Photoshop how to draw curved lines. How to draw a line in Photoshop

Lines, as well as other geometric elements, are an integral part of the work of a Photoshop master. Lines are used to create grids, contours, and segments. various shapes, skeletons of complex objects are built.

Today's article will be entirely devoted to how you can create lines in Photoshop.

As we know from the school geometry course, lines can be straight, broken and curved.


To create a straight line in Photoshop, there are several options using various tools. All the main construction methods are given in one of the existing lessons.

Therefore, we will not linger in this section, but will immediately move on to the next one.


A polyline consists of several straight segments, and can be closed, forming a polygon. Based on this, there are a couple of ways to build it.

  1. Unclosed polyline

  • Closed polyline
  • As we said earlier, such a line is a polygon. There are two ways to construct polygons - using the appropriate tool from the group "Figure", or by creating a selection free form followed by a stroke.

    • Figure.

      When using this method we get a geometric figure with equal angles and the parties.

      To obtain a line (contour) directly, you need to adjust the stroke, called "Stroke". In our case, it will be a solid stroke of a given size and color.

      After disabling the fill

      we will get the required result.

      Such a figure can be deformed and rotated using the same "Free Transformation".

    • Straight line lasso.

      Using this tool you can build polygons of any configuration. After placing several points, a selected area is created.

      This selection needs to be circled, for which there is a corresponding function that is called by pressing RMB on the canvas.

      In the settings you can choose the color, size and position of the stroke.


    Curves have the same parameters as broken lines, that is, they can be closed or open. You can draw a curved line in several ways: with tools "Feather" And "Lasso" using shapes or selections.

    1. Unclosed
    2. Such a line can only be drawn "Per"(with a contour outline), or “by hand”. In the first case, the lesson, the link to which is above, will help us, and in the second, only a steady hand.

    3. Closed
    • Lasso.

      This tool allows you to draw closed curves of any shape (segments). Lasso creates a selection, which, to obtain a line, must be outlined in a known way.

    • Oval area.

      IN in this case the result of our actions will be a circle of regular or elliptical shape.

      To deform it, it is enough to call "Free Transform" (CTRL+T) and, after pressing RMB, select the appropriate additional function.

      On the grid that appears, we will see markers, by pulling which you can achieve the desired result.

      It is worth noting that in this case the effect also extends to the line thickness.

    • Figure.

      Let's use the tool "Ellipse" and, using the settings described above (as for a polygon), create a circle.

      After deformation we get the following result:

      As you can see, the line thickness remained unchanged.

    This concludes the lesson on creating lines in Photoshop. We learned how to create straight, broken and curved lines different ways using various program tools.

    These skills should not be neglected, since they are the ones that help build geometric figures, contours, various meshes and frames in Photoshop.

    Good day everyone, my Dear friends and guests of my blog. Today I would like to tell you how to draw a straight line in Photoshop or its online versions. Of course, the segment looks much neater than something drawn with a trembling hand. Oh, this trembling hand)). Well, okay, let's not pull the cat by the rubber band. Go!

    First, let's look at the simplest methods drawing.

    Draw lines horizontally and vertically

    The easiest way to draw straight line- take any drawing tool (pencil or brush), hold down the key SHIFT and lead in the direction you need (up down or left and right). Rest assured while you hold shift, there will be no trembling hand, everything will be recorded.

    Drawing lines at an angle

    If you want to draw a line at an angle, select the brush (pencil) tool from the toolbar in the same way, and then put a dot in the place where you want the beginning to be.

    Now, hold down the key SHIFT and click in the place where the end should be. After this, the line will be instantly drawn automatically from the start to the end point.

    In addition, you can make a real broken line. To do this, you just need to poke in the places where it should break. Just remember to do this with the Shift key held down.

    Drawing straight lines using guides

    Just yesterday I published an article about that, and today this topic will also be very useful to us. To do this, pull out the guides from the ruler area with the mouse button held down and place them in the places where you need them, and then take the pencil again and draw along it. Thanks to its binding property, it will magnetize your drawing to itself.

    Only, unlike the previous method, you will not be able to move away to a long distance, since after all, the guide really acts like a magnet. As long as you draw close, the drawing is attracted, and as soon as you move away, your trembling hand comes into play again.


    And of course, we must not forget about the main tool, namely the figure of the same name. In order to draw a straight line in Photoshop this way, you need to go to the “Shapes” tool and select the “Line” tool there.

    Before you start drawing, go to the tool settings above and see what you can customize here:

    Now just left-click anywhere on the sheet, after which you will see the beginning. It will be as if nailed down, and at this time you will be able to decide where the end will be. You will end up with what we expected. It is noteworthy that with this tool you can draw lines at an angle, and not just vertically or horizontally.

    Drawing lines with the Pen tool

    Previously, we used as one of the selection tools. But of course, this is not all of his abilities, and now we will draw a straight line using him.

    Now everything is displayed as it should, and you can make not only straight lines, but also broken ones. So this once again proves that Photoshop is just a versatile program and the same tool can perform different functions for different jobs.

    Rectangular Marquee Tool

    Enough extraordinary way draw a straight line, but nevertheless, some Photoshop users really like to use it.

    As a result, we got a black stripe that you can turn into a line. To do this, just go to the transformation mode ( CTRL+T) and simply increase or decrease the length and width by left-clicking on the edges.

    Well, if you want it to be at an angle, then use the same transformation to turn it over. To do this, place the mouse cursor next to the corners of the selection until the cursor changes to a curved arrow.

    How to draw a line in Photoshop online

    I know that not everyone is ready to install a cumbersome program on their computer, so we will try to make do with a special service. In fact, it’s not difficult to draw a straight or broken line in Photoshop online, simply because this version is highly neutered, there are very few ways there.

    The first method is that you will need to select the Brush or Pencil tool and poke anywhere on the canvas to create a starting point. Now hold down the key SHIFT and click the one where you would like to see the end point. After this you have a straight line. This method is similar to what we did in the program.

    The second method is that we select the Draw tool, assign any color (or leave the default one), hold down the left mouse button and start drawing a black rectangle. You yourself can control how thick or long it will be.

    But it is important to remember that Photoshop online does not have a Transform tool, so the segment you draw cannot be changed, enlarged, reduced or rotated at an angle.

    Well, that's basically all I wanted to say. I hope that now you understand how to draw a straight line in Photoshop in different ways and without any effort.

    Well, if you don’t know Photoshop or don’t know it well, then I recommend that you watch these wonderful video tutorials, where they will tell you and show you from A to Z how to work in Photoshop. All lessons are told in simple human language and with great interest. If you don't mess around, you can learn Photoshop in just a couple of weeks. Highly recommend.

    Well, this is where I end my lesson, I hope that you liked my article today. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog and share the article materials on in social networks. I'm waiting for you again. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

    3 votes

    Good day, dear readers of my blog. It would seem, what does it cost to draw a straight line in Photoshop? Hold down Shift and there you go. Nevertheless, this can be done in as many as three ways. Everyone's result will be different.

    In this article you will learn three ways to draw a straight line in Photoshop. Which filter to use to create a wave. How to do this with the help of another interesting instrument. I'll show you how to achieve a dotted line and draw under certain angle.

    A lot of information awaits you. Shall we get started?

    Line Tool

    First, I'll show you how to use a tool that's designed to create straight lines. In this place you can have a rectangle, oval, ellipse or polygon. Just hold down the left mouse button for a few seconds to open a menu with additional tools.

    First things first. One of the most important parameters– thickness. Thanks to the line, you can even draw rectangles. You just need to make it fatter.

    Next comes “Fill” and “Stroke”. Click on the color block to the left of the inscriptions and select a shade. If you want to make a stroke, enter its width. Now, my screenshot shows the option without it. The no color icon looks like this. Gray line crossed out in red.

    You can see the settings and the result in this screenshot. It's not very visible, but the thickness here is 30 pixels. On big picture 30 pixels may look like a modest stripe. Everything needs to be adjusted to your own dimensions.

    This is what the line will look like if you select red for the stroke color.

    The next button will allow you to create a dotted stroke.

    If you reduce the thickness and remove the fill, you will just get a dotted line.

    Here you can align the stroke to the inner edge, outer edge, or center of your outline.

    And round the corners. True, it will not be so noticeable.

    If you press Shift while you're drawing a line, Photoshop will automatically create a straight line. Horizontal or vertical. Depending on where you are taking her.

    If you need a line at a certain angle, then the easiest way is to look at what the information window shows and adjust it manually, pointing it in a certain direction.

    Well, now I’ll show you another one.

    Brush Tool

    I drew these rectangles using lines drawn with a brush.

    Choose the type and size that suits your brush line.

    Place a dot at the expected beginning of the line, hold down Shift and left-click where the strip should end.

    There are two lines in front of you. The yellow one was painted using the Line tool, and the purple one was painted with a brush.

    How to make a wave

    No matter what tool you used, do wavy line The easiest way is to use a filter. Go to this category, find “Distortion” and select “Wave”.

    Based on the preview picture, you will quickly understand what's what and how to set it up. The amplitude should be approximately the same. If it doesn’t work, you can just click on “Randomize” until a suitable one appears.

    The last applied filter is always quickly accessible. I apply it to the layer with yellow stripe, drawn by the tool.

    This is the result I got. As you can see, it is different.

    Pen Tool

    To be honest, I still can’t use a pen professionally. I know that you can draw anything with it: smoothly, quickly, fun and cool, but it takes me a lot of time and the result is not always at the level I expected. And yet I can even draw straight lines with a pen. It's worse with curves, but I'll try. I select “Feather”.

    I put a dot, then a second one. While I haven't released the mouse button, I adjust the smoothness.

    I do the same thing with each new point.

    After all the manipulations are completed, right-click and select “Stroke outline” from the menu that appears.

    You can choose several tools: pencil, brush, stamp, pattern, and so on. Now let this one be a brush.

    I press the right mouse button again and select “Delete outline”.

    This is the result I got.

    Well, don’t forget that you can always use your collage making skills. Read the article about how to take a line from any picture and insert it into your image.

    If you want to learn how to professionally use the pen and other tools found in Photoshop. I can offer you a course " Photoshop for beginners in video format ».

    Lessons created by professionals will teach you everything you need to know about this program. You will save a lot of time searching for answers to this or that question. Ideas on how to complete the task will spontaneously appear in your head.

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    An online course with the support of the author is a reliable investment in your future profession.

    OK it's all over Now. It's up to you. Decide when you are ready and start conquering new heights. If you liked this article, subscribe to the newsletter and take one step closer to your cherished goal every day.

    Learn as much as you can about the Internet, write your success story, stop sitting around waiting. Take action. Your dream is realized by others every day. Today they are doing what you have been wanting for so long. Do they think about preparedness? The right moment is right now. Don't miss it. You have the strength to do this.

    I wish you good luck. Until next time.

    In this short tutorial I will tell you how to quickly and easily draw a wavy line in Photoshop! The creation process is very simple and you can remember it without special effort. The only thing you will have to deal with is learning how to select the desired bend and wavelength in the line.

    1. Let's start by creating an area on which there will be a wavy line

    2. Select the desired area of ​​the area, along the edge of which a wavy line will run

    3. After selecting in the “Quick Mask” (Q) mode, distort the selected area with the Wave effect. Menu path: Filter → Distort → Wave:

    4. Then We return from the “Quick Mask” mode (Quick Mask, Q) and get a suitable selection area:

    5. Crop the selected area:

    That's it, you have drawn a wavy line or a wavy edge to the block. This technique sometimes used in landing page design, so you will definitely need it! As I already said, the main problem here is the height and width of the wave step, take time and practice to understand what kind of wave is obtained with this or that change in settings.

    The Phoroshop program, in addition to its wide possibilities for processing ready-made images, such as photographs, provides many different possibilities for drawing. You can draw with pencil and brush tools. This immediately creates raster image. You can correct what you have drawn by erasing the created elements with an eraser.

    Tool Pen Tool(Pen) is designed for drawing vector contours. Vector contours can be saved, edited, enlarged, reduced. The possibilities of this tool are endless. But mastering how to work with it is not easy.

    What are contours and why are they needed?

    Contours are vector line objects, utility objects that allow you to easily and quickly create interesting images. In general, a contour consists of one or more straight or curved segments. Anchor points mark the position of the end points of path segments. The shape of the path segments is determined by the guides extending from the node points.

    Outlines themselves in Photoshop have neither thickness nor color. They are an auxiliary tool for performing various actions: selecting complex shapes, constructing images, for curvilinear arrangement of text (along some curve), etc.

    The contour can be closed, having neither beginning nor end (such contours include ellipses and arbitrary polygons),

    or open, having separate endpoints(for example, a zigzag or wavy line).

    Contours are saved in the current document together with raster objects. All contours in the document are available in the palette Paths.

    What can you do with the contour?

    1. Construct any outline, trace it (Stroke Pass command, right-click on the outline - select from the menu) to form a line (specify the stroke tool, having previously selected the color, thickness and other parameters);

    2.If the contour is closed, you can paint the inner area with any color (Fill Pass command, right-click on the contour - select from the menu) or convert the contour into a selection (Make Selection command, right-click on the contour - select from the menu).

    Drawing shapes (rectangles, ellipses, etc.) is essentially drawing inline paths a certain shape, the inner area of ​​which is painted in the selected color.

    How to draw a free-form outline?

    You need to draw the outline with the Pen Tool.

    To draw a straight path, you determine the position of the node points of the path by clicking the mouse, and Photoshop program automatically connects them with straight lines.

    To create a curved segment of a contour, you need to click the point at which the direction of the curve changes and, without releasing the left mouse button, move the pointer. A guide will appear on the canvas (it determines the bend of the segment) and a curve that will bend smoothly as you move the mouse. When the curve takes the required shape and size, you need to release the mouse.

    If you hold down the Shift key while working with the tool, a contour of the correct shape will be created (adjacent corner points will be located at angles that are multiples of 45°, and smoothing points will be placed on the arc of an imaginary circle).

    Pen Tools

    The Photoshop toolbar tool Pen Tool includes several tools:
    Pen Tool (Pen) - designed for drawing a vector contour (the contour is specified by a set of its anchor points);
    Freeform Pen Tool (Free pen)- intended for drawing a vector contour (the contour is specified by a set of hand-drawn lines);
    Add Anchop Point Tool reference point) - designed to add new anchor points to an existing vector contour; with its help you can change the shape of the contour, move nodes or guides;
    Delete Anchop Point Tool - designed to delete existing anchor points from a vector path; it can also be used to change the shape of the path, move nodes or guides;
    Convert Point Tool (Angle) - designed to change the type of anchor points and the shape of existing vector contours.

    By default, the Pen Tool is active in the “Pen” group; to select another tool in this group, you need to right-click on the group button (hold it down for a few seconds), and then click the name of the required tool in the menu that appears on the screen.

    A hotkey is also used to call up the tools of the Pen group. "R". Pressing this key activates the last used tool in the group. To switch between instruments in a group, press the key simultaneously. "R" and a key "Shift"(as a result of each click, the next tool in the list is activated).

    Pen tool options panel

    In the tool options panel Feather The following elements must be noted:

    Then, using the corresponding buttons, you can go directly from the options bar to the Pen Tool, Freeform Pen Tool, Rectangle Tool(Rectangle), Rounded Rectangle Tool (Rectangle with rounded corners), Ellipce Tool (Ellipse), Polygon Tool (Polygon), Line The buttons are responsible for setting one or another mode for combining contours (new contour, adding to an existing contour, subtracting, intersecting contours etc.) and are similar to the same settings for the selection tools.

    There are buttons for Shape Layers mode

    • Style- is intended for selecting the style that will be used when filling the contour. By clicking on the list expansion button, you can view the available samples Photoshop styles CS4
    • Field Color- designed to display and change the fill color of the outline. When you click on a field on the screen, a color selection dialog box appears in which the user can specify the desired fill color for the outline.

    Did you find everything very difficult? Nothing like this! A simple example. Try it, everything will work out!