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Biography, life story of the group "Slot"

Two-time winner of the Russian Alternative Music Prize in 2005 and 2006.
Authors of soundtracks for blockbusters “Street Racers”, “Shadow Fight 2”, “Night Watch”, “Boomer”, “Piranha Hunt”.

The SLOT group was formed in Moscow on February 2, 2002, when KASH met Dan at one of the many alter parties. A little later they were joined by ID. Dan's friend Proff became the drummer of the newly formed band.

After a long search for a vocalist, numerous castings and auditions, Dan brought Teona Dolnikova, at that time the lead singer of the musicals “Metro” and “Notre Dame De Paris,” into the group. Despite its “operatic” background, Teka quickly realized what was what in the heavy alternative, and in a very short time the group made its first demo recording. The disc consisted of 5 tracks: “INTRO”, “Alone”, “Chaos”, “Boomerang” and “Clone”.

Having distributed at least 250 promotional packages throughout the capital (and not only) media, SLOT “sank to the bottom”, continuing to work on the material. The reaction was not long in coming: in the summer of 2002 they began to write about the group. The first articles were published in Neon and NME magazines. The project, in which the best vocalist in Moscow takes part, could not but arouse the interest of the public.
In the same summer of 2002, the band’s official website and a page on REALMUSIC.RU were launched, where those same five songs are published.

The group played their first concert at the Tochka club at an event proudly called TWIST FEST - 2.

The group was more than successful in participating in the competition on the above-mentioned website Over the course of several months, the public chose the best of the 3,000 tracks submitted by open voting. The song “Alone” met all the expectations of the group: during the entire voting period, it never fell below 5th place and ultimately led SLOT to victory. The final of the competition took place in the "16 tons" club. Of the five teams participating in the final, the jury chose SLOT.

Announce yourself in full voice and the group succeeded throughout the country thanks to the blockbuster “Boomer”. Two superhits “Clone” and “Only It’s Fun” were released on the soundtrack to the film, becoming the group’s first official releases. In cinemas, the film was advertised under “Clone”, and at the end there was an inscription: “Soundtrack - Sergey Shnurov”...


The epic with “Boomer” ended with the fact that in August 2003, the giant of domestic music. industry, “Mystery of Sound” offered the group a contract, and in October the first album, “SLOT I,” was released.

When the question arose about which song to shoot a video for, we decided not to change horses midstream, and with the help of director Marina Tsurtsumiya, a video was born for the song “Alone”, which had already become a hit. The clip was even rotated on MTV for 2-3 months.

In the winter of 2004, after several failed concerts, the group decided to part ways with Teona Dolnikova. The group’s work schedule and the musical schedule turned out to be incompatible, and this prevented “SLOT” from functioning fully.

After listening to a huge number of applicants, the group finally found a vocalist - Ulyana-IF.

But these were not all the trials that befell SLOT. In the summer of that year, Dan and Proff also decided not to combine work on two projects and focused on Tractor Bowling.

Once again, it is a difficult task to replace two high-quality musicians. After going through all their old acquaintances, Cash and ID invited Mikheich (bass) and Mr. to the group. Dude (drums). First, we rehearsed the concert program and only after that, at the beginning of 2005, we started creating the next album.

In the fall, SLOT performs at the first RAMP (Russian Alternative Music Award) together with the leaders of the domestic alternative scene and the world icon - KOЯN. KOYAN leader Jonathan Davis especially noted SLOT's performance, saying that this great option mixtures Linkin Park and Evanescense.

In the spring of 2006, on the independent label "Em and Nem", the group released the long-awaited album "Two Wars", distributed by "Mystery of Sound". Literally a few months after the start of sales, the number of discs sold exceeded 10,000 copies.

Immediately after the release, the group was very lucky - they found a vocalist whose performing style perfectly matched the style of SLOT. The girl's name was nookie, and she fit in perfectly with the team, not only professionally, but also human qualities, which after certain events the band’s musicians began to especially appreciate.

Almost at the same time, the group had a new director - Anton Dyachenko,
managed to normalize all the life processes of the group.

In September 2006, the independent film company HHG shot a video for the song “Two Wars”. It immediately receives a lot of positive feedback from the audience and is included in the list of main contenders for the title of “Clip of the Year” within RAMP-2006.
In 2006, the group was again nominated for the RAMP Award (in four categories at once) and became the only group to reach the finals in three categories! Thanks to the active support of its fans, SLOT became the winner in the “HIT OF THE YEAR” category!

On December 10, 2006, the first ever specialized festival SLOT.Fest takes place in the Moscow club “Tabula Rasa”, in which, in addition to the best Russian representatives alternative music, the leading Eastern European alternative band INSANE (Hungary). Based on the results of the festival, the collection “SLOT_festival v.1” is published.

On January 1, 2007, SLOT’s second studio album “Two Wars” was recognized as the BEST ROCK ALBUM OF 2006. The voting was conducted by the leading Russian online music publication 25 thousand people took part in the voting.

In 2007, the group actively gave concerts (“Two Wars Tour” included more than 40 cities in Russia and the CIS) and prepared for the release of their third album.

At the beginning of November, a video for the song “Dead Stars” was released, which was preceded by the singles “Trinity” and “Dead Stars”.

The song "Dead Stars" is included in the soundtrack to the film "Shadow Fight 2".

Less than 6 hours after its appearance on, the single "Trinity" took first place in the Top 10 in terms of the number of album downloads of this largest online music store in Russia. The single "Dead Stars" confidently holds third place in this ranking.

The release of the third studio album SLOT took place on November 18, 2007. On the same day, the presentation of the third album of the SLOT group - “Trinity” took place at the Moscow club “Shadow”.

Immediately after the presentation, the group went on the TRINITY Tour, which included more than 50 cities in Russia, the CIS and the Baltics.
At the same time, the group participated in the Channel One concert tour “Russia Forward!” together with the groups Aria, Pilot, Tokyo, Nogu Svelo and others. The tour took place at the largest concert venues in Russia (Tatneft Arena in Kazan, Sports Palaces in Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and St. Petersburg). The tour ended on March 2, 2008 with a grand gala concert on Red Square, in the presence of 35,000 people, shown live on Channel One. The SLOT song “Chaos” was shown in the “Time” program on Channel One. The song “Bullet” from the second album “Two Wars” is included in the soundtrack of the film “Street Racers”.

In April 2008, SLOT was released new clip to the hit song “They Killed Kenny.” The presentation of the video took place on April 23rd as part of a large solo concert at the Moscow club “Tochka”. That evening the club could barely accommodate everyone who wanted to attend the event.
Now the group continues touring as part of the TRINITY tour and is preparing for summer festivals. SLOT will perform at the festival " New wave» in Jurmala, Nashestviya, Vozdukh (Petrozavodsk), Rock Palace (St. Petersburg), etc.

SLOT group- one of the leading and oldest alternative teams on Russian stage(which, due to the active use of recitatives, also interests us through the prism Russian rap), whose musical orientation varies from heavy electronic rock to rockapop.

The debut performance took place at the Tochka club at the TWIST FEST-2 festival, after which the now deceased magazines PLAY and NME were dubbed SLOT a team capable of “bringing an alternative into the mainstream.” The group managed to make a name for itself throughout the country thanks to the blockbuster “Boomer”: the hits “Clone” and “If only it was fun” were included in the soundtrack to the film, becoming the first official releases. As a result, in 2003, SLOT received a contract from the Mystery Sound label, which released their debut album, SLOT I. The video for the song “Alone” is included in the rotation of Russian MTV.

In the same year, the group performed at the first RAMP (Russian Alternative Music Awards) together with the world icon - KOЯN. KOYAN leader Jonathan Davis especially praised SLOT's performance, saying that it was "a great mix of Linkin Park and Evanescense." IN further musicians become three-time RAMP award winners. In 2006, the group released its second album, “Two Wars,” which was distributed by “Mystery.” A few months after the start, the number of discs sold exceeded 10,000 copies. The album was recognized as “Best Rock Album of 2006”.

From that moment on, Anton Dyachenko took over the management of SLOT, debugging all business processes and organizing the group’s powerful concert activities.

In the middle of the year the composition changes. The new vocalist Nuki still represents the beautiful half of this band.

At the same time, a video for the song “Dead Stars” was released, which, like other SLOT videos, was rotated on the “A-ONE” channel. At the same time, the song “Dead Stars” appears on the soundtrack to the film “Shadow Fight 2”, and the song “Bullet” becomes the musical accompaniment movie "Street Racers".

The release of the 3rd studio album “Trinity” took place in November 2007. Immediately after the presentation, the group went on a large-scale Trinity Tour, covering more than 50 cities in Russia, the CIS and the Baltics. Later, SLOT participates in the Channel One concert tour “Russia Forward!” (Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, etc.) together with the groups Aria, Pilot, Tokyo, Nogu Svelo, etc. The tour ended with a grand gala concert on Red Square, which attracted 35,000 people.

SLOT group: ID, CACHE, Dudu, Nuki, NiXoN
In October 2009, the guys from SLOT released their fourth album “4ever”.
Former “Aria” guitarist Sergei Mavrin and the country’s main violinist Dmitry Rishko (“The King and the Clown”) took part in the recording of the album. The sound producer, as in the previous release, was Kirill Nemolyaev.
As a gift to all Runet fans SLOT presented the “breaking” track “End of the World, No Internet”, which used the popular monologue “There was not a single break...” by Anton Uralsky. A special place on the record is occupied by the songs “Spider-Man” about a parkour athlete who imagines himself as a super hero, and “Warcraft” - the anthem of all fans of this game. The release is preceded by a video for the absolute hit “Angel O.K.”, which was included in the rotation of the A-One channel. Three weeks before the album's release, he tops the channel's Top 10. Back in early September, the clip took the first positions in the “Leaders of Views” and “Top Favorites” on YouTube. The official website of the group registers more than 3,000 original visitors per day, in this SLOT second only to the group SPLIN, which, as you know, also released a new record during that period.

According to the release company M2, the group is among the Top 5 most popular and popular modern Russian rock bands. The entire initial print run of “4ever” is sold back in October. The company prints additional circulation album. On October 15, the presentation of the album takes place to an absolute sellout in the largest club in Europe - the capital's "B1-Maximum", on October 30 - in "GlavCLUB" in St. Petersburg.

Since November 2009, SLOT has been going on a large-scale tour in support of the album “4ever”. The musicians will present a two-hour trash show, which will feature new songs and already beloved hits from past releases by numerous fans.

In April 2010, the song “Mirrors” entered active rotation on Radio Maximum and for several weeks occupied the top positions in the TOP 10 of the “Hit Parade of Two Capitals”.

In the autumn of the same year SLOT acts as the opening act for American LIMP groups BIZKIT, at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. According to management, Fred Durst personally selected SLOT from more than 10 Russian rock bands.

At the same time, the group’s first collection, “The Best of,” was released, the release of which undoubtedly becomes a milestone in the history of the group. And then presented new video work on the song “Lego”, filmed in the psychedelic style of the film “Saw”. The song falls into heavy rotation on the two largest radio stations in Holland - “3FM” and “KinkFM”, as well as on the air of the cult American radio station “ROCK FM”, the presenter of which introduces SLOT as “the first Russian rock band that sounds on the American FM range with 1987."

The second single from the new album is the song “Kill me baby one more time”. Video clip of the same name for this one, aged in best traditions early creativity SLOT groups, the composition is presented in two languages ​​at once and still provokes a resonance of discussions. The anti-drug message of the song is accompanied by a tough, sometimes even shocking video.

By the end of 2010 - beginning of 2011 SLOT approaches a fundamentally new milestone in its development and becomes the first last decade export group in Russia. In less than six months, the team is preparing the first English-language single “Mirrors,” which is arousing great interest among Western concert companies.

At the end of August 2011, the first English-language album SLOT groups(the SLoT) "Break The Code" appeared on the shelves of record stores in the United States and Canada.

SLOT officially became the pioneers of modern Russian rock music for Western audiences. The album, under license from the Russian publisher M2BA, was released by the American label Neurodisc and distributed by one of the world's largest distributors, Fontana/Universal. This is the group's second foreign release in 2011 - in May, the collection “The Best of” was released in Japan.

For the record SLOT group re-recorded 15 of her biggest hits, giving them English-language titles and lyrics. Author of texts and music producer became big friend group Travis Leak, and one of the best sound producers, winner of numerous awards, Werner Beukes, was responsible for mixing and mastering. An unexpected remix of the song “Mirrors” from the leader is presented as a bonus track on the album American project Blue Stone - Robert Smith.

The release of the album in the United States was preceded by the appearance on the radio of the single of the same name, “Break the Code,” which in just one week was in rotation on 55 American radio stations and took second position in the Metal Radio Station Add Chart.

Compound SLOT groups: ID, CACHE, Dudu, Nuki, NiXoN

Autumn 2011 SLOT group releases a new album, called F5. The current page of the team's work will be updated with the release of the fifth album. SLOT together with its fans will make a total update and a complete refresh, consolidating itself in the status of the flagship of the progressive national music With newest album F5 on the eve of its 10th Anniversary.

F5 includes 15 tracks, the genre range of which extends from the gothic melodicism of the mysterious composition “Twilight” to the deliberately brutal grotesquery of “Breivik Show” in its topicality. The musicians, without false modesty, call their new creation an absolute set of hits, backing up the non-trivial lyrics with bright musical solutions. SLOT, in the literal sense of the word, reboot the listener with diverse compositions. Fans of the entire creative period SLOT groups will be impressed by the powerful arrangements, the piercingly recognizable voice of Nuki and the aggressively meditative vocals of CASH. Several new compositions were presented to the public on the stages of the largest music festivals, where the group has long been rightfully considered the flagship of the domestic rock scene.

Listeners were also treated to several surprises, among which the composition “Body” stood out - a joint creative union with the luminary of the St. Petersburg gothic scene - Roman Rein. A real gift was the cover of the super-hit “Rose Street” by the group “Aria”, recorded together with Arthur Berkut, now the ex-vocalist of the legend of Russian heavy-metal.

The author of the F5 cover design was Anton Semyonov (aka “Gloom82”) from Bratsk. Gloom82 is one of the most prominent representatives modern digital painting. Among his customers, for example, are such international performers as Infected Mushroom.

Premiere new song“Lonely People” was broadcast on a federal FM radio station - “NASH Radio”, after which the track immediately entered the “Chart Dozen” hit parade and a few weeks later took FIRST place on the hit parade! This victory was a great gift group for the New Year.

Parallel SLOT presented a video clip for the song “Twilight” on the O2-TV channel, and on the “NASH Radio” website the video became the leader of views in a matter of days!

Large, sold-out presentations of the F5 album took place on November 5th at the Moscow club Milk Moscow and on November 12th at the St. Petersburg club “Waiting Hall”, after which the group presented a new program in the Baltics and the Far East.

SLOT opened the 2012 concert season with an unusual concert - on January 29, a k@ver concert was held in the capital's B2 club, at which 27 tracks were performed - both timeless rock and roll hits and songs of popular Russian rock and pop groups. With this concert the group Once again broke the stylistic boundaries and rules of the genre with the most unexpected and merciless covers of famous compositions.

February 2, 2012 SLOT group Turned 10 years old! This is the first significant anniversary for the team, so its celebration will be held on a special scale and will last for a long time! Two large ones have already been announced holiday shows SLOT, which will present the entire variable palette greatest hits from all records, as well as rare tracks performed. Anniversary concerts will be held on April 7 at the Moscow P!PL club and on April 13 at the St. Petersburg club “Waiting Hall”. Gradually SLOT group will reveal the details of these grandiose events!

In February SLOT group going to the big one tour around the cities of Russia and the CIS in support of his new album F5.

A girl whose images amaze with extravagance. It is never the same. She is always unique and attracts attention. This is not only part of her image on stage - it is her life. Daria personifies everything that a Slot soloist should have.

Biography of the singer

Not much is known about her life before the group. She was born in 1986 on February 1 in the Arkhangelsk region, in the small town of Velsk. She graduated from school in Arzamas and went to the Nizhny Novgorod School to study music.

Now the soloist of “Slot” Daria Stavrovich lives in Moscow and combines her career as a rock singer with her studies at the Moscow Institute contemporary art. There she studies at the department of pop-jazz and academic singing. Her curator is one of the best vocal singing teachers in Russia, Ekaterina Belobrovaya.

On April 18, 2014, at the group's autograph session, the girl was attacked by a crazy fan. He inflicted several knife wounds on the girl in the neck, as a result of which the artery and trachea were damaged. In critical condition, Daria was hospitalized in the intensive care unit. The girl spent almost a month in the hospital. Due to a wound to the trachea, the lead singer of “Slot” was forced to undergo long-term rehabilitation.

It turned out that this secret "Romeo" for a long time stalks Nuki online. At first these were romantic letters, which eventually changed to threats if she did not be with him.

After the doctors said that her health was not in danger, but that she needed some time for rehabilitation, the Slot group confirmed that they would take part in all summer festivals, A solo concert in St. Petersburg will be postponed until the fall.

Useful acquaintance

Since childhood, Daria has been distinguished by her originality and uniqueness. But not only this influenced her to become a member of the group. Daria is very hardworking and diligent, she strives for everything she does to be perfect. She got into the group through her friend Maxim Samosvatov, the former vocalist of the Epidemic group. He knew the vocalist and creator of the Slot group Igor Lobanov.

Group "Slot"

This was formed not so long ago, in 2002 on the initiative of Igor Lobanov. He is and ideological inspirer band, both songwriter and vocalist. But the group did not work out very well with vocalists; over the course of several years they managed to change two girls, until after long auditions they chose Stavrovich. And from 2006 to this day, she has been the official vocalist of the Slot group.

Igor Lobanov created the group together with Sergei Bogolyubsky. A year after their creation, their first album was released, but it did not create the expected sensation. Opinions on it were divided, but many still noticed the huge potential of the young rock band.

Now the group has seven studio albums, several soundtracks, 15 singles, a mini-album and a remix album. The group has two vocalists, which is their distinctive feature. In each song, their roles are distributed equally. The group mainly plays hard rock and nu metal, but some screaming and rapping makes their music similar to rapcore and metalcore.


You can find it on the forums a large number of questions about what is the name of the lead singer of “Slot”? This question worries both fans of the group and fans of the singer’s solo projects. In musical circles, Daria Stavrovich is known under the pseudonym “Nookie”, which was invented for her by ID (Sergey Bogomolsky), founder of the group “Slot”.

By the way, there is a lot of controversy surrounding her nickname about what it means. If translated from English, it means sex without obligations, but according to another version, her stage name was inspired by listening to a Limp Bizkit song.

And the “Slot” soloist herself constantly confuses reporters and fans. Just recently in an interview she said that nookie is the Chinese word for her name. In other sources you can find a definition that her nickname is a name, in fact, and has no translation. What prompted the creation of a pseudonym is really up to you to decide.

Creative activity

It’s amazing, but in addition to participating in the group and studying at the institute, Daria Stavrovich takes part in many other things.

So, since 2014, the lead singer of the group “Slot” has been accepting Active participation in the “Forces United” project, known throughout the world. Stavrovich took part in this competition together with Jarkko Ahol, Konstantin Seleznev and Maxim Samosvatov.

From time to time, Nookie is invited to sing in various rock bands to increase his rating. She voices games, appears in music videos and films, and participates in all sorts of music competitions. So in 2014, the filming of the film “School Shooter” with the participation of Daria ended. In this film she got cameo role. In the same year, the video “Reality” was shot with her participation.

The soloist of “Slot” is very famous in musical circles. She received the “Golden Note” prize at a competition organized by the Nuki production center and won the nomination “Best Rock Vocalist of 2014”; in the same year she was awarded the title of Best Performer of 2014. The singer was voted for on the NewsMuz portal. True, she won silver in this competition.

Already in 2015, she voiced the singer Aria from the online game “ArcheAge”. As mentioned earlier, she strives to participate in all kinds of projects. This year, Nuki was noticed on the Voice show, performing a song by the Irish rock band The Crandberries Zombie, she made a real splash on the show.

Solo project

Four years ago, the lead singer of “Slot” actively took up solo career. At the end of 2012, she launched her project called “Nuki”. In addition to her, her colleagues in the group “Dudu”, “ID”, “Slot” take part in it. A year later, her first album “Alive” was released. Videos were shot for three songs from this album. Three years later, the album “Pollen of the Moon Butterfly” was released, which became the second in her solo career. A video was shot for the song “Illusion” from this album.

Earlier this year, the world heard her single “Dance, Clown, Dance.” In it, in addition to the song with the name of the single, two more from the previous albums, “Alive” and “Ashes” were recorded, but in new versions.

The music she performs in her solo project is of a completely different style and is not similar to what “Slot” plays.

Her extremely bright appearance makes the girl stand out from the main crowd of music performers of this genre. The style of clothing and stage costumes are fully consistent life priorities, which the lead singer of the group “Slot” adheres to. Photos of Nuki only illustrate her inherent style. It intertwines rock, echoes of punk and small notes of gothic. That is why it is so unique.


To date, the Slot group has recorded six studio albums with Nuki’s vocal performance. Including the album “Two Wars”, previously recorded with Ulyana Elina. In addition to these albums, there is another “KISLOTa. First Blood", which consists entirely of remixes.

On account of the solo project “Nuki” on this moment two albums: “Alive” and “Pollen of the Moon Butterfly”.

Without You (feat. STRESS)
The battle
Breivik show
I believe - I don't believe
Waterfall of Times (feat. Viper Inc.)
Durer's Horsewoman (feat. Inquisitor)
God & Devil Inc.

2 wars
2 drops
Closed day
Keep your eyes on the sky (feat. Hraniteli)
Brave New World (feat. Viper Inc.)
To ten
Waiting hall

through the earth
Follow the stars (feat. Radio operator K@t)
To the Earth (feat. Oblivion Machine)
Ring (feat. Valkyrie)
The end of the world - no Internet
Kill Me Baby One More Time[Britney Spears cover]
Circles on the water
A voodoo doll
People in dreams
Dead stars
Millions of years
My dreams
Wet as he wants
Over the abyss in lies
Learn to fly
It's not meant to be
About nothing
Newborn Fire (feat. Boni Nem, Aria, etc.)
The night Watch
Lonely people
Old School
They killed Kenny
From dusk to dawn
The escape
Under whose brand is the soul (feat. Viper Inc.)
After our last meeting
Listen, stop
Just a man
Rocket for a poet
Rock 'n' roll is dead
Mouth to mouth
Russian soul
C'est la vie
7 last calls
Force of gravity
Download for free
Ash layer
Glasses of rose-colored glasses
Fear, pain and tears
Fear and aggression
Glass revolution
Scarier than me (feat. Digimortal)
You're Not Near (feat. Inexist)
Body (feat. Roman Rain)
It's now or never
If only it was funny
Three sisters
To where the sky is
Street of Roses[Cover of the song by the group Aria]
Lanterns (feat. Oba-Rek)

Flash Mob
Cold heart
Black on black
4 steps
I know

Biography (history) of the Slot group

Daria "Nookie" Stavrovich - vocals
Igor "Coach Cash" Lobanov - vocals
Sergey "ID" Bogolyubsky - guitar
Nikita "NiXoN" Simonov - bass guitar
Kirill "Mr Dudu" Kachanov - drums

Former members
Denis "Dan" Khromykh (former guitarist for Tracktor Bowling, currently guitarist for Cockroaches!) - bass
Alexey "Proff" Nazarchuk (current drummer for Tracktor Bowling) - drums
Teona "Teka" Dolnikova - vocals
Ulyana "IF" Elina - vocals
Mikhail "muxeu4" Korolev - bass
Mikhail "MiX" Petrov - bass

SLOT group- one of the leading rock bands on the Russian scene, whose musical orientation varies from heavy electronic rock to rockapop.

The beginning of the group’s existence can be considered 2002, when Igor “Cash” Lobanov (MC) met guitarist Denis “Dan” Khromykh. The first vocalist was famous singer Teona Dolnikova, main character musicals "Metro" and "Notre Dame De Paris".

The debut performance took place at the Tochka club at the TWIST FEST-2 festival, after which the now deceased PLAY and NME magazines dubbed SLOT a group capable of “bringing alternative to the mainstream.” The group managed to make a name for itself throughout the country thanks to the blockbuster “Boomer”: the hits “Clone” and “If only it was fun” were included in the soundtrack to the film, becoming the first official releases. As a result, in 2003, SLOT received a contract from the Mystery Sound label, which released their debut album, SLOT I. The video for the song “Alone” is included in the rotation of Russian MTV.

In the same year, the group performed at the first RAMP (Russian Alternative Music Awards) together with the world icon - KOЯN. KOYAN leader Jonathan Davis especially praised SLOT's performance, saying that it was "a great mix of Linkin Park and Evanescense." Subsequently, the musicians become three-time RAMP award winners. IN 2006 In 2018, the group released its second album, “Two Wars,” which was distributed by “Mystery.” A few months after the start, the number of discs sold exceeded 10,000 copies. The album was recognized as “Best Rock Album of 2006” based on voting results on

From that moment on, Anton Dyachenko took over the management of SLOT, debugging all business processes and organizing the group’s powerful concert activities.

In the middle of the year the composition changes. The new vocalist Nuki still represents the beautiful half of this band.

At the same time, a video for the song “Dead Stars” was released, which, like other SLOT videos, was rotated on the “A-ONE” channel. At the same time, the song “Dead Stars” appears on the soundtrack to the film “Shadow Fight 2”, and the song “Bullet” becomes the musical accompaniment of the film “Street Racers”.

The release of the third studio album “Trinity” took place in November 2007 of the year. Immediately after the presentation, the group went on a large-scale Trinity Tour, covering more than 50 cities in Russia, the CIS and the Baltics. Later, SLOT participates in the Channel One concert tour “Russia Forward!” (Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg), together with the groups Aria, Pilot, Tokyo, Nogu Svelo and others. The tour ended with a grand gala concert on Red Square, which attracted 35,000 people.

In October 2009, SLOT released their fourth album, “4ever”.

Former “Aria” guitarist Sergei Mavrin and the country’s main violinist Dmitry Rishko (“The King and the Clown”) took part in the recording of the album. The sound producer, as in the previous release, was Kirill Nemolyaev.

As a gift to all fans of the Runet, SLOT presented the “breaking” track “The End of the World, No Internet,” which uses the popular monologue “There was not a single break...” by Anton Uralsky. A special place on the record is occupied by the songs “Spider-Man” about a parkour athlete who imagines himself as a super hero, and “Warcraft” - the anthem of all fans of this game. The release is preceded by a video for the absolute hit “Angel O.K.”, which was included in the rotation of the A-One channel. Three weeks before the album's release, he tops the channel's Top 10. Back in early September, the clip took the first positions in the “Leaders of Views” and “Top Favorites” on YouTube. The official website of the group registers more than 3,000 original visitors per day, in this SLOT it is second only to the group SPLIN, which, as you know, also has a new record coming out.

According to the release company M2, the group is among the Top 5 most popular and popular modern Russian rock bands. The entire initial print run of “4ever” is sold back in October. The company is printing additional copies of the album. On October 15, the presentation of the album takes place to an absolute sellout in the largest club in Europe - the capital's "B1-Maximum", on October 30 - in "GlavCLUB" in St. Petersburg.

From November 2009 SLOT goes on a large-scale tour in support of the album “4ever”. The musicians will present a two-hour trash show, which will feature new songs and already beloved hits from past releases by numerous fans.

In April 2010, the song “Mirrors” entered active rotation on Radio Maximum and for several weeks occupied the top positions in the TOP 10 of the “Hit Parade of Two Capitals”. A video clip is being filmed; according to experts, this is the most expensive video in the history of alternative music. The video was directed by Svyatoslav Podgaevsky, author latest works“Slot” (“Angel O.K.”) and “T9” (“Inhale – Exhale”). The script for the video was created based on real events that occurred in the USA (Jacksonville) in 1952. Police found young Emelie Wilson shot to death in her family home. The mystical circumstances of this murder made the entire state shudder. The investigation revealed that Emeli was completely alone in the house, and, according to the assurances of the security, no one else appeared on the estate. Almost no traces could be found at the crime scene - only a couple of shell casings and playing cards. But what shocked the investigation most of all was that the photographs from the crime scene showed the blurry outlines of a certain human figure. Detectives have not found an explanation for this phenomenon, and local residents claim that they have repeatedly seen the ghost of Emily Wilson in the vicinity of the mansion.

Preparations for filming took more than six months: negotiations were held for a long time about permission to film in the notorious mansion, and scrupulous work was also carried out to find important facts and restoration of the details of the incident.

All the roles in the video were played by the musicians of the Slot group, and vocalist Nuki embodied the image of Emeli. The resulting mystical-detective story in the spirit of post-war film noir will also be presented in an English-language version.

In November 2010 year, the group released a video for their new song “Lego”. The song was recorded in its own character last album"4ever"

In March 2011 The shooting of the video “Kill me baby one more time” took place a year ago. Directed by Svyatoslav Podgaevsky. The plot is based on a story that happened to the only girl of the team - Nuki.

November 5 2011 The band's new album comes out this year F5" Most likely, Slot’s new release will raise a flurry of heated discussions, especially considering the fact that the video clip preceding the release was filmed for the rather uncharacteristic song “Twilight” for the group’s work. The Slot group is no stranger to eloquent criticism on the Internet, but the objective indicator of popular recognition is not the amount of dissatisfaction in the comments, but the number of audiences at concerts, and Slot is doing well with this indicator.

Review by Alexey Mysin.

I consider it my duty to give my assessment of the new, seventh album of the SLOT group. The article I announced about this very Septima show lost its relevance as soon as a much more significant event in the history of the group arrived. And even without me, a lot of words have already been written, a huge pile of photos and videos have been uploaded to all the Internet, so I don’t see makes a lot of sense continue this topic. Let me just say that it was interesting to feel serious at first music critic, and then a meticulous journalist. Well, some wonderful, almost intimate moments could not help but leave a pleasant imprint in the memory.

To hell with retreats!

So, the cover! Once again it was created by the hands of the talented artist Gloom82. The traditional dark aesthetics never cease to inspire admiration and respect for SLOT’s serious approach to the design of their records. But this time, in my opinion, it turned out to be a real masterpiece! Without exaggeration, I will say that this cover was the best in history. I can't wait to hold the disc in my hands.

Now about the contents, everything in order.

1. The album begins traditionally, with a powerful action movie. Here he is! My favorite SLOT, from the very first notes! From the depths of the subconscious, the same sensations emerge that I experienced when I first listened to the releases “F5” and “Sixth”. “Reincarnation” will definitely be included in my personal chart of favorite songs by the group. Everything is wonderful here: the music, the text, and the performance. In general, it was a damn right decision to start the record with her. A landmark song for the group, but more on that later.

2. “MKH” became the first single and the first video for a reason. Cheerfulness, youth, enthusiasm - it’s all here! And while it's unlikely to become one of my favorites, the song definitely deserves high praise. Well, and that very moment in the video that brings at least 20% success... the guys will understand me;)

3. "Russian soul". Just looking at the title of the song, I wanted to give it a hundred :D The message is clear, the lyrics are good, but the persistent taste of Russian rock ruins my assessment completely. Or maybe my somewhat “cosmopolitan” lifestyle recent years makes itself known? It's hard to say for sure.

4. "Ctrl+Z". Here it is, the bomb! Finally, SLOT has brought back my hatred for hardcore! I've been waiting for this song, probably since "Bullet". I can’t help but say thank you to Kirill Nemolyaev! Make them write songs like this more often!

5. "Waiting room." It’s not clear on whose life experience Cash relied on in the process of writing the text, but I, as a veteran of mental work, found something of my own in it. Sad but good song. It seems to be a SLOT, but it seems to be not. Ambivalent feeling. I still find it difficult to assess.

6. "4 steps". Another iconic creation. A gloomy song, but it couldn't be any other way. It was unexpectedly interesting to see the most tragic event in the band's history through Cash's eyes.

“Evil irony twists the face of St. Peter: a lot of trouble, go back, live!” © Gordeya
Guys, take care of the little one!

7. "Where the sky is." Also not quite a SLOT, in my opinion, but the song is very interesting. Has a slight allusion to The Offspring “ The Kids Aren’t Alright,” which is pretty funny.

8. SLOT can be incredibly sweet in its traditional love-lyrical form, but this song is a real Masterpiece! It is also interesting to note the fact that this work has a semantic connection with serial number album, which clearly indicates its importance for the group. Unlike "2 Wars", "F5" and "Trinity", "I Know" sounds pop and "format" for large number radio stations. But HOW they did it!.. The ending deserves special attention. Milady, this is how you do it: to the quick, but without piercing or cutting?! It tore my patience back at the Septima show. My goodness, this song was successfully leaked to the Internet. I played it on my player for several days and couldn’t stop.

9. "Circles on the water." Another masterpiece. A lot has already been said about her, I don’t want to repeat myself. An adult and unusually beautiful ballad. And again Dasha gets my standing ovation! Musical stars and opera singers They smoke dejectedly on the sidelines.

10. “Glass of rose-colored glasses.” Also a good slot action movie. I won’t write much, I’ll just give it a high rating.

11. "Fear and aggression." Now, everyone seems to like the song: both the music and the lyrics, but the idea of ​​a children’s choir seems more than doubtful to me. And the chorus is kind of weak. IMHO, Dariya Sergeevna would have done a good job herself. In general, I didn't appreciate it.

12. “I Believe - I Don’t Believe” begins like something well forgotten old, successfully rewritten in new way, but the explosive chorus leaves no doubt. Yes! It's a SLOT, baby! The same one! And then they give me the hate back into hardcore. Small angry woman hysterical like the last time! How can you not adore her for this?

13. "Paid." This is an interesting experiment. It’s not for nothing that the album ends with this song. Topical text, Cash's dynamic reading, the madness of the spirit of materialism. Oh, your B-flat!

The first song perfectly characterizes the next milestone in the history of SLOT. In terms of its overall sound, Septima is head and shoulders above previous albums. I don’t want to compare with anyone, but if it weren’t for the Russian-language lyrics, SLOT could be mistaken for some seasoned Western group. No kidding. “Natural selection” in the rhythm section has paid off: the bass and drums sound cooler than ever! ID once again showed himself to be a talented composer. One modest piece of advice: don’t listen to Nemolyaev, don’t be shy about adding powerful guitar solos to your songs! I'm sure most of the band's fans will appreciate this. Cash is handsome! Threw some coal into the firebox! Keep it up! In general, I was also pleased with the texts, excellent work. Dashik, you never cease to pleasantly surprise. I’m already tired of choosing epithets and compliments for you. In my opinion, everything is clear to everyone :)

I am proud to have been involved in the creation of this wonderful album. Thank you SLOT for what you do for us!

Director, concert agent, tour manager:
Anton Dyachenko
[email protected]
tel.: +7 916 015-9257,
icq 156292293

Official (updated) biography on the site
Official page of the Slot Vkontakte group:
Facebook: no.
Twitter:!/nookie_slot blog: no.
Official website:
Video YouTube channel: No.
Livejournal: no.
MySpace: no.
group Slot in Odnoklassniki (official group): no.
Photo on FLICKR: none.
Community on LIVEINTERNET: no.

Materials used to create the biography:
1. Official website of the Slot group.
2. Wikipedia.
3. Media.
4. Photos from open sources.

The SLOT group is one of the leading rock bands on the Russian scene, whose musical orientation varies from heavy electronic rock to rockapop.

The beginning of the group’s existence can be considered 2002, when Igor “Cash” Lobanov (MC) met guitarist Denis “Dan” Khromykh. The first vocalist was the famous singer Teona Dolnikova, the main character of the musicals “Metro” and “Notre Dame De Paris”.

The debut performance took place at the Tochka club at the TWIST FEST-2 festival, after which the now deceased PLAY and NME magazines dubbed SLOT a group capable of “bringing alternative to the mainstream.” The group managed to make a name for itself throughout the country thanks to the blockbuster “Boomer”: the hits “Clone” and “If only it was fun” were included in the soundtrack to the film, becoming the first official releases. As a result, in 2003, SLOT received a contract from the Mystery Sound label, which released their debut album, SLOT I. The video for the song “Alone” is included in the rotation of Russian MTV.

In the same year, the group performed at the first RAMP (Russian Alternative Music Awards) together with the world icon - KOЯN. KOYAN leader Jonathan Davis especially praised SLOT's performance, saying that it was "a great mix of Linkin Park and Evanescense." Subsequently, the musicians become three-time RAMP award winners. In 2006, the group released its second album, “Two Wars,” which was distributed by “Mystery.” A few months after the start, the number of discs sold exceeded 10,000 copies. The album was recognized as “Best Rock Album of 2006” based on voting results on

From that moment on, Anton Dyachenko took over the management of SLOT, debugging all business processes and organizing the group’s powerful concert activities.

In the middle of the year the composition changes. The new vocalist Nuki still represents the beautiful half of this band.

At the same time, a video for the song “Dead Stars” was released, which, like other SLOT videos, was rotated on the “A-ONE” channel. At the same time, the song “Dead Stars” appears on the soundtrack to the film “Shadow Fight 2”, and the song “Bullet” becomes the musical accompaniment of the film “Street Racers”.

The release of the third studio album "Trinity" took place in November 2007. Immediately after the presentation, the group went on a large-scale Trinity Tour, covering more than 50 cities in Russia, the CIS and the Baltics. Later, SLOT participates in the Channel One concert tour “Russia Forward!” (Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg), together with the groups Aria, Pilot, Tokyo, Nogu Svelo and others. The tour ended with a grand gala concert on Red Square, which attracted 35,000 people.

In October 2009, SLOT released their fourth album, “4ever”.

Former “Aria” guitarist Sergei Mavrin and the country’s main violinist Dmitry Rishko (“The King and the Clown”) took part in the recording of the album. The sound producer, as in the previous release, was Kirill Nemolyaev.

As a gift to all fans of the Runet, SLOT presented the “breaking” track “The End of the World, No Internet,” which uses the popular monologue “There was not a single break...” by Anton Uralsky. A special place on the record is occupied by the songs “Spider-Man” about a parkour athlete who imagines himself as a super hero, and “Warcraft” - the anthem of all fans of this game. The release is preceded by a video for the absolute hit “Angel O.K.”, which was included in the rotation of the A-One channel. Three weeks before the album's release, he tops the channel's Top 10. Back in early September, the clip took the first positions in the “Leaders of Views” and “Top Favorites” on YouTube. The official website of the group registers more than 3,000 original visitors per day, in this SLOT it is second only to the group SPLIN, which, as you know, also has a new record coming out.

According to the release company M2, the group is among the Top 5 most popular and popular modern Russian rock bands. The entire initial print run of “4ever” is sold back in October. The company is printing additional copies of the album. On October 15, the presentation of the album takes place to an absolute sellout in the largest club in Europe - the capital's "B1-Maximum", on October 30 - in "GlavCLUB" in St. Petersburg.

Since November 2009, SLOT has been going on a large-scale tour in support of the album “4ever”. The musicians will present a two-hour trash show, which will feature new songs and already beloved hits from past releases by numerous fans.

In April 2010, the song “Mirrors” entered active rotation on Radio Maximum and for several weeks occupied the top positions in the TOP 10 of the “Hit Parade of Two Capitals”.

In the fall of the same year, SLOT performed as the opening act for the American group LIMP BIZKIT at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. According to management, Fred Durst personally selected SLOT from more than 10 Russian rock bands.

At the same time, the group’s first collection, “The Best of,” was released, the release of which undoubtedly becomes a milestone in the history of the group. And then a new video work for the song “Lego” is presented, filmed in the psychedelic style of the film “Saw”. The song falls into heavy rotation on the two largest radio stations in Holland - “3FM” and “KinkFM”, as well as on the air of the cult American radio station “ROCK FM”, the presenter of which introduces SLOT as “the first Russian rock band that sounds on the American FM range with 1987."

The second single from the new album is the song “Kill me baby one more time”. The video clip of the same name for this composition, in keeping with the best traditions of the early work of the SLOT group, is presented in two languages ​​at once and still provokes a resonance of discussions. The anti-drug message of the song is accompanied by a tough, sometimes even shocking video.

By the end of 2010 - beginning of 2011, SLOT is approaching a fundamentally new milestone in its development and becoming the first export group in Russia in the last decade. In less than six months, the team is preparing the first English-language single “Mirrors,” which is arousing great interest among Western concert companies.

At the end of August 2011, the first English-language album of SLOT (the SLoT) “Break The Code” appeared on the shelves of music stores in the USA and Canada.

SLOT have officially become the pioneers of modern Russian rock music for Western audiences. The album, under license from the Russian publisher M2BA, was released by the American label Neurodisc and distributed by one of the world's largest distributors, Fontana/Universal. This is the group's second foreign release in 2011 - in May, the collection “The Best of” was released in Japan.

For the album, the group re-recorded 15 of their biggest hits, giving them English-language titles and lyrics. The band's great friend Travis Leake became the lyricist and music producer, and one of the best sound producers, winner of numerous awards, Werner Beukes, was responsible for mixing and mastering. As a bonus track, the album features an unexpected remix of the song “Mirrors” from the leader of the American Blue Stone project, Robert Smith.

The release of the album in the United States was preceded by the appearance on the radio of the single of the same name, “Break the Code,” which in just one week was in rotation on 55 American radio stations and took second position in the Metal Radio Station Add Chart.

SLOT group: ID, CACHE, Dudu, Nuki, NiXoN

In the fall of 2011, the SLOT group released a new album, called F5. The current page of the team's work will be updated with the release of the fifth album. SLOT, together with its fans, will make a total update and a complete refresh, securing its status as the flagship of progressive domestic music with the newest album F5 on the eve of its 10th anniversary.

F5 includes 15 tracks, the genre range of which extends from the gothic melodicism of the mysterious composition “Twilight” to the deliberately brutal grotesquery of “Breivik Show” in its topicality. The musicians, without false modesty, call their new creation an absolute set of hits, backing up the non-trivial lyrics with bright musical solutions. SLOT, in the literal sense of the word, reboot the listener with diverse compositions. Fans of the band's entire period of creativity will be impressed by the powerful arrangements, Nuka's piercingly recognizable voice and Cash's aggressively meditative vocals. Several new compositions were presented to the public on the stages of major music festivals, where the group has long been rightfully considered the flagship of the domestic rock scene.

The listeners were also treated to several surprises, among which the composition “Body” especially stands out - a joint creative union with the luminary of the St. Petersburg gothic scene - Roman Rein. A real gift was the cover of the super-hit “Rose Street” by the group “Aria”, recorded together with Arthur Berkut, now the ex-vocalist of the legend of Russian heavy-metal.

The author of the F5 cover design was Anton Semyonov (aka “Gloom82”) from Bratsk. Gloom82 is one of the most prominent representatives of modern digital painting. Among his customers, for example, are such international performers as Infected Mushroom.

The premiere of the new song “Lonely People” took place on a federal FM radio station - “NASH Radio”, after which the track immediately entered the “Chart Dozen” hit parade and a few weeks later took FIRST place on the hit parade! This victory was an excellent gift for the group for the New Year.

At the same time, SLOT presented a video clip for the song “Twilight” on the O2-TV channel, and on the “NASH Radio” website the video became the leader of views in a matter of days!

Large, sold-out presentations of the F5 album took place on November 5th at the Moscow club Milk Moscow and on November 12th at the St. Petersburg club “Waiting Hall”, after which the group presented a new program in the Baltics and the Far East.

SLOT opened the 2012 concert season with an unusual concert - on January 29, a k@ver concert was held in the capital's B2 club, at which 27 tracks were performed - both timeless rock and roll hits and songs of popular Russian rock and pop groups. With this concert, the band once again broke the stylistic boundaries and rules of the genre with the most unexpected and merciless covers of famous compositions.