Origami style tattoo: paper cranes in sketches for tattoos. The meaning of the origami crane: an ancient legend and manufacturing technique with step-by-step photographs The paper crane symbolizes

The crane depicted in the tattoo means longevity, wisdom, honor and loyalty. The Japanese assigned this meaning to this bird. In China they believe that it is associated with immortality. The Greeks tend to associate the crane with purity and the thirst for immortality. Europeans endow the crane with the ability to symbolize independence and homeliness.

The meaning of a crane tattoo is prosperity and a prosperous life. He was always given honor, since they were confident that the gods used him to broadcast their coming.

A girl who decorates her body with it is the personification of innocence. With this image she wants to show how much she loves her parents' home. It is very important for the man who owns this tattoo to have fearlessness and courage.

In a drawing, this bird can also carry a negative meaning. India endowed the crane with the ability to betray. She was perceived as a harbinger of accidents.

Many cultures believe that the crane represents justice. It is associated with a long life path and spiritual integrity. Some tattoo owners apply an image of a crane, pursuing their own goals and assigning their own individual meaning to it.

Tattoos depicting figures made using the origami technique are rare, although the art itself is quite popular. You can often see works with birds and animals in different styles, but, for example, an origami crane tattoo is a more original idea.

A little about art history

The classic origami technique involves using only one sheet of paper without scissors or glue.

The origin of the art of origami is attributed to Japan, but in fact, the ancient Chinese began folding figures from paper sheets. By the way, it was in the Celestial Empire that paper was invented. In Japan, they came up with a set of symbols that make it easier to sketch diagrams for folding figures.

In China, origami had religious significance and was used in rituals. Possession of this art was considered a sign of good taste and the prerogative of representatives of high society. It was customary for Japanese samurai to give each other origami figures as a sign of friendship and gratitude.

Similar techniques for folding paper figures were also found in Europe, but they were not documented in as much detail as the Eastern ones.

Origami in tattoo culture

The meaning of an origami tattoo depends on what exactly the figure represents, but all such works have one thing in common: they speak of the ability to see the beauty of the world around us, a philosophical attitude towards life, and inner harmony. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of different origami-style tattoos:

  • Luck. This is the meaning of the image of a rabbit figurine. The Japanese associated rabbits with luck and spontaneity. But sometimes the rabbit acted as a symbol of obscene behavior and even depravity. In traditional Japanese art, this furry animal was often depicted with a tiger to show the diversity and richness of the animal world.
  • Immortality of the soul. All ancient beliefs, regardless of region, agree that the human soul is immortal. When a person dies, he only leaves his earthly shell and rushes into another world, invisible to the living. In the East, it is believed that a swan carries souls to the afterlife, so a tattoo depicting the figurine of this beautiful bird symbolizes the infinity of life. The image of a swan is covered in many legends. In Japanese mythology, there are references to swans turning into young beauties. There is a legend that claims that the souls of great people can inhabit swans. This bird is also considered the patron saint of hunters.
  • Family happiness. This meaning is inherent in the image of two butterflies. However, one butterfly is a symbol of excessive fussiness and unjustified fun. In Japan, as you know, it is not customary to express one’s emotions too violently, so one butterfly is considered a negative image.
  • Power. The owner of the tattoo is given it by the image of a figurine in the form of a fox. In Japanese mythology, there are tales of Kitsune - a fox who can turn into a human, has mystical knowledge and such magical power that she was both respected and feared. According to legend, Kitsune could even penetrate human dreams.
  • Goodness and happiness. The origami crane tattoo speaks about this. The crane is one of the brightest images in Japanese mythology. These birds were especially revered. According to legend, they turned into monks and traveled around the world, doing good and helping those in need. Like swans, they were credited with the role of guides to the afterlife. The image of a crane also symbolizes happiness and good health.

Stylistic decision

An origami tattoo can have absolutely any size, so you should choose the most suitable place on the body. Most often, such work can be seen on the forearm, shoulder, lower leg, thigh, neck or shoulder blade.

When it comes to choosing a style for a tattoo, linework immediately comes to mind. This style, which involves doing work using straight lines, perfectly reflects the essence of the art of origami. Such work is usually done in one color; they look quite simple, but stylish and unusual.

Origami tattoos in watercolor style look very bright and original. Looking at such works, you immediately feel a feeling of lightness and tenderness, an association with childhood, when we all tried to paint with watercolors. They most often use bright colors with a gradient, making the design look really interesting.

Both linework and watercolor are relatively young styles, but gaining increasing popularity.

As tattoo culture continues to rapidly gather an army of fans, the number of talented artists is growing. Even in a small town there is a chance to find a good tattoo artist who will develop an original sketch and do the job well.

In Japan, there are many beautiful legends associated with wildlife. Identifying animals, birds, trees with the best human qualities, the Japanese created their own unique culture, where every object or action has meaning. A whole galaxy of legends are associated with the crane, so the history of the Japanese crane is extremely interesting.

The meaning of cranes in Japanese mythology

Japanese cranes are one of the most beautiful and graceful birds. It grows up to one and a half meters and personifies grace and elegance. It is believed that the crane is a person, and the Japanese refer to these birds as an honorable citizen. According to some beliefs, cranes can take the form of people, in particular monks. Snow-white, it has only a red head and black feathers in the tail and wings.

Paying tribute to the nobility of these birds, whose numbers are declining, the Japanese equip them with the following image:

  • Houseware;
  • dishes;
  • decorations;
  • emblems;
  • stamps.

For the Japanese, this bird symbolizes longevity and hope. Origami in the form of a crane is known all over the world. Japanese paper cranes have a special history. They began to fold them back in medieval times, investing in the craft a deep meaning of wishes for longevity.

The name of the crane in Japanese has the symbol of a turtle in its hieroglyph, which gave it such an interpretation. There is a legend about a crane that was saved by a young man. The crane turned into a beautiful girl. She married this young man and sewed magnificent fabrics from her feathers. But when her husband spied on her, the girl turned into a bird again and flew away. This symbolizes the independence of the cranes.

Externally, the origami crane is very simple and the technology of folding it can be done not only by the Japanese. The simple paper design clearly highlights the main feature of the crane – its long, flexible neck.

The Japanese believe that if you fold a thousand of these origami, your wish will certainly come true, and the patient can be healed. Not so long ago, another meaning penetrated into the symbolism of the crane - a symbol of peace.

New meaning of the red-crowned crane

Today, the Japanese crane is better known not so much for its origami as for its song. The song "Japanese Crane" tells about an amazing story that happened during World War II.

After surviving the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, the girl Sadako Sasaki received radiation sickness. The belief that by collecting a thousand origami she could recover, the girl made flexible necks of cranes out of paper. She managed to fold all 643 cranes, dying at the age of 14. In the last years of her life, the girl folded origami from any scraps of paper that came to her hand.

The song about the paper crane is written about this sad story. It talks about the difficult fate of a girl and the symbol of hope that is embedded in origami. The story of that girl is world famous; there is a monument dedicated to her in Japan. The history of the Japanese crane is multifaceted and carries deep meaning.

Even despite serious measures to preserve the species, they have not helped to effectively conserve the birds. However, the Japanese are very sensitive to the majestic crane, which symbolizes such significant health, longevity, faith, and peace. Many legends and beliefs are associated with the Japanese crane, but after the story of the girl from Hiroshima, the crane became a symbol of faith and longevity.

However, now the crane itself needs protection, so the irony of fate - the symbol of health itself is on the verge of extinction - requires increased attention to solving this problem, to which the Japanese devote a lot of effort.

Video: Making an origami crane

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The culture of the East is so original and multifaceted that it could not help but be reflected in the art of body painting. Origami tattoos are rare, so the owner of such a design is an extraordinary and deep person. What else can images of paper figures tell about and what can be said about the symbolic meaning of the images?

How the art of origami originated

Origami means "folded paper" in Japanese and is an ancient form of decorative art. Its essence is to fold the figure using one sheet of paper, without holding it together with glue. Japan is considered the birthplace of origami, although in fact the ancestors are the Chinese. In the Land of the Rising Sun, samurai gave each other crafts as a sign of strong friendship. Here they also came up with special symbols that were used in the development of circuits.

Paper was first invented in China, and the art became popular among the nobility and the upper echelons of society. Origami had religious roots and was often used in rituals. In Europe, there were similar techniques for folding paper figures, but the diagrams were not presented in as much detail as in the East.

Popular tattoo images

An origami-style tattoo in the modern art of body painting means inner harmony, the beauty of nature and a philosophical attitude towards life. It is suitable for both men and the fair sex, who are characterized by imagination and perseverance. Similar tattoos can often be seen among fans of Eastern culture.

The meaning of an origami tattoo depends on the image of a particular figure that carries a certain symbolic meaning. Let's take a closer look at the most common images.

  • A crane tattoo symbolizes good health, goodness and happiness. This is one of the brightest and most revered images of Japanese mythology. According to legend, the crane took the form of a nomadic monk and helped people.
  • An origami tattoo with a swan figurine is associated with immortality and the infinity of life. Like the crane, the bird helped the human soul leave the earthly world after death.
  • Two butterflies represent family life, and one is considered a negative image, meaning excessive fussiness.
  • The fox symbolizes power, mystical knowledge and strength.
  • The rabbit figurine is a dual image. On the one hand, it means luck and good fortune, and on the other, debauchery and indecent behavior.

Execution technique

The “paper” style in body painting is organically combined with other styles. For example, origami tattoo designs look original in linework style. They are distinguished by brevity, clear geometric lines, and the predominance of one color. It is better to make such designs in a small size, then they will look beautiful on the wrist, arm or stomach.

Tattoos in the watercolor style attract with their airiness and tenderness, and the composition resembles a drawing with watercolors. A distinctive feature of the technique is the predominance of pastel colors and blurred contours. Watercolor is mainly preferred by girls, since the drawing emphasizes their femininity.