Who won Bachelor 2 with Maxim Chernyavsky. Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola after the show "Bachelor"

Every unmarried girl dreams of being on the most romantic television project in the country. There are dates with the ideal man, serial intrigues, filming in fabulous and sometimes exotic places and instant fame. If you fail to improve your personal life, you will return home as at least a hero with an army of fans and offers to post cosmetics or designer dresses on your account for a decent amount of money. For many, “The Bachelor” has become a serious launching pad for career growth or starting their own business. The main thing is that even years later, the participants are remembered, and their future fate is discussed and willingly interested in through social networks.

The other side of the project is less pleasant. Television relationships, the winners of the show, do not receive the desired continuation in real life. For some, feelings end after just six months, while for others immediately after the completion of the project. Without cameras, the “lovers” cease to be interested in each other, move away and, at best, remain acquaintances. It has already been written many times that not one of the show participants around the world has married his chosen one. Last week, two couples from the show “The Bachelor” announced an unexpected breakup - Maxim Chernyavsky with Maria Drigola and Timur Batrutdinov with Daria Kananukha. “StarHit” tried to find out why lovers fail to build happy and strong families after the end of the popular project.


Of all the contenders, the 34-year-old football player, who played for the Ukrainian national team and in several Dutch clubs, as well as the model and the most stylish athlete in the Netherlands chose the 31-year-old blonde, creative producer Olesya Ermakova. Viewers watched the couple's relationship with bated breath. Many understood in advance that Olesya was the only one Zhenya really liked.

Rumors that Olesya and Evgeniy were together began to circulate long before the finale of the show. Some sources reported that the reality heroes decided not to wait for the finale and got married right during the project. Allegedly, in the final episodes, Olesya was shown from the waist up, so that no one could see her rounded tummy. Viewers hoped with hope that they would see their real wedding in the finale.
But in the finale, which was filmed in Paris, there were two participants. Besides Olesya, brunette Irina Volodchenko passed. The girls themselves had to invite Evgeniy on a date. The bachelor was faced with a painful choice - which of the two finalists should give the engagement ring.

Evgeny had a hard time on his date with Olesya. The girl laid out porcelain fragments in various places, which the groom, using the clues, had to collect and find his bride. On the screen, Evgeniy coped with the task, but in real life he failed to put together all the pieces of a happy family life. Three months after the end of the show, Evgeniy, living in Holland, wrote on a social network: “Living in two countries has become an obstacle.”
“We talked for some time after the breakup, but now we are not on the same path. Now in my thoughts I practically never return to him and to our beautiful story,” Olesya Ermakova commented on the revelations of bachelor No. 1. “For me, this is in the past. We truly truly loved each other. But at some point we suddenly realized that one of us lives in one country, the other in another, and this, in the end, killed our relationship.”

Already at the beginning of 2014, Olesya was proposed to by her friend from London. The young man turned out to be the girl’s first love, with whom fate brought her together again after the end of the television project. The young man does not know Russian, and his chosen one categorically forbade him from watching a reality show with Olesya’s participation.


It seemed that no one could charm the ex-wife of the ex-soloist of Via Gra, Anna Sedokova. Entrepreneur from Los Angeles Maxim has a good eye for girls. And most importantly, the future wife should please not only him and his parents, but also his little daughter, Monica. Masha Drigola, a 23-year-old graduate of the law faculty of SPBUGPS EMERCOM of the Russian Federation, came to the project to meet true love and almost immediately captivated the bachelor with her sincerity and modesty. Fans of “The Bachelor” declassified the winner’s candidacy almost immediately.

Masha posted photos on social networks from the places where Maxim was photographed. After the show, the lovers had everything for real. Fan groups were loudly trumpeting about the upcoming wedding and confirmed everything with joint photographs. Maria could fly to her lover in America from St. Petersburg, because she had the opportunity to work remotely as a lawyer in her father’s company, which was engaged in the sale and repair of military equipment.

Months after the show, Maxim tenderly hugged Masha in public, fed her ice cream and told how his house was slowly filling up with her things, his daughter called his chosen one Mashenka, and.

“For three months, as long as the show lasted, we were under constant camera scrutiny, in front of the whole country. And Masha is tired of this. She is basically not a public person. Just look at her Instagram; she rarely even posts photos there. And he asks me not to post pictures with her on my social networks. Therefore, no one can say where and how we spend time together, so they come up with ideas,” Maxim said in an interview with StarHit. - It’s hard for Masha, she is attached to her family. But I don’t want and I don’t put pressure, everything should happen naturally. Therefore, now she flies to me once a month. This suits us. When you start dating and living together, you are faced with the fact that you may not like everything about a person. Not everything is perfect with us either, but we are working on ourselves, changing for each other. For example, now Masha has become more relaxed.”

// Photo: Personal archive of Maxim Chernyavsky

At first glance, everything was going well for the couple's wedding. But a few months later, fans sensed something was wrong, which they gushed about on social media. Maxim and Maria appeared together only at the recording of the New Year's show. It was clear from their faces that this was just work.
The couple spent Catholic Christmas, Orthodox Christmas and Valentine's Day apart and did not want to find a moment to spend at least a few days with each other. Soon Masha unexpectedly became animated on Instagram and began posting many pictures, which contradicted her fiancé’s statements about her dislike of publicity. Fans began to be embarrassed that during all this time Masha did not post a single photo with Max and did not mention a word about their relationship. Even on the bachelor’s birthday, Masha responded dryly on social networks: “My dear friends! Today we don’t forget to wish Max a happy birthday!”
Apparently, Maxim himself put an end to their relationship, analyzing the achievements over the last year that brought him joy, he did not remember Drigol. “The most important thing is that I already have an incredible daughter, who is three years old! She is my main treasure, and every time I look at her, I cannot believe my happiness. There are many achievements and business victories behind us, and even more ambitious goals are ahead! I was very lucky and I found a business that I love... and at the same time it turned out to be indecently profitable,” wrote Chernyavsky.
In February, Masha posted a poem on social networks that she wrote herself. From it, fans understood that something had gone wrong in the couple’s relationship. And in November, Maxim openly admitted in an interview that their relationship with Drigola was a thing of the past. “At some point we realized that maintaining a long-distance relationship is extremely difficult. And she couldn’t move in with me, because she values ​​her family very much,” concluded Chernyavsky.


From the very beginning of the project, the student of the Faculty of Economics at Kazan University kept her distance from the other participants, which aroused distrust among everyone. She didn’t share her dates with Timur with almost any of the girls. In the final episode, for the first time in the history of the project, an intimate scene occurred between the bachelor and the finalist. After this, many claimed that this was precisely the reason why Timur, as an honest and well-mannered person, chose Dasha as the winner. Together with Dasha, Galina Rzhaksenskaya was in the final, whose victory was predicted by everyone. Timur admitted that after meeting his relatives, Galya was unanimously liked by everyone without exception. Therefore, after the final episode of the project, the show continued for a long time.

Once Daria mentioned that she and Timur remained good friends, and even when he came to Kazan on tour, he always met with her, and they had a pleasant time. It was not customary for the couple to take photographs together. Only when fans had questions, Dasha, in addition to advertising posts, posted on Instagram old photos with Timur or a photo of a hand with a ring he had given her. After finishing filming the project, Timur accidentally mentioned that the only woman in his life was still his mother Natalya Evgenievna.

// Photo: Shot from the show “The Bachelor”

In August, Comedy Club Aqua was filmed in Dasha Kananukha’s hometown. She was invited among the guests of honor. By chance, her rival on the show, Galina Rzhaksenskaya, was among the guests. At that time, the girls, to put it mildly, did not communicate. Galya insisted that she had not come to meet Timur, but only to the closing of the World Aquatics Championships. During Dasha's performance by Pasha Volya, Timur appeared on stage with a bouquet of roses, which he presented to Dasha and kissed her on the cheek. After which he approached Galina and, as in the project, gave her a rose. The embarrassed girl did not answer, and the moment itself was not included in the television version of the program. Dasha was so shocked by the action of the television groom that she hastily left the hall, after which, as if nothing had happened, she returned back. The next day, to the delight of her fans, Dasha posted a photo with Timur taken at the entrance to the hotel where he was staying. The next day, Galina Rzhaksenskaya had a meeting with fans in Kazan, at which she admitted that of all the participants, Timur most of all does not adhere to the terms of the contract. “Otherwise, why would he say that while Dasha was defending her diploma, I visited him at his home?” , - Galina was indignant.

// Photo: Shot from the show “The Bachelor”

At the Kazan casting of the show “DANCES” - in the hometown of Dasha Kananukha - Timur, without hesitation, flirted with the participants, complimented their forms and even asked for a phone number. “Kazan is the birthplace of slender figures and waists. I'm happy for my fellow countrywoman! - Timur commented on the appearance of the dancer on stage with 26-year-old Leysan Ismagilova. - Oh, are you from Ufa? Well, then I’m ready to become your fellow countryman!”
In early November, Daria opened an etiquette and personal growth studio, and soon she announced in the Periscope app that she and the showman had parted ways.

Probably, it can be called the most reverent, romantic and at the same time the most dramatic, because the heart of one of the two finalists was broken.

As you know, initially 25 participants came to the show (all about the first episode of the second season of the show “Bachelor”), but in the final only two beauties remained - Alena Pavlova and Masha Drigola.

Maxim Chernyavsky: “Now I am standing on the threshold of some new life. And that’s why it’s a very strange feeling for me: now I have to make a very important choice for myself. I choose a future with one girl or a future with another girl, and they are completely different.”

Maxim Chernyavsky imagines life with Alena as a constant drive, a flow of emotions. Masha, on the contrary, is gentle, calm, and at the same time ready to enjoy literally everything around her, but whether she is ready for a serious relationship, the bachelor was tormented. However, unlike Chernyavsky, neither one nor the second finalist had any doubts about their choice.

“We were made for each other and we immediately realized it. On the very first day. It happens, you immediately say: here it is. You see his eyes and something just happens. I’m in love and there’s no turning back...” said Alena.

“I remembered our evening with Max, and all these wonderful moments that I didn’t want to end. I remembered the kiss, also the first. I was actually very nervous. I was worried, I thought that I didn’t deserve it, I wasn’t worthy. He’s so good...” Mashenka chirped, but at the same time said that she was ready to accept any choice of the bachelor.

In this episode, Maxim prepared a date for Alena, where she appeared as the “princess of the desert.”

However, the girl managed to throw a tantrum this time too, suddenly deciding to show her character. However, she came to her senses in time and went to the hammam to give the bachelor a massage. The date between Maxim and Alena ended on a peaceful note, and Chernyavsky eventually admitted that he did not want to leave.

The bachelor decided to make his last date with Masha memorable and spend it in some unexpected place. The couple came to admire the beauty of the Atlas Mountains, only Masha was wearing high-heeled shoes - it was difficult for her to climb the steep rocks, to put it mildly. However, the girl bravely withstood this test, and in the evening she gave Max a romantic treat in a room strewn with rose petals, with a large teddy bear on the bed.

At the end of the episode, the girls wore white bridesmaid dresses. Alena, riding a beautiful Arabian horse, rode up to Maxim. Nice conversation... Chernyavsky’s speech, how delighted he was with Alena throughout the entire project and... the admission that he loves someone else.

Alena could not hold back her tears, saying that she loved “this man, that she wanted a real family, that she was unworthy of such an attitude... »

However, even before announcing his decision to Masha, Chernyavsky got on her nerves. Having said that he had never met such a sincere person as Maria in his life, the bachelor suddenly covered his eyes with his palm, quietly said: “I’m sorry,” and... left, leaving the girl completely at a loss.

A few minutes later Maxim returned with a white bouquet: “I want to breathe with you and with you. I want you to always be there!.. I want to confess: I really love you very much.”

So, Maria Drigola became the chosen one of the enviable bachelor Maxim Chernyavsky and the winner of the show “The Bachelor”, the second season. How the fate of this couple will turn out and whether we should wait for the wedding, time will tell.

How did the relationship between the participants of the show Bachelor (Maxim and Masha) season 2 end? Find out how the couple's relationship actually developed and whether they managed to maintain love outside the project.

Maxim Chernyavsky and Masha - life after the show

Those who follow the news of the popular Bachelor project know that the heroes of season 1 () failed to maintain their relationship. Therefore, fans believed that Maxim and Masha would still be able to bring the fairy tale to life and build a happy family after the end of the reality show.

At first, everyone was convinced that the heroes of season 2 of the popular real reality show were made for each other. Of course, the young people admit that immediately after filming was completed, each of them needed rest. This is because such a project is very stressful. And since Masha is not a public person, it was very difficult for her to experience all this intensity of passions.

That is why for some time after the completion of filming, young people rarely appeared in public. Such behavior, of course, caused a lot of gossip. Evil tongues spread information that in fact the relationship between Masha and Maxim is not true, a fiction. But, of course, this was refuted by the lovers.

Maxim admits that it was not easy for him because his lover chose to stay in St. Petersburg while he left for Los Angeles. However, he understood perfectly well that the girl was attached to her family and it was useless to forcibly remove her from her relatives.

But the lovers did not intend to live separately all the time. They had very extensive plans. As you know, Masha worked in her father’s company for a long time, but always wanted to open her own business. Maxim was going to help her with this.

In their interview, the lovers refused to reveal the secret of what this business would be connected with. But Masha hinted that this could be a restaurant. Of course, Maxim introduced his chosen one to his daughter Monica, who the woman really liked. In turn, Masha noted that Monica perfectly understands what kind of relationship she has with Maxim, but does not ask unnecessary questions.

In addition, Maxim said that under no circumstances is he going to introduce his ex-wife to Masha, as he believes that there should be a distance between them.

The lovers admit that no relationship can be perfect. They, like everyone else, quarrel from time to time. However, the cause of disagreements is most often a discrepancy between work schedules.

Wedding of Maxim and Masha

In one of her interviews, Maria’s friend Oksana Petrenko noted that the partners really love each other very much and it is surprising that they managed to maintain such a relationship after the project. As you know, Maxim proposed to Masha; they were supposed to get married in September. In addition, the lovers ordered Cartier Love engagement rings.

Masha and Maxim prepared very carefully for the upcoming ceremony. No more than 30 people were supposed to attend the celebration. Only immediate family and friends were honored. The painting was supposed to take place in St. Petersburg, but the lovers wanted to celebrate the wedding in the Maldives.

There, several villas were booked in advance, separately for the newlyweds, and separately for the couple’s friends. The dress that Maria chose for herself was also special. This outfit is from the latest Vera Wang collection.

Bachelor Maxim and Masha broke up?

Unfortunately, there was no confirmation online that Maria and Maxim actually got married. Instead, information appeared that the lovers were no longer together. As Maxim says, they realized how difficult it is to maintain a relationship at a distance.

The former hero of the show Bachelor 2 admits that Masha did not agree to sacrifice the attention of her family and go live with him in Los Angeles. The fact that there was some kind of discord between the lovers became clear after photos from Maxim’s birthday appeared online.

It’s strange, because Chernyavsky celebrated his birthday without his beloved. At that time she was vacationing at sea with her parents. Maxim spent the holiday surrounded not only by friends, but also by many pretty girls who showed signs of attention to him.

In addition, when on your Instagram Maxim Chernyavsky mentioned the most significant events of the past year, he did not even remember the affair with Maria. More information about what was the true cause of the breakup and how the former lovers experienced it did not appear on the Internet.

Bachelor Maxim Chernyavsky and Masha are no longer together

So, unfortunately, another fairy tale of the Bachelor project ended. These young people also failed to build their love and maintain relationships after the project. We can only hope that the next hero, Ilya Glinnikov, will be able to find the girl on the project with whom he will create a truly strong relationship.

The editors of Woman's Day found out how the personal lives of the winners of all five projects turned out. So far, not a single season has ended with a wedding, but some of the girls still managed to find their love after the show.

First season

Bachelor – Evgeniy Levchenko

Winner – Olesya Ermakova

The winner of the first season of the show “The Bachelor” in 2013 was Olesya Ermakova. It was she who managed to win the heart of football player Evgeniy Levchenko, who at one time played for CSKA Moscow and the Ukrainian national team.

However, nine months later, the athlete announced his separation from his chosen one. But the beautiful Olesya did not remain alone for long; a year later, an old acquaintance from London proposed to her. Fortunately, this time the distance did not become an obstacle to the relationship.

Currently, Ermakova is producing various television projects and also works as a model.

Photo by TNT channel, @olesyayermakova

Second season

Bachelor – Maxim Chernyavsky

Finalists – Maria Drigola

The winner of the second season of the reality show was Maria Drigola, who competed for the heart of entrepreneur Maxim Chernyavsky, who shortly before his participation in the program broke up with the ex-soloist of the group “VIA Gra” Anna Sedokova.

The relationship of this couple lasted almost a year and a half. The lovers even began to prepare for the wedding, but everything collapsed in November 2015. As in the first story, love was ruined by distance.

After breaking up with his bride, Maxim said that they really wanted to be together no matter what, Maria often came to see him in Los Angeles, but in the end nothing worked out.

Maria Drigola now travels a lot and manages to head the legal department in her father’s company, which repairs and sells military equipment. The girl’s personal life remains unsettled, but given the popularity of her Instagram page, she has quite a few fans.

Photo TV channel TNT

Season three

Bachelor - Timur Batrutdinov

Finalists – Daria Kananukha

Few people believed in the sincere choice of Timur Batrutdinov in the third season of the show. Although Daria Kananukha received the ring, many fans suspected that the showman had feelings for the second finalist Galina Rzhaksenskaya. After the project, Timur and Daria tried to maintain the legend of the relationship, despite the fact that the girl spent all her time in her hometown in Kazan, and Timur, meanwhile, was seen more than once in the company of Gali. And a little later, the TNT channel confirmed the fictitious relationship.

“So the contract is over. Dasha and Timur were never together. Dasha immediately returned to Kazan, and Timur began his work,” said the message that appeared in the official “Bachelor” VKontakte group. And Timur really had a difficult relationship with Galina Rzhaksenskaya, which did not last long.

After filming ended, Dasha defended her diploma from Kazan Federal University with a degree in organizational management and opened an etiquette school for children in Kazan. And after that, her personal life improved; Kananukha met a man whom she plans to marry this July.

Everything turned out well for Galina Rzhaksenskaya, she got married last year and is preparing to become a mother in October of this year.

Photo by @kananukha, TNT Channel, @senoritagalo

Season four

Bachelor - Alexey Vorobyov

Finalists: Natasha Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova

The finale of the show's fourth season was the most unpredictable yet. “Bachelor” Alexey Vorobyov faced a choice between Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova; in the end, the artist did not choose either of the girls.

“I came into the project with confidence that there would be a happy ending. But if one girl tells me to my face that she doesn’t love me, and the second, after three months of communication, having already managed to get to know me closely, first gives me an icy heart, saying that I have the same, demonstrating that she mistakes me for someone else, and not can give an answer to the question: “What do you feel about me?”, which she herself asked me five minutes ago. And then, in a frank conversation, it turns out that she has no serious plans to change her life in the near future, except for her career. What beautiful fairy tale can we talk about? I understand perfectly well that the audience wanted to see a fairy tale with a happy ending, but believe me, I wanted it much more than the millions of people who watched my life for 13 weeks,” Alexey told Woman’s Day.

The 22-year-old singer, model and actress from Yakutsk was very upset by the ending. Anosova later admitted more than once that she really fell in love with “The Bachelor” and for a long time hoped that fate would bring them together again, but this never happened. Now she works as an actress; what her personal life is like remains a mystery.

Natalya Gorozhanova, who grew up in an orphanage, tried to learn as much as possible from the project. According to the participant, she was able to look at herself with different eyes. The girl was definitely Alexei's favorite. If she had not admitted that she did not have feelings for him, she most likely would have become the winner of the fifth season of “The Bachelor.” In the meantime, the girl continues to work as a model and seek her happiness.

Not a single couple of the Russian version of the show “Bachelor” has ever gotten married. Evgeny Levchenko and Olesya Ermakova broke up six months after the completion of the project. Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola lasted a year and a half. Timur Batrutdinov and Daria Kananukha also failed to start a family. And Alexey Vorobyov didn’t choose any of the brides at all! What do beauties do when they are rejected by indecisive bachelors?

1 season

Bachelor - Evgeniy Levchenko
Finalists: Olesya Ermakova and Irina Volodchenko

Evgeniy Levchenko is a football player who played for the Ukrainian national team, CSKA Moscow, Dutch Vitesse, Groningen, Willem II and other clubs. According to the show's producers, Evgeniy passed strict auditions and beat out 200 other applicants for the role of the first Russian "Bachelor".

Olesya Ermakova

The romance between Levchenko and the winner of the first season Olesya Ermakova lasted only six months. On the show, Olesya beat 26 competitors who competed for the heart of the bachelor, but when it came to discussing the wedding, he backed down.

“Every fairy tale comes to an end. “So our relationship with Olesya ended,” wrote Levchenko, who was living in Holland at that moment. - The main reason is distance. Living in different countries, constant flights and being busy turned out to be an obstacle for us. We part without quarrels, peacefully, remaining friends.”

Gossips said that the reason for the breakup was not the distance, but the completion of the contract between the participants of the show...

Now Olesya is married to a man with whom she has been in love since her youth, and, according to fans’ suspicions, she is expecting a child. The girl works as a show producer and runs a fashion blog.

Irina Volodchenko

Irina's work is related to politics. The girl is a member of the coordination council of the public organization “Young Guard”. As part of her job, Irina travels a lot and meets famous people, and actively shares the chronicle of her life on Instagram, simultaneously campaigning for the party in power and the current president. Like Olesya Ermakova, after the end of the show, Irina began a relationship with her old acquaintance.

Season 2

Bachelor - Maxim Chernyavsky

Finalists: Maria Drigola and Alena Pavlova

“I hope to meet my future wife on The Bachelor,” Maxim Chernyavsky, the ex-husband of singer Anna Sedokova, who gave birth to a daughter, Monica, assured before the start of the season. Maxim's relationship with the show's winner, Maria Drigola, lasted a little longer than the romance of the first couple of the project - a year and a half. Chernyavsky, as expected, promised to get married, but at the end of last year the couple announced their separation.

Maria Drigola

After breaking up with a bachelor, Maria. as before the project, she continued to work in her father’s law firm. The girl travels a lot and plays sports, but no new love has appeared in the life of her ex-fiancee.

Alena Pavlova

After the end of “Bachelor,” Pavlova, who was raising her son David on her own, went to look for love on the show “Dom-2,” but the girl’s relationship with the participants did not work out: six months later, Alena left the project, citing nervous exhaustion.

Season 3

Bachelor - Timur Batrutdinov

Finalists: Daria Kananukha and Galina Rzhaksenskaya

Will he marry Daria Kananukha? Or is he flirting with Galina Rzhaksenskaya? The most undecided participant in the reality show “The Bachelor” pretty much frayed the nerves of both the winner, whom he himself chose, and her competitor, with whom he began to flirt after the end of the show, and all the fans of the program.

Daria Kananukha

Dasha announced her separation from Batrutdinov in November last year. Kananukha blamed Timur for the breakup, who, according to her, did nothing to save the relationship. Despite the fact that Daria did not manage to become the legal wife of the Bachelor, participation in the show still brought benefits to her. The gained popularity had a positive impact on the girl’s career: after graduating from college, Daria became the director of an etiquette and personality development studio. She also works as a model, conducts meetings and master classes.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya

The finalist of season 3 failed to win Batrutdinov’s heart. The Comedy Club resident gave preference to another participant in the show, Daria Kananukha, although he continued to communicate with Galina after filming ended. After the completion of the project, Timur and Daria, as we have already said, quickly broke up, but Galina’s personal life, on the contrary, improved. Recently, Rzhaksenskaya’s lover Evgeniy proposed to her, and the couple celebrated their engagement in Dubai. Rzhaksenskaya did not announce the wedding date, nor whether she would invite Timur Batrutdinov, with whom she remained on excellent terms, to the celebration.

Season 4

Bachelor - Alexey Vorobiev

Finalists: Natasha Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova

28-year-old musician Alexey Vorobyov left the audience and participants of the show “Bachelor” perplexed, even managing to create his own alternative ending in a show with a script. The star groom did not choose any of the finalists, considering that it was dishonest to himself, first of all, to declare as his chosen one a girl about whom he was not sure of his feelings. Alexey also noted that such a ending was a surprise for himself, since he went to the show, among other things, to find his love. As a result, none of the finalists convinced him of their feelings and he decided to remain alone.

Natalia Gorozhanova

According to Natasha, Alexey’s choice did not come as a surprise to her. The girl already had a presentiment that the singer would not give her the ring, since on the last date she admitted that she did not love him. Natalya admitted that the whole project became a huge stress for her, and to some extent she is glad that it is over. The girl, who was brought up in an orphanage in the town of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, will continue to develop her modeling career and look for love.