Learning to draw for kids. First steps in drawing: teaching your child creativity

"Giraffe's Birthday" Drawing by Sonya Danilova, 5 years old

IN Lately I often wonder: is it worth teaching a child to draw? The question arose as a reaction to my daughter’s drawings, completed on the instructions of an art teacher under his guidance. I was upset by the pattern of the drawing and the teacher’s obvious help, if not intrusive help. I began to explore this question in myself and around me, talking with children and parents, with teachers and freelance artists, and, above all, looking at the drawings of my daughter Sonya and the children I knew.

“Antarctica in winter” :) Drawing by Sonya Danilova, 5 years old

I’ll say right away that Sonya produces about 10 drawings a day. She draws quickly and enthusiastically. The subjects of her daily drawing line are animals, princesses and nature. From time to time, she creates entire colorful worlds on a sheet of paper. When there is no paper at hand, walls, documents, sheets and other things convenient for drawing are used. No amount of logic or threats can save you from property damage. From the early age and up to today Drawing is the only constant activity at home.

"Flower Meadow" Drawing by Sonya Danilova, 5 years old

Drawing and the sea, sea and drawing. When asked what she liked more, diving or drawing, Sonya replied that, of course, drawing. Although she just loves to float underwater :)

"Green Fish" or "Sea Space". Sonya Danilova, 5 years old

It is precisely because my baby loves to draw so much that I decided to look into this issue and collect in one post the visions and advice of those artists and teachers who have wonderful children.

So this is what I found out for myself on the topic children's drawing. First of all, I clearly understood that you can teach drawing only to a child who already draws himself. If the child does not want to draw or does not like to do it, then it is better not to insist. You can try to captivate your child by drawing yourself. This often works best.

"Rainy Summer" Sonya Danilova, 5 years old

When a child is already able to learn, he picks up techniques on the fly from an adult drawing or is simply great at plagiarizing from his peers. If you encourage him to independently search for shape and color, without regard to friends, then there is hope to develop talent; otherwise, the child will develop only technical drawing skills. Creating a cozy creative corner in your home means that instead of cartoons, your child will bring you a project of his dream house or a drawing of a fruit stand where the sellers are children :) Children have such wonderful ideas!

"Love Birds" Sonya Danilova, 5 years old

Be careful with stencils, coloring books and markers! They often replace the child’s natural pattern. They make tasks easier and dull the perception of color and shape. An excellent alternative would be paints (watercolor, gouache) and colored pencils. But don't rush with the number of colors. 6 colors is more than enough to start with. Ideally, the baby should get to know each color carefully and slowly. Let me give you an example, let's take yellow. Here yellow pencil, he paints like this, but the paint has a different texture, but the yellow warm sand, it’s so nice to tinker with it in the yellow sun. And the yellow banana is delicious, and the yellow flower... how it smells. The point is to make the color both voluminous, subjective, and abstract concept simultaneously. So that the baby first feels it, knows it by taste and smell, tactilely and visually, so that he remembers the sound of this color, pronouncing it together with his mother. Yellow... B English language There is a wonderful expression for the process of learning color - “experience the color”.

Masha Vasilyeva, artist, teacher, top hair stylist, mother of Alisa and Lada

“If a child devotes a lot to some activity, then he needs to go deeper into it. And this situation can be created by an adult. Let's take drawing. Let's imagine the amount of physical energy spent on 10 drawings and the amount of consciousness that is involved during this activity. I mean inclusion and control of the tools of consciousness: will, sustained attention, creative thinking, concentration, perception. And now we present 2-3 drawings that fully involved the same amount of physical energy of the baby. By expanding the involved field of consciousness. That is, our task is to translate the physical energy of activity into building the structure of consciousness. This will be development. It is not necessary to teach, but to create a creative space is necessary! Deep. Miscellaneous. Invite him to approach drawing in different ways, to play drawing. Bodily: draw with eyes closed, or with the left hand open in the dark, to the music, two at the same time. Visual perception: from nature, from memory or from an idea. Imaginative thinking, imagination: ask problems - draw something that is not there, or something that is not there, but was before or will be later. A beast that lives underground, but can swim or fly. Will: draw a picture for a gift or a picture of our life or a portrait of a family so that it whole year We were pleased with what was on the wall - due to the importance of the child, he gathers all his will and tries very hard. Concentration: draw all the scales on the fish so that it looks like it’s alive. And of course good materials, large sheets, thick brushes that can paint half the sky in one breath. Feelings change very quickly. The tools must keep up. Small child cognizes feelings with the help of spots of color and rhythm. You need everything bright and wide.

After 7-8 years, you can work with thinner instruments, but not felt-tip pens. They do not allow feelings to unfold. They turn drawing and creation into description. Felt pens after 14 years, when the artist knows what he feels, realizes, knows how he will realize it. Consciousness is already connected to feelings and deeds. Do you know why children stop drawing? They don't know how to incorporate their expanding consciousness into drawing. We don't give them complex techniques, instruments, styles. Here you don’t need to teach, but offer, give an opportunity, show, switch attention. It is very important to see your child for peculiarities of consciousness and temperament, because in artistic activity, in the game we can, understanding the tasks of his development, offer him those tasks that will include dormant areas of consciousness, harmonize him for the benefit of the whole future life! This is deep parental creativity to listen and know what to do now - run outside for 5 minutes and then draw, or listen to music and dance until you drop, and then draw in complete silence, or tickle and hug, or swim, or read an exciting story or be silent for 1 hour. Try everything. Happy creativity to everyone!

Drawing by Dusi, 7 years old

Olga Kultenko - mother of Arina (4 years) and Masha (2 months), organizer of the Miracle Tree Creative Studio, family photographer, artist

Yulia Chernova, makeup artist for Stas Namin’s cinema and theater, mother Nicole, 5 years old:

Nicole is with me at work all the time and she constantly learns the art of makeup from me. She really likes to paint on her face and body, and she is also interested in Vedic subjects, especially everything related to Krishna.

Galaxy in Krishna's mouth

Nicole goes to kindergarten with an artistic and aesthetic bent. But in kindergarten they have creative tasks, not free creativity. Therefore, her work in kindergarten is very similar to the work of other children, more formulaic, and when she draws herself, she shows a riot of imagination and sees things from an unexpected angle

Works from kindergarten with an artistic twist

Although I am an artist, I do not teach my daughter the canons of drawing. I believe that living in a creative theatrical environment, her learning happens organically. I don't mind the classic art education, but now this makes no sense. If I try to correct her work, suggest, guide, then she actively protests and says that she knows herself. For example, if a person has 2 legs pointing in the same direction.

“In the Free Wind” somehow looks better. I myself prefer two styles of painting: “naive” and “abstract”, it is very lively and real. Children's drawings delight me with their spontaneity and non-canonical nature. After the theater and art school, where I painted a lot of still lifes over 4 years, I’ve had enough, I don’t paint still lifes anymore. I want Nicole to draw for pleasure, and not out of necessity.

Write beautiful paintings People gifted with talent can do it, but even small children can learn to draw. How to facilitate the acquisition of such skills in young children, and what should parents of children pay attention to during the educational process? Children aged 3-6 years simply love to draw, but the result obtained is not always clear. At what age can you start learning, what materials are needed for this, and what are the benefits for a child’s development from this type of creativity? We will answer all these questions in the review.

About the benefits of drawing for children 2-7 years old

About the status emotional background, feelings in society and inner world can be judged by children's drawings. Child psychologists, analyzing a child’s “masterpieces,” can create a picture of his spiritual, emotional and mental state.

A reflection of the influence of the surrounding world on the child as a whole can manifest itself in children's drawing. In addition, the development of the cerebral hemispheres, small hand motor skills in parallel with the improvement of speech, memory, intelligence, discipline and perseverance.

Each child begins to join this activity at different time. Some children first began to paint with finger paints at the age of 2, others with colored chalk on the asphalt from the age of 3, and still others even with their mother’s lipstick at 12 months. But no matter what the first experience of drawing is associated with, we can say with confidence that this will be a favorite pastime for a long period of childhood.

Teaching children to draw

Parents are required to take care of purchasing the necessary materials for creativity (paints, colored pencils, albums, felt-tip pens, easels, etc.). Of course, you can enroll your guys in art school or drawing courses, but the review will talk about what overwhelming help parents themselves can provide.

First drawing lesson

You can start teaching your child to draw with a picture of a flower. First, draw an oval, and inside it is a second oval, which will serve as the core. To make the petals beautiful and correctly shaped, it is recommended to use a ruler. The planes of the oval are divided by two perpendicular lines, and then several vectors are drawn that equally separate the right angles. Next, you should show your child how to connect two adjacent lines in a semicircle, thereby creating a petal.

It’s time to introduce the heir to the grater and remove unnecessary lines. In conclusion, flower to be painted colored pencils or paints.

On the basis of an oval, you can similarly teach your child to draw a tulip, bell or daisy. The main thing is to remember the shape of the geometric figure and the sequence of its improvement.

You can teach boys to draw cars after familiarizing them with geometric shapes: rectangles and circles.

You can start depicting a truck using three parts:

  • wheels;
  • body;
  • cabins

A rectangle is suitable for the cabin, two circles are required for the wheels, and a rectangle for the body bigger size.

After receiving the schematic drawing, we begin to depict the details. During the drawing process, it is necessary to communicate with the child and draw his attention to various nuances. For example, a driver sits in the cab and controls the truck using a steering wheel and pedals. But the gas, clutch and brake pedals are not visible. For a trip to dark time day you need headlights, which are best painted yellow or orange. It is also worth paying attention little artist on the size of the body in which various objects and building materials can be transported.

It is not necessary to talk about all the details, otherwise the process will turn from an exciting one into a tedious lecture and will lose all the charm of creativity. Using the same principle, it is recommended to draw a passenger car, where a smaller one stands on a larger rectangle, and the role of the wheels is played by 4 circles, two of which will be incompletely visible. It is enough to bevel the corners on the upper rectangle to get the silhouette of a car. Here we can add that almost every country produces cars, among which the fastest are sports cars. And in this spirit, you can significantly enrich your child’s knowledge about cars.

It is not difficult to teach little girls and boys to draw a house. This will require introducing them to three figures from the world of geometry: square, rectangle and triangle. Having drawn a square, they “build” the walls of the future house. Then using a triangle on the house the roof appears. The role of the window and door will be performed by rectangles. Next, all that remains is to decorate the house, add curtains to the windows, a handle to the door, a threshold and a doorbell.

This home schooling children younger age can be an excellent base for more in-depth study drawing. In the creative process, parents will be able to judge their child’s abilities and development. You shouldn’t give up coloring books that have been popular at all times. With their help, the child will learn to respect the boundaries of the drawing, not to go beyond the contours and see the entire drawing as a whole, coloring it step by step. A wide variety of such coloring pages can be found on the Internet for different ages. You can show an example and download the image you like for the parent and child, so that everyone is busy with their own drawing.

How to teach a child to draw? This question arises among parents when their children unsuccessfully try to portray something and become very upset because of failures. Children have the right to count on parental help, loving dad and mom can teach basic knowledge. It won't be easy at first. The baby will be embarrassed hold a pencil, its lines, devoid of smoothness and clarity, will hardly depict objects. But with each lesson the drawings will improve.

We teach children to paint with watercolors

Children simply love to paint. To begin with, it is recommended to paint with watercolors. An ordinary honey watercolor consisting of 12 colors will do. A landscape sheet or whatman paper is suitable as a basis for drawing. It is recommended to fix the paper on the board with pins and dilute three basic colors. Having armed your child with a brush, you need to show how to dip it in paint and apply a stroke to the paper. Place a glass of water nearby to wash off the paint from the brush. Explain to your child that even if the drawing doesn’t work out right away, it can be corrected when the paint on the paper dries. Reveal to your child the secret of mixing basic colors to create new ones.

How to teach a 4 year old child to draw? On by example. Start drawing the clouds and the sun, and then you can move on to more difficult subjects . For very young children, the finger drawing technique is suitable. To do this, you will need to prepare the place by carefully covering the table with oilcloth or newspapers so that the heir does not stain everything around. Next, apply paint to the baby’s fingers or palms and offer to make prints on clean slate Whatman paper Keep a bowl of water and paper towels on hand to clean your baby's hands in time for color changes.

To introduce children to paints, the method of painting with a sponge is suitable. This method can be mastered by a 3-year-old child. To do this you will need to prepare paper, several fragments foam sponge, saucers for paint, gouache, basin with warm water and paper towels.

This technique is also suitable for younger children.

The creative process looks like this:

  • prepare the desired colors of paint on a palette or saucer;
  • attach the paper to an easel or fix it on a table;
  • cut the dishwashing sponge into three parts;
  • moisten clean water paper;
  • Dip the sponge into the desired color of paint on the palette and apply the design onto the paper with jerky movements.

For kids it’s worth choosing simple drawings, for example, depict a rainbow. The main thing is that the parents are nearby and suggest the sequence of actions during the fascinating process.

It is no less fun to paint pictures using wax. To do this, you will need the same items as for painting with a sponge, only you should additionally take a wax candle and a brush.

Wax from a lit candle is dripped onto a dry sheet of paper. At this stage, the presence of parents is mandatory so that the child not injured from fire. It is recommended to form wax stains not randomly, but by weaving them into a pattern or words. After the wax has hardened, paint is applied to the paper using a brush. From the surface where wax is present, the paint will begin to roll off. You will really like the resulting drawing because of its originality, and you will want to repeat the creative process itself in the near future.

As can be seen from the review, introduce your beloved child with drawing you can use various items and methods. The main thing is that the child enjoys the time spent with his parents or loved ones, and he gains not only general concept about it exciting process, but was also pleased with the result.

How to teach a child to draw? To begin with, the parent himself needs to master or become familiar with a certain technique that will gradually allow him to achieve desired result. And there are many drawing techniques. We recommend trying each of them and determining which one suits your child best. And in the process of creative experiments, children and their parents will definitely not be bored.

Many people think that drawing is an artistic “science” that not everyone can master. In fact, a person’s craving for art awakens as early as early childhood, however, without a certain development of abilities, it weakens over the years.

So is it possible to teach a child to draw, especially if he was born unable to do so? When to start educational process and from what exactly? Finally, should I send my child to an art school or a drawing club in the future?

At what age do children start drawing?

Children begin to take an interest in drawing quite early, following the example of their parents and brothers and sisters writing something on paper. However, in in a general sense the craving for drawing manifests itself in children aged 1 to 1.5 years.

And if at first the child’s drawings look more like scribbles, then closer to 5 years (and up to 15 years) an actively developing imagination helps children create real masterpieces on paper.

The benefits of drawing for child development

Rate all positive sides drawing in childhood is almost impossible - its influence on children is so enormous that the development of the child’s entire personality falls under the “sight”.

In a general sense, drawing:

  • forms in the child a passionate sense of beauty and a desire to create something beautiful;
  • develops the baby’s mind and imagination and helps to master new “tools” for exploring the world: felt-tip pens, brushes, pencils;
  • The child learns to convey surrounding objects through his pictures and at the same time is engaged in useful work.

Where to start?

The first drawing lessons can take place already when the baby learns to hold objects in his hands. At this point, mom can hand him pencils and help him draw a simple line on the paper.

Let it not be completely even and even “slide” from the album onto the table. It is much more important that the child understands: his “manipulations” can subsequently turn into something truly beautiful!

Pencils or markers?

You should not give pencils to children without adult supervision, so that they do not accidentally get hurt by them. However, under watchful supervision, children can draw with felt-tip pens and a brush - especially since they make their first attempts at “pen” using coloring books.

Who would refuse to draw a character from their favorite book, the finished image of which lies in front of you on paper? It’s hard to make a mistake and do something wrong here!

Which ones exactly?

Some people find that pencils or thin felt-tip pens are not very convenient to use. At least for children two years old: their stylus often breaks and the rod is pressed inward.

However, only by giving your child the opportunity to choose something of his own from a variety of options will you help him find his favorite “tool” for drawing.

Paints or crayons?

A two-year-old child can draw with almost anything: with finger paints and thick felt-tip pens - on paper, with bright crayons - directly on the asphalt or board. It is generally most convenient to draw last, since they are soft and leave clear lines behind them.

Mastering gouache and paint will be a little more difficult, because they imply not only the desire to sculpt something, but also a certain creative technique.

Miracle of technology!

Recently, stores have begun to sell some amazing things for drawing: a set for creativity with glitter on velvet paper or amazing felt-tip pens that a child can blow into. And it's truly wonderful!

Drawing lessons for kids from 2 to 4 years old

Teaching a child who is 2-3 years old to draw begins with mastering the simplest techniques. At the same time, it is very important to be attentive to the child’s needs to create and not to ridicule his diligent scratching of a pencil on paper.

The condescending attitude of adults towards children's drawings leads to the fact that the child may consider drawing an empty activity and abandon it.

What will you need?

Take bright colors, paper (the larger the sheets, the better), good brushes, a soft sponge and a glass of water. It is best to dress in something that you don’t mind getting dirty - even a purchased apron for drawing will not save you from stains when to the young artist only 3-4 years!

How much time should you spend studying?

You need to teach your child to draw for 10-20 minutes, 2-3 times a week, so that he doesn’t get bored, but also doesn’t end up losing his desire for creativity.

Techniques for developing drawing skills

the freedom of action

To conduct this lesson, take glossy paper white And watercolor paints. Let your little one dip the brush into the paint can and drip it directly onto the paper! The whimsical patterns with which it spreads will look like magical pictures!

Sponge but not Bob

For this lesson, take gouache and a large sheet of paper. Have your child dip their hand in the paint and squeeze it out a little. Let him leave a “signature” on the sheet with his hand, and use a sponge rolled into a roll to make the final artistic “touches” nearby.

You can draw on paper in a similar way with your fingers: dilute the gouache with water so that it turns into “sour cream” and pour it onto a plate. Using a wide brush, apply paint to your child’s fingers and ask them to leave their autograph on the sheet.

Wet style

A thick and large sheet of paper needs to be wetted under water for a couple of seconds. Now put it on a tray and invite your child to scribble watercolors on it. Considering the condition of the surface, the paint will spread on it, mix and create amazing “wet” patterns.

Scarlet flower

To teach a child to draw something really memorable, you can do this: dip the child’s finger in green color and, holding his hand, draw a stem with him on the paper. The palm print will act as a bud, and the end result will be a wonderful flower!

This technique can be successfully used to depict other objects. Try using it to depict a tree or a cheerful giraffe with your baby.

Drawing lessons for children over 4 years old

The age of four is a fertile time for mastering more complex drawing techniques. Already during this period it is worth sending your child to an art school, but if for some reason this does not work out, you can teach him to draw yourself.

It's more fun together

Get ready for the fact that you will have to do this together, since it is from your drawings that he will begin to take correct example. Try to draw brightly, specifically and not be distracted by too small details.

Tell me everything

Accompany the drawing process a fascinating story so that the child understands what you are doing.

Master the shapes

The most important thing is to teach your child to draw geometric figures, which will become the basis of the desired images, regardless of whether it is an animal or a person.

How to draw a tree?

At 4 years old, you need to start with something simple: with an ordinary green Christmas tree, which is cold in winter.

Below we attach step by step instructions to create an “artistic” tree and a picture - so that the child understands the principle of operation.

  1. Draw a line on the sheet leading from top to bottom. We spend a little time away from her curved lines, which will be the branches of our Christmas tree.
  2. Now we will try to “outline” these lines with needles: as shown in the figure. When all the branches become fluffy, paint the Christmas tree green.

Birch and other types of trees can be depicted in a similar way.

Learn to draw animals

Drawing a hedgehog

  1. Draw the hedgehog's quills on the paper using a zigzag, and then add his ears.
  1. Connect them with an oval to form a head.

  1. Draw the hedgehog's nose, eyes and mouth and give the hedgehog a belly.

  1. Draw his legs and arms.

  1. All that remains is to draw the needles as shown in the picture. The hedgehog is ready!

Draw a donkey

Drawing a donkey on paper is also much easier than you thought.

We perform the following steps step by step:

  1. We draw a simple oval on paper, then divide it with a line into two parts, in the upper of which we draw the donkey’s eye, and in the lower – the nostrils and mouth.
  2. Now we attach the donkey’s ears by drawing two “cucumbers” on the sheet. Just below the head we draw another oval - this will be the donkey’s body, which we will connect to the head with two “neck” lines.
  3. Now you need to add legs to the animal, drawing them at the bottom of the body, and a real tail, placing it on the side.

The donkey is ready! All that remains is to color it as your imagination dictates!

Drawing a cat and a dog

You can draw a cat and a dog using the same method. Step-by-step technique The image of a cat is shown in the following picture:

The main thing is to let your child understand that drawing animals is not difficult if you take geometric shapes as a basis (in in this case these are circles and semicircles) and show a little imagination.

You can draw a dog in the same way:

How to draw a person?

How to teach a child to draw a man? Not as easy as you want, but not as difficult as it seems. Begin!

Diagram of a full-length image of a man

1. Draw an oval and a rectangle on the sheet (as shown in the picture), and then connect them with a line to each other. We finish drawing the legs and arms with fingers.

2. Then add two lines to the arms to make them appear thicker. Let's do the same with the legs. Now let’s draw the man’s ears (two semicircles on the sides) and make a hairstyle.

3. A person’s face deserves special attention, but drawing his features - mouth, nose and eyebrows - will be easy if you look at the drawing first. Add a neck to the person and draw a shirt with a collar.

5. Draw his trousers and boots, draw his palms. There's nothing left to do: erase auxiliary lines, outline and color the person.

Drawing a human figure in motion and a face

In a similar way, you can depict a person in motion or draw his portrait. Step by step process detailed in the following picture:

Drawing circle: when and why?

By the age of 6, a preschooler who is actively involved in drawing already knows how to create with paints and pencils. If his drawings differ significantly from the creativity of his peers (in better side), send your preschooler to a club so that an experienced teacher can continue to work with him.

To choose a good club, just find out if there is one in your area private school or House of Creativity. Very often, ordinary art teachers conduct similar classes right in schools (without age restrictions).

Individual lessons

If you want your child to create professionally at the age of 6, send him to individual lessons. Their advantages are that:

  • the teacher visits you at a convenient time;
  • you choose the program in which the child will study (for example, drawing portraits);
  • Lessons are paid upon completion of the lesson.

Cons individual lessons There are also: they are not cheap, and finding a good teacher can be difficult.

Summing up

Any way of teaching a child to draw is good - both at 1 year old and at 5 years old, because it develops imagination and allows you to spend a little more time with the baby.

At the same time, it is not so important whether you strictly follow a certain methodology or independently develop an individual one. art program. It is important that these activities interest the child and are varied.

And even if your baby does not grow up in the future a real artist, drawing lessons will still have a beneficial effect on his development and correct perception of the world around him.

Drawing for children- this is a miracle activity. Drawing is development fine motor skills, creativity, fantasy, imagination, expression of one’s vision of the world.

How to get a child interested in drawing?

Recently, it has become popular to provide children with freedom of expression. Worrying about how not to hinder development creativity for a child, parents do not even try to teach the child to draw. Instead, the child is provided with everything necessary materials- paper, coloring books, sets of pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and brushes - and allow him to draw whatever and however he wants.

A one-year-old boy happily dips his palm into finger paints, a two-year-old child masters felt-tip pens. This is all very good. But children want to learn to draw. As long as there is interest, the child will repeat his attempts to depict something, and then he will simply “cool down.”
If, in response to a request to his mother to “go draw,” a child receives a refusal or hears in response “Come on, draw something yourself,” then he will soon get bored with this activity. If the mother readily draws the same house or the same type of person every time, such drawing lessons are also unlikely to captivate the child.

What is the right thing to do? Should you teach your child standard drawing techniques or let him try to learn on his own? How to teach a child to draw?

As always, the truth is in the middle.

Stages of teaching a child to draw

A good place to start getting acquainted with the world of colors and shapes is with finger paints.. Draw with your fingers and palm, see whose footprints are larger - mother's or children's, try mixing paints. But make sure that your child does not mix all the colors into one, otherwise you will end up with a brown mass that is simply pointless to work with.

Children begin to draw object drawings only after mastering phrasal speech, those. no earlier than two to three years. At this “doodle” stage, the child learns to draw lines and hold a brush or pencil in his hand. On the street, you can master “scribbles” with the help of crayons and coal.

Closer to one and a half to two years introduce your child to simple geometric shapes- in a circle, in a line. The baby can already draw rhythmic lines, spirals, circles.

The next stage is little men. Yes, yes, those same ones from the “stick, stick, cucumber” category. A circle symbolizing the head, and sticks instead of arms, legs and torso. After mastering the little people, children begin to depict houses, clouds, flowers, cats or dogs, cars. In part, kids choose these particular objects because their parents teach them to draw. “What are we going to draw?” - the mother thinks and reveals that it is easiest to portray her as one of the objects familiar to the child.

If you are ready to give your child half an hour of time, but do not know how to draw, numerous manuals that teach you how to draw simple objects and subjects will come to your aid. Such “tutorials” for parents and children can be bought in bookstores or downloaded on the Internet.

For example, I suggest you a few simple ones step-by-step schemes creating a drawing.

Let's draw a dandelion.

Techniques for teaching a child to draw. Pictures that help you learn to draw objects, animals and people.

  • Every mother wants to raise her child to be at least talented and successful person. On the way to this dream, women strive to comprehensively develop their children, invest in them maximum knowledge and teach them as many skills and abilities as possible.
  • One of these skills is the ability to draw. Many kids get quite upset due to their lack of artistic talent.
  • In this article we will try to figure out how to teach a baby to draw certain things and animate objects.

How to gradually teach a child to draw at 3-4 years old?

Step by step training drawing a baby with a pencil or pen:

  1. At the age of 3-4 years, the baby still cannot press hard enough on a pencil, so we select for him soft pencils. Such pencils are capable of leaving marks behind them even after very light pressure.
  2. We demonstrate to the child how to hold a pencil in his hand correctly. If the child is unable to pick up a pencil on his own, we help him with this. Subsequently, we constantly ensure that the baby holds a pen or pencil in his hand correctly.
  3. The first stage of training will be to instill the skill of drawing an even and clear line. At this age, kids are still quite uncertain when holding a pencil in their hand. Therefore, their lines turn out uneven and intermittent. We teach the baby to draw a line confidently and evenly
  4. It is advisable to purchase a special notebook for your child to trace pictures. In such notebooks, all drawings are depicted using numerous dots. The baby just needs to connect all the dots with one line. The result is a beautiful drawing.
  5. At first, we help the child trace the pictures, guiding his brush with our hand. Later, we let the baby independently connect all the dots on the piece of paper.
  6. At the next stage, we teach the child to draw the simplest geometric shapes - circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval, trapezoid.
  7. When the baby learns to draw simple figures, we teach him to create drawings from them. For example, using a square and a triangle we draw a house, using a circle and straight lines - the sun, using a rectangle and circles - a bus, etc.
  8. You can purchase or print children's drawing books from the Internet. Such manuals step by step depict various animals and objects familiar to children, created from simple figures. Subsequently, the child himself will learn to break all objects into shapes and create whole pictures using this technique.

  • If by the age of five the child has already completed the pencil training described above, you can begin the next stages of developing drawing skills
  • Now you can expand your little one’s creativity with the help of colored pencils, markers and paints. It is necessary to explain to the child that after sketching a drawing with a pencil, he can color it
  • On a large sheet of paper, the baby can now create entire compositions and interconnected plots
  • An ordinary walk on the street can be an excellent help for the development of a child’s imagination. You simply need to ask the baby to capture in his memory pictures that are interesting to him for later displaying them on a sheet of paper. The baby will then very carefully and intently examine the objects around him in order to remember them. Parents can give their child some tips. To do this, you can ask him suggestive questions like: “What color is this or that object? What are its dimensions? What is the ratio of the sizes of several objects that the baby likes? What do objects feel like to the touch, according to the baby?”
  • All this will help the child to imprint it in his memory as best as possible. interesting points and then express them on paper

  • Upon arriving home from a walk, it is advisable to immediately give the baby all the items necessary for drawing and provide him with a place convenient for creativity.
  • If your child suddenly has any questions, you need to help him find answers to them.
  • Parents can also ask their child questions about what he intends to portray. You can ask what sensations the child experiences, trying to draw what he saw earlier
  • In such classes, you can give your child the right to express his emotions and show them through drawing. For example, you can ask your little one to draw his favorite animal in different moods. That is, the child’s task is to show how the dog laughs, how angry it is, how afraid it is of something. Such lessons will develop the child’s imagination and at the same time express the state of his psyche

How to teach how to draw a tree?

How to learn to draw a tree?
  • Any tree always consists of a trunk, branches and greenery
  • You need to start drawing a tree from the trunk. It is worth noting that the tree trunk expands from top to bottom. In other words, the base of the tree is thicker at the bottom and tapers towards the top.
  • The same applies to tree branches - at the base they are thicker, and towards their end they become narrower
  • The thickness of the trunk depends on the type of tree. If you want to draw a birch, then the trunk should be thin with bends; if you want to draw an oak, then the trunk should be thick and massive

  • After the trunk is drawn, it is necessary to cover it with branches. As a rule, the branches of a tree do not start from the root, but from a quarter of its height. The lower branches are usually depicted wider than the upper ones
  • The direction of the branches is always upward - they seem to stretch towards the sun
  • On large branches you can draw smaller branches
  • The crown can be drawn as a solid mass using paints, or it can be drawn with a pencil in the form of individual leaves
  • When all the elements of the tree are drawn, all that remains is to paint it over. To depict a tree, you will need at least two colors: trunk and branches - brown or black, crown - green

How to draw animals?

As mentioned above, to make drawing animals easier, their body must be visually divided into simple geometric shapes. Having drawn each of the figures one by one, you need to connect them smooth lines. This is how animals are made.

Machine drawing

How to teach a child to draw a person?

It would seem that drawing a person is very difficult. However, if you adhere to a certain scheme, even a child can cope with this task. preschool age. So, step by step drawing person:

  1. Draw an oval. The oval will later become a human head
  2. Under the oval we draw a rectangle that will act as the top part human body(to the waist)
  3. We connect the oval and rectangle with two smooth lines. Thus we draw the neck
  4. Draw a second rectangle adjacent to the rectangle. Its width should be equal to the width of the first rectangle, but in length it will be slightly more oblong
  5. We divide the second rectangle in half with a line running exactly in the center from top to bottom. This line will help us create some semblance of legs
  6. Along the first rectangle we draw one more thin rectangle. This is how we draw the hands
  7. Smooth the upper part of the rectangles with a smooth line - these will be the shoulders
  8. Now we draw the neck of the sweater, the triangle on the pants, shoes and hands. All extra lines need to be erased with an eraser.
  9. Video: How to teach a child to draw?