stars remains great.

Josephine Baker is one of the first stars of African descent. She arrived in Paris in 1925 and literally captivated the public with her combination of exotic charm and talent. Josephine performed at the Folies Bergere, and this was a good start to her career. In France, the artist did not feel as widespread racial prejudice as it was in the United States at that time.

At the end of her life, Josephine returned to the stage. She died in 1975 from a cerebral hemorrhage.


Martha Graham is considered the mother of modern dance. She created more than one hundred and fifty unique choreographic numbers and had a huge influence on all areas of modern dance.

Her technique differs from the classical one, and movements such as compression, release and spiral are her own invention. Graham went even further and created a “language of movement” based on the expressive capabilities of the human body.


Vaslav Nijinsky was one of the most talented ballet dancers in history. Unfortunately, there are no recordings of his performance left, so it is currently impossible to appreciate his incredible talent.

Nijinsky was known for his amazing ability to defy gravity, which was embodied in his magnificent leaps. Vaclav was the partner of the legendary Anna Pavlova.

Nijinsky left the stage in 1919 at the age of twenty-nine. He was sick with schizophrenia and frequent nervous breakdowns did not allow him to continue working. The artist spent the last years of his life in psychiatric hospitals and shelters.

Cameron Lee - in his arsenal Hip-Hop, Jazz-Funk and Contemporary. Thus, he is direct proof that even if you choose one style, you need to develop diversified, and the more skills you have in reserve, the more valuable you are as a dancer and the more creative as a choreographer. He has a solid track record, which includes work with Leona Lewis, Christina Aguilera and other stars of American show business and beyond.

David Moore is one of the most talented, creative choreographers of the younger generation, a finalist of The Wade Robson Project and a permanent teacher at Millennium Dance Complex.

David has worked for Pepsi, Adidas, MTV, Monsters Of Hip-Hop, choreographed for the Ukrainian So You Think You Can Dance and judges the German version of the show. He starred in dance films that will change your idea of ​​dancing - Step Up 3D (Step Up 3D) and Boogie Town (Boogie Town).

Already at the age of 3, Amanda realized that dancing was her destiny. But the turning point came when she met Phil from the Jabbawockeez and began training with Press Play and Boogie Monstarz.

Ricky teaches at one of the most famous dance schools in Hollywood - Edge Performance Dance Center. Many take years to get there.

He is so interesting and professional that he is invited by the largest dance conventions in America - NUVO Dance Conventions, JUMP Dance Conventions, HALL OF FAME Dance Conventions, IN10SIVE Dance Conventions, MUSE Dance Conventions, RAPTURE Dance Conventions.

Antoine Troupe

Antoine is a young star in the American dance industry. Growing up on the “bay”, as Americans affectionately call San Francisco, he began his dance career with classical jazz. But the street called and beckoned - Antoine began to freestyle, he tried and took the main thing from all types of street dances - hip-hop freestyle, krump, popping, flexing. Such a varied dance experience has left its mark on Antoine’s choreography: it is diverse, unpredictable, mannered and incredibly musical.

Quick Crew

Quick Crew, or in our language KwikI, is a Norwegian team founded by two twin brothers and their bosom friend in 2006. For 6 years, the guys managed to gain worldwide fame and win a decent number of awards at various dance competitions from national to world level.

Kwik are the winners of the TV show Norway’s Got Talent (the Norwegian version of America’s Got Talent) and collaborate with such a transnational company as SONY, while Kvik is one of the few non-singing artists with whom SONY Music wanted to enter into an agreement.

Napoleon & Tabitha Duma aka Nappytabs

They are the most respected contemporary showbiz choreographers in America.

They judge and choreograph, and are also art directors for America's most popular dance shows:

  • So You Think You Can Dance / Everyone Dances;
  • Dancing With The Stars / Dancing with the Stars;
  • MTV American Best Dance Crew/Dance Dance Kings;
  • Circus de Soleil / Circus De Soleil.

They work with the most popular artists:

  • Jennifer Lopez, Jabbawockeez, Ricky Martin, Christina Aguilera, Kanye West.

They put on show programs for the strongest dance sports teams:

  • Chicago Bulls and Orlando Magic.

Nappytabs has been awarded Emmy for Best Choreography and World Of Dance for its significant contribution to the development of dance culture.

Sheryl Murakami

  • Beyonce
  • Lady Gaga
  • Nelly Furtado
  • Chris Willis

The incomparable Cheryl Murakami... Her style is unique, her femininity is perfect, her charm is limitless.

She is Beyonce's choreographer

Originally from Los Angeles, Sheryl received extensive ballet training. The creative mind did not give her rest, and Sheryl took up jazz, tap dancing, and a little later hip-hop, salsa, wacking and voguing;) The riot of styles is reflected in Sheryl’s formed style, which she jokingly calls Sexy Rockstar.

Danielle Polanco

Danielle Polanco is one of America's most sought-after choreographers and dancers. Her face is familiar to everyone, as are her nicknames - “Omarion's girl”, Missy from the movie “Step Up”, Danielle Ninja (Daniel Ninja). But few people know that behind the pretty girl Missy from Step Up is a famous choreographer who has worked with almost the entire musical elite of America.

In 2008, the film Step Forward “Streets” was released, which excited everyone around. One of the main roles - Missy - is played by Danielle Polanco. The choice fell on her not by chance - after all, she is not only one of the best choreographers, but also one of the best dancers in America.

Beyone, Gaga, Janet Jackson, JLo, Usher, Chris Brown and Madonna made their choice. If they need a feminine, sexy, daring, mannered dancer and choreographer, there is no doubt - only Danielle Polanco.


  • Hip Hop Monster
  • Choreographer Rihanna
  • Art director of the Elva tour
  • MTV choreographer

Luam started dancing, like many others, back in school. She experimented with different dance styles: Hip Hop, Street Jazz, Jazz, West African, Ballet, Cuban, Modern and Haitian, which greatly influenced her own style.

She teaches at the world famous studio in New York - BDC (Broadway Dance Center), and also gives master classes around the world. She is one of the permanent teachers of Monsters of Hip-Hop, along with such dance stars as Nappytabs, Marty Kudelka, Kevin Maher, etc.

Stacey Tookey

Her talent is limitless, her productions are divine, she is the embodiment of feminine beauty and masculine confidence. Stacy has the ability to bring together mood, music, impeccable technique and emotion and translate it into wonderful choreography. From her very first productions, Stacey was nominated for the prestigious American Emmy Award.

Stacey, one of the few who showed that dance can make music popular, used the song “Jar of Hearts” by the once unknown performer Christina Perri in her production. And overnight Christina became famous throughout America, and her single soared to the top of the charts. A little later, Stacey choreographed the video for this song, which made it a top video for many weeks on the VH1 music channel.

During her career, Stacey has worked with Celine Dion, Bette Midler, Michael Buble and even Justin Timberlake. She was a member of the internationally renowned Parsons Dance Project.

Choreographer Britney Spears. The man who brought Wominizer & Circus to the world and was awarded the MTV Music Video Awards for Best Choreography.

  • TV Land Awards CF with “Neil Patrick Harris”
  • Britney Spears International “Circus” Promotion Tour
  • Britney Spears “Circus” MTV Music Video
  • Britney Spears “Womanizer” MTV Music Video
  • Britney Spears “Born to make you happy” MTV Music Video
  • Prince “The Greatest Romance Ever Told” MTV Music Video
  • Britney Spears 1999 Academy Awards “From the bottom of my broken heart”
  • Prince “The One” MV(ACA nominee)
  • Britney Spears “Oops!” I did it again” Tour 2000
  • Prince World Tour 2000
  • Britney Spears “Baby one more time” Tour 1999-2000
  • Mayte “Listen to the rhythm of your heart” Video
  • UPN's Moesha “I love Moesha”
  • UPN's The Parkers "Lil Zane"
  • Prince The NPG Dance Company U.S.Tour
  • ABC Presents Disney's Spring Break Spectaacular Fractures Nobody's Angel Youngs town
  • No Authority 1998 Opening Act show

Miguel Zarate is one of the top dancers and choreographers in Los Angeles. World tour with Rihanna, work with Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Miley Cyrus. Participation in the dance TV show Step Up & Dance, where Miguel became a finalist. The famous hopper team Kaba Modern calls him to work on their performance and bring a fresh wave of jazz-funk to it. And that’s not all - there’s more to come - choreography for the Pussy Cat Dolls - When I Grow Up video clip, MTV and Hannah Montanta’s “Best of Both Worlds” tour. And now Miguel fights every season of X Factor / X Factor.

Fulk once danced with Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, Sugababes, Jamelia, Attomic Kitten and traveled all over the world with master classes. Now Fulk Hentschel is a Hollywood star;) Having started his career with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz in the film Day & Night, Fulk moved on to star in the film Street Dance 2.

Sean Bankhead

He choreographed his first choreography at the age of 17, and a couple of years later he posted his first video on Youtube, which received over one and a half million views!

Despite his young age, Sean’s track record already includes such significant names as Beyonce, Britney Spears, Miley Cirus, P Diddy, Black Eyed Peas, performances at MTV & BET ceremonies, etc. Sean managed to star not only in music videos, but also in films “Stomp the Yard”, “Step Up 2″, “Hannah Montana”, “Footloose”. Remember those explosive Soulja Boys? So it was Sean who choreographed them and prepared their performances at the BET Awards!

Michelle Maniscalco

Michelle Maniscalco is one of the most famous dancing performers in Hollywood. Everyone in America knows her! Well, how can you not know the dancer from the Pussycat Dolls, the only girl who remained and loved everyone at the Wade Robson Project!

Her charm, energy and sex appeal attracted many: film makers - Honey 2, Burlesque, House Bunny, Bring It On, Footloose Free Spirited”), Glee (“Glee”); sports and fitness magazines - Dance Magazine, Dance Spirit, US Weekly, Health Magazine; and even Nigel, the producer of So You Think You Can Dance (“Everyone Dances”), could not resist Michelle’s charms and approved her to advertise his project - all of America was covered with billboards with Michelle.

She is often invited by famous fitness companies to film their promos - Shape Abs Workout, Pussycat Dolls Workout (Fitness with Pussycat Dolls).

Karon Lynn

  • American Music Awards
  • Britney Spears Circus Tour

The young talent made it to MTV, the American Music Awards and the Britney Spears, Circus tour. And naturally, he was immediately noticed by one of the most respected dance studios in Los Angeles - Millennium Dance Complex - and invited him to master classes. There were so many people that Millennium was forced to restrict entry to Karon’s master class - there are no more places, come next time...

Noticing the popularity and charm of this young black and flexible dancer, the Millennium management offered Caron to teach on a permanent basis. And Caron conquered Los Angeles.

Nick Wilson

Like many boys, Nick was inspired by the dancing of Michael Jackson and began freestyle from a young age. A little later he moved to Los Angeles, where he began to train intensively and after a short time began teaching. The freestyle past makes itself felt: you never know what Nick’s choreography will be like, it’s different, tempting and interesting.

Nick has already worked with Mariah Carey, Omarion, Jessica Simpson, and has starred in commercials for Pepsi & Nike and the films Boogie Town & Step Up 3D.


  • Beyonce
  • Britney Spears
  • Nelly
  • 1st place US Hip Hop International 2008
  • creative director of Fysh N Chicks at ABDC
  • seven finalist - Wade Robson Project (Dance Floor Star)

Flex is popular among the dance public not only because of his experience working with stars - and he has worked with Britney, and Beyonce, and Nelly, and many others - but rather because of his versatility. Often choreographers are committed to one particular style and choreograph only for guys, or only lyrics, or only jazz-funk. Flex can deliver everything... from gangsta hip-hop to super sexy jazz-funk. Прийдя на его занятия и отмочив по-ниггерски под Missy Elliott, совсем не ожидаешь, что именно этот человек - хореограф девчачьей команды Fysh N Chicks на ABDC (команда, где танцует Laura Edwards) и Flos Angeles, команды которая взяла 1-ое место на US Hip-Hop International in 2008

  • 2nd place Juste Debout Prague (with Sabina);
  • Lecturer at SDK Europe (07, 08, 09, 10);
  • Teacher Dance2XS Project Element 08;
  • Finalist of various dance competitions;
  • Permanent judge of battles and competitions such as BeatStreet, Street Level, Bboy Killz, Battle Kings, Time for Streetdance, AMC Battle, Battle Brno...and many others;
  • Producing director, as well as the main character in the “Enigmatic” video;
  • Member of Dance2xs;
  • Founder of House dance project Rhythm of Soul;
  • Performance at Urbanite – Time2xs (Dance2xs Project).

Sanchez is one of the best European choreographers on the SDK. If suddenly someone else doesn’t know what SDK is, then be sure to visit the official SDK website - Street Dance Kemp. His brilliant technique and musicality make him one of SDK's most beloved lecturers.

The youngest, but already world famous choreographer from Chicago. Who would have thought that, having started dancing at the age of 10, at 18 he would have such experience under his belt that any dancer could envy. Major dance conventions eagerly invite Ian to their master classes - Redefinition, ICON Ent., Viscous, Dance 2XS Chicago, ThrowdownEntertainment, Giordano Dance, One World DanceTheater, Boogiezone and Coastal Dance Rage.

Ian's most recent work was assistant choreographer Kevin Maher and dancer for “He Met Her” and is on a summer tour throughout Europe including SDK 2011 ;)

Jonah Aki

Kaba Modern ☆ LA Choreographer’s Carnival ☆ Hip Hop International ☆ Vibe Dance Competition ☆ Body Rock Dance Competition ☆ Fusion Dance Competition ☆ Funkanometry Sockhop

Those who follow the work of the Kabba Modern team couldn’t help but notice that the team’s style has changed recently. Being a pure hip-hop team, the Cubs called on Jonah Aki to create vibrant jazz-funk elements to make their performances even more colorful and interesting.

Sandy Rzezniczak

Sandy Rzezniczak aka Sandy FNF is one of the best dancers in Europe. And this is not surprising, because she studies with the best choreographers in America - Tony Czar, Napoleon & Tabitha, Tricia Miranda, Rapsody, Marty Kudelka, Misha Gabriel and many others.

Sandy is constantly invited to perform at the Carnival show in Los Angeles, and in her homeland she stages almost all Hip-Hop festivals. In addition to the hip-hop show, Sandy worked on choreography for Puma's tour - PUMA DANCE FLOWING TOUR and the famous Polish singer Marina Luczenko.

Ryan Chandler

Christina Aguilera ☆Mariah Carey ☆ Hannah Montana ☆ Sean Kingston ☆ America’s Best Dance Crew ☆So You Think You Can Dance ☆ Disney ☆ Teen Choice Awards ☆ MTV VMA’s

This young monster has experience working with such artists as Christina Aguilera, Sean Kingston, Mariah Carey. Performances on the most popular show programs in the world - America's Best Dance Crew, So You Think You Can Dance, MTV VMA's, Oscars.

Dashaun Wesley Evisu

Born in Brooklyn, New York, Dashawn discovered theater and all that it entailed at the age of seven. He enjoyed acting, and while still in school, Dashaun performed in theater productions of “Grease” and “West Side Story.”

With a sculpted body and the ability to vogue, Dashaun was noticed by Coca-Cola, for which he starred in commercials. On the 4th season of ABDC (American Best Dance Crew), the Vogue Evolution team, in which Dashaun danced, made a loud statement that not only hoppers can rock the dance floor. This became a new stage in the development and popularization of vogue.

Aviance Milan

Aviance Milan is a representative of the world famous House of Milan, where it was awarded the title of Legendary by New Way Vogue. Aviance earned such a high title thanks to his numerous victories in New Way Vogue, Vogue Femme, Vogue Old Way, and Arms Control Vogue.

His dancing talent was noticed by many artists, and Aviance Milan managed to work with Lil Kim, La India, Grace Jones, Kevin Aviance and many others. In breaks from dance work, Aviance shoots for popular magazines - Out Magazine, Complex Magazine in Japan, QX Magazine and Metro News in Sweden.

Leroy Curwood

Leroy is a talented choreographer from Australia - a couple of years ago he did not know that he would be one of the most sought-after choreographers. He has already produced productions for the hip-hop championship in Australia and So You Think You Can Dance. Leroy was immediately noticed as soon as he arrived in Los Angeles, where he immediately began working with Tony Czar, Tucker Barkley, Lee Daniel, Jian Pierre-Louis, Andye Jamieson and many others.

JD Joel De Careret

So You Think You Can Dance ☆ Dancing With The Stars ☆ Melbourne Music Academy

JD - Top choreographer from Australia. He has worked on the following tours: Usher, Ja Rule, Ashanti, Destiny's Child, TV Show So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing With The Stars. JD not only founded Dance2XS Australia, but also trained some of the best hip hop choreographers for the Melbourne Academy of Music.

Fredy Kosman

Fredy Kosman is one of the most exciting jazz-funk choreographers in the Eastern Hemisphere. The owner of a memorable and amplitude choreography, but at the same time a soft and sharp manner, he conquered all lovers of this style.

Talia has been an assistant to Mia Michaels and Tyce Diorio for several seasons of So You Think You Can Dance.

Talia's talent is revealed every day, and as a result, Talia begins to work on her dance show - “The Difference Between Sinking & Drowning.” It’s not surprising that even the show’s debut was sold out.

  • Britney Spears, Cool Kids, New Kids On The Block, Stomp the Yard

Tony Czar is one of the most ardent hip-hop choreographers in Los Angeles. His classes attract everyone who appreciates diverse dances. Tony dances hip-hop, house, Baltimore, popping, locking, dancehall, waacking/punking and generally tries to master all new dances. The way he dances is impossible to describe or tell... The video camera does not have time to capture the speed and manner with which Tony dances. And he dances effectively, blackly, and deliciously. It is for this nigga pumping and manner that Tony is loved not only in Los Angeles, but all over the world;)

It should be noted that in addition to hip-hop and jazz-funk groups, Tony also leads house music! And many who give house steps in their choreography, be it Nick Demoura or Kevin Maher, always say: “Well, it’s like Tony dances, house, you know...” ;)