Modern Circassian stage. Great clip, the video sequence is simply brilliant! Sultan Hurricane biography personal life

Place of birth of the singer Thagalegov Murat Anatolyevich, the city of Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic). Singer Murat Thagalegov, whose biography is very interesting, grew up in a sunny region. The family into which he was born has many children. There are 7 children in total (except for Murat, 2 more boys and 4 girls). He is Kabardian by nationality. Murat Thagalegov, whose biography is not known to everyone, was born on July 30 under the sign of Leo. Year of birth - 1984, which according to the Chinese astrological calendar corresponds to the year of the Rat.

Song biography

Murat began singing in early childhood. He graduated from music school, but after finishing school he expressed a desire to become a jeweler. The goldsmith's career never took off, as the boy devoted all his free time to singing. He walked for a long time to his “star”.

The singer had a chance to work at a concrete plant in his hometown. Murat Thagalegov, whose biography has not only pleasant moments, never loses heart. Without quitting his job, secretly from his loved ones, he visited a recording studio. His talent was noticed and he was invited to perform at a concert, but Murat was forced to refuse the offer, since he did not have suitable clothes for such an important event.

The singer was greatly helped by his friend Alibek Geryugov. Murat Thagalegov, whose biography as a singer and musician was not very smooth and serene, is very grateful to his friend. Thanks to him, he ended up on stage.

The beginning of a musical career

The singer’s musical career began at the age of 24; at the age of 26, the song “Alan” began to be promoted on the radio. Following this song, new compositions appeared: “Goddess”, “One Night” and “Wounds Cry”. A year later, his repertoire was replenished with another musical composition - “Chef”. The singer's popularity began to grow by leaps and bounds, and he began giving solo concerts. Many people really liked the duet with Amirina called “Heaven for You.”

The singer started singing a long time ago, but his musical popularity began 6 years ago back in 2011, when, no matter where you were, you could hear his hit “I’ll give you a bride price for you.” Thanks to this composition, he became famous not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

This hit turned out to be so bright and famous that it can still be heard on the broadcast of many radio stations on the planet, although it officially received this title in the summer of 2011. At this time, the song was officially recognized as a super hit.

Currently, you can hear new remixes of this musical composition, which are distributed on the Internet to this day. This suggests that the singer’s popularity is not limited to narrow limits, but continues to develop.

In the same year, the singer gave a solo concert in his homeland. He was named "To all the beauties of the Caucasus". Other famous Caucasian performers were invited to this concert:

  • folk dance ensemble "Kafa";
  • Aslan Kushkhov;
  • Anzhelika Nachesova;
  • Aidamir Eldarov and others.

Creative flight

In 2012, the singer said goodbye to his bachelor life. His wife Inna moved to live with him from Moscow to Nartkala. Murat Thagalegov, whose biography is already known to many fans, and his wife Inna look simply amazing in the photo during the wedding.

Currently, many hits of Murat Thagalegov are appearing. One of them was called “Casanova”. It is often played on all radio stations on the planet. No less popular is the composition “He will steal and call.” Admirers of his work have loved this composition since its first release.

Now many people are fascinated by the singer Murat Thagalegov. Biography, wife, photo - fans are interested in everything that concerns their idol.

Now the singer is touring not only throughout the Caucasus, but also far beyond its borders. His performances take place on a very tight schedule, so tickets are booked six months in advance.

Currently, Murat is a laureate of the “Ninth Wave” competition. He often performs with singer Azamat Bishtov, delighting admirers of his talent.

Outside the Caucasus, not everyone knows who Murat Thagalegov is. The biography, wife, photo, and nationality of the singer remain a mystery to many.

Everybody dance

A new video has been released with the participation of Murat Thagalegov together with Sultan Hurricane. It was called “To the Disco”. This piece of music contains a very important idea of ​​friendship between peoples. The clip recalls the time when the problem of interethnic unity was not as acute as it is now. This clip is so fiery that it is impossible to resist.

Murat Thagalegov was invited to various song competitions and performances. One of them is the big festival “Cities of the Caucasus Together”. It brought together performers from different parts of the Caucasus.

In his songs, the singer knows how to harmoniously combine love themes with Caucasian rhythms, which do not allow anyone to remain indifferent. His works are heard in all discos. They are played several times at the request of visitors to dance establishments.

Murat Thagalegov shows photos with his wife and son only to those closest to him. He loves his family and does not show off his family photos and tries not to talk publicly about his loved ones.

Murat Thagalegov is a singer who performs songs in the Caucasus-pop genre. He became known to the general public after the release of the hit “I’ll give you a bride price for you.” His work is bright and original - it’s hard to sit still while listening to the artist’s songs.

Childhood and youth

Murat Thagalegov is a native of Nalchik, born on July 30, 1984. The boy grew up in a large family; he has two brothers and four sisters. My father is an ordinary worker, my mother is a housewife.

Murat began to show musical abilities from childhood. He walked everywhere and sang, sometimes annoying his relatives. But, despite his hobby, after school he decided to master a serious and, in his opinion, higher-paying profession. Thagalegov trained as a jeweler.

He soon realized that the family could not cope without his financial help, but jewelers were not needed anywhere. At first the guy worked in a car service center, then he worked in his hometown at a concrete plant.

One day, sitting in a cafe with friends, Murat began to hum a song, and one friend who was involved in culture in Nalchik suggested recording it in a studio. He was 24 years old at the time, and he agreed to this adventure, one might say, for fun. Afterwards he gave the recording to his friends to listen to. The young man’s creativity was to the taste of the listeners – the peculiarity of his songs were catchy Caucasian rhythms that called for dancing. The first trips to the recording studio took place completely secretly from relatives.

Murat Thagalegov recorded his first song at the age of 24

When he was invited to his first performance, he was forced to refuse due to the fact that he did not have a suitable suit.

Even when concerts became regular, he did not leave his job at the factory. I didn’t want to lose my stable income, because I wasn’t sure of my success in the music field.

His old friend Alibek Geryugov helped him get on the big stage.


The first song of Murat Thagalegov, which was included in rotation on the radio, was called “Alan”. This was in 2010. Then the compositions “One Night”, “Wounds Cry”, “Goddess” began to be broadcast on air. In 2011, the track “Chef” gained particular popularity. From that moment on, Murat’s career began to gain momentum, the singer began performing solo concerts.

Murat Thagalegov - "One Night"

Many people really liked the duet with Amirina called “Heaven for You.” But the artist’s popularity was brought by a composition called “Kalym”, which, after its release, immediately sounded on all radio stations and in all entertainment establishments in the country. By the way, the author of this hit is the same Amirina.

Murat Thagalegov - "Soul of a Bandit"

Murat himself does not write songs, he is only a performer. Most of the songs were written for Thagalegova, a singer now popular in the Caucasus. The artist also works with Aslan Tlebzu (the public knows him from his collaboration with “Black Eyes”), he created some arrangements for the performer.

On the wave of unprecedented popularity, the artist released a series of hits: “Casanova”, “He will steal and call”, “Native”, “Suret”, “Dianochka”, “You are not with me” and others.

Murat Thagalegov - "Casanova"

The singer begins to tour, his concerts are sold out. He is often invited to corporate events. Once, speaking at a wedding in Moscow, he sang the song “Kalym” as many as 40 times. The bride's father, a wealthy and important person in the capital, paid 40 thousand rubles for each performance. As a result, “Kalym” alone brought Murat 1.6 million rubles that evening.

Murat Thagalegov - "Kalym"

Thagalegov has repeatedly become a laureate of the North Caucasian music award “9 Wave”.

In 2013, Murat recorded the song “To the Disco” with Sultan-Uragan. Its release brought the musician a new wave of popularity, no less deafening than “Kalym”. Soon the musicians shot a video; as of 2018, it had been viewed over 88 million times. In 2014, a single for the composition was released.

Sultan-Hurricane and Murat Thagalegov - “To the disco”

In 2015, Murat Thagalegov presented his first full-length album, “I Forget You.” It included 25 compositions, both already loved by the public and new songs.

Personal life

Murat Thagalegov said goodbye to his single life in December 2012. The artist married Inna Maksidova. He met his future wife in Moscow. After the wedding, the couple left for the city of Nartkala, in Kabardino-Balkaria. The singer also has an illegitimate son. Murat does not yet have any children in common with Inna, or he carefully hides this from journalists.

Murat is a modest young man who does not like to give interviews or make long speeches. But sometimes he has to communicate with correspondents; after all, he is already a public person. So one day he said that he doesn’t drink alcohol. But this does not mean that he is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle. The man admits that he doesn’t play sports at all. Although before I started singing, I spent 4 hours a day in the gym – I was into kickboxing and wrestling. But today there is simply no time for this. Yes, if there is one, then Murat tries to dedicate it to his family.

Thagalegov says that the stage takes up a lot of time, even his parents are offended by him, since they see their son once every two months. So the singer does not rule out ending his singing career and returning to jewelry making in the future.

According to the singer, the opinion about Caucasian men, their culinary abilities and love for barbecue is a stereotype. For example, Murat does not know how to cook and does not eat meat. He prefers seafood and loves Japanese cuisine.

Murat Thagalegov now

Murat Thagalegov continues to tour and release new hits. In 2017, he recorded the songs “Eastern Star” and “Redhead”. In 2018, he presented the composition “Prisoner” to the public.

Murat Thagalegov - “Prisoner” (Premiere 2018)

In August 2018, in his official group in

NAZRAN --- Sultan Khazhirokov, a well-known musician and rapper in the North Caucasus, Sultan-Uragan, has been appointed Minister of Press and Information of Kabardino-Balkaria. The decree on his appointment has not yet been published, but has already been given to ministry employees. Perhaps, in this way, the head of the republic wanted to emphasize that the republic was still calm and even fun?

The appointment of Sultan Khazhirokov, or rapper Sultan-Uragan, to the post of Minister of Press and Information would not deserve attention if we were talking about a calm, prosperous region. In fact, why not? On some tropical island, where charming bourgeois bask on the white sand, and the local governor in a Jamaican shirt is not averse to entertaining dear guests with a rap performed by the local press minister.

However, we are talking about a republic that is on the verge of a civil war, where society is split along several lines of conflict.

This is the war with the Islamic underground, and a desperate, deadlocked dispute between the Balkars and Kabardians for mountain pastures.

However, I’m probably exuding poison in vain; in this post, Sultan-Hurricane will replace Boris Pashtov, former producer of the legendary Russian group “Tender May”.


My interlocutor is a member of the public council under the President of the Republic Khadzhiismel Thagapsoev- believes that there is nothing wrong with this appointment, Minister of Press and Information - technical position:

“This is not an ideological institution, generally speaking, in terms of how power is built. This is an institution that should deal only with technical, resource and organizational issues. The political and ideological players in the mass media are the apparatuses and administrations of the presidents, and the ministries just create infrastructure and resource conditions - that’s all.”

That is, the publication of books that no one reads, and government newspapers, the demand for which is not much greater than the demand for books.

I allowed myself to doubt the expert’s assessments and called the press services of the leaders of the North Caucasus republics.

There they told me that the Ministry of Press and Information is an agency that does not have clear regulations. By and large, it fills itself depending on the problems existing in the republic and the desire of the authorities to use additional resources in solving these problems.

As a rule, it is not only responsible for information support of the authorities, but also, along with the Ministry of National Affairs, bears its share of responsibility for building a dialogue between the authorities and public structures, which is especially important for multinational republics.

This is probably of no use in the republic, where, in principle, things are not so bad - and not so many people are dying.

Why waste energy and time on dialogues between the authorities and society when you can just dance?

Murat Thagalegov was born on July 30, 1984 in Kabardino-Balkaria. Currently a successful artist, he began his career in 2010, being a fairly mature young man. Before this, the young man had to work at a concrete plant. The factory worker never even dreamed of success, but when his song “I’ll give you a dowry price for you” got into the light, within a few days Murat discovered that he was becoming famous, he literally woke up as a celebrity.

The song became an indispensable element of any feast and conquered not only Thagalegov’s native republic, but also the whole of vast Russia. The hit was reborn in dozens of remixes that were heard in thousands of clubs across the country.

Biography of Murat Thagalegov

Murat was born into a large family. The boy's parents had to raise seven children. The family was distinguished by strong family ties that continue to this day. Now the whole extended family is proud of their star relative. Once upon a time, little Murat tired his large family with his constant playing music. The artist has been practicing his skills since childhood.

Murat not only gained experience working at a factory before becoming a popular performer with a busy touring schedule, but also managed to graduate from two educational institutions and receive two degrees. Thagalegov, if not for the stage, could have realized himself in law or jewelry.

In 2010, Murat suddenly began a new page in his life for himself and everyone around him. It was during this period that his first song appeared “I’ll give you a dowry price for you”. The simple text, combined with a memorable melody, fell in love with the listener.

The singer is different from most of his colleagues, thanks to which he very quickly gained his own audience.

At the moment, Thagalegov has released several dozen of his songs, several of which are hits. Simple melodies and good lyrics are the recipe for Murat’s popularity. He does not seek to conquer his listeners with his special talent, complex compositions, in his songs the musician talks about his feelings, he is no different from hundreds of thousands of residents of the Caucasus, and for this he was loved both in his native land and throughout the state. This is confirmed by several years of successful career.

Personal life of Murat Thagalegov

Despite the fact that Murat himself is from a large family - he himself has only one child so far. The artist also has a spouse. Her name is Inna. Murat and Inna met in Moscow. The wedding took place in December 2012.

Photos from Murat Thagalegov's wedding:

Thagalegov tries not to talk about his personal life.

Murat is an example for many young guys who dream of being on stage, but cannot boast of rich parents, incredible talent or family ties with music producers. Despite everything, Thagalegov achieved what he wanted - he took his place on the musical Olympus.

At the moment, Murat Thagalegov is one of the most successful performers in the south of Russia. He constantly tours, attracts huge crowds at his concerts and is thinking about releasing an album. Fortunately, about 20 singles allow us to release several music records.