What to wear for a child to a pirate party. Pirate party scenario for children

Pirate party for elementary school students

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary school teacher at MBOU School No. 47, Samara city district.
Description This event can be held for primary school teachers at the end of the school year, as a Birthday Day for primary and secondary school students.
Target Involving children and adolescents in a healthy lifestyle, organizing meaningful leisure time.
- Teach children to actively interact with each other, quickly make the right decision;
- Strengthen children’s skills to compete in collective play activities, develop children’s skills in working in groups;
- Develop mental, creative, physical abilities, erudition;
- Foster a sense of collectivism and responsibility for one’s comrades.
Each child prepares a pirate costume, familiarizes himself with pirate terms, jargon, and learns a song.

Party progress

Three pirates run out to the music

Pirate Jack Sparrow
Hello girls,
Hello boys!
Leave your studies
Better play with us.
You dressed like a pirate
We will dance with you.
Hey guys, don't be shy
Charge yourself with positivity!
Pirate John
To do this you need to be initiated into pirates. Everyone must answer our questions. Whoever answers correctly, Pirate Steve and I, Pirate John, will accept you as a team.
The pirates take turns asking questions and the one who answers joins this pirate’s team.
Pirate John
1. Where does the water stand? (In glass.)
2. What disease does no one get on land? (Nautical.)
3. What happens to a red silk scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes? (It will be wet.)
4. Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway.)
5. How is a horse different from a needle? (First you sit on a needle, then you jump, and first you jump on a horse, then you sit.)
6. In which fields does grass not grow? (On the brim of the hat.)
7. What stands in the middle of the Volga? (Letter "L".)
8. What is easy to pick up from the ground, but difficult to throw far?
(Fluff, feathers, cotton wool)
9. Which bird is made up of a letter and a river?
And Volga)
Pirate Steve
1. Who walks while sitting? (Chess player)
2. Best swimming shoes? (Flippers)
3. The most children's swimming device? (Inflatable ring)
4. The biggest waves? (Tsunami)
5. Biggest piece of ice? (Iceberg)
6. The fastest way of sports swimming? (Crawl)
7. This is the most striped shirt? (Vest.)
8. What is the name of a flag with three stripes of different colors? (Tricolor.)
9. What did Papa Carlo use to make the striped cap for Pinocchio? (From a sock.)
Jack Sparrow
Great, every team is assembled. Now let's sing a pirate song.

They perform a song based on the song “Chunga-Changa”
The song “We are pirates” based on the song “Chunga-Changa”
1 verse
We are pirates - we are a brave people!
We are pirates - at sea all year round!
We are pirates - we have fun!
We are pirates - we sing songs!
Our ship, our ship
The best in the ocean
The best in the ocean
our ship!
Our life is full of courage,
We are not afraid of boarding,
And even the big kernels
We are not afraid!
Verse 2
We are pirates - we have sabers,
We are pirates - there are countless weapons,
We are pirates - we will not do harm,
We are pirates - if we find the treasure.
Our ship, our ship
The strongest and most reliable
The strongest and most reliable
our ship.
We are not afraid of doodles,
Enormous sharks,
We don't shout guards,
We are pirates!
Verse 3
We are pirates - it's time to go again,
We are pirates - to weigh anchor.
We are pirates - we are going on a voyage,
We are pirates - we will find treasures!
Our ship, our ship
The fastest and most agile

The fastest and most agile
our ship.
We are not afraid of trade winds
And the enemies of their pirates
We will protect you from all attacks
Our ship.
Jack Sparrow
Today we will try to find the treasure. And in order to do this, each team must pass tests on our journey and earn a small fragment of the map, which shows the place where the chest is buried. When we connect all the fragments, we will find this place. And we will share all the treasures.
Ready? Let's begin. Fifteen men on the dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho! And a bottle of rum!
Well, you pirates are what you need!
It's time for us to start
Look for the treasured treasure!
Who will find the treasure faster?
He'll leave rich!

1 test "Sink the ship"
In addition to our two teams, other pirate schooners are also hunting for the treasure. To get ahead of everyone and prevent them from reaching the treasure, you need to sink enemy ships.
Pins are placed around the hall and each team tries to knock down as many as possible with the ball. The team that knocks down the most gets a map fragment.

Test 2 "Say a word"
Each team takes turns listening to the riddle and finishing the word. The team that names the most words wins.
He holds the helm tightly,
He passed the ninth wave,
Took me to many countries
Your own ship...

There's a pirate on every island
Wants to find a valuable...

He is the storm of the seven seas,
All ships and vessels,
He is not a soldier, not a fisherman
He is merciless...

I live at the bottom of the sea,
Don't you know me?
Head and eight legs
And my name is...

Here he runs, not knowing any barriers,
To us, from edge to edge,
With foam, jumping, playing
A menacing wave...

He laughs at fate
He is a real hero.
There is no one more cunning or braver than him
He's the pirate Jack...

The black flag is a pirate flag.
White skull on bones.
Of course he can intimidate
Their cheerful...

To a strong wave
I couldn’t move from the spot,
We throw the chain overboard
And the anchor...

Every captain knows
In a storm at sea or in the fog,
From the shore he gives everyone a sign
There is light for them in the tower...

They know everything perfectly well
It's dangerous to play with me.
I'm scary, I'm doodle

Test 3 Relay "Help Silver"

In one port, in a tavern by the road,
sat a pirate, John Silver, one-legged.
As always, he thought about only one thing,
How to get treasure and return rich.
Each team is divided into two people, supporting each other, hugging each other, jumping on one leg to the chest, taking the treasure and returning back to the team. The next couple does the same. The team that does it faster wins.
Test 4 "Solve the puzzles"
Each team receives puzzles and solves them. The one who solves the most wins.






(Cocked hat)
5 test "Pirate expressions"

Each team receives pirate slang expressions and their explanations. The team that connects the expression and its explanation the most and correctly wins.
- fill the hold - yes
- warming up the hold - drinking tea
- loading the hold - taking food
- wet throat - drink
- converge anchors - fight
- shake bones - dance
- strum the gold coin; throw piastres - buy
- fire with all guns - swear
- compare treasures - show off
- raise the Jolly Roger - have fun
- go with full sail - hurry
- weigh anchor - leave
- throw out a white flag - surrender
- send to the bottom - kill
- go after Davy Jones' chest - die, drown in the sea.
Jack Sparrow
Now I suggest you rest a little.
Warm-up "Pirate dancing"
All the pirates stand in a circle. At the sound of music, I begin to pass the hat around. When the music stops, the pirate who has the hat at that moment goes to the center of the circle and shows his dance to the others. And all the pirates repeat after him. The game continues at the request of the pirates.

Test 6 "Take the team down!"
The team captains leave the hall, and the team members sit on the floor, take off their shoes from one foot and throw them in the middle of the hall in one pile. The captains return and try to put on their team’s shoes as quickly as possible.

7 test "Who is more"
Each team must come up with as many words as possible on a marine theme in 3 minutes.

8th test "Wet your throat"
Each team receives juice straws and a saucepan with juice. It is necessary for the whole team to simultaneously drink juice using straws as quickly as possible.

Test 9 "Find the treasure on the map"
Yu. Simbirskaya
Somewhere on a wild island
Some wild pirate
In the strawberry bushes
Hid my fabulous treasure.
In an old tin box
There are plenty of rare treasures:
Robin feather,
Domino chip
Glass, candy wrapper, rope,
Pebbles, nail, float,
All this is cleverly hidden.
Everything is locked.
Somewhere on a wild island,
On the left, behind the house, where the garden is
In the strawberry bushes
A pirate is looking for a tin.
There is a map drawn on the board with a treasure chest on it. Each team takes turns approaching the leader. The player is blindfolded, given a piece of chalk in his hand, the player approaches the card and tries to put a cross on the card closer to the treasure. The team that puts the closest crosses to the treasure wins.

Birthday scenario for children 8-10 years old. It is recommended to carry out it in a large apartment or country house. The duration of a child's birthday party is 1-2 hours.

* make colorful birthday invitations for each guest ("...., I invite you to the “Pirate Festival”, which will take place....! It is advisable to take a toy knife or pistol with you.”)

* balloons for room decoration

* make a map to find the treasure

* make a chest, for example from a cardboard box

* prepare “treasures”: chocolate medals, “Kinder surprises”, cake, candies in bright shiny candy wrappers

* black eye patches

* collect all kinds of toy weapons

* prepare a list of riddles of medium difficulty, numbered from 1 to 20 (ideally, marine themed)

* make notes with proverbs for the decoy chest

* cut out 8-10 large footprints (footprints) from cardboard or paper

* 6 cardboard coins, each coin has a letter written on it that spells out a word with a pirate or nautical theme

* prepare small balls of wool (their number should be a multiple of the number of children), in one ball - a coin, in the rest - cardboard circles so as not to probe in advance)

* prepare inflated balloons (according to the number of children), in one - a coin, in the rest - decoys

* prepare opaque bags (according to the number of children), tied on a string, each containing an equivalent set of candies, chewing gum, and souvenirs; there is also a coin in one of the bags

* prepare leaves with tasks (the number is a multiple of the number of children), wrapped one inside the other, in the very center - a coin

* prepare an envelope with cards on which the capitals of the cities of the world (or simply the cities of the world) are written, in the same place in the envelope is the last coin;

* prepare treats for the holiday table

* bake or buy a birthday cake

* buy firecrackers for festive fireworks or sparklers.

* you need a map to search for treasure: pieces of the map (with the map facing in, the back side with a pirate-themed picture facing out) are hung around the room (or throughout the apartment) in all sorts of places.

Characters: Chief Pirate

Birthday script:

Chief Pirate: Robber boys! Do you want to join the ranks of real pirates? Then you must pass the tests for candidates to become pirates.

Tests are conducted in the form of competitions and games. The main pirate sets tasks and controls the progress of the game.

Birthday contest "Cache in the dark."
The pirate candidate stands in front of a chair with an empty plastic bottle (1.5 l), moves away from it a few steps, then the child is blindfolded and turned around. You need to go to the chair and take the object.

Competition "Accuracy" .
There is an ordinary target hanging on the wall. We need to hit it with arrows. This is done until the child hits (you can reduce the distance to the target).

Birthday competition "Rope Ladder"
You need to walk along a rope ladder lying on the floor, blindfolded, and not trip.

Competition "Swamp"
Using 2 pieces of paper, walk from one end of the room to the other without stepping on the floor.

Chief pirate: Well done, robber pirates! Well now show your wits. The cunning pirates asked us puzzles and riddles. Can you guess them?

Children are asked to each take turns to name a number from 1 to 20. And they ask the riddle under the corresponding number. After the child has answered correctly, he is ceremoniously dressed in a black eye patch and given a “weapon” (toy gun, knife, saber, etc.).

Chief pirate: Well, now my young pirates, show your brutal appetite! (Children are invited to the festive table)

Chief pirate: Well, I see that you are real pirates. Now we will move on to the real pirate business: we will look for a treasure hidden many, many years ago by an old and cunning pirate.

Everyone collects the pieces of the map hanging around the room and puts them together into the map itself. Having realized what's what, the children rush to where, according to the map, the treasure should be. There is something lying in the indicated place, wrapped in a blanket. And instead of a chest with “treasures” - a deception! Namely, a dummy package the size of a chest: a newspaper inside a newspaper, and in the very center there is a note: “Complete the proverbs correctly - you will find out where the treasure is!” We unfold the note and find the first proverb with answer options:

Away is good, but at home...
* worse;
* better;
* more comfortable.

After answering correctly, we unfold the piece of paper, and there is the following proverb:
Each thing has its own...
* place;
* time;
* Name.

We finished the proverb, unfold the piece of paper, and there:
Friends get to know each other...
* in Game;
* in joy;
* in trouble.
And so on.

Having unfolded the last note, we read: “Treasure in... the room on the table.”

Chest found! But there is a lock on it. But there is no key!

Chief Pirate: To open this treasure chest, you first need to collect 6 coins by completing tasks, then put the “magic” word from the coins - the key to the chest.

Exercise 1 : Before searching for treasure, lay out “pirate footprints” on the floor, hiding a coin under the last trace.

Task 2: Unwind the balls in search of the hidden coin.

Task 3: The task sheet is wrapped in a piece of paper with another task. The last one contains a coin. Completed the task - pass the package to someone else.

Sample tasks:
* Name the capital of France
*Say 3 words in English
*Read the poem
* Eat some candy, etc.

Task 4: Balloons with a coin hidden in one of them. Everyone catches 1 ball and bursts it in any way.

Task 5: The Chief Pirate gives out pieces of paper with the name of the city, you have to guess what country it is. When everything is guessed, he gives the pirates a coin.

Task 6: Cutting bags from a rope while blindfolded. In one of the bags, in addition to prizes, a coin is also found.
Now that all 6 coins have been found, the pirates make a word out of them, the Chief Pirate solemnly issues the key, and the chest with “treasures” opens.

Chief pirate: Well, now I invite real pirates to a real pirate feast!

The finale of the holiday is fireworks (or sparklers)

Pirate party: party design for real sea robbers 5.00 /5 | Voted: 1

A pirate party is a super exciting event that is suitable for all ages and occasions. A birthday, a corporate event, just a meeting of friends - all these are reasons for such a party. Decorating a pirate party is the main point in organizing a holiday, because it creates the mood and atmosphere. In this article you will find the best ideas on how to decorate a fun corsair feast!

If you are just thinking about a pirate party, you will find a lot of useful information about organizing this holiday. Read in detail about how to hold an adult event in a pirate style, and a children’s event. You will find the script for a children's pirate party, and for adults -.


Invitations are the beginning of the event. Since we are having a pirate party, the design of the invitations should be mysterious, with skulls and skeletons and other symbols of corsairs. For example, in the form of a black mark.

You can make these invitations yourself:

  • Cut out a base in the shape of a number 8 from black cardboard;
  • Bend the workpiece in half;
  • Decorate with foil and a paper skull.
  • Cut a piece of silk or grosgrain ribbon and tie it at the top of the card. Can be secured with glue.

All that remains is to write the text inside and distribute the invitations to friends.

Invitations in the shape of boats look no less impressive.

And how can decorating a pirate-themed party be complete without a message in a bottle? Read how to make it yourself in our master class.


The easiest way to decorate a pirate party is to decorate a room or outdoor area with balloons. Just not ordinary balls, but black ones, with skulls and skeletons. This decor is perfect for both adults and children's events.

This option also perfectly complements a pirate-themed event.

Balloon skeletons

Funny skeletons made of balloons are the best solution for decorating a pirate party. Photos are proof!

Treasure Chests

A pirate party wouldn't be complete without a treasure chest. Or better yet, several. Decorating with such attributes will instantly create the desired atmosphere in the room. You can use jewelry, rhinestones, coins, and various shiny trinkets as “treasures.”

If you get inspired and get a little creative, you can make a chest for decorating a pirate party with your own hands. A cardboard box of a suitable size will serve as a base. Add black and gold paint and your treasure vault is complete!


The mysterious atmosphere at a pirate party will be ensured by decorating the room with candles. You can place them throughout the room in candlesticks, or in empty dark glass bottles. Very impressive, right?

Do you want exclusive candlesticks? Decorate the bottles to your taste with shells, rhinestones, and beads. They will become a chic and very atmospheric element of the decoration of the pirate party table.

Fun furniture decor

Holiday Workshop really liked this idea for decorating a party in a pirate style. Moreover, you can implement it yourself. You just need to buy masks of sea robbers and stock up on fabric in red, black and white colors. Next, turn on your imagination and decorate the chairs with textiles, and attach masks to the backs.

Candy bar

If you're having a pirate party, table decorations are very important. Here you will find a selection of recipes that hungry sea robbers will appreciate. But what would a holiday be without sweets? A themed candy bar is perfect for a pirate-themed event. This is a sweet table, beautifully decorated, with a variety of goodies. Read more about how to organize a candy bar. And now - photos for inspiration!

May you have a fun pirate party, let its decoration be bright, and the mood of all guests be positive!

To make your children's party as fun and interesting as possible, you can prepare a themed party. It can be absolutely anyone. Surely your children will love the pirate theme. For such a holiday to go perfectly, you need to create the necessary surroundings: stylized invitations, matching costumes, fun competitions and, of course, a chest with untold riches.

Pirate Party: Invitations

Any theme party starts with invitations. The more interesting they are made, the more the invitee will be intrigued. You can come up with many options. For example, to ensure that your prospective guest does not refuse the visit, send him an invitation in the form of a black mark. It must be written there that refusal will not be accepted, otherwise there may be “dire consequences.”

You can design a black mark in the form of a black circle with a picture of the Jolly Roger. On the inside of such an invitation there will be text directly containing information about the party. Another original idea for an invitation would be a pirate message. To do this, you need to take an empty bottle, washed of labels, a cork, twine and paper, the edges of which must first be slightly burned. Write the text on the burnt paper. For greater accuracy, write with an ink pen.

Roll the resulting invitation into a tube, tie it with twine and place it in a bottle. Stopper the container with the message. Now you can give it to your guest. You can, of course, make less original invitations, do without bottles, and simply hand over slightly burnt paper rolled into a tube.

The invitation text should also be stylized. You can use various pirate phrases, for example: “old man, sea wolf”, “a thousand devils”, “shatter me with thunder”, “I invite you on board the schooner, a pirate party”, etc.

Pirate party for children: decoration

A good design for a pirate party will require your imagination and time spent preparing the props. You will need various paraphernalia related to the life of pirates. These can be empty rum bottles or just bottles that you can put stickers on that say “Rum.” You can even look for special kegs with taps. Children can pour drinks from such vessels.

One of the main attributes should be the famous black sails with the Jolly Roger on them. To make them you will need black oilcloth or fabric. Such sails can be beautifully mounted on the wall or placed under the ceiling. Continuing the Jolly Roger theme, you can decorate the room with black paper flags, which will also display the well-known pirate symbol.

The flags can be stapled to string and hung around the room as garlands. Also useful at a pirate party would be black balloons with designs that match the style.

The desired atmosphere will be created by various shells, fishing nets, ropes, and rope ladders. Decorative steering wheel is one of the main party decorations. Various chests and caskets are also suitable as decorations, but first you need to put them in proper shape, make them look like real storehouses of pirate treasures.

To find these treasures, little pirates will certainly need various maps, compasses and telescopes. In some stores that sell holiday paraphernalia, you can even find wooden barrels and model cannons. Young pirates will also find symbolic weapons useful: various sabers, daggers and muskets. The more suitable paraphernalia you can come up with, the closer your party will be to a real pirate holiday.

Children's pirate party: clothes

What's a theme party without matching costumes? It doesn't take much effort to dress your child appropriately for a pirate party. Your costume may consist of a black bandana with a Jolly Roger, an eye patch, a vest, wide belts with metal plaques and toy sabers and pistols tucked into this belt.

Although, of course, variations are allowed in each costume. You can try to make a cocked hat out of paper; instead of a vest, wear a beautiful long jacket or leather cloak - this is an outfit for a true ship captain. The costumes of children pirates are essentially no different from adults, except in size.

Pirates had colorful personalities, so don't forget about makeup. Even children can be allowed to paint like a pirate. If participants have pierced ears, then they must wear large earrings. The pirate theme gives a huge scope for imagination in terms of creating costumes.

The main colors are black, red and purple tones, as well as a striped pattern on the vests. When throwing such a party, remember that not all guests can come in costumes, so warn them in advance about the dress code in the invitation and prepare a few spare attributes of a pirate costume for those who do forget. It is very important that everyone follows the rule regarding costumes, otherwise it will not be as aesthetically pleasing.

What to cook for a pirate party?

At a party you cannot do without treats, which should also be appropriate to the theme. Drinks such as cola need to be turned into rum. Of course, you don’t need to add anything alcoholic, just stick a label that says “rum” on the bottle of fizzy drink.

Various seafood dishes will be appropriate on the table. If this is how you celebrate the birthday of one of the pirates, make the cake in the shape of the same Jolly Roger or a ship. If the cake is of an ordinary shape, decorate it with various kinds of pirate paraphernalia or make a design with fondant.

If the party is taking place in the summer, you can make a “shark mouth” out of a watermelon. To do this, cut out the flesh and shape the peel into the shape of a shark's mouth. Cut the pulp into cubes and place in the formed mouth. This is quite simple to do, but it will turn out interesting and beautiful. Simple chips can be poured into a large bowl decorated to look like a pirate chest - you will get a chest with piastres. In general, in dishes, as in costumes and decoration, try to show maximum imagination.

Competitions for a pirate party

At any party, especially a children's party, competitions are the most important part of the evening. They should be fun and interesting. Competitions can be held by 2 adults. 1 of them can be a good pirate, and the other can be an evil pirate. It is better to choose names for pirates that are known to everyone: Captain Hook, Mad Jack, Captain Jack Sparrow, Mr. Smith, etc.

The whole party can take place around the search for treasure, or the birthday boy will have to become a real sea wolf. In the first case, the children will jointly look for a treasure (a treasured gift, for example), in the second, they will help the cabin boy reach the desired heights.

Sea quiz. This competition can be held right at the table. Questions for the quiz can be on a pirate or maritime theme. For example:

  • What phrase do sailors say when they wish for a good sailing? (7 feet under keel)
  • What is the name of the rudder on a pirate ship? (steering wheel)
  • Who will be the first to escape from a sinking ship? (Rats)
  • What is the name of the place on the ship where food is prepared? (galley)
  • And who cooks it? (cook)
  • What is the name of the captain of the Black Pearl? (Jack Sparrow)
  • Why is Captain Hook called that? (he has a hook instead of a hand)

« Message in a bottle." For this competition, the guys need to be divided into 2 teams. In front of each team there should be a row of bottles with messages and whatman paper. On whatman paper there are squares that cover the letters, like in the Field of Miracles. Messages in bottles are riddles, answering which the team has the right to open one letter at a time. The first team to say the word wins.

"A clever pirate." In this simple competition, participants will have to put an empty matchbox on their nose and remove it using only facial expressions. The competition is simple but fun. The one who can do it before the rest wins.

"Marksmanship". To conduct the competition, you need to prepare paper or cotton balls and 2 buckets. The players' task is to hit the bucket with projectiles. Whichever team hits the target with more shells wins.

Pirate party: photo

The adventurism and courage of pirates has always attracted adventure lovers. And let it be generally accepted that these sea wolves are dangerous and even evil. But their intelligence, code of honor, and love of entertainment will always be the white side of the coin. That's why kids love to imitate pirates, looking for treasures and waving wooden swords during street battles and battles.

So why not give this “pirate gang” a real adventurous children’s pirate party, full of delight, laughter and adventure. After all, this is not so difficult to do if you pay attention to everything, from the invitation and menu, costumes and decoration, to interesting competitions, games, quizzes and, of course, a photo shoot.

Holiday dress code: pirate party for children, DIY costumes

What are pirates without stylized costumes? It is the special clothing and accessories that distinguish these sea rascals from other seafarers.

If your child has been invited to a pirate festival for children or you yourself are the initiator of this original sabantuy, take care of the children's costume and accessories in advance.

For a pirate party, preparing an original costume is not so difficult.

You can use any imitation of clothing worn by real sea wolves in the form of a pirate black bandana, vest, or T-shirts with stripes.

A black eye patch, as well as hoop earrings and wide belts with huge buckles, on which you can attach a dagger, a sword, and a pistol, will also look original.

You can use over-the-knee boots, a vest, and a wide hat. For the leader of a sea gang you will need a smoking pipe and a cane.

Be sure to stock up on an extra set of clothes, in case one of the kids comes to the party without a suit.

He, of course, does not want to look like a black sheep among a cheerful pirate company. To do this, you can simply purchase black film.

Thanks to this material, you can quickly transform a guest into a real brave sailor. To do this, you need to cut out a rectangle from the film, make a hole in it for the head, and cut the edges of this peculiar cloak with scissors to make a fringe.

We attach a skull and crossbones on top, tighten the cape with a belt, give the child a bandana or an eye patch, and the newly-made pirate is ready.

An eye patch can be made from black tape, securing a circle of thick fabric or paper in place of the eye. You can make a skull and crossbones from regular white landscape paper.

How to dress a girl for a pirate party? Girls can use a large vest, which they need to wear instead of a dress for graduation. We complement the suit with a wide belt, fishnet tights and high boots. You will also have to work with your hair, creating a creative mess. Gold chains and huge earrings will help complete the look.

For a pirate party for children, prepare additional accessories. Children's binoculars and spotting scopes are suitable for this. Stock up on sabers, pistols and other children's weapons.

On this holiday it is not forbidden to use body paints. It is thanks to the use of body art techniques that you can create unique images. And the kids will remember this unusual fun for a long time.

Invitations to a pirate party for children: invitation text

Involve your child in decorating an unusual party. For children, joint creativity with their parents has a special meaning and brings them incredibly closer together.

To invite friends to a pirate party, it’s not enough just to call the phone and warn your parents.

Be sure to prepare an original invitation for your friends to a pirate party. These should not just be postcards or letters, but thematic messages.

Such messages can be formatted quite interestingly.

Prepare ancient scrolls. To do this, take plain paper, age it with strong coffee, and carefully burn the edges of such a message from the past.

Apply the text with an ink pen, do not forget to put a couple of blots. Carefully roll the scroll, and the composition will be completed with twine with a wax seal.

Additionally, you can place the message scroll in a bottle, which is closed with a cork.

We cut out original postcards in the shape of a pirate ship. Such a message can be painted or original applications can be made on it.

On the back of the card, write the invitation itself, which will sound something like this:

“Old ______, the crew of the schooner “Flying Dutchman” urgently announces a muster on board. When the bells strike _______, we go out to sea. Having spent the last doubloons, your captain obtained a piece of the map. And let the sharks eat me if he doesn’t help us find the whole map and treasure. I am firmly convinced that you honor the code of pirates and have not forgotten our ancient friendship, and you will definitely take part in our dangerous but exciting journey.”

You can also make a black mark, on the front of which you can place a skull and crossbones or a Jolly Roger. The notification itself must inform the invitee of terrible reprisals if he does not take part in the dangerous fun.

Such invitations can be delivered personally into the hands of a potential victim of pirate revelry, or you can leave it in the mailbox of a fellow seafarer.

Pirate party for children: DIY room decoration

What do you need for a pirate party for kids?

For the original design of the room you will need sea pirate accessories and details. In the rooms, place unusual beautiful bottles, on which do not forget to change the stickers with pirate inscriptions.

You can place wooden or metal-lined boxes and chests that need to be filled with jewelry.

The role of jewelry will be played by sweets in bright wrappers, confetti, multi-colored stones, balls, beads, chocolate medals, and various coins.

Hang pirate sails under the ceiling, which can be made from the same black film. Use a garland to decorate the room. We will make it from black paper triangles-flags, onto which we will apply pirate symbols with gouache.

Black balls will also work. They will depict pirate flags, so they should have skulls and crossbones.

Various accessories in the form of rope ladders, sea shells, fishing nets and ropes will help create a pirate spirit at a pirate-themed children's party.

Place a stylized marine steering wheel in the most visible place.

The curtains are decorated with paper white seagulls. And the walls are filled with pictures, depicting pirates, and old maps. You can hang marine themed posters.

Props in the form of a compass, binoculars, globes, and telescopes are suitable.

Place barrels with taps on the tables that you can borrow from friends. They are suitable for pirate drinks.

If the holiday is not held outdoors, mark all doors and entrances to the premises with signs. These must necessarily be nautical names, such as galley, latrine, captain's bridge, wardroom.

Such simple and affordable accessories and props will help create a pirate atmosphere.

Of course, laughter and enthusiastic screams are the perfect accompaniment for a children's party.

And don't forget about the main reward. The culmination of the holiday, that is, the treasure itself, will be a stylized pirate cake or a gift for the hero of the occasion on his birthday at a pirate party for children. Of course, it will be much more interesting if every child pirate gets his own little prince from the treasure he finds.

Personalized pirate-themed medals or not very expensive toys can serve as holiday souvenirs.

Children will remember such a holiday for a long time, but memorable photography and video will help them enjoy the memories many years later. Therefore, be sure to take care of a photo shoot or event filming.

The role of a home photojournalist can be played by the baby's father, grandfather or older brother or sister. But it will be better if you invite a professional photographer to the holiday.