Max lordly VKontakte is real. Singer Max Barskikh VKontakte

If you want to communicate with several friends at once via a social network, you need to gather them in a group chat. Creating a VKontakte conversation takes just a few clicks. For computers and mobile devices, the instructions are slightly different.

How to create a conversation on VK from your phone

On mobile device You can organize a conference in three ways: through the VK application, a browser or an add-on (the popular Kate Mobile program). Official version for a phone differs from a computer in convenience and compactness.

From the application

Install a suitable program on your phone. Instructions for two popular applications:

  • Official. In the “Messages” section, click the “+” sign at the top, select your interlocutors among your friends. You need to scroll the list with your finger, from bottom to top. To confirm, click the checkmark at the top.
  • Addition. In Kate Mobile, select the “Messages” section, tap on the three dots at the top, click “Create conversation”, add participants. To confirm, click the “Create conversation” button.

From the browser

Use your favorite convenient app, such as Google Chrome or Opera. On the tab, open the VK website and follow the instructions:

  • Click the menu button at the top left (three lines), select “ Full version».
  • Go to messages, click “+” at the top.
  • Tag several interlocutors, if desired, enter the name of the conversation at the bottom of the screen.
  • Confirm your actions by clicking the “Go to dialogue” button.

How to create a conversation on VK from a computer

There are several ways to start a group chat. Three available options:

Create a chat with friends.

You can control the list of conference participants at any stage of the conversation. Interlocutors can add users from their friends list to the conference.

Limit to 250 people. To delete a conversation, you must first remove all participants.

Add an interlocutor to the started dialogue.

Invite a user (not a friend) via a link.

You can add any VK user if he agrees to join the conversation.

If you are on the list of people who cannot send messages to the user, the conversation invitation will not be sent. Only the creator of the chat can see the window with a link to the conversation.

From the friends list

This method is the easiest and fastest. You can create a chat on VK only with friends using the instructions:

  • Go to the messages section.
  • Click on the “+” sign at the top.
  • Tag several interlocutors. If desired, enter a name below.
  • Click the "Go to Conversation" button.

From correspondence

Find the desired conversation to add a new interlocutor to it. Next follow the instructions:

  • at the top above the dialog, click on the three dots;
  • select “Add interlocutors”;
  • mark the users you need;
  • Click "Create Conversation."

How to create a conversation in a VK group

To have a group chat in a community, you need to connect the special VKontakte Chat application. Sequencing:

  • Go to your community, “Management” section.
  • On the right side of the menu bar, select Applications.
  • Find “VKontakte Chat”, click “Add”.
  • Save the proposed settings.
  • Go to the community page, click on the right installed application.
  • Start a chat.


Sometimes one-on-one communication gets too boring, so to liven up a sluggish conversation, you need to include new people in it. This will add to the correspondence bright colors and will make communication much more interesting. Such a solution will be no less relevant when discussing important issues. But in order to correspond big company, you need to know how to create a conversation on VK from your phone in new version site. This process is extremely simple and will not cause difficulties, but in order to understand its features, you should at least become familiar with the formation of a small chat on VKontakte and try to use the advice received.

Creating a small chat of several people will not cause difficulties even for those who have registered in social network recently. To make a group chat, you will need:

  1. go to the “messages” section;
  2. click on the small plus sign located above the dialogs (when you hover over the cursor icon, the inscription “create conversation” appears);
  3. select the necessary people from the proposed list;
  4. give the conversation a title and upload a picture (optional);
  5. confirm your actions and start a conversation.

It is important to remember that you can only add your own friends to the online chat. Total number participants should not exceed 250 people. This limit is set for the convenience of users and normal, full communication.

How to create a VKontakte conversation via a computer?

It is not complicated and alternative way creating group conversations. To do this, you will need to open a dialogue with a person who will definitely be in an online chat, and hover the cursor over the list of possible actions (over messages). Among the proposed options, you need to stop at “add interlocutors”. The further process does not differ from that already described above.

Don’t worry that people added using this method will read old messages.

They will only see those entries that were made after entering into correspondence.

It’s worth mentioning separately how to connect those who are not on your friends list through a computer. To expand the conversation with people who are not friends with the chat creator, you need to ask someone who has them in their contact list. Any participant in the conversation can add interlocutors.

How to do it from your phone?

Having figured out how to create a conversation on VK from a computer, you should pay attention to similar actions from your phone. It should be noted that this process has no noticeable features and obvious differences from the standard method. To create a group chat, you will need to go to the messages subsection and click on the “create conversation” item. Sometimes you need to click “write a message” and find the desired item here.

Removing users from the general dialogue is also not difficult. Users can be removed by:

  • creators of correspondence;
  • the people who added them;
  • Those who wish to leave can leave the dialogues independently.

There are no other ways to reduce the number of participants, so if an annoying, unpleasant person appears in the correspondence and interferes with communication, you should seek help from the online chat creator.

How to create a conversation with yourself on VKontakte?

There is no point in creating a conversation with yourself, since it is no different from ordinary dialogue. To have a chat, you must have less than three participants that in in this case impossible.

There is no point in forming separate group correspondence in groups and public pages.

If a user wants to discuss a topic that interests him only with certain people, he should create a separate conversation outside the group, after adding the necessary interlocutors as friends. There are no other options because there is no urgent need for them.

Available actions

The last issue to consider is the features that are available to each participant in the conversation. They are not very different from the actions that can be performed in regular dialogues, but there are some features related to the essence of online chat.

Users can do the following:

  1. write and send messages;
  2. add new interlocutors;
  3. change the design of the conversation (name and avatar);
  4. add files and pictures;
  5. view attachments;
  6. look for the necessary information;
  7. disable notifications about new emails;
  8. delete correspondence (other participants will retain it);
  9. leave correspondence.

The listed functions are enough to enjoy communication and not encounter difficulties. The only thing that is required from users is activity and a desire to express their opinions; the creators of VKontakte have provided for the rest.

Max Barskikh is one of the most shocking and scandalous Ukrainian singers, who conquered the entire post-Soviet space with his soulful voice, extravagant actions and non-standard solutions.

The singer was born on March 8, 1990 in sunny Kherson in the south of Ukraine under the name Nikolai Nikolaevich Bortnik. Since childhood I had Creative skills, but showed them in fine arts. The boy devoted 10 years to local art school, where he received his education along with his studies in secondary secondary school. At the same time, young Max also showed himself in the musical field. He has performed repeatedly in school years with youth vocal groups at children's festivals and wrote my own musical works. His work was well received by his family and friends.

At the age of 12, the young man showed his sister what he had written himself. lyrical song on English language. The sister appreciated it and offered to perform it on family holiday. This family performance was the starting point musical biography future star modern stage. At the same time, Barskikh changed his own priorities and realized that instead of an artist he would become a singer.

The turning point There came a time in the guy’s life when, after graduating from high school, he chose a university. His parents insisted that he enter the Academy of Internal Affairs. But he did not give in to his parents’ wishes, deciding to become a student at the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Variety and circus art, where I was enrolled without problems.


An irresistible desire to get to big stage prompted the artist to participate in the top-rated Ukrainian show “Star Factory-2”, produced by. The young man passed the qualifying round in 2008 and became a participant in a popular vocal project.

Max Barskikh at "Star Factory-2"

His originality, relaxedness and ability to present himself impressively helped Barskikh quickly win the recognition of fans, since it was impossible not to notice him among the other participants. As part of the “Star Factory-2” project, Barskikh presented two hits – “Stranger” and “Anomaly”, which became the leaders of the charts of most music radio and television broadcasts.

The songs created and performed by Max were good, but they were not the reason for the singer’s massive popularity. During one performance, the audience's favorite, right on stage, took a sharp object out of his pocket, which he used to cut his wrists. The scandalous act caused literally words of real hysteria of the public. The artist himself said that he dedicated this action to her, who never reciprocated his feelings.

Barsky began to be discussed on the main pages of the Ukrainian media, characterizing his loud act on stage as a successful PR move.

The singer left the Star Factory project on his own, deciding that full-time work in the musical field would bring him recognition and career growth faster than the fame of a “manufacturer.”

The artist claims that he writes all his songs himself, both lyrics and music.

In 2009, the favorite of the female audience of modern pop music presented his debut album “1: Max Barskih”, which included 13 bright compositions recorded in the best music studios Kyiv. Along with this, the 19-year-old artist recorded 4 videos over the course of a year, which became Ukrainian hits overnight. The singer filmed the compositions “S.L.” (the name of which implies the name Svetlana Loboda or Bitch-love), “Empty”, “Agony” and the song “DVD”, which Max Barskikh and Natalya Mogilevskaya performed as a duet.

The next year, 2010, became especially fruitful. Except vocal career, the outrageous singer showed himself as an actor. Max successfully passed the audition for the musical novel “Mademoiselle Zhivago” and was invited to play a role in this film. Max Barskikh and played the main roles in one of the eleven episodes of “Mademoiselle Zhivago”, in which the handsome singer flawlessly took on the role of a Russian soldier madly in love with the charming Frenchwoman Fabian.

After the triumphant 2010, which brought Max popularity and recognition throughout the CIS, Barskikh is filming his next hit, “Lost In Love | I’m Losing” in 3D format, thanks to which he becomes the first performer in the entire post-Soviet space to debut on television in such a format. Barsky’s new single becomes a chart leader and tops the “EuroHit TOP-40” radio “Europe Plus”.

Prestigious awards from the domestic show business began to rain down on him like a hurricane. Max Barskikh received the MuzTV award in the Breakthrough of the Year category, the Crystal Microphone in the Singer of the Year category, and also won the Video of the Year and Best Male Performance awards at OE Video Music Awards in Latvia.

In 2012, the singer released his second album Z.Dance and wanted to prove himself at the prestigious Eurovision vocal competition. However, he failed to win qualifying round, losing the leading place to Gaitana by only a few points.

In 2013, public favorite Max Barskikh released a new composition “According to Freud”, followed by an album of the same name. Coming out in a year digital version album, and radio “Lux FM” dedicated this Day, playing a song from the new album every hour of the holiday. In March 2014, Max sang the Ukrainian-language “Lullaby” and began writing new album.

In parallel with songs in Russian, in 2015 Max’s repertoire was replenished with tracks in English, which the singer released on behalf of his alter ego MICKOLAI. Musical compositions were announced on YouTube.

At one time, the singer delighted fans only with covers of songs by other artists or video clips for his own compositions. But in 2015 he released the song “Girlfriend-Night”, which was later included in the album “Mists” (2016). With the latest album, the singer toured Russia and near abroad, giving concerts throughout the year in Moscow, Yaroslavl, Astana, Kyiv and other major cities.

The singer himself considers his success and popularity to be the merit of their joint creative team with the famous music video director, who is Barsky’s producer.

Personal life

Max Barskikh does not like to talk about his relationships. After a public scandal on the topic “Max Barskikh and Svetlana Loboda,” in which the young performer proved his love for the singer by attempting suicide right on stage vocal show“Star Factory 2”, the guy repeatedly tried to melt the ice in his beloved’s heart. He publicly confessed his love to Loboda and dedicated songs.

Despite the fact that the ex-soloist of "" never reciprocated the talented and handsome guy, Loboda and Barskikh still recorded a joint duet and an erotic video for the hit "The Heart Beats", together they even conducted a creative tour of Ukrainian cities. After the birth of Svetlana Loboda’s daughter, Max made a public statement that from now on his heart was open to love.

Soon it became known about the singer’s romance with a member of the new “ VIA Gra". The girl has been living in the singer’s Kyiv apartment for several years and is his childhood friend. Max’s beloved is also from Kherson; the young people studied together at the Municipal Academy of Arts in Kyiv.

The couple in love is often seen together; Max Barskikh and his girlfriend attend social parties, cinemas and cafes. The young people call their relationship friendly, but their friends and acquaintances believe that something more like love is happening between Misha and Max.

In February 2016, Max surprised everyone at the Grammy-16 private party. The singer openly hugged model Masha Rudenko, known for her romance with the lead singer, in front of the cameras.

However, they did not stop appearing on Max and Misha’s personal pages. joint photos and videos from which it was clear that a tender relationship remained between the young people. In April 2018, Misha Romanova, by official information- V maternity leave. So far there have been no comments from Max Barskikh about possible paternity, but his producer Alan Badoev suggested that this was most likely a joke.

Max Barskikh now

In 2017, Max Barskikh pleased fans with the new singles “February” and. At a joint performance with Svetlana Loboda, which took place at the Muz-TV awards ceremony, Max Barskikh surprised both the audience and his colleague. During the performance, the young man passionately kissed the singer, which was recorded by photos and video cameras. The photographs show how the girl was sincerely surprised by Max’s action.

The year was fruitful for the artist music awards. Max received nine awards and two nominations. Thus, “Mists” brought the artist the “Golden Gramophone” award, and the song “My Love” was recognized as the best at the “Love Radio Awards”.

In 2018, Barskikh already became a laureate of the “Top Hit Music Awards” as best performer and again for the song “Mists”.

2018 began for the artist with a tour of the United States, which was called the Tumany World Tour. The concert schedule included seven American cities, as well as one in Canada. Before performances in Seattle, Los Angeles, and Toronto, Max was worried, but noted the friendliness of the audience. Returning to his homeland, Barskikh recorded a track and a video for it, “Make It Louder.” Later, the musician created a second version of the hit, for which he invited a Russian rapper. The musician from Russia was blacklisted by the SBU, but the duet took place.

The popularity of the single was so great that the management of the Viber messenger decided to release a themed sticker pack, which is made in bright yellow color scheme. Now Internet users will be able to use stickers in conjunction with the messages “turn it up,” “on your wavelength,” “I want to dance,” “dance until the morning,” and others. Also, a community of fans of the singer has appeared on Viber, who will be able to quickly find out last news from creative life artist.

Lately, Max Barskikh has been preparing for solo concert, which took place in Moscow at the end of May 2018 at the Megasport Sports Palace. The artist announced the performance on his personal account in “ Instagram e".


  • 2009 - “1:Max Barskih”
  • 2012 - “Z.Dance”
  • 2012 - “Brutal Romantic”
  • 2014 - “According to Freud”
  • 2015 - “Words”
  • 2016 - “Mists”

Participant's name: Nikolai Nikolaevich Bortnik

Age (birthday): 08.03.1990

Herson city

Family: not married

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Maxim Barskikh, who is Nikolai Nikolaevich Bortnik from birth, was born in the south of Ukraine in the city of Kherson. He became a real gift for his mother, because he was born on March 8, 1990.

For 16 long years Max did not communicate with his father. Only in 2016, on the set of his video, he met him. It was decided to capture this touching meeting for a video clip for the song “February”.


As a child, the future singer tried to achieve success in the fine arts. As a boy, he studied at art school. This activity lasted for 10 years. It was necessary to combine a worse school with a secondary school, but young Nikolai did an excellent job with this task.

Moreover, he studied music and performed at children's competitions, even wrote own songs . Parents and relatives always provided support in all the endeavors of the future singer.

At the age of 12, he demonstrated the song to his sister. These were lyrical poems, and even in English. She really liked her brother’s creation, and therefore the girl performed the composition at a holiday where the whole family gathered. This performance was the start for musical development the current star of modern show business. Max came to the conclusion that he was no longer interested in paintings, he wanted to connect his life with music.

Having finished high school, the guy was faced with a difficult choice of university. This time the parents wanted their son became a student at the Academy of Internal Affairs, only Max entered, by his personal decision, the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Variety and Circus Arts. The exams were very easy for him, and therefore the guy soon became a student.

Participation in talent shows

To become a star and bask in the love of fans, Nikolai decided to take part in the casting for the second season of the Ukrainian Star Factory. Natalia Mogilevskaya was the producer of the project.

In 2008, Bortnik passed the qualifying rounds and became one of the participants in the mega-popular vocal show. He was very happy about this. At that moment I was born new star- Max Barskikh.

At the Star Factory, the guy established himself as a relaxed, extraordinary, impressive artist and was able to win a lot of fans. Max presented 2 hits as part of the show: “Stranger” and “Anomaly.” The compositions were immediately in demand by fans and took leading places in the charts.

Plus, Max became famous as one of the scandalous participants in the show. While participating in the show, he experienced love for popular singer S. Lobode. The actress did not reciprocate his feelings, and therefore the guy took out a sharp object right on stage and began to cut his veins. Everything ended well, and Max became the main participant in the scandalous chronicles. Although many media representatives described his action as a well-thought-out PR move.

Max left the project at his own request. He justified that he would rather devote his time to his career growth, rather than remain in everyone’s memory as a simple participant in the Star Factory.

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Music career

In 2009, Barskikh released his first album, which was called “1: Max Barskih”. It included 13 songs.

In 2010 he showed himself as an actor, played in the film “Mademoiselle Zhivago” along with Lara Fabian. It was the main role in the production.

Subsequently, he presented to the public a new hit “Lost In Love | I’m losing.” Became the first to present a clip in 3D mode. His song immediately became the leader of the Europa Plus radio charts.

Max began to receive prestigious awards for his creative fruits, for example, the MUZ-TV award for “Breakthrough of the Year”; Crystal Microphone Award - Singer of the Year; OE Video Music Awards in Latvia - “Video of the Year” “Best Male Performance”.

In 2012, he presented his second album entitled “Z.Dance”. I wanted to take part in Eurovision, but lost in the qualifying round to Gaitana. In 2013, Max released the song “According to Freud”, and then the album. In 2014, he sang “Lullaby” and began working on a new album.

In 2015 he released the song “Girlfriend-Night”, went to tour in the capitals of Ukraine, Russia and the most major cities these countries.

The singer released a new album “Mists” in 2016. The artist himself admits that he can largely thank music video director A. Badoev, who is also Max’s producer, for his success and popularity.

In 2017 became best singer of the year according to the Ukrainian TV channel “M-1”. During the same period, he released a video for the song “February”, which is not able to leave any viewer indifferent. In the video and song, Max shares his story difficult relationship with my own father. His own dad took part in the filming. The video was directed by Barskikh’s permanent producer, A. Badoev.

Today, Barskikh continues to release songs, shoot videos and write compositions for others. popular stars show business.

Personal life and hobbies

The singer does not talk about his personal life after falling in love with singer Svetlana Loboda. For a long time he supported this story, dedicating compositions to the artist and confessing his love to her. Together they even recorded a song and shot a video, and conducted a creative tour of the cities of Ukraine. But he soon announced that his heart was free.

Then in the press there were rumors about his affair with Misha Romanova, which is a member of the Via-Gra team. The young people have known each other since childhood. Together they lived in Kherson. Together they were students at the Municipal Academy of Arts in Kyiv. The lovers live in Kyiv and often appear as a couple at social evenings, in cafes and cinemas. The guys say that they are only good friends, but close people are sure that there is an affair between them.

In 2016 appeared new rumor that Barskikh is dating model Masha Rudenko, because at the Grammy-16 closed party the singer hugged his companion on camera.

Because professional artist Max Barskikh did not, drawing remained his only hobby. IN free time the artist loves to spend time drawing.

Max's photo

The singer has more than 650 thousand subscribers on Instagram. You can often see photos from performances or photo shoots.

Max Barskikh is a popular Ukrainian singer who has conquered the whole of Ukraine with his soulful voice and excellent repertoire. Are other CIS countries on the way, and perhaps the whole of Europe? Today the name of Max Barskikh is known in all countries of the post-Soviet space. He gathers huge halls and attracts the attention of the public with his unconventional decisions and extravagant actions.

But who is he, this talented Ukrainian singer, who so carefully builds an aura of mystery around himself? What was his creative and career path like? And what kind of person is hidden under the mask of slight detachment that can so often be seen on the face of Max Barskikh? Today we will try to find the necessary answers to each of the above questions by bringing to your attention short biography one of the best artists in modern history Ukraine.

Childhood of Max Barskikh

Max Barskikh was born in warm and sunny Kherson. At an early age, like many children of that time, he cherished the dream of becoming an astronaut, but at some point he realized that his calling was music. Even during his school years, he repeatedly performed as a vocalist with various amateur groups, but was unable to gain a foothold in any of the groups. Thus, in his early work it is difficult to single out a period associated with any one specific group.

Quite early, Max Barskikh began to make career plans solo artist. With this dream, he moved to Kyiv, where he immediately entered the capital’s Academy of Variety and Circus Arts, choosing “pop vocals” as a specialization.

Max Barskikh at the “Star Factory”: professional career of a performer

From the early age(according to the artist - from the age of 12) Max Barskikh began writing his first songs. To some extent, it was the desire to show himself and present his own compositions on the big stage that pushed the performer to participate in the sensational Ukrainian project “Zirok Factory-2”, which took place under the patronage of producer Natalia Mogilevskaya.

Max Barskikh - Lyrics

In 2008, the artist successfully passed a huge casting and became one of the participants in the project. The impressive and extraordinary artist was immediately remembered and loved by the public. After all, it seemed simply impossible not to pay attention to such an artist.

Revealing his personal and artistic qualities, even during the project, Max Barskikh showed the whole country his explosive character and ability to feel relaxed on stage. As part of the reporting concerts “Star Factory 2”, the young artist presented to the public two bright hits “Anomaly” and “Stranger”, which very soon appeared on the air of Ukrainian radio stations. The compositions were good, but they were not the ones that made the whole of Ukraine talk about Max Barskikh.

The basis for real hysteria around the performer’s name was one of his performances, during which the young artist suddenly took either a knife or a piece of glass from his pocket and suddenly began to cut his wrists. Max Barskikh himself explained such a step as pain from unrequited love. Was presented as an object of admiration Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda. However, the performer herself was clearly shocked by this development of events.

After the scandalous act, rumors spread in the Ukrainian press about whether it was actually a suicide attempt or whether the extravagant act was just a planned PR campaign. One way or another, very soon Max Barskikh at will left “Star Factory-2” and began to develop outside the boundaries of the popular project.

In 2009, he presented to the public his debut album “1:MAX BARSKIH”, which included several bright compositions. Coming soon to music channels the artist’s clips began to appear one after another. And in 2010, the young artist recorded a joint composition with Svetlana Loboda, which instantly became popular.

In the same year, Max Barskikh returned to the Star Factory project (Superfinal). During one of the concerts, he presented to the public his new song"Student".

It is worth noting that 2010 was a very fruitful year for young performer. In May of this year, Max Barskikh made his debut as an actor, appearing before the audience in the film “Mademoiselle Zhivago.” In one of the eleven short film novels, the Ukrainian played the role of a Russian soldier in love with a charming French woman (her role was played by the well-known Lara Fabian).

After that very triumphant year in every sense of 2010, Max Barskikh became widely known not only in Ukraine, but throughout the CIS. In 2011, he amazed the public by presenting the first video in the post-Soviet space filmed in 3D format (the composition “Lost In Love”). This song became an absolute hit in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Latvia.

Max Barskikh and Misha Romanova - Don't trust me

After this, awards rained down on the performer one after another. “Crystal Microphone” (win in the category “Singer of the Year”), OE Video Music Awards in Riga (“ Best Song of the Year”, “Best Male Performance”, “Video of the Year”), MuzTV Award (“Breakthrough of the Year”), MTV Europe Music Awards (“Best Ukrainian performer") and many others.

In 2012, Max Barskikh made an attempt to make it to Eurovision, but ultimately lost only slightly to the singer Gaitana. Three months later, the performer presented his new album “Z.Dance”, composed mainly of English-language compositions, to an enthusiastic public.

Personal life, Max Barskikh today

IN currently Max Barskikh is still one of the most successful performers in Ukraine. The girls go crazy about him, and the producers keep bombarding him with new offers. However, in fairness it is worth noting that in Lately The public's interest in the singer has subsided a little.

The new album of the artist “According to Freud”, which in this moment is in the final stages of compilation.

As for his personal life, Max Barskikh is not distinguished by anything remarkable in this matter. Relations with the singer Svetlana Loboda already mentioned above young artist it didn’t work out that way. He is currently dating his long-time girlfriend