Jack Sparrow's dad. Jack's favorite joke

When watching the new film "" viewers see a young Jack Sparrow. Young Jack Sparrow still has his trademark eyeliner. It seems that both the young Jack Sparrow and the adult are played by Johnny Depp. But your eyes, of course, deceive you, although young Jack looks like the real Johnny Depp.

Half Johnny Depp.

The plot of Dead Men Tell No Tales returns to the moment when Jack Sparrow becomes Captain Jack Sparrow. Minor spoilers ahead. For example, the film tells how Jack successfully outruns Captain Salazar (before he became undead). He manages to escape. Salazar and his team weren't so lucky. Jack becomes captain of his ship, the Black Pearl. And we see how the crew salutes their new captain, how a hat, a red and white scarf and cool beads appear in his appearance. Basically a Captain Jack starter kit.


While actor Anthony De La Torre is credited as a young Jack Sparrow, the character is also played by Depp. Know that Disney's level of CGI wizardry has indeed increased greatly, as evidenced when they made young Iron Man and for Rogue One! The same thing happens to Jack.

At a press conference about the new film "Pirates" Caribbean Sea The film's producer Jeremy Bruckheimer explained that the process may seem complicated, but for VFX professionals it is very simple.

"We found young actor who looked similar and was quite good actor" said Bruckheimer. “You put Johnny through the same scene that De La Torre did, and then you kind of put the two together. The company that did this is called Lola."

By the way, before we forget. There are not many resources on the Internet now that provide meaningful analytics on films and TV series. Among them is the telegram channel @SciFiNews, whose authors write the most useful analytical materials - analyzes and theories of fans, interpretations of post-credit scenes, as well as the secrets of bomb franchises, like films MARVEL And " Game of Thrones" Subscribe so you don’t have to search later - @SciFiNews. However, back to our topic...

“Come in quickly, it’s a complete mess outside! Hellish heat! - Johnny Depp opens the door to his trailer with a cigarette in his mouth. The air conditioners are running at full capacity, and African music is coming from the speakers. folk music. We are on film set Disney in California, where work is being completed on the film “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End,” the final part of the trilogy about the leader of the freebooters, Jack Sparrow. For the past few days, Johnny has been sharing his “lair” with The Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, who accepted an invitation to star in cameo role Jack's father, Captain Teague.
Richards, 63, has known Depp for more than ten years. The age difference is not an obstacle to communication for them. Keith jokingly calls Depp “Johnny, my boy” and keeps shooting cigarettes from him: “I’ll take another one, okay? Thank you, man!” The friends had just returned from the set and had not yet had time to wash off their makeup and change clothes. Keith, covered with fake scars and dressed in a torn white shirt, mutters dissatisfiedly, wondering why every time he needs to put on so much makeup before filming. We take our seats and start talking.

First question for you, Mr. Richards. Don't you feel like you've been preparing yourself to be a pirate your whole life and your stage image is this proof?

Richards: Well, if you like, consider that this is how things are. Both music and piracy involve a dishonest lifestyle. Pirates are very democratic guys. Their principle is simple - everything is for sale. Left leg? Please! Do you want to buy eggs? Easily! No laws! Johnny! You have musical experience, you played in the Kids group! How do you think pirates differ from rock and rollers?

Depp: I always thought pirates were the rock stars of the 18th century. As in the case of musicians, the life of filibusters was surrounded by myths. Rumors about them spread much faster than the pirates themselves moved across the seas.

Johnny, when did you first hear the name Keith Richards?

Depp: It was a long time ago. I accidentally heard some Rolling Stones song when I was still just a boy, and immediately fell in love with this music. I remember how I started playing guitar - at that time Keith was already my hero.

Have you ever played music together?

Richards: No, there was no time for that. And how can a simple kid compete with the guitar god who sits in this room? (Laughs.)

Depp: I don't think it's worth even trying.

Richards: Johnny is actually a lot better than he thinks he is. I, on the contrary, am much worse.

Depp: For a long time I was afraid to communicate with Keith. I was tormented by the fear that my childhood hero would turn out to be an asshole. It's always frustrating, man.

Richards: When I first met him, I thought, “This guy is not like the assholes my son is friends with.” Over the years, the relationship has only strengthened.

Depp: We met in 1995. Looks like it was at Disneyland.

Richards: My son Marlon said, “Dad, you should hang out with this guy. He's your crazy fan! That's how I met Johnny. Before that meeting, I had heard a lot about him, but I didn’t know why he was so famous. I thought he was some kind of guitarist, but it turned out that he also acts in films - well, yes, another slacker from Hollywood. Over the years of communication, we got to know each other much better. Thanks to Johnny I got this one pirate costume chick.

Keith Richards and Johnny Depp on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.

How difficult was it to convince you to participate in this film series?

Richards: It's quite simple - the right guy called me at right time. I actually had a lot of fun playing a jerk like Tig.

Depp: (Laughs) He's right. In my opinion, Richards has what it takes to do this job flawlessly.

You both make no difference between pirates and rock stars. Do you think there are differences between movie actors and rock stars?

Richards: For me there is no difference. By the way, when I broke my head in Fiji last year, all the doctors who treated me behaved like real rock stars. And I’m just a musician, and if people like what I do, thank God. This will stimulate me to some other forms of creativity. Yes, I myself want to try something new.

Johnny, many people think that Captain Jack Sparrow is your favorite bright role. How do you feel about the fact that from now on people will perceive you exclusively as a pirate?

Depp: I don't see any difference between what I did before and what I did in Pirates of the Caribbean. Most likely, the real point is that the audience for “Pirates” is much larger than that of my other films. The public liked my hero. On the one hand, this somewhat shocks me, on the other hand, I am touched. Jack Sparrow is irreverent, a real rogue.

Richards: Jack represents true freedom. Like a guy who went beyond what was allowed.

Johnny, how did the parallel between Jack Sparrow and Keith Richards come about?

Depp: I just thought, “Who's the coolest rebel in the world? Who is charismatic and interesting to people?” The answer came naturally: “Damn it, it’s Keith!” Who else if not him?

Have you discussed this with the film's director and film company representatives? Did they approve of your idea?

Depp: When we first started filming Pirates, everyone thought I was completely out of my mind.

Richards: The very first scene where you stood on the deck of the sinking ship was great. I could hardly have played better.

Keith Richards and Gore Verbinski on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.

Keith, have you really watched "Pirates"?

Richards: Well, damn, I watched it. How can you not look if the children have eaten all the bald spots? I saw the first part of "Pirates" as soon as it came out. I fell asleep while watching the second part, but keep in mind that before that I had not slept for three whole days.

Depp: In this situation, I would start snoring! (Laughs.)

Richards: Johnny called me before the film came out: “Before you read about it in the papers, I have to say that most I licked my hero from you.” Well, Johnny, thanks for saying that. Otherwise I would have sued you to hell!

Johnny, how did the idea of ​​inviting Keith to play the role of your father come about?

Richards: Our Father... like you... in heaven... (Laughs.)

Depp: We had dinner in New York right after the premiere of Pirates. I didn't think Keith would ever agree, but he did.

Richards: Consider me a week's vacation now.

Depp: And you had a great time.

Richards: Yeah. All the other Rolling Stones are relaxing, and here I am, sweating like a fool in this pirate costume. On the other hand, cinema is a good change of activity. I just don’t know what will come of all this. We played ninety-seven shows. I flew straight from Denmark to filming. I sat on the plane and thought: “Damn, what a time difference!” I woke up at five in the morning, and at eight I was already in full swing with work.

Johnny, what do you think of Keith Richards as a film actor?

Depp: He's a hell of an actor! All scenes were filmed in second take.
Well, Frank Sinatra generally filmed all his scenes in the first take. He just didn't have the patience for repetitions.

Richards: He was a real asshole, that Sinatra.

Depp: I don't think Sinatra ever dropped his mark. The shooting began, then - stop! - and everything is ready. The first time!

Keith, do you enjoy being a Disney character?

Richards: Look at me! I am the new Mickey Mouse!

Depp: Hehe, Mickey Mouse with dreadlocks.

On the set of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End."

Keith, when did you start wearing skull rings and other pirate paraphernalia?

Richards: A long time ago. It all started either in the late 60s or early 70s. One of my friends made that famous bracelet in the shape of handcuffs. It's a pity I can't show it to you - this stupid pirate shirt is in the way. By the way, if I hadn’t become interested in guitars and music, I would have been working on boats. The sea has attracted me since childhood.

Do you think that in order to survive in modern show business, you need to be a pirate?

Richards: The rules of show business have never really changed. This is a pool with piranhas. Do you want to take a swim? For this purpose it is best to be tasteless.

Keith, how can you comment on your own phrase “I never had problems with drugs - I only had problems with the police”?

Richards: What can I say? Nothing changed.

You play Jack Sparrow's father. Who will play his mother?

Depp: I can't tell you this secret.

Richards: Yes! We cannot reveal this secret! (Laughs.)

Relationships within pirate crew and in the group The Rolling Stones similar to each other?

Richards: And here and there it's a team, right? It's all about the team, about the family. My whole life is built around this. As a child I sang in the choir, and this develops skills group work. Then I was a Boy Scout - our team was called the Beaver Patrollers.

Depp: Yes, you were probably only patrolling the girls there. (Laughs.)

Richards: Yes, I was the leader of the Beaver Patrollers! Watch out, girls!

Keith, have you often turned down film roles?

Richards: I've been offered something a few times, but all of the offers have been terrible. I would agree to them for the sake of my friends. That's why I put on this ******** suit.

How many hours does it take to do your makeup? I must admit, the pirate costume suits you very well.

Richards: Well, this time they fiddled around for an hour and a half - they drew scars, as if I didn’t have enough of my own. One fall from a palm tree is worth it. Pretending I'm Depp's father is very exciting activity. True, I’m not entirely sure that I’m doing everything well - I have too little filmmaking experience. But I'm trying my best.

Depp: When Keith first showed up on set in a pirate outfit, the whole crew was gaping in amazement.

Johnny, are you still in the band? Haven't sold out of your guitars yet?

Depp: Well, yes, I play music for now - usually at home, but sometimes I give concerts in the town where I live. I play with my friends and participate in the recording of their albums. I am very shy when I go on stage, I always try to hide from the spotlights.

Richards: You're suffering from bullshit! These things won't work!

Depp: I remember when I was seventeen years old, I warmed up the audience with my band Kids before Chuck Berry's performance. He showed up in our dressing room, thinking that we were his backing band. When I saw Chuck, I started to get dumb. He thrust his guitar into my hands and said: “Tune it, boy.” I took out the tuner and connected it to the instrument. Berry's eyes widened: “What the hell is this?” I answered: “Tuner.” Chuck was shocked.

Richards: (Laughs) Well, yes! Chuck had no idea what a tuner was at the time. He thought you were trying to make fun of him. All he cared about was his music. By the way, that's who real pirate, so this is Berry. He raped, robbed and destroyed everyone with his guitar cuts.

By the way, Johnny, are you planning to record a record?

Depp: No. I think it’s one thing when musicians become actors, and quite another thing when it’s the other way around.

Richards: Damn, you can do whatever you want! You don't have to be an ostrich. What's the use of burying your head in the sand?

Keith, didn't you write any songs for Pirates?

Richards: (Laughs) The song about the bottle of rum was written before me. But Johnny has a great guitar that looks like it's three hundred years old. Sometimes I pick it up to stretch my fingers a little. Everyone around me likes the way I play.

Do you play guitar in the film?

Richards: Oh yeah. One wonderful song. You will definitely like it. Actually, why not? Millions of people around the world dream of attending a concert. The Rolling Stones. This is a fact that you can’t argue with! I enjoy playing for them. And I’m not a long-liver at all - there’s no such thing in rock and roll. I was a fool when I was twenty and thirty. You can continue to play music as long as you like if you have good band. WITH classical music it's all over long ago. It existed two hundred years ago. Mozart is dead!

Depp: Keith, as always, is uncompromising! I never cease to admire him! He's wildly cool!

Jack Sparrow

Will Turner

Elizabeth Swann

Hector Barbossa

Davy Jones

Minor characters

John Brown

In "Pirates of the Caribbean: Grudge" Black Pearl"" Gibbs first appears as a sailor aboard the Royal Ship carrying his young daughter Elizabeth from England to Port Royal. Gibbs is very superstitious and afraid of the mere mention of pirates. When they come across a wrecked ship, Gibbs is the first to suggest that the wrecked ship was attacked by pirates. He, probably, like Elizabeth, witnessed how the Black Pearl sailed away from the wrecked ship.

At unknown circumstances Gibbs left the Royal Navy.

Gibbs is an excellent sailor and a smart leader. Knows many legends and fables. Don't miss a drink. He stays on Jack's team for three films and then stays in Tortuga to go on a spree. Later, fate brings him together again (in London) with Jack in search of the fountain of youth. Sentenced to death penalty, but burns the map of the Source under Barbossa (who became an English privateer). This forces Barbossa to take Gibbs with her in search of the Source, since Gibbs remembered the contents of the map in every detail.

As a result, Jack and Gibbs obtained the bottle in which the Black Pearl was magically enclosed, as well as the rest of Blackbeard's "collection".

Anna Maria


Edward Teach, nicknamed "Blackbeard", appears in the fourth Pirates film as captain of the ship Queen Anne's Revenge. He struck fear into all pirates with his ability to wield magic: with the help of a Voodoo doll he could control a person and cause him pain and suffering, with the help of a saber - any ship, and zombies also obeyed him. Jack Sparrow points out that Captain Blackbeard was beheaded, his body floated around the ship three times, and he re-boarded. Edward Teach and his daughter Angelica (possibly not his daughter) collect new team to find the source eternal youth, since the quartermaster (one of the zombies on the ship "Queen Anne's Revenge" who can foresee events) predicted the death of Blackbeard from a one-legged man (Hector Barbossa). The crew also included Jack Sparrow, as a pirate who knew the way to the source. Although several times Jack Sparrow believes that he cannot cause any pain to Angelica, he is convinced that if something happens, he will dare to raise his hand even against his own daughter.

Xiao Fen


Short pirate. He walks around with a huge pistol, which he flies half a meter when he shoots.


Cotton - fictional character film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. A mute pirate, it is unknown how he taught a parrot to speak instead of himself. Walks with a parrot. He first appeared in the film when Jack Sparrow was introduced to the team by Gibbs.

Ian Mercer

Right hand of Lord Cutler Beckett. Armed with a pistol. Participated in all the battles of the East India Trading Company. In the film Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, he was killed by Davy Jones.


Pirates of the Caribbean
Curse of the Black Pearl
Soundtrack Remix EP Game
Dead Man's Chest
Soundtrack Game
On the edge of the world
Soundtrack Remix EP Game
On Stranger Tides
Characters Jack Sparrow · Will Turner · Elizabeth Swann · Hector Barbossa · Davy Jones · Tia Dalma (Calypso) · Joshamee Gibbs · Pintel and Ragetti · Marty · Captain Teague · Bootstrap Bill Turner · Xiao Fen · Blackbeard · Cutler Beckett
Universe "The Black Pearl" · "The Flying Dutchman" · "Queen Anne's Revenge" · Geography · East India Company · Royal Navy
Attractions Pirates of the Caribbean · Tom Sawyer's Island Pirate's Lair · Mickey's Party for Pirates and Princesses
Books «

The viewer awaits the new adventures of the famous trinity - Elizabeth, Will and Jack Sparrow - with trepidation and impatience every time. Vivid acting types, first-class computer graphics And interesting story- all this made the film "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" the highest grossing in 2007. And the entertainment and special effects, magnificent makeup were awarded nominations for prestigious award"Oscar". Unfortunately it was last film saga about pirates, in which the star acting trinity was in in full force. Jack Davenport, who plays Captain Norrington, also left the project. We invite you to find out the most Interesting Facts and bright episodes of filming and the history of the creation of the film.

The meeting of pirate lords, held in the Bay of Lost Ships, has real basis. True, it was held only once and the community was called “Brotherhood of the Coast.” It was a loose association of privateers and pirates that was active in the 17th and 18th centuries in the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Henry Morgan is considered to be its most famous and active participant. It is noteworthy that the brotherhood was based on an island with a familiar name - Tortuga, near Haiti. It is from here that Jack Sparrow sets sail on the Black Pearl in the film Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. The actors in this part of the franchise embodied some historical images. In particular, Mrs. Jin, played by Takayo Fisher, is present at the council. This is a real person - a sea robber who gained fame as one of the best and most successful pirates. She commanded 2,000 ships.

Movie premiere

The viewer will be surprised to learn that the filming of the second and third parts of the legendary pirate saga took place simultaneously. The purpose of this combination is to save money and time, because the action took place in the most exotic corners of the world. However, by the fall of 2006, only 30% of the film Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End had been filmed. The actors and the entire film crew gathered again to continue working. At that time, the script was not yet finished. However, having announced the release date of the film, setting the premiere for the end of May 2007, its creators drove themselves into a very strict time frame and were forced to do everything within as soon as possible. However, this in no way affected the quality of the film.


The third part of the fascinating pirate saga became the most expensive, and not only in comparison with its other films. On this moment is a Hollywood production with a total budget of $300 million. This is due to many factors. Firstly, natural shooting, which took place in the Bahamas, Bermuda, and Singapore. Secondly, the desire of the filmmakers to give the viewer as many vivid emotions and impressions as possible through the naturalness of the image. For example, in order to illuminate the Bay of Lost Ships, 3,500 candles had to be lit. And in order to create the effect of torrential rain in the film “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End,” the actors were forced to stand under tons of water (100 thousand liters per minute) that was poured on the ships. Thirdly, actors' fees also make up a significant part of the film's entire budget. It's no secret that A-list Hollywood stars took part in it. In particular, for the role of the most charismatic and memorable pirate in four parts of the franchise, Johnny Depp earned about $350 million, taking into account the percentage of rental profits.

Davy Jones

The fictional character is one of the main antagonists in the third film. His role in some episodes is played by award-winner Bill Nighy. was once an ordinary pirate, but his life was radically changed by the patroness of sailors - the goddess Calypso. Having fallen in love with her, he agreed to the difficult service of transporting the souls of people who died at sea to the next world, with the right to go ashore only once every ten years.

He acquired his appearance as a half-man and half-sea monster as a result of a curse. The image of the captain was developed very carefully, combining the features of the most diverse representatives of the flora and fauna of the sea. It took four people to bring it to life, including Bill Nighy, who appears as a human for literally 20 seconds in the film. The rest of the time is a 3D model created thanks to computer technologies, however, the eyes and lips are made up by the actor.

Jack Sparrow's father

Who could be more charming and daring at the same time, except the captain of the Black Pearl? Perhaps only his father. In an interview with reporters, D. Depp repeatedly said that he copied the image of Jack Sparrow from legendary musician The Rolling Stones Keith Richards. As a matter of fact, inviting the rock legend to the project was only a matter of time, and by the third film the issue of his participation was settled. Keith Richards appears in only a few episodes of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. Actors, often coming once, remain in the project for a long time. So the musician did not limit himself to one film, but took part in the fourth part of the franchise and is thinking about the fifth.

In this article you will learn:

Jack Sparrow- character from the films "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Pirates of the Caribbean is one of the most famous cinematic franchises. At the moment, 4 films have been released (a fifth is planned for 2017), several computer games and books. Romantic story famous pirates of the Caribbean has captivated the minds and hearts of many fans, and central place in history was occupied by the legendary Jack Sparrow. Capt. Jack Sparrow.

The famous pirate leader, baron of the sea, charismatic Jack Sparrow was played by the no less characteristic Johnny Depp. The hero is the main character in all four films of the franchise. Its story is multifaceted and long, with the events of the films taking up barely half of it. The character’s sophistication made it possible to write a lot about his life before the events of the first film (The Curse of the Black Pearl).



Jack was born in 1688, on an unnamed pirate ship, which fought a storm off the coast of India. Jack's father was Captain Teague, but the name and origin of his mother are unknown.

The hero spent almost his entire childhood and youth in the pirate Bay of Lost Ships, as well as on his father’s ship (interestingly, Jack was not sure that Tig was his father). Nevertheless, the hero respected and loved Tig for his willingness to help and rescue the little tomboy from trouble, as in the case of the failed sale of Jack to slave traders. This respect became the reason for Jack's desire to become a rightful captain, rather than a powerless pirate. In addition, Jack Sparrow's characteristic prefix - "Captain" - also takes its roots in love for his father.

In his youth, the hero served on several pirate ships, sailed across different oceans and seas, and visited many remote corners of the world, such as Singapore. But Jack did not like his low position, reproaches and oppression. One night the guy read the Pirate Code, which talked about the freedom and independence of pirates. After that night, Jack decided that he had the right to live his own life and escaped from the ship. He got on a merchant ship that was heading to Tortuga, the main pirate port of the world.

While escaping, Jack Sparrow stole the scabbard of Cortez's sword from the ship - a weapon that, according to barmaid Arabella Smith, could control the weather. Inspired by history, the hero goes in search of the sword. Arabella helps Jack get his first ship (the Barnacle), and she herself becomes a member of the crew. After several more characters entered Jack's crew, and Sparrow himself acquired the treasure of Sam's Stone Eye, the Barnacle set off in search of Cortez's sword.

After skirmishes with Captain Torrents and the mermaids (Jack, who was immune to magic songs, was forced to make an unfavorable deal for himself), the team found the weapon they were looking for on Fortune Island. There, Jack Sparrow attempted to summon the sword's power, but instead summoned the spirit of Cortez. After several more voyages, the hero managed to find the receptacle of another spirit of antiquity - Montezuma. The Indian and the conquistador clashed in battle, and Cortes was defeated. Sparrow himself decided to give the sword to the goddess of the sea, since possession of the weapon threatened Jack with the loss of freedom. After completing the adventures, Captain Sparrow's team went to Yucatan.

In the home village of one of the crew members of the Barnacle, Jack and friends were accused of stealing the Medallion of the Sun-and-Stars. The heroes had to find the real criminals. During the battle with them, Jack found another crew member.

In his last adventure before the events of the film, Jack Sparrow met three villains - Madame Minuit, Silverback and Louis. Jack's team fought against opponents in different places(during the course of the adventure, Arabella remains on her mother's ship, Jack loses his bronze teeth, almost the entire crew of the ship leaves the captain). As a result, the hero managed to defeat all three enemies, destroy the Amulet and get new gold teeth. With two loyal teammates, Jack Sparrow faced the legendary "Flying Dutchman" under the leadership of Davy Jones.

Jack and Davey made a deal according to which Sparrow received the ghost ship "Black Pearl".

Together with senior mate Hector Barbossa, Jack began to look for Aztec gold, but the first mate betrayed the captain and expelled him from the ship.

Only 10 years later Jack managed to return to duty...

History in films

Jack Sparrow searches for his ship as he arrives in Port Royal. There he saves the governor's daughter, Elizabeth, but still ends up in prison for piracy. At the same time, the “Black Pearl” comes to the port, which kidnaps Elizabeth (she has a coin from the cursed Aztec gold). rescues Jack to help him find his beloved Elizabeth.

During the chase and voyage, Jack and Will find the island of Isla de Muerta, where they fight Barbossa. Jack Sparrow kills Barbossa, and the hero himself is caught and again sentenced to death. The elusive captain manages to escape and once again become the captain of the Black Pearl.

Jack Sparrow, who does not want to serve Davy Jones, goes in search of his chest, which contains the heart of a dead man. Both Will Turner and the head of the East India Company, Cutler Beckett, are looking for the chest. Each of them pursues their own goal (Will – to free his father from Jones’ captivity, Cutler – to control Jones).

In the end, Jack and the team find the chest, but the heart is taken by the merchant Cutler Beckett. This state of affairs causes the curse of Jack Sparrow. He did not fulfill the terms of the deal, which means he must die from a kraken attack. And so it happens - the “Black Pearl” is destroyed by a monster, and Sparrow and the team go to the bottom of the sea, to Davy Jones’ hiding place. The sea goddess wants to return pirate baron, for which he involves Elizabeth, Will and the resurrected Hector Barbossa in the rescue operation.

The confrontation between ghosts and merchants and pirates is gaining momentum. The heroes manage to save Jack Sparrow from the other world with the help of the pirate baron from Sinagpur, the estate of Xiao Fen. After the Black Pearl is resurrected, Fen betrays the pirates and gives Jack to Cutler Beckett. Smart planning and cooperation allow Elizabeth, Will and Jack to defeat their opponents. In the Bay of Lost Ships, Elizabeth becomes king of the pirates and declares war on the East India Company. The heroes free the sea goddess, who helps them in the battle against their enemies. First, Jack Sparrow kills Davy Jones, making Will the new captain of the Flying Dutchman, and later the pirates destroy Beckett's ship. It would seem that everything is fine, but the vile Barbossa again steals the Black Pearl. Captain Sparrow goes after him on a simple boat.

Jack's wanderings lead him to England, where he meets ex-lover Angelica, daughter of Blackbeard. Sparrow enters the service of the legendary pirate to prevent the traitor Barbossa from killing Beard. During their adventures, Jack and Angelica sail to a mysterious island where the source of eternal youth is located. There the main battle takes place between the British under the leadership of Barbossa, Blackbeard and the Spanish fleet. The result of the battle is the death of Beard. Angelique wounds her hand with a poisoned blade, but Jack saves her with the help of healing water. As a result, Captain Jack Sparrow and his new crew begin an operation to rescue the imprisoned Black Pearl.

Appearance and character

Jack Sparrow is a charismatic and witty hero. He uses his natural charm, lies and tricks to achieve his goals. Jack prefers words to power, although his physical qualities are excellent. Jack is very smart and cunning - in the moment with the choice of the pirate king, where all the barons voted for themselves, Sparrow voted for Elizabeth, achieving the start of a war with the East India Company. Jack is ready for self-sacrifice (when Will dies, Sparrow pierces Davy Jones' heart with Turner's hand, making him immortal in exchange for himself). The captain often tries to avoid fights, and perhaps that is why Barbossa was able to start a riot on the ship.

However, the hero also has disadvantages. Jack is ready to give a hundred innocent souls to Jones's possession in exchange for his freedom. Sparrow often leaves the ship and crew at dangerous moments, simply running away. Jack, although he admits to being an expert on women, leaves former passions negative memories. At the same time, the Captain himself claims that he only love is the sea, and the desert is a personal hell. Jack Sparrow has problems with hygiene, in particular, terrible breath. Sparrow also loves rum, which affects the work of his magical compass.

  • The Jack Sparrow costume is the most popular Halloween costume of 2006.
  • “Do you dare?” – the character’s characteristic word – appeared as Depp’s improvisation.
  • Jack Sparrow is the worst swordsman of all the characters in the franchise.
  • Initially, the role of Sparrow was supposed to be played by Hugh Jackman (the hero got his name in honor of him).

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